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    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: January

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: January

    Champion Pool Megathread: January

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    What's the purpose in smurfing?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:27 AM PST

    If you're a plat player, what's the point in creating another account to play against players who are clearly weaker? Every player I've come across who claims they were smurfing usually just flames everyone for making what they consider to be stupid mistakes. We're in a lower elo for a reason, why bother come down to a lower level just to be a dick to everyone or stomp people who never had a chance against you in the first place?

    submitted by /u/400mGod
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    Ziggs guide by LCK Pro (adc/mid)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:04 PM PST

    Hi! Video can be found here.

    Recently Ziggs got some juicy quality of life buffs. Obviously this didn't go unnoticed by korean pros like Deft or ShowMaker and they started to try him in bot lane once again.

    Because of it I present to you a translation of ziggs adc guide made by Pilot (ex-JinAir, PSG & MVP, nowadays OZ Gaming player). In his guide he went through all basics you need to know if you decided to try out Ziggs: bans, runes, laning phase, how to land Q, how to survive all-ins, how to get kills. Basically everything you need both as adc and mid ziggs.

    Hopefully you will enjoy this guide. Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    As an ADC, how can I help my top laner?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:19 AM PST

    At first glance, I realize this may seem like a weird question. On the main League subreddit today, there is a half-meme half-truth story of how terrible it can feel to be a top laner. I feel that I have a decent number of defeats that originate in the top lane, bleed into the rest of the map, and the game is over before I can fully come online. This got me thinking about what I can do to help my top laner as an ADC. Below are a few things I began thinking about:

    1. Draft - I often see top laners talk about how important having the counter-pick is for top lane. I feel like this is also supported by watching the pro leagues and often seeing red side teams save last pick for their top laner. As and ADC in solo queue, I don't often feel that the draft is overly impactful on me, and if it is, not at the same level it claims to impact top lane. Should I always offer to pick for top lane if they are picking at the top of the draft and I near the bottom?
    2. Encouragement in Chat - One of the top comments in the aforementioned thread is a jungler saying they make effort to provide encouragement through chat to the top laner when things don't start well. Sometimes it's hard for me to keep an eye on top to see the nuance of how it's progressing - but I think I could probably use chat more to try and keep tops spirits up when things aren't going well.
    3. Gameplay - I admit this one is difficult due to the nature of where we are laning, and my impact as an ADC in the laning phase. Do I try to organize the team for a surprise top invade and attempt to give the kill over to our top? Do I offer to swap with top if things aren't going well for them in order to offer an opportunity for a mental reset? Encourage jungler to support top while I play it safer than normal?

    What are some of your thoughts on how an ADC can support their top laner? Would love to hear from some tops on anything I can do to make your life easier; or ADCs that have also given thuoght to this and employed some methods.

    submitted by /u/MinimalPotential
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    What are Sona's Strengths and Weaknesses?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST

    With Sona's recent buffs, she's risen to the top of the support winrates. I've hopped on the bandwagon and I've found some good success (I'm a trash silver 1 player, 12-5 on Sona thus far). The thing is, I don't know exactly why she does well (or why I'm doing well!). I'm looking for more information on how to play to her strengths.

    In lane, it feels fairly easy to outtrade her early on (Q + Powerchord seems like it loses to Senna Q+auto, Nami W, Ashe W, Bard Q+Auto, Jhin auto + Q, and many others!) and her mana suffers if you W too often. Additionally, because her damage output doesn't feel that high, the risk/reward feels bad when trying to harass against nautilus, leona, or other hook champs.

    This makes me think that her strengths aren't in lane, but outside of lane. Is it just her ult + her new movement speed (for safely warding and navigating fights) that make her so strong?

    Would love any input, thanks!

    submitted by /u/magicallum
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    The biggest change to returning players who quit in Season 3-4

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:29 PM PST

    As a player who has quit around season 3 but returned in season 9, there are two changes that dramatically changed the game for me, especially in bot lane. One change is the famous S8 ADC stats rebalance, but another patch that was enlightening to me was the patch 4.20 - the great stats rebalancing change. In the first 3-4 seasons of the game, champions had linear stats gains. If you had 100 hp/level, you would gain 100 max hp every level up. However, in patch 4.20, stats were completely flipped. At levels 1-4, you will have higher base stats, while at levels 5-13, your stats would be lower than before. At levels 14-18, your stats will be higher than prior to patch 4.20 as well. This is what makes ADCs and enchanter supports significantly more vulnerable in the midgame, particularly around level 7-13 - everyone can kill you extremely easily. This is also why assassins fall off hard when the enemy bot lane hits level 14+. The enemy ADC and support will suddenly gain a lot of stats per level, which makes assassinating them far harder to do.

    submitted by /u/4333mhz
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    How do DoTs timing and ticks work?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:37 PM PST

    If you get hit by Liandry's Torment, which when unimpaired, does 4.5% of your maximum health over 3 seconds, ticking each half second, does that mean upon receiving the debuff you get a tick?

    So like for example, getting hit by a spell means you receive that spell's damage, but also the first tick of Liandry's Torment? Or do you wait .5 seconds, and then start to burn?

    And another question about DoTs, if you reapply a DoT, does that instantly reapply a tick and extend the duration, or does it only extend the duration? For example, if Liandry's Torment applies immediately, if you could hit someone with two spells at once somehow, would they also receive two ticks of Liandry's? Or would they just receive their initial tick and have the duration re-extended?

    There's a really old thread asking the same question but it was never answered. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Owlstra
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    kai sa mid

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    ( im a gold kai sa main, 55 % WR on kai sa mid rn )

    So at the start of the season i started to play kai sa mid lane, bc i feel kai sa bot lane is really not a good pick rn. Others adc like phel, senna, cait, MF are way better than kai sa. And tbh I'm surprised how good, and fun kai sa mid is. U play like Lucian or Tristana , but u have a greater late game carry, while being really good early and mid game. Not to mention playing kai sa mid, u get the solo xp, and dont need to deal with a supp, and u surprisingly have only a few bad macthup.

    In term of build,

    • PTA
    • presence of mind
    • Alacrity ( attack speed)
    • Coup de Grace


    • Taste of blood
    • Ravenous hunter

    For the items, i go for Manamune /Ludens/ nashor/Berserker's Greave for the core. Like kai sa can build ap items, u can simply abuse the broken mages items, and like u have manamune mana will be converted to AD.

    The rest of the build depends on the situation and the game. But u could go for a Zhonya, Liandry, deathcap,ect. U can also go for a full burst AP kai sa mid. I recommend SnipyOCE channel , he is a kai sa mid main. That use as core items protobelt and ludens it works fine too.

    Finally in term of macthup. I find that the hardest macthup for kai sa mid are rumble, zed, Diana, Azir, noc,fizz and Tristana. ( i personally ban zed every game )

    But other than that, u can win pretty hard the rest. In general ur a big lane bully pre lvl 6,, and at lvl 6 u can start to roam with ur ult, and impact the map a ton.

    the easiest macthup, i go against are : kass, syndra, akali, katarina, ziggs, talon, LB, lux and theres honestly more.

    Here a few example of macthups:

    • Akali : u can poke with auto and q a ton during the early lvl, and like u can get lvl 2 first, u can kill her pretty easily if she walks up. Also Akali cant really be Argo to u. Bc her shroud is useless, like ur w give true sight, even in her shroud u can auto her. She only start to be a problem at lvl 6.
    • Syndra: even with her range, u just need to wait for Cooldowns, ur lane pressure is anyway bigger than Syndra, she cant only use auto to clear wave she forced to use her abilities , if she use her e , u can simply go on her, she wont survive a full combo of kai sa in the face. And if she stick under tower and play safe , just perma shove and roam. So u have impact on the map while the syndra cant move from her lane.
    • Talon. The mechanics remain the same, but u can simply rush Seeker's Armguard that will literally negate all the dmg early on u.

    I feel that ppl can really abuse this strat in low elo at least. Bc so many mid u will go against will try to trade with u in early lvl and just die. Not to mention that in low elo, junglers are easy to counter if u ward deep and play around ur jgler and ur vision.

    If u get fed with kai sa mid, the game is prob over, bc ur will be 4 lvl above the enemy bot, with already 3 items at 20 min. u can simply one shot anyone at this point ,and carry ur team.

    submitted by /u/alexandre040
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    What to do when you have a significant lead as a Jungler?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:56 AM PST

    I literally have no clue what i should do when i have a lead as a Jungler. Yesterday, i managed to get 3 early kills as Jarvan when we invaded the enemy blue buff.. my team was like ''Our Jarvan has 3 kills it's pretty much a win for us already'' and at that moment i felt so much pressure because i HAVE to carry the game somehow whilst i didn't even know how to do so.. we lost the game and i went something like 8/8/14.. and this is not even the first time that i've failed to carry the game where i had the lead..

    What should a Jungler focus on when he has a lead?

    submitted by /u/sygryn
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    What do you do when you're first pick?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    This is a question that I've been meaning to ask for a while. So, for reference, I'm an Iron 1 Shyvana main so there's definitely a degree of "well I just suck" I'm aware of, but I don't really know what to do when I'm first pick. Should I just go with Shyvana and try to ban my hardest counter or should I be switching to someone more flexible. I do know how to play Yi, Mord, Poppy, and Warwick so should I be picking one of these guys in this situation. I could see the Poppy or Mord coming in handy since most people would expect them to go top, but other than that I'm a bit stumped.

    submitted by /u/SketchtheHunter
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    Give me 5 Good Reasons to Main Jhin

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Just began playing League because my current girlfriend is playing it and she wants me to join her when she plays. She mostly play support like Sonna and Yuumi so o decided that i should main a carry. I was browsing through different champions and Jhin caught my eye because his abilities seems unique (specially his R) and i love glass cannon heroes (i played dota 2 for a while)

    How good is Jhin as a carry? And who among the supports works well with him? I just want some pros and cons before buying him.


    submitted by /u/0versatility
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    Questions about Top Lane wave management

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:12 PM PST

    So I understand the very basics of wave management. The side with more minions will push. A wave on my side with equal minions will push towards the enemy and vice versa.

    I also understand the basic of when you want to use these wave states. You want to hard shove a the wave before cannon if you want to base. You want to freeze to deny the enemy minions especially if there's nothing else for them to do on the map.

    What I don't understand is HOW to achieve these wave states, especially since you have a lane opponent who will also be hitting minions and affecting the outcome. Obviously I understand hard shoving. I don't understand how to set up a freeze more than like 10 seconds in advance. I can see a big wave coming that I can stall just outside tower range for example, but I'll see pros like 45 seconds in advance saying "oh I can freeze the next wave". How do they know this?

    Slow pushing also completely eludes me. The only source I've seen on this is that you kill the casters and then the slow push magically happens, but this seems like it completely disregards that there's another person in lane looking to mess up your plans.

    Looking for help understanding this topic and its nuances more in depth. I feel like this is a major weakness in my game right now.

    submitted by /u/DiamondHyena
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    Purchasing faerie charms in early game, viable?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:45 AM PST

    So, as the title suggests, is it viable to buy 2-3 farie charms on first back if you have extra gold to spend? I mostly play Veigar (bot mostly, but mid also) and buy them often, especially if I don't have mana heavy runes or items.

    They help me farm much more comfortably and I usually end up building dorans ring, hextech GLP, 3 faerie charms and boots. I sell them if I need item slots or gold. They lose me about 30 gold, which I find to be negligent, but I believe that gold is returned to me as lane pressure or easier farm (especially in veigars case since I can stack AP better)

    submitted by /u/ludibog
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    Nautilus: A Joyous Introduction. Why He Shines + Whether He's Worth Picking Up | Commentary

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:59 AM PST

    Hi there,

    Let's take an extended look at Nautilus Support today. A heavy engager with less than ideal tankyness. A balancing act to play well, assuming the enemy team brings the right threats... There's a reason his pick and ban rate are off the charts. For now!

    Included in the video: Guided gameplay packed with what you need to find out if he's right for you to leverage mindfulness & compassion. If you feel confident in your ability to learn by example and to think for yourself going forward then this video will make for a solid foundation to step up your gameplay in and out of ranked.

    Hope you tune in and enjoy the show! Take care and stay positive. :D

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Historic Win Rate/Play Rate Data?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    I'm doing a research project on how people pick league characters (which I will certainly share with this sub!), but I'm having trouble finding historic data for win rates and pick rates. U.gg only goes back a few patches. Any suggestions? Especially if they have an API, it would obviously make the project much easier.

    submitted by /u/wildhairguy
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    Using lane management to your advantage?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:21 PM PST

    Hey, so I taught myself how to manage waves, such as making sure the wave pushes into me, or freezing, but I don't know how I can use it to get an advantage over my opponent. I mainly play Katarina, and with Katarina, if you can even get near the wave, you have won lane already.

    The principle is the same with all melee champions in mid though. Every ranged champion can just somehow survive the early few levels, back with Lost Chapter, and then just spam the wave with abilities.

    I oftentimes get the advice of "shove in and roam", but the enemy can just clear the wave with their abilities while I'm pushing minions, meaning that I lose the majority of my health, while the wave at best just resets.

    I am Silver 1.

    submitted by /u/_sashkaa
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    Can someone explain how Zed ISN'T broken?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST

    His lane phase seems insane, he lands 1 e-w-q combo + electrocute and your chunked to half hp or less, he just spams it for the whole lane phase until he lands one. Pre-6 it just pushes you out of lane and zones from cs, post-6 he just adds an ult on top and can 100-0 you. I run armor runes and even pick up a cloth armor early and still just get bursted to hell.

    To my understanding most assassins struggle beccause basically they have to go all in or risk getting poked out of lane, while they should win the all ins, you can kind of avoid all ins and farm and poke. Zed seems to win both the poke battle with his large range and high damage using his shadow while still winning all ins. Plus doesn't miss any cs with his passive....

    What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/Yelwah
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    Swapping from Jgl to Midlane - need help

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Hey guys!

    I've been an Evelynn Player since season 1 and basically always played Jungle with her until now, in season 10, I want to try the midlane (because the current state of jungle is kinda bleh imo) and I would love to get some advice on how to transition to a lane that nukes you from 100 to 0 in a few seconds.

    What champs can I pick up that help me learn the midlane better? What do I have to look for? I used to play some Illaoi Toplane for a whole while too, so I understand the lane mechanics at least which is kinda helpful I guess?

    Anyway thanks for the help and the answers!

    submitted by /u/LunaricLunestra
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    Losing in low elo cause I shove sidelanes

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:34 PM PST

    Hi I'm currently playing in Bronze and I've noticed that everytime I shove sidelanes, ping my teammates to not fight and finally join them it turns out that they all died before I even could bring my butt here. Does it mean I have to stick with my teammates non stop and start araming with them so that they don't do that ? Some high elo guys have told me to always do the best thing and depush lanes if they are getting shoved and that if my teammates int it's GG but then that would litteraly mean that they would also lose in that situation, so here's my question. In low elo do you actually have to play optimally or to adapt to the mediocrity and actually stick together to prevent such a scenario to occur ?

    I have a problem with the opposite, when I always group with my teammates and we're against a split pusher nobody shove the lane so we're vulnerable to split pushing, this is really frustrating and I can't find a solution to this problem, I've lost a lot of LPs simply because of that dilemma. What to do ?!?!?!?!

    submitted by /u/footsniffer6969
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    I need some analyzing or mythigal prayers to get me out of this trap I am in... Why do I keep getting these types of players???

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Well...here I am, Finally trying to get some answers as to why this keeps happening.
    Honestly it has been worse this season than the past ones.Currently playing Ranked and I am stuck. And appauled at the same time. how does one simply get out of a MMR trash can?

    Is there anything or anyone that can analyze my games to tell me what is the reason why I keep receiving losses. But not only losses...these players. Now I know... the typical "My teammates my teammates" etc etc is the msot common shit to say. But here I am truly confused on why I keep receiving these teammates that continue to fight champs that are 3-4 kills up on them.They will continue to fight the illaoi while she is ulting, force 2v4-5 teamfights. As soon as they spawn, they just sprint down a lane with an enemy in it and want to fight. They are so desparate for kills.

    I've been playing Kassadin a lot and It's difficult to 1v5 when their team is coordinated. It seems like my team just doesnt under stand the game.

    I will stream the games for my friends to watch and they are even tilted at the things the players will say and do. It's like every game they are the same person maing the same mistakes over and pver again. They don't do this mistake 1-2 times, but nearly 4-7.


    Here is a album containing my last 6 losses...that I really can't understand why I constantly get teammates that "seem" to be trolling but in all honesty, seems liek they jsut do what they want...

    what's the best way to avoid this type? to carry these players?It's so frustrating and I'm ready to jsut not play the game, the community is the same every single year.

    submitted by /u/KraddyOP
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    How to not rely on my high level friend to carry every game?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:10 PM PST

    So some backstory.

    Me, my sister and two of my IRL friends picked up league 2-3 months ago, and we play with our high level (250ish, Plat) friend.

    The problem: Every game that he gets fed in (80% of games) he just carries us and we win.

    however when he doesn't get fed and is unable to carry, we aren't able to gain a lead or close out the game because none of us have a single idea what we're doing.

    I myself play jungle and find myself aimlessly wandering around, trying to find something to do, and it shows for all of us too. We play against too high lvl players for our own skill level and just rely on him to get fed and carry us.

    What should we do in this situation? Stop playing with him? I find myself not improving at this game whatsoever because of this, and people my level are way better than I am.

    submitted by /u/Horsheen
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    What defines a champion as a jungler?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:54 PM PST

    I was a main toplane last season but got fed out of it and switched to jungle. I started playing some games with the champions I mained in toplane (Poppy, Trundle and Yorick) and had some degree of success. However, with the exception of Trundle, besides the other two are offmeta picks I still found some success with them.

    I wanted to test more offmeta picks in jungle since it's a more diverse role than toplane. So, what would make a champion viable in jungle just looking into his kit and playstyle?

    submitted by /u/Rammion
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    Starting Item for Urgot?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:09 AM PST

    Hey, new to Urgot here.

    I've been reading a few guides and some have said Corrupting Potion is the best pick for Urgot since it procs on every W hit. Others say that Doran's Blade is a better choice though. Is there a clear better pick or is it situational?

    submitted by /u/PersistentPedantry
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    How can I close games as Qiyana? Should I use a different champion for my elo (bronze)?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:53 PM PST

    Title. Most of the time I can get pretty snowbally with QiQi and I'm able to roam and get my allies fed as well, but I can't seem to turn this snowball into a victory screen. I'm working on my fundamentals and I feel like I'm getting better and better with them (wave management, vision, roaming timers, trading, saving important cooldowns, fighting with certain opponent spells on cooldown etc) but this ONE THING is a huge issue, because it often turns into a loss, since failing to win early means dragging into late game where I inevitably fall off. Not only that, but there are 2 others situation where the latter occurs: when I'm in a bad matchup (where I can't contest the wave as much) or when I straight do some dumb shit and lose the lane. Long games are WAY too frequent in low elo (which is especially painful because tanks are not uncommon), which is why I'm starting to think that I should pick someone like Cassiopeia, who has a way better late game than Qiyana. Any thought on these two issues?

    PS if you want to check my op.gg, my IGN is Zhaxean, EUW server

    submitted by /u/Zhaxean
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