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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    LoL Guide Stop using " Because jg didnt gang " as an excuse.

    LoL Guide Stop using " Because jg didnt gang " as an excuse.

    Stop using " Because jg didnt gang " as an excuse.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Maybe its just my server ( SEA ) but as a jungle main, this excuse just irks me. I have had so many people use this excuse for things that are not even within context. For instance, " why didnt you ult her pyke ? She is literally 100hp " and he replied " why didnt you gang bot "

    That is a little more extreme but the usual reason players use this reason is when they lost lane, and a good 95% of those same players do work their jungler. They do not set up vision, do not ping where the enemy has vision and do not invade to get a deep ward down. Half the time they are just dying because they shoved in or " getting camped " when their lanes are completely black.

    If you are one of these people then you should be considering these few things :

    Is there an objective coming up on the opposite side of the map which is why my jungle cant come ?

    Am I just too far behind that I cannot do any follow up damage even is jg comes ( especially top lane )

    Do I know where they have warded ? If so can I control ward somewhere to help my jungle set up a gang ?

    Sometimes, even though your jungler is not winning lane for you, they are doing something else, getting heralds and dragons and counter ganking elsewhere. We are not your personal butler that will serve you a kill as and when you want it.

    Hope this helps if you feel like your jungler never gangs your lane ever. Also feel free to add on because im not challenger and ive definitely missed out a few points here and there.

    submitted by /u/Barrels_
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    PSA: ALWAYS buy a Last Whisper item in Lethality builds!!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:29 AM PST

    I see way too many people doing this wrong. The statement "percent armour penetration is only good against tanks" is a common misconception, as Lord Dominik's Regards for instance provides more armour penetration than Duskblade even against a level 10 ADC with exactly zero bonus armour. Because stacking armour penetration increases your damage EXPONENTIALLY, buying a Last Whisper item is super important in any Lethality build! (Pyke being the only exception, since his ultimate scales directly off of Lethality)

    If you want to see the exact math behind this concept, I got you covered here https://youtu.be/Tx3rpApNHWE

    Cheers everyone:)

    submitted by /u/MissFortuneDaBes
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    Perfect CS and Exp Table (First 30 waves) Why it's meaningful:

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:16 PM PST

    **NOTE: This experiment was done in solo lanes only. This does not account for junglers, supports, or ADCs experience gain.

    Waves Level Exp (cs) Notable Time
    1 1 270/280 (6)
    2 2 261/380 (12) 2:10 (1st Melee)
    3 3 244/480 (19) 2:45 (2nd Melee)
    4 4 35/580 (25)
    5 4 306/580 (31)
    6 5 89/680 (38)
    7 5 360/680 (44)
    8 5 631/680 (50)
    9 6 314/780 (57) 5:40 (1st Melee)
    10 6 585/780 (63)
    11 7 75/880 (69)
    12 7 439/880 (76)
    13 7 710/880 (82)
    14 8 100/980 (88)
    15 8 464/980 (95)
    16 8 735/980 (101)
    17 9 25/1080 (107)
    18 9 389/1080 (114)
    19 9 659/1080 (120)
    20 9 930/1080 (126)
    21 10 214/1180 (132)
    22 10 484/1180 (138)
    23 10 755/1180 (144)
    24 10 1119/1180 (151)
    25 11 209/1280 (157) 13:30-14
    26 11 480/1280 (163)
    27 11 844/1280 (170)
    28 11 1114/1280 (176)
    29 12 105/1380 (183)
    30 12 468/1380 (189)

    Each wave is approximately 270 exp. A melee minion is 60 exp and a caster minion is 30 exp. A cannon minion adds on another 93 exp, which would total 363 experience approximately every 3rd wave (until 15 minutes). Starting at level 1 the base experience to level is 280. It is incrementally increasing by 100 experience by each level. So it's 280, 380, 480, 580, 680, etc. every level. By looking at it that way you can guess approximately how many waves it will take for you to reach a powerspike in game.

    I don't expect anyone to be in lane all game (and you shouldn't) and get perfect CS because you'll lose out in itemization, there's trading patterns, match ups, etc. However, you can plan your next trade pattern based on what wave it is, what waves you need to manage, and how you can maximize your experience gain to get above your laner.

    This isn't something you should be looking at in game and comparing and contrasting, but the information given is pretty vital. For example, you can farm Wave 1 and know you will hit level 2 on the first minion of the next wave to position accordingly. Everyone knows this. However, it seems to get lost after about level 3 or 4. You can use this information on wave 9 for your level 6 powerspike.

    You can also think of how you want to play out your lane. If you want to be aggressive level 1-3 because you have an advantage and jungle proximity you can slow push your lane into their tower, get the level advantage then play safe on the eventual push back. You can also take note of your opponents experience in mind and manage your wave accordingly.

    But of course, this is a complex game if you analyze it too much and the numbers aren't always going to be there because of skill and match up dependent things, so don't look too hard at it. I just hope someone can gain use out of the table to understand wave management and experience gain a little better advantage over their opponent.

    submitted by /u/Lloyd_NA
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    What are the exact Season 10 Jungle camp EXP and gold stats?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:38 AM PST

    The ones on https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Jungling are outdated as they are for Season 9 v.23. Some people are saying to avoid krugs first clear as gromp is better this season but others are saying krugs still give most xp and gold? What are the exact gold and exp value for each camp at the moment?

    submitted by /u/Yani16AR
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    What happens if you level up an ability during its use?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:17 PM PST

    This is a question I've always wondered and never gotten around to testing. What happens when you level up an ability while it is being used?

    Like if I throw a skillshot and level it up before it hits, does is it count as the leveled up version or the level it was when I cast it? How about ground effects like Morgana's puddle, or multi-cast abilities like Aatrox Q if you level it up between sub-casts? Or what if you tag someone with Trist E, a Zilean bomb or Urgot ult then level it up before it detonates?

    submitted by /u/Prawn1908
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    so, glacial augment with approach velocity is pretty good on senna. are there any other adcs it would be good on that people might not have realized yet?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:22 AM PST

    i have a spicy kai'sa build that has both gunblade and botrk to proc the slow lasers and get 3 evolves at 3 items, but senna doesnt even buy anything to proc them, it's just for the slow. are there any other adcs that would be good on because of that? maybe champions that could use the slow to set up a skillshot, like jhin's w or something? champions that want to buy botrk and chase people down like vayne?

    submitted by /u/thriveofficial
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    Why do some ADC champs scale mostly with AD, but then have a single ability or two that scales only with AP?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Tristana as an example, or Varus, or Sivir.

    Wouldn't it make sense to just make the champ scale entirely with AD? Far as I can see, ADCs rarely build any ability power at all (aside from meme builds).

    If it's to keep them from getting too much value out of damage items, then why not just make those abilities flat, or scale with level/health/crit/some other stat?

    I might be just completely missing something though. Care to enlighten me?

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    [Jungle] I'm learning to main Warwick and alt Yi. But when WW gets picked by enemy jungler and I choose Master Yi, how do I outplay WW in the early game?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:00 AM PST

    I know that Master Yi scales well when prioritizing farming till level 6, but is there any secret I'm missing? I feel like I should know Warwick's weaknesses but his ability to outlast Yi in fighting early is insane.

    Is it mostly counter jungling and yoinking his buffs?

    submitted by /u/griffinnov
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    Alright /r/SummonerSchool. The top lane memes are fun, but this is getting out of hand.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Top lane is not an island, and it does NOT have zero impact on the game.

    For reference, I'm in Gold (and actually i'm in Silver right now after the reset, working back up through the ranks), so this DOES apply to low ELO.


    "The junglers never come top."

    I don't know what game you're playing, but jungler presence is heavily influenced by:

    • The matchups - Teemo is easy to gank pre-6, and a nightmare to gank post-6. If the jungler didn't come early, he's not gonna come late. Juggernauts are likewise always risky to gank, because of the nature of their respective kits.

    • The wave location - It's risky to gank if the lane is always in the middle. It's terrible to gank if you're constantly shoving in your opponent, but you should expect to be ganked. If you aren't, it's because you are level 6 and the enemy jungler is level 4 and knows you can 1v2. Or you're Teemo or a similar champion, and ganking you is just a terrible idea unless you have the tools in your inventory to deal with it.

    I've literally never understood why people call it "an island", and have to conclude that they are just parroting this idea that the jungler will only gank bot "cuz dragon", and mid "cuz pathways". So "top always gets ignored", and this is bullshit, and as far as I know doesn't happen in ANY ELO at all. Top might be the 'least ganked' lane in high elo, but it's still ganked plenty.

    If a lane looks juicy to gank and the jungler is at least semi-aware of the game (yes, this includes MOST bonobos you play with, I'm literally playing with them right now), you will see a jungler top lane in 2 out of every 3 games, most of those games having them come top more than once, depending on how you're managing your waves.


    I can't have an impact on the game as a top laner.

    Then you don't know what the fuck you're doing. Because in my experience as long as all 3 other lanes aren't feeding their fucking asses off, top lane has the largest ability to turn a map back into their team's favor. 2 and 5 bot lane with -15 CS on their opponent? That's fine. 2 and 4 mid lane with roughly even CS? Totally fine.

    Both of those things together? Fine.

    0 and 15 jungler who has fed every lane? Not fine. But no lane can 'overcome' this without some crazy hail-mary plays or a hard-scaling team.


    Top Lane has these responsibilities, depending on the enemy comp, the champion, and the top lane 'match' on the enemy team:

    • Split pushing. Arguable the easiest way to turn an objective to your favor if you at all know what you're doing.

    • Shoving waves. Just keeping waves pushing against the enemy without walking them to the turret. This means your CS lead should be pretty large compared to other lanes a lot of the time.

    • Teamfight foundation. Any Juggernaut, fighter, battle mage, or tank can perform well in teamfights. That describes 90% of the top lane meta champs, the other 10% are usually 'counterpicks' to the 90%, like Teemo or Quinn. You're often either the primary tank, CC/peel, or burst damage in any given fight.

    • Turret pressure. Whether solo as a split pusher or with a team, a lot of top lane champions are good at taking turrets either because they're a threat to someone trying to push them off (see: Darius, Teemo, etc.), or just really good at taking them down (See: Tryndamere, Fiora, etc.). This is especially relevant between the transition of early and mid game, when people are still kind of 'trying' to play the game in their respective lanes.


    So how do I do this, then?"

    The first step is to win your lane, obviously. That's the goal for everyone. The myth that top lane is 'rock paper scissors' just isn't true either. Even typical 'hard counters' like Teemo aren't as good as you think they are. I take Garen into Teemo and murder the little shit all the time. Not to say a really good Teemo can't kill me, but if you are under Plat (and probably under Diamond), there doesn't exist a Teemo that you can't outplay as literally any champion.

    The second step is what my friends affectionately call "spreading your cancer." Which is just a fancy way of saying spreading your lead. Bring your cancerous ass to mid lane, or bot lane, and start taking turrets. An extra body in a lane is huge. And if you are at all marginally ahead, that means you have stats. Like HP to tank turret shots, or attack to murderize squishy mages or ADC's. 3v2 at this stage of the game - particularly where the third has a few kills, 8+ cs/min, and a couple of levels on the rest will push the 2 off the turret, which allows you to easily take it.

    The influence a top lane that is ahead can have on the mid game is so big. The mid game is when most gold swings happen, I would say (no data to back this up, just what it feels like looking at my game stats, etc.). Spread your fucking cancer, dude.

    The third step is to figure out whether you should be 'mostly splitting' or 'mostly teaming'. This is situational on who you're playing, who the enemy top is (or another champion on the map such as the jungler that can potentially 'match' you and push you off a turret), and the overall team comps. Do you have a couple of champs on your team that can waveclear easily, or peel for someone caught? Start splitting. Do you have wombo that you can be a part of (Ornn, Malphite, etc.)? Maybe stick with the team and only shove lanes when necessary.


    The mid game is where you have the biggest influence to swing the match into your team's favor. Don't fuck it up. Most top lanes scale pretty well into late game, but their biggest time to shine is mid game.



    Don't get me wrong, the memes are fun. But people are truly starting to believe them and either advise other people on that mindset or just walk away thinking 'that's how it is.' And it couldn't be further from the truth.

    If you don't think you have an impact as a top laner, it's because YOU don't have an impact on top lane, not that top lane can't be impactful.

    submitted by /u/LedgeEndDairy
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    Question to main ADC Diamond or higher elo players

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    this is my first post in here, but I have a curious question. I am playing Ashe adc alot. And i love it.

    But when the enemy team has leona or too much cc, I tend to buy the new "Edge of night" that is like banshees.

    Now my question is, is this viable for ashe? Or any other ADC in general? I would like to have an opinion of main ADC players in Diamond or Higher Elo. Thanks!

    Tldr; Is "Edge of night" viable for adc's like Ashe?

    submitted by /u/Blu3p
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    Reminder that the season lasts for a year and climbing takes time.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:06 PM PST

    Saw someone today saying that S10 is bad because John5un (very good NA soloq player) has a negative win rate. Yes, he does. He also only has 50 games played.

    Climbing takes time for literally everyone. Everyone experiences games with bad team mates that effects their win rate and a small sample size of games can make anyone look good or bad.

    Don't be discouraged because you lost 90LP in a day or you had inting teammates for a few games in a row. Your season is not doomed because of this , there's an entire year to play games and try push higher ranks, but if you give up after a week you wont get anywhere.

    submitted by /u/lyssah_
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    What are my duties as a top lane player?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:18 AM PST

    I'm Bronze 1, I main support but I am trying to transition to top, mostly because I get tilted too easily when I see my adc's make mistakes, I think it's better for me to be in my own lane. Anyways, I'm just curious as to what my duties are as top lane, I usually play Mordekaiser or Aatrox, I don't lose my lane often, but I lose games a lot, and I'm wondering what more I can do for my teams. I think my main issue is that I don't know when to leave my lane and do other stuff, or what other stuff I should be doing, on a regular basis it will be at 10 minutes and I'll still be in lane, but my team is getting clobbered, and I think to myself maybe I could have did something. So like General top advice/tips/tricks and whatever would be really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Platinumfriend
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    Precaution as a Jungler (Main as Yi)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Hey All,

    I am fairly new to LOL, but in the short period of time I have played, have logged quite a bit of hours and am currently level 30. I mainly Jungle as Yi, unless beaten to the call where I'll experiment with other options.

    When all goes to plan, I am a fairly competent jungler with a very strong end game as Yi. It isn't uncommon for me to S/S+ (Currently level 7 Mastery). Unfortunately, when it doesn't go to plan, I have absolutely embarrassing games. To expand on "doesn't go to plan," it falls in to one of two categories:

    1.) Not leveling/earning fast enough as a lane becomes over dependent (constantly calling) on my assistance in the early game.
    2.) My standard path (both clear and gank attempts) are interrupted by overly aggressive counter-jungling on behalf of the other team's jungler.

    In both situations I end up at a point where I am well behind expected level/earnings expectations and become out classed in nearly every encounter or attempt to assist. Add to this that Yi is often a first target in group situations, and it can feel disastrous very quickly. The second category is by far the worse for me, however, as the more and more I find my jungle spawns interrupted, or I die to the opposing team's jungler hide/camping one of my spawns, tilt becomes a factor as well.

    What precautions do you more experienced players take in these situations?

    submitted by /u/obscurej
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    How do deal with opponents tanking the minion wave to freeze?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Hey! I'm a diamond longtime midlane main, who is fond of playing champions that are weaker early and scale harder into the lategame. My main champion this past year have been Vladimir, and I also like champions like Veigar, Viktor and Cassiopeia.

    My question is as presented in the title: How do I deal with opponents tanking the minion wave to freeze?

    To break it down somewhat, let me illustrate what I mean. Just yesterday, I was playing Vladimir versus Renekton mid. Renekton, being the strong early champion he is, obviously outtrades me 1v1 early, especially after level 3, and he wins all-ins pretty damn hard. At one point, he gets the wave pushing towards him. This is obviously very dangerous for me as Vladimir, since the longer lane will expose me to ganks and all-ins. At the time I believe neither of us had flash too, making it even more crucial to stop any sort of freeze. I therefore immediately hardshove the lane, looking to reset. Renekton, however, just moves back a bit, stands there tanking 4-5 minions for 10 seconds until the next wave arrives, and proceeds to freeze, this time even deeper than last time. I hard shove again, being very careful not to be in range to be all-inned. He tanks again, freezes again.

    What the hell am I supposed to do about this? There is no minion management or lane pattern that can solve this issue. I'm stuck getting imperfect CS and being exposed to ganks and all-ins, and I can't recall nor roam since I'll lose wave upon wave. I should never have to rely upon my jungler to be able to lane, and even if the jungler shows up it's not a guarantee we break the freeze - and even if we do, Renekton can shove the next wave or two, crash it under my tower and get it pushing to him again immediately. I can't do the same trick, since if I am standing in his minion wave he will all-in me and destroy me.

    This is obviously neither Renekton nor Vladimir specific. I have the same problem against champs like Yasuo, Diana, Rumble, Kled, anything with good all-in - hell, even Vladimir if he gets fed and scary can do exactly the same thing to the enemy, just sustaining with Q and maintaining full HP.

    I feel like I have to concede wave control since they are inherently stronger early game, and with their lane control they can permafreeze me with zero way for me to break the freeze. The only thing I feel I can do is cross my fingers my opponents don't know wave management, which will never work if I intend to climb to higher ranks.

    Input appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Shiesu
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    How to get plates as a mid laner?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Almost evrytime I kill the enemy midlaner early, Im left with very loew health and I dont know where the enemy jungler is. How do I get turret plates early without taking a huge risk and just hoping that the jungler doesnt gank me? If it matters, I play mostly AD mids like Qiyana and Yasuo. I am also in Silver

    submitted by /u/Smaiii
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    Braum is massively contested in LPL right now as an MF counter, why does this not translate to soloqueue?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:46 PM PST

    It feels like MF is in just about every game as ADC right now and having a strong meta counter in the same lane like Baum is a big deal, alongside him receiving a wave of buffs in the Aphelios patch, and yet it seems like I'm not seeing any Braum picks even in high MMRs. Is this just a case of soloqueue taking time to adapt to the meta shift or is this pick just a lot less valuable outside of competitive play?

    submitted by /u/SSBMReb
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    How to roam more as fizz in early game

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Hi there, I am a high bronze/low silver player who mains fizz. I usually win lane 7/10 times but then other enemy laners become fed and just destroy my team late game. But whenever i try to roam the enemy is freezing by their tower and are too pushed up or it will take too much mana with my e early game which is my only source of waveclear at that stage to shove the wave into the turret. So how am i suppose to roam early game as fizz?

    submitted by /u/TerunlNewengyn
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    Does Rumble Q do more damage if activated at 40 heat?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:36 AM PST

    When activating Rumble's Q at 40 heat, you obtain 60 heat, meaning his abilities get enhanced. Does this apply on the Q which is now spitting flames at 60 heat? Or does it only take into account the initial heat value?

    Same question for Rumble's E when shot at 40 heat but touching the enemy at 50 heat?

    submitted by /u/Djezzen
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    Recently started learning ADC in earnest after 6 years of being a supp/jg main. Have a few questions.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:17 PM PST

    1. Who are the most self-sufficient adc's? for when my autofilled supp roams top at 5 minutes and doesn't come back.

    2. Are adc champs still grouped by powerspike? aka, early game/lane bully vs midgame spike vs hypercarry lategame spike.

    3. I've managed to maintain a freeze right outside my tower fairly consistently (been playing a lot of jinx) so wondering what's the best way to break an enemy freeze?

    4. Is it now my job to maintain sidewaves in the mid/late game? (make sure they're fast/slow pushing in our advantage before objectives are up) or is that a mid/top lane job?

    submitted by /u/JustBronzeThingsLoL
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    I suck horribly at jungle and want to get better at it.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    So i'm an ADC main and i can be serviceable in all other roles except jungle, i just had a game where i decided to go jungle (i picked jax). It didn't go well, i finished with a kda of 3/15. What is some good advice you can give me to help me become a better jungler? I'm tired of inting my butt out whenever i play jungle.

    submitted by /u/Leechu_Kun
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    When to pick what champion?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:43 PM PST

    I've been a top laner almost since i started playing, recently (like half a year) i switched to mid, and my champion pool consisted of vladimir and kassadin

    i would just pick kassadin against ap and vlad against ad, but now i also play anivia, orianna and fizz, i think i can play all of those champions at the same level, i would just like to know why would i pick one over the other, specially anivia and orianna which to me seem the most alike

    submitted by /u/Dr_Legion
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    Mid lane as a mage

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Hi guys, for about a month I've been seeing myself slowly improve in a lot of areas mid lane. Those things include: creating roam timers, buying a pink every back, getting an early scanner for roams, using my priority mid to coordinate with my jungler and potentially kill their jungler, using my priority mid to help with early skuttles, using my priority mid to help influence other lanes, getting wards in the enemy's jungle when I create a roam timer to do so, and more.

    It's a nice list and my macro has significantly improved, but I can only really confidently do these things on assassins. My champion pool includes: Qiyana, Zed, LeBlanc, Syndra, and Cassiopeia.

    While playing Syndra and Cassiopeia (mages in general), I find it uncomfortable and weird that I can't dominate the map like I can when I play assassins. For example, as Cassiopeia, I cant walk into the enemy jungle pre 6 and look for a kill, my roaming potential is far worse. My ability to clear waves against other mages doesn't hold up as I can't zone them off of waves to create a roam timer, or they can simply clear waves faster than I can. Moreover, my potential to 2v2 is weaker overall than say, Zed's.

    So my question is, what the hell is my goal as say a, Cassiopeia mid? Do I look to simply farm until mid game and stack tear? What if my team can really use help in other lanes, but my opponent can easily match my roam or deny it by constantly clearing waves mid faster than me?

    Essentially, what is my goal as a mage who can't make my own plays? Or, how do I make my own plays?

    submitted by /u/Sheket_
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    What to do on a losing streak?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Basically the title. Got from B3 to S3 in a week, then lost promo to S2 twice, then dropped to S4 again.

    Now is pure RNG, i get mostly people "not particularly gifted" when it comes to brain power or decent one, so is either a complete stomp from us or a complete loss from the very beginning. Only that now, for every win, i get 2 losses automatically for this "RNG factor"

    I even lose aram.

    I think the game doesn't want me above a certain elo. Is like nothing matters, cs? Not relevant, jungler just gave your botlane a double so now you're doomed since they snowball so hard that they get tower and herald and you're basically in base.

    Vision? Why even bother spending 75G on a pink if you're the only one doing that?

    Let the enemy push early on so you can get a kill? No, your jungler will gank you while you're level 2 and you have 10 creeps next to your tower.

    What the hell is so wrong with silver? I have no idea how to play here. Is so random, i get that some games are unwinnable, is fine, but here RNG is king. Moreover, you're "forced" to play late game champ all the time because people here have no clue on how to end a game, instead of tower they think is smart to kill eachothers over and over again... Honestly, i'm so frustrated, i have no idea what am i missing here

    submitted by /u/NaXter24R
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