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    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    League of Legends Patch 11.3 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 11.3 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 11.3 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:30 AM PST

    February 3rd and 4th Clash LFG Megathread

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Hello Everyone, Riot announced another Clash event. The dates are:

    • February 3rd and 4th

    This thread is here to help you find people to play with for the coming weekend. It will be split into four different posts divided by region. It seems like this Clash is only for EUW and EUNE

    In your posts, please include the following information:

    • IGN
    • Rank and tier
    • Role
    • How many you have/need

    Optionally include

    • Champion pool/mains

    Join our discord if you would like to find people there

    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    LEC: Reckless with my heart

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:00 AM PST

    FlyQuest to costream the 2021 LCS season in Spanish

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:11 PM PST

    As announced on Twitter, due to the lack of an official non-English LCS stream, FlyQuest will be costreaming the entire season with a Spanish cast:

    Wanna watch the LCS in Spanish? For 2021 we will co-stream every LCS game in Spanish.

    We will be waiting for you this Friday!

    submitted by /u/AigisAegis
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    Pobelter Benched according to Wildturtle on Crackdown

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:41 AM PST

    LCS Team Owners have asked Riot to remove restrictions on how many imported players a team can field

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Krug runs away after his whole family gets slaughtered.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:09 AM PST

    The fights in a 35 minute 68-75 game miniaturized.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:06 PM PST

    Riot dispels rumor that new champions make more money than VGUs

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:54 PM PST

    The past few days there have been a few posts discussing how we would only have Mundo rework this year and how disappointing that is. One of the common points of discussion has been that new champions generate more money than VGUs. People on both sides, those defending Riot and those criticizing Riot, used this as an excuse for why Riot prioritizes new champions over VGUs. Today Riot Reav3 confirmed the reason why new champions like Viego weren't delayed by Covid yet VGUs were. More interestingly though was his comments about VGUs and community sentiment:


    I'm not sure where this perception that Champs make so much more then VGUs came from. Some VGUS have made more money then new champs,(especially ones with big skin catalogs that get updated with the VGU) some niche champs make much less then the base line VGU makes. Also, after we VGU a champ we can still make skins for it, just like a new champ. At the end of the day it doesn't matter though. The Champions Team is part of the Gameplay initiative at Riot, whos main goal is engagement not revenue. Skins in general make waaaay more then any new champion ever makes, and it's not really a goal for the Champions team to make revenue. Our main goal is engagement, which is to say we want to make products that keep people playing LoL. One of the reasons we toned down VGUs was that we saw data that showed that whenever we do a VGU some amount of players quite the game completely, usually mains of the champ that don't like the rework. If we do A LOT of VGUs in a year like we did in the past, we actually start actively going against the main goal of champs team which is engagement since we would see less engagement with the game as a result of many players quitting due to the VGUs. Actually a couple years back when we did a lot of VGUS (and the class updates) we saw in player surveys at the time a pretty big upswing in players upset that we were changing way to much, way to fast that season. This has since come down a lot since we cut class updates and reduced VGUs. Now like I have mentioned in the past, we still want to do VGUs as we believe in the longevity of LoL and part of that is making sure the game feels modern and up to date, which means updating old champs that don't feel that way, but I dont think just saying "all players want vgu's" is a accurate statement, at least not according to real data we have from player surveys.

    This comment addresses many of the common talking points that have been thrown around on the sub lately so I'd love to hear what the community thinks on this. After every VGU we always get mixed sentiment on the sub from players who love the update and players who hate it. Even the more generally subreddit accepted reworks like Warwick, Fiddlesticks, Mordekaiser, Urgot, etc have had campaigns against them to try and get a revert.

    Whats your thoughts? Should Riot prioritizes VGUs again even if it causes long time players to leave the game for good? Is Riot just playing it safe making new champions instead of reworking old ones (looking at you Seraphine) since so many players always say "Why does Riot have to delete my main rather than just making a new champion"?

    submitted by /u/StarGaurdianBard
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    Faker: 10-men Roster is Stressful to the Players. [FOMOS Interview]

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:02 AM PST

    [Just some q&a from the whole interview that I thought helps with understanding what is happening in the team right now]

    Q) Was there any burden regarding the starting position this season?

    A) Of course there was a burden regarding the starting position. There was a picture drawn by the Head coach and because of that I wasn't able to start a lot, but still, as a team, we are trying to follow the big picture as well as we can.

    Q) It seems Head Coach Yang is trying to lessen your burden [in game]. What did he demand specifically?

    A) Regarding the team members, to more ... Wait, what was there? I can't remember any now, I will answer in a little while.

    Q) What is the difference between the way you see the game and the Head Coach sees the game?

    A) From the first time Head Coach Yang came to our team, there has always been a lot of differences between the ways we saw the game. So I have been feeling quite distressed, but even so I am trying to match my vision about the game with the team members and Head Coach and coaches.

    Q) Is there a difference in competing now and in the past?

    A) Since I had no competition [for starting position] in the past, I was able to synergies with my team members more, therefore my vision of the game was more in lane with the members'. But now, the team does constant changes of starting members ... so it is a different situation in which I have to create a synergy with my team. But in the end, I believe that as long as I can perform well I can become the starting member, so I do not have much burden when it comes to playing.

    Q) What is the difference when you are playing and not playing?

    A) I do not specifically lead the game macro when I play, but since I am the veteran in the team, it seems my team members believe and follow me a lot, so that point positively affects me psychologically.

    Q) I would like to hear your opinion on 10-men roster.

    A) What I feel lately is that, there could be players who are suffering a lot because of the competition between the 10-men roster. I think players will also get a lot of stress. On the other side, the good thing is that the players hmm ... i think for the rookie players, even if they slip up a little, they can believe in the other players.


    • Daeny and Faker have different ideas regarding the game. Daeny is known for fighting a lot with Beryl regarding how the game should be played. This could be the same situation.

    • Faker seems to have decided just to go with the flow.

    • Faker does not seem to remember feedback/advice given to him by Daeny (maybe there wasn't any that was important to him. Seemed to be the same situation with Keria during today's POG interview)

    • 10-men roster is definitely affecting the players negatively psychologically.

    • It could be that the starting players are decided by who fit's Daeny's picture the best and follows his orders, therefore the starting members might not be decided based on who is performing better.

    Most Faker's Korean fans are saying he has never been this aggressive in interviews when talking about his team. An ex-Inven journalist has tweeted "He is not the kind of kid who would say things to that extend ..." (Korean fans believe it is regarding Faker's interview, but this is just a guess).

    Head Coach Yang, the self proclaimed "God of LOL". Will his experiment with a 10-men roster succeed or be a complete failure?


    Teddy has also said a similar thing about the deciding factor for the starting position after the win against LiivSB. He mentioned that he did not play the style of ADC that Daeny wanted, so he is trying to play more aggressively and changed his philosophy about deaths in the game. After Teddy's interview many fans got an idea that Daeny might be choosing the starting members not by the best performing but who matches his own vision of the game the most, or the ones who agree to play the way he wants.

    Daeny has also mentioned in an interview that Faker is a player who has strong opinions and always asks questions, so it isn't very easy to make Faker accept Daeny's views.

    Keria mentioned in today's interview what was the factor for subbing in Teddy for the 2nd game. The reason was Teddy matched the red side more, while Guma matched the blue side more ...

    Keria during POG interview:

    Q) What was the feedback after lossing/winning a set/game?

    A) "thinking Don't know bout that [can also be interpreted as "There is no such thing"], but I got a great tip during yesterday's scrim"

    So does this mean the coaches do not give any feedback after every game or did they never really give any substantial feedback??

    Edit 2:

    To add some context, since the match against KT, and especially after the match against LiivSB, many lck analysts, ex-pros, and just people who know something and somehow related to lck were saying that T1's performance is awful. They all kept saying T1 is not cohesive, does not have any macro, does too many rookie mistakes, and lacks very basics like warding and stuff. Articles were also published talking about how T1 is lacking basics, how T1 is a "kindergarten", how T1 is slumping hard, and so on.

    So it wasn't just fans, just the whole of lck were quite disappointed with T1's performance. Today, the Korean casters were talking about how at the start of the season they thought T1 is definitely a top3 team, but their performance was disappointing.

    Also, quite a number of lck related people were mentioning about using Faker instead of Clozer. Even people who said Clozer > Faker last year, were saying that T1 maybe should start Faker.

    So the criticism is not inly coming from fans.

    Edit 3:

    Bitdol (member of the LCK analyst desk. Was on today's analyst disk and did the POG interview): "Was surprised with how bad the atmosphere was with T1 players. It was like they were on losing strike, even though that was not the case".

    submitted by /u/t1yumbe
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    The State Of Talon Skins (Broken Promises By Riot & More) Did Riot Start Favoring quantity over quality in order to Release more skins per year?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:46 AM PST

    The State Of Talon Skins (Broken Promises By Riot & More) Did Riot Start Favoring quantity over quality in order to Release more skins per year?


    Hi before you read this i know that Talon is not the most liked champion in the community i would like you To Keep An open mind when reading this , please read this to the end before giving any feedback as i believe no champion should ever get treated like this or his community being lied to like this

    In 2020 Riot Promised That They Will Be Making More Skins In 2020 Than they normally do (In 2021 they promised that they will be making even more skins)

    And That They will try to give more attention to the champions getting no love from riot

    (this can mean buffs ,skins,bug fixes etc...)

    The list of these champs was tweeted by mark yetter on Twitter 29/9/2019

    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/MarkYetter/status/1177015559851888640/photo/1

    Now after they said that did they start favoring quantity over quality?

    First Skin:

    Couple of months later "black wood talon" Was Released on Pbe


    1. The Talon Community Made it loud and clear that they wanted A skin with a hood as talon didn't receive a single skin with a hood since his rework in 2017
    2. The Face of the skin looked nothing like talon and looked more like ezreal


    3.Deformed Face


    4-Arm Blade is on the opposite hand in the splash art


    There are some other things but you can debate that they are personal preference including how his arm blade looks like

    Broken Promise #1

    After the feedback and that we all wanted a hood a ritor promised us that the next skin will have a hood.


    Second Skin:


    1.No Hood


    2.He gets a shared splash art where he gets 30% of the splash attention (you already know that they made him crouch so syndra hands can be visible)


    3-This face is not talon's face its kayn's face....


    4-deformed Face again..


    5-his arm blade is so small like actually what is this ? XD


    6-the abilities looks feels and looks like blackwood talon

    Broken Promise #2


    Thread link: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeaguePBE/comments/l1q50r/113_pbe_bugs_feedback_thread_withered_rose_talon/

    as you can see here they promised yet another changes,the arm blade size did not change nor did anything with the splash art (yes they actually didn't change anything they even gave us an exact date on when the arm blade is going to change and they did nothing just like that)

    1-no community should ever be lied to like that (twice) with no explanation what so ever.

    2-why are there pbe skin feedback threads when you never change anything?

    When i wait a year and a half i expect a good skin but since they started making a lot more skins per year the skins have been disappointing (this is the case for other champions as well this is not limted to talon)

    i am heavily dissapointed that the promises by riot doesn't mean anything and that the feedback doesn't mean anything to them and that i was lied to like that TWICE.

    ik its too late to change anything for this skin now since its on the live servers but what i hope is after another year of waiting i dont have to deal with this again

    submitted by /u/IbelalI
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    Autofilled junglers are a huge problem. I think most player prefer waiting a few minutes longer in queue for a better game quality

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:04 AM PST

    Im just wating for a game for over 1 hour in euw diamond 4. Seems like no one plays jungle anymore.

    Either you wait super long, because everyone dodges games and tbh that makes sense as you almost lose every game with an autofilled jungler or you just take the game with a lower probabilty of winning.

    Can we atleast make queue times higher in lower elos again? I can understand that in really high elo this results in 30 minute queues but i would wait 5-10 minutes instead of 2 if that means less autofilled players. Especially an autofilled jungler means you will probably have a bad game.

    submitted by /u/throwawayfinggra
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    After spending more than 200 Euros in materials and more than 250 hours i`ve finally finish my project ASHE cosplay. I hope you like it

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:10 PM PST

    T1 vs. Nongshim RedForce / LCK 2021 Spring - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:59 AM PST

    LCK 2021 SPRING

    Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    T1 2-1 Nongshim RedForce

    - Faker is now the first player ever to have played 600 games in the LCK.

    T1 | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
    NS | Leaguepedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

    MATCH 1: T1 vs. NS

    Winner: T1 in 26m | POG: Keria (100)
    Match History | Damage Graph | Runes

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    T1 orianna samira olaf jayce zoe 54.0k 16 8 H2 O3 M4 B5 M6
    NS twisted fate aphelios taliyah pantheon jarvan iv 42.2k 1 2 I1
    T1 16-1-37 vs 1-16-2 NS
    Zeus gnar 2 3-0-8 TOP 0-3-1 3 renekton Rich
    Ellim lillia 3 4-0-9 JNG 1-2-0 1 udyr Peanut
    Faker azir 2 4-0-6 MID 0-4-1 4 viktor Bay
    Gumayusi kaisa 1 4-0-4 BOT 0-2-0 1 xayah deokdam
    Keria leona 3 1-1-10 SUP 0-5-0 2 thresh Kellin

    MATCH 2: NS vs. T1

    Winner: Nongshim RedForce in 35m | POG: Peanut (200)
    Match History | Damage Graph | Runes

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    NS kalista gnar azir quinn rakan 66.7k 21 7 H2 I4 H5 I6 B8
    T1 taliyah olaf orianna leona pantheon 59.4k 7 5 C1 O3 I7 I9
    NS 21-7-52 vs 7-21-18 T1
    Rich renekton 2 4-2-12 TOP 2-6-3 3 jayce Zeus
    Peanut nidalee 2 7-0-10 JNG 1-3-3 1 udyr Ellim
    Bay sett 3 2-1-10 MID 1-5-2 1 twisted fate Faker
    deokdam kaisa 1 8-2-5 BOT 3-4-4 2 xayah Teddy
    Kellin rell 3 0-2-15 SUP 0-3-6 4 thresh Keria

    MATCH 3: T1 vs. NS

    Winner: T1 in 30m | POG: Faker (100)
    Match History | Damage Graph | Runes

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    T1 nidalee rell renekton viktor aatrox 55.7k 13 9 H2 O3 H4 B7 C8
    NS taliyah gnar azir samira kalista 47.1k 4 2 I1 C5 C6
    T1 13-4-30 vs 4-13-8 NS
    Zeus gragas 3 2-0-8 TOP 0-2-2 4 ornn Rich
    Ellim olaf 2 3-0-3 JNG 0-4-2 1 udyr Peanut
    Faker orianna 1 2-0-6 MID 0-3-1 3 syndra Bay
    Gumayusi vayne 3 4-2-6 BOT 4-2-0 1 kaisa deokdam
    Keria leona 2 2-2-7 SUP 0-2-3 2 seraphine Kellin

    Patch 11.2

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

    submitted by /u/adz0r
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    Faker first to reach 600 games in LCK

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:07 AM PST

    T1 LoL on Twitter: "LIVING LEGEND, FAKER l 2013.04.16~ "Faker" 이상혁 선수가 LCK 최초로 600전 출전 기록을 달성하였습니다. 앞으로의 활약도 많은 응원 부탁드립니다. Please congratulate @faker for being the first player to reach 600 games and more in LCK. #T1WIN #Faker https://t.co/QscilbTSuR" / Twitter

    In tonight's T1 vs NS, our man reaches 600 games in LCK (LCK count only, not including international). T1 has had a pop-off performance in Game 1, let's hope we'll see our man shine in his 600th! It's rare to see him play nowadays with the constant roster swap, appreciate it whenever he plays.

    submitted by /u/mobijet
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    FlyQuest Presents: LCS En Vivo | Spanish Co-Stream of the LCS!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:28 PM PST

    Only one League VGU will be released this year due to the pandemic, Riot Reav3 says

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:19 AM PST

    Revert the ARAM changes

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:19 AM PST

    Why does Riot randomly remove oracle lense which was the only counterplay to traps in ARAM? You don't bother yourself balancing all the stuff which is insanly broken (pretty much anything with insane range with poke), then you randomly go "hey guys we haven't bothered ourself to balance anything for ARAM because it's a fun mode, how about we remove oracle lense so people can enjoy playing against Teemo and Shaco?". It cringes me really hard to see such changes out of nowhere. I mean i don't mind if you do nothing for this game mode but don't fuck it up at least. Some champions were unfun to play against before but now you turned some into literally cancer picks.

    Yeah cool the cannon and big minions can turn them visible, but do you honestly think the enemy is gonna be like "let me wait for them to clear my traps with their minions so i have a disadvantage". If you are losing already you have 0 chance of clearing the traps and you can't step anywhere without getting shitted on or losing 90% of your health bar with your new amazing Liandrys and Demonic Embrace.

    It's no secret that Riot is absolutly horrible at balancing stuff but at least don't change stuff that was fine before, because you have 0 clue how to change stuff and as i mentioned you don't even know how to balance all the other things. Just revert it. The normal game became unplayable for me and you fucked up ARAM on top of that.


    Lower the passive CD of Umbral Glaive (for ARAM) + give me the same item for AP champions and supports. Umbral Glaive on Pyke/Senna/Pantheon is a nightmare to play against in normal mode anyways. The only counter to this item is to base every 30s which leaves your team in a 4v5 most of the time. You either do that or you play the game without vision which is also horrible. You just released a bunch of new items and i still wonder how there is no counter part to Glaive for Enchanters/AP champions.

    submitted by /u/es_tr114
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    Phreak, LS, Drakos, and Hysterics awarded the best LoL broadcast talent of 2020 by Inven Global

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:52 AM PST

    Kog'Maw thought he was still kitin

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:25 PM PST

    DRX vs Gen.G Post Match Discussion // LCK Spring 2021 Week 4

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:49 AM PST

    DRX 2-1 Gen G

    I didn't see a PMT so I'll just create one myself, will delete if a proper one goes up.

    DRX are the team that keep surprising me week after week. Glad to see pyosik pull out the mundo despite it not finding much success and his udyr smurfed in game 1. As a team, they're really impressive right now, they feel like they're simply more than the sum of their parts. On paper this isn't really an amazing team yet they make it work

    submitted by /u/MedievalMovies
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    Biggest item nerf of the patch is not shown in the patch notes

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:19 AM PST

    Sterak's Gage lost 10 AD (350 gold value), but the patch notes do not mention this. This is a gigantic nerf. The item went from relatively broken to possibly low value overall.

    EDIT: This is actually a tooltip error, and Sterak's is still giving 50 AD. The item's purchase information is reading as 40 AD, but if you hover over the item it says 50 instead (which is the correct value).

    submitted by /u/veryhyped
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    Shyvana is no longer getting increased Fury generation from Cloud Drakes.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:05 AM PST

    A while ago (in patch 10.25) Riot made an UNDOCUMENTED change that said:
    "Cloudbringer's Grace no longer grants 10/20/30/40% (based on stacks) increased Fury generation."
    As a Shyvana main I can say, that this is a huge nerf. Honestly, sure it was pretty busted and it sort of needed a nerf.
    BUT currently Shyvana is getting NOTHING from killing Cloud Drakes! Literally nothing! Even current version of Udyr gets time between stances reduced by some amount with Cloud Drake.
    I'll say it's sort of unfair, especially since it was undocumented, like Riot tried to hide something from us.

    submitted by /u/ShikamaruDmx
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    Zeus debuts for T1. Faker, Ellim and Gumayusi back on roster

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:39 PM PST

    [2021 LCK Spring R1 vs @NS_RedForce]

    Starting roster for tonight. Zeus - Ellim - Faker - Gumayusi - Keria

    T1WIN #T1Fighting


    So glad to see faker and gumayusi back on** roster. Pretty hyped to see how zeus will do on his debut. Ellim is also back on the roster. Would have preferred cuzz tbh.

    submitted by /u/Ace_OPB
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    Lillia has not been nerfed or buffed even once since release

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:39 PM PST

    Hello all,

    As a fun fact Lillia, one of the most stable meta picks since release s not been changed once since release on the live servers.

    She has had a high pick and ban rate at the highest levels of league, and has a certain skill ceiling attached to her.

    Is she the definition of balance in regards to the kind of champions that riot has released recently?

    That's all

    Have a good day.

    submitted by /u/armageddeon
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    Captain Flowers Spitting Bars in Twitch Rivals for 60 Seconds Straight

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:29 PM PST

    T1 Zeus talks about his role model Nuguri, describes the hype and the pressure surrounding his debut: "When I heard NoFe say Nuguri is gone, but we still have Zeus [left in the LCK] ... I thought I was going crazy, with all the pressure being placed on me."

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:22 AM PST

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