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    Sunday, June 7, 2020

    LoL Guide An Intricate Guide to Teemo (Spreadsheet)

    LoL Guide An Intricate Guide to Teemo (Spreadsheet)

    An Intricate Guide to Teemo (Spreadsheet)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    I'll keep this rather short. Diamond 4 peak (S9), 4.3 Million Mastery OTP Teemo.

    Casual player, love helping out my fellow brothers and sisters, no matter their problems.

    If you too enjoy Teemo an want some extra tips/tricks to dealing with (X) champion(s). I created a spread sheet a while back which I recently updated fully (more detail, etc).

    The spreadsheet goes into as much detail as I possibly could implement to explaining each an every matchup, items that make the experience less stressful right up to multiple choices for runes an abilitys to start/max from Best to less than ideal.


    This spreadsheet is very large. If you do plan on reading or utilizing it, you will want to load the entire page before starting up games. Takes a while to open an load. It's probably a book at this point.

    I guess it too could work for people struggling against Teemo players. But you didn't hear it from me.

    Hope it helps.

    Edit: Was sked if I have extra information or (Guides). So if you want your eyes to bleed with the amount of passion I put into Teemo check out my guide aswell!



    submitted by /u/SovereignKitten
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    I played 20 games today and took notes after every game. This is what I learned.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    proof : https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=drft

    I had nothing to do today, so I decided I was going to spend the whole day trying to weed out my bad habits and implement new habits in normals.

    After every game I took notes and what I did, what went wrong, and 1 thing I took from the game that I could try to improve in future games. https://imgur.com/a/YpwYMxw (The Notes)

    I ended up going 15 - 5 winning pretty much every game where my lanes didn't hard lose, I think this was due to me play mindfully, focusing on vison control and constantly looking at the minimap while last hitting every time.

    Towards the end of the day there were Diamonds and plats in every game I played. Meaning my normal mmr was getting decently high up.

    https://na.whatismymmr.com/drft (I do not believe the site is very accurate rn, but none the less it does show my normal mmr increasing)

    I learned the main flaws that are very obvious in my game play are not tracking the enemy jg/being mindful of where my jg is, buying pinks and controling river vision and getting picked while playing the side lane/being too aggro in my positioning and dying early in teamfights.

    Overall I think this practice was very helpful and I am going to continue taking notes after every game as I think it helps me process the mistakes in my gameplay.

    E:Also it should be noted I just switched to mid from ADC, which is why I'm trying to focus on ingraining new habits

    submitted by /u/summary_execution
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    My first season playing league, I managed to hit Gold IV. To all new players: here’s how I did it

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    To all new players like me, aim high and you can climb! Started league late January and I had no idea about this game or have any moba experience. I knew I'd be 10 years behind everyone so I figured out a plan to help accelerate my learning curve. My goal was to hit Silver by the end of the season, but I somehow surpassed my goal and recently really started to climb fast. Happy to answer any questions also. Here's my op.gg

    • play top lane. Why? No one really likes playing top so learning this lane will give you consistency. There's also only a handful of matchups you need to learn for laning phase.

    • learn to be a OTP with the lesser played champs. Forget garen/Darius bc they will be banned in more than half your matches. Your goal is to have consistency so you can learn and build habits. I lucked out and kled picked me and I never looked back.

    • find a good streamer to pick apart how he plays each matchup. Why he does what he does during laning phase, how and when he trades, etc. I literally downloaded the first 10 minutes of common matchups so I can go back and rewatch if I'm making mistakes or forget how to play against which opponent.

    • don't just follow standard builds every game. You'll have 1-2 core items but the rest you have to adapt based off team comp and who is fed. Really spend some time understanding item builds and what each item does and how it will help you during mid/late game. I also use blitz during games so I can see what % enemy team is AP/AD. Blitz is pretty useful for new people. I still don't know what every champ does, but I managed to get this far - you can too

    • just go straight into ranked and don't look back. You're going to get shit on in placements and probably your first 30 matches. I got carried to B4 and made it to B2 somehow for my first handful of games, but then I literally lost 20 games in a row and really started my climb back at B4. Mute all also bc you're gonna get flamed for feeding. The reason I say go straight into ranked is bc you want to learn how to be comfortable and not get frayed nerves during your eventual placements. You'll eventually start to play consistent so that's key for your mental

    • don't get discouraged when you get shit on. It happens and it will happen, but once you make it through the trenches you'll get thick skin. Eventually you'll do well and get an MVP or ace and the more you get, the more confidence you'll build.

    submitted by /u/Kidsonny
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    How do I play better at toplane?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    I am in iron 1 currently and I have been struggling with learning how to trade well with a person. In ranked, I get ganked and just get told to play safe after. The thing is, the other dude just freezes the lane and I can't get CS or kills so I am basically useless later on. And for trading, I don't know when it's a good time to hit the enemy. It's difficult to get better.

    submitted by /u/izoinkchairs
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    Stop ganking "Weak side"

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Look, I know there's different situations and different approaches to lanes and all that stuff.

    But this is a simple concept.

    If you have a Maokai vs Darius on top, you don't need to gank him 24/7 to keep Darius at bay, that won't work. Darius is designed to abuse champions like Maokai, he's a lane bully, that's what he does. You are putting your top laner and you at risk by ganking his lane, unless you outplay his Q heal, you're either both dead, or not killing him.

    Imagine now you have a Mid Lane and a Bot lane matchup that go even (on paper) vs the enemy's pick. You should be concentrating on those lanes.

    If you get Mid ahead you free the midlaner to roam, and maybe you can 3 man gank the Darius top.

    If you get Botlane ahead, you free the support for vision control and dragon control.

    I know that having a 0 - 9 tank top lane can be frustrating as hell, I'm not saying don't help the guy. Hell if Darius is staying in lane with 400 Hp go for it.

    What I am saying is: No matter what, a good Darius will probably always win against a champ like Mao. You need to either pressure other lanes or relieve the pressure in top, not constantly look for kills on him.

    I just thougth of this after the "Camp the lane bullies" post the other day and a few games where this situation played out.

    submitted by /u/Beennu
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    What to do when you can't CS in lane

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    How do you start the early laning phase if you can't even cs? I got autofilled top and I picked Nasus against a graves top. I got destroyed easily and got 1-5 in less than 10 minutes. I can't win trades with him and I can't even get cs cause he just harasses me even under the turret. I am not asking the Nasus vs Graves matchup but in general.

    How do I win the lane like this? If I can't even get near the creeps? Another matchup where I struggle is also as Corki (I main him) vs lucian and also fizz.

    It's either I get cs but the enemy laner is fed (from the enemy laner killing me) OR I don't cs and the enemy laner is still fed(from the cs). I always lose either way.

    submitted by /u/AnonymousJackfruit
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    How to stop playing passively

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    So I'm a gold 4 ADC main and I tend to do pretty well in my games, as long as you don't look at my damage.

    I tend to have either the lowest or second lowest damage on my team when I play but rarely die in lane.

    I can usually sit back and do what I can to avoid taking damage and letting my team carry me. In general, since I'm rarely the feeder the enemy team usually is worse off and we win (I had an over 80% wr to gold and now hover around 50%).

    Every time I try to go for more aggressive plays I usually end up dying. How do I learn when to play passively and when to be aggressive?

    submitted by /u/fict8ne7jd4
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    If you have a decent amount of games played with a champion and have a low win-rate, take action.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I'm in Bronze 2, climbing my way up. I see a lot of people in bronze/silver that play a champion that they have 100 games with and a whopping 35% win rate, with a KDA of like 1.5. Why would you do that to yourself and your teammates? If you're consistently losing, you should look at yourself and how you can improve (and please don't blame your teammates...)

    There's a few things you can do in this case, but the one thing you should NOT do is keep playing them in ranked the same way you have been.

    Option 1: watch pro streamers that play your champion and see what they do, pay attention, reflect on the differences between their gameplay and yours. Figure out what you're doing wrong and correct it

    Option 2: play them in normal matches until you get better at them. Pretty straight forward. You shouldn't be playing a champ you aren't experienced with in ranked, or you will likely lose.

    Option 3: play a different champion. It could be that the champion you're playing just isn't that great. Maybe they get countered easily or their kit sucks, or you're playing them in the wrong roll (I'm looking at you teemo adc's and trist/ez mids). Or maybe you just aren't good at that champ. There's no harm in accepting your losses and trying someone else (but make sure you get experience in them before playing ranked).

    submitted by /u/Melssenator
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    LP trouble old diamond player

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, i play LoL since 2012. I achieved diamond in s5 and stopped being an active player for about 4 years, only played a couple games to keep winning the end season rewards. My LP wins were always at the range +20-26 per win and lost -12~18, but now that i returned to play ranked games i'm with a lot of trouble to rank up, even with 66W/46L. The LP gains is at the +16-18 and the lose is -20 all the time. All the rank promotion i'm rewarded with a automatic win... Is this situation normal to old non active players?


    submitted by /u/Muezerie
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    When Jungling in low-elo, is it best to go full AD/AP or tanky?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    I've recently started getting into Jungling in low-elo. At first I started following some recommended builds by professionals, but I have started to notice that I think it would be best if I go full damage just to simply crush my opponents fast.

    If it helps, I mostly play Olaf, Amumu and Jarvan IV. I was wondering if for example with Amumu, it's best to go Rylais, Zhonya's and so on when Jungling.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Dexonic
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    What am I supposed to do when my jungle gets camped early game?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I was in a game where Jax and Darius were just sitting in a bush next to my red. There were no wards placed so obviously when I walked up I got killed. How could I have avoided this? It seems like there was no way to know and I didn't have a ward because it was very early in the game

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Playing vs an assassin who is freezing lane.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Yesterday I was playing Katarina vs fizz. On all in combos he outtrades me for sure because he got the numbers. so I tried to bait his abilities and dodged while attacking with abnormal combos. But any loss of HP would make me scared of trading back or in it's default approaching to any risk.

    The hard point is when I got freezed by him under his lane pillars, zoning me from grabbing minions even with Q. With this I reached 2½ level disadvantage and I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW what to do.

    I know my strong point is spinning at a group fight or at a mispositioned enemy, but fizz dodges it all while violently doing burst.

    So, what do I do in this situations? Btw, I didn't roam because enemy botlane were pushed and I wouldn't dive being level 5.

    submitted by /u/http_dellarosa
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    Tips on playing top lane and playing Darius

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Im relatively new and a noob when it comes to Lol (only level 25) and I'm planning to main Darius top since my friends said they needed a Top laner. Any tips? I've also got Pantheon, Jax, Nasus, Morde, Malphite, Garen, and Volibear. Planning on adding Maokai to my champion pool as well. I've recently been playing a lot of Brand support, Amumu tank, and Miss Fortune adc so playing Top lane is relatively new to me. I've played a few games as Darius already. I need tips on playing Darius, playing the top lane, and if there are other champions I should try besides those already in my champion pool.

    submitted by /u/jdgz20
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    FINALLY! It's like scratching an itch you couldn't find for days.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I don't even want to play now, I just want to enjoy the fact that i CAN play. I'm sure i'm well in the minority on this subreddit, but I just got my first mouse with manual DPI settings on it. I've known what DPI is obviously, but figuring out your comfort zone for the first time you've had a new mouse in 5 years, while also being the first time you've even known your own mouse's (mice's?) DPI , was admittedly stressful. I'm ashamed to be so behind the curve that it took me literal HOURS in practice tool over the past couple days to finally hit my sweet spot where I felt like i could even last hit properly, let alone kite. Not to mention that I just learned the hard way the League's in game slider overides your windows sensitivity. That was a fun hour spent on google..not to mention the adjustments for each change etc. before i learned League's halfway is equivalent to Window's 6/11.

    Anyway, this is probably a dumb post to many of you who know your settings like the back of your hand, but coming from someone who has just plugged in a USB and clicked a setting in League's client for 5 years, this is a victory. This is my moment.

    • 50 In game
    • 30 camera speed
    • 6/11 windows
    • 1600 DPI
    • 1920x1080
    submitted by /u/SneakyBlunders
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    When to sidelane as mid?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm currently a S3 mid laner and I'm just curious on when to sidelane, as I really have issues with this.I know you're supposed to sidelane when you get the first tower either in mid or bot.

    I'm just curious as to why people do this, since it doesn't make much sense to me to randomly do that.My biggest issue is when I'm fed and I go to sidelane either bot to top, either when we choose to switch or when it's a bit later and I'm supposed to sidelane.

    I feel that when I'm I kind of need to be near mid because I'm worried that my team is just going to run it down to fight and if I'm not there but my team would probably lose.What should I do if I should be sidelaning and I'm the one that's fed and I should probably be there just in case?

    I tend to just get jungle camps or just stay mid and sometimes forced to share xp or gold which really messes up things a lot, what should I do here?


    submitted by /u/ControlOnly
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    How do I work on getting more cs as a game goes on?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Hello, I am and ADC main currently in Gold 2 and what I have been realizing recently is that although I have been winning a lot of games and having good kds, thats usually because I've been doing a better job of being ahead or at least staying even in laning phase while not dying at important times later on in games and letting my teammates carry. However what I have realized that in games where we are even in lane in CS, later on in the game the opposing ADC starts to exponentially gain more farm than me while I am scrapping by. I am also constantly torn on farming side lanes because I feel like I'm never safe enough to farm, but the enemy adc always seems to be able to farm side lanes no problem.

    I am also a Jhin main which is why I feel like I don't have to farm as much to have as much damage as other adcs? But even then I feel like if I can't pick up more farm, then eventually when I have to pick up other adcs that I will have low cs numbers on them too. Do you guys have any advice as to how to remedy these problems going forward?

    Also here's my op.gg if you want to check out my cs numbers and stats https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=lllSoulReaverlll

    submitted by /u/SamDescas
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    A Cassio player needs help!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    So I love playing Cassiopeia, I am an ADC/Mid main but when I get too bored of getting 1v1d by the Enemy Support Nautilus as Kai'Sa at any stage of the game I play Cassio mid. She fits my playstyle a lot and I think I pilot her well and I do have a positive winrate on her, but I struggle playing the laning phase against popular picks like Ahri, Syndra, Lux... mages that outdamage me in short trades and have bigger range than me. Any tips for winning lanes against them? I am Silver 1 if you're wondering

    submitted by /u/lukzsha
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    help me learn from my replays.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    i know that in older to improve , i need to watch my games and look for mistakes and other things.

    as a support main (main soraka) silver 3 new player , what am i looking for other than the obvious disposition and death( this part i can notice in game)

    submitted by /u/nobgamer
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    Am I farming too much as jungle?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, so a few weeks ago I tried picking up jungle on my alt account since it's by far my weakest role. I'm silver 2 on it, and the main champs I play are (Xin Zhao, Udyr, and Yi) I prefer duelist jungles and especially ones that can solo dragon at low levels since no one ever expects it in this elo 9 times out of 10. I seem to always do really well at the start of the game (pre 6) and I'm always staying on top of dragons and rift heralds, but rift sometimes I can't always get both. After 6, I feel like I'm still farming my camps too much and not ganking lanes or grouping. I'm usually lowest on the damage charts, so I was looking for advice on what you guys do once you've hit level 6-8. That's when I start trying to make dives or plays and I end up dying over and over. I find myself also not clearing lanes, I just stick to power farming jungle. Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/kgunss
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    o i got carried by a challenger....

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    And i realized wtf is wrong with hiugh elos?

    Thi guy is a friend of mine that got to challenger a long time ago, and now he's d1 and not playing a lot bc he got addicted to wow. So he told me he could carry me a few games, and this happened.

    Game 1:


    Game 2:


    The smurf is aatrox in both games.

    Now my question is, how i it possibole that i play 100 times better when playing with him, even when he doesnt really impact that much, like in the second game i have more kp, more cs, more damage, more wards etc, but somehow im not able to do the same when playing alone. Fun thing, in Game 2 i connected at minute 1:50, so i was 1 lvl down against irelia, she hit lvl 3 when i was lvl 1, and i still got first blood regardless.

    Why do games feel easier when i play wit him? I feel like i get queued with worse players when i play with him. Also in game 2 he wanted to urrender at 25 min, and i had to carry the game otherwise we would have lost

    submitted by /u/thepolarswedish
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    How to help ranked anxiety?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    I know that's a common term but the way that I feel is that im afraid I will lose and drop elo so i play one ranked game a week only when I'm feeling perfect. Is there anyway to fix this? I'm plat 2 and that is higher than my friends and I'm worried about dropping

    submitted by /u/HyperDoodle
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    Full thought process behind smashing lane in high diamond as ADC (vod review)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Hi guys, my name is Eyez1l and im a high diamond adc player on the NA server. I recently made a VOD review of a laning phase i had in d2 elo where I'm playing Twitch/Thresh and I'm facing Cait/Galio (2 engage lanes). In this vod review i show what the thought process is behind getting a lead and then how to snowball said lead. Some of the concepts shown are:

    -How to optimally look for the lv 2 all in -When to push, when to slow push/when to fast push -When to freeze -How to set up tower dives with your jungler -What to do once you take their tier 1 tower -When to look for trades -and many other concepts Here is the link to the vod review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtYJSQAzqQ

    Hope you guys enjoy the video, I will happily answer any question that are adc/bot lane related and also critical criticism is highly apreciated.

    submitted by /u/EYEZ1L
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    Soraka, Can she reliably play the mid lane?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Since I'm a support main I thought it would make sense for my secondary main role since I play enchanters and mages. I play Lux there since she is a popular pick there but my Support champion pool is currently Soraka, Lux and Sona. Lux, I can reliably take to the mid lane even in ranked. Can that be done with any of the other two champions? I'm wondering mainly about Soraka since Soraka and Lux are my two current main and often played champions.

    submitted by /u/DarkHuntress152
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    As an ADC, what is Attack Move?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Hi guys, for those pro Adc's out there, do you guys use attack move? I play on colorblind mode so when I use it, the area where I click turns orange.

    Can you please explain what attack move is, and why it would help? Do you also personally use it yourself? How did you start practicing because I'll be honest it is a bit awkward.

    In the League game settings, there is Plater Attack Move Click, and Player Attack Move... what's the difference?

    submitted by /u/DannyPhantumm
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