• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    League of Legends 1v3 my old Zed outplay, I'm so proud of it.

    League of Legends 1v3 my old Zed outplay, I'm so proud of it.

    1v3 my old Zed outplay, I'm so proud of it.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    Draven is NOT Sett's dad !

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Draven is NOT Sett's dad !

    I can see a lot of post about Draven being Sett's dad. But I can explain to you guys why it's impossible :

    - Draven was 2 years old when Sett was born.

    - Draven grew up in Basilich.

    Here is the timeline

    Laurie Goulding answer when I asked him first (Narrative Editorial Director at Riot Games)



    Final answer after a closer inspection.

    With thoses infos I hope you all gonna abandon this theory because that's clearly impossible !

    Thanks in advance for reading.

    A faithful Noxian

    submitted by /u/hoolahoopAzir
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    [self] Taliyah cosplay

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:55 PM PST

    Recently cosplayed Taliyah and wanted to share. Everything was made by me! Hope you all had a good new year!

    Taliyah cosplay

    submitted by /u/itchysquid
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    Garter, ex Dota 2 pro, here transitioning to LoL full time to pursue potential competitive career (round 2)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Hey guys, whats up

    I'm Ylli "Garter" Ramadani, an ex Dota 2 pro player. I recently have quit Dota 2 because I'm done fighting a broken and unhealthy system (you can find the details here in my twitlonger ). I have decided to pursue LoL with the hopes of eventually going pro. I've been watching various content and following the community lately. LoL feels like a really fast paced version of Dota (at least in pubs) and I'm like a baby taking my first steps, stumbling around and falling on my face non stop. I am hoping that you guys will come watch me make the transition, help in the learning process and support my move. Links to VODs worth watching, streamers, guides, tuturials, tips or newbie content would be greatly appreciated. I'm already a big fan of Yasuo and keep getting called 'typcial Yasuo mainer" --- yikes, what does that even mean?

    I'm not gonna lie, I'm really hyped to be taking this step and becoming part of the LoL scene.

    submitted by /u/gartergaming
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    How Often Do you use ekko ulti after backing?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:51 PM PST

    [Self] Pyke Cosplay

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:57 AM PST

    [Self] Pyke Cosplay

    Finally getting the chance to debut my commissioned Pyke! This cosplay was a ton of fun to wear especially since I had white out contacts to be extra creepy. Hope y'all enjoy and have a wonderful new year.


    submitted by /u/astrozenithcosplay
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    WWE Cesaro on his recent Ranked Climb inspired by Rick Fox.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:32 PM PST


    Inspired by @RickFox, #TheClimb2020 started out quite well, let's hope I can keep the momentum

    It's actually surprising to see him still continuing and dedicating hours into this game(at least 568 solo/duo games this season) and not ditching it after the promo.

    He just promoted to Silver 3 and is currently rocking a 92% win rate on Nasus(mainly a toplane main), here's his OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=wwecesaro

    submitted by /u/Plaxern
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    It's 2020 and Your Team SUCKS! - TSM

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:37 AM PST

    Some people are fans of TSM. But many, many more people are NOT fans of TSM. This 2020 LCS team preview is for those in the latter group. This is meant to be a parody of Deadspin's WYTS NFL team previews. I'm a salty LCS Redditor who's near the end of his rope watching these teams shoot themselves in their collective feet, so I drank a couple malts and made this. I might make more. Enjoy.

    Your Team:







    (repeat x1000)

    Your 2019 record: Last year's TSM put a master class of how to fuck up a talented roster, just like America's team, the Dallas Cowboys. Regi is like the esports version of Jerry Jones, only with 1/100th the wealth, and 1/100th the managerial skill to boot. If only he was as much as a party animal as Jerruh.

    In 2018 the Zven/Mithy experiment went up in flames, and TSM immediately bounced both old man Mithy and slightly-less-old man Hauntzer and went looking for some more...imports! Like any other import aside from Bjerg has worked out for them, lul. Instead of going out and getting a high-dollar Korean like Flame, or Kiin, or MaRin (just kidding), they dive into to Turkey-land and acquire TF Blade Broken Blade, an 18 year old prodigy. Uhh, ok. Immediately TSM fans were hailing him as their new top lane lord and saviour, shitting on anyone who dares question dear leader's actions.

    BB could int every game, going 0/5 and I'd still want him on the team. His attitude was something the team sorely missed last year. He's the glue that holds everything together. He's also a monster. Just needs to show he can match up against licorice plz


    That random dude trash talking on hotline league, boy is that the icing on the cake. Turkish power styling on these NA noobs.

    That wasn't me btw

    "I didn't come to NA to take part, I came to take over"

    • Broken Blade McGregor

    Now freshly capped out on import slots, they sign Echo Fox's leftover support and Grig (who's name is totally random btw), and the roster is complete...until RN-Jesus demand's Grig's wrist as sacrifice. He's promptly replaced by Akaadian, former Optic jungler and LCS's most eligible bachelor. But this isn't Temptation Paradise, this is LCS, and there are no love games here (at least not until later in the season).

    Spring Split, starts out slow, until they get a style down (camp for BB, and pray) and gain top 3 regular season finish. After taking out C9 in a 5 game series, they come to St. Louis (weird flex Riot, but OK) and go up 2-0 on TL before getting reverse swept because they didn't want to spend a ban on Varus/Tahm Kench. Doublelift and CoreJJ literally carried that entire sweep on Varus/TK and not once did anyone say "fuck it, just ban it." Goddamnit.

    Summertime. RN-Jesus has had his fill and Grig is ready to go. Now TSM has to choose which jungler to run with, and here's where management starts to blow diarrhea all over the bed. The coaching staff immediately starts to waffle, costing the team synergy and meaningful wins. They still finish 10-8, still good enough for 4th because NA is a meme. Akaadian has some kind of fallout w/ Zven (maybe for raw-dogging his GF or something, idk) and Grig is playing like he has no hands. So Regi goes full JERRUH and makes the executive decision (against Zikz's wishes btw) to start Spica, talented rookie with an also questionable name. The team promptly implodes with an embarrassing 3-1 loss to Clutch in a drubbing that made even Loco SMH.

    Queue gauntlet. Team is still shit, nothing's been fixed, but at least they get a re-match vs Clutch for a spot at worlds. Bjergsen will carry in those high pressure moments, right? Right????? hahahNo. Next comes one of the most embarrassing reverse sweeps I've ever seen in League. That loss would make even the staunchest TSM fan's faith waver.

    No worlds for the 2nd year in a row. What a joke. But JERRUH Regi will still make money, so who cares.


    Your Coach: Peter Zhang, Lustboy, and Plop Goldman. In a way, I feel for Peter, he's not in a good spot. Working for TSM sucks, just ask their former coach. Just like Jason Garrett, you're constantly at the mercy of the owner, and the moment things start going south, your power is usurped and the writing on the wall. TSM's coaching job has been a revolving door, much like their laundry list of junglers. Well no one else wanted the job, and it's a paycheck, so it's not all bad, right? We'll see after Week 6.


    What's new that sucks: Ayyyy, the forgotten son has returned! After a year in Academy hell as purgatory for his starring role in TL: Breaking Point, Dardoch is back as this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. If anyone has the skill to beat back demons and make magic out of this sorry team, it's Dardoch. Big D is "reformed" from his TL days and has plenty of talent to work with in both solo and bot lanes. It's been lauded as a "high upside" move, but so was my timeshare in a condo in Minnesota, and that worked out just great. Kobbe also comes across the river after bouncing Zven for choking and trading Biofrost for not having bad Heimlich Maneuver technique. Kobbe i$ totally here to $ucceed, win LC$ and make world$, and totally not to capitalize off of making worlds to pad his 401k while his stock is the highest. Nope, no siree. Oh, and Biofrost is back. Whoop.


    What has always sucked: Every year, we ask if this is the final straw that breaks the camel's back. Is Bjergsen ever going to take a stand and get the fuck out of this org? Surely this latest failure that will make him realize that the grasses might be greener on the other side! How about going to TL and making a super team? Going back to EU? Nope. Maybe it's the food, or the hunnies, or the absolute thrall he has over TSM that has him coming back, but I fear that beard man is a TSM lifer, for better or worse. I'm still confident he can rock mid lane despite having lost a step, but how well his supporting cast will do, now that's what's got everyone worried.


    What might not suck: TSM drama is always fucking hilarious. Maybe someday players will realize that being on TSM isn't all it's cracked up to be and stop being punching bags and scapegoats for management and fans to shield themselves from any sort of consequences. I'd say Regi should sell the team, but he's part of the Three Amigos w/ Steve & Jack, so like there's a chance in hell that'd ever happen. Can't wait for more money flinging followed by above average results in LCS followed by (if we're lucky) another 2-4 flop out in groups. Fun times for all.



    "Team SoloMid" perfectly named for a team that only gives a shit about their mid laner.

    It was such a great call to bring Regi in with his great expertise. He always makes amazing decisions.

    TSM 101 on how to ruin a junglers career.

    Chapter 1 "Junglers are like toilet paper"

    did we throw a series just to prove a point about aatrox

    Shameful management of the team. Parth really fucked up. That was probably the worst jungle performance since MY and it's really not Spica's fault. 100% of the blame lies on Parth for putting him there. Shame shame shame. Fuck this

    Imagine being such a joke of a team that they legit pick kogmaw in game 5 because they just know we wont even try to touch Kog until he has his items and 1v5's the game, and i dont even have words for those barons dude. Just.. idk. Wtf. delete org

    When bjerg goes to another team, I'm gonna follow him. The mismanagement of this team this year, akaadian situation, coaching. All of it. I can't do it anymore.

    Parth as a GM has been the worst thing to happen to this team. Has 0 basic common sense on how pro teams perform. He took two experienced junglers and replaced him with an academy player on the last week of LCS.

    Like, wtf, how do you expect a better performance on very high stressful situations from a kid who has 0 experience. I dont blame Spica, I blame the moron Parth for putting him and the team in that position.

    One of the worst parts of all this is that TSM had a really good position before, everyone wanted to play for TSM. Now they don't really have an edge on branding, no edge on infrastructure, coaching, top player interest, etc...but still you have to deal with more stress and grinding than possibly any other org in this league or others. What used to make it easy to form new rebuilds isn't there anymore, now they just have money and that's not an edge since every org has that, TL being the one who seems to flex it the most and well.


    Us fans who stick with the team season after season deserve to know why they benched akaadian a week before playoffs and 1-2 weeks after we said he was our jg. The only reason seems to be he was either mentally ill (suicidal) or fucking somebody's girlfriend on the team. "oh he wasn't performing well" my ass you need to be more transparent with your fucking fans year after year.

    edit: you are a multimillion dollar corp with investors and huge standing in the industry and are putting in a new jg a week before the most important matches of the year and just saying "oh hes played better than them in scrims" being able to say whatever because scrims are such a good scapegoat and then having him play sej every game just to play a new champ cause we cant ban/handle the opposing team playing it when he clearly is not comfortable on it. Jesus need to act like big boys and explain to your customers why ur company is declining.

    This article is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, so don't get pissy at me about it. To be honest, if you get mad at a random redditor's opinion, you've got bigger problems, lol. lmk what team you want me to roast next.

    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    I still have my almost 9 year old invite to play LoL from my brother

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:29 AM PST

    I still have my almost 9 year old invite to play LoL from my brother

    Checking my old emails I found this gem here, do you remember when you started playing LoL? Leona was the newest champ back then, I am still kicking myself I didn't grab a physical copy of the game when it was released because Silver Kayle looks hella cool. What things do you recall when you started playing LoL?


    submitted by /u/Leoxcr
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    In S9, I hit Diamond for the first time playing Protobelt Kai'Sa mid as a mage/assassin. This is a montage of plays I've made over the past few months!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Ranged tops arent the problem. its lategame ranged tops that are.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:06 AM PST

    I am probably in the minority to say, i dont mind quinn, teemo or even jayce to a certean extent.

    The reason is that these champions generally sacrifice something lategame for their early game opressiveness. They dont scale all that well unless they get fed. The problem is the likes of cassiopia, ryze and vayne going top, getting a free early game, abusing you off farm AND outscaling you.

    Im not the one to say i have the solution. its a complex issue caused by range being such an innate advantage but it realy screws with the intended power curves of these champions when they get a free early game by going top so they can scale into a hypercarry with the toplaner having no interaction to do anything about this.

    If your not going to let me have fun early game, and i play well enough to survive and farm up, i should have the oppertunity to stop you having fun late game.

    submitted by /u/sirhobbles
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    The Getaway

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:13 AM PST

    nutty thresh play by a random playing in my game

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Deftly and Matt join Evil Geniuses Academy!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Deftly and Matt are going to play together again in Evil Geniuses Academy next split!

    EG Tweet:

    " The EG Academy team is officially taking form, and our ADC and Support players are locked and loaded. Welcome to the EVIL family,




    ! #LIVEEVIL"


    submitted by /u/boirjama
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    bring back Odyssey (the PvE game mode)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:38 AM PST

    It was super fun, the reward system with rank up and perk unlocks was super fun. Would need a bit of polishing for round 2, like how it was incredibly difficult to complete the hardest difficulty, and how certain perks sucked.

    I really hope we see Odyssey again. Who knew PvE could be so fun i n LoL

    submitted by /u/effectivepainting11
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    saving my mates life and being faker at same time

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Senna + Sion = HUGE bot lane combo

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:04 PM PST

    Dodging Guide and Explanations of LP / MMR - Tricks that Let you Climb way more Easily from a Challenger Level Mid.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:59 AM PST

    So with Season 10 coming up in a few weeks, I wanted to share a guide on how to dodge. I've at this point had a few hundred students over the years and its one of the biggest ways to quickly climb way more efficiently that most people don't know. I'm a challenger level mid, am currently in GM, but was challenger just a few weeks ago. I quickly realized that there was some terminology that's poorly understood by a lot of people that I had to explain as well for it all to make sense. The differences between LP and MMR - and evenjust the way the ranked ladder works in general seem very poorly understood.

    I made a YouTube Video that summarizes the points really well I hope, but I have a few other tips to share.

    Table of Contents

    https://youtu.be/F_hhP2pG8wM - My commentated guide on how to dodge and all the terminology you need to know.

    0:31 - MMR vs LP - Elo Explained

    1:55 - Win / Loss Ratios and what they mean

    4:36 - Dodging - When to dodge a lobby and Why

    7:16 - Tilt - How to identify it | What to do about it.

    9:20 - Warm-ups before games and their importance

    The least important thing is the "power" of the champions people pick, usually you shouldn't worry about that at all as long as that player does play the champion.

    If someone is first time on a champion, that's when you hit the panic button.

    You don't lose MMR for dodging, so dodge when in doubt.

    If someone is typing negative things before the game even starts, likely its a good time to find a new lobby.

    If you have multiple people all from the same role, dodge the game unless they seem to know their champions from the stats.

    On average I would say you should be dodging 2-3 games for every 10 you play, based on what I've seen climbing in different ranks.

    Its not directly related - but please remember to take a break every 3 games whether you're winning or losing - the human body really isn't made to be sedentary for so long.

    Remember with the new season coming up, we have months to get the ranks we want. As long as you stay calm and climb over time, you'll reach your goals way more easily than trying to rush it at any point. Make consistent gains and you'll get where you want to. A really good rule is to say you want just 2-4 more wins than losses for every 3 days. Don't worry about your LP, just keep increasing the MMR and your LP will follow.

    Proof that I'm challenger level - https://imgur.com/a/4YdazdF

    I would tend to think and stuff like this is really what people don't know about the game beyond the very basics, and I hope everyone learned something.

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=fas+the+magi+twtv - check the tier graph if you want.

    Presentation I made to show this - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BjanAfQaV7pA0bDl-HoeIE1bUrino4IN5y5NTVquBzY/edit?usp=sharing

    If anyone has questions, just let me know, I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    Fed Yi can't hit what he can't see

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:41 PM PST

    I dodge allied Senna ults on instinct, even if im perfectly aware of her being my ally.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:35 PM PST

    I dont know why, maybe because if something is flying towards you, huge in size and scary looking you just gtfo of the way, but its causing me to hate having Senna on my team.

    Maybe something can be visually changed because I know im not the only one with this issue.

    submitted by /u/LongSwordsForLIife
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    One shot elder on urf

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Immortals 2020 LCS Roster Rundown

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Attila Rejoins Vodafone Giants (Official)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:21 AM PST

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