LoL Guide As an average player, becoming an OTP has been indispensable for climbing ranked this season |
- As an average player, becoming an OTP has been indispensable for climbing ranked this season
- Autopiloting? Try turning off your music.
- How do you completely remove Nasus from relevancy in this season?
- Trying to learn top lane
- How to solo bot ?
- If all lanes are feeding where do I gank?
- How to evaluate your own play.
- What are the in-game settings that most pro, challenger, masters, or high diamond players use?
- Morello or Deathcap 2nd?
- Low elo scrub question: When my team has broken into the enemy base, but clearly doesn’t have the time/hp/etc to finish, should I join their pointless fight or keep splitting?
- Not improving
- Hardstuck in bronze and I dont know how to improve
- Wave management question in Darius lanes
- Win lane lose game
- Why pick Tryndamere over Fiora/Jax?
- Ping required to play Fiora effectively ?
- Farming with mages
- Tryndamere secondary runes
- Easing into Normals
- How do I not get destroyed in Low Elo
- How does faker always get 10 cs a minute?
- For bruisers, what you prefer? 4 bruiser items + 1 tank item or 3 tank items + 2 bruiser items
- Some questions about Top lane
As an average player, becoming an OTP has been indispensable for climbing ranked this season Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:14 AM PST I've been playing league since s2 (though I took a break during season 7 and 8) and have always struggled to break out of silver/gold for as long as I can remember. I rotated between top, mid, and adc for years while playing 10 different champions amongst those 3 roles, only scratching the surface of their kits whilst constantly wondering why I wasn't getting better. Last year I started shifting my focus towards playing ADC yet I still played too many champions (Lucian, Draven, Jinx, Jhin, Caitlyn) and hovered around gold 2/gold1 for a long time barely breaking 50% win rate. After finding this subreddit and deliberately studying to get better at the game I decided to try playing only Jhin this season to see if it could impact my ranked climb. I started season 10 at silver 2 and in the past two weeks of only playing Jhin I have won my series to platinum for the first time in my life. During this climb I achieved a record of 46-18 (72% win rate). My win rate with Jhin is 76% over 45 games and I am currently ranked as the 80th best Jhin player on EUW. I cannot describe how good it feels right now to finally see progress in my gameplay after grinding ranked for years with little to no success!!! My aim is to keep going and see how far being a one-trick can take me. For anyone looking to climb, I highly recommend adopting this approach. Find a champion that you love and stick with it. Once you master the mechanics of your champion muscle memory kicks in and your attention is freed to focus on higher level game concepts. Ok enough ranting, I just wanted to make this post to share my progress with you all! Thank you for reading :) Porofessor: edit: after I made this post I lost my first 2 games in Platinum xD [link] [comments] |
Autopiloting? Try turning off your music. Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:48 PM PST I've had huge problems with autopiloting throughout my time playing league, to the point where I could grind out hours of games and not remember what happened or even how well I did afterward. Today, I turned off my game music to listen to Spotify instead, and when my playlist stopped playing and all that I could hear was the natural sounds of Summoner's Rift, I immediately noticed my focus go up and my map awareness increase tenfold. I'm not sure if this happens for anyone else, and I'm still stuck in low elo, just thought I'd share :) [link] [comments] |
How do you completely remove Nasus from relevancy in this season? Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:28 AM PST So I was playing Renekton Top Vs Nasus. I killed him at level 1 with a level 2 cheese, as one does. I then killed him again at level 2 the moment he tped back to lane. After that I went base, the wave rebounded and I spent the next few minutes freezing. I made sure to zone him from every creep possible, and I think he had something stupid like 15 farm at 9 minutes or something along those lines. I couldn't zone him from exp because that's a whole lot of effort and I was instead focused on csing since the wave was large and I wanted to keep it that way so that I could threaten to all in him whenever he came close without accidentally breaking the freeze with Renek's AOE. Once the 10 minute mark hit, i had cleaver and tiamat and started hard shoving so that I could get the turret platings and first turret gold. I dived him a couple times without dying, but eventually messed up when Olaf came to gank. I was 5/0 at the time and ended up giving a pretty hefty shutdown to Nasus. But at this point he still has less than 50 farm. Except, that when I return to lane and I'm facing him as a level 11 to level 10, Nasus can literally 1v1 me. He has frozen heart and swifties (LOL), but I literally have cleaver, tiamat and last whisper at this point. Sure, if I'd played the fight better in terms of fury management I would've still killed him, but I was expecting him to be a fly on the wall that I could squash, but instead he could just facetank auto Q me to near death. I ended up having to run away despite having over triple his farm and a massive gold lead. Which I'm obviously not too happy about. How do I completely make Nasus my bitch? Because I've noticed that this is a recurring trend. Juggernauts in general can be pretty annoying, but they all tend to become pretty damn squishy walking wards if I kill them twice early and deprive them of gold. But Nasus seems to be a special case of big fuck you. No matter what I do, he always bounces back, unless I play a high risk diving playstyle and manage to pull of an absurd exp denial. Now I understand that Susan eventually outscales me, but normally I wouldn't expect that to happen until the 30, maybe 25 min mark. Not at 15/16 mins. So I can only assume I'm doing something wrong. I haven't played Top much since season 5, but back then my mentality was always to smash lane and turn my opponent into a damn walking ward. Any tips on how to do that against Nasus, or in general, would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:27 AM PST I'll give some background info about me and what I play. As it might help get a feel for my playstyle, but I realize that the champs I play are all over the place haha. I'm ranked I'm a support main and will almost always only play support usually Rakan, Janna, nami, thresh and braum. I off role mid and mostly just play orianna, but started playing galio as well. Every now and then I play ryze, TF or malz. In normals I can Jungle decently enough if i have to but prefer not to. I play amumu, J4, kha'zix, and nidalee. I try and avoid bot but if I have to play I usually pick ezreal, varus or Ashe. For the life of me I just can't figure out top. I don't know if it's the role itself or if I haven't found a champ that fits me. I would appreciate some tips on laning in general because it seems like top is the role where wave manipulation matters most. What are the best guides out there? What are some matchups I should just straight up avoid? Super general guides before I get to the big boy stuff. Lasty what are the best champions to learn the role? I don't really care if it's meta or not. You can also just say your main and why you like playing it. I want to try out gangplank and kled but I'm not really sure if it's a good idea... I just realized that this was a mess of a post so I apologize. There's no need to answer everything just whatever you feel like would help. Thanks for you time! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:59 PM PST So I played several games today, and most of them were defeats either because we had an enemy premade of 3 or 4 constantly grouping and pushing faster than light, or because I had an ADC never engaging, until the jungler came bot and earned a double kill (yes because as a support I suppose that it is my duty to save my ADC, so I try to reach him, heal him, but he kinda gets one shot and I end up to close to escape). So what should I do ? I can't engage, I can't push, I can't even stay under the tower because it's so easy for jungler + adc + supp + minions to dive me and if I just go away, no one is defending the lane. It's like I'm a squishy piece of meat waiting all game to get eaten. Here's my, but most wins are mainly thanks to a fed top or mid who carried the game. Not thanks to me or my ADC. [link] [comments] |
If all lanes are feeding where do I gank? Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:18 AM PST Just played a game as lee sin. My bot lane dies level 2 when I'm doing my camps so I gank mid and get a flash. Enemy jg gank top and gets a kill, I go and get return kill. Later on jg shows himself top, so I get drag and take this blue. But during this time all lanes are losing, and I'm the only one not dying. If I were to gank bot or mid, my lanes always die but I sometimes get the return kill. What do I do? [link] [comments] |
How to evaluate your own play. Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:01 AM PST Hello all, I've been a peak plat mid main for the last 3 or 4 seasons and only this season have I begun to realize that macro is holding me back more than micro. (And some consistency issues, but I know more or less how to fix that) I really struggle with carrying teams and making proper macro decisions when fed. I know the role of my champs, and as an ekko one trick transitioning into a two trick with Diana as my new secondary since last season, I know my game plan most games. I think I just struggle making the right decisions in my game plan at the right times. I know my champs are excellent at sidelaning and applying pressure through a split push, but can also team fight relatively well. However, when I'm fed I really struggle with the idea of choosing one over the other. Do I group and force fights with my huge lead? Often times this leads to an NA-RAM where I'm sharing xp with my whole team and losing all the cs to my adc. Do I split and try to force the enemy to respond? This sometimes leads to my team initiating/getting initiated upon when I'm not there, resulting in a loss because i have most of the gold and the damage. I'm really frustrated now because I made an alt so that I could play with my lower elo friend on occasion and even after having 20 kills and only 4 deaths on Diana, we lost in a bronze 2 game (the average MMR was actually silver 1/gold 4) after a game-ending team fight and a Nasus that steam rolled through my team. As a Plat player, I absolutely refuse to blame my team here and know that I should have been more than capable of carrying this game. So where do I start? How do I watch my replays and figure out why the hell I'm not winning these games? If I don't know what I'm looking for, how am I supposed to know where I went wrong? [link] [comments] |
What are the in-game settings that most pro, challenger, masters, or high diamond players use? Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST Specifically, I'm wondering about things like the "Video", "Interface", and "Game" tabs. Not that interested in the hotkeys or keybinds, with this question. I have tried to look this up, but so far have only found one or two videos that covered this, as most seemed to be primarily regarding the hotkeys & keybinds. Can anyone provide a good resource about this topic? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:06 AM PST I've seen people arguing about Morello and how it's only useful to build if the enemy has healing. I am mostly confused since most pros almost always go it 2nd on mid but I've also seen a lot of them go deathcap, what's best in which situation? I usually play Lissandra, Swain or Leblanc if that matters. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST Title question. The enemy team is wiped out, we have time to break inhib tower+inhib. I help with both of those. However, as the inhib falls, I notice the enemy fed carry and tanks are back up in 10 seconds. We do not have time to end. I ping toplane, and head there to take inner tower which has our minions on it. No one follows. I take the tower to the melodious sounds of "enemy double kill...enemy triple kill! Enemy quadra..." I safely recall, while receiving a mountain of question mark pings and flame because i wasnt there "to end." See...I know we couldn't have ended. There's no way. I don't really give a shit what my team thinks was going to happen, because the quadra would have just been a penta if I was there. So my question is...since this is what I have to deal with, should I have stayed anyway? Since I can't rely on my team making the right play, should I just submit to helping them with the wrong play? Would love some thoughts on this from better players. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 12:17 PM PST Ok so I am level 108 that dont matter tho and last season was my first and I finished with silver. I was a sup main till level 80, ik that's bad. But then I started playing top and I feel so behind in my play. Like I feel like I just dont improve and that I am going autopilot every game. My question is, how do I stop this from happening like I try to think and make the right decisions but I feel as if somethings just holding me back from I know this sounds hella cheesy but "releasing my full potential". [link] [comments] |
Hardstuck in bronze and I dont know how to improve Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:58 PM PST I mainly play supports like pyke and senna and I personaly feel that I play good and do what Im supose to do as a support. But it feels like Im allways aginst smurfs from higher ranks just stomping us. My win rate is down to 40% so my mmr is fucked and I feel less and less motivated to play league even tho I enjoy the fuck out of it some times. Question is how do I not get hardstuck? do I wait until all the players of higher ranks gets out of my bracket and I try again? or am I just shit at the game and landed in a rank Im not good enough for? if any higher ranked support can give some tips it would be greatly appreciated [link] [comments] |
Wave management question in Darius lanes Posted: 26 Jan 2020 12:38 AM PST Hi fellow Summoners! "how to face Darius as X" (where X is a melee champion who has a weak early game, and Darius has killpressure starting from lvl 1, until he gets outscaled later on) is a recurring topic on the sub (probably for a good reason), and in literally every thread the classic advice vs him is to "just freeze near your tower, so he cant run you down". That really seems like legit advice, but there is just one thing that i simply cannot understand, and that is how the hell is "X" supposed to manipulate the wave into a freeze, if Darius has lane control on top of his killpressure? I know that many of you will instantly bring up Dopas legendary Tf vs Fizz clip, but before that happens i would like to state that it cannot be applied here, since not only doesnt Fizz have killpressure lvl 1, but on top of that Tf has lane control in that matchup. Looking at from the other angle: what would be the goal of Darius in a such lane? If he is the alpha on lvl 1 (he usually is, since the premise is that his melee opponent is weaker early), then what is he looking to do? He is stronger, so he would prefer a lvl 1 fight, and the natural counterplay to that would be : "just dont fight him lvl 1". So far so good, but that also means that if he walks up, you are basically zoned. Now if he is smart he is setting up a slowpush (minion advantage, so fighting him would be straight up inting at that point), he also probably will hit lvl 2 before the other guy (so fighting him is turbointing), then the built up wave crashes, and that means a slowpush towards him, which will give HIM the opportunity to set up a freeze, which you wont be able to contest. So how on earth are you supposed to pull off that freeze? Also lets assume that both players are equally skilled, so both their mechanics and wave management skills are on-par. If the advice would be: just take whatever cs you can, soak up xp, dont let him snowball, cos he is thrash champ later with only a cs advantage, that i would understand, but i seriously cant get a grasp on how a freeze should be possible vs an equally skilled guy. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST How can I fight the pressure of an enemy team after I win lane? I just had a really tough loss because I won my lane so hard that the enemy team collapsed on me. I played ADC and my support and I killed their bot lane twice. At this point I wanted to back and use my gold advantage but their jg/mid 4 manned us while I was channeling be and it went down hill from there. I had bf + pickaxe to kaisa's executioners calling + kirchies shard. At this point the 2v2 would be hard won by us. The problem was that I couldn't push the lane any more because their jungle and mid were giving bot. My team didn't play through me and I can't really expect them to so I'm wondering what I can do on my own as adc. What I think should have happened was our jungle plays bot side and we dive their bot lane. But my jungler wasn't there and their jungler was. Do I stop pushing? I didn't really try to freeze because it was a pretty fast paced game so maybe I could have tried to starve the kaisa... any suggestions? This happens to me a lot, I win lane and then their whole team plays around me and my whole team ignores my lead. [link] [comments] |
Why pick Tryndamere over Fiora/Jax? Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:57 AM PST I've never understood this. The whole point of Tryndamere is that he can duel anyone because of his ultimate, but Fiora and Jax are able to outduel him late game easily. Not only that, but both Jax and Fiora also have stronger teamfights. The only strength of Tryndamere I see is his strong levels 1-2, but Jax has an equally strong level 1. At level 3+, all three of their laning phases (Fiora, Jax, and Tryndamere) are all relatively weak. The only thing Tryndamere does better I guess is his dive potential, but Tryndamere isn't always ahead in lane so he can't always just dive the enemy laner. [link] [comments] |
Ping required to play Fiora effectively ? Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:39 AM PST Hello guys i am planning to main fiora. I play at 70-80 ping. Can i parry enemy skill shots at 70-80 ping the moment i see the animation at 80 ping?Like if cho gath uses his q can i parry or dash out of the circle with q? I tried it out today and it is not working out. He presses w i press w but i get knocked up but the game receives my w command due to my reaction time plus high ping? Can i puse parry ability at 70-80 ping? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:41 AM PST What's the best way to up my early CS with scaling mages like Vlad, Ori, Swain, etc. without getting OOM'd? Even when I feel like I'm doing well I press tab and see a depressing CS of ~5.0. I usually save abilities for securing cannon minions, but I can't seem to utilise my AAs properly to last hit the other creeps. Are there any tips or is it all just knowing your damage and paying close attention to the minion wave? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:20 AM PST Originally posted on r/TryndamereMains Tryndamere runs sorcery secondary but i really dont like how it fits into my play style and was looking for tips Ive seen the spreadsheet with rules but I was wondering if other runes would work. Some i was thinking about were: Domination secondary: -Taste of blood -ultimate hunter Resolve secondary: -Demolish -Rivitalize Inspiration secondary: -Hexflash/magical footware -Cosmic Insight/futures market Please let me know what you think and if anyone has tried any of them let me know how it went :) -Linkedkin [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:54 PM PST Hi, I'm a new player. I've only played for about a month, but I'm really enjoying it. The only problem is that I'm very scared of queueing up for normal games because I know I suck (and I've had experiences with people telling me I suck in game). I have played quite a bit of bot games, and do really well in them. The problem is that bots are stupid (yes even the intermediate ones), and I feel like I'm not actually learning the game properly. No one pings. No one uses wards. Depending on the team we do dragon/herald/baron. I just want to practice how to play as a team properly in a safe environment. My friends are all much higher levels than me, so when I queue with them I always end up playing against people who are a lot better and I can't always keep up with the game. Am I just a wuss? Is there a way of finding some people on similar skill level to play with as a team to learn the game? I really want to play, but I also don't want to get yelled at for trying to figure out how to get better. Also I'd like some tips for champions. So far I like playing Talon and Tristana. But it's probably a good idea to at least know one champion for every role right? Do any of you have suggestions? Thanks for your help. I just really want to get better so I can play with my friends without being dead weight... [link] [comments] |
How do I not get destroyed in Low Elo Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST I'm relatively new to league (been playing for some months now) and I just hit level 34. I finished my placements and am now in Bronze 4 after five wins and five losses. Even in those games, I realized that I'm getting beat constantly by players that are a higher level and rank than me (Silver 5-1). The problem is that my draft pick games are completely the opposite, I typically beat the enemy mid in lane and finish with a lot of kills, even if they win in the end. I feel that I'm not playing against people my level or learning anything new from either types of match. I'm trying to learn to play league form outside sources like MobaFire and youtube videos but that's not really helping me much since I tend to forget all the tricks I learn when I'm in a fight and stick to the basics of spamming abilities. I know that I still have a lot to improve in, for example, I have horrible camera control and can't get rid of my habit to hold space bar during a whole team fight. I lose my mana way too fast in the early game (I'm starting to main Talon) which means I can't trade. Even if I wanted to trade the enemy always ends up winning it. I also have no idea when to cs and when to not and end up with 4-5 cs score throughout the whole game. Whether it be long term or short term, a quick mechanical fix, to play in draft, blind, or ranked, is there any advice that you could give? P.S. My summoner name is MaxDL and I play in EU west if you would like to look me up. Thank you to all the feedback given. [link] [comments] |
How does faker always get 10 cs a minute? Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:42 PM PST I always try to sidelane as much as i can and i only ever roam when im not gonna miss more than 1 wave of cs but i seem to never get more than 6-8 cs a minute. Does faker get 10 cs a minute every game just from missing less creeps in lane phase? I also dont tax my laners much when i gank which faker seems to do a lot. D2+ answers only pls [link] [comments] |
For bruisers, what you prefer? 4 bruiser items + 1 tank item or 3 tank items + 2 bruiser items Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:38 PM PST Before anything I think I should point the difference between bruiser items and tank items, bruiser items like Black Cleaver, Hexdrinker, Titanic Hydra and so on, are items that give you some resistance to damage(Lifesteal,Armor, Resistance or HP) and damage itself, being it AP or AP. While Tank items only focus on resisting damage,like Randuins (Armor and Health, plus the passive) I've noticed that some high elo players (found on like to build 2 bruiser items (often Black Cleaver and Sterakk) and full tank (always Tabi or Mercurys) While other players like to build 4 bruiser items + 1 tank item. For analysis Im going to use Vi (level 18) on training dummy With the 4 bruiser items + 1 tank item, Im using this build -> Trinity -> Sterakk -> Titanic Hydra -> Mercurial Scimitar -> Deadman's plate -> Ninja Tabi And the results are: 304 AD 178 Armor (64%) 96 Resistance (49%) 1,20 AS 3.610 HP Combo : Q- AA- E (x2)- R - E = Total damage 2694 (Without TH active) While the more tanky build (6 tank items + 2 bruiser items) goes like this: -> Trinity -> Sterakk -> Randuin -> spirit visage -> Deadman's plate -> Ninja Tabi 214 AD 248 Armor (71%) 116 Resistance (54%) 1.20 AS 4005 HP Combo = Q- AA- E(x2)- R - E = 2137 dmg So what do you think it's the better build? while the tanky build has less burst damage than the other build, you have more resistance to damage, not only on sheer magic resistance/armor number, but on the passive of tank items as well (Randuins for example) So it would be compensated, what I want to say is this Imagine that In case you deal 100 damage in 1 second with build 1. And In case 2 you deal 100 damage in 1.25 seconds It would be true that case 1 has more burst than case 2, but I think case 2 would have more damage over time if you survive more time being more tanky Thanks for reading the post and I hope to see your opinions on the matter, as Im not sure of how to build my bruisers. Bless and have a good day. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:04 PM PST Is there any way I can force the enemy minion wave in my lane to come closer to my turret without losing out on CS? So many times I've come soooo close to sealing the deal killing my laner but can't because my minions are too close to their turret. Will reading on wave management help me or will the actions of the two top laners' farming cancel any attempts to control the wave? I wonder if I'm playing top as effectively as I could be (Read above). Sometimes I can destroy turrets first in my lane and always be pushing towards their side, but still go 0-0. Sometimes it'll also be 3-0 but it fails to snowball. This is if there's no late game because the rest of my lanes lost and we ended up surrendering. If there's a late game I usually get a lot more kills. I play Yorick (main), Aatrox and Morde if that helps to know. [link] [comments] |
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