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    Monday, January 13, 2020

    LoL Guide Apparently, people still need to hear this: if you are blue side ADC, do not walk through the tribush after leashing your jungler to get to lane

    LoL Guide Apparently, people still need to hear this: if you are blue side ADC, do not walk through the tribush after leashing your jungler to get to lane

    Apparently, people still need to hear this: if you are blue side ADC, do not walk through the tribush after leashing your jungler to get to lane

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:16 AM PST

    I swear, every second game my ADC casually strolls to lane walking through an unwarded bush. Every so often, he's met with some hard CC, an ignite, and a truckload of damage. If he someone manages to not die, he has lost both summs and any chance of establishing early lane priority.

    It's not hard to avoid this. Just walk around the wall, and come from behind your turret. This way, you aren't losing lane before 2 minutes.

    Please stop doing it

    submitted by /u/UnholyDemigod
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    I was bronze 5 in season 3 but today I finally hit diamond as an ADC! Here's what I learned.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Its been a long and slow journey but I've finally done it and so can you! Some people will laugh that it took me this long but all I can hope is to motivate and show those who are in the lower leagues that with time and effort, anything is possible.

    1) Don't autopilot

    You've probably heard this one before but I can't stress it enough. If you watch LCS, worlds, streamers etc you more than likely have decent game knowledge and it's only a matter of applying it. Ask yourself at the end of every game if you were actively playing for the entirety of the game.

    From gold to platinum I was able to stop auto-piloting during lane and focus on how I could die rather than just mindlessly CSing. Keep your eye on that enemy Thresh and consciously watch for potential hooks and side step it! I've found that the best way to dodge skill shots is to bait it out. Walk slightly away from your minion wave and put yourself in a position to be hit but walk back almost instantly. You have to make the enemy support/adc believe you're out of position. Once they've missed you're free to CS and harass as they waste an ability. A good example that comes to mind instantly is soraka Q, walk up towards your minions as if you're about to last hit but walk back instantly, works 90% of the time!

    Despite this though, I only recently noticed that I would only focus and pay attention during lane, once mid-game came around I would fall back into autopilot again for the rest of the game. If you can break this habit and confidently say that you did not autopilot for the vast majority of the game I guarantee you you will climb.

    2) Don't die to ganks

    Once you've mastered not auto-piloting, you're probably able to do pretty well in lane. I noticed that I could win lane a lot of times but I'd throw it all away because I tried to keep pressuring and pushing my advantage way too hard. The majority of times I'd completely throw my lead away due to a simple gank. Since you're not auto-piloting anymore ;) you should be able to check your map and see if you could possibly get ganked. Can't see the enemy mid laner on your map? Run. Can't see the jungler on your map? Run.

    If you recognise that someone's missing, try get some wards down with your support. But what I found to be most effective is to let your enemy ADC push. Even up to high platinum a lot ADCs will try to constantly push rather than being patient and just last hitting. I think this stems from the idea that pushing is good as it applies map pressure (which is true) but a lot of times players will do it solely out of habit. Once you let them push, just freeze the lane outside of your turret and you'll be much safer from ganks!

    3) Be patient during team fights

    You've probably been instilled with the idea that as an ADC you have to constantly be doing damage from the very start of a fight to the end. The moment a fight breaks out you walk up to start auto attacking the closest target straight away, but you're met with key ultimate's that instantly blow you up after one or two auto attacks.

    Instead, identify the key abilities that will get you killed and stay on the outskirts of the fight and WAIT until you see it used. Malphite on the enemy team? Stay way behind your team so that he can't reach you even if he flash ults. I like to imagine a circle around the team fight and stand on the edge of that circle where you're safe and wait it out!

    4) Don't be afraid to dodge games

    You only lose 3 lp vs 15-20 if you lose the game. I basically only play ADC in ranked, if I get my secondary role and no one wants to swap I just dodge. I also reset my queue after 1m 40s since the longer you are in queue the more likely you are to get your secondary role. I get ADC 90% of my games doing this.

    Similarly if you see someone pick something ridiculous or someone is already talking trash in the lobby just dodge, it's not worth it!

    5) Preseason matters!

    With all the recent complaints about where people have been placed etc, preseason affects your MMR. I ended last season in plat 4 but hit diamond 4 a day before season 10 started (which I didn't really count as actually hitting diamond since it was only preseason). I was put in gold 2 after my first placement game and after about 5 or 6 wins I was already back in plat 4. So if you want to start as close to your previous season rank as possible, keep grinding during the preseason!

    6) Reflect on lost games

    When you lose a game try to point out a key event that led to the loss and come up with a solution for the next time you encounter the same situation. I found this to be more efficient and less time consuming than actually watching replays of your games.

    Example: I stood behind my minion wave level 2 so that Thresh couldn't hook me whilst also being out of his E range but I forgot to account for flash flay. This led to a lost 2v2 which eventually snowballed out of control. Next time I play against Thresh I'll play close attention to who hits level 2 first and be prepared to flash his flash immediately OR back off enough that he can't reach me even with flash and wait for minions to push towards me.

    If you can't figure out the answer yourself just do a quick reddit search. Eventually you'll develop your own sort of play book and you'll be able to recognise these sort of plays well before they occur.


    I realise some people will still say diamond 4 is still bad etc and that a lot of the things I've said have already been said before but in a more generic way. I just wanted to show how I personally interpreted these tips along the way and incorporated them into my own game play which might be helpful to some and not others. E.g. a lot of people say don't auto-pilot but I just wanted to emphasise that some times you think you didn't autopilot but in actuality it was only for the first 10-15 minutes of the game.

    My op.gg: https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=Tyrium

    And with that, I wish everyone the best of luck climbing during the new season. No matter what rank you are, if you put your mind to it you can and will improve! Also feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer :)

    submitted by /u/Tyrium4
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    Tip: Don't hang around a tower you can't defend

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:52 PM PST

    If the enemy is pushing a tower down as 3 and will certainly get it, and you're on half health with no ultimate and no teammates around;

    Please. And I repeat. PLEASE. Do not just stand there looking at the tower's health hoping to repel their push by looking at them.

    They know you can't do shit, you're not gonna stop the push, and then if you don't fuck off in time when the tower goes down they're just going to kill you, because now there's no tower there.

    Remember this simple hint: They can either kill the tower, or they can kill the tower AND you. Which one is worse?

    This might seem like a "no shit" kinda tip, but I see it happen at least twice a day, so apparently a lot of people actually haven't figured this one out yet!

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    DongHuap video on Teemo Jungle?!?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:26 AM PST

    DongHuap did a video on me(Challenger Teemo Jungle Guy) and it is really well done. We did an interview where he asked plenty of amazing questions, relating to not only Teemo, but also Jungle as well. Macro, itemization, runes, playstyle, EVERYTHING is pretty much covered, and we had a nice tone to cover it all and make sure the information is easily relayed. If you are a Jungle fan, Teemo fan, or just a fan of good content, it's definitely worth a peak!


    submitted by /u/MancoIV
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    The current rank 1 player on the Korean server is spamming Taliyah bot lane. It is his most played pick, with an 84% winrate. He already has 758 LP, less than a week since the season started.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:58 PM PST

    Season 10 started less than a week ago, but SPG DalkA already has 758 LP in Master tier on the Korean server, which is currently rank 1.

    According to his wiki page, DalkA is the coach for the Korean team Spear Gaming (SPG), which was one of the teams competing in KeSPA Cup 2019.

    I found this remarkable because his most played pick is Taliyah bot lane, by far.

    He has been spamming this pick: either solo, or duo bot with Destiny ( wiki | op.gg ) and SPG Asper ( wiki | op.gg ). According to the wiki, Asper is the support on the team that DalkA coaches, so this makes sense.

    DalkA has an 84% winrate over 31 games (and a 90% winrate in his last 20 games) on Taliyah bot lane.

    We saw Griffin play Taliyah + Pantheon bot lane in the LCK Spring Finals 2019, so we've already seen some Taliyah bot lane in competitive play. I think this is clear evidence that it's also good in solo queue. It seems that Taliyah is just an all-around excellent bot laner. Many popular supports such as Leona / Nautilus / Thresh make for very strong partners for Taliyah.

    submitted by /u/TwitchTV-Zubin
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    Adc macro

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:37 AM PST

    How do you macro as adc mid game?

    One of the most usual thing nowdays is getting the bot tower before your enemies and then switching with top to get the top tower too.

    But what should i do after? Often in my games after getting towers people just aram mid(plat rank).As an adc it's also too risky to split alone on sidelanes as you're a free target.Sometimes, even defending pushed lanes is too risky.How do you really keep farming but also apply pressure/take objectives without getting caught?

    submitted by /u/sergiu017
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    Make a pre-game checklist and use it.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Write it down on a piece of paper. Tape it to the wall. Make a sticky note on your second monitor. Do whatever you want, but make a checklist and read it before every game.

    Your checklist should include a few things: - something to get your mental ready. (I have an 80% win rate on my main, and my macro is strong — I can do this!)

    • something you're working on (I need to be sure I'm dropping wards in the enemy jungle!)

    • something to watch out for (I keep trying to solo drake at inopportune times — make sure to be more careful!)

    • some tips for yourself that you know you need to follow, but need some reminding (Don't auto pilot! Use your information! Toplaners need ganks too!)

    And whatever else you might need to get yourself in the right frame of mind to win.

    Look at your list before every game, and if you wanna get real fancy, make an end game check list too. How was my damage to objectives? How was my vision score? How was my CS/m? How was my kill participation?

    The best way to avoid stagnancy is active analysis. If you can be self critical, and execute on improvement strategies — the only way to go is UP!

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    What champions are good to climb with that don’t rely on teammates?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:22 PM PST

    I've always been jealous of seeing people just 1v5 with champions like Yi or Riven or Irelia, no matter how bad their 4 teammates are, they don't need them, cuz if they're fed they can 1v5.

    But I don't like playing melee champions. Are there any ranged champions that can 1v5 without relying on teammates?

    I mainly play adc but they're too reliant on the team to peel for them, and if I make 1 mistake or my team makes one mistake failing protecting me, I'm dead before a fight starts. Same with most mages.

    Are there any ranged champions that don't need to position well and can 1v5 solo carrying?

    submitted by /u/monosolo830
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    Is low ELO macro play a waste of time?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:22 AM PST

    TL;DR: how can I still win low ELO games when teammates won't macro play?

    I peaked last season in Plat 3 promos. I admittedly gave into the toxicity after losing my promo series over and over, gave up playing my main champs, and tanked my MMR hard. I now find myself after placements in Silver IV, and I cannot figure out how to consistently win games, even when I go off. The problem I see is two fold: (1) someone (usually top) inevitably feeds out of control, and (2) teammates do not rotate, react/plan for objectives, react to splitpush, etc. Basically, there is no consistent macro play at all, and every game turns into ARAM/deathball 50 minute nightmares (I have multiple 70,000+ damage games already) until one team gets aced.

    I'm a mid main, but I've tried playing other roles thinking they might better help me close out these games, but it just doesn't matter. I've tried playing assassins and roaming, but the games last so long that I fall off and we're back into deathball. I've tried playing jungle, but that just gives one more lane the opportunity to feed and no one follows me for dragon/baron/split. The most success I've had is playing my usual mid champions or playing damage support, but even then it's only around a 60% win rate and I am literally playing with people in iron.

    So what do I do here? Should I just play solo greed and steal everything that isn't nailed down? Should I just embrace the deathball with my teammates?

    submitted by /u/AndThisGuyPeedOnIt
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    I have a compulsion to play ranked

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:46 AM PST

    I am a top main who started playing from s7, and i was only able to reach gold 4 in preseason and s1 in season 9, i was able to main good winrate by playing simpler champions like yorick, mundo, teemo, nasus and i am sure i would climb higher this season of i do the same but lately i am slowly becoming incredibly bored of such champions and i find champions that are mechanically tough, more fun to play, even though im very bad at them.

    But when ever i play in normals, it doesnt even feel like a league game at all, people lack the conviction they have in ranked and so even if i win or lose it doesnt feel like i learnt anything at all, no one wards, no one keeps track of thier own enemy laners, or farms.. its incredibly easy or boring.. and since it is garena there is no draft pick either.. im forced to learn champs like kassadin or riven in normals which is nauseating.

    My question is that, should i play mechanically tough champions because i find them fun to play, right away in ranked and risk falling low in rank or should i just stick to normals?

    submitted by /u/navitro
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    In case you didn’t know by now — drake wins games in season 10

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:52 PM PST

    If your jungler ganks bot, gets kills, and shoves your wave, then pings drake — don't stay in lane and try to get plates. Go get the damn drake.

    If you're playing bot and you die, that's it. Play safe. You're done. Farm under turret. Don't sit down there and continue to feed because that's an automatic loss in the current meta because you lose drake priority.

    If you're a support player, and your wave is shoved - go ward drake. People are prioritizing junglers who can solo drake. You need to keep vision in the pit. (Your jungler should be doing this too.)

    If your jungler pings drake is coming up - don't go top lane to catch one wave of CS.

    If you're running teleport, play to the opposite side of the map as drake to draw pressure and TP to the drake fight. Don't arbitrarily burn your TP to get 3 minions top lane.

    Basically most of your decisions in the current meta should revolve around drake priority and helping your team secure drakes.

    They're OP as hell and will win you most games.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    How to avoid towerdive ganks?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST

    I just played a game (top) where the enemy jungler (Lee Sin) came and waited in the tri-brush and killed me by towerdiving. Then he killed me again after I went back with teleport. Up to this, it was my bad. But he proceeded to gank me 5 more times making it impossible by staying near the tri-brush, making it impossible to even CS under tower, because eventually he would just come in and kill me. I played pretty badly as well, but it felt like there was nothing I could do even if I knew exactly where he was because he could still kill me, and I couldn't even play safe because that would mean staying at tier 2 turrets

    Is there any way to play against this? I know our team jungler should get priority bot side, but I'm low elo so our jungler pretty much did nothing.

    submitted by /u/BlindTurtles
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    How to constantly attack moving target quickly?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:41 AM PST

    Playing Warwick and when his attack speed gets really high near late game I find it pretty difficult to constantly move and click on the enemy champion at the same time to make use of it. How do I constantly stay close to moving enemy champion whilst simultaneously attacking them at full attack speed?

    Been playing League for around a week.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/False_Talk
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    I plan on going full-time league for 3 months

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:15 PM PST

    Ok. So here is the thing. I am a 15 year old, silver player(i just play provisionals ever year and that is it) constantly trying to improve. I recently switched to support. Even though it is not flashy role like midlane or toplane(which i played in the first place for seasons) it is one role you can wake me up in the middle of night and I can confidently utilise every single aspect of it even though I never really practiced it that much. Now in my country there were protests and we lost lots of classes, therefore we are gonna have 6 months from now- school without any breaks in between which is very exhausting. I plan on keeping with the game in terms of meta and gamesense(4-5 games a week). I go to Gymnasy high school (Mathematical class) and it is very hard thing. This lifestyle ain't sustainable and I have a problem. Once these 6 months of agony are gone I have a "plan". I was thinking of doing two things during summer break(3 months long). Working out for 1-2 hours a day & playing league for 8-10 hours a day, everyday. I have 120 kilos and am 15 years old.I am in need of change. I am into esports & games since I know myself. It is only thing that interests me when it comes to learning. I am just a good at remembering things but ain't really perspective Straight A's student like others Straight A students with basketball tournaments, tennis shit & piano lessons. Esports is my only chance. My retarded mind simply wouldn't work 9-5 job in the future. So I ask you for any tips on climbing and getting into ranked during those 3 months. I adore Pyke as support and plan on otp-ing him for now. Really any helpful comment is appreciated. My goal is unrealistic, but it is really my only chance. I simply don't see a thing I actually like besides video-games, specifically LoL.

    submitted by /u/Shaco546
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    How to grind game knowledge?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:03 PM PST

    So I am aware that game knowledge alone plays a massive role in improvement. Is there a great way to grind out hours of game knowledge while I'm not playing to improve in-game, like when I'm not able to play can I study to improve my game and grind that way, how would I go about this? thank you ll So I am aware that game knowledge alone plays a massive role in improvement. Is there a great way to grind out hours of game knowledge while I'm not playing to improve in-game, like when I'm not able to play can I study to improve my game and grind that way, how would I go about this? thank you ll

    submitted by /u/RyanCantHaveFriends
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    Complete list of ultimate CDs?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:30 AM PST

    I'm looking for a full list of everyone's ultimate cooldowns, potentially on flash cards or something similar to be able to quiz myself and learn the cooldowns. Does anyone know of a list like this? All I know right now is individually looking up champs on different sites, but that makes it way more time consuming

    submitted by /u/TheBunlord
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    From Zoe to lost...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST

    Hey y'all,

    I made my preseason goal to master more champions, having M7 in Zoe,Bard, Xayah, Miss Fortune and Tristana (with M6 in champs like Yi, Vi, Rakan and a whole host of others.)

    I find myself after around 3 years of this game struggling still to settle into a play-style and role successfully, and while I call myself a ADC and Mid Main, I have no idea what champ to attempt or set my sights on learning next- and truthfully with all the change happening in the game right now, I am a bit scared to commit due to the fear of a change pushing my next champ out of the meta or making hours of learning irrelevant with a rework.I also don't know what to move to (as shown with some of the champs I have degrees of mastery in) I don't have one set play style that I enjoy and find myself drifting.

    I feel like this inability to find a new champ to learn or game challenge to enjoy is severely affecting my enjoyment of the game and want to play.

    So I'm asking the wise sages of reddit, what champ should I set my mind to? I'm around level 200 or more so difficulty isn't something I am worried about- if you have a main you enjoy I would love to hear why and with some motivation, give it a try.

    Your help is greatly appreciatedEnjoy the Rift.

    submitted by /u/RicochetRocketer
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    Maintaining a Freeze

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    When I try to play a lane role, I often find myself trying to set up a freeze to force my enemy to overextend for gold and xp. However I've noticed a problem with my freezing, where whenever I try to maintain it, it always ends up turning into an unwarranted slow push that I cant control and I can't seem to figure out how this happens.

    For reference, I freeze when the enemy wave has at least 3 or so more minions than my wave does, and let it push to where I want and then thin it out a bit so it doesn't keep shoving so I can maintain it. But once the wave becomes relatively balanced out I simply go back to last hitting, and despite that it still becomes a slow push. Can someone help me determine what I might be doing wrong here?

    submitted by /u/Grizsha
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    Why do I feel so weak as Xin Zhao (jungle) right now?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:46 AM PST

    Xin Zhao (jungle) is the champ that carried me to gold back in season 6. I kinda left him after the rework, but I am trying to pick him up again now. Theoretically, he should be shining in the current meta that favors early game junglers, but it doesn't feel like it. I feel that he gets absolutely destroyed by Lee Sin and Olaf in the early game and most other junglers outscale him in the late game. He feels pretty weak to me and I see no reason to play him over Olaf who has better clear and arguably better ganks. Is he just bad or am I doing something wrong? Why would I ever pick Xin over Olaf? Any tips for Xin jungle?

    submitted by /u/HellenicLady
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    How to Play from Behind as ADC

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Howdy, I have been having quite a hard time learning how to optimally play from behind as AD. Laning is usually a weak point during the game and I want to improve at it. Usually, when I fall behind it feels like there is no coming back until very late game. I try to scrounge up any farm I can get, but it isnt very much most of the time. I see that my counterpart has like 2 items of my while I'm just sitting in mid with just a storm razor. Just feels like I'm a lost cause after losing lane and there is no coming back. How do I fix that problem and become a relevant carry after losing lane?

    submitted by /u/Muzzik48
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    Graves OTP

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Want to try one tricking Graves for season 10 and have some questions.

    I see a lot of different rune and item variations for Graves players, and noticed his versatility in these areas are what makes him pretty good.

    How do I know when to go Fleet or DH? Or when to build lethality, crit, lifesteal, what are the things I look out for in the team comps that signal me what to build.

    Also any possible tips or tricks for climbing with Graves would be appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/giohoho
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    How to win when your jungler just afk farms

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:35 PM PST

    I play a lot of Diana mid, and it's not going so well due to this, maybe Ive just been unlucky so far this season idk. In a LOT of my games I've had junglers who just afk farm. Don't go for objectives, don't invade, don't gank, just afk farm. This results in my team not being able to step up in lane and get kills, and us losing multiple towers by the time both heralds are placed, and not having a single dragon while the enemy almost has soul, and sometimes just giving them a 20 minute baron because the jungler would be bot lane or doing Krugs or something. How do I win these games where we are forced to give up all of these objectives because the jungler just afk farms?

    submitted by /u/ooooooooz
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