- Last time I showed you guys how to properly utilize enchanters in order to climb lower elo. As requested, we dive into my mind again as I play a mage support (xerath) in diamond (With detailed timestamps ofc!)
- Who should I learn to pick into Lee Sin?
- How exactly am I supposed to freeze in botlane?
- Patch 10.2 Meta Infographic
- How do you counter the yi/taric gold funneling strat (not jungling)
- tips for climbing with adhd
- Jungle changes in patch 10.3
- Should you swap mid and top to bail out of a horrible matchup?
- Please help me not suck with Olaf. [Jungle]
- Lost a 5v5 flex game pretty hard. Need help to figure out what went wrong
- How do I counter Nasus late game as JG?
- What are some questions to ask myself during laningphase/game?
- How to 1-3-1
- question for high elo junglers!
- How do you play when you get poked under tower?
- What makes a champion good at jungling?
- How do I continue to farm later in the game?
- Heimer bot, mf support help
- How to position yourself properly (as Syndra)?
- Question about laning as Tristana.
- Looking for tips playing Illaoi
- Dragon souls and my friends team comp
- My biggest weakness is warding
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:01 AM PST Hello friends of summoner school, enverOwnz back with another video for you all :) This time we are playing xerath support in a mid diamond game. Sorry I have not been able to upload much due schools starting (it's been a bit rough >.<) I had this game done towards the end of pre-season and had a raw uncut version on youtube but re-edited it to include runes and other information as well as including the important timestamps. Link to full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa-zq5MtKFk The reason I chose this game was not that I did well, but because the amount of information I was able to get out of it. I've included lots of small jungle tracking tips throughout the video which hopefully you can incorporate into your own games, and of course vision tactics! A lot of people as mages struggle vs engange supports such as thresh or leona and luckily we were against just that! Even though my adc was a veigar as you watch laning phase you will see that it is almost 85% me doing the work and pushing the enemy out of lane, regardless of who my adc would have been (you will see my veigar did not perform too well). Your biggest advantage as a mage support is your range and level 1, an engage support level 1 vs enchanters or mages are simply useless. Please use this opportunity to poke them down with autos or abilities this way by the time they reach level 2, they simply will be unable to engage without taking major poke, dying or burning sums. Speaking of level 2, as a mage you OUTRANGE melee. When they walk up to proc relic shield AUTO THEM!!! DO NOT let them cs for free. Because I was able to take advantage of this, the enemy was simply unable to do anything for the entirety of laning phase as they were constantly pushed in and with proper jungle tracking was able to take advantage of when nautilus was topside. This game, in particular, I try to point out common mistakes made by the junglers (10:04 ) and top laners ft. wingsofdeath (19:50) as well with regards to ganking and pushing (this is for you split pushers) We could have easily been lost but it was the small things that add up which led us to a win. In any case, hopefully, you enjoy this informative commentary and I'm thinking of doing either an engage support next since last time was enchanters OR someone asked for ADC. Please comment below what you would like me to do for the next video and the elo to play it in, I will take the most upvoted and make a video on that :) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DS0GxoFqPj4VRel0VLiRsAAgcvnjuGh3Qx9coS3mWgI/edit#gid=0 these are the champs I can and can't play for reference. Of course, I'm not perfect especially when I commentate and play like this so if you see any flaws or mistakes in my own gameplay I am always open to constructive criticism and looking to learn/get better so please feel free to point any differing opinions or things out :) Important Timestamps 0:00 - Intro 0:17 - Runes 1:31 - POKE LEVEL 1 1:50 - the importance of level 2 power spike, WALK UP WHEN YOU ARE LEVEL 1 ENGAGE AS YOU HIT 2 3:17 - simple jungle tracking tip 3:45 - why the ezreal should have taken tp and when to take TP as an adc 4:05 - don't overstay, look at other lanes and "think" where is the most ideal place for the enemy jungler to gank 4:43 - confirmation of jungler bot side, also notice how i rotate instantly the moment I see something happen on my side of the map, even if I don't go 5:32 - Look at how the enemy support blocks incoming abilities, as a tank this is what you should do, she procs w and eats my CC so that ezreal can live because she knows she cannot die 6:34 - how to properly bait, league is simply mind games 7:55 - use wards and whats on the map to guesstimate what the enemy could be doing 9:45 - How to get deep vision in the enemy jungle WITHOUT DYING 10:04 - junglers...this is for you, look at the minions. Yes this play worked however we know Diana will go for the low health minions, let her walk up BEFORE showing allowing for less space for her to escape 11:24 - IMPORTANT FOR YOUR OWN GAMES ESP IF YOU'RE GANKING, Stay out of vision let them engage first and pop out unexpectedly 13:02 - Holding onto your abilities for the most optimal times to guarantee maximum damage 13:58 - TWO PINKS!!! 15:28 - again optimizing abilities to force them to do things, even though I missed I forced ezreal e allowing for an easy cleanup 15:49 - WHY you do NOT hit wards while doing objectives 17:08 - Don't overpush WITHOUT vision when you legit only see one person on the map 17:46 - DONT DIE FOR PINKS Dx 18:35 - Thought process of what lane to go and why after each base 19:30 - Vision thought process 19:50 - YO TOP LANERS...other lanes too DONT PUSH WITHOUT VISION..... 20:39 - Don't face check, ALWAYS use an ability before walking up if you are unsure 21:04 - The reason for pulling out the drag 22:20 - More vision techniques 22:36 - DONT HIT THE DAMN VISION CONE AND WHY 25:02 - Positioning, Positioning, Positioning 25:31 - Unsure of where fog of war ends? go into a custom 26:26 - Understanding proper Wave management for objectives 29:38 - someone asked why I went Zhony's first instead of morello 30:28 - you can place wards down while you're backing, it will not cancel your recall 31:13 - Why I get vision a minute before objectives, RESET then go ward again. 32:10 - Positioning myself to block abilities from enemies stealing objectives 33:05 - Zhonyas vs Banshies [link] [comments] |
Who should I learn to pick into Lee Sin? Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:29 PM PST I'm a jungle main who primarily plays Lee Sin and Kindred, I havent really found many matchups I cant do well against but it seems like every time the enemy picks lee sin, he just destroys me as kindred. So what would be a good third champion to play against Lee Sin? I've been looking at k6, Rengar, Kayn, or maybe Rek'sai. A small explanation of why they're a lee counter would be really helpful as well, thanks! [link] [comments] |
How exactly am I supposed to freeze in botlane? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:59 PM PST For context I play Vayne and Xayah (when Vayne is banned/picked) in low silver. I understand HOW to do it (keep enemy casters alive, then last hit only when they get to your side of the lane) and in theory it sounds perfect. You keep the wave close so you can zone the enemy from the farm and stay relatively safe from enemy ganks while threatening ganks from my own jungler, since they have to step over the middle of the lane. Right? Realistically, this is what happens. Your support pushes the wave constantly, whether intentionally because they get antsy or accidentally when they try to poke (Lux E, Neeko E, basically any mage support, really...). Buuuut let's not count those, even though this is what breaks the freeze 80% of the time. But let's say this is the 20% where the wave is frozen successfully. These are the things that happen: a) enemy uses a skill on my minions, so his wave starts pushing again, and now I have to AA on cooldown to keep up or the wave goes into my tower and I lose half of it. b) I should be stepping up to actually keep them from attacking my minions for free, but if I do that I'm easy to hook/root to most supports because I'm not behind my minions anymore c) in the event that I actually get to stand in front of my minions, if I attack the enemy ADC, his caster minions will turn on me so I probably lose the trade/poke anyway d) I've noticed that my supports usually have a hard time landing their skills through the enemy wave, so they're not doing much as a result either I don't get it. Help me reddit. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:35 PM PST https://senpai.gg/tierlist/10.2/ Hi all, As SenpAI team, we would like to share our patch analysis infographic for patch 10.2. We're a bunch of engineers who love Esports and develop advanced AI algorithms. SenpAI provides personalized video highlights of pro-players and advanced analysis of your performance. We will release our new version soon, so stay tuned for our updates. Meanwhile, you can check the beta version of our website. Again, we are open to all kinds of feedback and possible improvements! Here are our major insights on patch 10.2:
[link] [comments] |
How do you counter the yi/taric gold funneling strat (not jungling) Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:58 PM PST The title explains it all. It's very frustrating to me that riot hasnt done anything about this abusive strat and I don't think they plan on ever changing it. How are there ways as me a midlaner can counter this strategy? One of my friend mentioned shoving wave, but the taric will be there 9/10 times to freeze it before it hits tower. Just need some help as this is an issue that is ruining my league experience. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:17 AM PST hey guys i have severe innatentiveness due to my adhd and i tend to have a tough time managing everything all at once(map awareness, cool downs, jg tracking etc..).the game starts and i can manage the first few minutes but after about 10 mins or so i start forgetting prios and win conditions. i finished season 9 in silver 2 and want any tips that can help me focus in and better micro manage everything. my account name is bush on hide (na) if thats relevant at all. thanks for the hellp all! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST As a jungle main I'm quite excited for the upcoming exp buffs to jungle. However I havent seen much of anyone talking about what impact it will have. Post below what you think, what champs will be strong? will this actually start to disincentivize super gank heavy playstyles? Just looking for some info and to create a place for some discussion about it. [link] [comments] |
Should you swap mid and top to bail out of a horrible matchup? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:36 AM PST Hi fellow Summoners! If at least one of the sololaners is in a terrible matchup, which could be fixed by swapping (none of you would get into a worse lane), then should you go for it or not? For example: you are Ryze and Garen, facing Kassadin and Vayne respectively. Would it be a good idea to play Ryze vs Vayne and Garen vs Kassa (both getting out of a horrible/bad matchup and get a decent and a stomping one)? [link] [comments] |
Please help me not suck with Olaf. [Jungle] Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:19 AM PST My early game with Olaf is pretty damn good. I routinely get first blood, always have a CS lead on my enemy jungler, usually have a level advantage on enemy JG. I get lanes ahead, I usually get first tower, and almost always get first drake, sometimes first 2 drakes. I have no problem rotating around the map to get all 3 outer turrets. Easy. Early game is solid. But then the 3 outer towers drop. and team fights start happening. (Insert John Travolta ??? GIF here) No clue what I'm supposed to be doing. If I try to run at folks using my ult and W and just chase someone down, I get them down to about 20% before I just die myself. Doesn't matter if I'm running straight at them or if I can find a good flank -- I just get obliterated. But often I'm the tankiest member on my team, and often I'm the only person we can really use to start a fight -- since for some reason in the current meta everyone wants to play assassins with no CC. Idk what that's all about but I sure hope it goes away soon. So what can I do as Olaf in the mid game to transition my big early game advantages to wins? How do I continue pushing my advantage and pressuring the map after the first 3 towers are down? [link] [comments] |
Lost a 5v5 flex game pretty hard. Need help to figure out what went wrong Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST Link to the match history: https://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/3281675861/39001577?tab=overview , I'm playing Malphite Top OP.gg link to my profile, because I don't know how to link to the match directly. It's the game where I lost as mMphite going 3/6/7 Yesterday me and a couple of friend tried to do some 5v5 ranked. The first half of the game went pretty well, and we were doing good. But around the midgame, I felt the whole time that Varus was the biggest threat, so whenever we went for teamfights, I would attempt to ult on him. The thing is, as soon as I would do that, I would get disengaged hard and hard CC'ed until I was dead,(which usually didn't last long). And of course, varus would almost always end up surviving and cleaning the rest of my team. I'm trying to figure out what went wrong in this game. Looking at the graphs, it looks like our ADC, being 100CS behind Varus. And when I look at the damage dealt, it also looks like the whole team was behind and wasn't able to deal enough damage. But aside from that, what else could've caused us to lose the game? Because around the middle of the game, we we no longer able to 5v5 them. How should've we act when contesting an objective (like dragon)? How should I have proceeded when trying to engage on them? Thanks a lot in advance for your help! [link] [comments] |
How do I counter Nasus late game as JG? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:35 PM PST Even if you put pressure on him and make him lose farm early game he still can just farm solo lane late game and unless you stay up his butt for the entire game he's gonna get stacks regardless. Worse comes to worse he leeches off the jg farms and still gets stacks. It seems like no matter what he is gonna get his q proc. And people say "cc him" but if you don't have much cc on your team then he just walks towards you no big deal. His wither is especially annoying. His q's late game can do almost 500 per q and when he has his ult up anyone squishy is screwed since the cd is reduced to nothing. So basically besides the good ole "just cc" (especially when you have none) and he goes and farms bot by himself, what are you supposed to do? Btw I play mostly Kayn and Eve and since Kayn is basically a minion early game he doesnt help much either. Nasus out heals red kayn and blue can't one shot him and can get slow q'd. Eve as well. So like rammus? [link] [comments] |
What are some questions to ask myself during laningphase/game? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:17 AM PST I know this is a huge general question that cant be answered completely. Im an gold adc/support. To phrase the question better maybe - What questions/answers do people in different elo ask? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:33 PM PST Hallo there, i´ve noticed thats it´s a way harder to end in low elo than in Pro-League. I know thats normal but I asked me how a 1-3-1 push have to be. Who should go mid? Should the side-laners join when midlane starts a fight? When should i go back/take objectives when i cant end? Thank u for ur help! [link] [comments] |
question for high elo junglers! Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:45 PM PST let's say you're playing on a fresh account. would you play the same champion(s) that you play on your main? would you play the same playstyle as you do when you're playing in your true skill bracket? and if not to either of these questions - why not? and what would you do differently? thanks for taking the time. <3 [link] [comments] |
How do you play when you get poked under tower? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:35 AM PST Don't say 'wait for the Jungler to gank'. What are you supposed to do in a match-up where you are a melee champion mid-lane against a ranged? For the example, I play Sylas and I was against a LB who could just freely harass me under tower without taking any aggro. I would have to back for fear of dying to her ignite/electrocute and I would lose waves and turret plates, fall behind, and then she would roam bot and kill botlane. What is the strategy here? Junglers don't help in my elo. Am I supposed to hard push in response? Sylas doesn't have good waveclear (Q costs far too much to spam). Note this also applies to champions like Fizz. Few points:
[link] [comments] |
What makes a champion good at jungling? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:25 PM PST I believe that I more or less understand what criteria laners and supporters have to satisfy(although I'm not really sure about mid-lane), but I find jungle difficult to understand in terms of requirements. Maybe good mobility to help you cross the map? [link] [comments] |
How do I continue to farm later in the game? Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:49 PM PST I play top lane a lot of times. Not really new to the game but I find myself low silver after long breaks(years) of playing counter strike. Playing in lane I find that I can cs well but around 20 minutes and maybe 110-140 cs I can't cs anymore. Whether it be not feeling safe to venture out into the dark or just the constant fights on my teams, I just stop csing after 20 minutes. I get a notification on my porofessor.gg app that I stopped csing. I think in the past 10 games I got up to like 260 in 35 minutes from trying to take all the cs that I could What can I do to continue to cs even when the towers break in 15 minutes and scrapping is happening as soon as people respawn? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:48 AM PST Pretty new to ranked, have played on and off since about 2014. Placed low gold in pre-season and now I'm in bronze 1 working my way back up when I can. Yesterday I played a game as Kai'sa with a Lux support against a Heimer and MF botlane. I have never been zoned out so hard in my life. I ended the game going something like 1-11 and was honestly shocked as I've never felt so useless as an adc. Around 8-10 minutes in their nocturne started roaming from mid and would ulti me basically everytime he got a cooldown off. With MF acting as the support, her E maxed out slowed me so much that I couldn't get close enough to even soak any exp. If she got an E on me I was a sitting duck for the heimer. Even attempting to farm at tower they would zone me out and then a gank would come. I didn't feel my lux was helpful in pushing them off the waves, but I know I can't blame or rely on my support to carry me through a game especially at this elo. How do you deal with a non-traditional, zone heavy lane like this? Kai'sa is low range and needs farm and levels, not good for the situation of course, but I had picked before they did. We ended up winning because their Olaf jungle was very very bad (frankly don't think I saw him once) but I was a huge detriment to my team and by 15 minutes found that anytime I went anywhere alone nocturne would ulti me and burst me down before I could even get an auto off. As adc is it my job to now just glue myself to the rest of the team? How do I handle the macro in this situation? It felt like I needed farm to get back into the game, but couldn't farm without getting killed. Thanks for any tips [link] [comments] |
How to position yourself properly (as Syndra)? Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:54 AM PST Since last season I'm basically only playing syndra and I now have a solid grasp on the champ except positioning. I see myself dying way to often. During teamfights, sometimes even at the very start, I just die on hard engages from the enemy tanks or get supressed by al kinds of cc. While I can usually can have a big impact on the game thanks to the long range stun I often end up with a high single digit number of deaths per game. Are there any good tips, guides or recommendations on how to position yourself during the game as a control mage? [link] [comments] |
Question about laning as Tristana. Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:22 PM PST Let's say I want to control the minion wave so I don't push up to the enemy tower and be susceptible to jg ganks, I just put 3 skill points into Q, W and R and until laning phase is over, I finally put points into E, am I trolling? Is this a legit strat or should I just pick a different champion, I'm thinking of playing tristana because I don't have to rely on autofill supports a lot as I have self peel with W and R Thanks for taking your time to read my post! :) [link] [comments] |
Looking for tips playing Illaoi Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:11 AM PST I recently bought Illaoi to try out new top laners and I have had a decent success with her in my ranked games. Even though I think I might be doing alright, I thought it would be a good idea to ask you guys some questions to learn something I may not have known. So far, with the runes I always take Conqueror with sorcery. I was just wondering if there are better runes on her since I have seen other Illaoi players take Omnistone but I am unsure of this rune and if its worth taking on her. When is comes to maxing an ability I always go for e (even though its difficult to land sometimes) but I have seen others max q. Is that for matchups that are difficult to harass with e? Item wise I think I am building her properly. Black cleaver - Boots - Steraks - Death dance and the other 2 are situational but mostly guardian angel as my 5th item. With the playstyle I usually just farm and get the top lane turrets. I just play around the tier 2 top lane turret trying to build pressure so my team can take an objective like dragon. Is this the right thing to do or do I start grouping with the team taking objectives like turrets? My only problem is that the team usually groups mid while bot lane is either getting pushed in. Do I help them get that tier 1 mid tower or just keep pushing the tier 2 top tower? With bans I usually ban Mordekaiser since his ult doesn't bring in the tentacles but I was wondering if there is a champion that is difficult for Illaoi to play against that I should be banning. With the all in combo I try to e my opponent and spam w on the vessel and q then ulting onto the vessel. This usually kills them but are there any other combos that I don't know? My profile is Kinda Toxic on OCE and I am Silver 4 if you guys are wondering. Cheers [link] [comments] |
Dragon souls and my friends team comp Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:06 AM PST So i would like to ask which dragon soul is best for my teams champs And what drake could be traded for other objectives when i play with friends our teamcomp is usually: Top: ornn, darius, gnar, tryndamere, ryze Jg: rengar, jax, yi, kayn, sejuani Mid: xerath, anivia, katarina, mordekaiser Bot: jinx, senna, kaisa, mf, swain, Supp: leona, blitz, taric, yuumi, nami [link] [comments] |
My biggest weakness is warding Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:45 PM PST Hey everyone support main here ,I'm almost about to reach diamond for the first time and as I keep getting closer to my goal people start noticing my very low ward score. It's an issue I can't seem to resolve and came here to ask for sources or tips for warding on Earth, Fire and Ocean. And early warding as well. I know some of this stuff is situational but would still like to know how to just get better at my weakest link. Op.gg for examples of the kind of games I've been having and my current ward score - https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=TheHighlandGuard+ [link] [comments] |
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