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    Saturday, January 18, 2020

    LoL Guide What’s the difference between Plat, Diamond, Masters, Grandmaster and Challenger?

    LoL Guide What’s the difference between Plat, Diamond, Masters, Grandmaster and Challenger?

    What’s the difference between Plat, Diamond, Masters, Grandmaster and Challenger?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:14 PM PST

    Basically title. I'm only silver/gold, but I was curious and there aren't a lot of sources that explains the difference. I've heard from streamers that Challengers can totally wreck diamonds and that there's also a huge gap between D4,D1 and Master, can anyone explain what exactly makes players in the respective tiers different? I've also read on a random comment on summonerschool that mastering the basics of the game can get you to Diamond, is that true?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    Impostor syndrome, do you have it?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:26 AM PST

    I don't know why, it could be something within myself, maybe a result of a past trauma but I feel like I should be in a lower elo than where I am.

    I have been a consistent player since season 4. I first landed in Silver in season 4 and then gold, plat, gold, plat, plat.

    Few of my friends tell me that I am a good player but I 100% feel like I am as bad as they come. I have been plat before, on 3 different seasons and each time I get there I feel like it was just dumb luck: "I queued with good people who carried me." or "I should be in a much lower elo, I don't even know how to dodge."

    If we lose a game, most of the time I think it's 100% my fault, if we win, most of the time I think I 100% got carried.

    My current solution: when it gets so bad to the point it effects me IRL, I force myself to take long breaks (few days off).

    I was wondering, do you feel like this too? and if you do, how do you deal with these feelings?

    submitted by /u/hi_im_godric
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    I feel like me winning or losing top has 0 impact on the rest of the game

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Ive been trying to improve a lot lately, looking up item builds and watching pro players play matchups im uncomfortable with, but holy once I looked through my replays it didnt matter if I won or lose. I've been up 100 cs at 14 mins with plates and kills but if my team is behind I cant contribute, I just get destroyed. Opposite end of the spectrum ive been bodied and been down crazy cs and deaths, but if my team is winning I still contribute just by being a body. I feel like toplane has no impact, or I cant see it. Spliting doesnt feel that great, when my teams love to fight without me.

    submitted by /u/eevanja99
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    Grandmaster Coaching Gold 4 Nami Support | Macro and how proper vision could have turned the game around

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Hello friends :) enverOwnz here, some of you may know me some of you may not! But I recently did a vod review for someone on stream and in this game he constnatly said the game was over his team was bad and that there was absolutely NO way to win. After the review, he came to realize that the game was indeed winnable, understood the number of mistakes he made during the game and how proper vision could have easily turned the game around and prevent the katarina from snowballing.

    Link to full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4VVUEGgBAs

    The MOST important part of this game which that I think every support and honestly other lanes need to understand is how to get the good vision, always ward with reason, warding aimlessly is useless to your team. I explain it at 46:05 (14minutes in game) that getting that deep vision in their jungle while the botlane and enemy resets is KEY! You will know if a gank will happen LONG before they even get close to the lane. Because he did NOT take advantage of this you will see at 47:31 how katarina is able to sneak in and easily clean up to get a triple kill that could have easily been preventable and proceed to snowball the game.

    Another important aspect I would like to point out is positoning during teamfights. Many supports when playing enchanters in low elo simply sit behind their team and buff, you MUST play between your team and weave in auto attacks you simply cannot just sit back relax and watch a fight only using your abilities when they are up, there are always "pockets" as I like to call them that allow you to easily get auto attacks, and abilities off without being threatened by the enemy.

    If you guys have any questions or critique to what I say I am always open to discussion, also there is no such thing as stupid questions so feel free to ask away!

    Here are the time stamps for you guys, I really hope this helps some of you out :)

    2:50 level 1 trading

    6:53 Dodging skill shots

    8:07 - Playing parallel or in front of the adc NOT BEHIND

    10:39 - more of that stuff

    15:14 - ward with your adc

    16:18 - STEP UP!

    17:19 - when to get priority in the lane

    20:36 - Why you should not play on locked screen and positioning of the lane to prevent ganks

    30:08 - DON'T FACE CHECK ward over the wall trick

    30:45 - FREEZE the wave

    36:45 - Roaming

    41:18 - Pinks vs regular ward during a fight

    46:05 - Getting DEEP VISION WITHOUT DYING and how it can prevent ganks (we come back to this) 47:31 - 49:20 - MOST important part of video and the cause of loss, how you get fucked because of the above.

    52:06 - why a "lost game" is NOT lost

    55:04 - Which lane to go after EVERY base

    56:50 - Teamfight positioning

    59:00 - When to stop chasing and WHY

    01:04:02 - More positioning during a fight

    submitted by /u/enver0wnz
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    When to stop buying health potions

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Wben to stop buying health potions? Should I get health potions if I have a room left and some good even if it's past 10 mins? And I'm still in laning phase? What if the laning phase is over and I still have a. Room and gold left but it's been only 10min( just trying to get up to 250words so it doesn't get removed)

    submitted by /u/ciri-is-gay
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    How to climb Season 10 with ADC & TOP | Improvement videos organized by elo/difficulty

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Videos are all based on difficulty.

    Basic: Bronze - Gold 1

    Intermediate: Platinum 4 - Diamond 4

    Advanced: Diamond 3 - Grandmaster+

    Top lane

    Basic Videos | How to play toplane, basic idea and minset going into any lane with basic wave manipulation.

    Top lane Fundamentals

    Top lane Diamond Coaching | Mentality Focus

    Intermediate | How to begin to do slightly more advanced things with the wave, trading, managing resources and how to make more refined movements in lane.

    Master Top Coaching (Kennen)

    Master Top Coaching 2 (Darius)

    Master Top Coaching 2

    Advanced | Coaching the more advanced aspects of wave manipulation and top lane in general. (harder to understand for lower-elo players without a fundamental grasp on how to top lane)

    Challenger Top Coaching (XPetu)

    Grandmaster Fiora Coaching


    Basics |How to play AD-Carry, basic idea and mindset going into any lane with basic wave manipulation, trading, and spacing. Match ups dynamics and lane openings

    Low elo ADC Coaching #1

    Low elo ADC Coaching #2

    ADC Coaching #3

    Low elo ADC Coaching #3

    Low Elo ADC Coaching #4

    Intermediate | Slightly more advance concepts, same as basics however refining the basics into master tier and above.

    ADC Coaching #1

    Diamond ADC Coaching

    Advanced | Higher-level concepts in maximizing trades, playing at a knifes edge against the enemy while team fighting, advance wave manipulation, tempo, etc.

    ADC Advanced | Recommended for improvement

    ADC Challenger VOD Review

    Master ADC Coaching


    submitted by /u/ZenCoaching
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    Is Ekkos ult untargetability different from other untargetabilities?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 12:46 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    Is Ekko actually untargetable during his ult? Because i was watching some LPL, when i noticed this: https://watch.lolesports.com/vod/103462422157300683/1/DYuBupO3Kvs at 19:40 in the vod (12:18 ingame timer) Ekko goes for a towerdive then ults back (well nothing strange so far), but then comes the interesting part: an autoattack from a caster minion actually follows Ekko while he ults back, and it actually deals damage to him.

    I found that strange, so i was goofing around in practicetool, and to my biggest surprise i got hit by a towershot after ulting back from turret aggro range.

    So how does it work? BEcause it is apparently different from Fizz's untargetability (E), since if he uses it every projectile that was already locked on Fizz just disappears instantly.

    Edit: i have tested Ekko further and Camille as well in practicetool. If i took tower aggro, and instatpd to my base (shift-s) then the shots were following me all the way, for a good 5-8 seconds later i took the damage depending on how far i tp-d from the tower. However if after tp-ing i used Camilles or Ekkos ult, then the shots never hit me, despite the fact that i was targetable again when they were supposed to connect.

    Tbh this confuses me even more, because i could understand that the game checks if you are targetable when they would connect, but these 2 ults suggests that going untargetable simply "cleanses" you from any locked-on projectiles.

    Edit2: turret shots can only be dodged if you go untargetable while the projectile is in the air (in that case it instantly disappears, so game doesnt check if you are actually targetable when it is supposed to hit, it just vanishes), however if you go untargetable during the turret windup, you WILL get hit despite going untargetable (tested with Camille r)

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Is jungle getting less impact on the game since xp changes ? And how is adc role doing this season so far ?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Hey . So season 10 started and so is the grind and attempts to climb So basically im wondering if it would be easier to climb low/mid elo as a jungler or as an adc Im basically an adc main , made it to p2 (euw) last season playing almost kaisa over hundreds of games . I was watching a lot of junglers streams back then (rush/tarzaned/broxah) . So by the end of s9 i got a new account and started to climb as a jungler .. it went supprisinly well . Made it to p2 with a 67% wr in less than a 100 games playing (ekko/lee/olaf) So basically i would play as a jugler this season . I started to play soloQ with a g1 mmr account as a jungler and i struggled much . Since the xp changes to jngl camps . I think it got harder to carry and impact on the game as a jungler .. Now im thinking why not go back to playing adc .. (mf/vayne/lucian) are looking pretty good What do you guys think ? And thank you <3

    submitted by /u/Deathredshot
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    What do these sayings mean?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:39 PM PST

    I started watching a bunch of League of Legends streamers the other day to learn more about new champs, builds, and etc... I'm still new to the game (only around two weeks into playing), and I've noticed that there's a lot of things that they say that I don't really understand... I'm mostly asking for what these ones mean:

    • Peeling
    • Holding the minion wave
    • Zoning someone
    • Leashing
    • Running down midlane
    • Leashing

    From what I've watched, I think "leashing" is making jungle monsters chase you so that they don't kill the person who wants the buff, and "holding the minion wave" is not killing the minions and letting them build up, I might be wrong on those, but other than that, I don't have any idea on what those other things mean, can anyone explain?

    submitted by /u/ItsAmberisk
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    I’m just not good at this game

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:18 AM PST

    Despite my best efforts it seems like I just can't get anywhere unless it's in a bot game. In normal matches I either end up falling behind, building the wrong items, lag in terms of levels, misread situations, it's like a collective storm of crap that just beats me down again and again.

    How long did it take some of you to start even showing the slightest bit of improvement?

    submitted by /u/Yaoigasm26
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    How to lux?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I just hit level 5 on lux and she's the only support champ I'm familiar with. I want to get better and expand my knowledge with her. I usually just build recommended items and I get my runes off mobafire.

    What do you guys build on lux for items and what runes should I use? Also what's your guys best strategies? Is there any other easy supports to learn that are similar?

    submitted by /u/lileehan
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    What do you do when you hit major slumps?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Hi All:

    I hope this is appropriate. I'm new to LoL. I just hit 30 and did my promotions.

    After about 100 games, I had a 50% wr (60% with Nami) but over the last week, I've gone 14-24 and most of those have been complete slaughters. I went 2-8 in my promotions (finished Iron I) and was yelled at quite often by other players during the matches.

    I don't really flame but I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do next. I really enjoy this game but I'm miserable right now. Absolutely miserable.

    So, what do you all do to overcome these major droughts or problems?

    I've read some posts before, I try to focus on warding and not dying (did not go well in promos). I'm mainly a Nami main. I prefer enchanters but it seems like that is a tough way to go.

    I'm hoping since I've finished placements that the matches will be more even. Is this true? My promos were just as random and bad as the last two or so norm matches.

    If it matters: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=professorswitch

    submitted by /u/vintagejoel
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    How do I play Kai'Sa?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:56 AM PST

    I'm currently a Silver 1 player, and I'm trying to main adc for Season 10, but I just can't find any guides teaching me how to properly play the champion. Kai'Sa is one of the champions I enjoy the most, but I usually feed early on due to her lack of sustain. Late game is usually ok since she scales a lot, but at that time the enemy adc is already far ahead, what should I do?

    submitted by /u/Gebrows
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    When do I look for a roam?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST

    I am a bronze mid main and I tend to roam a lot because I play akali. When I roam I look and see which lane has the most option roaming potential like if my bot lane is pushed into their tower ill shove my wave and roam bot. However my cs has been lower or my laner gets a plate or goes to an obj since I've started roam more frequently. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Degreezify
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    How Do I Identify My Teams Win Condition?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 02:49 PM PST

    I'm a jungle main and I play almost exclusively tanks (Sejuani and Zac). I understand that this means I won't be able to carry a game in solo queue. I feel like I have games where I get my not lane ahead and we still lose. How do I identify my team's win condition so that I can make it happen and focus on that lane?

    submitted by /u/Cptcrispo
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    when should i build first ap item

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 11:49 AM PST

    hey i've been playing mostly midlane and i've been seeing some veigar and zoe builds (my 2 best mid champions ) with hextech glp instead of ludens echo, why is that, whats the advantage of getting glp instead of ludens and when should i take glp instead of ludens? (mostly as Veigar and Zoe, but in general

    oops, sry about title i just noticed that i mistyped it, sry english is not my main language, i meant What should i build as first ap item

    submitted by /u/nexthi1709
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    Any advise for starting my first ranked season ever?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Hey there,

    So after a ten game win streak that made me feel awesome I finally decided to play ranked this season. I played the game on and off for the last months so I'm still pretty new (I'm only lvl 43) and as soon as I started my first placement game I noticed how bad I actually am.

    I haven't won a single lane in my first 6 games (while in normal games I feel like mostly win or always go at least even with my opponent) and thus lost 5 of them so now I'm really demotivated and wondering if it's even worth to continue playing. My goal was to reach gold this season and I know that I can only achieve this by practicing, but right now I literally feel like the worst player in existence (one person even wanted to report me for beeing bad lmao).

    Do you have any advice on how to not loose focus and motivation when you're on a loss streak? Or is there anything I should know before continuing my ranked journey?

    submitted by /u/notsocagey
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    What's the best thing to focus on to climb as an ADC?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    I'm in silver 4 rn (was gold in s9) and I'm looking to move roles, from being a jg/supp main to adc/supp. Ive mainly been playing ezreal because I feel like if my support is a complete bonobo I can still get some farm and not die.

    What are the key aspects that I should be focusing on learning when playing adc? I thought something along the lines of farming well/not dying/etc. I rarely go over 5-6 deaths in my games but I feel like that number could be lower when playing such a safe champion.

    submitted by /u/Hypercryptyc
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    Warding as support Mid/Late Game in high diamond

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:45 AM PST

    I've been diamond since season 6 and I find myself not placing the most beneficial vision during the mid/late game transitions. I seem to always find myself losing the vision "ebb and flow." I was wondering what I can do to help my vision impact the game in my solo q games. Trying to ping to get picks on the vision I set doesn't always work out so to get proper safe vision that doesn't get cleared out immediately is my goal. My vision score on sites like league of graphs is around 1.8-2.4 wards per minute but it feels like I'm spending too much money on control wards instead of just protecting and moving up my vision line properly. I also can't seem to deny vision as much as the enemy.

    If anyone can help me understand this ebb and flow properly that would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/l2jash
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    How do you remember to do things?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 07:39 AM PST

    I know *some* basic theory from my 4 years of being hardstuck low bronze. But I just struggle to implement it. I forget to ward. When I check the map I dont process what is going on at all. I just dont know what to do. My brain isnt physically capable of dealing with all of the information. The main tip I hear is to just not play on autopilot and think about what you are doing. And every game I go into the game telling myself this game you are going to focus on your map awareness and cs and every game I dont. Should I just quit?

    submitted by /u/jackatsuki
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    A few questions from a returning player

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Hi! I'm just starting as an adc player after stopping the game in 2015 (was unranked at the time) and would like some advices. My goal is not to climb the ladder but to get a better player.

    1. I heard being an otp is the best way to learn the game. Is it a good idea? Wouldn't it hurt in the long run since I won't be able to adapt as easily as if I played different champions?
    2. How to choose which character to otp? A simple one like Ashe or a complicated one like Aphelios?
    3. When should I stop being an otp and start playing more adc?
    4. What are the most important things to practice as an adc? My guess would be cs and map awareness but I'm probably missing some.
    5. Should I try analyzing as much of my replay as I can and how to analyze them?
    6. Is ranked game a better environment for improving than normal draft?

    Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Kawett12
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    Which keys are optimal for using item actives?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 11:56 AM PST

    I have always been pretty bad at remembering to use my item actives and I'm trying to improve that along with my overall finger coordination in situations where I need to quickly react. So far, if I'm playing a champion such a Warwick who only uses one item active, I put it on the 5 key since my pointer finger can reach up for a quick tap every once in a while. However, with someone like Vladimir where I need to activate my spellbinders, zhonyas, and protobelt in different situations, what keys are optimal for doing so? I've heard of people putting actives on 1 but it just feels a bit awkward for me (maybe small hands has something to do with it).

    submitted by /u/cvgjnh
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    How to (top) lane against juggernauts as a melee non-juggernaut

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 11:48 AM PST

    If you look at play rates, there are a lot of juggernauts in top lane lately. And the juggernaut concept is that you're strong, but you can't catch anybody. You need them to come to you.

    My question is, what do you do when your kit is all about coming to them? For example, Camille or Fiora. If you're not in melee range, you can't do much. Any half decent juggernaut will zone you out. Now you can't CS. If you try to trade, they'll wait for your disengage and stun/pull/whatever, and now you're into a long, costly trade that you can't handle. You can wait for the late game and outscale, but it'll be with a severe gold handicap.

    What do you do in that situation? Just dodge if the matchup happens?

    Am I wrong that, in terms of design philosophy, it seems weird that Riot would have champions that really don't lose in melee range and champions that really lose if they aren't in melee range? Those latter champions are at such a disadvantage. And then juggernauts are vulnerable to ranged in the top lane, in turn.

    How is this kind of complete counterpicking fun? You don't always get to pick your matchup, and so sometimes you just get shit on. It reminds me of how they balance hearthstone. Certain decks beat other decks and lose to others, but you never know what deck you're going to play against. So oftentimes the matchup is all but decided by matchmaking.

    submitted by /u/slabby
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    Adc vs. Battle Mages

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 03:30 PM PST

    As an ADC main, most mages are easy to beat. I wait until they miss their scary ability (brand W/Q, Lux Q, Zoe sleep, Xerath E, Morgana Q)then go ham with autos and sidestep their other damage as much as possible. No problems there.

    Battle / control mages though are a different beast entirely. I consistently lose vs Vladimir, Orianna, Malzahar, and Viktor. Ryze isn't as bad but that is probably just the elo I'm in. I grab Grevious wounds right out of laning phase for the Vladimir but that is as much as I know about handling any of these champions. I can beat most mages bc they have decent cooldowns that I can play around, but the point-click-ness of Malzahar E, Viktor Q, and Vladimir Q (each on relatively short cooldowns) is an instant death warrant. Orianna move commands for ball are also too low CD for me to try and abuse them.

    No one can peel a point click ability from me, so my only option is stay out of range until those are on cooldown - but then they're right back up again. Other than playing Caitlyn/Jhin, I don't see a way to contribute any damage during a game when a battle mage is in the area. Each of these mages has survivability to play near my front line, so it's not a "position better / behind tanks solution". These are all also champions that scale incredibly well, so it isn't a "play safe and wait for late solution". Since I am botlane it isn't a "put them so far behind in lane they never catchup solution". They are consistently the last to die so it isn't a "be patient in fights solution". And since the damage is point click it isn't a "just get good solution".

    These are all of my normal solutions lmao. Anyone have pointers aside from these? If I see the enemy team has one of these my normal play is pick Jhin and try to just be too dagum speedy/ never be in range, ever, for anything, and focus on getting picks with W/R instead of teamfighting. If they pick after me though and I've chosen one of my go-to's (vayne, sivir, Ashe) it's gotten so bad that I'm considering dodging every game I see one which is an absolutely terrible solution.

    submitted by /u/amikol
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