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    Friday, January 24, 2020

    LoL Guide If all of your league knowledge and experience was RESET TO ZERO tomorrow morning, what would you tell yourself now if you wanted to improve the fastest?

    LoL Guide If all of your league knowledge and experience was RESET TO ZERO tomorrow morning, what would you tell yourself now if you wanted to improve the fastest?

    If all of your league knowledge and experience was RESET TO ZERO tomorrow morning, what would you tell yourself now if you wanted to improve the fastest?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:38 AM PST

    I really like these types of thought experiments as it allows you to drill down to the things that really make the most impact in your overall improvement.

    So as the title says, you know that tomorrow you are going to wake up and everything you know about league will be completely gone, the only thing you will have left is a piece of paper with a bunch of different bullet points explaining the things that you should focus on in order to get back to where you are now (or higher).

    It could be to do with what role you should focus on for greatest improvement overall, the champion, training drills, decision making skills etc.

    It would also be good to specify your current rank as I think we can all learn different things from different elos.

    For me, my knowledge is low as I haven't played for over 6 years and I was only ever a low gold player but if I was to come up with a few things to focus on it would be.

    1. Play jungle as main role and choose only 1-2 champions that are not highly contested so you can actually get them each game. Jungle seems like a role where you would learn the game quickly.
    2. Try to look at mini map very often, even if you don't know what to do with the information you receive it's a great habit to get into.
    3. Watch people who are better than you that are playing your champions.

    That could be terrible advice for all I know so I would be very interested in what your lists would look like as I'm very keen to be getting back into league and actually trying to get good this time :)

    submitted by /u/walrus_flamingo
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    AD plays too passively - How can I help him improve?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:13 AM PST

    How can I (Support main P3) help my duo partner (AD main G1) play more aggressively in lane. He rarely ever pokes or goes for trades and rather start cull, farm up wait till late game and rely on his farm advantage to win. While in some matchups this can be great, I feel like we're not capitalizing on any mistakes the enemy team makes and it's starting to cost us games.

    Good news, he knows this and is eager to improve, but this is a play style that he's had for the last 3 years and it will take a lot of time before he can switch gears. How can I help him transition? I mainly play aggressive champs like Thresh and Naut to try and force his hand a little but even then it's hard to get him to trade or poke in lane. I'm open to any sort of tips/tricks wether it be in game or outside of the game.

    submitted by /u/TheDaveEveryoneHates
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    Is Yasuo Leona bot lane with double Demolish viable?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:14 AM PST

    Me and my duo partner has seen some decent success spamming Yasuo and Leona bot, carrying our teammates flaming our pick since champ select.

    We are currently looking for new ways to perma push our opponents, and are considering double Bone plating + Demolish. Would this be viable for me as Yasuo, or is the loss of healing from Ravenous and Taste of blood too big of an issue? I usually get about 3-4k healing from these two runes during a game, which might not be too significant in the big picture.

    With Bone plating + Demolish I imagine I would need to go Bloodline instead of Alacrity, and get Greaves 1st item as Yasuo in the bot lane into PD and then naturally IE.

    submitted by /u/sollixd
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    How do I transition from Top to Mid?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:49 AM PST

    Currently Top is a glorified farming simulator 2030 that leads to absolutely nothing and Mid is one of the best lanes in soloQ. So I have some questions like:

    Where is the best place to ward?

    Which bruisers can be played Mid?

    How do I make effective roams?


    submitted by /u/Angry_train
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    If you want to improve your understanding of League, learn to play these champions.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:56 PM PST


    This list is NOT about the easiest champions to play, or the champions that will offer the most carry potential when mastered, but rather those that force you to see the game as a whole, thus force you to learn when to do what.


    TANK TOP: Shen

    He's tanky, he's hard to be pushed out of lane, moderate skill expression. He forces you to use your F1234 buttons to look at your allies' well beings. He teaches you when to splitpush and when to group up, and his ult is forgiving when you make that macro mistake while learning the game.

    BRUISER TOP: Fiora

    She has higher skill expression but also more punishing if misused, she teaches you to ward, to understand the pace of the game in and out of laning phase, when to split, when to group. She's a pretty well-rounded splitpusher/duelist.

    AP MID: Twisted Fate

    His combo is easy, but he forces you to look at the minimap, build defensive when you need to, when and where to gank, how to enable your jungler. He teaches you how to be intimidating and also how to sit down before getting killed.

    AD MID: Talon

    Very similar to Twisted Fate, but AD with more damage and less CC. These two are both easy to pick up and learn the game. On top of doing what Twisted Fate does, he's also a lane bully, and he teaches you to swap for lens/pink ward early.


    Teaches you to value your power spike, unpredictability as an assassin jungler, and how to play around wards without getting caught. Her combo is easy but effective, she can secure objective with her W-smite-R combo.

    TANK JUNGLER: Cho'Gath

    Rare pick. He teaches you how to gank effectively, when to do objective, when to force teamfight and when not to. He also has an objective secure button, which is always welcome for learners.


    Tons of CC, moderate damage, map management and teamfight (dis)enage. This is the ADC that teaches you to value your team's power spike and to look at the map more. She's an enabler for her allies.


    Teaches you how to kite, extremely high skill expression but easy to pick up. Caitlyn is the champ to learn proper ADC skills. She also wins laning phase by default, which helps you get the idea of what you should do to help your jungler during laning phase.

    FLEX MAGE BOT-MID: Glacial Augment Neeko/Oriana

    These two works on mid too, but mid's spot is for Twisted Fate, so this is where they are now. These two are damage dealers AND enablers. They teaches you disengage, engage, farm, build defensive if needed, etc. They're good, but just not as rewarding as learning Twisted Fate mid. These two are rewarding to master as a flex pick.

    SUPPORT: Thresh and Nami

    One is a kill support and the other enchanter. They both have (dis)engage tools. Nami teaches you to react fast (buffing ADC when his aa/ability is mid-air), while Thresh teaches you to predict movements.

    submitted by /u/penboiyi
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    Why and when would one build cull?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:06 AM PST

    As someone who's played for around since the end of season 8 until now, I've never really known a reason as to why anyone would build cull. Most people have said that it's too weak for early game trading since you lose health and is too inconsistent and dependent on the user's CS ability. Why and when would someone build cull?

    submitted by /u/Highmastet
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    MF help

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:21 AM PST

    So I'm trying to force myself to learn MF because I got good skins for her and I'm confused in her builds. There's a lot of builds that say you should go full lethality with dark harvest and then they're is full crit with press the attack. The lethality thing didn't really work out to well, but the crit was ok. I tried crit with both press the attack and dark harvest and I couldn't tell a huge difference. That being said I still don't feel that I can get as op as much as I do with caitlyn or other champs. So what is the best of the best?

    Also tips and tricks for her are appreciated!

    submitted by /u/EthanEast
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    How do you beat ghost flash Darius?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:47 PM PST

    As ranged he just runs you down, and as melee you can't trade or farm. I really wanna ban it, but Ornn excists.. Does anyone know what to do vs it? I was d2 last season, but now I face either Darius or Ornn every game and I can't impact the game because I have to give up farm or die, and vs Ornn you just lose when he gives his team 6k gold for free.

    submitted by /u/borkbork123
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    I think I'm too sensitive for LoL

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:48 PM PST

    (Dear Mods, this may sound like a rant, but I don't know where else to post it.)

    [TL;DR at the bottom]

    Around a month ago, I had finally gotten my first ever laptop for Christmas.

    My parents told me it was supposed to be for school, but obviously I had other plans.

    I immediately wanted to try out this game called League of Legends, because ever since I was 8, my friends always went on and on about how it was going to be a huge hit.

    Unfortunately, we were pretty poor at the time so it wasn't possible for me to go home and crank out a couple hours of League with the boys every day.

    (I came from console gaming, so that might explain why my mechanical skills are quite shite.)

    Anyway, once I had the game installed and the tutorial completed, I immediately queued up for an unranked match.

    Of course I didn't know who would be good, so I chose Brand because I thought he looked cool. During the match I got steamrolled by some dude who was probably smurfing now that I think about it.

    But the game was oddly fun, since the thought of learning over 100 unique champions' move sets and counters was wild, so I kept at it.

    After that game, I grinded for level 30 just so I could see how I fared compared to the main rest of the world in terms of skill.

    I started watching tons of League content makers and studied their movement, ward placements, and farming tactics. So you could say I had a firm grasp on the terminology.

    Once I felt confident, I started queuing for a match, expecting to at least place Silver V.

    It was at this point I realized I was fucking terrible lmao. I got flamed immediately for dying a lot, couple people told me to kms, and (although I haven't ranked yet) my current ranking is Iron I.

    What I didn't expect though, was how toxic ranked players would be.

    In the 3 matches of ranked I've played so far:

    1. There was a duo who started complaining about how terrible I was, whilst one of them had legit 3 CS at the end. (3/12/0 Warwick JG DuoQ)
    2. I was just terrible lol (2/7/1 Brand Top DuoQ)
    3. All four of them told me to go kms, and that I should've died in childbirth (creative) when I pointed out that we lost top and mid because they were ganking as a group, leaving the turrets defenseless (2/10/13 Brand Bot SoloQ)

    I lost a lot of the initial drive that I had when I first started playing LoL due to these 3 games alone.

    (brand still cool to me tho)

    Can I have some recommendations or some guides, however tedious, on how to become a better League of Legends Player?

    TL;DR: I'm 3 matches into my placements, and I'm Iron. How can I get better?

    submitted by /u/Murping
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    How to determine a kill as an assassin

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:32 AM PST

    How do I determine whether I can or cannot kill someone as an assassin? Especially in the early game, I struggle with knowing my own damage. Assassin damage just seems so inconsistent at least to me, sometimes I do very little damage to a target and other times I one shot them, surprising even myself. Picking 1v1s in the jungle role is especially tough for me when I play assassins(like kha or qiyana) because I feel like the only real advantage I can have over say a tanky jungler or a high cc jungler is my damage output, and I don't actually know if I have enough damage in the early game to kill them when we're both at 0 items.

    submitted by /u/smiws
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    Is it ok NOT to use flash?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:06 PM PST

    I'm saying this a new player (lvl38) sometimes in lane when I'm doing my 1v1 battle in top lane, enemy is running and flash away, I MIGHT be able to then flash and get the kill but often choose not to because I feel I use my flash more defensively than aggressively and might end up not using it til late game. What do you guys think? I play mainly Aatrox Mord Jax that kinda thing, thanks!

    submitted by /u/CammyJunt
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    Looking For Item Choosing Resources

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    I am relatively new to the game and am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the sheer numbers of items. I generally buy the recommended ones, but have been getting comments that the ones I'm choosing aren't optimal vs particular champions.

    Does anyone have good resources for learning what items to buy in different situations?

    submitted by /u/the-paranoid-king
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    Math behind jungle and solo lane experience

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    I decided to theorycraft potential max experience junglers could get if they cleared camps on cooldown for first 13 minutes.

    I am assuming

    • super fast clearer like olaf always full clearing from gromp to krugs
    • 50s for 4 camps clear
    • 70s for 6 camps clear
    • 15s scuttler clear
    • free scuttler every respawn

    jungle clear chart


    solo lane exp chart


    Conclusion: Even doing the most optimal unrealistic full clears junglers will be behind average solo laners.

    The longer the game goes the bigger the gap gets.

    Small potential of carry/farm junglers.

    The only way junglers can keep up with solo laners or come back from behind is by taking as much waves as possible, hurting own laners in the process.

    When fighting solo laners consider one level is worth 584.58 gold of stats and unfinished jungle item has no pvp stats.

    submitted by /u/FSOenergy
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    Do you need a tank?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST

    Hey all, so this is my burning question: do you need a tank on your team to win?

    Whenever we don't have a tank on our team and the enemy does, we almost always lose...

    Our team might have gobs of damage with a bruiser, an assassin and our ADC, but my team always fails to deal with the tank. Thus allowing the enemy's back line to shred us.

    So, how crucial is a tank? Is one needed? If we're lacking front line we always seem to lose.

    Thanks for the help (this is Silver 4 gameplay).

    submitted by /u/NoahFrosty
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    How Do I Improve My Decision Making?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:41 AM PST

    I'm in Bronze and maining Kindred. I really enjoy their kit, so I don't want to switch to a more forgiving champion. In fact, I believe that Kindred's kit will help me make better choices, because of their passive (e.g. When to go for marks). I've considered analyzing my gameplays, it feels counterproductive to me cause when I make mistakes, I catch them right after I made them. I've been watching a bunch of Godly Poro's videos, but I want to watch more different Kindred mains, so I can understand how others play and make decisions to further improve my knowledge.

    As far as I know, I should be playing more to gain experience as a player, but is there anything I other than what I've talked about to help me improve my decision making abilities? What kind of mindset should I have? Is there any other experience players I could take an example of?

    submitted by /u/ethan125
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    Jungle Rammus Main looking for advice

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Hi I am a jungle main that mainly plays Rammus. I peaked Gold III in season 9 and currently climbing back up.

    I decided to start posting my games (both wins and losses) in hopes to get feedback to improve my skill. And maybe you might learn a thing from me haha....

    Here is the link to my first video (with more to come): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck-xR7KYfm8

    Please let me know where I can improve and steer me in the right direction of useful guides!

    Thanks Reddit!

    submitted by /u/PurpleMudkipp
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    What are the best team comps you can make with these champion pools?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Top: Ornn, Poppy, Kled, Gnar, Kennen, Ekko, Singed

    Top 2: Jax, Tryndamere, Vayne

    Jungle: Ekko, Kindred, Graves, Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Rengar, Ivern, Karthus

    Mid: Veigar, Vel'koz, Ahri, Yasuo, Zed, Rumble

    ADC: Caitlyn, Lucian, Xayah, Cassiopeia, Ezreal

    Support: Janna, Nami, Lulu, Yuumi, Sona, Rakan

    Support 2: Thresh, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Braum

    Going to a tournament with some friends and would love some input.

    submitted by /u/eBoosting
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    Olaf's E Spam or Not

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:00 PM PST

    So should i spam Olaf's E?

    On one hand it does good damage, lowers hp but olaf gets stronger with lower hp, but on the other hand, if i spam it i won't get the HP back which means olaf will die faster.

    So olaf masters out there, please let me know if i should spam E in a fight.


    submitted by /u/braveheart0707
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    Coming back after a long break

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:56 PM PST

    i've not played league in roughly seven years, but i'd like to give it a shot again. i played a lot when i played regularly, and while i was never particularly good, this does mean that i'm level 30 on my main account, and my main account has nearly every character released up to the point i stopped (plus enough currency for six more).

    what i'm ultimately wondering is: should i make a new account to stumble around on for now? should i just do blind picks on my main account for a while, even though blind pick is kind of terrible? should i just brave these low elo solo queue games with characters i'm kind of familiar/comfortable with? i don't have any big dreams of hitting challenger level, but - having never made any real headway in ranked prior (my highest might've been bronze or silver) - it would be neat to make some real progress this time around.

    submitted by /u/Vellius5
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    As a midlaner what do i need to improve on other than csing, warding, and mechanics to make it from gold to platinum?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:05 PM PST

    I am a somewhat new to ranked player last season was first ranked season reached gold 4. I regularly win lane with a higher kda and cs score than my lane opponent even when facing people in low to mid plat and regularly if fed can carry a game with my main and some other champs but I just can't seem to climb in the current meta if my bot feeds an insane amount what are some things to work on to be able to carry more effectively and to play better?

    submitted by /u/doublewolf567
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    How do I pick fight smartly as an assassin?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:33 PM PST

    I usually play warwick and j4, so I am used to fighting with my team after lane phase instead of picking enemies off on my own. Recently I picked up Khazix, but I have been having trouble adapting to this new role.

    I learned what an assassin has to do from youtube videos (picking enemy off in side lane or jungle, aiming for squishies after enemies blow their skills in team fight, attacking from behind, checking the target's items and level), but it's not easy to execute in real games. Especially after jungle exp nerf, it is harder for me to assassinate as I am often 2 level below solo laner.

    While Khazix's 1v1 potential is amazing, I have trouble successfully assassinating people after lane phase without getting myself killed even when I am not behind. During team fights, I use my ult to go in from behind after fight breaks off, but I often don't get to kill the adc unless they are already at low hp. At most I get to escape with little hp and get the adc to 30~40% hp as well. However, when I watch videos or montage, people seem to delete enemies so easily. Not knowing how to pick fights makes me scared to play aggressive and take advantage of his power spikes.

    So how do I know if I can kill someone vs if I need to not fuck with them? How can I utilize Khazix's potential?

    submitted by /u/leey56522
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    What is the best way to improve my early game as an ADC

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:27 AM PST

    I haven't been playing ADC for long, but I feel like currently my early game play is the weakest. Late, I often do fine, but early I can't seem to get a lead.

    I think this is mostly due to my inability to play agressive in the early game and underestimating myself if I do have a CS lead. Combine with with the generally passive supports I have in my ELO (Bronze 2) and it often feels like a 1v2.

    What are some exercises or techniques I can use to improve my early game aggression and get a lead more consistently?

    Edit: I currently play Ezreal, Jhin and Ashe with a bit of Varus and Kalista on the side.

    submitted by /u/ZeroVoid_98
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    [Guide] Manamune Jhin (Season 10 Update)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:48 AM PST

    This is the updated version of the Manamune Jhin guide I made for season 9, which can be found here. Not much has changed since then, but I updated the guide due to a few small changes regarding items and runes.

    Part 1: Justifying and explaining Manamune

    Feel free to skip this section if you just want to try the build and don't care for explanations and maths.

    Jhin has a huge Manapool
    Let's start this section by taking a look at the manapoolstrength of the ADC roster.

    - Starting Mana Mana per Level Mana at Level 18
    Jhin 300 +50 1150
    Sivir 284 +50 1134
    Senna 350 +45 1115
    Ezreal 360,6 +42 1074,6
    Aphelios 348 +42 1062
    Draven 360,56 +39 1023,6
    Xayah 340 +40 1020
    Jinx 245 +45 1010
    Kog'Maw 322,2 +40 1002,2
    Lucian 348,88 +38 994,9
    Kai'sa 344,88 +38 990,9
    Twitch 287,2 +40 967,2
    Varus 360,48 +33 921,5
    Miss Fortune 325,84 +35 920,8
    Caitlyn 313,7 +35 908,7
    Kallista 231,8 +35 826,8
    Vayne 231,8 +35 826,8
    Ashe 280 +32 824
    Tristana 250 +32 794

    Jhin as we can see here has the largest mana of any ADC currently in the game. He will get the most AD and on-procc damage from Muramana at one item purchased. Ezreal of course surpasses his Mana by building more Mana in items and using Muramana better than Jhin. It is still important to keep in mind that Jhin has the manapool to get lots of stats from the item itself. Of course we need more to justify buying that item. Let's move on!

    Short trivia about proccing Muramana
    - Jhin's W proocs Muramana Passive!
    - Every single bullet of Jhin's R proccs Muramana Passive!

    Gold value of Manamune's AD
    Note: This chart will assume fully stacked Manaflow Band and Presence of Mind

    Jhin Lvl Manamune AD Gold value of JUST the AD Gold efficiency of JUST the AD
    5 64 (unstacked) 2240 93%
    11 85 (stacked) 2975 124%
    18 93 (stacked) 3255 136%

    Damage Comparison
    *The Crit AA numbers are refering only to the first three bullets, the guaranteed Crit from 4th is not included.

    Item/s Hits Damage Dealt
    Muramana Q + 4 Autos 1117
    Infinity Edge Q + 4 Autos (1 Crit) 982
    Item/s Hits Damage Dealt
    Muramana+IE Q + 4 Autos (1 Crit) 1683
    IE+IE Q + 4 Autos (2 Crit) 1591
    Item/s Hits Damage Dealt
    Muramana+IE+IE Q + 4 Autos (2 Crit) 2378
    IE+IE+IE Q + 4 Autos (3 Crit) 2370

    This damage comparison was made at Level 11 and what we can observe is that Muramana is always slightly ahead in damage output, but costs a whole 1000 Gold less that could already be invested in the components of another item. Not to mention since this damage comparison is only made at Level 11, the Muramana will actually keep scaling for 7 more levels with Jhins +50 Mana every single Level Up.

    The honest downside of Manamune

    When building it around the 7-11 minute mark Manamune will give you about 57-62 AD at a cost of 2400 Gold. Compared to 65 AD for 2175 Gold (BF Sword+Pickaxe). This means you are willingly making yourself slightly weaker (225 Gold and a handful of AD behind), to become much stronger as it scales. You have to ask yourself: "Do I want to snowball or scale this round?" before going for a Manamune. The upside to that? Jhin has strong enough of an early game that he can most of the time easily make up for the loss of snowballing power. Just be mindful of games where you do not want to give up on a bit of Jhins snowballing power.


    Manamune on Jhin is actually stronger than it seems. It isn't a trollpick at all. It can deal more damage than an Infinity Edge at 1000 Gold less and proccs of your W and R aswell. When the idea is "Scaling instead of snowballing" Manamune Jhin is a viable choice. And here is LS taking a look at the Season9 version of this guide and talking about the viability of Manamune Jhin

    Part 2: Runes and Items

    There are two different runepages that can be played with Manamune Jhin. Either a more typical setup with Fleet Footwork or a more poke heavy setup with Comet.
    Manamune Jhin with Fleet Footwork
    Manamune Jhin with Comet


    Manamune > CDR Boots or Swiftness Boots > Critbuild Items

    CDR is much more potent on Manamune Jhin due to stacking the Manamune aswell as being able to use your W as efficient poke later in the game. Not to mention your ult hurting much more with Muramana and thus having it up more often is quite the benefit. I suggest going for 30% CDR since that so far was always enough to never end up in a single situations where I needed Jhins ult but was limited by its cooldown. You can still go the typical Swiftness Boots, but I highly advice trying it with CDR Boots. After that any of the usual Crit Build Items are valid choices. Stormrazor, Rapid Firecannon, Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge. All of them highly valueable and you should situationally chose in what order you want to build them every game.

    Part 3: Strategy

    At the start of laning phase play Jhin like you usually would. Nothing is different right now. Your first back should aim at a minimum of 875 Gold with 1000/1225/1350 being the upper limit to when you should recall. Those specific numbers are for Pickaxe and components of Tear of the Godess. Never buy Tear on the first back unless you have enough for Pickaxe and Tear. Back in lane you are still the same Jhin as always, just with a bunch more mana you can freely spend on harassing the enemies.

    Your second back should aim for a completed Manamune between 7-11 minutes depending on how well or poorly everything goes. Now is the time where you have to pay a bit more attention to everything. You are slightly weaker than you usually would be having just an unstacked Manamune and thus you have to pick fights that are in your favour. You will be fine overall, but not as strong as BF Sword+Pickaxe Jhin is at this stage of the game. Be aware of which trades/fights you can and cannot go for!

    While having Manamune you have to actively work on stacking it. Whenever in lane there is nothing left to hit or you are currently walking somewhere and you aren't auto attacking you have to use your abilities to stack. Use your W off Cooldown when walking from base to lane. Having 2 Trap Charges? Use one inside your fountain, it will be recharged the second you reach you lane! Use W and E lots whenever your can't AA actively!!!

    Once Muramana is achieved between 19-24 (Average should be 21-22) minutes you gain a massive powerspike.

    Part 4: Dealing with angry allies

    You thought it was bad when they started pinging your two Infinity Edges on Jhin? Boy of Boy do I have news for you! Manamune Jhin gets pinged every second or atleast every third game you play and the flame will come without a doubt if you rack up some games with this build.

    My personal advice is to mostly ignore people being annoyed at your build, but if you really want to calm down a heated angery taxic boi then drop a simple "Korean Pro Build" in chat and ignore any comments along the lines of "LUL you korean?" "LUL you a pro? No?". Feel free to link the guide to them after the game if you want them to take a look at it. Though I doubt some screeching flamer has the coolmindedness to consider reading through Part 1 of this guide.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/SedOfAstora
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    Opportunity cost of picking a mage support

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:45 AM PST

    Hey y'all! I recently switched from playing jungle to playing support due to the xp nerfs in jungle and I am really loving the support role. I have been playing a lot of traditional supports like Leona and Nami. However, I played a few games of Brand and really loved the aggressive mage support playstyle and the amount of damage it brings to the team. However, I wanted to get other people's thoughts on if the damage and kill potential you bring to the table weighs out the opportunity cost of the utility and buffs/heals provided by traditional supports. Moreover, you miss out on the items that help your team in favor of more damage, so no Knight's Vow/Redemption/Mikhael's Cruicible/etc.

    I'd love to know other people's thoughts as to whether mages like Brand are a viable choice (specifically low elo; currently playing games with average silver 3 players in ranked) or if you miss out on too much bringing mages! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mjiced
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