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    Monday, January 20, 2020

    League of Legends Camille ARURF Happy Feet

    League of Legends Camille ARURF Happy Feet

    Camille ARURF Happy Feet

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Summoning Insight on The9s presented by ATT with Thorin and MonteCristo returns for the whole year of 2020

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:11 AM PST

    The LEC 2020 Spring Split Promo Video - We are Champions of...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:23 AM PST

    URF Sylas steals Mundo ultimate

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:40 AM PST

    Garen's perfect escape

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:51 PM PST

    I'm completely convinced that every single Yasuo player is actually just one collective hive mind.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:58 PM PST

    They play exactly the same.

    They think exactly the same.

    They're toxic if anyone on their team has less kills than cs.

    They get 15+ kills if they buy IE. Yellow stimulates the hive's input receptors. Yasuo's like IE, static shiv, and GA because of the pleasant warmth of yellow light. I believe Phantom dancer is cleverly used to hide their true nature.

    They feed their assess off and flame if they start the game 0/1.

    They have this sense of arrogance, like no one has ever played Yasuo more than them (Which, if theory turns true, may actually be accurate).

    But most importantly, if the mind is distressed, they "AFK, nexus open. Report me, don't care".

    Calling all summoners. We must investigate.

    submitted by /u/frafdo11
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    LCS SPRING FEVER - 2020 LCS Spring Split Ovilee's Hype DANCE

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    More evidence of how much jungle xp is f*d up

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:42 AM PST

    More evidence of how much jungle xp is f*d up

    Here we have a perfect example of something that is not normal in any way shape or form:


    Lee, 0/3/1, 39 cs, just hit lvl 6

    Xin, 4/0/0, 43 cs + solo drake, lvl 5.

    Reason? lee leeched ONE wave of solo xp mid

    submitted by /u/SirNiceGuyLoL
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    77% of players are Silver 1 or below. Please relax.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:45 AM PST

    Current Ranked Distribution: https://na.op.gg/statistics/tier/

    I see a ton of posts where people are complaining about their new rank being a lot lower than where they finished. Also complaining about playing with a wide range of players in their games.

    This is NORMAL. Every season when reset happens, you'll be playing against a wider range of players in a lower ranked bracket because your MMR has been soft reset. Plat players, gold players and silver players are all going to have closer MMR since it has been reset. It's not a hard reset so you won't find diamond/masters+ players in silver but you may find them in high gold/low plat games.

    submitted by /u/chrisco571
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    how do I explain to my toxic friend that he's just bad

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:53 AM PST

    his micro isn't bad, but his macro is terrible, i.e as a jungle he will actively refuse to take dragons because he thinks they aren't as important as kills or ganks, and by toxic I mean he will flame our yogic top for loosing lane to a Jax that he fed and when his kd goes negative he just leaves, he takes no criticism at all, he will say something like "all you do is die" see that I have no deaths and say "well you have 4 kills compared to my 10" even though I'm a support and he's playing an assassin of some sort. any ideas on how to shut him up

    also is there like a lore subreddit?

    submitted by /u/TrueDripDamage
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    I queued up for a game in PBE and went against the reworked Fiddlesticks [SATIRE]

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:01 AM PST

    It was about 1 am and I didn't want to risk ranked, but my League addiction needed a sacrifice, so off to the PBE I went. It was easy to unlock all champions and skins (though tedious) and I felt like looking cute in Elementalist Lux, which was too expensive for me to buy normally.

    I got Lux, and the game started without any remakes or teammates flaming in chat, though I did notice the reworked Fiddlesticks in the enemy jungle. I honestly thought that the rework wasn't out yet, but it seemed like I was mistaken.

    As a hardstuck Gold playing at 1 am, I thought I was laning pretty well. It was against a Yasuo, and I forced him to use his pot without me taking too much damage. And I even got 5cs/min, not even that much lower than what my hardstuck Gold ass normally gets.

    I didn't really see the Fiddlesticks at all until it ganked top. It was the classic Garen vs Darius, with my Demacian sibling being on my team. Since I was going back to lane after backing, I watched the gank.

    I thought it wasn't really anything special. Our Garen was over extending, and the Fiddle walked through the river and did his point and click fear thing, which let the Darius E. Chain CC'd, the Garen was completely helpless and soon dead. I think the reworked Fiddle's killing animation was really cool. Two completely black arms reached out of Fiddle's chest and pulled out Garen's heart.

    When I got back to lane, I E'd the minions that were hitting my tower and autoed them to get the gold. Maybe the thing I hated most about Lux was her shitty waveclear without Luden's. And then, right before the Garen's respawn, I head the announcer call out that Garen disconnected.

    It was probably a ragequit. I saw the chain cc, and I could understand how unfair that might've felt. I silently wished for him to come back.

    I quickly put it out of my mind and continued trying to CS against the Yasuo.

    A few minutes later, I saw the message of my Olaf dying, solokilled by the Fiddle. I wasn't looking at the map at all, tunnel visioned on getting that precious, precious cannon and didn't notice a thing. I gave myself the excuse that Yasuo didn't leave lane either and if I left lane to help Olaf, Yasuo would've too. Honestly, it was a bit weird seeing my Olaf, with his R up, be solo killed by a Fiddle, but Olaf is known for his low-health clears. Fiddlesticks must've caught him at the wrong time.

    And the weird thing was that Olaf also ragequit. I guessed that it really was embarrassing to get solo killed by a Fiddle as Olaf of all champions.

    I continued to lane, mindful of the fact that I had no jungle or top. I let Yasuo push me in, which is probably why he left the lane to go roam bot with the Fiddlesticks, both whom I spotted on a control ward in the pixel bush. Neither one of them noticed the ward though.

    I pinged off my botlaners, warning them of the roam, (I knew they weren't in the dragon pit because of a ward) though it seemed that six pings weren't enough because they still sat in an easily-gankable position.

    I did my ER combo on the wave, instantly clearing it, and started to hit the tower for plating gold, paying attention to the minimap. Only Fiddlesticks showed botlane, so, wary of Yasuo turning back to kill me, I backed off the tower and recalled, watching the gank.

    Our Kai'sa instantly flashed the Fiddlesticks R, leaving our Leona out to be Fiddle silenced and feared. Of course, Senna W and

    Caitlyn trap soon followed after. Endlessly rooted in place, Leona was all but dead. I noticed the same killing animation from the Fiddlesticks and silently praised the Riot animators for how creepy it looked.

    Knowing that it would mean death to stay underneath tower with no jungle support, Kai'sa backed off and recalled, only to be met with the fact that her support had also disconnected.

    "ff at 15" she said, and I didn't disagree. It was still only thirteen minutes into the game, and most of our team had ragequit.

    When I went back to lane, I noticed Yasuo was strangely absent, and that our top outer turret was still intact; Darius had disappeared too. Rift Herald and dragon were still up, so I assumed that they were one or the other of them. With my trusty yellow ward, I went to ward dragon pit. The Cloud Drake was still sitting peacefully in there. I then went to Shelly's pit and took a peek inside. Nobody.

    I was planning on attempting a steal with R, but there was nothing to steal.

    Nothing else to do, I went back to lane to try to cs, though I still missed a large portion of the creeps even without an enemy laner. As I said, I was hardstuck Gold, and this was the middle of the night.

    Kai'sa was back in lane, doing a 1v1 with the enemy Caitlyn. Senna was probably out warding.

    Then Fiddle came to ruin the nice 1v1 by ganking. It was the same thing as last time: Crowstorm followed up by more cc. The only thing different was that Senna was roaming to who-knows-where and Caitlyn, like any bronze adc, was running away from the ganking Fiddle.

    Fiddle easily solo'd the Kai'sa, and grabbed her heart - and now that the angle made it more visible, I could see that it wasn't a heart; it was a blob of grey mist, probably her soul - and ate it. Fiddle's chest opened up into a gaping maw of misty black teeth and swallowed Kai'sa's heart. Riot really outdid themselves this time.

    At that moment, I saw a new message in all chat. [All] Senna: Run.

    I quickly replied. [All] Lux: ?

    I was given no answer.

    Anyways, it looked like there was some kind of bug out there as the Caitlyn didn't appear again, and the Kai'sa disconnected. I was pretty sure that it was a bug because when I recalled, I noticed that nobody was in spawn. Usually, when people disconnect, they just afk in spawn, right?

    It was good that this bug appeared in the PBE. Imagine if this bug was shipped to live.

    Well, I was the only person left on the map, besides Fiddle and the warding Senna.

    Fifteen minutes passed on the clock, and I pressed ESC, looking for the surrender button. I wasn't the type to just leave a game. I mean, I kinda wanted to play a normal game, but I didn't want to get leaverbuster either. The button was greyed out, the way it appears when it's pre-15 or a surrender vote happened within 3 mins. I checked the clock again. 15:09.

    I clicked on the surrender button. Nothing happened.

    I typed "/ff" in the chat and was greeted with the message "You cannot surrender."

    "/forfeit" gave me the same thing.

    I decided to play the game out as a 1v1. I mean, a 1v1 wasn't so bad, either. And probably one or both of us would bugsplat and disconnect. I didn't know if that gave leaverbuster, but I didn't think it would.

    Back to lane I went.

    Fiddle was waiting for me, standing in his iconic T-pose.

    We laned like normal for maybe half a minute when I landed a Q on the Fiddle. I walked up to get my E AA E AA combo on him, totally forgetting that he had a point and click cc.

    And he used his fear on me, doing the little lifesteal thing that he does.

    For some reason, I felt a little bit lethargic. I just chalked it up on the 1 am time.

    I quickly tried to back off, but he flashed on to me, crows flying around him. His scythe slashed at me, and I was quickly losing health.

    I didn't know that he could summon crows without channeling. I guess it was a feature of the rework.

    Silenced, I couldn't even shoot my combo at him. My only choice was to run back to tower.

    I didn't make it in time. My screen turned grey, and I silently anticipated Fiddle's new killing animation.

    Indeed, it was rather realistic. It looked as if his shadowy arms reached out of my monitor and grabbed my soul.


    "A summoner has disconnected."

    submitted by /u/Yuumine
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    elite thresh soloq gameplay

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    my favorite part of League of Legends is when me and my teammates have great synergy and team work

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:11 PM PST

    JLXP | C9 with Tyler & DIG with KiWiKid

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:28 PM PST

    New Shop UI?!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:36 AM PST

    imgur album

    My friend has a new shop interface, he apparently has had it for at least a month now!?

    submitted by /u/Antikraft
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    Perfect level 1 Ace

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:19 PM PST

    I made an Irelia Fanart!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Hello! The AkalixIrelia guy... again xD

    I'm getting used to play with unlocked screen, which i think is kinda good when it comes to play champs like Irelia.

    I wanted to make a Fanart of her (yes, another one) but this time with her facial features closer to what she actually looks in the concept art, which is kinda difficult to me since i come from an Anime background (i learned how to draw by drawing anime) where all faces are pretty much the same xD.

    Here's the drawing: https://twitter.com/HayashiDraws/status/1219337155710984192

    For those who can't see it or something: https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jYiy6DlBE/

    If you guys have any suggestion or comment i'd love to read it! <3

    submitted by /u/Hayashidraws
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    Gotta love urf

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:35 PM PST

    The Belgian League was born today. It's beautiful.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Evelynn and Lucian get Season 10'd

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:27 PM PST

    Thousands of emotions in just some seconds

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:14 AM PST

    Koreanbuilds.net launches Europeanbuilds.net

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Almost four years ago, we launched https://Koreanbuilds.net with to goal of creating a tool capable of tracking champion builds used by the Korean highest rank players to learn from them. The site gained popularity over the years and still has thousands of daily users, which I am delighted about.

    But things have changed. Back then, Korea seemed like an unbeatable powerhouse, winning Worlds over and over again. But as you know, their winning streak ended with a rather disappointing performance in 2018. And also, in 2019, Korean teams weren't quite able to dominate just how they did previously. It seems like other regions have picked up, particularly China and Europe.

    While we still believe the Korean top tier players are the best to learn from and Korean SoloQ is the most competitive, we decided to expand our service to allow players to learn from other regions. So today, we are launching https://Europeanbuilds.net a tool, similar to Koreanbuilds except that it tracks European Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger summoners. Hopefully, people can benefit from it and again thank you to all Koreanbuilds fans using our service.

    And as I expect to get this question, chinesebuilds.net is currently not possible because, on Riot's API, Chinese data is not available. Whenever this changes, we will consider it.

    For questions or feedback you can reach us on our social media channels



    submitted by /u/Apfelmann
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