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    Tuesday, February 2, 2021

    LoL Guide I've found a pretty good Riven jungle clear for level 5 at 5:0x if you want to try Riven Jungle out!

    LoL Guide I've found a pretty good Riven jungle clear for level 5 at 5:0x if you want to try Riven Jungle out!

    I've found a pretty good Riven jungle clear for level 5 at 5:0x if you want to try Riven Jungle out!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:12 AM PST


    Thanks to /u/happyn00ber for the 5 man clear path, you can check his (better) pathing here:

    optimized red buff here: https://streamable.com/1fxs5j

    5 camps clear https://streamable.com/rnmi9g

    Jungle clear compilation https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gjk5UrtAbcqdYnRlx9KMDuHGxhKsEv50vhn02cN0y-c/edit#gid=756967277

    --EDIT 2--

    So I've played a few more games, /u/happyn00ber 's clear feels WAYYY better. If you are interested in trying it out, please read the edit at the end of the post!!! :)

    Initial post:

    Hey guys :) Here's the video!


    Little side note:

    • I was interesting in getting better at jungling but jungle champs dont interest me so I tried to make it work for Riven
    • It might be hard to contest scuttle against VERY good clearer (ban Olaf if you do this 100%) because they usually are full hp level 4 at scuttle.
    • I didn't find any updated litterature on Riven jungle so this is still quite crude. I apologize in advance for my poor kiting and I think I cancelled an auto once.
    • The most important in the clear is stacking Qs at 1:23 to be able to apply the burn to all the raptors at 1:30, basic 3 raptors and hit your second Q rotation on every raptor, smite the big one for quick level 2.

    -Level 3 2nd point in Q is preference, it feels really nice to clear faster and you dont need to have an healthy clear (you recall after krugs regardless) and the difference between having E or no E is negligible to me.

    Cheers bros, Arcade Riven.


    Thanks to /u/happyn00ber for taking the time to message me and educate me further on Riven jungle, since I thought what he said was VERY informational, here is what he had to say:

    "the upside to 5-camp clearing is you contest scuttle and are rewarded with lvl 4, you have faster tempo, and it is better anti-invade. you're literally +2 camps ahead compared to yours. there is a reason all meta jgs do full clear, 5-camp, or 3-camp double buffs. if there is no gank after scuttle you can instantly recall and get 2 long swords and a pink. you mitigate tons of risk.

    if there is no gank because laners are pushed or because of the matchup, you can't even recall because you don't have enough gold. while you were recalling the first time, you could have got invaded. also, good junglers will see you don't have your other buff if you're at scuttle and they can follow you back into your jungle and prevent you from getting your buff and/or your other camps.

    the only jgs i can think of that would do a recall are gragas and malphite and that is a special exception because they typically run predator so the 3 camps on one side is enough to get boots. you wouldn't do this with riven.

    you can 5-camp starting blue w/ leash or 4-camp no leash btw. you would never do your clear ever. if you were going gank heavy you would do the standard blue gromp red or red blue gromp for getting lvl 3 and securing both buffs.

    it's also worse because you have zero protection against invades. with the modern route, you can ward at 50sec, recall, and watch and then contest because if you have a leash, you'll have a smite still regardless of what side you started. you can also save smite for a 5-camp anti-invade no-leash setup if you clear blue and gromp at the same time pre-3:15."

    submitted by /u/ArcadeRivenNA
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    How am I to deal with fleet footwork

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:51 AM PST

    I have been pondering long about what I am doing wrong currently and watching the replays I noticed a common link between all the game I lost mid.

    All my opponents were playing fleet of foot, be it Kassadin, Yone, Yasuo, Akali, Talon. As a mage player I main Lux with Sera, Ziggs and Neeko as back up.

    Now the thing is I know the match ups I know them well but lately I just can't handle them, no matter how I play.

    If I try to keep poking as I usually did in the early game I get nowhere, they regen way too much, if I play more passively I just get stomped out of existence post lvl 3...

    Any advice to help a poor struggling mage ?

    submitted by /u/Ezeviel
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    Farming or fighting?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:09 AM PST

    Im a casual low elo adc player. I have been playing for about a year and the thing i picked up about adcs is that you only start to do dmg at around 3 items. So i prioritise farming above almost everything else. I think i have become quite good at IT because i have around 6-7 cs per minute in almost every game and even when im losing i often outcs My opponent. But what happens a lot in low elo is that im farming bot and then My team fucks up example:top+ jngl randomly decide to invade top when all enemys are missing, they get caught and they die. Or My team goes in 4/5 in the aram phase and they all die. Should i Just follow My team even when its better to farm and for Them to Just play safe and not fight? Bc that sounds stupid. But when i farm bot i get flamed. Any suggestions? Sry for english its not met first language + mobile autocorrect might change shit.

    submitted by /u/niekvang
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    Elder Buff vs Baron Buff

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:47 AM PST

    As a fairly new player, I've gotten in a few situations where both Baron and Elder Dragon are up. I main jungle, so it's usually my job to choose which objective to take. I wanted to know which situations are better suited for which buff, and the pros/cons of each buff. I'm not sure how big a role soul plays into this.

    For example, if we were to trade objectives, who would come out with the better end of the deal? What should we do if we get either one of the buffs? What should we do if the enemy team gets either one of the buffs?

    To anyone who answers this, thank you.

    submitted by /u/da_chinesemafia
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    How to make my friend realise that it's not always his team's fault ?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:19 AM PST

    Hello, I've had a problem while playing with one of my friends (B2 playing lee sin).

    When we are playing a game, he'll make a dumb move (that's fine, we all do mistakes). But, instead of acknowledging that it was his fault, he'll always blame his team, which often couldn't follow his engages. I can't correct him without him being salty as f. One of his excuses is "I'm the ace of my team on op.gg". While it may be true, I don't think it's that important and it shouldn't be an excuse to blame his teammates. Am I wrong ? How can I make him question himself ?

    submitted by /u/XcxG
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    What separates Diamond from Plat?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:28 AM PST

    Adc main here. I've been plat 4 the last few seasons just for the border but tried climbing in s10 just to see but failed my promos to diamond. Mechanics from Plat 2 - Diamond 3 are pretty similar so I'm looking to identify what players do differently in diamond vs plat. I don't really know how to specify the question more because that's exactly what the question is. I get the basics like wave management and utilizing item power spikes but I'd love to hear what people have to say. Is it that higher elo players are more likely to group early and rotate as a team? Is it team comps? All of this would be great to know and think about while I climb this season and might be helpful for anybody in lower elos as well.

    submitted by /u/Adsatic
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    Blast cone interaction

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:21 AM PST

    You can save yourself around 0.5 seconds while escaping using this trick. DISCLAIMER:Ranged champs only

    If you auto a blast cone while running away, but before you reach the blast zone, then flash to the opposite side of the cone before the auto lands, you can cancel the auto animation and be instantly sent into the air. Good champs to practice this are mages like neeko, who have slow auto attack travel speeds, giving you more time to position the flash.

    submitted by /u/Nocheese1
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    How come most junglers clear to the top lane by the 3 minute mark?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Im new be gentle. As a top laner I typically expect to be ganked around the 3 min mark (lvl 3). Doesn't really matter if I start red or blue side. Would it be better to place a ward at their top buff at game start rather than the River bush so I can determine if they'll work their way up or down? I ask because I aim for a kill around lvl 3 or 4.

    submitted by /u/Kidsonny
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    How do I deal with Nautilus

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:18 AM PST

    Whenever I play Samira, he's the one thing I love to have by my side and despise to play against. He's tanky enough to survive a LOT of punishment and zones me out of lane with his mere presence. I can at least try to punish Thresh for failing a hook, but even if Naut fails his hook I still cannot approach to farm since he would just auto and root me. They are so aware of this that they walk forwards beyond the minion waves just to zone me out, and I can't punish it since the assholes can eat a full combo pre-level 6 no worse for wear.

    Its quite literally like fighting against a blasted wall. It also doesn't help that my supports tend to instalock things like Lulu or Yuumi in such an oppressive matchup, making me feel like I'm babysitting a newborn child, protecting them from being exploded by a Kai'Sa Naut combo.

    Focusing the ADC when they misstrp is also a nono since it becomes easiers for them to hook me or protect them in any other way since my path is even more telegraphed.

    Please, help. This is one of the most stressing matchups I have to deal with in a daily basis.

    submitted by /u/GrayRodent
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    My experience- playing Rengar feels like an uphill battle

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:39 PM PST

    I played a few rengar games and found him really fun, so I decided to learn to actually play him, I even made a "smurf" account that I dedicated entirely to playing Rengar. As you can see, I wasn't very good at him to begin (these are s10 stats)- I was basically coinflipping games, powerfarming and playing passively and depending on my team. Ended up with a 52% WR on 63 games with Rengar, although I did hit gold 1 with 57% winrate at one point (mostly playing Tryn and Pyke, 2 crazy 10-game win streaks). Back on topic, I've been getting much better lately, I've learned to track the enemy jg better, invade and set them behind, pull off early ganks, lane ganks, etc. My clear is also way faster and healthier (fullclear with fullhp by 3:20 and still have a potion left). These are my s11 stats with Rengar.

    However, what's bothering me is the nature of Rengar's kit- it's way too reliant on how you do in the early game (hence the term I used- playing him feels like an uphill battle). Basically, whenever I play him, I feel like playing someone like Hecarim or Warwick would get me the same results, and I'd be more consistent; for example if my lanes aren't gankable and I can't duel the enemy jg, it feels like I'm already behind and my timer to take over the game is running out, whereas I don't have that feeling on someone like WW, he feels like a champ that'll always be useful and I can always pick up a lucky blood trail and get a double kill and start snowballing just like Rengar can. And WWs basically entirely reliant on good macro, good decision making and intelligent play. I'm pretty good at macro so I ended up with a 41-13 record playing him.

    So, is it worth playing and learning Rengar if I'm trying to climb (and I'm not some mechanical god on him)? I started my 2nd account with a goal in mind, getting good enough at Rengar to the point I can get like a 70% wr and climb consistently with him. I'll still continue playing him on the smurf because he's fun, but if I'm tryharding I don't really feel comfortable with the pick since I could go behind and end up being useless by 25 mins.

    My opgg

    submitted by /u/MidnightLightss
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    How do dragons work?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:46 PM PST

    I never understand how dragons work because everyone tells me something different.

    If u take a drake, does it last all game? A few minutes? Until you die?

    Also, are they really THAT important? I mean, most of the games it doesn't pay off until you have soul, and that only happens in a few games that go 30+ minutes.

    Is it better to try and invade enemy jungle camps rather than do drake?

    submitted by /u/Distinger_
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    How experienced are plat players?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:14 AM PST

    Sorry if this had been covered before, I wasn't sure how to search for it. Anyway, my question is how experienced is the average plat player?

    I've been playing for about 2 or 3 months and thinking about jumping into ranked. Alot of my enjoyment in the game comes from improving and doing my best so I'm excited to try and climb. Being realistic, however, I know that the time I will be able to devote to it isn't enormous so I'm trying to keep my expectations from being too high. After looking at ranked distributions it seems that once you are in plat you are above the 50 percentile of players and that seems like a good long term goal to shoot for. So, for plat players and above, how long did it take you to get to plat and above? I realize it's going to differ for each person depending on their level of deliberate practice and improvement, but I'm just looking for an average so I have an idea what it will look like for me.


    submitted by /u/Pickelino
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    Finally dedicated enough to improve

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:13 AM PST

    Hello there, After playing league out of "sheer fun", dont quote me on that, i finally decided to really improve. Im a mid Player that hasnt really played too much other roles except top from time to time. The 2 seasons i played ranked in i ended up silver in both of them.

    I am looking for someone that would be down to watch some of my games with me or live, hang out and help me improve my macro, combos.

    I would appreciate anybody stepping forward to offering any help :) See you around.

    submitted by /u/thisisrevii
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    Is the current meta significant in low elo?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:52 PM PST

    As the titel says. Watching some LEC I recognise there are a few champs that appear in every match as ban or pick. I get that 0.00000001% more dps can make the difference for the pros, however, does it matter that much / at all in low elo (silver/bronze)? I'm getting the impression that many pick those champs and expect huge differences in winrates rather than picking the most fun option. Do you think it'd be a huge advantage if I pick off-meta champs, e. g. Singed or Gangplank. Please do correct me, if they're actually favorable right now. Also what about nerfs like the one to Elise? Will the changes be significant for a beginner like me?

    submitted by /u/Rayspekt
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    Need help finding a new champ:)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:19 PM PST

    Hey, can you help me im hovering on two roles which I enjoy atm (JG and mid) and I'm fairly new to the game (about a month).

    I played a lot of brand in the first couple weeks and I duod bot with a friend who played ADC and as much as I liked and got good at the champ I didn't like the role so I tried him mid and quickly discovered that and bursty melee assassin like zed just shits on me SO I tried sylas who I liked and placed him a lot for like a week but wasn't confident playing him in ranked so I kinda stopped playing him for a while and tried some other mid laners with no luck.

    Then I tried jungle and started with xin Zhao and was bad at first but quickly got used to the routes and pathing of jungling but I felt xin was underpowered and useless if he gets slightly behind. Then I found pantheon and Olaf who I play now and I love playing ( especially Olaf ) because of the play style of being in the middle of the team fights and having huge sustain with goredrinker and conquerer. I have now found out that patch 11.3 revoves pantheon jungle nearly completely and Olaf's sustain from passive is hugely reduces AND goredrinker and steraks which are core items on both are being nerfed so I feel I need to find a new champ who has a similar play style to the champs I enjoyed but isn't being shit on with nerfs:(

    Any ideas as to who that champ could be ? Ty:)

    submitted by /u/Lordy141
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    P2+ Junglers, how do you abuse high gold/low plat?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:28 PM PST

    I think every elo has strategies that higher elo players abuse when smurfing aside from being simply much better in terms of mechanics/macro. For example, when I'm playing in silver/low gold I pretty much just keep my farm high and win through gold advantage.

    So what tips do you have for jungling in high gold/low plat?

    submitted by /u/zodiacez
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    I am starting to see big win streaks in season 11, how do I keep up the momentum? Is it just luck?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:09 PM PST

    I just started playing last season (season 10) and have been seeing big win streaks and carries at the beginning of this season. I'm at the same elo (silver 3) that I ended at season 10 but games go in my favor much more often than they ever have before. I've started taking it much more seriously and after having an account banned, I've become much less toxic and more relaxed during games. At first I thought I was getting lucky but I've played 35 games now and sitting at a 69% w/r. How do I continue this momentum? What things can I work on to improve the climb? I've linked my op.gg below.


    submitted by /u/AlternatePerspectiv3
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    Iron II JGL needs help in understanding the game on a level that allows him to at least hit Silver for gods sake...

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:20 AM PST

    Already Posted this in r/leagueoflegends but then I came across this sub so here is the deal:

    I am quite new to the game. I hit LVL 42 yesterday. I knew about LoL for a while but never had any motivation to play it. Now with covid all around a friend of mine came up to me and asked if I would like to give it a shot so we could play together (he´s LVL 66 or so). So I started a few months back (I do not play a lot, about 10 games a week tops) and quickly decided to main JGL since I thought this is the position that would be the most fun and challenging. I mained Yi and all was fun and games until I hit LVL 30 and I started playing Ranked at the end of Season 10.

    Since Yi is banned pretty much every game I tried to play a variety of JGL champs (Viego, Ekko, Graves, Amumu, Fiddle, Volibear jsut to name the ones I played for a while) and I started to watch Videos on how to be a better JGL. Basically I know that, as a JGL, I have to try to secure Drake and Herold/Baron with Vision and I am pretty solid at Farming CS in the early game (mid and late is a total desater if we are behind). All in all I have a solid theoretical knowledge about the game. I am not that good at ganking to be fair but I manage to help my team from time to time in the laning phase. It should be mentioned that, in many of my games, the enemy team gets 3 or 4 kills before I hit lvl 3 and I tried to help lanes in need at first but this always ended up in me getting killed while protecting my teammates just so they could rush in 0.5 secs later to get killed as well and me loosing a lot of CS so I stopped helping in many situations and started concentrating on my farm and the objectives/enemy JGL movement.

    My main Problem however is, that as a JGL I am quite Team dependent and on my elo teamplay is not that common. For example, my bot does not respond to my call to secure the first dragon or I am often alone on Herold or get surprised by the enemy JGL due to a lack of Vision (I always use my Wards on Cooldown and buy Pinkwards on a regular basis, but manly to protect the lanes from ganks) because the rest of the team does not ward objectives.

    I do not know if it is necessary to learn about lane prio and wave management just yet at such a low elo.

    So to sum it up: I am happy about every tip how to improve my JGL gameplay and how to solo carry my way out of Iron. I am afraid that I did not give you quite enough Information about my gameplay so my Riot ID is NikAShroom. Maybe that helps.

    Thank you in advance Champs.



    P.S.: Before anyone says "Start pinging your teammates"... I am... It simply gets ignored.

    submitted by /u/Nikashroom
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    What do you guys think is the most impactful role in the game right now??

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:56 AM PST

    My opinion as a simple silver jg is that the roles right now are pretty balanced, yet, I'm starting to think there is one that is standing out and it's not being talked about much.

    I'm starting to think top lane is actually the most impactful role in the game right now, just because they are a solid stone that you can rely on.

    Like, if your bot or mid get fed, they can still be easily bursted, so it becomes pretty volatile. Supports can impact a teamfight, but only if your team has the damage to finish the enemy team.

    Junglers can do a lot of impact on the map, but they are also pretty reliant on the lane states.

    Top laners usually only relies on itself, can be a pretty bulky, strong champ throughout the game and you can always count on him. When I have a top laner that rotates when needed, splitpushes at right moments... It just impacts the whole game state.

    What do you guys think???

    submitted by /u/TroyBenites
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    Extending my lead as Ahri [Silver]

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:46 AM PST

    First and foremost: I'm not a Ahri Player, I only play her in normals because i usually play adc in ranked, but the more I play adc the more i get frustrated so since I like Ahri a lot and horizon focus is getting buffed next patch I wanna try her a bit.

    In lane there's no problem, i can hit some max range Qs, farm decently and join the scuttle fights that can happen. I can also get 1 or 2 kills, but as the title says, i can't use that advantage outside of my lane. Every time I try to roam because I see a sidelane where the enemy is overextended i feel like I'm getting there too late and I'm losing cs.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/-Ryuga-
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    How do I play Macro in Low Elo

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:52 PM PST

    I play jungle in Bronze 2, and really struggle with Macro. I watch a lot of Pro Play as well as high elo streamers, so I think I have a pretty good understanding of macro. In Bronze though, it gets really difficult.

    As much as NARAM is a meme, it is a real problem in low elo. I try to convince my team to split up, or play 1 4 with a split pusher, but no matter what they say no and just run mid. Another problem I face is people dying a minute or less before a major objective spawns. I usually type in chat, "don't die before (objective)", but I'd say 50% of the time someone walks into their jungle or facechecks a bush and it all falls apart. One last problem is after a big teamfight win, my team usually pushes mid or resets when we have a free uncontested Baron, even when I ping it multiple times. Should I try to convince my team to play how you should (Or at least I think we should), or just embrace the style they think is right, even though it usually isn't optimal? How should I go about Macro in Bronze?

    submitted by /u/AgingMonkey
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    Is this a good game plan to prevent tilt?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:50 PM PST

    I'm a G4 player and i want to get to platinum, and i'm organizing my play time to be able to play consistently, and i thought of this: I would play one game, if i win i play another game and then stop until next day, and if i lose i would stop playing and queue up tomorrow. Is this effective?

    Also /muteall

    submitted by /u/BigFloppa_33
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    How does combined ADC + Supp income compare between playing a Tank Supp and a Poke Supp?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:00 PM PST

    Let's say I'm playing Leona along with a Jhin, and I get my Relic Shield procs pretty regularly without sitting on 3 stacks much, if ever. How would the combined income (since Jhin and I both get gold from my cannon/melee procs) compare to if I played Zyra instead and just poked nonstop?

    Is there a break-even point where I have to CONSTANTLY poke with Spellthief's to make it viable? Is it just better, income-wise, to run a Tank Supp item since both players get the income? Perhaps there's a graph out there that shows how the two compare when considering that your adc is getting extra gold from tank.

    Thanks in advance! Hopefully the question makes sense.

    submitted by /u/SquirrelSanctuary
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