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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    League of Legends Patch 10.2 Bug Megathread and Discussion

    League of Legends Patch 10.2 Bug Megathread and Discussion

    Patch 10.2 Bug Megathread and Discussion

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:39 AM PST

    58.1% of pros surveyed said they'd rather win the #LCS than make it out of groups at Worlds. If you were a pro which would you rather accomplish?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:20 AM PST

    If Riot releases another Darkin champion, it will likely represent Famine.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:26 AM PST

    The three Darkin we have are Aatrox, Rhaast, and Varus(should be Vaarus but he didn't get the memo). I believe that they each represent one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

    Aatrox - War
    This is easy. Aatrox carries a massive sword and constantly wants to fight so that someday, his miserable eternal cursed life may end.

    Rhaast - Death
    Rhaast carries a scythe, the main tool of choice for the Grim Reaper in most depictions. Rhaast constantly fantasizes about killing and such, and Kayn's title is "The Shadow Reaper", making me conclude that Rhaast represents death.

    Varus - Pestilence
    Varus, while not really showing it with his voice lines because he's outdated, has a kit that focuses on applying Blight to targets to deal extra damage. Blight is defined as both "a plant disease" and "something that spoils or damages", something that the embodiment of pestilence would spread.

    That leaves us with only one horseman left: Famine. Yeah it's a bit far-fetched and I might just be overthinking, but it would be cool if this was the case.

    submitted by /u/Shelf-Life3
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    First support thresh penta i've ever seen

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:15 AM PST

    In 5 years of lol I think that is the play I am the most proud of :-)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:42 AM PST

    Shiphtur's fancy Zoe Q

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:41 AM PST

    Zeyzal and Sven on why they joined EG: 'I didn't want to stay on C9 anymore after what happened'

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Never go against an Ionian when death is on the line

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Mom talks about how she got into League

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Limit Test vs Genius Gang / Twitch Rivals Finals

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:08 PM PST

    Limit test win 2-0

    Game 1 Winner: Limit Test 1-0

    Limit Test (Blue Side) 16/3/41 Roles 3/16/3 Genius Gang (Red Side)
    TFBlade - Tryndamere 8/1/6 Top 0/4/1 FallenBandit - Gnar
    Tarzaned - Olaf 6/3/6 Jg 0/2/2 Masterfiend- Jarvan IV
    Tempest - Orianna 0/1/14 Mid 3/3/0 Voyboy - Vladamir
    Value247 - Senna 5/5/5 Adc 0/3/0 Auto - Aphelios
    PapaChau - Tahm Kench 1/1/10 Sup 0/4/0 Lohpally - Thresh

    Game 2 Winner: Limit test 2-0

    Limit Test (Red Side) 31/15/61 Roles 15/31/33 Genius Gang (Blue Side)
    TFBlade - Jax 9/4/5 Top 3/6/5 FallenBandit - Vladamir
    Tarzaned - Olaf 6/4/13 Jg 3/7/7 Masterfiend- Jarvan IV
    Tempest - Orianna 8/3/14 Mid 3/5/7 Voyboy - Viktor
    Value247 - Senna 7/0/18 Adc 4/6/6 Auto - Sivir
    PapaChau - Thresh 1/4/11 Sup 2/7/8 Lohpally - Leona
    submitted by /u/ChillbeastBb
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    Where did your summoner name come from?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:58 AM PST

    It's always interesting hearing where people get their summoner names. What's the story behind yours?

    submitted by /u/RiotBoatStuff
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    Fiddlesticks in pencil mode

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    Best ping pong interaction u will see ever.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:53 AM PST

    An attempt at a fair 100% counterplay 700 IQ mega brain Noxian Support Champion with visuals

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:15 AM PST

    Edit: I was trying to tl;dr this but I couldn't come up with one when I made the thread, but anyways TLDR: Local baby sitter murders people with piano wire for the underprivileged local children.

    Preface: I'm not a game designer, so I designed this character for some mental fan lore in my head, but then I made a mental champion concept and it seemed to work really well.

    It has geometry that would make VelKoz players sweat. It has decision making that Thresh players can only dream of. The more I thought about it the better it got. She's 100% zone control and 100% fair. She doesn't really exist out of zones she's set up in, but she's really strong inside of them.

    I tried to follow Riot's design philosophy but also make it have infinite counterplay -- so here goes.

    The category I'd put her in is a controller -> catcher. She specializes in area defense only, and therefore can not really attack a point very well. This champion also has a three hit skill activated passive and two dashes of variable length

    So here is Fianna, the Noxian support. I'm not using any number because I'm not a balance person

    She uses two weighted knives on an endlessly long thread to control zones with geometry and orianna-esque skill interactions.

    Passive - The art of absolute defense: The user uses an unimaginably long thread on a weighted knife to control zones. Fianna gets 6 charges until level 6 and then gains one charge per level up until level 18.

    Fianna leaves behind vectors of thread with some of her abilities. If an enemy passes through the thread they are lightly and briefly slowed, and their position is indicated (imagine like a stealth reveal animation passing through the thread) if they pass through her threads in the fog of war. Enemies gain a stack of tangled. Upon hitting three stacks they are rooted briefly.

    If two champions run through the same thread, the thread they passed through will vanish after an amount of time. If the anchor point is knocked down then you will recast Q from your character.

    So you literally have to run your face through her abilities to get CC'd. You have to actively choose to run your face through her threads three times to get snared.

    Q - Thread Shot: This is Fianna's core mechanic and it functions like Orianna's ball. Fianna's weapon has two ends. One for basic attacking and her W, and the other to reposition her Q. When she casts thread shot, she will throw her dagger at a target location where if it hits terrain, it will be anchored. Subsequent casts of Thread Shot will use the new location as a casting point. Each shot consumes a stack of her passive.

    The first cast sets the first anchor and does not leave behind a vector.

    You must be within range to recast Q. If you run out of stacks and use this ability, the threads you have set up vanish immediately. If you recast it while out of range, the rest of your threads unravel and you start a new chain. If you don't hit terrain, you also lose your set up.

    If you are hit by the knife of the ability, you take damage, and you gain two stacks of tangled. If you hit three stacks from this, you are snared for a fair amount of time.

    Let's talk about this last bit: So I wanted to give her some reliable CC at a cost. If you throw your Q into the fog of war to guarantee a snare you lose your set up, especially if you don't hit terrain, or if you hit terrain in the fog of war.

    I imagine the range of this ability being as long as Jhin W or Kai Sa W. Very long range, but hard to do anything with if you shoot it off into the abyss

    So if you have some threads in the jungle to watch for ganks and you decide to engage, you lose the control you have in the jungle. This is the only thing I consider unfun in the kit, but I think it's necessary to give her reliable laning, and I think the pay off is fair. It's like calling Lux snare unfun, like yeah it sucks to get snared but if you get hit you get hit.

    W - Shield Wrap: You use the other end of the weapon to wrap your ally in special thread which provides protection depending on how many stacks you have left. The ally wrapped in thread will gain a fair amount of movement speed moving towards you. Enemies who pass through the special thread are briefly snared, and can not be resnared by this same thread.

    The shield grows in size based on how many stacks you have left starting from zero to fairly big. So at worst-case scenario, it's a movement speed steroid, and at worst it's a nice shield.

    Fianna can not auto attack while the shield is active. The shield lasts for a few seconds.

    E - Untouchable: Fianna dashes to target thread, and gains three extra charges of her passive to use in the next couple of seconds. These charges don't count towards her shield. This is supposed to be an escape and also a gap closer if you end up somehow getting set up behind enemy lines which I'll picture below. This is supposed to set up your passive quickly to protect from dives or buy time for other people to live.

    R - Memento Mori: Fianna short hops to target location and pulls on her threads where they all converge at the centermost point snaring enemies for a long time who are caught in the center and dealing a fair amount of damage. Nothing happens to the enemies who aren't caught in the very middle of it.

    So this is just a thought but I felt like this could be a really long CC if the enemy misplays. Perhaps every time they are hit by a thread when it's converging they get cc'd for .25 seconds longer and the base snare in the center is 2-3 seconds and the max cc length is 5 seconds if you really walked into something dumb. Don't click off yet, I will provide visual examples of how easy this would be to avoid and how you totally deserve it if you get snared for max length.

    Laning as Fianna with Visuals:

    So pictured below will be places to set your thread up depending on how far your lane is pushed, and what you want to accomplish.

    So basically you want your jungle to have tripe wires set up for ganks, and you also want to have set up threads if it's a basic 2 v 2. However if you're facing something like Draven Leona you might want to set up more defensively.

    So this would be a "I'm winning lane and we're pushing" set up.


    This would be "We're fighting a dive comp and we're scared" set up


    It's important to note here: You aren't using every stack so you can always shoot off your Q for a hard snare in case they try something funny.

    This is the picture above but with a "I'm afraid the jungler might dive variant"


    This one has no extra stacks to hard snare, so what I'd recommend would be if they break through your line of defenses, to shoot off your Q into the abyss to reset and have a big shield on W if they actually make it through your line of defense.

    So yeah the jungler is guaranteed to get one stack of tangled if he passes through this route, but that isn't stopping him from entering krugs bush and avoiding all of your nonsense. If it's a Lee he can just kick you and your ADC out of the safety zone and you immediately lose all effectiveness. If it's anyone else they can walk around and dive you, but the enemy laners will suffer a brief snare if they walk through all the bad. So you basically know what you're going into, and what you have to do to dive but if you misplay then you deserved it.

    Basic bronzodia strats to throbbing mega brain point defense strats with visuals:

    This is basic Baron pit strat where it's very easy to guess your ult's point of impact. This one takes place at a figurative level 11-13 or whatever number your heart desires. If you can imagine more vectors then go for it, but the center point changed.


    So obviously, the trap is really straight forward, but also effective. Your enemy knows exactly what they're walking into, and they know exactly when they're in danger. They'll have to walk through three snares to get into baron pit, but you're going to have to engage before they get there.

    Okay but what if we made it big brain and spicy?

    I hear you fam, let's make it spicy.


    So because you're starting your web in your own jungle, unless they deep blue trinket, you are outsmarting them by hiding your Memento Mori point of impact by extending your range.

    That's not spicy enough make it 700 IQ!

    Let's say you take the picture above, and shoot a Q down mid lane, suddenly you change the center point of impact to a completely different place. I don't have a name for what to call this, but you basically run the risk of unraveling the whole web if you don't hit anything, and making yourself useless for the fight.

    I guess I'd call this quick adjusting. The threads can cross, I just didn't come up with examples of them crossing for the sake of the anchor point moving easily.

    I can't come up with a specific instance of how you could use this since I'm not mega brain enough to come up with a concrete example, but I'm sure the challenger players here could do better.

    Baby Mode Strat

    You ult and then immediately shield someone. You regain all stacks of your passive as soon as you ult so you get a big fuck you shield right after ulting. This is probably the most straight forward part of the kit.

    Aren't you a writer? Where is the lore?

    The lore is really long and I don't want to bore anyone, but basically it goes like this:

    There is no shortage of orphans in Noxus. Fianna never knew her parents, and she grew up in an orphanage with a kindly matron. Although life was hard and there wasn't always enough food to go around, she never knew a sad day in her life.

    The time came when she became an adult and she could set off into the world, but she chose to stay behind. You see, the matron was getting too old and someone had to take care of the kids. Fianna stayed behind to take her place.

    She raised those children like they were her own. She'd stay up long nights crafting art to sell to make more money for their food. It wasn't a thankless job. The smile on the faces of the kids were enough to keep her going.

    A man paid her with a book one day. He said it's more valuable than her life, and to take everything in it very seriously. He also left her with the weighted weapon on thread that the book talked about.

    The book's title? The Art of Absolute Defense.

    It took Fianna a year to master it. What she did not know is, that was the fastest anyone has ever mastered the art, and it was a great secret.

    When Noxian high command found out that the style had resurfaced, they gave her an offer she couldn't refuse: join the military and have every child in that orphanage adopted.

    Of course she joined. A family is what every single child needs.

    Her very first task was to defend a Noxian fort from an enemy battalion. But the only catch? She was the only person they sent to stop them. They said it was to reduce casualties.

    She stopped them.

    The kindly young orphanage matron now reeked of death and blood, but it didn't matter. The children were adopted just like Noxus promised, and she couldn't be happier. She was now working on a deal to make sure every future orphan would be adopted immediately so no one would be left weak and unprotected in Noxus.

    Edit: Imagine the implication of having a literal baby sitter in the lore support. Think of all the fun lines you get about your ADC being just a baby that needs to be protected. Or not, I never imagined her to be cocky. I always imagined her as a wholesome girl next door who happens to shank people for the greater good.

    submitted by /u/valenote
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    Prolly to join the LCS analyst desk for 2020 Spring!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:25 PM PST


    im super stoked to see him on the analyst desk. He has always been a good personality in the scene and the way he conducts himself and his thoughts on the game is always super interesting to see!

    Always nice to have ex-coaches on the desk.

    submitted by /u/critaa
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    Kindred masks I carved recently

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:39 AM PST

    I carved Lamb and Wolf mask using walnut wood. Gonna paint them with acrylic paint. Kindred masks

    submitted by /u/t_sekuloski
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    LeTigress will be joining the LCS broadcasting team

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Thrilled to announce I'll be joining the @lcsofficial broadcast team. Catch me working the #LCS Spring Split including hosting the new Monday Night League! It's an exciting year ahead for @lolesports, and I'm stoked to be a part of it.

    The picture linked just shows she is hosting the new Monday Night League games, so I don't know if she is doing anything else or just MNL. Either way, i'm excited for any new face on the LCS broadcast team.

    submitted by /u/FallenArtemis
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    LS God Coach

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:29 AM PST

    Patch 10.1 - Vedius’ Picks to Watch #LEC Spring 2020

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Sanchovies and LS really do make the best duo

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:59 PM PST

    The 2500 RP Mecha Kingdoms Orb bundle is better than the 7500 Mecha Kingdoms Orb Bundle

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:37 AM PST

    Buying three of the 2500 RP bundles is literally better than than buying the 7500 RP bundle.

    The contents of three 2500 RP bundles are:

    30 Orbs, 3 Lucky Roll bags and 480 tokens.

    Contents of the 7500 RP bundle:

    30 Orbs, 1 Jackpot bag and 480 tokens.

    The jackpot bag has one 520-975 RP shard, and two 1350-3250 RP shards. While the three lucky roll bags will have three 1350-3250 RP skin shards.

    Buying the 2500 RP bundle gives you more items in total than buying the 7500. I don't know why they've done this, maybe it's just bad design.

    submitted by /u/JonasGangsta
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    Papa FORG1VEN is BACK! Season 10 SoloQ Montage

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:29 AM PST

    1/23 PBE Update: Annie VFX Update Preview & Tentative Balance Changes

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Updated Akali changes for 10.3

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:58 PM PST

    A follow up from the previous changes

    Mark Yetter Tweeted more changes coming for Akali to the PBE.

    I'll have some more details in the Gameplay Thoughts tomorrow, but with it already on PBE - here's the updated Akali changes. W CC reveal and R2 speed removed in favor of some early Q cost increases.



    • Energy Cost: 100/95/90/85/90 >>> 140/130/120/110/100


    • Akali gain 20/25/30/35/40% movement speed while in her shroud >>> Akali gains 30/35/40/45/50% decaying movement speed for 2 seconds on cast.


    • R1 Targeting: Free Targeted >>> Enemy Champion Targeted

    • R1 Target Range: 625

    • R1 Dash Distance: 625-675 based on distance from enemy

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    It would be so great if "in-combat" and "out-of-combat" would behave consistently

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:59 AM PST

    Autoing a ward or a plant does not break Relentless hunter and Mobis, which give ooc ms, but attacking a plant starts the Grasp counter (which specifically states that "entering combat generates one stack"), and attacking a plant or a ward disables spellswapping with Unsealed Spellbook.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Doublelift and Pobelter break down jungle Pob and share live reactions to format changes

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

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