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    LoL Guide Challenger Vel'Koz Guide by Azzapp

    LoL Guide Challenger Vel'Koz Guide by Azzapp

    Challenger Vel'Koz Guide by Azzapp

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Azzapp's Challenger Vel'Koz guide

    About me

    I'm Azzapp, a streamer content creator primarily focused on Vel'Koz. I have been playing league since s1, played competitively amateur scene s5/s6. I've played Vel'Koz since he came out in season 4, and have done many guides/coaching sessions on him. During season 9 I have hit Challenger on 3 different servers and 3 different pings. EUW(~70), EUNE(~60) and NA(~150). My Tiple Challenger AMA post : https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/c9x4em/hi_im_azzapp_and_ive_reached_challenger_season_9/

    Why Vel'Koz

    I have always found characters with tentacle badass [insert tentacle hentai joke here]. That probably stems from the fear of the depths, underwater weird moving creatures, fortified by H. P. Lovecraft Cthulhu mythos. Anyway I believe he has one of the best if not the best champion designs in the game. Ever since I saw the First Contact trailer I was hooked. Everything about this champion is awesome, incredible and unique lore, a trailer so good it gives you the goosebumps, voice that send shivers down your spine, mind blowing visual and particle effects design.

    Those were my initial thoughts when I saw the champion get released. I prayed that he is going to be as epic as I had imagined in the game as well.

    There I was finally playing my newfound favorite champion with a grin from ear to ear. I didn't even realize the fact that the champion sucks. When he got release he had practically no AP scaling, he was weak and vulnerable and pretty damn complex to master. The fact that no one thought he was viable didn't even phase me one bit. I was blinded by the champions design that I couldn't care whether he is good in game or not. I just kept playing until I figured out a lot of tricks that make Vel'Koz pretty alright. I was very motivated to show people that Vel'Koz can actually be viable.

    Vel'Koz is one of the most unique characters in league of legends. He is something between artillery and a control mage. His Q can be used in plethora of ways. 360 degrees to decide the direction and the ability to reactivate at any point in time. His initial Q range is 1050 and reactivated Q range is 1100. Due to the slight difference the maximum range is achieved with roughly 46.33 degree angle with range =~1520. It's also important to note that second stage Q is faster which comes into play with some combos. One of the first and most simple yet beautiful tricks is the Q+R combo. We will go very deep into combos later on.


    Vel'Koz runes since runes reforged have been pretty much stable. There are potential 3 setups I like to use. If you are a beginner you are interested in only one in my opinion. The most common one and the optimal one is Arcane Comet Vel'Koz.

    Arcane Comet

    Arcane comet is the best keystone for Vel'koz, it enables you to go Sorcery tree which has great synergy with Vel'koz. You will mostly be poking with Q which guarantees Comet damage. It just very stable and solid playstyle which is always useful.

    Manaflow band/ Nullifying Orb

    Manaflow band is the standard for laning. It has great mana value, stacks up quite easily and once stacked provides extra mana regen for more spam.

    Nullifying Orb is the defensive option here, usually used if you are laning vs very aggressive casters like Fizz.


    You are a caster with 4 skillshots. More W spam = more wave control., More Q = more poke and combo setup, More E = less downtime when you can play aggressive. More R = MORE DISINTEGRATION.

    Scorch/ Gathering Storm

    Scorch is used for early game domination. Has really good synergy with Comet poke. More suited for poking playstyle since it can proc only once every 10s.

    Gathering Storm takes a while to get going and is completely useless for the first 10 minutes. That being said in an all in combo it outscales Scorch after only 10 minutes. After 20 it gives 500 gold worth of AP, 1000 at 30…

    For secondary runes here there are 2 playstyles. You can go aggressive(Domination) and passive(Inspiration). To the Vel'Koz beginners I always suggest Inspiration since survival is #1 priority. You would be surprised how many champions will one shot you without any skillshots in current meta.

    Magical Footwear/ Perfect Timing

    All Vel'Koz skillshots are directly tied to his model so the faster you move the more you can land. Magical footwear provides great value and can also help you kite easier.

    Stopwatch is an immobile squishy mages best friend. Getting one for free is great 10/10.

    Cosmic Insight

    Cooldown reduction is one of the most useful stats on mid lane Vel'Koz. Any type of CDR is extremely powerful and increases your impact in teamfights.

    Taste of Blood

    If you decide to go the more aggressive snowballing route, Taste of Blood is great tool for short trades. Technically Cheap Shot would help you secure even more kills but the numbers are just not that great, so healing provides way more value.

    Ultimate Hunter

    Insanely fun to stack and gives you way more ultimate uses per game. Paired up with season 10 Cloud Dragon your ultimate can reach 21 seconds cooldown. Collecting ADC tears has never been faster!

    Others are Glacial Augment, Dark Harvest.

    Glacial Augment

    Glacial Augment works great in difficult match ups such as Yasuo, Zed, Qiyana especially if enemy comp is mostly AD. It essentially crunches the skill ceiling making the champion easier to play but making it hard to distinguish good players vs great players. In that case you are more of a supporting character trying to control teamfights and set your team up.

    Usual build would be corrupting -> dark seal, lost chapter -> GLP -> Sorcery boots -> Zhonya's -> Morello.

    For runes you would want Stopwatch -> Future's Market -> Time warp tonic into Domination (Cheap shot/taste of blood -> Ingenious Hunter).

    Dark Harvest

    Dark Harvest is probably my favorite Vel'koz setup. On release it was incredible and a bit overtuned. Then it went through 2 nerfs which made it barely viable, and only so on Support role. If you can manage 5 stacks per 10 minutes then it outscales the comet. Obviously the downside is a bit weaker early game but Dark Harvest having a reset on takedown can be incredibly rewarding for solo q.

    Usual build would be Spellthief -> Dark seal, Boots -> Boots of Mobility -> Twin Shadows -> Liandry's Torment.

    For runes you would want Taste of blood - > Eyeball Collection -> Relentless Hunter into Sorcery( Manaflow Band -> Celerity)


    Electrocute is decent for trading and it is the successor of the previously best rune for Vel'Koz "Thunderlord's decree". The issue with Electrocute is that it's difficult to proc. It can work in some melee match ups depending on your playstyle but I'm not a huge fan.


    Predator I used to use in jungle but with jungle changes for season 10 Vel'Koz has harder time getting to 6. Don't recommend you do it... a lot.

    There is also a viable Predator mid lane roaming playstyle. It works alright with the season changes and plates being worth less. In case you have a hard match up mid you would like to avoid completely you can use this build. Maxing out W and spamming it to clear waves fast then looking for roams.

    Summoner Spells


    Using an immobile squishy mage without flash is begging to get ran over by almost every champion in the game. Also flash is extremely potent if you want to prefix it with an ability(Q,E or R). More on that here![animation cancelling guide]


    The most common one in mid lane and support. The sheer strength of barrier and low cooldown provide really good value and a dose of safety.


    Heal is used as a different version of safety. Has a bit longer cooldown and less hp value then barrier but it's used if it can make it up in movement speed or helping teammates. Usual match ups where I go heal instead are: Cassiopeia, Viktor, Orianna..

    Skill order

    Skill order is one of the most debated things about Vel'Koz. Maxing Q gives you higher burst and kill potential but weaker wave management. On the other hand maxing W gives you better wave control but less kill potential. Over the years of playing Vel'Koz I have devised a skill order which I believe to be optimal in most cases. I like putting 3 points in W by level 5 which gives you just enough pushing power and helps you through the early game when Vel'Koz isn't the strongest and you wouldn't be going for kill anyway. After 3 points in W I proceed with maxing Q to increase the slow duration and burst potential. Obviously you will be getting points in R when available and after maxing Q you will proceed with maxing W.



    Organic Deconstruction is an extremely important mechanic in your kit when playing Vel'Koz. To deal optimal damage you should be basing your trades around your passive. In the best case scenario you will land 9 stacks on the opponent which is 3 true damage rotations. For quick trades you should be looking to proc Organic Deconstruction at least once. People will rarely respect your stacks especially if you only applied one, but sometimes only 1 stack is enough to enable your play. You should check out the combo guide for more.

    Q – Plasma Fission

    Plasma Fission is the most unique ability for Vel'koz. Manipulating the reactivation of your Q open up a whole new world of play making. It is the catalyst in 90% of Vel'koz plays. However mastering the shooting and reactivation is only a part of it. Because of it's geometrical/trigonometrical nature, Plasma Fission is directly connected to your positioning. Getting into good positions will make extremely difficult shots into check mate scenarios where your Q is impossible to dodge.

    W – Void Rift

    Void Rift is the only basic ability in Vel'Koz kit which has the potential to apply more than 1 stack of Organic Deconstruction. It is mostly used for pushing, wave management and follow up to Plasma Fission or Tectonic Disruption. It is extremely hard to hit both part of W on it's own, but it boosts your damage output heavily if you can set it up.

    E – Tectonic Disruption

    Tectonic Disruption is the only form of hard CC Vel'Koz has. Landing E enables you to dish out your full combo but missing it can be devastating for your mana pool and pressure in lane. It is best to use it after landing Plasma Fission which greatly increases your chance of succeeding. Tectonic Disruption is also your only disengage ability and it is very crucial not to waste it against assassins because it will render you vulnerable for the next 10-15 seconds.

    R – Life Form Disintegration Ray

    Life Form Disintegration Ray is by far the most powerful Vel'Koz ability and it definitely packs a punch, but it is by no means overpowered. There are 2 keys to using your R properly. First you have to account for all the potential disruptions because you are extremely vulnerable during the channeling time. Secondly, to get the most out of Life Form Disintegration Ray you have to manage the stacks of your passive. It is best used just after the first rotation granting you true damage for the full channel and one extra proc of Organic Deconstruction.


    Doran's Ring

    Doran's ring is the perfect starting item for Vel'koz It provides you with all the stats you need during your laning phase.

    Dark Seal

    Dark Seal is a great item to get on your first buy. It will slow your build a little bit but it's value will skyrocket throughout the game. Since Vel'Koz is relatively safe champion and has to keep good positioning at all times it will be easy to get stacks. At 10 stacks it's value is ~1000 gold which gives it 300% efficiency.

    Lost Chapter

    Lost Chapter is the core for Vel'Koz no matter your playstyle. Getting it with the Dark Seal on your first buy will set you up for any game. After that you can choose to upgrade it to either Luden's Echo, GLP or Archangel's staff or you can even delay it and buy items you desperately need at that moment, like Banshee's Veil or Zhonya's Hourglass.

    Luden's Echo

    Luden's Echo is the optimal to rush as Vel'Koz. It has insane synergy with Sorcery tree and later on Liandry's Torment. In the late game just hitting a minion near an opponent will dish out substantial amount of poke.

    Archangel's Staff

    Archangel's Staff is a safer counterpart to the Luden's Echo. It has a bit slower powerspike so I don't recommend it in solo Q unless it is absolutely necessary.

    Sorcerer's Shoes

    Sorcerer's Shoes are obviously the best boots in terms of the burst potential. That being said they are not always the optimal choice. Vel'koz damage output consists of ~20-25% true damage which makes the magic penetration only ~75-80% effective. Magic penetration is not the core for Vel'koz so don't be afraid to adapt with your boots. Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Ninja Tabi, Mercury's Treads are all good choices depending on the situation.

    Liandry's Torment

    Liandry's Torment is a good second item to buy in terms of raw damage output if opponents don't have too many heals like Soraka or Vladimir In that case you are better off building Morello.


    Morellonomicon works best in situations where opponents don't have too much magic resistance and/or they have a lot of healing/sustaining abilities.

    Twin Shadows

    Twin Shadows is an extremely cheap third item but it gives everything Vel'Koz needs. This item is a blessing against immobile targets and it makes your snowballing that much easier. It also helps you control the map providing pick potential and better control of sieges, dragon and baron fights.


    EL SOMBRERO MORITFERO DE RABADON is obviously the best item in terms of raw AP and damage output, but it's very hard to build. It consists of 3 parts that are over 1000 gold and sometimes building it can take too much time without any powerspikes. You have to choose carefully when you want to get it, and if you do pick a good time, disintegration is assured.

    Void Staff

    Void Staff, despite it's name, it doesn't have the best synergy with Vel'Koz. We have previously stated that it will only be 80% effective than it would've on other chamnpions. That being said it is still a good 5th or 6th item if the opponents have plenty of magic resistance.

    Zhonya's Hourglass

    Zhonya's Hourglass is in most cases built as a reaction to opponents. The stats it offers aren't that good for Vel'Koz, but the stasis effect can very often be the difference between living or dying.

    Banshee's Veil

    Banshee's Veil is yet another situational item. It gives a little bit better stats than Hourglass and the magic shield will allow you to position more aggressively and it might save you while channeling Life Form Disintegration Ray.

    Mejai's Soulstealer

    Mejai's Soulstealer is a very underrated item and my favorite. It uses the similar logic to the Dark Seal. It's value becomes insane at 15+ stacks. I particularly like this item because when you buy it you instantly have to play better, it forces you to make less mistakes and die less in general.


    In most cases at level 1 you will want to take Q. It is more reliable for farming early game, less mana consumption and you might get some poke damage.

    Early game as Vel'koz you're pretty safe and you will most likely not get ganked before 3 minutes so you want to make as much as pressure as you can. You are at your best when you are pressuring enemy and holding him on the ropes.

    In some match up-s like Azir, Xerath, Aurelion Sol, Taliyah etc. you will not be able to outpush so picking up W level 1 and minion dematerializer can save you from taking a lot of damage trying to control the waves.

    Vel'Koz is a champion that scales very well with levels, so you have to try and take advantage of spikes for level 2,3 and 6 during the laning phase. If you are controlling the waves and having slightly more pressure than the opponent, that means when you get close to a level up you can get it way sooner than the enemy.

    Level 2 spike will rarely kill since you only have Q and W available to you so in best case scenario you will get 2 rotations of your passive but it might just be enough to give you a good lead in lane or even force a summoner spell.

    Level 3 spike works in a similar way except you have access to your only hard cc ability making you more of a threat and better at setting up a gank. At this point it is possible to make enemy use Flash defensively.

    Up until this point Vel'Koz was a relatively weak champion, even if you landed poke it wouldn't have been that impactful. From level 3 and on you gain more and more control.

    Level 6 powerspike is definitely responsible for good majority of my solo kills in lane. When you reach level 5 and about 60-80% of experience one good trick to use is zone them towards the wave with your Q and then prematurely drop your combo on the wave immediately leveling up your Life Form Disintegration Ray which is at least going to cost them a Flash and in many cases give you a kill.

    At this point you will have 3 points in W which will enable you to out-pressure even the stronger pushers in the game. Use that lane priority to get deeper wards on enemy raptors or river. Many junglers tend to be careless in solo Q and they feel overly safe in their jungle. Using your vision and knowledge you may be able to get a long range kill on some unsuspecting junglers. If you are unable to force your lead in lane and get a kill, try using your map vision to devise a nice roam. Vel'Koz roams tend to work great on side lanes due to map curvature and geometry. In many cases you are able to get a kill or an assist from the edge of the river which will cost you hardly any cs.


    Vel'Koz is a high range, high damage, unique control/artillery mage. He is not a mechanically demanding champion but he does require you to have a lot of game knowledge. Most of Vel'Koz plays are created in your head in advance rather than reactionary. Based on a particular game and what you have observed, you need to imagine what you are going to do in certain scenarios. Playing Vel'Koz is very similar to playing chess. It's all about mind games and predicting what are your opponents options and most likely moves.

    You are very vulnerable immobile mage, so in order to survive and make the most damage possible you will have to be playing the "counting game". That means paying attention and counting every single dash, flash, jump, etc..

    Many of players think that in order to be a good Vel'Koz player you have to be good at hitting skillshots, but it goes way beyond that.

    In order to truly master the TENTACLE, there are couple of keys.

    First and most important you need to work on your game knowledge.

    Second, you need to work on your positioning, which directly ties into your game knowledge.

    Third, you need to work on your skillshots, which directly ties into your positioning.

    In teamfights Vel'Koz very often plays a similar role to that of an ADC but with slightly more range.

    For beginners and even experienced players good rule to go by is just to NOT die 4Head. That is a bit harder than you think because you will very often overreach and try to deal more damage than it is possible in certain scenarios. First try to analyze the threats. Who on the opponent team can kill you and how. You need to know how close you can get without compromising your life. You have built in true damage with your passive so focusing the frontline is actually not bad. Later on as you gain more game knowledge and experience you will be able to understand the win condition in almost every single game and thus modify your teamfight goal.

    If you are doing an extremely good job in a specific game you will hardly ever have teamfights. In an optimal scenario you would be dancing right outside of the enemy team's engage range and dishing out poke.

    Vel'Koz is insanely good at sieging turrets. If you maintain good position and you land decent amount of your poke, the opponents will be rendered useless under their turret. If they make a forced engage with low HP they will lose, if they back off they will lose the turret. Playing good poke/pick style will win many teamfights before they even start.


    A lot of people don't know this but Vel'Koz has an insane number of combos. Also yes, the Squid has animation cancelling, take that dirty Riven mains.

    Your W is the only ability without casting animation and it can't be used in a W+ Flash combo. But that makes it extremely useful as a prefix to other abilities. General fast combos are W+Q, W+E, W+R. There is a weird interaction between Q and E where if you cast it in that order Q animation can mask the E animation. So we can derive the absolutely fastest combo ever, W+Q+E+R done in that order. Shown how to do it in the video here!

    Vel'Koz combos are a true art form and over the years I have found so many. I honestly spent a lot of time writing this but for the life of me I couldn't match my combo guide video in writing form. You should definitely watch this, don't mind my shit microphone and accent.

    Season 10 tips

    Season 10 seems to be more impacted by macro gameplay than Season 9. Vel'Koz is by no means a high impact champion or a hard carry champion but he can do a great job slowing the game down. Opponents will make mistakes. Your job is to not fall into desperation plays and further increase the enemy lead. You have to be the rock of your team, the anchor to slow the game down. If you manage to not die you can pretty much contest every objective opponents are trying to take. Biggest comebacks with Vel'Koz happen through great defenses, big plays on Dragon/Baron fights and steals. You can contest these objectives from fairly long range.


    Original is the best, Arclight and Battlecast are awesome and we don't talk about the third one. 4+ years without a skin, my eyes are getting dry from all the crying, I don't even know how I can see anymore. I glued myself to the wall and put suction cups on my arms pretending I am a squid in the dark.

    Closing words

    Thank you for your time Squid enthusiast, I sincerely hope this guide was helpful and entertaining. It's always a pleasure to convert people into Vel'Koz mains. Hopefully he gets a bit more attention from both player base and Riot in Season 10.

    If you have any specific questions about anything I will try to answer here as much as possible, also I read every comment on my youtube and twitch.

    submitted by /u/Azzapp
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    What's the best bot to practice 1v1 against?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 05:02 AM PST

    I've been using custom games to get my trading and CS down on some new champions. What's the hardest intermediate bot to lane against so the practice is as good as bot practice can be?

    I've been picking the Morgana bot since Q is punishing and he's actually somewhat decent at being aggressive to throw it and aims fairly well. Do any other bots put up a better fight in early laning phase?

    submitted by /u/NA_brain
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    Jungler or not, this helps.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST

    Respawn timers (how long they take to re-appear after death):

    • Gromp, Wolves, Raptors and Krugs - 2:00
    • Rift Scuttler - 2:30
    • Blue and Red Buff - 5:00
    • Rift Herald - 6:00
    • Baron Nashor - 6:00
    • Every single monster camp counts as 4 CS, including also Baron, Dragon, Rift Scuttler, Rift Herald, and Elder Dragon.

    PS: Baron Nashor takes 50% reduced damage from the champion that he has most recently basic attacked for 15 seconds. Let your Tank take the basic attack, and not your Olaf/Master Yi/Yasuo.

    submitted by /u/SupportPersonality
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    Creep Score Table!

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Time Perfect CS Max Gold*
    5:00 44 1214
    10:00 107 3081
    15:00 171 5059
    20:00 236 7166
    25:00 301 9276
    30:00 370 11746
    35:00 440 14306
    40:00 510 16866
    45:00 580 19426
    50:00 650 21896

    *Maximum Gold is the amount of gold you can obtain by perfectly farming 1 lane, along with passive gold income.

    • 500 is removed in this area, to accommodate for the 500 gold that we usually spend on starting items. (Doran's Blade & a potion, for example.)
    • Ward kill, Turret plate, Support item, Cull item, First blood, taking down a turret... all of these give gold, and they are EXCLUDED from the counting, and everything else aswell.

    See more posts i made by clicking here!

    submitted by /u/SupportPersonality
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    Why you shouldn’t worry about your placement games

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Hello r/SummonerSchool,

    I've seen a couple of posts recently about people asking if they should play their placement games or if they should wait it out. The answer is it DOESN'T matter.

    The reason why I believe it doesn't matter is because you'll always end up at the rank you deserve at the end of the season whether you play now, or wait till next month to play. I get it,you'll occasionally have trolls or people who could care less about winning on your team but you must remember you don't choose who you play with so it's completely out of your control. A lot of people will be coming back after weeks or even months of not playing but don't let that discourage you from beginning your journey to whatever rank you're aiming for. Always remember that the ranked season is a marathon rather than a sprint so if you get placed much lower than you hoped for, it's alright because for your next 20 or so games you'll be gaining an absurd amount of LP per win. Now whether or not you want to wait out all the rusty players and trolls, or play through the 10 placement games just remember where you get placed doesn't define where you'll be at the end of Season 10. There's a solid 10 months ahead of us so use it to the best of your advantage to crush your goals. Bring it on Season 10!

    TLDR; You can go 3-7 or even 0-10 but at the end of the season, you'll always end up at the rank you deserve.

    submitted by /u/Kendoza_
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    What are some bad habits that are common for beginners?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:00 PM PST

    Quick disclaimer : I'm even newer to this community than I am to LoL, so I apologize if this isn't an appropriate post. I'll understand if it gets taken down.

    Hello everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

    I'm a brand new League player and I've been wondering if some of the habits I'm developing might hurt my gameplay when I start getting better at the game.

    For instance, I love playing Rocket League (I know, completely different game) and have been playing it for a few years now, but looking back at my early gameplay reminded me of some mechanical habits (muscle memory) that hindered my progress a lot. I remember how hard it was to get rid of them, so I've been wondering about some bad habits in LoL that beginners don't realize we have. I've been searching online but I haven't found quite what I'm looking for.

    What are some bad habits you had to break in order to progress in the game?

    The only one I've been told so far is about locked vs unlocked camera and I'm already working towards getting used to the unlocked.

    Any input helps and once again thanks for reading :)

    EDIT: Wow this blew up! Thanks a lot for all the help, I'm sure it'll be useful to a lot more people than just me :)

    submitted by /u/edealbad
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    Do you prioritize inhib or Baron after a won teamfight?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    I am fortunate enough to play at an ELO where teams do indeed coordinate to take objectives after a won teamfight. With that being said, even with optimal coordination, there are instances where there is only enough time to safely take either inhib or Baron after a won teamfight but not both.

    On one hand, an inhib applies pressure to a lane, creating future opportunities to take the Baron when the enemy team has to respond to the supers. On the other hand, Baron buffs allows you to significantly ramp up your siege, and push into the enemy base to take the inhibs.

    I value the opinion of anybody but I do play at low Diamond to give a scope of how teams usually play in solo queue at this ELO.

    submitted by /u/Pheophyting
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    STOP caring about tier lists!

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:43 PM PST

    This always annoys me. Whenever a lower elo player asks about what champs are best or if this champ needs to be dropped or anything like that. Channels on YT about S tier, A tier, and all that stuff is just useless fluff.

    What matters is consistency and your comfort on whatever role and champ you pick.

    Pick the champs you know the best and enjoy the best. If you're no good enough with one champ but you want to play that champ then practice and learn from those who know them well

    STOP trying to get an edge over your gold 4 mid opponent by picking a champ you're not familiar with because proguides or whatever told you the new pick is one or two tiers higher than your old pick and definitely don't drop champs because they dropped one "tier"

    Unless a champ is nefed to unplayability play anything you want

    There are high elo mains of almost every champ

    Don't use champ pool as an excuse for why you're not climbing

    Its not Swain's fault you can't ward properly or manage the wave properly. Picking something like Ahri isn't going to improve your map awareness and lane mechanics.

    Jist like in fighting games tiers only matter at the top skill level and are IRRELEVANT to lower skilled play

    LEARN your matchups, MASTER your champ, WATCH the map, and STAY consistent

    That's all you need

    Stop listening to trash like proguides and only read patchnotes and look for big changes like the removal of things like Sylas's shield

    submitted by /u/pimpdaddy_69
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    I did some analysis on jhins damage with the new lethality items and how they compare with his crit builds:

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Since Jhins damage is a bit unintuitive I did an analysis on his builds with the new items in patch 10. I thought some other people may find this interesting as well, so here I share it:


    I take the damage of an auto-Q-auto combo at level 18 on a level 18 katarina.

    More details: IE+RFC are always included. Sheen procs are considered. Botrk proc is considered. Other onhit procs not (like duskblade and statikk shiv). These are the "best" 150 builds of all possible 1540 builds possible with the item combination you see below the picture. I only allow unique sets of the last 3 items (so IE+RFC+3 unique). That means triple IE builds are not considered. Muramana is not considered.

    The target, Katarina, has only 1 armor item: Zhonyas and only one Health item: Morello.

    submitted by /u/Isontre
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    How dl you play without a locked camera?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:32 AM PST

    I've been playing league for a year, and I've always used locked camera. Last season I reached gold using it. I've never considered that it might hurt my gameplay until some higher elo friends told me that I MUST play with unlocked camera if I wanted to have a total awareness of my surroundings. I tried doing it, but I'm just unable to play and move the camera at the same time, specially if I'm running away, when I accidentally move the camera much further away than where I am.

    Any tricks or steps for learning to use it?

    submitted by /u/erandominternetcat
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    Lane Phase Coaching - Silver Syndra with Challenger Coach

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Hi. Fas here again. I just wanted to post this because I figure it could help a lot of people with the new season starting figure out how to play lane as control mages. There are a lot of very common issues players have that can be fixed fairly easily if you just know how.

    https://youtu.be/Ta1i3WnsXv4 - Youtube Video Link

    Important Timestamps

    0:00 - How to play lvl 1 as a control mage

    3:32 - Punish Overaggressive - How to solokill lane

    4:31 - Back timing and wave control

    5:44 - Positioning Explanation to get a solokill.

    8:44 - 6 Orb ult reviews and how to aim stuns

    The general idea is to position to pressure your enemies lvl 1, rather than just in the wave.

    In any lower elo game, people die just from their positioning all the time, if you punish that and otherwise play the same, you'll get so many kills every game.

    Just set up the enemy waves to have more caster minions than you do and they'll be pushing in. If you run tp it lets you set up the wave to get 6 before they will which offers you a free kill or flash burn.

    At the end I go over how to do 6 orbs ults and how to walk to land stuns.

    Walk left and right to aim your e off having the q already on the ground, because people won't see that coming nearly as much.

    Proof that I am a challenger player and have been Challenger - https://imgur.com/a/4YdazdF

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    How to increase CS?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 05:14 AM PST

    Hey everyone. I'm an ADC main and around Silver 4 in preseason, so not that great but that's what I'm here for. Anyway, my macro game has improved a significant amount after basically spam watching xFSN Saber, and my micro game has too. The issue is, no matter how often I feel like I am killing minions, my cs is too low (often sub 6, but over 5). The average game for me lasts about 30-35 min but my average cs is only typically 150-180. Where do people get the time and ability to cs so effectively? How do I start maximizing on cs?

    submitted by /u/honorfaz
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    How to not lose lane horribly

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Hello, so I am trying to get better at playing top lane, and really just any lane in general. Right now, my best role is jungle, but not because I'm actually any good at jungle, but because I don't have to lane, which I'm very bad at.

    Whenever I look at stuff about laning on this sub, or anywhere really, the key thing I always see is "CS better." I understand that having significantly more CS than my opponent would put me in a good situation to win the game. However, my issue is that I'm losing lane before CS comes into play. Like before either of us have backed, or after the first back.

    I just get harassed whenever I try to take a minion, and my options are fight back or run away, and either way I seem to lose the trade. This leads to me getting lower and lower on health, and I either have to back or die, and either way I lose even more minions. And well, I could just not go for any minions that aren't under my tower, but that doesn't lead to good CS either.

    I've been told by some friends that I don't play aggressively enough. Well, that makes sense, whenever the enemy starts the trade, I lose it, so I guess I have to start it. However, this only works some of the time, mostly if I have a favorable matchup, and the enemy is also very bad. Otherwise, I just seem to lose the trade anyway, and I end up looking silly for trying to commit to something bad.

    Even when it does work, it's not amazing, because I have to keep using my abilities to harass the enemy instead of on minions. So this generally just leads to both of us having bad CS, and not even a significant advantage for me.

    So how I can not lose lane horribly? I don't even need to win, just not be put so far behind that I can't do anything the whole game. I just want some decent CS numbers and not an excessive amount of deaths. Winning lane would be nice too, but I feel like that's too much to ask.

    Let me know if there's any other info I can add.

    submitted by /u/Mahkenag
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    What are some of the best toplaners for destroying squishy Ranged picks?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:41 PM PST

    I'm tired of the vlads, lucians, vaynes, neekos, kayle, etc. in toplane. I mostly play bruisers and tanks + teemo (yes ik the irony) so it's not been fun. If it helps, I was gold 3 last season, so not really high elo.

    On another note, is it beneficial to bring Doran's shield rather than Corrupting Pot on champs like Jax or Olaf when facing a ranged top?

    Repost because old post got removed for less than 250 characters.

    submitted by /u/YaBoiSen
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    Gold 2-3 jungler , but barely know a thing about the game.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST

    So yeah i have been playing League for awhile now, and i even hit Plat 3 seasons ago. My counter plays and so on are great. But the taking decisions are one of my weak points, like when to gank early? or baron now? i even for think sometimes that herald is too much time (ik its stupid). and one my main problems is that i dont know a thing about items or counter items pick. Or what is magic dmg pent is. When i started league i didnt know English, and so i didnt read nor understanded the game/items. Can someone help me with that?

    Any help would be nice. :)

    Mains: Sej, Noc and Heca.

    submitted by /u/nuubJungler
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    Best ADCs for current meta?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:38 PM PST

    Right now i play a heavy mix of Jinx and Draven. I've tried Ashe and Caitlyn, didn't really care for them. I have played a bit of Vayne but don't care for how slow she climbs early. I've been eyeing Ezreal, I've only played Lucian in ARAM. What do you guys think would be my best choices? Ez looks fun but people say he's really bad right now.

    submitted by /u/PeachSodaPunk
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    Okay, so this season I am determined to improve.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:00 AM PST

    I started playing league on december 2018 but started playing ranked on september 2019. I was place silver IV, climbed to silver II then I fell to bronze I. This season I want to really improve in the game, my objective is to get at least gold I until the end of the year.

    But I have some problems that really f*ck up my games, like:

    • Ward placement and when to ward
    • Back timings
    • Rotation timings
    • When/how to fight
    • Should I always give up gold and XP to help my jungler invade or survive on the river?

    I am a midlaner, usually play Kassadin, Viktor, Fizz and Syndra.

    And sorry about my english.

    submitted by /u/TheyCalledMeAMadMan
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    How much of ranked is luck?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:14 PM PST

    I've been hearing a lot about how not every game is winnable, those trolls happen etc which really helped my mental, but what is your opinion on how much of ranked is just luck?

    This may sound like a rant, but I was Gold 2 before reset with a 65% winrate on my mains but now I'm struggling for a 40% winrate in silver 3 on them in the new season. I'm not entirely sure how unlucky this is, but nearly every game I'm playing, all 3 lanes shove, and about 80% of games, my midlaner will shove all game, complain about not getting ganks, then start inting when they get ganked by the enemy jungler. But I've heard from many sources that this should balance out, and I'll get the enemy team being the one constantly shoving, but it doesn't feel like it, which is why I just want peoples opinions on how much ranked is just luck based, and should I be discouraged by my decrease in performance this season?

    submitted by /u/MrSpike_
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    How do I practice last hitting?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Hey, so my average CS/min is 3.4. I want to improve that.

    People have told me to just go into the practice tool and hit minions over and over for 10 mins, then reset and try again. My only problem with that is that my minions always end up underneath the enemy turret after the 2nd wave of minions or so, and I can no longer continue to get them.

    How do I go about practicing in a way that avoids that? Or is that normal and supposed to happen? Thanks for any help I get!

    submitted by /u/Zenderson1
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    wave management tips?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:06 AM PST

    recently I've found myself getting screwed over by my wave management. I'd like some clarification on a few scenarios that I notice often.

    1. I don't step up except to last hit at lv1-3, maybe because I'm melee and the enemy is ranged and can poke me if I do. When this happens, the wave is quickly pushed to my side and crashes under my tower, while the opponent can just walk away and roam or something. Then they can roam constantly each wave and Im stuck under tower farming. How can I set it up so that it doesn't crash under my tower, preferably to freeze it on my side?

    2. The wave slow pushes to the enemy side during lv1-3 and its essentially frozen for the enemy. Usually I hit creeps randomly so that I prevent situation 1, mentioned above, from happening. but then this happens. How can I prevent slow pushing and freezing?

    submitted by /u/megalodon7944
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    I have horrible mid game

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:54 AM PST

    I'll often win the Laning phase, I'll often go 3/0 with a biggish cs advantage. Then I fall behind in mid game, I also play champs that are better lategame like Zoe, Annie and poppy. What are you meant to do in mid game, I always fuck up in team fights etc

    submitted by /u/Hamcnoo
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    Best secondary role to get primary role (mid) more often?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:30 PM PST

    So I recently started playing again after like a year and a half, but have constantly been reminded as to why I stopped playing in the first place, not getting my primary role. Today I've queued 5 times (and dodged 5 times) and gotten my secondary role each and every time. I love playing mid lane, but absolutely despise every other role. I currently queue Mid/Bot but this obviously isn't working since apparently no one wants to play bot lane, so what is the best secondary role to increase my chances of mid?


    submitted by /u/Talents
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    Which Jinx q for team fights with Runaan’s?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:54 AM PST

    A bit of a twist on the typical "which Jinx gun do I use" question.

    Suppose I have Runaan's and there are 2 or 3 enemies and I can get into either minigun or rocket range, whichever I choose.

    • Minigun does more damage in theory than rockets, plus I get the attack speed passive.

    • Rockets splash so Runaan's could potentially deal the single rocket damage on each of the 3 targets, plus each enemy could be splash damaged by the other 2 rockets hitting their teammates beside them. So each enemy is hit by one direct rocket and 2 splash rockets. This is best case scenario of course.

    Which should I opt for? Not sure what does more damage. Maybe I could plant 3 scarecrows in the practice tool and measure?

    submitted by /u/newcarcaviarfourstar
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    "Vi"able Jungle?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:00 PM PST


    So I've been getting back into League over the past couple months. Made a fresh account, main was hacked, and am planning on playing Ranked when I get to lvl 30.

    My question is, will Vi be a viable jungle for Season 10? She's one of my favorite champs and had a lot of time in her, but I don't see others pick her at all. Is she as good as I remember (Season 4-5ish) and just underrated, or does her kit not hold up in higher tiers?

    *edit: typos.

    submitted by /u/LokiSalty
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