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    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    LoL Guide I (Challenger level mid) Coach a Silver Akali Top - I focus on Trades, How to execute them better, and how to close out Games.

    LoL Guide I (Challenger level mid) Coach a Silver Akali Top - I focus on Trades, How to execute them better, and how to close out Games.

    I (Challenger level mid) Coach a Silver Akali Top - I focus on Trades, How to execute them better, and how to close out Games.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Hi, Fas Scriptor here, and I'm here to bring you another youtube video of one of my students that I think can be useful to teach you lots of the common mistakes for lower elo players. We cover trades under tower, trades in general, how to end games, and when to be rotating for different plays.

    Video URL - https://youtu.be/MuvE6iHrhO8

    Important Timestamps

    0:00 - How to trade under tower

    1:24 - How to Close Out Games

    5:09 - Akali Top Laning Coaching

    6:37 - Clips from Live Coaching

    7:13 - Pop Off Roam Call

    In general you want to be trading when the turret auto is near the crystal of the tower, because then it won't re-acquire targets for the longest amount of time.

    To close out games on Akali (or split pushers) - you want to force them to rotate to you instead of playing around their positioning.

    Think about your back timings based on what you and your opponent both can do and both want. In this case, Akali has a better 1100~ gold back compared to Volibear, and you can force summoner trade or advantage in lane off a back while removing risk from yourself.

    Always watch the map while you play to find free kills you can get.

    Try to rush gunblade as Akali in every game, only deviate if you have no choice to not int.

    Make the enemies play to your tempo, not theirs. Have an idea in mind of how to win and just execute it.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 11:35 PM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    Yesterday i saw a lot of interesting assumptions about how untargetabilities work, and i think now i understand why Yi/Fizz/Vlad/Zed to name a few guys are widely considered very annoying and percevied to have minimal counterplay.

    So this is how it really works:

    Becoming untargetable interrupts every effect that has already acquired the unit as target. This means every projecile just "vanishes" the moment a champion goes untargetable, there was a common misconception, that projectiles still follow the target, and they only disappear if they would reach the target while he is still untargetable. This is NOT the case, projectiles get destoyed immediately.THere is one exception at least, turretshots which are during the windup phase (so havent fired yet!) will connect and deal damage, keep that in mind when diving :)

    Untargetability does NOT effect anything that has already hit the champion, so dots will keep damaging (dying to ignite while in Alpha or during Kayn ult is a classic), delayed detonations will also hit, so you cant dodge Zed ult pop and Zilean bomb detonation. Tethers also remain, so you wont be able to break Lb chains with Zed r or Fizz e (unless you move far enough away).

    The only way to dodge Karthus ult, is by being untargetable when the channel ends.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Tip: Think about the kit of your enemy laner in loading screen

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:02 AM PST

    Lots of champs are prone to getting one good "cheese" off before the enemy respects their kit.

    You're laning vs Ornn. You stand next to the pillar and he knocks you up and full combos you. You remember how potent this combo is and avoid the pillar for the rest of the lane.

    You're laning vs Karthus. He hits a few isolated Qs early and they're surprisingly strong. You start positioning better as well as anticipating Qs to dodge better.

    You're laning vs Maokai support. You step into the bush and get nuked by his comet+scorch+cheap shot saplings. You avoid the bushes for the rest of the lane.

    Instead of falling for these traps, then realizing you need to be more careful, think about the traps BEFORE the game, maybe in loading screen. If you don't think about it before the game, you're going to end up thinking about it once you've fallen for it anyway.

    At the very least, it really helps to just think about what laning vs that champ feels like, especially for skillshots. What does the animation of Mundo Q look like? How fast and wide does Anivia Q travel? Think about these things beforehand and you'll be less likely to get caught off guard once lane begins.

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    Many people say Singed is a splitpusher, but I feel that he's op at teamfights

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:31 AM PST

    I am not a very experienced Singed, but I sometimes pick him when I'm against Morde or Sett because I feel that he's good against them since they have no CC. However, I am not sure if I should play him more as a splitpusher or as a teamfighter. I have seen many comments saying that Singed is mainly a splitpusher, however, I feel that he is op at teamfights since he does aoe damage. (and aoe slow if you buy rylais) I am conflicted about whether I should just keep pushing with him or group up with my team. I am also not sure about proxying. I never use proxy because I view it as too dangerous, but what are some good tips in case I ever need to proxy? Also, I should mention that I am Silver 1 and was Gold 3 last season in case my rank plays a role.

    submitted by /u/HellenicLady
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    Comprehensive Jungle Guide for S10

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:38 AM PST


    This is a comprehensive jungle guide for anyone that wants to get started with the Jungle. Jungling is complex but I've tried to make it as simple as possible to understand.


    • Beginner Level Junglers - 0:19
    • Runes - 0:40
    • Items - 3:43
    • Jungle changes - 5:39
    • Jungle paths - 6:43
    • Ganks - 8:09
    • Invades - 9:40
    • Objectives - 10:17
    • How to play against other Junglers - 10:34
    • Autofilled Jungler Guide 11:38

    Any and all feedback is appreciated, feel free to drop by the discord or twitch stream to say hi

    Edit - There is an error (thanks for immediate feedback), Presence of Mind should not be mentioned in runes section under ult cd

    submitted by /u/CommandoYi
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    [Mid] How am I supposed to play roam heavy but also maintain decent cs?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:58 PM PST

    So I'm returning to mid after playing jungle for a while and my cs'ing is pretty good on champs that don't roam as much (I don't have any trouble getting 7-10cs/m on champs like Cass or Syndra) but when playing the roam heavy assassins like Qiyana and Katarina I'm anywhere from 4.5-7 (max). I've been watching Faker stream a good bit and he often rushes T2 boots and will just ditch his wave to roam if a fight starts but he will still get 7+cs/m pretty easily (though the games in KR Challenger are much more controlled/slow than NA platinum which is a factor) -- I've even seen him get 10+/m on LeBlanc which is impressive lol.

    submitted by /u/bbjimin
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    How To Team Fight - Positioning - The Line of Scrimmage

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST


    I've made a couple post here in the past of doing educational streams.

    Today, I'm posting my 1st actual YouTube guide!


    I'm super open to feedback! I plan on making some more content of this nature so I'm eager to improve.

    Also, I'll answer any questions you have here/there/anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Kuryoku
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    How do I stop my low rank games turning into ARAM at 10-15 minutes?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:09 PM PST

    I'm a silver mid laner and mostly play Neeko. I feel I generally play well early and can keep up decent farm but once a side lane tower falls someone comes to mid and everyone else seems to follow and the game turns into an ARAM. If I go to a side lane and try farm and split then my team just takes unfavorable fights due to me not being there or the entire enemy team rotates to me and the rest of my team fails to get anything done because they don't know how to play properly and take favorable fights. Despite having a decent early game I just fall off late due to this. I can have 7-8cs/min up until this happens but then by the end of the game I'll have 3-5 because there's just no way to farm with how the rest of the people are playing.

    I'm genuinely confused on what I should do at this point. Should I stick with my team to fight or should I play to keep farming efficiently hoping my team doesn't int and join my team only when necessary?

    submitted by /u/lyssah_
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    Struggling at respecting supports & roams while playing ADC.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Basically title. I'm an ADC player, been playing the game since 2 years, peaked g1 after 11 months by maining jg (eve & k6) then 11 months later I peaked plat 1 60%wr by playing ADC Draven / Vayne but now I mostly play Miss Fortune, I peaked Plat 1 but then dropped to Plat 3 (im washed up prob). I think my issues are during the lane; those issues are: not knowing the enemy support's limits, bad CSing and map awareness from mid/jg ganks.

    During the lane, I usually try to play as aggro as possible so I try to do as many trades as I can on the enemy but then I just get stunned by the enemy support (this mostly happens versus aftershock supps) or just get out-traded because I overextend and turn a favourable trade into a non favourable trade. Then the other issues are: caring for mid/jg ganks and low CS (i just suck at csing and miss a lot of them + dying to ganks just makes it worse, I basically got to plat1 by just playing insanely aggro on draven last season lol, then kinda dropped since the meta doesn't really favour my champ pool anymore and i became washed up).

    I did watch videos on how to improve as ADC (freezing, slowpushing, map awareness, trading, ect) but Idk I just can't implement them, can't focus on the game :(

    I'd like to get help on how to fix the support issue where I just don't know the enemy support's limits (I was thinking about making a support spreadsheet where I just list the enemies' abilities CDs,tips, ect for myself and read them before fighting that support in game) then fix CSing and fix the problem with not looking at the map when I get ganked by the enemy jg or mid.

    submitted by /u/FabioSxO
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    /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Winners

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:37 AM PST

    Playing easy champions

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:47 AM PST

    I recently unlocked ranked, and I started to play easy champions like Garen, Master Yi, Annie, etc. The problem is, it seems like they are not so viable in gold+ elo. Therefore, I want to break the bad habit of using them. Whenever I use other champs, I fail and end up feeding 100% of the time. Does anyone have an idea to break this ?

    submitted by /u/Jeremy09721
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    Dead man walking

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    Hello guys i am against something that bothers me for a long time now, and that's consistency. I alway find myself in lane wining at some point but always losing at another. I get a kill then i die and i'm not that greedy, i will recall if needed but, as a toplaner i can't start a snowball, or keep my lead against the enemy, how do i stop this habit, of killing and dying right after ?

    submitted by /u/Nastykls99
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    How to Respond to Tryndamere?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:05 PM PST

    Gold IV scrub here. Honest question-- I'm not sure how/when to counter Trynd. At the start of the game, he can win trades through RNG. Assuming that you can use early pressure against him, you can't really push him in too much because he'll waveclear fast after an initial back. His ult makes it so you can't really dive him either or kill him in general. Even if you can freeze outside of your tower and press your initial advantage, he'll become relevant through farm and his duelist kit.

    Is the best way to beat him to spend your time making plays with your team and try to win across the map?

    submitted by /u/Dante_End
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    Miss Fortune stacking dblades

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:36 AM PST

    I have 1.1-1.2k gold back. Should I rather go for 2 dblades or start building ER? Same with 1.3-1.4k back. Rather a bf or 3x dblade?

    I don't quite understand if the dblade build on mf is a thing I should always go for or if its just supposed to help me out when I'am forced to constantly back with little gold. I know it sometimes depends on lane but maybe someone can give me some clarity on this topic. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/coolsneaker
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    Ranked - How many games does it take to play agaisnt my real elo?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:28 PM PST

    I've made a total of 21 ranked games so far. Started on Iron I and currently on Bronze IV. All games were with people from higher ranks than mine. I consider myself as high Iron/low Bronze player right now and I'm playing with high Silver/low Gold from last season.

    My question is how much games are needed for me to get placed on my real elo? With 21 games shouldn't I already be there?

    Normals are easy (besides the amount of trolls/afk) and ranked is too hard. I really like ranked but its not fun getting outplayed by everyone. I usually do ranked as my last game of the day because I know I will get frustated and not want to play more.

    submitted by /u/Kard_L7
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    How to play this teamfight?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:07 AM PST

    Replay: (link)

    My perspective: (link)

    It felt like the main threats on the opposing side were Qiyana and Ryze. As Senna, I chased the Qiyana, but would attacking the Ryze have been a better choice? Or something completely different?

    submitted by /u/Stranger924
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    Problems with focusing whilst in-game.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:58 AM PST

    Hello, Summoners.


    Before I get to the main crux of the problem I would like to preface this with a few of the conditions I have that mainly contribute to the problem at hand. I'm not going to explicitly state the conditions I have as they are often stigmatized and quite frankly I don't want to deal with the hassle (especially given that this particular problem is with the game and not a real-life issue) however I will say that these problems I face lead me to have difficulty reading, difficulty retaining short-term memory, having a low attention span and keeping my nerves calm during tense situations. Before you ask, yes I am seeking professional help regarding these problems however this is something that doesn't go away quickly if not ever so it can't be quickly solved by suggesting something like learning self-discipline. (With that being said don't be afraid to type out lengthy responses, I don't have an inability to read, it just means I take a lot longer than most people)


    Now with that out of the way, let's get to the problem I'm facing. I'm currently a top role main who is around mid silver and I have been playing on and off since season 2 but picked it up more regularly from season 7 onwards, most of my friends who I play with are 4/5 times a whole tier above me at minimum which means I often get matched against people who are of a higher elo than I am. You may tell that personally I lose more matches than I win and even the matches I do win very rarely do I go even in lane let alone win. My friends have been trying to help me improve from discussing theories and helping me out with my settings to recommending me champions to try out and even go so far as to practice with me.


    Whilst I am very grateful to my friends for helping me, Sadly all of this goes out of the window the moment I step foot into a match or more precisely when I'm fighting against another champion (either in the lane or a team fight) or when there's a large objective to be taken. According to my friends (as unfortunately I honestly don't remember most of what even happens during those situations) they hear a sharp intake of breath and I go into what they call "auto-pilot". It's difficult to explain but everything just becomes a bit of a haze and out the other end either I'm dead or in very rare circumstances I successfully pull off what I was doing but have no knowledge of what specifically I just did. As you might have surmised this problem is even worse in ranked as I don't have those friends who understand the issues I face.


    I want to improve and at the very least be at the level my friends are at and I feel that this is my biggest barrier to improvement and success. I know this may sound like a rambling incoherent mess and I know there won't be a magical solution that fixes it all (it's going to come with practice) but any advice would be helpful.


    Many Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Gebbbet
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    Yuumis adaptive force

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Yuumis you and me ability adds both a flat adaptive force and a percentage adaptive force. Does the percentage adaptive force apply to the AP/AD of the champion im attached to, or just the adaptive force the champion already has.

    For example: Champion has 100 AP, I attach with lvl 5 you and me which has +20% adaptive force. Is he now at 120?

    I took out the flat adaptive force for simpleness sake.

    submitted by /u/Ertomann
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    What is worse? Bad decision making or no decision making.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:37 AM PST

    Obviously doing the right thing in games is optimal. But most of the time I am wandering around indecisive as what to do? How do I begin to get an understanding of where to be when. And is it just worth saying fuckit and committing to doing something even if it's not (retrospectively) an amazing idea just to do something. Thanks

    submitted by /u/jackatsuki
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    Any success with smurfing to break onetrick habits?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Hi. I'm a soraka one-trick-pony (OTP). I hit plat my first season, then diamond the next two. However, as I creep higher and higher I feel the importance of counterpicking in draft is growing. Unfortunately, playing other supports in my elo tends to lead to me feeding and not learning much.

    So, I've come here to ask -- for those of you who have started a smurf to break your one-trick habits, how did that go? Were you able to reach your previous ranks? Was it quick? Slow? Did you find it difficult? Or maybe it wasn't so bad given that your macro habits are far better than the other players.

    Let me know. Thanks : )

    submitted by /u/RestedExperience
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    Spellbinder vs Morello's on Mages, which is better?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:46 AM PST

    This has always stumped me. Which item gives more damage? The meta build on pretty much every single mage in the game is to go Luden's -> Morello's every game, but what about Spellbinder 2nd item instead? I wonder how good is Morello's really. Spellbinder gives nearly 2 times as much AP and you already get flat magic pen from Sorc's, so is Morello's just overkill, gimping your damage, or is it really better?

    I suppose it depends on the champion and their ratios but from what I can see most mages have decent AP ratios (Neeko's Q with all 3 hits is 90%, Orianna W is 70%+her ult is 80%, Syndra Q at max rank is about 80%) so wouldn't Spellbinder be better?

    submitted by /u/zzAlphawolfzz
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    How to be able to have a gameplan?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:46 AM PST

    Hello guys, I have played League casually for the past 2 seasons.. I mainly played Katarina and I found A LOT of success on her. I managed to hit D4 at 60% WR and 3 KD without knowing anything about the game (wave management, itemization, power spikes, macro..) I relied FULLY on my mechanics. I decided to push for a higher elo this season without picking her up, I failed miserably and lost a lot of games and here I am getting stomped at gold 1. I wanna start playing mages but I have no idea on what to do level 1 (when to slow push / fast push / let my laner push towards me). I watched loads of LS vods coaching other players but the strategies always differ depending on the match ups.. Is there any general rule I can follow and apply on my games?

    submitted by /u/beyQn
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