• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 28, 2020

    League of Legends To defend Bjergsen from “bronze 2 analysts,” CaptainFlowers said Bjerg couldn’t ult because he was chain CC’d from 100-0. This is untrue. You can ult while rooted, and he walked away from the root momentarily.

    League of Legends To defend Bjergsen from “bronze 2 analysts,” CaptainFlowers said Bjerg couldn’t ult because he was chain CC’d from 100-0. This is untrue. You can ult while rooted, and he walked away from the root momentarily.

    To defend Bjergsen from “bronze 2 analysts,” CaptainFlowers said Bjerg couldn’t ult because he was chain CC’d from 100-0. This is untrue. You can ult while rooted, and he walked away from the root momentarily.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:17 AM PST

    The Fight

    Bjergsen walks up, Doublelift hits him with some feathers and uses E to trigger the ROOT onto Bjerg. Bjerg waits it out, backs up, and gets charmed and knocked up by CoreJJ.

    The Facts

    When rooted, you can perform abilities as long as they aren't movement abilities, as seen in this table of CC. Thus, Zilean CAN CAST ULT DURING A ROOT.

    Xayah root lasts 1.25 seconds. Bjerg also walks away momentarily. To be on the conservative side, we'll say it was 0.75 seconds of a walk. That makes about a 2 second window for him to cast ult. During that time, he went from 100% to 60% health, which is an adequate warning that he might need to ult before he gets blown up with where his positioning is.

    Zilean ult lasts for 5 seconds and puts you into stasis for ~3 seconds. Even if he ulted early on in the root, he would've bought his team a minimum of ~3 seconds.

    The Flower

    Captain Flowers specifically made it a point to defend Bjergsen not using ult here.

    If you can't watch it, the transcript is:

    "And before I hear some Bronze 2 analysis from the Twitch chat, I want to point out that Bjergsen didn't forget to use his ult there. Bjergsen was chain CC'd…from 100 to 0. There was never the opportunity to press R. You can be pressing it the entire time. It's not going off. And that was what enabled them to take control of that fight enough, to wrest control of that drake away."

    He said this after they went through the replay too. I'd understand if he said it during the fight itself, but if it's through two instances of the fight, AND ONCE IN SLOW MOTION, it's a lot less forgivable.

    The Flaw

    Personally, I don't like this for a number of reasons.

    1. It paints a false narrative (Bjergsen didn't forget to ult / he couldn't have made the mistake of not ulting). In reality, he had time to ult. We don't know why he didn't. He could've forgotten. He could've been cocky and thought he could hold it a bit longer. He could've been overwhelmed by the fight. He could be losing his reaction time. Who knows.

    2. It gives incorrect information about the game. Yes, it's not a play-by-play casters job to teach the game, but they shouldn't mislead players about the counterplay to certain champs and mechanics. Knowing you can cast game-saving abilities during a root is a pretty important mechanic to know for the 100,000+ people watching.

    3. Being condescending to people taking time out of their nights to watch you isn't a good look. Being condescending AND wrong is an even worse look.

    submitted by /u/leagueanalysis
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    Not gonna lie, this is the most satisfying end screen ever.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:03 AM PST

    So apparently Gankplank barrel damage stacks in URF

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:05 AM PST

    What if Thresh have a similar mechanic to Zac and Malphite?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:55 AM PST

    Not an actual gameplay mechanic, more like a visual mechanic, like Zac stacking hp will get him bigger and Malphite stacking armor gets him bigger.

    What if Thresh earned his green fire by stacking souls. Like in the start of the game he's basically a lifeless gray armor, and by the time, with his passive stacks, the flame would start to grow, giving him a more threatening look. Maybe it could have an effect on his skills effects aswell idk, since he just got a visual update, this could add to it.

    submitted by /u/lksss811
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    Playing adc with "an afk behind you support" is worse than solo lane without jungler by far changed my mind

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:38 AM PST

    when your support has all pots full hp and full mana you know the game is going to be one of the worst experiences, especially when the enemy support is using every resource it has.

    Having to cs under tower most of the lane while your support doesn't even help you with it and then your team flames you for the cs dif is so tilting almost makes me swap lanes and go farm mid

    Edit: I can't believe the astonishing number of players saying it's better to just "afk so I won't int while auto-filled"

    the 1 misstep/AFK becomes hp mana or cs deficit that becomes better recall timings and lane control that becomes better map control that becomes priority that becomes drake that becomes tower that becomes first rotation second tower that becomes herald and the third tower that becomes 10k gold deficit that becomes better adc won

    just because you value kda more than actually playing the game and to top it all off then your talk trash because your adc sucks kekw

    submitted by /u/TheFranticGr
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    If Draven had Aphelios auto range

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:01 AM PST

    Liandris burn steals Baron and decides the game in the German National League

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Thorins Analogy on NA Side Laning

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:02 PM PST

    10.3 Patch Preview with changes.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Mark Yetter tweet


    Sett - Base HP regen 9.25 >>> 8; W cooldown 16-8 >>> 18-12; W base damage 90-230 >>> 90-210

    Ekko Jungle - Base attack speed 6.88 >>> 6.25; W stun duration 2.25 >>> 2s

    Diana - Base mana 420 >>> 375; W damage 22-70 >>> 18-66

    Akali - Q energy cost 100-80 >>> 120-100; W Akali gains 20-40% movement speed while in shroud >>> Akali gains 30-50% speed decaying for 2s on cast; R1 is free target >>> targeted

    Miss Fortune - Attack Speed per lvl 3 >>> 2.25%

    Senna ADC - Soul drop on minions Senna doesnt kill 20 >>> 25%; Soul drop on cannons senna kills 100% >>> 2%

    Sona - E self movement speed 25% (+4% per 100 AP) >>> 20% (+3% per 100 AP)

    Leona - W damage 60-220 >>> 60-200; E damage 60-220 >>> 50-210

    Rumble - W movement speed 20-40% (30-60 enhanced) >>> 15-35% (22.5-52-5 enhanced); W shield 80-200 >>> 60-200

    Aphelios - Calibrum marks can be used at infinite >>> 2000 range maximum

    Lucian - Bugfix - Second passive shot no longer crits for full damage


    Galio - Q tornado duration 1.5 >>> 2s; Q tornado damage ticks 3 >>> 4

    Sejuani - Attack speed bonus at lvl 1 0% >>> 10%; Passive falls off after hits from small monsters

    Yuumi - Q empowered damage 50-275(+40% ap) >>> 45-220(+40% ap)(+2-8% target current health); Q mana cost 85-110 >>> 90; W silences wont trigger cd; E heal 70-230(+30% ap) >>> 70-190(+40% ap)

    Azir - R soldier count (width) 5-7 >>> 6-8

    Corki - Special delivery damage per second 7.5-25 (+37.5 bAD) (+5% ap) >>> 7.5-25 (+50% bAD) (+6% ap); Special Delivery DoT duration when you knock enemies aside 1s >>> 1.5s

    Ezreal - Mana per level 42 >>> 50; Attack speed per level 1.5 >>> 2.5%

    submitted by /u/Carruj
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    As a resident of NA, I am all in for FlyQuest.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:56 AM PST

    • I have come to terms with the fact that NA is not winning any international titles any time soon (at least not until Shadow Dogs Unleashed make their debut).

    • I see domestic league as primarily just a means to an end (international participation/results).

    With FQ's new "TreeQuest" pledge I have decided that I'm just going to support FlyQuest in getting as many wins as possible instead of investing myself into the TL/C9/third seed nonsense (not an actual season prediction, I don't even care who the top 3 will be if it's not FQ getting wins for moar trees).

    I'll just watch FQ's games only and keep a running tree counter.

    I encourage NA fans to find similar alternative expectations to save them heartbreak.

    Of course, since FQ is 2-0 right now they're gonna win worlds*, so maybe I don't have to compromise after all.

    *assuming FPX and G2 get knocked out by TSM in the group of death

    tl;dr - the season has barely started and I'm already a salty tsundere towards my own region. it's not like i care or anything.

    submitted by /u/ManateeRawr
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    I believe I've just witnessed the greatest assist in ARURF, maybe ever

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:32 AM PST

    Race car Nunu vs. Race car Rammus

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:01 PM PST

    Somethign really needs to happen about people AFKing

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:35 AM PST

    I am not sure if this is just me, but since S10 started the amount of people afking in my game has increased by a lot.

    In my last 10 games I have had 3 people AFK in my team, in the enemy it was 2 people in different games. People AFKing is the one thing that upsets me most because you just cant do anything against it and it simply means you just wasted 20min of your life.

    It is beyond me how this kind of behavior seems to find 0 punishment. Something really has to happen in this regard...

    Edit: Yey, typo in title!

    Edit2: since many people seem to say it's because of the client I just want to make it very clear that I am talking about actual AFKs. People that write it in chat and then proceed to just chill in base. Or write „bye" followed by „A summoner has disconnected!". I know client has issues, but I am really talking about actual afkers.

    submitted by /u/ray1892
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    If Leigh "Deman" Smith could restart his esport career he would make sure not to leave Riot.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:49 AM PST


    Do you think Riot would consider taking him back? Do you think he could catch up with what League is today and contribute to the broadcasts in a meaningful way? Would you like to see him again?

    Edit: for those unaware Deman cast the Season 3 finals and the famous xPeke backdoor.

    submitted by /u/whowaswish
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    Interactions with new players are always so wholesome

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    I made a new account in NA because I've had it with the EUW server and I got out of a game where 4 out of 5 members of the enemy team were bots, while 2 out of 5 on ours were bots. Our Anivia was a new player, and he got a lot of kills off the bots. I was Yuumi (I love Yuumi and I hate to play super snowbally champions that will go 20/0 and destroy new player experience) and I did my best to protect and heal the 2 people on our team that weren't bots. He added me after, we had a bit of back and forth chat, and he told me excitedly about how this was his first game with the "ice dragon" and that that was the best he'd ever done.

    Things like this makes me want to interact with newer players more. They're so innocent, yet to fall victim to the insane toxicity and addiction that is league of legends.

    Edit: He just messaged me again saying "yeah that's a bird ._." LOL

    submitted by /u/Hypercryptyc
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    Blaber on C9 culture change: 'Zven is a lot more serious when we're playing compared to everyone'

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Hi, i'm Reapered work for Cloud9 just made Vlog video and i wanna share with y'all

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:56 PM PST

    Hey this is my second time reddit posting from IEM Cologne .. loli was posting for tried to apologize for the bad ceremony. ( even i was only one did correctly )anyway i made vlog video with no edit skills ! but at least i made English subtitle for English viewers !it's my first time ever made vlog video myself so not a high high quality video but i wanna get some feedback from you guys or get some cool idea's

    so, hope you guys like and if you wanna see something from my vlog just lmk ill try !

    oh also, i mainly speak Korean when i shooting video cuz be able to convey meaning with ease and accuracy. but i also speak English ! so don't worry about communication with my players !

    wish you guys happy new year and we will try to best this year for make you proud of us

    https://youtu.be/hWfh3AwHRZY just in case i leave link here

    submitted by /u/Reapered9
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    Insane play from Jhin

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:03 AM PST

    I´ve seen your greatest ARURF Assist ever, so I wanted to share this clip of the hardest outplay to kill my opponent, possibly ever.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:26 AM PST

    FNC Rising Magifelix (EUM Mid Laner) is currently Rank 1 EUW with...1700+LP??!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:43 AM PST

    Like what in the actual fuck?? It's not even a month into the season and this is by far the largest LP number we've seen in a western region. The closest I can think is when Santorin hit 1600 LP in NA last season beating out Tarzaned. Anyone have any input on this guys playstyle or what particularly about him enabled him to destroy the ladder this hard this early in the season?? https://gyazo.com/25c4d71522cc4d315833698cabdeef6c

    Late Edit: It's been mentioned that Tarzaned did in fact reach 1700 and in previous seasons have seen Jensen and Forgiven hit higher LP on the ladder. Sorry for the misinformed assumption!

    submitted by /u/Scriptorino
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    I attended and made a video documentary of Score's retirement ceremony, as we celebrated the KT legend's career. Featuring Faker, KaKAO, Smeb, Ray, Rookie and more

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:00 AM PST

    League of Legends: It’s time for a REAL challenge - by Nevercake

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Massive, probably unintentional nerf to Ivern with the jungle changes.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:48 PM PST

    Iverns passive only lets him consume the first two krugs instead of the entire camp, and the first two krugs are getting hugely nerfed. On the current patch, Ivern will get 70 exp and 75 gold from taking krugs, while on the new patch, he will only get 55 exp and 55 gold. Iverns dont usually take krugs as is but this will only make it worse -- I don't understand why Ivern just can't get the full benefits from krugs like every other jungle in the game. He has enough gimps as is.

    For those curious, here is the changelist

    submitted by /u/Speculatory
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    Elitists United Episode 27: Save Your Best For Q3 (feat. Grabbz)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Imagine not having 20 dashes

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:44 AM PST

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