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    Sunday, December 15, 2019

    LoL Guide Trying a new champ shouldn't look like you're intentionally feeding

    LoL Guide Trying a new champ shouldn't look like you're intentionally feeding

    Trying a new champ shouldn't look like you're intentionally feeding

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 06:42 AM PST

    This should go without saying, but being new to your champion doesn't make universal lessons suddenly stop applying. If you're behind, you play within range to escape under the turret. If you're ahead, you can probably afford to fight. You still ward as usual (unless you're playing Lee and need them for sick outplays).

    But you should never try to use, "I'm new to this champ," as an excuse for dying ten times in the first fifteen minutes. If you do find yourself saying that, then it's not the champion that you need to worry about. Because that means there are basics about the game that you don't understand yet.
    At best, that excuse can work when you fail to secure a kill. Maybe you messed up the combo or misjudged your damage. But it never works to excuse feeding. (note: dying once isn't feeding, but that's when you start playing safely)

    And, obviously, if you messed up what should've been an even fight, the enemy is going to have a stat advantage over you in the next fight. So play like it. Unless your ultimate is stronger, and/or you know they already missed theirs, you aren't going to win the next fight either. That wouldn't even make sense. "I lost a bare-handed fight, surely now that they have a sword I'll win." No. Just no.

    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    I did the math. Spectral Sickle/Spellthief's Edge ADC + Relic Shield support theoretically can grant MORE GOLD than just regular CSing

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 05:18 PM PST

    With double support item bot lane, you get gold equivalent to a regular laner.

    While it's true that if you CS too much, you start getting a gold debuff in which you get less gold from CSing, you can still pick up some minions. (20 CS per 5 minutes according to the wiki)

    20 CS per 5 minutes is equivalent to two melee minions and every cannon minion.

    I did some tests by myself in custom games.

    • First of all, if you have Sickle, after killing exactly 20 minions before 5 minutes, you get the "reduced gold from minions" debuff. This lines up with what the wiki says.
    • Second, I got someone to help me who bought Relic Shield while I bought Sickle. Before 5 minutes, he proc'd Relic Shield 6 times. This did increase my CS score (when you press tab) by 6. However, I DID NOT GET THE DEBUFF UNTIL I GOT 26 MINIONS. This implies that the relic shield minions do not count towards

    Now, the math.

    One wave comes every 30 seconds. According to the League of Legends wiki, each wave gives on average 125 gold. That means by farming regularly, you get 41.667 gold per 10 seconds.

    This strategy gives:

    • 2 gold per 10 seconds passively from the support item. (2 gold/10 sec)
    • 15 gold per proc of the support item. You get one charge every 10 seconds. (15 gold/10 sec)
    • Killing two melee minions per wave. Each melee gives 21 gold. Each wave comes every 30 seconds. 21 * 2 / 3. (14 gold per 10 seconds).
    • Killing every cannon minion. Cannons come every three waves, so that's 90 seconds. Cannons give 60 gold. 60 / 9. (6.667 gold per 10 seconds)
    • Gold from the Relic Shield. You get one charge every 45 seconds. Typically they'll get the left over melee minion since you're killing two melees per second. 21 / 4.5. (4.667 gold per 10 seconds)

    6.667+ 14 + 15 + 2 + 4.667 = 42.334

    Which is more than the original 41.667 you get from CSing.

    EDIT: The support is also able to pick up 20 cs per 5 minutes, so they can pick up one melee and one ranged minion. 21/3 + 14/3 (11.67 gold per 10 seconds). That's a total of 54 gold per second, although you're not funneling all of the gold into the ADC.

    EDIT 2: The support should actually be picking up the cannons. This doesn't change the amount of gold the ADC gets (the ADC still gets 42.334 gold per second) but this does increase the support's income. All Relic Shield support should be picking up the cannons though, regardless of if they're doing the strategy or not.

    Of course, this disregards:

    • How minions grant a bit more gold over time
    • How your upgraded support item (Harrowing Crescent/Frostfang) actually gives 3 gold/10 sec instead of 2 gold/10 sec
    • How you won't be able to proc Sickle/Spellthief's every single time it's up.

    However, you don't go this build because of the increased gold generation.


    • Your laning phase can be incredibly safe. Since you don't need to CS for gold, it's super hard to punish you for literally anything. If you have a roaming support like Blitzcrank, you can just sit back in EXP range and wait for him to come back, and you don't lose out on gold.
    • It's also impossible for players to use Trading Stance on you, since you only CS a couple of minions. This means trading is a lot easier (I think this could specifically be good on Senna ADC because her autoattacks take so long, so it's super easy to punish her)
    • And then you get small benefits like the tiny increase in gold (especially because sometimes players can't catch waves due to deaths/roaming to help the jungler) and the wards you get for like 5 minutes once you complete your quest before you have to sell the item.
    • You get to start with two potions (extra 150 health early game, so before first back I think this is actually stronger than Doran's Blade)

    NOTE: You NEED to sell your support item after laning phase is over or after you complete it. The completed support item still gives you the reduced minion gold debuff.


    • You have to start Spectral Sickle/Spellthief's Edge over Doran's Blade. (Gives slightly less AD, less HP, and no lifesteal)

    That's it. That's the only con.

    Isn't this just the Spellthief's Sona strategy that people play in pro play?

    Yes, but the difference is that Spectral Sickle is now an AD version of Spellthief's, meaning you don't just have to do it on an AP hyperscaler, you can also do it on an AD hyperscaler.

    Also, keep in mind that you no longer need a melee support. Relic Shield/Steel Shoulderguards now works on ranged champions.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How to manage lane in the way you want properly?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST

    I am currently lvl 50 maining mid, also playing top. Many times good players are talking about lane management and I also saw few tutorials about doing it. It is completely new to me and I dont know how to do it in game properly, why should I freeze, push or force enemy to push. Can you guys give me advice?

    submitted by /u/majkovajko
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    How exactly do you beat Nasus late game?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:10 AM PST

    I recently played top against a Nasus, and the laning phase went quite well. He was 0/4 by the end of it with about 90 CS at 15 minutes. However, fast forward to 30 minutes, and he's approaching our top tier 2 turret with about 170 cs and about 400 stacks.

    I attempted to match him as Darius, and his life steal and his Q made the fight very one sided. Thankfully my team came and we killed him, but how exactly do you kill a late game Nasus without removing your team from potential objectives?

    submitted by /u/plzzdontdoxme
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    Jungler looking for advice

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    Hi! I started playing 2 months ago and could use some advice. I play amumu and am having a hard time doing the early ganks that everyone is telling me amumu is good at. Usually when i go to a lane for a gank everyone backs off and recalls. Its either i help lower them hardcore or they just back to tower and recall. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/TheBigGay5656
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    How do people learn LoL

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:29 AM PST

    I'm gonna soon be lvl 30 without a boost and when I'll unlock ranked I feel like I'll get iron rank. I just follow guides on what to buy, I usually end up being Jungle because none ever pick jungle and when I'm jungle I'm always 3 levels below anyone else and then I get flamed by teammates in chat.

    submitted by /u/forfams
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    For anyone who doesn't know, Riot FINALLED fixed the "switching to red trinket to get more wards when you switch back to yellow" bug. But they didn't put it in the patch notes on day 1.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:20 PM PST

    They forgot to include it in the patch notes, and instead put it in as a mid-patch update. From this link: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-924-notes#patch-icymi:-preseason-follow-up-changes

    12/12/2019 Trinket Changes and Bugfixes


    This change already went live with 9.24, but we didn't include them in the original patch notes (as some of you may have noticed). Explaining the mechanic and subsequent change below since it could be a little bit confusing!

    BANK ACCOUNT : When you swap trinkets, the new cooldown is based on time since you last used any trinket. Any remaining Warding Totem ammo is converted into its value in cooldown for these purposes.

    I'm assuming (haven't tested it yet) this means you can't switch to red trinket and then switch back to yellow and get a fully charged yellow trinket in 1 quarter of the time it normally takes (like you used to be able to). Pretty bad not including this in the notes on patch day, but oh well.

    tl;dr - you don't need to switch back and forth to red trinket to get an optimal vision score and have optimal ward placement. That dumb "mechanic" has finally, after years, been removed.

    submitted by /u/IXdyTedjZJAtyQrXcjww
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    1 1 2 1 Strategy

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:48 AM PST

    Why can't a 2 man mid work with solo lanes being the top and bot lanes, giving the support ability to gank with JG and easily help all over the map (Herald, counter JG, assist losing lanes, etc.) While still being able to lane with the carry? I'm literally asking bc in my mind this makes more sense, so what am I missing that's keeping this strat from being standard?

    submitted by /u/Hmmmable
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    Low Damage on Orianna

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:53 AM PST

    Hello Summoners !

    I've recently decided to add Orianna in my mid champs pool, and I;ve been practicing her a lot. She feels really rewarding and I love her kit. Hoever, even in games where I feel like I'm doing great (like 10/2/15), when I have a look at the end graph, it seems that I don't really deal all that much damage.

    If that's normal because she's an assassin mage, then cool. However I am wondering if I should'nt be doing more damage, and if yes, what are some of the tips Ori mains out there could give me ? I try to get involved in every team fight, even then I feel like sometimes I just end up holding on to my ult for too long, maybe ?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Unicatt
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    When to roam

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:41 AM PST

    I'm a gold I midlaner and I never know when I should be roaming.

    My champion pool consists of ekko, akali and zed, which are arguably some of the better roamers after 6. However when I try to roam the enemy immediately backs off and my team never knows if it is warded or not, and my opposing laner just pushes and gets plates, so it never seems worth it to roam.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Positlve
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    Coming from abandoned but not forgotten hots.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:17 AM PST

    I am coming from heroes of the storm which I for years said it was the only moba I would love. With blizzard abandoning the game though I'm looking to learn Lol. I'm looking for a group to join that I can push into a comp league eventually. I am very competitive and love support. I would love to group with people who are patient and can have a good time playing and even more so maybe people who also migrated from hots.

    Any tips of where to go or how to learn more about the game is much appreciated. I feel like there are some weird meta things to league that I dodnt see in hots such as being told support goes bot with adc... whatever adc means. I also find myself being told to go there and then I'm soloing a lane as support which is weird.

    Is there a place to go and read about these little normal of league?

    submitted by /u/Varentalpha
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    What exactly did Riot Games Corp do to Kayle?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:53 PM PST

    Nu Kayle that is, not the actual previous incarnation. At earlier inceptions, Nu Kayle in top lane was the champion you could build any first item of your choosing on than a pragmatic item. Free lane with lots of dexterity on macro.

    After a long time of not seeing Kayle, there's been a resurgence of this champion. And nowadays if you don't appropriately build some resistances, you're suddenly being run down at level 6-9 for all your health slowed down. Also before Kayle wasn't really that great even at 11 but nowadays at level 11 you need one aid and it often results in 1 for 1 with her just mashing auto attacks.

    And nothing has changed in compensation with her late game. There's always the looming anxiety of level 16 Kayle just standing still bashing auto attacks and cleaving your entire game. It's just I'm wondering why I'm dealing with a lane bully now as well and what those changes were over time that led to it.

    There could be a VOD illustrating the differences now to then since there is gameplay of me on YT but I don't think anything I said isn't believable.

    submitted by /u/fauxaffability
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    Yuumi players - how is she feeling after the changes?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:32 PM PST

    Hello all! I'm a support main and I'm always interested in learning new and interesting champs. Currently my Support pool is mostly enchanters and healers as it's the type of playstyle I enjoy (Soraka, Nami, Rakan). I've always thought about picking up Yuumi, and I saw the Patch Notes and how she's really being pushed as an enchanter now rather than a poker.

    I wanted to ask how she feels now? Is she rewarding?

    Thank you for your thoughts and input! Much appreciated. :)

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    I made a Free League Quiz app with 500 questions on the Android Play Store! More info and link to download in the game in the post.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:00 PM PST

    There is guess the champions, skins and items. There is also questions that test your knowledge of the Lore of the game and facts about the game. You can find it at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=slyslothgames.leaguequiz

    I've been playing League of Legends since beta and even I learnt alot making this App. I've tried to include a range of difficulty in the Questions so the game will be interesting for New and Seasoned players. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did making it!

    submitted by /u/Mercerlol
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    Challenger Coaching Bronze 1 Ahri & Fizz | Opponent Spells & CDs

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:54 PM PST

    Hey everyone! Pekin Woof here with another coaching video. I'm surprised this guy was bronze since he seems to be crushing opponents mechanically. We went over ideas to help him win more lanes in the future including resetting, freezing, using TP advantage early, and shotcalling. If you have any questions about a part of the video please timestamp and ask it away! I know there must be some things I did miss in the video possibly about warding etc. but I feel I was able to go over the most important details of his play. Enjoy!


    submitted by /u/Pekingese1
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    Is aatrox worthwhile to pick up right now?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:27 AM PST

    He seems really fun but also really underpowered, he doesn't seem to have many positive matchups and when he does he has to put in a lot of effort to benefit from his advantages.

    In your opinion what are his strong points in lane and when would you pick him?

    Also, what are his exploitable weaknesses, and how to recognize when you've been countered?

    submitted by /u/THICC-AF
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    Junglers, when there is nohing to do, farm!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:06 AM PST

    I see this mistake too often, not to post about it here. I see junglers, who have nothing to do, roaming around the map, looking for anything, for an enemy, for a bad gank etc. When you see no easy kills, no gank opportunities, no objectives to take, just farm your jungle(or free lane if your laner allows you to). Roaming randomly around the map gives you nothing, and farming makes you stronger, giving you a higher chance to win the game.
    That was a pretty simple tip but I hope some of you learned anything from it.

    submitted by /u/miko81
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    How does yi + taric funneling work (for actual research not trying)?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:10 AM PST

    gonna say it again, im not here to try it myself. im here to learn about it since ive seen it pop up recently. im always interested in new (or old) metas and possibly how to counter it. i want a simple sum of how it works and why these specific champions.


    submitted by /u/DemonRedCat
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    I can't two trick properly. How do I fix this?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:18 AM PST

    I've always been a one trick so I guess that's my biggest issue as to why I can't properly play two or more champions consistently. I like having a well rounded jungle pool & I feel like playing 2-3 champions will actually help me reach my goal of Platinum for S10. However, I'm not able to properly play two or more champions. Each time I pick up a new champion, I spam them & just lose the ability to play my previous champion at a the same level that I used to. For example, I went on an 8 game winstreak with Olaf last season & completely dominated, carrying me to my desired elo. I then decided that I wanted to become a better player & actually expand my pool. I picked up Lee Sin, loved him & got really comfortable on him. Knowing that I need to be proficient on both champions, I decided to play Olaf to get the hang of him back, & start preparing myself for Ranked. I went 13/13 which isn't anything crazy but I really did not feel like I used to on Olaf. The entire time I was playing him, I kept my ward, didn't buy a sweeper, I was throwing my axes as if they were Lee Sin Q's, I didn't realize how immobile I was compared to Lee etc. How do I change this mindset. I want to be able to play champions at the same level, at a high level. I want to go into a Ranked game next season & just be able to confidently play Olaf or Lee Sin whenever I want, without having to play 10 straight games with either of them before.

    submitted by /u/thesagenibba
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    Lowest damage as khazix

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:43 AM PST

    op.gg: https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=AZorrow

    I feel like im doing alright and winning a fair amount of games but my damage is often lower than the support. Is this normal for assassins bcs it doesn't feel like it. Is there something I should be doing to boost this number? Often times i will have higher dmg numbers than enemy jg but it honestly feels like thats only the case because i put them so far behind they can't do dmg or they have given up. Games where enemy jg gets ahead off of my laners running it down, they usually have on par dmg numbers with rest of my/their team but my dmg is always lower even if i have most kills. It also sucks because when I actually don't win jg people will blame me bcs of low dmg :/ anyways to fix this?

    submitted by /u/babyfergus
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    How to play against udyr jungle?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:38 PM PST

    I barely ever see him played but when I do I can never 1v1 him and he can just walk through my jungle and walk through me with ease, And a lot of the time my team will sit lane and just farm and not try help me against him just taking all my jungle camps what do you even do at this point?

    submitted by /u/Syntrix33
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    Always behind in cs and levels compared to enemy ADC.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:49 AM PST

    Ok this is hard to explain and i don't understand it myself.

    I started playing adc because of aphelios, it's really fun and i am quite good at like playing the champs for adc, but i tend to be underlevelled and outfarmed no particular reason. I won lane, i constantly farmed and pushed bot but i was still 2 levels below the enemy kaisa and she had 50 more cs, yet she had been grouping the entire time i was splitting. This happens 90% of my adc games, unless i snowball super hard. I don't get it. Does teamfights provide more xp or what?

    submitted by /u/Elite1Penguin
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    How to play the funneling strat?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:15 AM PST

    I'm a gold I mid/support main and my brother is a gold I jungle main. We want to try the taric/yi funneling strategy, but I don't know how to do it. We stopped playing for most of this year but we're playing again. I used to play taric quite a lot and he also used to play master yi.

    What's the general gameplan, build and runes that we should use?

    submitted by /u/AvatarZoe
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