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    Saturday, January 11, 2020

    League of Legends Universe in 2020 | Dev Video - League of Legends

    League of Legends Universe in 2020 | Dev Video - League of Legends

    Universe in 2020 | Dev Video - League of Legends

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:30 AM PST

    We finally got changing weather in league and forecast Janna has no interaction with it

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:41 PM PST

    What a splendid opportunity to give more life and flavor to one of the most popular skins that nobody uses. Ash will fill the sky and forecast janna is basically like "another sunny day here on the rift!"

    Also a lesser missed opportunity for elemental lux. These map changes are just fantastic for several champion lines.

    submitted by /u/Catfish017
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    Nunu goes bowling

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:23 PM PST

    After calculating Darius' IQ I made this play.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:03 AM PST

    Tried to scare him away from the tower, can't believe it worked

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Doinb confirms on stream that FPX skins will be Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne & Thresh

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:51 AM PST


    A few days ago Doinb confirmed that FPX skins would be Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne, and Thresh. He chose Malphite because it is the only champion his wife can use. He also said that it's gonna be "the coolest Malphite skin ever" and "I have told Riot 100 times that they must add the dance move to the skin"

    submitted by /u/lollideath
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    The Warriors 2020 cinematic is way better if you know the lore... so here's a guide for y'all

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:46 AM PST

    If you don't know the lore, you're like watching part 2 of a movie but haven't watched the part 1. To fully enjoy and appreciate the cinematic, I've made a little guide below on what stories you need to read.

    Demacia scene:

    Why Lux is afraid to use her magic? Find out by reading the marvel comic: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/lux

    How and why Sylas is leading an army from Freljord? Read, The Shackles of Belief

    Why did Lux ult to the sky? How was Galio summoned? Read, Flesh and Stone

    tidbit: The staff that Lux used is not hers.

    Urgot scene:

    Why is Urgot caged? Read, Child of Zaun

    tidbit: The scene doesn't take place in Zaun, they're in Piltover.

    Ezreal x Kai'Sa:

    Why is Ezreal there? Read, Ezreal's Biography

    Why is Kai'Sa there? Read, Kai'Sa's Biography

    submitted by /u/esequel
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    Riot Tabletop

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:37 AM PST

    A little glimpse into the past. Screenshot taken exactly 10 years ago. The loading screen of a coincidental mirror match in a blind pick game.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:41 PM PST


    A small thing, but I figure it might be interesting to share. Things sure have changed, eh? This was back when there were only 40 champions in the game.

    submitted by /u/TheChaosBadger
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    Flex queue really doesn't need rank limitations below diamond.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:23 AM PST

    The game mode has joke matchmaking anyway. The boys and I should be allowed to group together even though one of us is plat and the other is silver. If Riot is worried about people being boosted just make it so the rank limitation starts at Diamond. It's not like people aren't finding ways around it anyway. All it's hurting is the friends who want to play together.


    Edit: For all those saying "Play normals!" we do that already. The games are shit more often than not. As bad as flex queue is at matchmaking, normals in both blind and draft are even worse. Flex comes with the mentality of a "serious mode" over normals. When we have 3 who can play together the games are a lot more fun than when we get 5 of us who range from silver-diamond elo and go against a team where no one is together and just smash them. I swear Normal draft and blind just throw whoever is in queue together at the time. The good games are very few and far between.

    submitted by /u/Eaglesboy322
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    Akali's ankles get taken to Davy Jones' Locker

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:25 PM PST

    Darius joins Schalke 04 Esports as our Senior Content Manager - talking about our LEC Plans for 2020

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Kai'sa x Ezreal fanart

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:08 PM PST

    I made a Kai'Sa Drawing!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Heeeyy The AkalixIrelia guy here!

    The cinematic looks so good! i love how they made Kai'Sa <3 , i had the urge to draw the adc that carried me to Gold IV.

    I'm not a fan of how people are shipping Kai'Sa and Ezreal tho, but hey, every opinion is valid in here.

    Here is the drawing https://twitter.com/HayashiDraws/status/1216019212235427840

    And for those who can't see it or something https://www.instagram.com/p/B7L2EFADFQa/

    If you guys have a comment or advice, i'll be more than glad to read it

    submitted by /u/Hayashidraws
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    Why we're closing The Shotcaller

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Rick Fox surprised of the rank he places in

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Lux from the Warriors 2020 cinematic fanart !

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Lux from the Warriors 2020 cinematic fanart !

    I really loved her design so i wanted to draw her !


    Links to my artstation and twitter :

    https://www.artstation.com/vyseart & https://twitter.com/Vyseart

    I'm still new to posting stuff on reddit, so i hope this is the right place do to so ^^'

    submitted by /u/vyseart
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    Constantly deceived by the Ultimate indicator of teammates in game (green circle).

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:50 AM PST

    So ingame at the teammate icons the green circle is there that indicates the ultimate cooldown as you all know. However for a while now the circles are green but then when you ping it, it shows there are still time left.

    Now this has deceived me numerous times. Sometimes I ping I am engaging expecting my teammates ultimates are up only to get a surprise. The indicator is not accurate.

    Am I only one experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/BenjenRyan
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    These little steals never get old, they only get better

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:25 PM PST

    LPL Power Rankings from English Speaking Casters Non-Suspiciously living in Shanghai around the time of the LPL starting

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Hey all!

    We lovely English speaking people got together and blended our minds to create the ultimate power rankings for the LPL right before the split starts on Monday!

    Lovely English Speaking People:
    Munchables: https://twitter.com/HeyMunchables
    Dagda: https://twitter.com/DagdaCasts
    Penguin: https://twitter.com/PenguinCasts_
    Clement Chu: https://twitter.com/ClementKChu
    Hysterics: https://twitter.com/HystericsCasts

    LPL 2020 Spring Power Rankings:

    Teams Munchables Dagda Penguin Clement Hysterics
    FPX 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st
    RNG 3rd 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd
    TES 1st 2nd 2nd 4th 5th
    IG 4th 5th 5th 3rd 2nd
    BLG 5th 4th 4th 7th 4th
    VG 8th 6th 8th 8th 8th
    EDG 7th 7th 9th 10th 6th
    LGD 6th 9th 7th 9th 9th
    JDG 10th 10th 11th 5th 10th
    DMO 9th 8th 6th 11th 13th
    SN 11th 12th 16th 6th 7th
    OMG 12th 13th 10th 14th 12th
    RW 13th 11th 12th 13th 15th
    LNG 14th 14th 14th 12th 11th
    WE 15h 15th 13th 16th 14th
    V5 17th 17th 15th 15th 17th
    ES 16th 16th 17th 17th 16th

    Bold indicates highest caster ranking for a team

    Munchables on ranking TES 1st:

    "I'm the only one to have put TES as my number 1 team for spring and I'll explain my reasoning for the decision. Firstly, Knight is an absolute monster, I think everyone can agree on that, but now with Karsa stepping in as his mid/jungle duo he's going to be unstoppable. Secondly, World champion teams often slump after their huge win and TES was already FPX's kryptonite. I think this team has victory written all over them."

    Dagda on ranking VG 6th:

    "I have put Vici in as 6th on my list as I think this is a team that could really come into its own as the split progresses. This feels like a team of players on the cusp of being great, in particular Cube who had 4 MVP performances in the Demacia Cup. Now under the tutelage of Kkomaand & Poohmandu, this team has the background staff to try and propel them forward in the LPL."

    Penguin on ranking DMO 6th:

    "Dominus esports gave a textbook example of a game of two halves last split. The start of the LPL 2019 Summer split was not a very bright one for DMO as they slumped to a 1-7 score in the first half of games. A change was desperately needed and so DMO brought Natural to the top lane. DMO had finally found some life in them, finishing the back half of the season with a respectable 5-3 match score and 2 of those losses were to RNG and FPX. Now coming into 2020, DMO have brought in xiye from Team WE and I strongly believe that this could be the final piece of the puzzle that pushes DMO further than they ever dreamed of."

    Clement on ranking SN 6th:

    "This is a streamlined and upgraded version of the pick heavy team of '19. Sunning made upgrades in both solo lanes solidifying Angel over Maple Mid, and getting Bin, a very hyped prodigy that is said to have stunned both Theshy and LCK in scrims, to replace, well, Maple Top. In other places of the map, they've solved the SwordArt and SMLZ(leave lane and I die) conundrum by simply letting go of the latter, and SofM is a strict upgrade to at the jungle position. The dream for this team is to finally to have talent that can create leads themselves in the solo lanes, and make use of SwordArt's stellar roaming/shot calling abilities to dominate skirmishes. Suning was also heavily involved in the JackeyLove sweepstakes, and would still be a prime landing spot for the World Champion, bumping them up to top 5 territory if it happens."

    Hysterics on ranking IG 2nd:

    "With Jackeylove leaving the roster, people seem to have lost faith in IG reaching peaks like they have in the past years. I take a different approach and believe that IG have actually leveled up in the long term over 2020. Puff and Southwind are exceptional talents who have been a duo since the promos to LSPL in the middle of 2017. Looking at their ceiling fills me with hope, hope that we are witnessing the next best duo since Uzi & Ming or Lwx & Crisp. With peak performances from TheShy & Rookie accompanying them, expect IG to continue on the explosive path to the top without a care in the world as to who they have in the jungle because lets face it, whoever it is is probably getting carried."

    Let us know your own controversial rankings & thoughts down below!


    Remember: LPL starts Monday 13th January with FPX vs IG @ 5PM China Standard Time | 10AM CET | 9AM UTC

    submitted by /u/HystericsCasts
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    RNG.Uzi wins Weibo Person of the Year

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Voting page

    With 486 million votes, Uzi wins first place at Weibo Person of the Year. While other League pros: EDG.Clearlove and IG.TheShy win 6th and 8th respectively.

    Edit: Votes aren't limited to 1 per person. One can get more voting opportunities by participating in various Weibo events.

    submitted by /u/Unidongy
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    Clash Trophies and Banners should be permanent and not temporary!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Like the title suggests, the Trophies and Banners earned from winning in clash should not be temporary and should be given to the players as permanent rewards, just like summoner icons from the same events.

    I noticed a few days ago how everyone had lost their Trophies which they had won from the earlier Clash tournament in December.

    After contacting Riot's customer support about it, I got an answer that the rewards which players get from WINNING a tournament are... temporary and will be immediately removed when the next Clash tournament starts, which Riot has stated to be happening byweekly.

    If you are too bored to read the whole email (which I suggest you do), the reason, a very confusing one is that they remove the Trophies and Banners because:

    "It has the same thought process of ranked"

    "competitive mode is always changing"

    "something considered gold level now, might not be in a few months, so keeping a set value permanently would be inaccurate"

    "You'll need to showcase your skills again"

    I don't think I am the only one who finds these reasons to be quite, well, dumb.

    In my opinion, the players who fight hard to win in the tournaments, should have their victory Trophies always stored and able to be showcased like TROPHIES usually are.

    There already is an option to "Choose a Banner" and "Choose a Trophy" when choosing the Trophy for the first time, so there is no sense in deleting the before earned ones.

    submitted by /u/piksujeij11
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    Welp, cannon minion now can drift

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Sett's Bizarre Adventure

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

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