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    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    LoL Guide Mordekaiser Swain Bot Lane Duo

    LoL Guide Mordekaiser Swain Bot Lane Duo

    Mordekaiser Swain Bot Lane Duo

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:34 AM PST

    I am Diamond Player PH server and my friend and I have started duoing in the bot lane using Mordekaiser APC and Swain Support.

    We have carried every game we have played this on, and destroyed every botlane past level 3. Currently we have won 12 games and lost only 1.

    This bot lane is very strong for multiple reasons:

    1. once Mordekaiser pulls, or if swain roots, it is a guaranteed summoner spell or kill.
    2. post-level 6, Mordekaiser can basically get an insta-kill in lane using his ult.
    3. When getting ganked post level 6, Mordekaiser can turn it into a 1v1, while swain 2vX using his ult sustain.
    4. Pre-level 6 ganks are hard to do because of the Swain's root, and mordekaiser pull.
    5. Can take heavy abuse in lane because of both champions' built-in sustain
    6. Can easily carry games when Swain and Morde ahead, because of their massive team fighting prowess.
    7. CC has little effect because tenacity boots and runes can negate it.
    8. Both champs are very thiccccc

    Weaknesses that we've encountered:

    1. Champion with hard disengage like Jana, Tahm Kench, Thresh, Xayah
    2. Vayne after lane.

    You guys should try it out!

    Edit: Misspelled jana

    submitted by /u/69MordekaiserSwain69
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    The things I learned climbing from Bronze to Gold in my first season

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:58 AM PST

    As the title says, this was my first season playing League after my girlfriend got me into the game in May. I hit Gold on the first day of the new year.

    The first thing I'll have to say is itemisation is king of this game. The amount of games I've won simply by neutralising enemy teams with correct grievous or statis abilities is insane. I was originally placed high Bronze at lvl 30 and thought that that couldn't be correct and that I deserved to be much higher than this. Like every typically toxic player, I blamed everyone else. I was of course very wrong and dropped to B4 as a result. I played pretty religously, especially when grinding for event tokens for multiple prestige skins, but kept falling. The breakthrough I had to go from Bronze to Silver was watching pro games and applying them to my own, and learning less mechanically intensive champions. I switched from Rakan, Braum, Bard and Pyke to one-tricking Brand and Nautilus. So, I guess the most important lesson is play within your current skillcap. I rapidly climbed as a one-trick Brand getting to Silver 2 solo within a week, from memory. I was then hardstuck Silver for 4 months almost demoting to Bronze from S1 several times. Once again, blaming my teams, saying the game was over from bad plays and giving up, feeling like I had to be the carry.

    The thing that changed for me between Silver and Gold was learning to carry a team without being the carry, and fixing my mental learning to mute people if I knew it would tilt me, and expanding my champion pool to accentuate my team or become the carry myself. I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn. I by no means think I'm anything amazing and am dreaming of lowly Plat for Season 10 but just wanted to let all the Irons, Bronze and Silvers know its possible to climb. We need to recognize our own mistakes and improve and recognize when we are the toxic ones

    op.gg for reference https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=billythekid0120 and mobalytics for lp graph https://app.mobalytics.gg/profile/oce/billythekid0120/overview

    submitted by /u/Castway93
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    How do you play from behind in the toplane?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:13 PM PST

    I'm a fiora one trick in low gold and typically roll over my opponents early on in lane. I recently tried singed and realized I have no clue what to do in toplane if I don't win lane. I'm good enough on fiora to pull back lead if I fall behind a bit, but as I want to expand my champion I need knowledge of what to do rather than just mechanics. Any help is really appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/PuddingSlice
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    Why aren't more people building stromrazor on aphelios?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:59 AM PST

    I think aphelios is super interesting so I have been looking up stats, builds and runes and everything for him lately. In Korean Diamond+ the best build is stormrazor first into a very standard build after that. This build seems to be the strongest and highest win rate in most elos in most regions so I am just wondering why people are not building this more often? People just sleeping on it or is there some downside I do not know of or what. Seems like the best build that people outside of Korea just are not building

    submitted by /u/Lolattheredditmods
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    How in the world do you beat nocturne top

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:54 PM PST

    I have played A LOT of top lane and I have never struggled with any champion like this guy. He is the strongest early game duelist in the game, which means you cannot fight him at all and are forced to farm under tower. Then, when he hits level 6 he buys tiamat, roams around the map and kills your entire team. He has insane waveclear, so much movement speed and attack speed, scales well into 1v1, and even if he falls off he will probably be so far ahead it doesn't matter at all. Jungle help does nothing, he will probably 1v2, I have no idea what to do against this guy expect ban him or dodge? He does way too much damage, has insane sustain, and seemingly no real weaknesses. Any tips against nocturne top? I mostly play bruisers by the way but I don't think ranged tops or tanks would really be any better anyways.

    submitted by /u/Flyers167
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    How do you know what to do in midlane after the first 5-6 minutes?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:32 AM PST

    I know how to do basic wave manipulation for the early laning phase to avoid ganks and get a lead, but after the first few minutes are over and the lane resets I tend to get lost on what to do. I usually end up defaulting on trying to kill the other laner after.

    After you hit level 6, backed and picked up a few component items (i.e. Lost Chapter) and wards, how do you know when you should be freezing and going for lane kills vs pushing to tower and going for plates vs pushing and roaming?

    ELO: P3-D4

    submitted by /u/ACOblivion_
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    How do you carry after winning lane, and the rest of the game as whole?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST

    In my first stint in ranked for league, mainly playing akali, ryze, and morde, I normally win or go even in lane. However, without having much pushing power, I'm clueless as what to do next. What do I do, especially with teammates that are behind? https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=sirisaacnudelord Games are extremely frustrating with obnoxious teammates that seem to have it out for you.

    submitted by /u/ahahahahha_gp
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    Things I've Heard in SoloQ (Communication 101)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:46 PM PST

    Whether you're the one saying it , having it said to you, or someone is saying it to someone else we tend to hear a lot of the same stuff. The problem... is that a lot of people just don't know what those things mean or how to react to them. Sometimes it's like we're not even speaking the same language.

    The issue is communication, and it's as old as time. The only way to fix it is to sit down and talk about it, and you can't really do that in the middle of a game.

    So here are some examples. Yes a lot of this is how we rage at each other, but that doesn't make it any less common or mean that we have nothing to learn from it. Remember that every common bit of soloq rage is a lesson to be learned from, and learning is how we get better at the game.

    I invite anyone and everyone to chime in with their opinion on the subject and/or with examples of their own.

    (Amusingly the more I write this up the more examples I think of, so I'm going to break them up a bit.)

    .........................."Stop Feeding"............................

    Let's start with the big one! I'm sure everyone has heard, said, or had this directed at them. AKA Stop dying, inting, etc. etc. Absolute shit advice tbh, but most of the time the people saying it aren't actually telling you what to do. People expect you to know how to play your role, and that includes how you play against enemy champions. Most of the time what they MEAN is Stop Fighting the Enemy. Back up. Do not engage. If they are running at you run away. If someone gets caught don't pile in an make a bad situation worse.

    (Of special note, bot laners. Every lost fight on your lane potentially means two deaths instead of one. Especially at low elo ADCs can get crazy fed very fast if both people are getting wiped out every fight. This is why people say things like "Bot lane has given up 10 kills." when both laners died 5 times. Do you have 10 deaths? No. Does it matter? Also no. Keep this in mind and it could save you a lot of frustration in the future.)

    So how do you "Stop Feeding" in practical terms? Usually it means giving up some autonomy. Hang out at the edge of exp range instead of going for cs, let that outer tower go down, group with the team instead of striking out on your own, practice the buddy system when heading into the jungle or side lanes, hang out in the back line instead of initiating, build tank instead of damage so you can front line for the carries, wait for someone else to land cc before committing yours.

    There are tons of different answers, but most of them boil down to this. Accept that you cannot win a fight on your own, and do what you can to help your team until you can. Is it a bit more boring? Probably, but remember that you are infinitely more valuable on the map and contributing than you are staring at a grey screen.

    .........................."Follow your Opponent"............................

    This one is directed at mid laners more often than not, but it applies to everyone and you'll hear variations on it for every role. People pinging the enemy top laner's tp when they come down for a gank on bot, getting angry when the support shows up at mid, or raging at the jungler for being invisible while their opponent is everywhere. Etc, etc, etc.

    A lot of times people mean exactly what they say, they expect you to be where your opponent is and get upset when you're not. League is a dynamic game though, and that isn't always a practical or even the correct answer.

    A better way to think about this one is React To Your Opponent's Plays. Enemy roams? Slam the wave into their tower and get a free back. Enemy uses their tp? Crash the wave, then waltz into their jungle and set up vision or steal camps. Enemy ganks? Gank or take an objective on the other side of the map. Enemy support goes on a walkabout? Gang up on that adc and take a kill or summoners in trade. If you just slowly cs as normal while your opponent is doing something it may feel like you're getting an advantage, or relieving some pressure, but most often you're really not. You're "afk farming" at that point, and your team will probably let you know how little they appreciate that in short order.

    Always remember that they may have gotten to a play first, but that doesn't mean you get nothing in return.

    Now, there is one big thing you can do to help with this one that works even while you're backing or outright dead. Follow your opponent's movements with your eyes and pings, even if you can't with your champion. Smart pings were a fantastic addition to the game and you should 100% be using them. Lose track of your opponent? Give a MIA ping on your lane. See them walking to another lane? Alert ping their general area and the direction they're going. Do regular blue pings on your vision or objectives, and use the "enemy has vision here" ping to show theirs (though you may have to bind that one as it's not default). You don't have to be 100% accurate or do it 100% of the time, but every time you do is information given to your teammates that they may not have had before and that? That will help you win games.

    .........................."Please Gank"............................

    Let's be honest, this one is usually top laners talking to junglers but I've heard every lane say it before. This one is... less about reacting to your opponent's play, and more about making a teammate realize you're contributing when they're getting slammed.

    The concepts of weak side vs. strong side, camping vs. ignoring lanes, jungle pathing, and all that jazz are a huge part of the jungle role that other lanes just don't get a lot of the time. You as a jungler don't have time to explain that in game though, and your laners are probably pretty tilted when this one comes out anyway. You're not going to sit there and type out a book on how a lane is losing, or is always pushed, or couldn't set up a kill even if you did show up and you'd both die for your troubles. Sure if you did they might understand, but good money says they'll probably just get more tilted.

    So what can you do?

    The easiest answer is to get an objective. If you can get a drake, herald, or a tower while the enemy jungler is on the other side of the map everyone gets notified by the announcer and boom you're good to go. You don't even need to say anything, just let the game do the talking for you.

    A slightly harder, but vastly more rewarding solution, is to throw that lane a bone. Yes, even if they're losing. The secret is that you don't actually need to get a kill or a cooldown to help out. Most of the time that lane needs a reset more than anything else and simply showing up to fly the flag helps immensely. If you back in a bush near your laner, you're demonstrating that yes you are in the area and doing your part. If the enemy jungle shows while you're there? It's an even fight instead of man disadvantage and you're in a position to cover your teammates retreat.* Enemy laner misplays while you're backing? Suddenly a losing lane just handed you a free kill. Everything goes quietly? You probably got to soak up some experience for your trouble, which is pretty darn valuable in the current meta.

    On that topic, if you're in the area and you see a laner back while a wave is crashing into their tower? Go scoop that up that! Even if you don't fight or have to hide in the bushes it's still valuable exp and gold that would be wasted otherwise. Most laners will even thank you for it, as you're covering their lane while they reset.

    Doing this sort of thing also helps with a very common way to lose a game in soloq. If you are ignoring a losing lane, and the enemy realizes you are never going there? (Maybe through angry typing or good game sense or whatever.) They will start to actually camp that lane.** Most junglers don't split the map in low elo soloq, and most laners don't know the difference, but when it happens you can lose a game astonishingly fast as they stop playing like you exist and gang-bang that lane.

    *As always, be careful when fighting in losing lanes. You were probably avoiding this lane for a reason, so try pinging your teammate back and throwing abilities to zone out the enemy while you retreat. If they still die... welp.

    **Yes I'm saying most laners don't understand how "camping" a lane works and are usually wrong when they claim it's happening to them. We can be derps like that.

    submitted by /u/zoviirchambers
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    New Years resolutions

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    Happy new year everyone! I thought it would be fun to make a thread of people's League of Legends new years resolutions! How do you guys hope to better yourself at the game? What goals do you want to achieve by the end of the year? Is there something new you really want to try? Make 2020 the year of change and growth!

    I personally want to work on my mental game; I want to learn how to perservere more in tougher games and become more tilt-proof and adopt a calmer attitude to the game as a whole. What about you?

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    Split push as ADC?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Hello everyone, i am a silver player who just transitioned from jungle to the bot lane. Like in most low-elo games my team trends to Aram, sit around mid and do nothing. I try to push waves and get turrets, but then i get flamed for not being there when they decide to engage 4v5 or walk in an unwarded enemy jungle. Should i stay with them and try to turn around fights? Thanks !

    submitted by /u/vPasan
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    Are Spellthief and Sickle really support items still?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    As these items (Spellthief's Edge and Spectral Sickle) not require a nearby ally these days, they seem to be designed to be a viable starter for solo lanes too.

    As this post already did the math for a possible dual support item bot strategy, I'd like to ask about opinions on solo lanes.

    Do you think this might allow for aggressive low-farm harass-heavy playstyles in solo lanes? If so, what champs would you recommend to pull this off most efficiently?

    Might this be an option for people who are unable to improve their last-hitting in solo lanes too? If you are stuck at 4 CS per minute anyways this should be safe, right? Also, the diminishing gold debuff seems to be removed for the final item (apparantly it is on PBE), to let you farm once you get better wave-clear later. Plus, you get extra wards later on.

    Related: https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/comments/e9l3b4/current_pbe_changes_to_support_gold_income_items/fajknhv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    submitted by /u/huusmuus
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    Has anybody been finding success with AP Varus?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:15 AM PST

    I've been playing AP onhit Varus in norms, and it feels really solid. I'm basically building like pre-Stormrazor change Kai'sa, with Manamune, Guinsoo's, Nashor's, Runaan's, and Deathcap. You have ridiculous amounts of attack speed with this build (3.68 with both lethal tempo and your passive procced) and lots of burst damage because of your W passive. I've decided to go Runaan's instead of another AP item like Zhonya's because it lets you burst down multiple targets with your E or Q. Manamune might seem like an odd choice, but there's not really any other good starting items for Varus except Bortk, but that's doesn't fit in with the rest of the build. In terms of runes, I'm going standard Varus build with Lethal Tempo, Triumph (Presence of Mind is also great for the extra damage on Manamune), Alacrity, and Coup de Grace with Magical Footwear and biscuits. I also opt for Taste of Blood with Ravenous Hunter if I don't need the in lane sustain, because this build doesn't use lifesteal and sometimes you need the massive healing from proccing your %max health W passive on a tank. Any thoughts on how I could improve the build?

    submitted by /u/Strange_Pomegranate
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    Quick cast with range indicator

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Ever since they introduced it I've used quick cast with indicator, but I recently heard a veigar one trick say that he doesn't use the range indicator, because you activate the ability when the key is released instead of pressed. I tried playing Ezreal and it does feel less laggy, but I feel like on some abilities you really want to see it's max range (Ashe w, any hook ability, sivir q). How do you guys play and why?

    submitted by /u/spara_94
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    Picking a role

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:03 PM PST

    So, I'm not here to ask what champion to play or what role to play, but rather, HOW did you decide on a role?

    For example, I love playing Riven and Fiora. But I also love Playing Akali, Twisted Fate, Anivia, and more in mid. And I love playing Olaf, Nidalee, and Lee Sin in jungle. And Kai'sa, Kalista, Xayah, and more bot lane. And hook champions bot. So with all these champions to play-how do you ever choose what lane to play?

    I've been playing for about a year and still haven't chosen a role because it feels like I go through different phases of liking champions-I had a big Vlad thing a while back, and I still love playing him, but I don't ALWAYS want to play him. Sometimes I want to not focus on the typical laning experience and go play support. Or sometimes I go jungle for fun.

    How in the world does anybody pick a single lane to main? Is there some process that you guys used?

    (Also, happy 2020 everybody!)

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    How do I lane against LeBlanc?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:10 PM PST

    I can never do well against her regardless of who I play.

    I played a Syndra game against her, and I just got zoned away from the wave the entire game. I step up, and she has kill pressure on me. I've been told it's just a skill matchup between the two, though, so that's not too bad.

    But I tried playing one of her biggest counters, Malzahar, and I got fucked too. Malz can't really hard push early, so I was just again zoned from the wave. I ended up dying when the jungler dove me and my jungler was filled and basically never ganked (I don't know how relevant this is). So from then on she had kill pressure on me the entire game. If there's a large minion wave coming to me, which oftentimes there was because I was zoned from the wave, then I can't clear it until it's at my tower. In this game, and as any champion, I feel like if I try to shove the minion wave, she can just come up to me and take away half my health because I extend a bit or use my abilities.

    How do I do anything against her?

    submitted by /u/Restarti
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    I cannot find the holes in my play (high plat)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:46 AM PST

    You know how in Starcraft you just know how bad you are by watching better players with 300 apm while playing 3d chess? well i dont get the same thing with league. When i watch high elo gameplay i dont find the differences which is a problem because it should be obvious.

    Im a toplaner around Plat1/2 this are the things that i know i should improve but i dont know how:

    Warding placement/timing

    Jungle tracking


    Lategame macro

    The thing is that i dont think these are the reason why i cant climb. i think i should be able to consistently win lane but i dont. im also afraid of my team missplaying so i hover around them all the time which i think can be a problem. I play a whole bunch of champions but Camille, Jax and Renekton are my best ones (also Irelia but i think she is trash rn so i dont play her anymore)

    Sooo. What are some good things to focus to make the last push into diamond and improve as a player? should i vod review more? in-deep analyze challenger vods? i really dont like the idea of a coach so i think that is out of the picture. any advice?

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    Why pro scene seem to hate morellonomicon

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:21 PM PST

    https://youtu.be/sywSoVJr5Ek 1 hour 47 mins

    It seems that they completely prefer liandry's over morellonomicon in terms of damage and gold efficiency but I don't really understand why I've been playing morello as my core item for months lol

    Please ALI5 this for me

    submitted by /u/Lavi1011
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    What makes jungler good?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:52 PM PST


    I need help with getting into being a jungler

    The case is that while I am good at being toplaner, and most of time I have impact on the game, but this impact shows a bit too late since other lanes feed too early and they get the mood of "ff 15"

    Whenever I pick a jungle role and in my opinion I am doing well there is always that lane that hits 0/2 and write that shit about "report jg" or "jungle diff".

    I never know if this guy is just a crap player or I could do better, this makes me confused if I am good or bad at jungling.

    I play this game since like season 2, but I never could get into jungling since people always blames the jungler for their mistakes.

    When somebody hits 0/2 against Darius before even 5th minute I am just like "well, its your shit now, cannot help you".

    submitted by /u/Hell4Ge
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