• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    League of Legends Temporary rule update: Event-long bans for region baiting offenses during Worlds

    League of Legends Temporary rule update: Event-long bans for region baiting offenses during Worlds

    Temporary rule update: Event-long bans for region baiting offenses during Worlds

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    As Worlds approached we noticed that the amount of region-based personal attacks and unnecessary region baiting increased, and in order to stem the flow of abuse on the subreddit we are now introducing a temporary rule for Worlds. Anyone who breaks the region baiting rule will be banned until the end of the tournament.

    This will be a separate process to our usual three strike policy, which means that warnings will not be handed out, but it will also not lead to any permanent bans unless other rules are also broken. If your comments breaks both the region baiting and personal attack rules you will receive a ban for the duration of the event that will count as one strike towards the three strikes.

    So what counts as region baiting? Let's start by looking at the rule itself:

    Region baiting is not allowed. Region bait is defined as: Trash talk (NA>EU EU>NA) that is taking place in a completely unrelated thread. Posts and comments that do nothing but incite inflammatory arguments between regions are also not allowed.

    What does this mean in practice? If you just watched a game where a team played terribly we won't ban you for going into that post-match thread and talking about how bad they were because of X, Y and Z. If you give legitimate reasons why one region has performed better than another one you're not getting banned. If you make harmless jokes that have more substance to them than just "LUL EU/NA BAD" you won't get banned. If an NA team just played well and you go into a post to talk about how trash EU is you're getting banned.

    Basically, just be reasonable. Don't attack people simply based on what team they support or where they're from. Don't go into posts for the sole purpose of starting arguments. Don't react to criticism against the team you support with personal attacks.

    We want everyone to have a great time during Worlds, and part of that is not having to be the target of personal attacks.

    submitted by /u/Cahootie
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    Hey guys, I’m the translator of Doinb’s recent Worlds review videos and I’d like to clear some things up about the recent appearance of my VODs on FPX’s main channel.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Hey I'm Scoople, some of you might remember my recent english translations of Doinb reviewing the TES vs FNC and GENG vs G2 quarterfinals matches. My videos were requested to be taken down by FPX's main channel (one got copyright striked) and we ended up discussing a deal where I'm now hired as their official english translator. I'll basically add subtitles to some of their popular videos (mostly Doinb ones) and send it to them to upload. I'm really grateful to have gotten this opportunity and I'll be trying my best to provide you guys with accurate translations to interesting content!

    About the consistent blur on both videos; I had previously subbed both quarterfinal games however I didn't realise that the ad was not a part of FPX's branding/sponsors. Evidentally the marketing team didn't notice this detail until after the video was uploaded. Hence, it was taken down and reuploaded again but with a blur that affected the visibility of the subtitles. I will be taking official content from FPX's youtube channel and translating it directly so that there will be no need to blur anything from now on :)

    A lot of you guys have really enjoyed this recent content so I will try my best to do what I can. Let me know what type of content you'd all like translated in addition to Doinb's reviews. For e.g. Doinb's solo queue, FPX vlogging content, Other team member's solo queue.

    Thanks for the support!

    submitted by /u/Scoopl3
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    TSM botlane might be getting benched for next season

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Neeko's voice lines are great so I decided to draw one

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    Neeko's voice lines are great so I decided to draw one


    I recently picked up Neeko and her voice lines are honestly the greatest thing about this game at the moment for me. I want to draw all of them, but this one was the funniest one I found so far

    submitted by /u/Fungasaur
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    I tried making AP Udyr playable in midlane. This is the best I could come up with...

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Easter egg about Wunder in a street of Shanghai

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Bloodthirster + Edge of Night looks really pretty, almost gives Blood Moon vibes in my opinion

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    Perkz asked Doinb "Are you Nemesis Galio" when Doinb Galio 0/2 in 8 minutes

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    "Are you Nemesis Galio" https://youtu.be/0UAupTMt7S4?t=500 at 8:20

    It seems he has watched doinb analysis of TES vs FNC

    Additionally, Perkz told doinb

    "I cannot focus now" at 0:20

    "You have very nice xxx"

    "I want to smack your xxx" at 1:18

    It seems perkz has watched doinb dance before this game.

    he danced at https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1w54y1r7kY at 3:30

    submitted by /u/zhgd
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    Funniest buff steal I have ever done on Neeko

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Caps, Are You Rekkles? | G2 Worlds 2020 Quarter Finals Voicecomms

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Profile of Suning's Playstyle

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    By popular demand, I will be doing all of the teams in Semis. Tomorrow's team will be TES, and Friday's team will be G2.


    1. I do not do this professionally so keep in mind that my opinion is just that - my opinion. I'm likely going to be making claims about how I think the game should be played and these might not align with your views.
    2. The region I watch the most of is Korea. As prep work for this writeup, I have watched all of Suning's games from LPL Playoffs as well as rewatching all of their matches in Groups and Worlds Quarterfinals. Bear in mind that my limited perspective is off of these recent few matches
    3. I will qualify the above - that recency bias is more useful either way if you want an analysis of how a team is performing at Worlds. For example - we aren't going to look at C9's VoDs from Spring to analyze how they would do at this World's - different metas, different playstyles.

    Before I go on with any more of these profiles, I want to explain three key fundamentals that will likely be useful in future analyses:


    • Blue and Red Side drafting are drastically different from each other
      • Blue side drafts are about identity. The strength of a first pick is that it gives you theoretically the strongest champion available among the remainder. If you're picking the strongest champion, you likely want to be able to express those strengths - meaning picking a composition that successfully works with that particular champion. For example, if I'm first picking Caitlyn on 10.16 I want a partner for Caitlyn who lanes well with her, and probably a few pieces that peel well for her. Caitlyn's a hyper-scaling champion so I probably want a team that scales along with her. Maybe I take Ornn, a control mage, and a more supportive jungler like Nidalee or Kindred.In more simple terms, Blue Side drafts proactively. You look to make a composition. You don't wait for your opponent.
      • Red side drafts are about the compromise between your opponent's composition and your own. While you definitely want a composition that works, the benefit of being the second picking team is that your opponent has to reveal their hand first. This is important because:
        • This obviously lets you counter-pick roles
        • You theoretically know exactly what your opponent's team comp does, what its weaknesses are, etc.

    In essence, Red Side does not need to go in with the strictest of plans. It merely needs to be ableto beat Blue. It doesn't care how it achieves this, it cares that it does achieve it.


    • A team's territory is simply the region of the map that they reasonably have control over. Control is present through. For example, a team that is severely ahead and looking to win the game might have a territory at any given point throughout the game that spans from their base to the walls of the enemy base.
      • The speed at which a team can rotate into the region
      • The number of allied structures within the region
        • Wards
        • Towers
        • Minions
      • The defendability of a region

    Fight Selection

    • There are three main reasons to fight
      • To snowball the early game
        • Victories in early skirmishes/fights can snowball into incredible leads for laners
      • To secure neutral objectives
        • Teams generally take fights around objectives based on item timings if not under duress. Good teams should not fight for objectives if they don't have a prescient reason to e.g they are at an appropriate point in their composition where the fight is winnable or if they don't fight they will lose
      • To secure enemy territory
        • Fighting to secure vision
        • Fighting to secure turrets

    With that in mind, I would describe Suning's playstyle through the following:

    Suning plays a controlled tempo style that generally has SofM focus on the top side of the map for the early game while allowing Huanfeng to slowly scale to relevancy on the weak side of the map bot side. Once their team hits one item spikes, they tend to group into loose 4-1 or 1-3-1 formations to set waves before looking for 4/5 man team fights.

    This style of play warps their drafts in a few key ways:

    • Bin is almost always on a champion that has the ability to split push. This is reflected in his champion statistics since the start of LPL Playoffs.
      • Against V5: Jayce, Renekton, Gangplank, Renekton
      • Against TES: Mordekaiser, Jayce, Renekton
      • Against LGD: Renekton, Jayce, Renekton
      • Worlds Groups: Renekton, Jax, Jax, Irelia, Jayce, Camille, Gangplank
      • Worlds Quarterfinals: Gangplank, Gangplank, Gangplank, Volibear
      • To hammer this point in, even on Blue Side, Suning opts to never pick Ornn. In all 11 games they have played at Worlds, they have banned Ornn in every single Pick/Ban
    • Their drafts tend to focus on champions that spike from items 1-3 as this is their usual window to take control of the map. It would be a bit exhausting to list out of every single team composition they have played since Quarterfinals of LPL - but you'll notice a lot of Lee Sin/Graves/Olaf\* + Zoe/Syndra + Jhin/Ashe.

    *Olaf is played during the 10.16 meta of LPL - I believe mostly by SN - obviously we have not seen it at this Worlds as it has fallen out of meta.

    One nuance here that I'll point out:

    • SN prefers to play around topside. This does not mean they can only play around topside. This just means that when they are dictating tempo, they will probably play a top side oriented game. They are more than willing to fight if SofM happens to be in the area and this happens in a fair few of their games. Examples:
    • Preferring to play around topside does not mean you don't take free objectives when they come up. Suning will obviously take a free dragon if they think the enemy team can not move to stop it.

    Another key component to Suning's play is excellent mechanics that allow them to play this team fighting style. I'm not going to post the whole montage but many times, Suning's individual excellency is often just good enough to skill-check the opponent. While Suning's play may seem chaotic in live viewing, most of their games are actually rather reserved for the first 10 minutes or so. The nature of the comps that they pick as their bread-and-butter lead to the explosive mid-games many worlds viewers have begun to find immense joy in.

    Suning's Key Weaknesses:

    • In almost all of the games that Suning have lost, the opposing teams have been able to completely shut down the top side and severely limit Bin's playmaking potential. More noticably, when Bin is shut down, the entire team tends to be much more reserved in their ability to make early game plays.
      • In G2 vs SN Day 2, you see Jankos playing primarily around the top side of the map while enabling Wunder in a relatively favourable matchup in Volibear vs Renekton. Even while Bin pops off pretty hard in this game, if SofM had been able to play around top side and accelerate Renekton, you likely would have seen much a different story.
      • In TES's 3-0 over SN in LPL Semifinals, Karsa puts down a tent in Bin's lane. This proved extremely effective in limiting SN's X-Factors and ability to team fight.
    • Because of the drafts that SN limits themselves to, they can fall victim to simply being outscaled. Almost all their pick/bans lead to explosive mid-game comps with little late-game insurance, and you can see that in the fact that they have banned Ornn in every single game they've played. Teams that survive the lethal skill-check through the mid-game can also find leeway.
      • In particular, SN is likely one of the few teams at Worlds that might prefer to be on the Red Side rather than the Blue Side because their compositions tend to be counter-pickable. You have a general idea of what type of composition SN is almost guaranteed to draft so looking for counters on a Red-Side P/B might limit their playmaking potential severely

    Thanks for reading, I'll be back tomorrow with TES.

    Edit: Apparently I straight up left out a bullet point in SN's weaknesses. Whoops.

    submitted by /u/TormentedLoL
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    Peter Dun: ''After 3 years in EU, yesterday was my final day at Splyce/MAD Lions''

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:31 AM PDT


    After 3 years in EU, yesterday was my final day at Splyce/MAD Lions. Despite the unfortunate ending at Worlds, some of the memories I made here I will cherish forever. I would like to thank all the staff and players (main and academy) I have worked with over the past 3 years.

    submitted by /u/Eqvilium
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    "Nuguri's insane, among all the Korean and Asian players, he’s the one who talks the most, who gives interesting insights...He will always commit to giving you good answers." Laure on her favorite interview subjects during Worlds 2020.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    4 years ago Today, one of the greatest best of 5 Series was played

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Do yourself a favor and rewatch this series. The two best teams in the world at the time go at it for a rematch of the ages. SKT vs ROX Tigers in Madison Square Garden, with insane banger games all series. Pray arrow, Bengi Nidalee, MF support to counter Zyra, this series has got it all.

    Enjoy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ5j-p0deIU

    submitted by /u/Jrp13247
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    I think Axamuk’s Folly is a much cooler name than Riftmaker

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    The name change of Axamuk's Folly to Riftmaker on the PBE was sad to see.

    Axamuk's Folly sounds cool but it also has lore behind it, as it references a character from one of the coolest short stories Riot has done which featured Jax and the Icathia-Shuriman war, where the Icathians released the void which ended up erasing the protagonists mind along with Icathia.

    I hope they revert it

    submitted by /u/jackrunit
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    Chicken dash kill > minion dash kill

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Most international games played

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:22 AM PDT


    1. Faker 88
    2. Sneaky 75
    3. Rekkles 75
    4. Uzi 72
    5. sOAZ 69
    6. Impact 68
    7. Jensen 66
    8. Jankos 65
    9. Perkz 64
    10. Caps 64

    MSI + Worlds combined:

    1. Faker 147
    2. Bang 110
    3. Wolf 110
    4. Perkz 110
    5. Impact 99
    6. Caps 96
    7. Uzi 90
    8. Rekkles 89
    9. Karsa 86
    10. Jensen 86
    11. Jankos 83
    12. ...
    13. ...
    14. ...
    15. Wunder 76

    Still playing Wolrds 2020:

    • Perkz
    • Caps
    • Karsa
    • Jankos
    • Wunder

    So no matter what happens, at the end of Worlds 2020, Perkz will be the player with the 2nd most international games worldwide. Faker remains untouchable. Caps, at only 20 years old, will be (at least) tied for 5th most games. Jankus will tie Jensen and has the (slight) chance to overtake Karsa. Wunder could potentially reach top ten. All in all G2 is rediculously experienced compared to the other teams.

    submitted by /u/JohanMiQ
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    Riot to remove ARAM's Oracle's Extract

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Listening to Locodoco - Thorins thoughts

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    The official FunPlus Phoenix youtube channel has finally started uploading Doinb's vod reviews with english subtitles.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I'm glad they finally started uploading the Doinb vod reviews themselves on their official channel. Doinb is really good at explaining things and is extremely knowledgeable about the game so it would have been a shame not not have his translated vod reviews.

    Here is FNC vs TES

    And also GenG vs G2

    Here is the official FPX youtube channel

    I hope they will keep uploading the future vod reviews as well.

    submitted by /u/Pompero
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    I have never been so excited for worlds as i am for this saturday when G2 and DWG wil face each other.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Perhaps i am overexaggerating a bit here, but holy shit i am hyped. I do not think i was this hype when the finals were last year. It is just so much background story between these two teams and i really think the team that wins the match will win the entire thing. Please let it be saturday sooner

    submitted by /u/Ploupse
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    "G2 has the higher chance to beat DWG among all World Team left. If DWG meet any LPL TEAM in final, it will be a 3-0 for DWG" Selfmade

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Is Sett sterile?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    He is the result of crossbreeding between two different species, those being Humans and Vastayans, and usually, Hybrid creatures end up being sterile more often than not (Mules, Ligers, etc), especially the ones that are male, which Sett more certainly is.

    Just asking.

    submitted by /u/Obama----Gaming
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    just one more auto should do it

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Breaking ankles with Blitz + minion kill - My best suport play to day

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Deficio sits down for an extensive interview with Travis - why he left Origin/Astralis, what opportunities he considered before choosing Misfits, how he'll approach the work differently, broadcast chances, and his private conversations with Kobe

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:48 AM PDT

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