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    Monday, January 27, 2020

    LoL Guide I (Challenger level mid) Coach a Plat Renekton Top - I focus on Laning, and how to close out Games.

    LoL Guide I (Challenger level mid) Coach a Plat Renekton Top - I focus on Laning, and how to close out Games.

    I (Challenger level mid) Coach a Plat Renekton Top - I focus on Laning, and how to close out Games.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:33 AM PST

    Hi, Fas Scriptor here, and I'm here with a bit of a longer video of one of my students for Top Lane. That being said - I think a lot of the concepts I talk about are more universal than just for Renekton or Top. I focus a lot on how to snowball when you're winning lane and how you need to use side lanes to close out games.

    Video URL - https://youtu.be/U9OsxP70kpw

    Important Timestamps

    Important Time Stamps

    0:00 - How to snowball a lane against a weaker laner

    8:34 - Decision making for objectives *Super Important to carrying, know what you can do

    12:25 - When to split, decision making.

    16:47 - Think about what to do after an objective (the next objective, timing needed for it) *Super Important

    20:57 - Grouping way too much is an issue *Super Important

    If you don't take anything else away from this, look at a 3 level lead dwindle to behind a level completely from not playing the side lanes

    This isn't low elo, this is platinum on EUW. This happens and its a huge issue both top and mid laners have right now.

    Just because you aren't a split push champion doesn't mean to just ARAM mid all the time with your team.

    Also - about one of the earlier points, make sure you really think about the positioning people on both teams have before going for a fight. outline in your head a mental map of positions so you know the threats you have to the enemy and the threats they have to you. Punish them for them disrespecting your zone of threat when you have leads.

    Any questions please let me know.


    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    Low elo pro tip: understanding jungler power spike and matchups

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:10 AM PST

    This is by far one of the skills that almost all low elo laners are not capable of understanding. I see it all the time in my games below plat where a laner will begin to complain about the enemy jungler spam ganking while there own jungler is not ganking. It is very hard to beleive but there are certain champions who are VERY weak and struggle to get ganks off pre level 6, such as a shyvanna, nocturne, yi, mundo. Lets compare the abilities of these champs

    Shy has no cc and a very weak movement speed buff on her W. Yi literally has no cc or movement buff to get to his target (unless they are weak and you can Q in) etc. Nocturne can 1v1 but struggles to get to his champions. The two thing that ALL of these champs have in common, is that once they get to level 6 they get a MASSIVE power spike both in ganks and 1v1 potential. Unless the gank is absoultely free, any time wasted on a gank delays there power spike.

    Lee sin has insane early game damage and multiple gap closers, allowing him to get ganks off. Nunu has W and his slow to cc, and warwick has insane movement speed, great damage, and great cc with his fear.

    As a laner you MUST undnerstand your teams jungle pick and adjust appropriately. If youre playing with a power farm jungler you need to play safer because its A LOT harder for your jungler to get map pressure and snowball the early game.

    submitted by /u/Stickydrip28
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    When to slow push, when to shove, and when to freeze mid lane?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    I've been playing alot of orianna and I am silver 2 formerly gold at the end of last season. So I get the concept of how to shove, freeze, and slow push. But what I struggle with is when to do each of these things.

    Also on every new wave, is it a good idea to reevaluate the state of the map to decide what I should be doing to the wave? And what are some factors that determine what I should be doing to the wave? If top and bot are both pushing up what do I do? If they're both shoved in what should I do? If one is pushed in what should I do? In each of these situations i have a ward in a pixel brush in the river.

    submitted by /u/Strawhatkieth
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    What makes Aatrox a popular pick in pro play?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    I've seen him picked a lot recently, even after his nerfs. What exactly is that makes him such a popular pick? I've seen a lot of people say that it's because he's a good blind pick, but personally I don't find that to be true at all. I feel like he's just a weaker version of Renekton, with some clear counterplay. So, yeah, what makes him popular in pro play?

    submitted by /u/HoboSenior
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    A difference in levels of junglers rarely has an impact on smite wars

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:45 PM PST

    Levels of junglers are very volatile this season. This is a reminder that a difference in levels should almost never dissuade your team for going for an objective. You should also almost never retroactively blame a missed smite on a difference in levels.

    Your jungler is level 14 with an 800 damage smite. Their jungler is level 16 with a 900 damage smite. For this to make a difference in a smite fight, three things must happen:

    The baron's HP actually falls within the range 800-900 and doesn't get bursted across this range.

    The enemy jungler accurately smites in this range.

    Your jungler theoretically had a perfect smite of their own. Two ways of looking at this: A. IF they had a 900 smite, they would have smited in 800-900 or B. they would have smited in 700-800 BUT baron never got there because the enemy perfect smited.

    If all three conditions are met, then sure, the level difference is to blame. But look at pro play, dragon drops to 300 HP all the time and is smited "late", or a random ability secures the objective. Perfect smites aren't guaranteed in pro, let alone soloQ. With higher ping and less skill, the vast majority of soloQ junglers cannot reliably smite in a 100 damage window.

    A difference in levels of junglers rarely has an impact on smite wars.

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    Questions on improving/understanding the game from a Low Elo Top Main

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Hi guys, I am a top main (jungle secondary), floating between Silver 1 - Gold I ( was mainly stuck in Gold II-III). I feel like I'm wasting time just playing games the same and not improving whatsoever. I just load the game and play mindlessly. I was wondering what steps I could take to practice/watch, inside or outside of the game, that could help me have a better understanding and have IQ about what I'm actually doing. I would much rather use the time where I just play match after match to instead practice mechanics, study, then implement them into my play, with shorter amount of actual in game play. I just have no idea what to look at for reference. I'm wondering from everything from basic clicking practice, to farming in practice mode, to stuff I don't know anything about like what "macro play" is or how to lane correctly. I'm thinking things like rewatching games would be helpful, but I don't know how I'd break down what I did wrong I'm bad enough to be Gold, but I feel like it's nothing different from Silver or any of the other low Elo ranks. Overall I would really just appreciate guidance on how to avoid being a damn bot.

    Thanks in advanced friends!

    Edit: My NA Profile is lZane, currently Silver 2 0LP :(

    submitted by /u/lZlane
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    Bounce/Freeze against Yi/Taric

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I was doing some theorycrafting, particularly on how to best dismantle the Yi-Taric combo. In both high elo games I watched (Faker, Tarzaned), the midlaners employ a slow-push strategy, which makes sense because they have lane control and can bully the other under tower. But I was wondering, why not hard shove the first/second wave, and then set up a freeze in front of your tower? Yi Taric should lose a 2v2 to both LB/Rek'Sai and Irelia/Ekko, so hypothetically wouldn't it bully not just Taric but also Yi off the wave?

    The best counter-arguments I see area that 1. The minion advantage would lose you the 2v2 and 2. you give up map pressure when you freeze. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Graapefruit
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    New Player but Smite Veteran

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Hi, I am just now getting into league, but traditionally I have been a diamond/masters level player in smite. I have good Moba, sense just trying to learn the game and become more knowledgeable, any great resources for a demographic like me? Just started playing, and most resources I find give tips as if I had never played a moba before, but the more advanced stuff goes over my head

    submitted by /u/Bradsooner
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    Is there a more efficient way to track summoners in chat?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:35 AM PST

    I've been trying to get better with typing out summoner times in chat, instead of just pinging when they were used. However, I find it difficult to keep this up throughout the game because of how awkward ctrl a, ctrl c, ctrl v is. Are there any more efficient ways to do this, or should I just work on getting used to the ctrl keystroke method?

    submitted by /u/Kojay23
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    To High elo bot laners, what are the premier lane combos this season?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:11 PM PST

    Just curious as I am making a new acc to play bot with a friend. The ones that have standed out to me so far are

    Aphelios + Kench or strong engage support(naut leo thresh etc)

    Senna + Kench

    Mf + naut/leo/thresh/etc

    Taliyah+ engage

    Curious what you guys think and if their are other strong combos worth picking. My strat so far has just been to play aphelios/senna with kench and if they are banned go mf+engage. If mf is banned too im unsure what to pick.

    submitted by /u/taromilky1
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    Simple example on winning and losing priority

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:14 AM PST

    This is a short analysis of an episode in the match between SK Gaming and GamerLegion in their 1st game of the new formed Prime League by Riot Games and their DACH partners. The goal of this paper is showcasing priority win and loss initiated by GamerLegion at all times, while SK Gaming either tried to control the map state or they tried to capitalise on mistakes by GamerLegion, until they made individual mistakes themselves that led into the loss of Rift Herald after GamerLegion's Rabble stole it.


    submitted by /u/Cinario
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    Tips about farming/keeping up with xp.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    Hello everybody!
    I am a currently gold 3 jungle main. I mostly play Jarvan and Warwick. After a good streak of matches resulting in me reaching gold 3, i kinda realised that i am now the least useful jungle in every match. After some investigation, i narrowed it down to a nubmers problem. The enemy jungler is constantly above me in farm, xp or both. I can understand the importance of farming, so i try my best, but somehow the enemy jungler seems to be able to gank more, apply more pressure and farm more than me (A Rek'Sai last match went 10 and 2, secured 3 drakes and was 50 cs above me at the end of the match). How can I improve my farm/what should I be doing in order to improve my farm and presence? (Right now I try to plan my pathing, gank only people who are in a position to be gank and always take objectives in the side of the map opposite to where the enemy jungler is seen).

    submitted by /u/beautiful_flower
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    Attack Move/Click on Left MB instead of A

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:49 AM PST

    Do you actually find it natural to use A for attack-move/click?

    I find it very unnatural to spam A all the time while having my fingers ready for QWER, sometimes spamming Q or W or E while using A to attack.

    is there any downside to using left click? or what else do you personally use for attack move/click

    submitted by /u/braveheart0707
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    I would like some pointers on how to learn

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:40 AM PST

    I started playing league about a month ago or so, and I wanna get better. I'm an adc main with Xayah as my primary champ but I feel like I rely to much on my teammates to do well, I have had some games where I have gotten S rank but only because my team was playing phenomenally. I would like some pointers on how to improve my overall game sense and macro play.

    Hope someone can help me c:

    My EUW handle is mytoastisonfire

    submitted by /u/mati1428
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    How in the world do I land skillshots?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:54 PM PST

    I main mordekaiser with around 400k mastery points and I land his E about 0% of the time. Unless I chain his R into it, I CAN'T land my E. Whenever I'm playing other skillshot champions I can't land skillshots either. What's a good way to hit skillshots?

    submitted by /u/kagsclams
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    How to actively practice mechanics?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:01 PM PST

    So I've been playing LoL since about September-ish. I consume a *ton* of content (gameleap, proguides, youtube, and of course r/summonerschool), and I've recently done some high-elo (diamond, master, challenger) level coaching. They've all said the same thing; my game knowledge is fantastic but my mechanics are shit (its basically what I expected given I have much more time to consume content than actually play).

    So my question is pretty simple: whats the most efficient and effective way to *actively* practice mechanics? When playing draft games, I get caught up in compensating for my mechanics with out strategizing. ARAM is just too random and I cant practice who I want. There's no way to really use the practice tool for real, other than to develop muscle memory with combos.

    So what's worked for people here?

    submitted by /u/sugitime
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    Games are harder to win early in season?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:31 PM PST

    Is it just me or am I getting put against all the good players who havent started their promos yet and are playing their mains and also their other accounts? I'm annoyed because I've lost my first 4 promo games and I'm not just losing lane but all my lanes are performing bad as well. I'm feeling tilted Im pretty consistently silver every season so it's not like I'm good but I'm not losing first 4 promo games bad. Is there any truth to this or am I just mad and should drink a oj and cool down.

    submitted by /u/lozbrudda
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    What to do in the practice tool ?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:56 AM PST

    Hi Guys,

    I'm a lowly silver jungle and something I hear a lot when trying to learn more is people tell me go use the practice tool. Now I know to use it to a normal clear by adding a bot and ending the clear by ganking the bot but thats about it ? Other than testing runes on dummies I don't know what other scenarios you're supposed to practice or even can practice ?

    I'd really appreciate it if you guys could give me some practice tool scenarios to try out and improve on. I play a ton of Warwick at the moment.

    submitted by /u/PandemoniumZA
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    Smurfs, how do you handle the unpredictability of Low Elo?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:10 PM PST

    So I'm Plat on my main, I know this isn't the highest of Elo but I find there is a consistency to the games which I struggle with in Low Elo. Through a very long story, basically being hacked, I've been without my main for a while now and am just accepting to play on a new account and try hit Plat again.

    I got placed in Bronze 4 (6-4 placements) and the climb is going kind of okay. I'm not here to complain about Bronze and Silver being Elo Hell as I don't believe that at all but I really struggle with the way the games play out.

    As an example of what I mean. Last game I am Ryze V.S a Darius. I hard win a trade, Darius is super low. Enemy team has a Rengar and I'm out of Wards for my lane bushes. My immediate thought was 'Nah, Rengar has got to be here. I'm not high HP, I should base.' So I did. Then when I based, I get vision on Rengar botlane. So the Darius was just making a dumb mistake and could easily have been abused.

    Some other non-specific examples are weird jungle pathing that's hard to predict and don't benefit their jungler at all. Or if we have vision of enemy jungler top, no one rotates to drake. Or I could be Jungling and a random enemy ADC invades me. I just struggle to make sense of it all. Some games I can rely on my team and others it's like playing with 4 blind people, it's so frustratingly inconsistent.

    Smurfs who want to quickly escape these Elo's are there any roles, champions and playstyles you can recommend?

    submitted by /u/Fiesta_machine
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    Is Lee Sin worth learning as a beginner jungler?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:09 PM PST

    So Im nearing 30 and have really only ever played support but thought I'd try switch it up a bit before I decide what I want to main.

    I decided to do some jungle and obviously Im not great but enjoy the ganking and enjoy Lee Sin, I dont have enough BE to buy a large pool of junglers at the moment so mainly have only been playing him or if banned/picked I play one of the free ones.

    But I've heard that unless you can finish a game early he drops off hard and at my level I feel like if I gank a lot, we get kills, nobody really does anything from it, just go back and farm again.

    I've also heard that he's really difficult to play well, so I'm a bit hesitant. thanks

    submitted by /u/Broomesk
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    Top lane players to watch and help with my decision making?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:15 AM PST

    I learned a lot of lane tricks from tf blade, so much that I easily smurfed my second diamond account, but tf blade is now kindof like an entertainer? He doesnt post videos of his soloq top lane anymore. there isnt much late game shown in his game either because he just stomps lane all the way to the nexus. Is there any top lane youtubers or players I could watch to see how they make decisions past laning?

    submitted by /u/duskyslayer
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    How to maximize the damage of Protobelt ?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 05:54 AM PST

    I just realized that protobelt bolts don't go throught terrain (which is a shame given the fact I have maining Fizz for a year now) and went to wiki to discover the ins and outs of this item.

    I discover that :

    "Maximum damage against one champion or monster, if both the dash and all bolts hit, is 127.5 − 255 (based on level) (+ 42.5% AP). "


    " Against champions and monsters, each instance of damage beyond the first deals 90% reduced damage "

    I understand that :

    - You can maximize damage against a single champ if he's located at the end of the dash, am I right ?

    - If you target several champs, the second one hit will receive 90% reduced damage. It's the same if there is a bolt that hits the drake before another one hitting a champ.

    Am I correct or did I misunderstand the text ?

    Is there another thing to know about protobelt ?

    submitted by /u/Arvorezinho
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    I'm horrible at bait, I need help!!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:51 AM PST

    Hi guys, so I need help to bait a champion's skill. Last season I ended up at platinum iv, now I am realizing that the lower your eloh the less people tend to bait, but now that I am platinum it seems that people "hold" more their skills waiting for me to use it first and then kill myself. The problem is that when I hold my skills I end up dying because the enemy team already takes the initiative.

    The problem is that I don't see any reliable tip like "do this and this happens", everything seems unpredictable and it becomes a matter of luck for the enemy to fall into your bait, because if I don't fall I will end up dying. And I have no idea how to bait the opponent, and I know when he says about "reading the opponent", but I found this advice generic, inaccurate and not at all reliable.

    NOTE: This case also happens when the enemy is setting ganks.

    If you can help me. Appreciate!

    submitted by /u/firehellz
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    How do I know if I'm maining the right role? [Plat 3]

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:07 AM PST


    I'll just keep it short. I'm maining adc since season 6, but it's kinda getting me bored and tilted sometimes. I'm asking myself rn if I even main the right role. I can't climb atm and idk if i shall risk it and learn something different again for a long time.

    Did you guys get into a similiar moment somewhen? And how do I know if the role was the right thing?

    The only other role which I'd consider is mid. But I'm far from being ok there.

    submitted by /u/Seehut
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