• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    League of Legends Ashe has her sights much further than the Katarina

    League of Legends Ashe has her sights much further than the Katarina

    Ashe has her sights much further than the Katarina

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:27 PM PST

    Aphelios is a fair and perfectly balanced champion

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:23 AM PST

    Never had this happen and I've never seen it... Did I just figure out the best invade strat?!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Sneaky Alcove Base

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Season 10: Dragons are important. My Jungler:

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:40 AM PST

    What's the point of placing me Bronze 4 if I'm just going to play against low Gold players?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:14 AM PST

    I don't care about the rank itself but I leveled up this account manually just to duo with a friend that doesn't play in my main server who happens to be in the same rank of the people I'm playing with/against yet we can't duo because there's too big of a RaNk DiSpArItY!

    I'd be glad if someone could enlighten me what this system is supposed to achieve

    Edit: You know what's the funny, my friend who apparently is too high of a rank to duo with me due to rank disparity goes to the Bronze account and can't carry the games himself haha

    submitted by /u/Rigamurtos
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    Thorin's Take: The Inimitable FORG1VEN

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:38 AM PST

    A minion, a Tryndamere and an Ekko push midlane

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:49 PM PST

    The scuttle crab explores the tribush and walks through walls

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:04 PM PST

    Jankos with Qiyana escapes for a while

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Viktor got a little upgrade!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Viktor got a little upgrade!

    Just a silly thing I caught while on the loading screen for an URF game. Kinda looks like his arm is one of the miniguns.


    submitted by /u/dedl0x
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    I've finally got Hextech Swain so I painted Genderbent Hextech Swain

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:25 AM PST

    I've finally got Hextech Swain so I painted Genderbent Hextech Swain

    Took me a while but I finally got that Hextech Swain, so as a man of culture - of course the first thing that came to my mind was "what if... bwewbs".

    Hope you like it even though it's in B&W.



    submitted by /u/dashandslice
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    "Poppy can't make any cool plays"

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:08 AM PST

    Played an AR(URF) with all sustain supports and a Vlad.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Don't let Vlad die!

    We played "Don't let Vlad die".

    Won just at the 15 min mark.

    submitted by /u/TweakRP
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    Thresh play that didn't quite work out

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Third Member of the Noxian Trifarix

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Third Member of the Noxian Trifarix

    This post is about a new champion coming out this Summer, he will be a Noxian, if you are interested I highly suggest you read, have fun.

    Jericho Swain killed Emperor Boram Darkwill and established the Trifarix council. Council of Three, each representing one of the core Principles of Strength. According to Swain's reasoning, while a single person could doom Noxus through incompetence, madness, or corruption, a group of three would always have two others to hold any rogue third member accountable, ensuring that no individual can rule Noxus unopposed.

    • As Grand General, Jericho Swain represents the Principle of Vision. The main face of government for the Empire.

    \"The shadows of our empire are cast by a raven's wings.\" - Jericho Swain (Artist: Victor Maury)

    • As Hand of Noxus, Darius represents the Principle of Might. Commander of the elite Trifarian Legion.

    \"Just two of the Trifarian Legion could walk in and take your precious Delverhold. I wouldn't even trouble myself to go with them.\" - Darius to Alyssa and Oram (Art is from Legends of Runterra)

    • We don't know much about the third member but we know he is named as "The Faceless". His identity is officially a mystery. Rumored to puppeteer the dark underbelly and politics of Noxus. Unknown status to outsiders suits the Trifarix's and the Faceless' purposes: sowing fear, suspicion, and unease among the enemies of Noxus allow the Faceless to walk more freely among those who might have their guard up. In the Principles of Strength short story, we got some information about the third member of Trifarix.

    Two of them she knew by reputation. Of the third… well, no one knew anything, really.

    In the center, keen-eyed and unblinking, sat Jericho Swain—the renowned visionary, the new Grand General. Some among the noble houses still called him usurper, since it was he who had dragged the madman Boram Darkwill from the throne of Noxus, but none of them said it to his face. His gaze, which seemed to see too much, bore first into Oram, then Alyssa. She resisted the urge to stare at the sleeve of his left arm, tucked within his dark coat. It was said he had lost the limb during the failed invasion of Ionia, severed by some blade-witch of that fey archipelago.

    To his right sat Darius, the legendary Hand of Noxus, leader of the elite Trifarian Legion, and now commander of all the empire's armies. He was the embodiment of might itself; where Swain sat rigidly upright, Darius slouched back, the fingers of one gauntleted hand drumming a steady tattoo upon the wooden armrest of his chair. His arms were massive, his expression hard.

    The third figure—only ever referred to as "the Faceless"—was a mystery. This individual sat unmoving, bedecked from head to toe in a many-layered, voluminous robe. They wore a blank, staring, glossy-black mask, and even the eye-holes were obscured with dark mesh, giving away nothing as to their identity. Their hands, too, were concealed, hidden in sleeves of thick fabric. Alyssa thought she perceived a vaguely feminine aspect to the mask, but that might simply have been the way it happened to catch the light.

    Now, so many people believe the third member of the Trifarix is LeBlanc herself. As we can see in Alyssa's thoughts, the third member has feminine aspects. However, Laurie 'Scathlocke' Goulding (He is Narrative Editorial Director at Riot) denied the third member is LeBlanc.


    Laurie 'Scathlocke' Goulding also said "Swain isn't stupid. He's not letting the Black Rose anywhere near government again.". People also wonder why LeBlanc represents the Guile in the Legends of Runeterra, well we don't know yet, but there could be a miscommunication between the lore team and the art team, who knows.

    • You guys are probably asking "If he or she's not LeBlanc then who is the Faceless?". I have a theory about this. However so many people have been theorizing about this character coming in League of Legends for more than ten years, however, he never showed up. His name is Marcus Du Couteau, yes that Marcus. Katarina's father.

    Yes, this is really an uncertain theory but I have some easter eggs that Marcus is coming in this Summer and he will be revealed as the third member of the Trifarix. First of all, you are probably saying "Wasn't the third member feminine?" you're right but in the short story that's Alyssa's thoughts and story also explains that might simply have been the way it happened to catch the light, also Marcus is the most experienced assassin on Valoran and he probably sure knows how to cover his identity, and Black Rose's spies are everywhere on Immortal Bastion, he must be cautious, he shouldn't reveal his identity or even gender. Now how did I come up with this theory? I was watching dev diary about Noxus and when Maisie 'Whren' Yang explained Noxus' crest in the video I got this crazy theory.

    Blades are representing Guile.

    • After Swain's discharge after the Battle of the Placidium, he came to know the Black Rose was still operating and puppeting the actions of Darkwill, betraying him to death on the battlefields of Ionia. After many years of preparation and the reunition of many allies, such as Draven and General Du Coteau. Swain managed to kill the Emperor of Noxus in a single night, with the newfound power of an ancient demon laying within the Immortal Bastion. Swain managed to kill Boram Darkwill with the help of Marcus Du Coteau and together they created Trifarix.
    • You might be asking "but isn't Katarina's father dead?". Well, we are not sure about that either. But I have a theory about that one too.

    Urgot taunting Katarina in-game.

    Swain taunting Katarina in-game.

    • Urgot says, Swain is the reason why Marcus has killed, however, Swain states he has nothing to do with Marcus' death. In Urgot's lore, a Noxian agent visited Urgot.

    Only when a Noxian agent arrived in the Dredge was Urgot finally forced to confront his own past. Though the spy recognized him and sought his aid in escaping, Urgot beat him mercilessly, and hurled his broken body into the darkness.

    • I believe this Noxian agent is Marcus himself. Urgot is probably the main reason why Marcus was missing, his body is completely hurled and broken and this is why Marcus is bedecked from head to toe in a many-layered, voluminous robe.

    • Apart from these soon Fiddlesticks rework is coming and we will probably have new lore information about Swain's past if you are interested I highly suggest you guys read u/IAmMyOwnLaw's post.

    • Also, I believe Jarvan III has been killed by Marcus himself. We know Sylas isn't behind Jarvan III's death and there is no blood or wound in Jarvan III's body. Marcus may have used some kind of poison to kill Jarvan III. An assassin is not all about blades. Sylas is also shocked and denied he didn't kill Jarvan III. Swain probably got an information from one his ravens and learned about the revolution happening in Demacia and sent his most successful assassin: Marcus Du Couteau.


    That was it. What do you guys, do you think the third member is Marcus himself and will he be a new champion this Summer? I really want to read your theories and opinions. Thank you all for reading it up all here, I am really sorry for my grammar. I not a native speaker of English just wanted to share a theory, I hope you guys enjoyed it. :)

    Edit: I forgot to add what Reav3 said in the video.

    "Bringing the legends to life that we've only heard tales about has led to Champions with impactful stories, but also made the whole world of Runeterra feel more alive.

    Since we felt it went well with Kai'Sa, we started working on bringing Senna out of the Lantern for League's 10 year anniversary.

    We have heard loud and clear that you all want more of this accompanied by exciting new stories that drive the world of Runeterra forward so expect to see another familiar face hit the Rift later this year."

    submitted by /u/belegberu
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    Jax inspired meal

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:57 PM PST


    Purple rice onigiri filled with bulgogi along with some Sapporo, rice crackers, and a hard boiled Jax as requested.

    Who's next? 1st comment will decide, also I will take one more champ to create a queue so I can prep a bit more, I guess the second comment.

    3 down 145 and counting to go.

    I did want to do two champs a week but I got sick :/ so I guess I'm happy I was able to finish up Jax, feeling a lot better today.

    submitted by /u/FoodForLeague
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    What is up with friend chats popping up after every game?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:29 AM PST

    Seriously since this last patch, after every game, the last couple messages I had received from a friend pop up again as notifications and since I am tired of clicking on them ( 7+ different chats even ) I have missed a couple friends talking to me also because the desktop bar icon doesn't glow when you receive a message now, it still makes a noise though.

    submitted by /u/Topdeckin
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    I will probably never play him, but I really love Sett

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:37 AM PST

    As an ADC main, I will never play Sett outside of ARAMs or maybe someday in a normal game. But in my opinion he's extremely refreshing to have.

    No fancy abilites that require >10 games with him in the game or watching multiple videos that try to explain them.

    No mechanics that you aren't able to expect because you can't see them.

    No feelings of unfairness because there are specific ways to counter his playstyle.

    Just a dude with a cool character design, easy to understand abilites and if he throws a 5000hp Cho Gath on you to kill you, he outplayed you and it doesn't feel like there is nothing you could have done against it.

    submitted by /u/Adreos
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    PROJECT: Draven

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:28 AM PST

    This is a fan skin concept of PROJECT: Draven I made a while ago. I really like the game and wanted to know what you think about it.

    link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EVb250

    submitted by /u/halfyzz
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    Aphromoo had an offer from another region, explains with Huni why they decided to play on Dig in '20

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:40 PM PST

    Food for thought: older champions that get epic or legendary skins means no VGU or rework any time soon.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:52 PM PST

    Jax just got the new mecha skin and it's gorgeous! It's a legendary skin (1850 RP in my region). I just feel like the fact he got such a high end skin means he won't be receiving a VGU or rework anytime soon since Riot put so much time and effort with the skin particles, animations, sounds and splash art. But his base skin definitely needs some QOL!

    submitted by /u/amplefire_online
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    timing is important.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:48 PM PST

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