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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    LoL Guide Logging my games to test the 30/30/40 rule

    LoL Guide Logging my games to test the 30/30/40 rule

    Logging my games to test the 30/30/40 rule

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    In a recent thread, the question posed was whether there was any proof for the 30/30/40 rule (or the 40/40/20 rule).

    For those who don't know, the 30/30/40 rule is a coaching principle that makes the following observation:

    • 30% of games are unloseable
    • 30% of games are unwinnable
    • 40% of games are directly impacted by your performance

    The numbers will vary depending on who is presenting the theory and how optimistic you are (hence the 40/40/20 variant). The basic idea is that there are games that you can't control, and games that you can. An improving player should focus on the games where they could and should have had a direct influence on the outcome, as compared to automatic losses or free wins (such as being carried by a smurf, having an afk or an inter, etc.).

    Since people were dancing around "proof" and pointing out the principle of the idea, I decided to evaluate my own play and see if was reflective of that ratio. I wanted a larger sample size (at least 100 games), but in compiling my 32 recent games, the pattern was rapidly emerging.

    Quick background:

    • I am Silver
    • I am a Support main

    I have no delusions of grandeur that I am any better than what my rank is. I don't think I'm hardstuck (in the sense that I can't get out), and I do believe I'm simply not consistent enough with my play to climb rapidly. Regarding the Support role, arguably Support is one of the more difficult roles to play and carry from at low elo. While pivotal in lane and in team fights, the Support typically can't do anything if the other roles (apart from ADC, to an extent) fail.

    What I did was log my games, listing by Champion played, my KDA for that game, some general notes about the match, a self-evaluation of my play, and my verdict on whether the game was an "Auto-Win", "Auto-Loss" or "Neutral". The auto- results indicate that regardless of how well I did, the team would've won anyway.

    Results after 32 games

    In short, the ratio pretty much checks out for the reasons identified. Roughly 30% of my games were won by my team regardless of whether I did well or not. Roughly 30% of my games were pretty much doomed to fail sooner or later. The bulk of the games I felt I either had a big impact or could have had one, but played poorly and deserved the L. Of the "Neutral" games, the ratio of wins to losses also roughly checks out (I'm improving my average ranking).

    Apart from 4 games with a duo, all the matches were in Ranked Solo.

    My evaluation and judgement is of course subjective. Based on this, I do feel that the 30/30/40 rule is accurate for a player who is ranking at their expected skill level, and I do optimistically think that if I spend time to refine my game, I should expect to see a gradual climb.

    I intend to run this test to 100 games for a larger sample size.

    submitted by /u/nusensei
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    Mathematically, the trolls help you climb

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    The other day I lost two games in a row due to our team's ADC going AFK. Naturally I was frustrated and internally complained about elohell and how unfair those two losses were. I consoled myself saying that it's actually fine because I will have games where the AFKs and ragequitters are on the other team that will give me an unfair W, so it should all even out. But THEN I realized that actually (theoretically/mathematically) the presence of these trolls should ultimately help my climb.

    Assuming that I never troll or afk or ragequit, there are 9 other possible players who can do so in a game. In games where one player trolls, the odds of that player being on my team is only 4/9ths, while the odds of them being on the enemy's team is 5/9ths, which is about an 11% difference in your favor.

    Of course, this is all theoretical, and it always feels like the afk is always on your team, not the enemy's, but it has helped me to get less tilted in games that I lose primarily due to an AFK or rage quitter.

    submitted by /u/Shiloticus
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    How to beat Zed as Ahri in Mid?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Hey! I currently play Ahri & Lux mid and I always ban Yasuo, as I struggle against him the most. But I've also realized that I also struggle fighting Zed, especially when he hits Level 6 and starts to get more aggressive. How do I survive and thrive better in mid lane as Ahri against an aggressive Zed?

    Thanks for the help and I'm also looking for friends to play with!

    submitted by /u/kimbchi
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    Support Senna build

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Hello! I just recently picked up Senna and have been really enjoying her, specifically her Glacial Augment set up. But I am not sure if I am building her optimally.

    Right now, my first item is Umbral Glaive no matter what. It just feels so fun and broken to be able to one shot a ward at range. After that I get a second lethality item. Which is the first place where I am not sure if I am doing right. Basically I always go for Edge of Night for increased survivability. I don't know in which situations going Duskblade or Ghostblade would be better, so I just go with the safer choice.

    After that I build a Last Whisper item and this feels pretty good too. But I have no idea what to get for the last item. So far, in the games that have gone long enough, I got Guardian Angel as a defensive choice. I also have been thinking about Death's Dance lately but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

    Lastly, Black Cleaver seems like a good item on her too, but I don't know what to give up to make up a slot for it and when it would be the right choice.

    Also, I don't know if this matters but I am normally a mid main around gold elo, but I am currently playing with a friend on another server, who is an ADC main. And I am playing as her support. The account isn't even 30 yet, and I am guessing we will be playing around bronze when we are finally able to start playing ranked.

    submitted by /u/Minsc17
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    How do I make people not surrender?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    My last two game, we started losing, then the ff was declined, we slowly started to get back on track, second ff was accepted and we lose.

    This happens often and it's very frustrating.

    In the last game it happened to me, things started to go bad. The enemy had much more gold and damage, and 2 towers. First ff is declined, we keep playing. They take a drake, we take 2 towers, steal a drake, then take another tower. At this point, fights were more fair, we survived longer and the kill gap between them and us was slowly getting thinner.

    Eventually, we had the opportunity to do another ff, I was the only one to say no and it was a lost.

    I'm fairly certain if we actually reached the 30 min mark we could have won.

    In that case I put in on people's fatigue as I got flamed for saying no at the first ff (it was 3 yes, my no, and no answer).

    So yeah basically, how can I convince people to go for the win when they want to ff because like they're not overfed at 15min?

    submitted by /u/Nimyron
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    For those tracking their performance or keeping a log of their games - How frequently do you come across AFK players?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    I saw the recent posts about the 30/30/40 rule/ video and a subsequent post of people tracking how much of an impact they had on the game. For anyone else tracking their games, how frequently are you seeing players go AFK?

    Over the last year, people have been posting constantly about how bad/ frequent the problem of AFK players is in soloQ. It's a serious problem though, and I think it is a much larger problem in lower elo.

    A lot of times I see people bring up the stat of "only 10% of games has an AFK." I think that is seriously under-representing the issue. Where did that stat come from and how old is it? Is that only 10% of games had an AFK that was detected and punished?

    For example, after going through my comment history I know I had 5 AFK in my first 16 games (4 on my team), and I've had an AFK in 8 of my last 20 games, 6 of them on my team. Total of 13 AFK out of 36. Which means of the games that I for sure remember and have accurate stats on, I've had AFK players in 36% of my games. Even if we assume that NONE of my other ranked games had a single AFK (which definitely isn't the case), that is still at minimum 13 of 87 games, which is 15%. A couple of those were definitely connection issues, but the vast majority were deliberate ragequits. Several of them announced it in all chat, where a quick look would make it obvious that they had quit. "Bye", "I'm done", "I quit", etc. Has anyone else kept track of the number of AFK players in their games? If so are you seeing around 10% or are your numbers higher?

    submitted by /u/bgusty
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    Best way to not die to tristana level 2 all-in?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I am playing in a 1v1 tournament where my enemy is probably going to play tristana and all-in me lvl 2. How do I beat this? I am allowed to recall but winner is decided by first death, first tower, or 100 cs. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mushropommancer1
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    This video by Coach Curtis on the Ranked Climb and 30/30/40 rule is a 100% must watch for everyone looking to climb.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    Struggling with knowing when to farm jg and when to help with team fights in the mid game.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    I'm a Silver 1 support main that just started maining kindred in norms. I'm trying to improve as much as possible and I'm beginning to question if I'm having as much of a presence as I should in the mid game. Early game is fine. I consistently get first drake and successfuly gank often, but I feel like I'm not transitioning into team fight mode when I should. Alot of times I'll be clearing a camp in my jungle and look up to see my team 4v5ing or 4v4ing mid. I never get "called out" for it in chat but at the same time I feel like I should be more present for my team. When should I be farming and when should I be grouped mid after the laning phase as a jungler?

    submitted by /u/Johnny_Guitar_
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    Learning to draft better?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    Ive got some questions about drafting good comps/knowing when a game looks ideal for one champion or another. I personally believe in mostly one tricking a champ, but having 1 or 2 off picks if that champ is unplayable. However, I have trouble determining which champ would suit a certain team comp/ do well against a comp. (for reference I mostly jungle so I'm not concerned with lane counters, mostly just general team comp drafting). Maybe not everyone sees drafting as very relevant concept, but I believe it's something I struggle with and I can sometimes really mess up a game by picking the wrong champ.

    For starters, I understand that knowing which champs are good in which drafts does take a massive amount of game sense and experience, and is also related to the meta. However , over the past year or so I've gotten m5 on several different champions and it helped me a ton in understanding them, playing against/with them, but I feel I still don't fully understand their drafting qualities. Lux for example, I understand she's a combo/poke/control mage type deal, but I don't think I could determine if she's a good pick by looking at either comp. every champ is unique , but how can I understand the draft qualities of every champ?

    Another question is, should you be looking to synergize with your team, or should you be looking to fill in the gaps? For example, let's say our team picks 4 squishies and they want me to go tank. That's fine, i pick zac, but In the past I find this hasn't worked out; being the sole tank focused very heavily when I go in and such. maybe a full engage tank like zac isn't good with a full squishy comp. So should I aim to be a proper tank for my squishy team, or maybe adapt to some of their other weaknesses (like picking an assassin if we lack one, or play a more support type champ in the jungle)? Or look to synergize with them (for example, if we have 2 tanks already, should I pick a 3rd and solidify an amazing front line for our team)?

    Even better, if we have 3 late game, scaling champs (maybe ones with low lane priority as well), should I pick an early game champ to assist them , while running the difficulties of having weak laners and also being useless later on, or should I pick a scaling champ and revolve our win conditions around scaling and late game?

    My last question is, is it possible to have a champion pool of 3-4 in which one of them will be good EVERY game? Currently I main evelynn, and when I can't play her (due to either team comp) I play j4, and they are workable picks probably 80% of the time but I'm curious if adding another champ could "round out" the pool and give me more flexibility in the face of any draft (not just for my champs in particular , but for any 3 or 4 champions). Particularly , how would I know what champion that might be? (In my case probably anything that's not an assassin, or an AD bruiser/frontliner, but I'm still not entirely sure)

    Sorry for the long post, I hope my questions make sense, if you have any other general advice for understanding drafts I would love to hear it!

    submitted by /u/CitronRind
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    Top Laners that are beginner friendly or easy but have a decent amount of skill expression?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    The title says it all, I'm just looking for a top laner that's relatively easy or at least okay for a beginner but also has a decent, not exactly HIGH amount of skill expression.

    submitted by /u/SmaneBane
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    Haven't played since Jhin came out, what should I study up on?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    As the title says I haven't been able to play the game since Jhin came out, right when he came out I was moved to a location with essentially no internet, I'm now back and able to play again but I can see things have heavily changed! I was wondering if people were willing to offer some advice or to send me good videos/youtubers/streamers I could watch to learn more about how things work now and to get a good idea on whats currently valid! When I last played I main'd Rek'sai and Kha'zix, also currently wanting to get into the new warwick as jungle is my favorite roll to play and he seems pretty competent now.
    Thank y'all for the help! I'm excited to be back

    submitted by /u/JPtour75
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    Link to streams and games

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:00 PM PDT


    Like all of you here I want to get better at the game. One way to do that is to watch pros play. I vaguely remember there being a link/website where all major games were listed, does something like this exist?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/JonkenponkenKonken
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    A useful tip to help you win Trade

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Instead of trying to attack the enemy constantly, you need to try to cancel attacks constantly.

    What do I mean?

    First, we need to understand that different champs have different attack ranges and speeds. Especially for those ADC players, knowing the auto-attack range is quite important because you can just kite the enemy ADC if your range is longer.

    When you try to auto-attack the enemy, there will be two situations: enemy in your auto attack range or out of your auto attack range. In the first situation, you can simply cast your attack successfully. However, when the enemy is out of your attack range, your champ will walk toward the enemy. As soon as the enemy is in the critical range point, your champ will attack them.

    So, for example, when you are farming in the laning phase, whenever you want to move toward the enemy, maybe just simply to cs, you need to click on them instead of clicking the ground. If the enemy also tries to move on and cs, you will auto-attack them as soon as they are in your range. This auto-attack will be faster and automatically than your opponent. If the enemy doesn't move close to you, you can simply cancel this when your champ has moved to the spot you want.

    So you should try to constantly right click your opponent and cancel it. This can help you attack them more often and set up your advantage. If your attack range is longer than your opponent, this can help you to kite your opponent constantly and take advantage of every opportunity to consume your opponent's health

    submitted by /u/the--sky
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    What I learned from playing Ranked on KR servers for a month as a previous GM.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Hello guys, so my peak was Grandmaster (Decayed to D1 now) on NA playing mostly Kat, Irelia, and Yasuo. I hit Rank 1 NA on Irelia and Kat on Leagueofgraphs during Season 9 + 10. I climbed mostly by roaming and mechanical skill, and having slightly worse macro than most players in my elo.

    Basically due to corona I had to move back here to Korea in over 13 years, and I made a fresh account and levelled it to 30. I always heard people saying NA is a bad region etc etc, but I never really understood why they said that. I always thought good players will climb high and bad players will stay at low elo. It's been maybe almost a month, and I'll tell you guys what I learned from playing on KR servers.

    1) People are significantly better here than NA mechanically.

    I honestly didn't expect these players in high silver - plat to be so good mechanically. Even if their macro is a bit lacking, their mechanical skill is insane. I noticed that the plays that these players make (esp. above gold 1) are better than some low diamond - d2 players I've seen, and that's not an exaggeration. Some laners are bad at actual laning but once it gets to teamfights, it sometimes feels like I'm playing on my main.

    2) People roam. A LOT.

    These players, especially supports / mid and even top, roam like crazy. Obviously there's an occasional early level roam on NA too but it's actually common here. Like constantly expect a lvl 2 roam from their support. Also, most laners will rotate instantly if there is a fight going on.

    3) People only play what's meta.

    There are a lot less "one tricks", and most one tricks are one tricking champs that are relatively good in the meta. Almost everyone has a very similar champ pool which is all what's meta basically.

    4) Overall, it's harder to climb for most people.

    Yeah obviously there's players like TF Blade and SOME pro players who can climb past masters, but for certain types of players like me who basically just used mechanical skill and roaming more to climb have a harder time climbing. Playing on KR ultimately showed me that I need to work on all parts of my skill such as macro so that I can climb faster. I think maybe this is why people say Korea is a "better region" than NA or w/e, since mechanical skill is easier to see visually on how good a player is. However macro is just as important and that might be something maybe NA is better at.

    What do you guys think NA is good at?

    submitted by /u/FadeOfWolf
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    How can i carry Ranked Games in Low Elo as a Mid Laner

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I'm a Bronze 1 Mid laner and i have been playing league for 2 months. I have a 5 ranked game lose streak now and i really have to talk about this with somebody because i want to get good at league. I will explain my playstyle by telling pros and cons.

    Firstly, i have a champion pool consisting of: Akali, Irelia, Diana, Cassiopeia, Syndra, Ahri, Annie and Zyra. I will add Orianna to my champion pool too.

    This is my OP.GG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=WicktirWick

    My Pros:

    1- I don't die a lot during laning phase so you can tell that i am not the one that feeds enemy team.

    2- I ping a lot to inform my team about everything and make them aware of the location of the enemy jungler or my enemy mid laner.

    3- I care about vision. When i have push, i go to ward certain points in map to gain information of enemy jungler or objectives that are important for team (for example vision of the drake)

    4-I know about wave management and i prepare my lane for certain situations like:

    • I get push when it's 3.15 (scuttle time) so that my jungler can get scuttles knowing that i will go to help him if something happens.
    • I freeze my lane when my jungler is nearby and looks for gank to my lane.
    • I push to enemy tower when i need to go to base but if it's cannon wave, i just leave it that way because i know that i won't lose anything.

    5- I care about getting towers and playing for objectives more than fighting for no reason.

    6- I don't trade with my enemy laner when i don't know where enemy jungler is.

    My Cons:

    1- My CS is bad (not during laning phase). I always stop cs'ing but it is because i don't know where to go. Most of the time, when the first tower is down bot lane goes mid lane to farm safely but i mostly play squishy mages so i always think that i need to stay mid to be safe too however this way, me and bot lane share XP which is very bad because i know that i should never share XP with someone.

    2- I can't figure my character's damage. What i mean is that when i plan to go all in, i don't know whether i can kill my enemy or not and this causes me to spend every skill i have for nothing. I suppose that comes with being competent with the character i'm playing but i'm open to other solutions.

    3- I'm terrible at teamfights and i don't know how to get better at it.

    So this is pretty much how i play. I know that i have problems and most of the time, i should blame myself for losing the game but i don't think that the only problem is me. My team never listens to my calls and most of the time, they make dangerous decisions that can lead to bad things (like their death) and i can't stop them. I don't know what to do and how to play when enemy is fed. I can't figure out how to carry my games just by myself. This is the reason why i wanted to write this post so i would appreciate if you guys can give some tips. Thank you for your consideration.

    submitted by /u/fasqoyi
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    Clash/Flex team needs help!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Flex/Clash Team

    Hi All, sorry if this isn't the best place to post this I play flex/clash with a group of friends. I know the group wants to actively improve and they enjoy winning and working well together, however the group is struggling.

    Our current team their rankings + ability

    Top - Gold 2-3 Can play lane very well often matches even with high plat/low diamond top lakers

    Jungle - Plat 4 Often Ints early game, doesn't know how to path, struggles to gank effectively and control early objectives

    Mid - Unranked Former Diamond 5 Player - Can have a bit of ego especially when dealing with jungler can hard carry games or hard int depending on how the game goes

    ADC - Diamond 2 - Is the consistent carry for the team, if this player gets ahead we tend to win 80-90% of the time through this player

    Sup - Low Plat - sometimes struggles with lane phase, but can typically team fight very well and has good vision control mid/late game

    As it currently stands I would say jungle is our weakest point, in many games early game goes horribly wrong or the enemy jungler gets leads in all 3 lanes, our jungler doesn't feel comfortable in pathing early and will often times coin flip the early game onto unwinnable fights. E.g (hard forcing scuttle 2v2 as Nunu + Zoe Vs Zed + Lee sin). This often causes the team to play from 2-3k gold + Dragon behind, overall our team sits at around a 60-65% win rate despite this difficulty our ADC can farm up and carry on 3+ items.

    I am unsure how best to fix this issue because we have all done VoD review together to try and get our jungler to play the early game better but he says he often gets "monkey brain" and forgets everything instantly.

    (it also doesn't help he has a bit of an ego from getting into plat even though our ADC is adamant that he only got to plat because they duoq'd last season and he got carried there). The jungler also doesn't feel confident playing mechanical champions, and outright refuses to play lee sin in any capacity.

    What should we do to fix our problems?

    Worst case Scenario, what is a very "easy" jungler for our team to play to have a consistent early game that can still be useful to help our bot lane get ahead + win fights.

    submitted by /u/castro3halo
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    How to play against a yasuo while playing as talon?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Yesterday I decided to play ranked, as I realized at level 50 the only way I could learn how to play better at this point is ranked. I'm not rushing to climb but taking in all my mistakes and learning to play better due to the more competitive nature In rank.

    My problem is yasuo. I feel like he's impossible to play against, really only due to his wind wall. He has such a huge counter on me as talon, as to get my full combo off I have to hit him twice with my w and hit my q but if he rushes and places windwall behind him when I w, I can't possible win! Do I just ban him or are there any talons out there who know how to outplay a yasuo.

    The only reason why I tend to not ban yasuo is because I feel like it's a 50% chance their actuall dog dodo or they're really good only due to their bs character.

    submitted by /u/DDtr0uble222
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    How to play with enchanter supports?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    I feel like every time I try to play botlane as Ezreal it's always with me paired with an enchanter support(Yumi, Soraka, Nami, Sona, Lulu) and the enemy botlane going 2 lane bullies(Draven, Cait, Lucian, Jhin, Blitz, Thresh, Naut, Swain, Brand). It feels terrible to play because I always get poked down, have to concede bot prio because I'm basically laning 1v2 and almost always lose lane. The enemy botlane will have dragons on us because I'm always shoved in, and getting dove happens all the time because I get shoved every single time. Most of the time I just let bot tower fall so the waves can push in and I can finally farm and I tell my support to just leave me and help the team

    submitted by /u/DwyaneDerozan
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    I know you've heard this a thousand times. But what can I do when I do well/win lane but my team is feeding/losing on every position?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I dropped from plat 2 to plat 4 in the last 2 days.

    I just dont know what to do. Is this some cruel test to check if Im ready for diamond?

    I get feeders, inters and quitters in almost every game. I have games were people go afk at 8 min because the bot is 0-5 and the game is already over.

    I play top and jungle, do well, often I kill my laner, I get plates, I try to help where I can, I get herald and I still lose because my team gets crushed.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/KaiLaddeGricht
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    OTP vs 2/3 trick pony

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I'm considering starting a fresh account and OTP a champ however the concept of playing just 1 champ with a pocket pick if you're banned out just seems so boring (no offense) I just personally struggle to stick to just 1 champ. However I'm also aware that 1 tricking is the most effective way to climb, I'm just wondering if there are any OTP that can enlighten how they decided on their champ, how they don't get bored (other than just stomping on people) and any 3 tricks that have been as equally successful as a OTP and don't get bored. I understand 3 tricking gives you more diversity by picking 3 champs that can fulfill different roles within a team comp.

    TLDR: how an indecisive summoner can decide on a small champ pool or a 1 trick pony champ.

    submitted by /u/bwak714
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    Rotating to fights

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Should you always rotate to skirmishes in the river? No matter what state your lane is in? Example: If your lane is slow pushing to them and you are going to miss a lot if you leave lane, sure you may be able to win the fight in the river and kind of cut your losses. But you're not always going to be able to cut your losses, should you just take the risk anyways and leave lane?

    submitted by /u/ZenDugo
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