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    Friday, January 3, 2020

    LoL Guide Hello, I am a high elo educational streamer who is very passionate about teaching fellow summoners how to get better at league so they can achieve their ranked goals. I go through my thought process in detail, take champion requests and will play in any elo you want!

    LoL Guide Hello, I am a high elo educational streamer who is very passionate about teaching fellow summoners how to get better at league so they can achieve their ranked goals. I go through my thought process in detail, take champion requests and will play in any elo you want!

    Hello, I am a high elo educational streamer who is very passionate about teaching fellow summoners how to get better at league so they can achieve their ranked goals. I go through my thought process in detail, take champion requests and will play in any elo you want!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Hello, My name is Enver or enverOwnz. I am a GM Support main and for the past year or so, I've dedicated myself to helping people get better at league of legends in primarily the Support and ADC role but can also help other lanes as well. One thing I do pride myself in is that every single one of my students has increased in ranks by at least one or more divisions.

    I am currently streaming everyday where I explain my thought process both in-depth and as things occur even during team fights. Some of my viewers say I am basically casting my own gameplay. I not only explain what I am doing but also point out mistakes made by the enemy players as well and how to properly punish those mistakes.

    I take champion requests and will play in ANY ELO that you want in order to make the gameplay as realistic as possible to your own soloq games. This means if you're a gold 3 blitzcrank main, I am more than happy to not only play blitzcrank for you but also play him in a gold elo setting. This way you can see exactly how to optimize your gameplay as well as take advantage of the many mistakes that are made in these elo's.

    When I play in lower elo even if I get frustrated with my teammates I NEVER type in chat because I know I'm playing in a rank that is not up to par with my abilities (this is something I feel that players of higher elo should come to understand when smurfing) instead I use this as an opportunity to explain to you guys what they SHOULD be doing instead and why.

    Lastly, I remember seeing a post something along the lines of "how does dopa know where the enemy goes just off of subtle movements." During my gameplay, I try to explain how you guys can also do this and get that "faker sense" simply by looking at movements of the enemy, I consistently go over jungle tracking, how to prevent ganks and provide information as to why the enemy jungler will be at a certain spot at any given time.

    You might be wondering why I'm doing this instead of just tryharding on one account. Well, I genuinely have a passion for helping people get better at league. I noticed there arent many good quality educational live streams and that a lot of the high elo "educational" streams I see on twitch are all 1. playing in higher elo so it doesn't relate to a majority of the community and 2. they don't properly explain what they're actually doing and why. And then there's also the notion that "supports just get carried and are boosted" or think "you cant carry games from support." My original goal was to flip that mentality around and in doing so also create a truly educational environment where I can teach other support mains like myself how to climb and carry games in any elo. My end goal is for anyone who watches my stream to take the information learned and hopefully incorporate it into your own games so that you can reach your own ranked goal.

    To help everyone to the best of my ability, I try to explain things out in a simple, easy to understand manner and always double-check with my chat if anyone is still confused so that I can reiterate or restate an answer to a question or action that I do.

    Some people have asked me to make youtube guides, At the moment I have 3 videos up but plan to make more guides!

    Whenever I get a dm on discord or someone in chat telling me how they were able to rank up simply from watching me I get a warm feeling that I was able to help even just one more person in the league community get closer to the rank that they want, which leads me to the point. Even if I am not live if you ever have any questions be it an item build, what to play, etc... my dms are ALWAYS open so please feel free to shoot me a message on discord. There are no stupid questions and I am more than happy to answer you!

    I'm streaming every single day from ~7PM - 4AM EST.

    Twitch Link - https://www.twitch.tv/enverownz

    Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/enver0wns/

    My cool opgg's - https://gyazo.com/5a5f6717689593e828287a4caf9e667e

    An example of things I go over in-game (how to get deep vision without dying) - https://clips.twitch.tv/DaintySpikyAirGuitarPartyTime

    Edit: discord where I post helpful clips like the one above and place to ask me questions off stream! - https://discord.gg/YXD6DBt

    submitted by /u/enver0wnz
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    This might sound stupid, but why are each lane given a specific champion pool?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:08 PM PST

    I understand that JG has to have gapclose or fast clears, but what about the other lanes? Why couldn't the ADC be top while Tank and Support goes bot? Why couldn't the support go mid or top? What about double mage mid or something? Basically is there a specific reason the roles are what they are

    submitted by /u/DoughnutFeel
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    Is There a List of Smaller Non-Obvious League Game Mechanics For New Players?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:27 AM PST

    A friend of mine has been playing league for a few months and has gotten pretty good for the amount of time he's played. He just sent me a screenshot of a pre-game tooltip explaining turret backdoor protection (turrets are tankier with no nearby minions) and said "Is there a list of this unintuitive stuff I can read?"

    Does anyone know of a list like that? Or any game mechanics you can think of that wouldn't be immediately obvious to a new player.

    submitted by /u/Zeddit_B
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    I made a tool to help new/autofilled junglers pick a champion for a match!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Cheers junglers of all stripes,

    tl;dr after sales pitch

    Tool is here! If you want a full rundown (with memesplz look its funny) see the "Explainer" tab in the bottom left of the sheet.

    Do you ever get into a game and not know what to play? Do you ever ask yourself, "Man, what do I need to do to win?" Do you ever wish you could remember every champ you can conceivably play? If you've answered yes to any of these questions than the Jungle Workbook is right for you!

    tl;dr Simply put, its a spreadsheet filled with champions, their damage profiles, playstyle/class, difficulty (adjusted for jungling), generalized keystone, and winrate. The winrates are sourced from champion.gg and can be updated with the press of a button. Regardless of what you need for your team, the workbook can help you find it. I hope its helpful!

    submitted by /u/huskieman1
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    Help a Warwick OTP

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Hello i have played league in s7 and played mostly ahri mid around silver 3. Quit for a while and came back 4 months ago decided to swap roles to jgl. I started wiht playing ww to learn to jgl. Got placed bronze 1 and climbed my way to plat 4 atm. This climb i pretty much only played ww, if banned i play j4 or zac. The problems begin when i get auto filled. I cant play any role besides jgl. Every lane i pretty much int and dont know how to fix it. I want a good secondairy role which is relative easy to climb with. Give me some tips ln what lanes and what champs would fit me

    Edit : typos and grammar

    submitted by /u/Spirit0411
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    A list of resources to learn champions from scratch as fast as possible

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    This post, but in video format: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKq4Nskrx1Q

    If you're pressed on time (say, for an upcoming tournament) and wanting to learn a new champion, I've formulated some methods of mastering champions as quickly as possible.

    ProBuilds: https://www.probuilds.net/ gives you almost all the information regarding runes, itemization, skill order, and summoner spells you should ever need to know about any champion. Unlike guides, this information will never go out of date since it is constantly being updated. There is the argument to be made that trusting the builds of professional players in solo queue loses value when some of them use solo queue purely to limit test and experiment, but I'd still trust professional players' builds over almost any other player out there.

    League of Graphs (best players on each champion): https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/summoners gives you the runes, itemization, skill order, and summoner spells of various high elo / high winrate players for whatever champion you want to know about. I'd characterize this website as being less reliable than ProBuilds since diamond players can end up on the top players list, but it's another way to corroborate your findings: see if more of the top players, professional or otherwise, are building the same thing.

    Various text or video guides: I have no single link to submit. Just search up "xchampion guide" in both Google and YouTube, and see what comes up. Common sites are Mobafire and numerous educational YouTube channels. These become less reliable, especially for runes, itemization, skill order, and summoner spells, since most guides are not updated as frequently or at all compared to the two sources listed above. But guides offer something that the two sources listed above don't: information on how to actually play the game as this champion. Again, depending on the author of the guide, this information may not be very accurate. Using your own judgment and critical thinking is key.

    Replay channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChkYqBSmrYsPjOTK2N4pdWg/playlists this is the one I use, DomisumReplay. I think the channel is run by a bot that is constantly uploading high elo replays and organizing them into playlists based on what champion is being played. If you want to learn Irelia, you can find the Irelia playlist and watch a smorgasbord of high elo Irelia vods. This is the watch-and-learn version of guides, and it doesn't involve you having to question the credibility of the author. These vods are almost always taken from the highest elo solo queue games across all regions.

    Streamers: again, no singular link to point you to, but you can find League streamers on numerous streaming sites. Mixer and YouTube are two big ones, but the biggest one by far in North America is Twitch (i probably didn't need to tell you this). Find high elo, preferably educational streamers who play or even main the champion you want to learn, and hopefully you tune in to their stream as they happen to be playing that champion.

    Practice tool: again, no link, because this is the hands-on in-game real stuff. Use practice tool to practice this champion's last-hitting or jungle clears when applicable as well as their combos (which you should have learned through the guides or watching high elo gameplay of the champion). You can also get familiar with their ability ranges, widths, cast speeds, etc. You can also try the champion in bot games. While they offer a less sand-boxy experience than practice tool, they simulate real games much more accurately.

    Normals and Ranked: Once you've absorbed all the information in the resources listed above, you can try real games. Depending on what champion you're learning, you might find the first games very rough. It's important to keep your mental and confidence fresh so all the time you spend learning the champion is productive. You can also take notes as you try to figure out the champion's strengths, weaknesses, powerspikes, and more. These things should have been covered in any guides you've watched or read, and it is here in real games that you get to see how what's said in those guides line up with your real experience.

    ok good luck!

    submitted by /u/Happeeheart
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    I’m having a really hard time with Master Yi.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 05:31 AM PST

    So I'm in silver 2 and I do understand that low elo players usually are the ones with issues with yi. I main eve and I would like to ban lee sin every game but I find myself banning yi for one reason, my team. So I can handle a yi early game but then my team feeds him, how can I deal with a fed yi? Is there anyway to deal with him when he's fed? Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/Angrybean_
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    How to use camouflage?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:41 PM PST


    In the above example, Senna uses Curse of the Black Mist to obtain camouflage for both herself and Varus, with the intent of preventing Katarina from using Shunpo, a targeted ability. This does not work.

    From my understanding, camouflage is only rendered ineffective by nearby champions, turrets, or vision wards. After reviewing the replay, none of these are nearby.

    What would be the correct usage?

    submitted by /u/Stranger924
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    When are the champions stronger?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Hi! I'm a silver jungler main trying to improve and just like many guides say I try to plan the game. However, I don't know how every champion works which makes it harder to plan. Is there any website where I can see what champions scale and what champions are strong early on the game?

    submitted by /u/Chora123
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    My personal anti-tilt, self-evaluation helper: The OP score's ACE designation

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Just wanted to share this because it is helping me maintain my mental, and will help to prevent adjusting your play to false negatives of actually bad teams.

    If you look at your OPgg as I often do, you will see sometimes it ranks you as the best player on your team(for that game). If you lose, but were the best player on the losing team, you are given the title of ACE. Obviously there is always something to learn from reviewing and if I were Tarzan I would always be able to win these games, but for my own life, not every game is winnable, because my team screws up. I have been maining jungle and some games my laners will literally die more often than my Gromp--there's nothing you can do to make them stop. I know this, but it can be hard to know objectively when it is happening and when you just feel like it is.

    Since I picked up ranked again 19 days ago, I've played 43 games. My ranked record in that time is 26-17, 60.5%. That may be positive but it's not nearly enough to do what I'm trying to do and climb a full division without playing 500 games. But if I figure the ACE losses as wins, I'm at 35-8, or 81.5%. That is a lot more like what I'm looking for.

    I work with data for a living, and its important to remember that streaks happen, coincidences often look very much like causes, and small data sets often deceive you. This has been the only way to remind me that I'm still playing well and I really have been getting pretty bad teams/matchmaking/drafts. One of the things I heard in a ProGuides video was about Results-Oriented thinking, which is basically saying "all's well that ended well", just to do more of what you did during a win and less of what you did during a loss; the problem is this often reinforces bad habits or ignores good ones. I could look at my Olaf win rate and say "wow, I'm 4-7, I suck at Olaf, should never play him". But in fact, I was the best player on my team for 4 of those losses. I could see myself as having done my job in the jungle 8 out of 11 times. Maybe it does mean that Olaf is a bad choice for my elo, maybe not. But it keeps me from steering away from the champ altogether just because the 36% win rate number is so hideous looking.

    I highly advise it. You can even use the MVP to flag games where you carried and review those VODs and see what led to your success. Or you can look at those ACE games and see what you could have done to close out the game with your advantages instead of letting your team drag you down.

    It isn't perfect, but it's certainly helpful top basically automate a tiny bit of self-analysis. And it's kind of nice to have someone else there to say "yeah that sucked, but you did play pretty good".

    P.S. the 8 losses I have that I wasn't the Ace, it was the last game of the night and I was playing tired. It has taught me to simply log off sooner and respect my drop in reaction time. I'm a boomer so playing at 11:30pm is going to be bad for my execution. I wouldn't have been able to single this out with the noise of losses that are essentially unavoidable.

    submitted by /u/3kindsofsalt
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    Completely Lost in Top Lane Post 15mins with a Lead

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:57 PM PST

    I just played a game as Urgot vs Darius

    I'm S1/G4 so somehow I won the coinflip and I guess I knew how to play my champ slightly better than Darius

    Laning phase ends at like 15 mins when I take top tower

    Now what? I'm completely and utterly lost

    If I push into him, he gets free farm and I do nothing significant on the map (yes, I take his Krugs sometimes and Red once)

    If I try to harass him or fight him far up in the lane, I get 3v1'd and I cant even think about diving him

    If I freeze the wave by my tower to try and deny him cs, my team dies in a 4v5

    If I die top drawing 2+ people, my team doesn't do anything on the opposite side

    If I join the team and try to use my lead to help around objectives, Darius takes all my towers and we dont get advantages on objectives

    If swap bot and try to split push there, Darius either takes top towers or they again send 3 people to kill me

    Every single one of these instances happened in this game and I have absolutely no idea what I could have done

    tldr: I won lane around 15 mins when I took top tier 1 (and had a cs, exp, and 1-0 kill lead). The game ended around 30 mins and I did not even take the top tier 2 and we lost

    submitted by /u/ClumsyPineappl
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    What to do with Vladimir late game?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:18 PM PST

    I used to be a fan of the old Vlad but haven't touched him in a while, I decided to start playing him again.

    I know how to lane with him, if I do poorly I can see where I made mistakes, but I'm not sure how to play him late. Vlad has a reputation as a monstrous late game carry, but I always have a really hard time in team fights. I get blown up really quickly and struggle with getting onto priority targets. Clearly I'm either not using his abilities properly, or I'm building wrong. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_LOL_YAOI
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    What to do autofill

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Each time I get autofilled I am really insecure and dont really know to handle the lane, champs or matchups. Therefore I would appreciate some tips and/or champs for each role in case I am autofilled. My goal is just to kind of stay back, chill and most importantly not feed in order to maybe get carried. At the same time I dont want to be utterly useless throughout the enitre game...

    I personally dont need tips for top but feel free to comment some, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/-CerealKiller
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    How is it that in very high elo games are so bloody and seemingly every small fight turns into an all-out brawl?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:49 PM PST

    For me this is the biggest difference between games that I play or spectate up to Platinum, even Diamond and games I watch on streams.

    In these Masters+ Games,so many rift scuttler duels, bot lane 2v2 or ganks turn into 4v4 warzones with everyone less than half a map away joining in.

    Is that something worth replicating? There is no way not at least some guys are sacrificing farm, wasting time, abandoning jungle camps, letting CS die to tower, messig up their wave but somehow they still all show up and the fights go LONG.

    I have a feeling if I were to try to do the same I would often times arrive to an already lost fight and then would have to back away to my lane which is now in an awful position.

    Is it just a different meta or how come?

    submitted by /u/Torem_Kamina
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    How league is making me hate the game

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:24 PM PST

    I don't have much time. I don't have much money.

    I like the game, when it's in a balanced state that lets me have fun with what i like to play.

    I have always been an ADC main with some supp since s2 but the whole 2018 was a pain to play as adc with 2019 being the worst.

    Playing ADC requires you to be 24/7 on spot and be consistently better mechanically wise than your opponent to not fail. Just too stressful.

    So i went top.

    I've chosen another mechanically intensive champ, Camille, yet i could have fun with it.

    Until another obnoxious patch where again, everything has changed and i am again in the "ADC 2019" state where i have to be a lot better than my opponent to succeed because my champ is not strong anymore.

    It's disgusting that the game forces you to buy "the OP of the patch" every week.

    submitted by /u/Synoxia
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    wave control top lane question

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:11 PM PST

    if my lvl 1 > theirs, but my lvl 2 < theirs, should I look to push or should I back off completely? minions will aid me but since hes stronger lvl 2, I wont be able to push as hard, thus third wave crashes at his tower, and then that's prime time for jg to gank and fuck me over because they'll freeze the wave afterwards.

    submitted by /u/LakePale
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    I've decided to play Annie to really learn the game, what should I focus on?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    I've been playing on and off since season 6, but decided to get serious this season. I've always mained Anivia and hit Gold I with her in seasons 7-9 (didn't get any higher due to inconsistency).

    Asking around in this sub I realised I'm a really bad player and that Anivia just let me play badly without getting punished a lot. I've started playing Annie and I like her kit, so I'm sticking to her. However, it has become evident that I'm really bad at almost everything except for wave management and cs'ing. I can't roam properly, I can't take good decisions, I misposition a lot, etc.

    What aspects of the game should I focus on so I can actually improve? I'm really lost to where to start, and I'd thank a few resources to learn them.

    submitted by /u/AvatarZoe
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    Questions about Jhin’s R

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:40 AM PST

    I've recently picked up Jhin adc cause I think he's a ton of fun to play and he works really well with some of the characters a lot of my friends play. I feel like I understand the champ pretty well and I get most of his abilities, but I constantly feel like I'm either using his R wrong, or not using it at the right time. One situation I find myself in is a low health enemy running into fog where my team has no vision and me not being able to track them, and missing all 4 shots. Another situation I find myself in is trying to use R too early, and it doing basically nothing. What are some things to look for to pop Jhin's R, and how do I get better at hitting the longer shots when I have no cc from my team and no vision on the enemy? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/AceTheSandman
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    I need Yasuo help please

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Hello there people of Reddit I need help with Yasuo I tend to play him the most out of everyone else but heres my question im able to last hit with him 50 percent of the time for every 3 minions theres one i miss, but besides that the real question is that i need help with how to play him more efficiently like best items and runes to get i will tell you my final build in the order i get it. berserk greaves, phantom dancer, IE, guardian angle, maw of malmortius, and blood thirstier, my rune page for him is

    mid rune page:




    last stand


    taste of blood

    ravenous hunter

    +10 as, +9 af, and +6 Armour or +8 magic res depending on the teams match up

    top/bot rune page:




    coup de grace


    taste of blood

    ravenous hunter

    +10 as, +9 af, and +6 Armour or +8 magic res depending on the teams match up

    can you help me get better with some good tips people to watch or suggestion to help me here also if you want to help me in game my discord is assortedfilms#1115 and my LOL is NA assortedfilms

    submitted by /u/assortedfilms
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    Hi, i wanna try ahri but i dont know how to play her good. Can anyone help me ?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 05:13 AM PST

    Silver 3 player and summoner level 160 (i have 1 account) here. I got ahri in ARAM and i want to play her in summoners rift but i dont know what runes/build i should take and if there is any tricks i can use, when should i roam, who are ahri's counters and the easy matchups i can destroy. Can anyone help me ?

    submitted by /u/LoustiCraft
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    Questions about Zac's E

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:43 PM PST

    I've been playing Zac recently and I noticed in a few matches that sometimes I would get pulled to the ground midway through the arc of my E and was wondering what was causing that? Are there only specific champs who can pull me to the ground or is it just being stunned while airborne causing it?

    As a side note, I find him quite fun and would love to hear some champs which are similar to him if you can recommend any.

    submitted by /u/the_best_dude
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    An ADC to main

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Ok, I am looking for an ADC to main. My goal is to get 2 million mastery points on the champ. So they have to be good in different metas, have the ability to solo carry and be somewhat not team relient, But all of my ranked games are going to be duo queue with my best buddy who will play support (I trust him to not mess up and protect me). List of people I was considering:


    -Great Scaling

    -Great mobility

    -Short range/not the best laning (but I am duo queue)

    -Flashy (not useful, but why not?)


    -Great Scaling

    -Decent Mobility

    -Short ranged/not best laning (am duo queue)

    -Also flashy

    -Could get nerfed


    -Not great Scaling, but IMO, not that bad

    -Good mobility

    -High burst combo

    -Short ranged but great laning



    -High range, can win lane

    -Bad mobility compared to others on list

    -Not flashy

    -Not the best Scaling but can do a lot of damage without taking damage in fights

    -decent lane burst

    Note: Skill ceiling and floor don't matter (as I will learn them).

    Tl,Dr: What ADC to main and why?

    Thanks in advance, Lelserslasers

    submitted by /u/LelsersLasers
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    Started the game on locked camera. I need help.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:24 PM PST

    So for background i hardly played any video games for a long time and i had never played any mobas or AAA games.

    My friend then introduced me to league and i hated the moving camera so i found how to just lock it (i switched it from Y to spacebar)

    However in all the communities and with some youtubers i like, SRO and Huzzy and Ross, they all dont agree with locked camera.

    I have the setting of middle nouse click drag set up but i just cant get myself to use it. What should i do?

    submitted by /u/EclipsedLight
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