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    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    LoL Guide What being rank 1 Annie World and reaching Challenger as an Annie Main has taught me

    LoL Guide What being rank 1 Annie World and reaching Challenger as an Annie Main has taught me

    What being rank 1 Annie World and reaching Challenger as an Annie Main has taught me

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:04 AM PST

    As a joke on my stream, someone had donated a dollar for me to play Annie and continued to tell me about LS' recommendations regarding her as a champion. I played her once, got hard stomped in lane but realized she was a lot more fun than I had believed.

    I had always tried to play mechanically demanding champions, I've now become an Annie Main (reaching rank 1 annie in the world currently) as well as reaching challenger this season. Some things I learnt from this may help you climb or view the game a bit differently, as it really did for me.

    1. You may have the hands to play a champion, but you still need to do that while keeping your other fundamentals solid. Often times I will face Yasuo, Irelia, Leblanc etc and simply win purely from managing waves, trading effectively and using minion aggro. From another perspective it just looks like i've pressed a few buttons to win but the nuances behind these small decisions can win your lane. Annie has relatively basic mechanics so i can simply focus all my attention into managing waves and other small decisions.
    2. Small wins lead to big wins. Winning small trades, denying a cannon here and there, good pokes, using auto attacks to poke without taking minion aggro. They're all small things that ultimately create differences. These differences then translate to noticeable gaps which then set you up for success. Not only that, but these small things affect opponent's mental and play into mental warfare.
    3. Set your jungler up and play towards them. In this meta of impactful dragons and jungler diff. It's ok to miss a bit if it means you can protect, follow or set up your jungler. If your jungler is pathing to make a play towards bot and you can identify your presence or your laning opponent's presence can make a difference. Set your wave up, sac it if you must (within reason) and help them get to where they need to so you can translate the plays into objectives.
    4. If you main a weird champ/lower tier champ/whatever, don't let it discourage you from climbing. Don't make excuses but study what you need to to improve. Learn from your mistakes and if you're doing something way off, acknowledge when it simply just might not be working.
    5. Find your playstyle and perfect it. Every annie guide i read and even high elo annie's would suggest Electrocute as the rune of choice. I run dark harvest every game and learnt to use it towards my playstyle and climb through it. It isn't a playstyle i can actively recommend to others but it worked towards what I aimed for and did.
    6. Losers focus on Winners, Winners focus on winning.

    Good luck on your climb everyone, and to be frank, if i can do it. Annie-one can

    submitted by /u/HoityToityOce
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    Something different - S9 GM/Challenger top lane VOD Review talking about how to play from behind

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:44 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm 5mi, a top laner who peaked challenger and ended grandmaster in season 9. One of my biggest contributions to this subreddit has been my post about what I thought was most important for players to improve.

    I feel like I've seen a lot of the same content, catering to a specific audience so I wanted to try something different. This video is me going over one of my solo queue games where I get destroyed early on, have to soak a lot of jungle pressure, but do my best to stop the bleeding and allow my team to carry. I think I handled my role for this game pretty well and break down a lot of little things that I'm thinking about as I'm playing.

    Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VBBpDGN6CE&feature=youtu.be

    While I initially recorded this as a oneshot, I didn't like how the audio was, so I did a voice over to cover the audio.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know.

    submitted by /u/asianenoughxd
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    I'm new to the game, and I'm trying to jungle with kha'zix, but I can't even kill the blue buff, is there a specific way to fight monster?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:38 AM PST

    I normally start with the Q and wait in the jungle until the monsters spawn, then I try to kill them but I really can't, I started playing only 2 weeks ago and I'm level 7. sorry for bad English, I don't know what else I can say but the subreddit wants 250 characters so I'm writing this useless text, I hope it's long enough to let me post. thanks for the help. I write this additional phrase just to be sure the text is long enough.

    submitted by /u/stalin885
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    Jungle buffs with real numbers

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:34 AM PST

    I created chart based on this information https://i.redd.it/053jq9rnrkd41.png

    Here are all camps new and old experience


    Here is example of theoretical game with 5 fullclears in first 13 minutes


    submitted by /u/FSOenergy
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    What do I do vs funnelling Yi+Taric as ADC?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Every time I face them I lose. It seems like there's no counterplay since Taric and enemy support throw everything at Yi and he just kills my team, and even if they stop him with enough cc he killed half of us and his team just finishes us. They take all objectives almost uncontested and ganks on bot are always 4v2 so they dive us for free. Can I do something as adc or should I just ff15 and go next?

    submitted by /u/okitasouji17
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    How to control waves to not miss out on CS

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST

    A couple of days ago, there was a comment stating how this guy would watch a korean top laner, who almost never miss out on cs even when he does not have teleport. He later went on to explain what he learnt from the guy and the things he did to reach a higher rank because of it. I can not find the comment but thought it would be benefitial for me to climb up if anyone knows what I'm talking about.

    If anyone has any tips for getting better at top lane(im learning kayle).

    submitted by /u/Yani16AR
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    How to not get my motivation killed ?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:52 AM PST

    Hi, I've been trying to get into League for the past months or so, really started to try to learn around preseason 10.
    Now my.. Story with the game let's say, is a weird one. Back in like, November 2018, I made my account to play with some friends, and I was not really good. And only played with those friends so I always matched against players of their levels, and thus, I kinda gave up less than a year in. Then last year, I made a new account, to try to have an actual new player experience. But while I kinda played a bit, I got really active around preseason 10, and at first I c Iould manage, then I played with friends again and got obviously destroyed, then, even going back solo, I couldn't manage to get back in the game. I was trying to learn, and I think that I have some acceptable basics of the game. But I still can't manage, and that just leads to frustrations, leading to further loses into more frustration, and at this point I gave up again.

    I think that I have problems motivating myself to play. Before joining my friends again I wanted to play, even if I was scared to be a burden for my team, I tried my best, and I wanted to play. Now it just feels like a chore to launch the game, queue up and probably losing anyways as I get frustrated over small mistakes that I do and that just leads to failure.

    How do I deal with frustration ? How am I supposed to learn, when I can't see where I failed most of the times, even when I perfectly know that death was my fault. I can't bring myself to play anymore, even when I want to, I just tell myself "whatever, it'll be a lost game, better close the launcher." My motivation to play is completely killed because I can't improve, even when I try, I just can't learn. I've been trying, but the improvement just doesn't seem there.

    I've been wondering how I could go back to play, how could I get motivation back to play, and keep it up. I just want to be able to play what is a good game, but everytime I try to play it, it just ends with me, wanting to uninstall everytime I see any Nexus being destroyed. I just want to get the motivation to play again.

    submitted by /u/ThinkingSentry
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    Any kind of “ultimate split push guide”?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:59 AM PST

    So, lately I've been playing irelia in top, and now that I've learn how to abuse her matchups I feel like, I can split push even proxy farm sometimes and afford to to win 1 vs 2 when gabled.

    The thing is that I never ever trully learned the strategy under split push.

    I've read about it but I was wondering, is there anywhere a proper guide with details and a check list about how to split push, when to split push etc etc...?

    submitted by /u/Eu8bckAr1
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    How many hours a week would you recommend for someone wanting to improve at League Of Legends?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:27 PM PST

    Currently I'd say I average out 35 hours a week, and I am wanting to improve but I feel as though I'm not getting that advancement in my skill. I've only been playing for a couple of months now but my overall mechanical skill has not improved. Do I need to use my hours more wisely or should I try to up the hours on the game itself?

    submitted by /u/Zannex-
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    Advice on learning laning

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Hey all,

    It's been a while since I've crawled out of my jungle cave, so, I've been trying a bit of top, mid, and supp. However, having not touched lanes in any serious capacity in 6 years I'm running into roadblocks.

    • Biggest one is trading patterns. Unless I'm Renekton top (honestly impossible to lose trades with anyways) or Swain mid, I almost always lose my trades, despite knowing ability ranges and rough cooldowns.

    • CSing be hard, especially as an early level mid. I'll often see the rate of damage on a minion, but it'll die before my AA hits. Or I'll try to be a bit more conservative with it, but then I fire off my AA too early and it dies to the next minion hit.

    • When I supp I'm usually at a loss as to when I should be going in as a tanky engage like Nautilus, Leona, or Thresh. I try to ping, do it when they have 2-3 minions or less, and ideally once they've burned a cooldown, but I don't know what else to be looking at, or how to know if my ADC is down to follow up or not.

    Any advice, or any good YouTube videos you guys can recommend to improve my laning fundamentals? Experienced at the game as a whole, just out of my element in lanes. Oddly enough, I'd always wreck lane in TT, but in SR it kills me, I think it's the early game.

    Champ pool if it matters:

    T: Renekton, Urgot, Mordekaiser, Shen, Mundo

    M: Swain, Vladimir, Rumble

    S: Nautilus, Leona, Thresh, Brand, Morgana

    submitted by /u/Cyannis
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    As a low elo player, what should I focus improving on to climb

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:14 AM PST

    Title. We've all seen the challenger videos of how to play champions and lanes etc etc. but as a low elo player (I'm in silver) what should I be focusing on to help me climb up to gold,plat, diamond.

    The reason I came here to ask is cause I actually don't think the answer is getting as high of cs as possible or managing a wave, because if you've ever played super low elo you know hardly anyone really cares if you freeze a wave in front of your tower.

    submitted by /u/Soloralphlauren
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    Why am I in the smurf queue?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST

    (Made this post in r/leagueoflegends too but thought I should post here too to get an answer)

    I'm a completely new player, I haven't been playing that well and have been thinking of one tricking a champion to actually be able to learn the game, I mostly enjoy jungle and play Kha'Zix though I've been debating whether I should one trick Kha'Zix or Rengar, but I don't understand I keep getting played with and against smurfs, I never knew there was a "Smurf queue" until someone told me I was in it when I told them I was kind of new.. I'm really not enjoying the game because I can't learn playing against players that are so much better than me.. How can I get out of this?

    Also any tips on jungling would be appreciated! I have my pathing down I think.. (I go Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Gromp > Scuttle) I'm only level 21 and I'm really trying hard to get better at the game! Also if you have a tip on who I should jungle whether it be Rengar or Kha'Zix that'd be very appreciated too!

    submitted by /u/Dream_Yuri
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    How to learn and improve in general?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Hello, my name is ShadowCPU and I am an EUW main top lane who placed Gold I last season.

    This season, I am going to be really focusing on the game and trying to improve so I can peak my rank hopefully higher than the season before, where I didn't place much focus in what I was doing.

    Because of this, I want to place the question:

    Is there any specific method or strategies I could apply to improving? What I mean by this are things such as...

    Analyze every game and search for mistakes...

    Practice CS everyday for an hour...

    What I mean by these examples is things that when routinized lead to constant (although maybe slow) improvement in general aspects of the game. Things that could be applied if I was for example a professional player and had a training regime.

    Thank you in advance, ShadowCPU.

    Please note: I would like a 'strategy' or 'method' that could be routinized to every player, not just top lane mains.

    submitted by /u/ShadowCPU
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    Changing right clicking to "A" + left Click habit

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Hello, I'm a D1 player and I've never really used the "A" + left click attack move, mostly because I'm a top laner main and most of the champs I use are melee.

    Recently I've seen some videos of pro players like the shy, who uses the attack move a lot and I see he profits a lot from it, kiting back while being a melee champ.

    Of course i felt like I needed to practice this so I set up this mindset 4 days ago of only using attack move for everything, I've now built an habit and I do it unconsciously, but sometimes when I'm playing Fiora, Akali, Jayce etc. I mess up the abilities and some times I just stand there not even attacking the enemy champ.

    I know it's only been 4 days and I need more practice, but I was wondering if attack move is not viable with certain champs or if I just need to practice more this mechanic.

    Sorry if the redacting is messed up, I'm not used to making posts and english is not my native language.

    submitted by /u/Havock127
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    A question about how to review team games.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:21 AM PST


    Many groups/clans/teams are starting up and the level of these players could be any rank in league of legends

    What i have noteced is that many of these groups do not find an effectiv way to review thier games.

    It is not easy to get someone from high elo to join the group and coach/review the games and give advices.

    I know that the players them self could do it but there are many importent moves, mistakes, advices that only higher elo players would notise.

    What is the best way to deal with this problem? it is an issue that i have faced in my group and other groups.

    submitted by /u/sparrowsupport
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    Dota player who needs help to get into lol

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:51 PM PST

    Allright, so I've been playing dota since 2015 (but only last year I really got into the game) I am currently Ancient 3 which should be equivalent to somethkng like diamond or master I dunno. Today my friend challenged me to play league and I accepted. I have 3 months to hit diamond (I feel pretty confident) and I wanted tk ask for some tips for beghiners - how to itemize which champs are currently in the meta so I can easily climb. So far I've played leage on pnly som occasions on borrowed acc with my friend but that was over 2 year ago. So far on my new account I played one match with support Sona bjt I am completely lost. I understand basics. Thanks for any suggestions

    submitted by /u/MarosTheGreat
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    I'm roleswapping to jungle from ADC. What are the most optimal routes for S10?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:43 PM PST

    I have been playing flex with full premade and I always end up jungle. We already got an ADC which is far better than me.

    One thing that I notice is that I can get 6 very fast compared to the enemy jungle but after that I lose so hard. I try to contest objectives and always end up in skirmishes that I cant win. At 20 minutes I'm 2-3 levels behind enemy jungler even thought I had no buffs stolen and have almost the same cs.

    I can't decipher why I get so behind after early game. I try to play my winning lane (usually bot).

    I can micro well but my macro is so bad at jungle. ADC is so much easy just stay back and deal damage.

    I like to play tanks in the jungle. I hate assassins in any shape or form.

    submitted by /u/DrunkMechanics
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    starting items on kata

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:48 AM PST

    my friend has been maining Katarina and starting only long sword 3 pot but recently he bought a dark seal and saw it is fascinating just broke lane, we have come to the conclusion that it depends on matchup, but we disagree if dark seal is defensive because its extra heal or offensive

    submitted by /u/G0rdo1
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    Is dodging in promos ever worth?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:53 AM PST

    I am wondering because today (obviously I was in promos) I encountered a lobby where a) my jungler was an autofilled OTP b) my top was pretty toxic [c) my ADC picked Ezrael].

    Needless to stay, despite best efforts to cheer up the team the game went downhill quickly. And I am just wondering whether I would have been better off dodging despite it being a promo game.

    submitted by /u/maiden_des_mondes
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    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:26 AM PST

    Hi Guys, it is me again, new player came from smite, you guys have welcomed me greatly the past few days! I learned how to top lane against range characters because of you guys! I am now trying to understand itemization, and situational building! I know there is a lot that goes into this, but any good resources out there for learning? I don't want to fall into the trap of just blindly following builds from websites, Any resources to help me practice this?

    submitted by /u/Bradsooner
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    How do you play bot lane with someone who you don't mesh with?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    So I mainly play support, but also play a fair amount of ADC. I have a lot of trouble from both sides with the other person in the lane not playing how I would like or expect and refusing to alter the way they play. I've also had quite a lot of trouble with people literally not even playing. In my past 3 games as ADC I've had an alistar who multiple times saved his exhaust until I was dead when we had all ins, would just stand afk places for prolonged periods of time, and when asked said he was watching TV. A Janna who played decently for a while and then literally ran it down lane at one point and told me "Chill I was eating a burrito." And a senna who constantly hard shoved my lane in to a thresh and aphelios, gave no attempts to poke while doing so, refused to stop, and flamed me saying I was an idiot and "you can't let thresh have minions" for some reason I can't possibly comprehend.

    On the support side the main issue has just been the ADC playing so passive I can't engage because they won't be able to follow up or just not respecting the enemy engage. Usually these are just flat out mistakes, but I do feel like the most common thing when I'm on support is my ADC playing more passively than I would like as far as engages go. They also tend to shove the wave when we have opportunities to zone them or setup a good engage if they don't respect it, but idk what to do about that at all. I try to suggest that they freeze at some points, but they never do.

    Anyway I'm really not sure how to deal with this. I love ADC, but I honestly feel like the supports I get are so much worse than me that I should play support. Then the ADCs I get don't seem quite as bad, but they also tend to be overly passive and not pay any attention to when I'm trying to set up an engage or can zone the enemy bot. I'm honestly starting to think I should just not play duo lanes, but I don't really want to start learning an entirely different role.

    As far as champs I mostly play Naut and Leona on support and Tristana and Cait on ADC if that matters at all.

    submitted by /u/chr1spe
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