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    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    LoL Guide Use these and you will improve

    LoL Guide Use these and you will improve

    Use these and you will improve

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:25 AM PST

    BUY Faerie charms and BUY Rejuvenation beads.

    If you are in base during lane phase and have 200g left buy one of these. Gold in your inventory does nothing for you.

    Faerie charms are 125g and sell for 88g. You will lose 37g for an extra 25% base mana Regen.

    Rejuvenation beads are 150g and sell for 105g. You will lose 45g for an extra 50% base health Regen.

    These two cheap components will help you sustain through lane phase longer before having to back. More time in lane = more gold and XP.

    submitted by /u/_Valriss_
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    Here's the post you never knew you needed.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:31 PM PST

    • You can only farm 44 CS until 05:00, and only gain maximum 1225,2 gold (minions and passive gold p/second). If you take the next wave too, you will have around 1300 gold, which is perfect to buy a B.F. Sword.
    • First Blood = 300 normal kill + 100 bonus gold
    • There also exists "First Assist", gaining 150 + 50 bonus gold, but only counts on the first blood.
    • For Supports: Ignite the ADC before he heals!
    • For ADC's: Heal before they ignite you!
    • If you don't have any idea where to put a Control Ward, put it in the singular pixel bush on either rivers. I have a post about Vision if you're interested, it has more than 1,000 upvotes.
    • RIOT released official Champion Classes click here to see them (example, Warden = Defense Tank[Taric]; Vanguard = Offensive Tank**[Alistar]**)
    • Ping your teammate's Ultimate and Summoner Spell cooldowns using ALT + Left click. Everyone on the team sees it in the CHAT, and helps a lot to people distracted.
    • Flash is worth very little when you have the Hexflash rune (20 second flash). Alistar play that shows the strength of Hexflash (the name is actually Hextech Flashtraption)

    Words frequently used:

    • "Peel" means protecting an ally champion from dying, using any means necessary. (Lulu ultimate)
    • "CC" means Crowd Control, which is anything that affects the movement of a champion. (stuns, for example)
    • Buff = more of something (Blue and Red buffs, give stats)
    • Nerf = less of something (New patch changes "nerfed" your favorite champion? Too bad)
    • "Inv" means invade the enemy jungle, which mostly happens at level 1, lead by a champion with CC (Morgana, Thresh, Leona)

    Counter-Picks in this awful "hook meta":

    Taric > Blitzcrank

    Brand > Thresh

    Soraka > Nautilus

    Although the best counter is to play right, you can still lose any of these matchups if you do bad moves, like fighting 1v2 and then getting ganked and turning to a 1v3, and dying, which leads to the enemy take Dragon uncontested, and they go mid and push mid turret while you're back on the Bottom Lane, and then you have to go mid and leave your ADC farm alone, and then your ADC overextends and he dies to another gank, and that's how games are lost, capiche?

    PS: Get a decent ADC, preferebly one that heals before they ignite.

    submitted by /u/SupportPersonality
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    Stop blaming your teammates

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:39 AM PST

    I am seeing alot of posts lately about how bad teammates are and how can I carry when my team ints every game and match matching is garbage etc.

    I think because its early in the season everyone is complaining because they are climbing as fast as they want.

    This is the wrong mentality. First of all the game is balanced by mmr so your teammates are all around the same skill as you regardless of rank.

    Second is that while it's easy to blame your top for dying 5 times in lane, there are still things you can do to win a game. Blaming your teammates is an easy out of focusing on improving your own gameplay or decision making. While you might get a game every once in a while that is lost because mid went 0/10 at 10 minutes, this is not normal. The same thing will happen to the other team just as often but you dont remember because you feel good about winning.

    The majority of your games will be closer and you will directly be able to influence its outcome. If your top is losing did you help them? Did you try to make plays on the other side of the map? Are you winning your lane and pushing your advantage elsewhere? Did you build properly to deal with the now fed trynd yi Kat etc.

    The point is that there are an equal amount of games where someone runs it down on either team. The other games are up to you to win and you need to make decisions that will help you win instead of complaining your team sucks.

    And please for the love of god stop flaming every little mistake someone makes, that isn't going to make the magically play better, typically it's the opposite.

    Tell them it's ok, try to hang on for a bit and you will help them later.

    Having a good mental is a huge part of league, so if you are unable to keep calm you are setting yourself back.

    Good luck out there and have fun

    submitted by /u/Herakles1994
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    I keep losing games because of team comp differences. How do I know my comps strengths?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST

    I was Plat 1 last season, and I'm trying to climb back from Gold 2. I've been playing decently for the most part, but I've noticed that several of my games ended up being losses because of our team comp in the end. I can't control what champions my team can play, but I can control how we play it, so I'd like some advice on how to improve.

    I'll give an example. Yesterday, I had a game where my team was Rengar top, Qiyana mid, Warwick jungle (me), Jhin adc, and Swain support. They had Garen top, Brand mid, Jax jungle, Jinx adc, and Shaco support.

    The game started off going extremely well. The score was 15-0 around 12 minutes in, I had gotten dragon and two top towers with Rift Herald, and every lane was far ahead. We ended up losing less than 30 minutes in: we couldn't siege because they had Brand and Jinx to waveclear, couldn't split push because Garen could 1v1 Rengar, and couldn't make picks because they had surprisingly good disengage with Shaco. My assassins seemed to be unable to kill Brand and Jinx, and both did insane amounts of damage despite feeding horribly. We were ahead in so many ways, and lost despite them being down 12 kills and multiple objectives at the end.

    I can see some cases where things went wrong. We aced them with 30 second death timers, and no one went for Baron when I pinged it. I think it's because our team just couldn't do Baron fast enough. Also, no one could get onto Brand and Jinx, so they could wreak havoc.

    This is obviously a very specific game, but I think having more knowledge on win conditions and team comp strengths will help me climb, since I've had multiple games like this.

    submitted by /u/August_30th
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    You don't have to play the OP pick of the patch champions to climb

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:22 AM PST

    When playing with my friends and I randomly die to an Akali as Teemo after underestimating her ability to 100-0 you, I would go on a rant about the champion. My low elo brain does not know what I speak of, a lot of the time.

    My friends retort with "you complain about broken champions but you only play Teemo and Teemo is dogshit and you can't climb with him. Look at a tier list on YouTube and pick a champ in S Tier and you will climb."

    These are the same friends who play on 5 different accounts to play every single role to climb with. If you just condense it into 1 or 2 roles, it becomes a lot easier for you to climb.

    Being a Teemo main, I don't want to play other champions. I know his weaknesses and his strengths and I don't need to play Mordekaiser or Kled to climb. My friends think I will not climb higher than them playing only Teemo. Teemo is A Tier on the tier list anyway so he should be enough to climb with.

    I stick to Teemo and I learn all of his matchups and what to do in them. Teemo is a versatile champion where you can go many different rune combinations and he does well into tanks and generally most top laners in general.

    The point of this post is that you don't have to play Mordekaiser top lane, Fizz mid, Ekko jungle or Aphelios bot to climb. You climb with knowledge of the game and your mechanics and mentality carry you.

    I get flamed loads for being a Teemo main, but I'm confident in my ability to win the lane and win the game (at least in my ELO) if I know how to play the lane correctly.

    There's been rank 1 Ivern jungle mains, challenger Teemo jungle mains, challenger Skarner top mains, you can do anything if you just focus on the champion you enjoy and just learn the in's and outs of it.

    submitted by /u/Danyulz
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    Challenger Coaching Diamond 4 Twisted Fate Student (Wave manipulation, Ult Usage, Trades, Positioning)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:28 AM PST

    Hi. Fas here again. There are a lot of very common issues players have that can be fixed fairly easily if you just know how. This video is focusing on how to control waves, how to trade/win lane, where you should position, and how to use ult (TF). Its a bit longer than some of the more recent ones, but I think it has a lot of really helpful stuff.

    https://youtu.be/1qgR8z74taw - Youtube Video Link

    Important Timestamps

    0:00 - Why you can't push lvl 1 against fizz

    1:59 - Wave manipulation

    3:08 - Ult Usage on TF (1v1 in teamfights)

    6:56 - How to 1v1 TF as Yasuo in Lane

    8:13 - How to use TF ult (part 2)

    10:18 - Positioning While making picks

    11:28 - Losing tempo from bad wave manipulation

    14:41 - TF Ult usage (part 3)

    The idea on wave manipulation lvl 1 is that against melee assassin picks you should setup the wave to be receiving for at least the first wave to pressure them off minions and poke properly (and lower your risk)

    Wave manipulation should be planned so that you return to wave at similar times to your opponent and you force them into losing options.

    You should use your ultimate to put yourself into positions that you're only in range of your target, not their teammates if possible. Play 1v1s, not 2v1s.

    To beat Yasuo in lane with pretty much any mage, just break the shield with autos, save your cc cd, and keep hitting him with corrupting pot on. If he wind walls walk around it and use your cc, if he doesn't he'll just lose the 1v1 waiting to "outplay" you.

    Please understand that poor wave control or decisions directly causes deaths or losses of tempo sometimes minutes later in addition to the lost farm.

    Proof that I am a challenger player and have been Challenger - https://imgur.com/a/4YdazdF

    Anyone with questions - feel free to ask.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    Pro tip for low elo players: HELP your jungler secure drags

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:53 PM PST

    If the enemy team sends 4 people to go get a drag and you dont match that, you will not get the dragon 99% of the time. Plain and simple. Dragons are VERY strong this meta, considering the soul that you can get. They can single handedly win you the game. I get that some players dont want to help drag and would prefer to get that 10 cs top lane, but dragons are very important. I see this all the time when im playing and thought i would enlighten the LoL community.

    Bonus tip: if youre playing top lane and your own jungler is in the enemy bot jungle, then you most likely know that the enemy junger is either going to be in base OR top jungle, which means if you push lane or start a 1v1 fight you will most likely get ganked.

    submitted by /u/Stickydrip28
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    [DISCUSSION] Help me understand if these 'macro scenarios' (mostly apply to top lane, possibly mid lane) are correct or not. (long post)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Lately I've been thinking more and more about macro and the proper way to push objectives and set up lanes, and ultimately get your team in a spot where victory is all but guaranteed.

    So I've been diving into common scenarios and what I should do. This is from a top-lane, juggernaut/tank/fighter perspective - i.e. teamfight presence, strong split push, low map presence (no Pantheon/TF/Tahm/Gangplank ults, etc.). Since that's relevant to decision making. A lot of this can apply to mid lane as well, I would think. Particularly if they have strong wave clear and mobility.


    EARLY GAME - Laning phase with no jungle emergencies.

    Assuming neither jungler has been 'caught' near me, my goal is to push my lane opponent off the wave and establish lane dominance in a favorable matchup, and just to 'survive lane' in a bad matchup (Quinn into Darius, Teemo into Trynd, etc.).

    I feel like just about everyone who's played for a few months understands this pretty well, even if they don't execute it very well, haha.

    There are obviously a lot of nuances to this (counter-jungling when you are massively ahead of your lane, etc.), but I want to keep it simple.


    EARLY GAME - Jungle emergency

    Junglers are fighting near me - say over scuttle, or one of them has invaded the other.

    • Wave is in the middle of the lane:

      • Respond as soon as I see them or hear the pings, and attempt to 'push off' my opponent so he arrives late or not at all. Either by landing poke, or by pushing the wave into him.
    • 2+ waves are crashing into my turret:

      • This might be my fault, since if I was watching the map and noticed my jungler invading, for instance, I should have my own lane in a place where I can back him up.
      • HOWEVER, with the fuck-up already done, I should stay at my turret and get my XP/gold. My lane may respond and I should ping the fuck out of it.
    • Waves are crashing into my opponent's turret:

      • Generally I should respond as soon as possible - and this puts my lane opponent in a tough situation as seen above, so this is the ideal scenario, and if I know a risky play by my jungler is coming soon, I should attempt to shove the lane if I am able to (lane dominance).

    I couldn't really think of any other common early game scenarios, at least not at top lane. If I missed anything let me know.


    MID GAME (general) - Towers are falling, teams are starting to group off and on.

    In general it's my responsibility to keep top and bot lanes from crashing into our turrets. If anyone is 'away from the ARAM', it should be me. Correct? Again, in general, I understand there are always exceptions. We're assuming standard mid lane assassin/mage, bot lane ADC/traditional support.


    MID GAME - Drake is about to come up.

    I should be pushing TOP LANE about 1-1.5 minutes before the drake is online (depending, I guess, on how far the lane is when I push). The goal here is to get a large wave to their turret right before drake pops out. Maybe 15-30s beforehand. And either be there whacking on a turret, or have returned to fountain and running - or TP'ing - to drake pit.

    • Is there ever an "always do [this]" scenario for a decently-strong split pushing champ (not Trynd/Yorick, but like Garen, Darius, and others who can handle a 1v2 and have strong waveclear) for this?

      • e.g. Should I always be beating on the tower when drake is coming up, assuming all 5 of them aren't coming to goon me? Or should I always be pushing it just enough to slow push and crash into the turret right before drake comes up and show up at drake instead? Or do I play it by ear and/or whatever I want to do is generally fine?
      • Usually I beat on the tower, for reference. My logic being (non-dragon-soul) drake-for-tower isn't necessarily an even trade, but it's better than losing the drake anyway and also not getting a tower (with me dead to boot). There's also the not-too-slim chance of getting both the tower, AND the drake if a few are confused where to be on the enemy team, and my team wins the 4v?? there.
      • With the above logic, there's also the idea that a Volibear beating on a turret with a large wave is a bigger threat and requires more response than just a large wave, making it more likely that 1-2 people will pull away from dragon to stop me.


    MID GAME - Baron is coming up.

    See Drake, reverse lanes? Is there a different priority here? Maybe tower for baron is a worse tradeoff so I should be with the team, here?


    LATE GAME (general) - Towers are mostly gone, inhibs are being pressured. Death timers are getting longer.

    In general I would think it's still more my responsibility to push lanes than others, but also I need to be with the team, because a bad pick at the wrong time can literally end the game sometimes. Yeah?


    LATE GAME - Dragon Soul is coming up

    Absolutely be with the team, here. As it gets closer I may just have to 'give up' on shoving a lane because the soul is that important. Yeah? How many towers - assuming the teams are roughly even - are worth a dragon soul? Two? Three?

    The ideal scenario is again to get waves to the enemy turrets as the dragon is coming up, but again the more important priority I would think is to be with the team, correct? Unless, obviously, there's a Tryndamere or something that is running down a lane taking turrets, I guess.

    Is there any variation in my gameplay depending on which team will potentially get the soul? I would think not - you either REALLY WANT the soul, or you REALLY DON'T WANT them to have the soul, right?


    LATE GAME - Baron

    Less important than dragon soul? But still more important than a mid-game baron? Be with the team? 2 lane turrets, or one inhib (?) an acceptable loss in most situations here?


    LATE GAME - Elder Drake

    Vital to obtain, correct? This literally ends games almost immediately, I feel like. As long as the Nexus doesn't go down, I should be pressuring this with my team.


    ANY TIME - Enemy is split pushing

    I tend to match them if I can fight them and at least push them off turrets, and tend to group and push as five if I can't. Is this the correct play, in general?



    I know there are a LOT of nuanced situations, and the general situations above have a lot of "well yes but actually no" sub-situations going on. I'm just looking to see if my general macro understanding is on point. I took a big break from the game this last season, and I want to make sure I've got my head on straight for the ranked season.

    Something to discuss is bonobos - when 1-3 allies are doing things somewhat properly but you have an idiot that has no idea where to be or what to do (bonus points if he's flaming the team), how does that change the priorities above? Do I group more often? Split more often? Play it by ear? I tend to split because the idea for me is I want to take on as MUCH pressure as I can handle to relieve it from the member(s) of my team that can actually make plays, having to deal with the bonobo(s). But moving as five means all five of the enemy are there as well, usually.

    Thanks guys! Keep comments civil, but I appreciate any and all discussion!

    submitted by /u/LedgeEndDairy
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    Rank vs Normals

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I have a simple question that would like to ask the more experienced players about (Diamond play and above).

    Should I play more ranked games vs normals to get the competitive edge I feel most players have over me in ranks games?

    I think I do well in normals not every game is a win but I do improve upon strategy, if I do experience a loss. I feel that in ranked games it is a little more aggro. And I should play more ranked win or lose to adapt to this style of play.

    submitted by /u/TheReal_NatKingCole
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    As a mid laner, how can I help secure objectives in low elo?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:28 PM PST

    I'm a low elo aspiring mid main and I've been having some success in the role, but one thing I've noticed is that I feel as if I don't have enough influence over rift herald and dragons in the early-mid game.

    I'm not entirely sure what an opportune time to try to take dragon or rift herald looks like, and how I can move around the map to try to make these plays happen. It's a problem because I've noticed that my team always seems to be forfeiting dragons and rifts early on, and I'm looking for some advice on when to encourage my team to secure one of these objectives and what I should be doing to allow us to get there in the first place.


    submitted by /u/Blacksworn
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    Influence a game from the top lane

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 02:30 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I'm an S9 platinum player, main top laner, who plays mainly juggernauts (Darius, Garen, Mordekaiser and I try to play Sett recently but not in ranked) and sometimes tanks (Malphite). This season, I've been placed Gold 4, and I've just gone up Gold 3 by having 10 wins and 5 losses. I'm pretty happy with that, but when I study the games I've played recently, I understood a key point in my victories and defeats :

    - All of my wins are tied to a bot lane that won its lane (regardless of mid/top lane).

    - All my defeats are linked to a bot lane having lost its lane (regardless of the mid/top lane)

    So I come to think that, even if I win my lanes consistently, I can't influence the game enough to bring an advantage to my bot lane, and win even more. For the record, I'm more of a split pusher, but I'm a pretty good team fighter.

    So my question is: How do you influence a game from the top lane, as a juggernaut? Should I rather bet on the split push since it's the strategy I prefer the most, or should I rather bet on the team side of the games to bring an advantage to my bot lane and win the games? And to do so, what are your advice?

    submitted by /u/Sofq
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    Predator Leona in low elo

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST

    I am on mobile currently and cannot look at my exact runes, But I run predator with resolve secondary. I am looking for a second set of eyes with better knowledge.

    I start the ap melee support item My build (not in order) is: Boots of some kind Abyssal mask Some situational armor item Liandry's torment Gunblade Spirit visage

    What items would fit better into this build? I play an all in lane and engage with damage/cc late. Ps: I have won all 3 of my placements that I have played so far as support

    submitted by /u/Monsieirmocha
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    How do I make an impact on the game in top lane?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:02 AM PST

    I play top lane 90% of the time but I just don't know how to take advantage of winning lane. I often find that when I win or go even in lane it doesn't affect the rest of the game. Often times I will do well in lane but my other lanes will not be doing so hot and as a result the rest of the enemy team beats me after laning phase and it feel like the fact that I won lane meant nothing.

    I try to push the wave early if I can so that I can help my jungler contest scuttle if I need to but I don't know when its good to leave lane and go mid or risk losing cs, xp, and possibly plating to make a play on the map.

    submitted by /u/kingreaper504
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    How do I get over ranked anxiety?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:37 AM PST

    So I rarely ever play ranked, mostly to do pass missions and never again. I'm a normal exclusive player for the most part.

    I thought I'd change things up this season and play a bit of ranked for the missions but maybe hoping it could be more. But I feel like I've got a mental block that makes me perform so horribly whenever I enter ranked.

    I go 0/9 or have really low KDA whenever I go for ranked but I never have this problem in normals.

    How should I get over this? It doesn't help that my teammates in ranked are toxic af (for good reason) but I'm so used to having such good interactions in normals that this toxicity feels like somewhat of a whiplash.

    submitted by /u/IjuststartedOnePiece
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    How do I not die in the Jungle whilst fighting monsters?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Hello! I'm having trouble with jungling, and I can't figure out how to fix it...

    I've been trying to play Warwick about 8 times now, but I keep dying to the jungle monsters! I am building the dragon thingy, a refill potion and smite, but whenever I get the Sentinel I get really low, and after that die to the Gromp whilst fighting it, or die to the wolves, raptors, Brambleback... Yeah, I can't really do this well.

    Am I missing something? I've even tried running Smite and Heal just to survive. I don't want to keep ruining other people's games with my noobish behavior. I always fall behind because of this.


    - Incoming Call 791

    submitted by /u/Incoming-Call-791
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    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Hello jg main here.. I got placed silver this season after being gold last. With the importance of the dragons in this season 10 I've been trying really hard to focus them. I've been getting pretty fed early game and getting the early game dragons however as soon as mid game hits I find that my bot and mid lane are always getting caught out right before dragon spawns. I'll tell them to stay safe but most don't listen and die which in turn makes it impossible for me to contest the dragon. Soon enough the enemy team has the dragon soul and my team loses. Any tips on how handle this. Should I be looking for kills earlier? Not exactly sure what to do and it's been frustrating the hell out of me.

    submitted by /u/Hotdogjoeyy
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    Don't get discouraged - The ranking system has a way of making sure things work out the way they should.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:09 AM PST

    The early season mix up, we're in the heart of the storm. ELO's and MMR seem to have been thrown out the window. Every champ is either busted, broken or unplayable. My teammates "don't deserve to be in my game". The new players who started after Worlds have just began to realize what they got themselves into. RIOT is obviously terrible and have no idea what they're doing. Out of the millions of players "I" was the one that got totally screwed and everyone else made it out okay.

    People are 5-6 ranks below where they ended last season - you will climb, that's the point. Your goal is to be higher than last year right? Well then getting back to where you were should be no issue at all then.

    People are running into smurfs and also people who are boosted. The smurfs will climb and the boosted ones will fall as they should. But just realize that in order for that to happen they need to play games, they just happen to be in yours.

    You may have finished promos and started climbing, but that Diamond player from last year just began his promos and now he's in your game because he hasn't climbed yet.

    If you're in game's that are too hard, try to take it as a learning experience. If your goal is to climb then one day your going to need to hang with those guys. There'e no point in climbing if your not actually getting better - your just boosted then and become a detriment to your team.

    There's two ways to approach this time of year:

    1. You play it out and run into higher elo players and look at the LP as a price to pay for progressing as a player
    2. You wait it out, come back in a couple weeks and now your the higher elo player playing against lower elo players. You won't progress as a player, but you'll feel better about yourself.

    At the end of it all, you'll have hundred of games played and these couple matches won't matter the grand scheme of things.

    submitted by /u/ttv_KRUGxADDICT
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    What are some good defensive items for adc

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Ok so I read the descriptions for the recommended defensive items for adc and it sounds like it doesn't really give u that much MR or armour because it also gives u attack speed and stuff so should I still buy them or go with items like randuin or thornmail

    submitted by /u/ciri-is-gay
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    How to make my friend improve

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    I've been playing support with my friend adc recently because he wants me to teach him how to get better at the game. He is new to the game so I understand why he is bad at the game but whenever I give him advice he never follows it unless I constantly tell him. He wants to learn but he also wants me to basically play the game for him, making every decision for him but he doesn't remember that for the future.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I can make it so he actually learns?

    submitted by /u/notcharol
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    How do you get the most advantage against your laner when you get first blood/early kill?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    Just like the title says, what is the best effective way to gain the most advantage when you manage to get an early kill (top lane)

    I usually try to manipulate the wave and freeze it close to my turret, this leads to CS/Exp advantage and because of that, since the enemy laner will be closer to my turret I can get few more kills due to ganks or what not..

    Is this a correct play though? Should I push all the time instead and try to get first tower as soon as I can and also to draw the enemy jungler into my lane to make other lanes feel less pressured?

    It would be great to have more suggestions from you guys. MMR is low plat

    submitted by /u/Distilled89
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    How to increase map Awarness as a laner

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:30 AM PST

    Looking at the map has become almost like second nature to me when playing jungle except for when I play as a laner.

    There will be times i place a ward in a bush and not even be focusing on it to make sure the enemy jungler doesn't gank me. This is especially bad when I'm playing champs that dont have a good way to get out of trouble.

    How do I increase map awarness to prevent this kind of stuff from happening?

    submitted by /u/MoonEXE-
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    Can you recommend some good LoL podcasts ?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I played league up to gold in 2012 and early 2013 (stopped just before Zac was released), and came back a week ago with a fresh account. I'm not as good as bac then but i'm relearning. I'm currently level 20 and i look up guides builds and streams to improve

    In that effort, can you recommend soe good LoL podcasts that are worth listening to ? I tried serching for "League Of Legends" inside my pocket casts app but there are so many of them

    submitted by /u/DrJeckill
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    What should I do as a tank after laning phase?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:43 AM PST

    After the laining phase when there is no objective on the map I just do not know what to do. I am scared to go on a side lane to farm because I don't have good waveclear and do not do big dmg to turrets so split pushing is not an option and even if it means just caching a single wave in a side lane I'm afraid that my team will decide to fight 4v5 for some reason. Should i just engage when I see the opportunity and hope my team will follow?

    submitted by /u/umbb32c
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    Starting a stream

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Hey guys so I'm starting a stream proyect in the LAN server and would like to know if you're interested in watching it, I'm an adc main (plat 1 last season, gold 3 right now) and if you want/need some tips just let me know and I'll help in anything that I can!


    submitted by /u/ArcRele
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