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    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: February

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: February

    Champion Pool Megathread: February

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Wow. Dodging is an amazing tool.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:41 AM PST

    So, I recently came across some threads on this subreddit about how worthwhile dodging is, regardless of LP or promos simply for the MMR. As a player that is already diamond, I've found this to be sooo beneficial and makes the game more enjoyable. I've been dodging every game that feels the enemy comp is better or if I've been having some tilted/learning champ players. I've won every game since starting that today, and god it feels nice to not be so frustrated at people for not taking the game seriously.

    Honestly, consider dodging frequently to climb. It's worth losing the -10 LP for keeping your mmr and winrate higher.

    Also will note I've seen some high elo players like metaphor, scrubnoob and tarzaned do this frequently as well in case people are wondering.

    submitted by /u/Disastrous_Platform
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    Gold mid turned jungler in S10 - is this what all junglers deal with??

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:39 PM PST

    I've been an Ekko main for a year or so, but I'm kind of tired of mid. I decided to switch to jungle this season because I really enjoy the champion pool and my best friend is a plat mid main, so if I get to the point where I'm in plat this season I'd like to duo with him some.

    So I've been playing Warwick and Shyvanna, and I've been doing the level 5 five minute drake with some great success, with a 74% first dragon rate and about a 40% pre-25 minute Dragon Soul. But I've noticed that in Silver (what I got placed into this season, but it seems to be more like gold mmr) that I'm having trouble turning those into wins. I snooped around and landed on a Mobalytics video and it suggested trying a more carry oriented jungler, so I've since picked up Kha'zix.

    I've been having mixed success. Basically either I pop off or I struggle... but it seems regardless of what I'm doing I'm getting flamed all game long. Top dies to a gank while I'm doing drake? Spam pings. Support dies to enemy jungler while deep warding? Spam ping. Top lane getting camped and I'm not there every single time? Flame, spam ping, AFK.

    I'm finding that I love the role, but it seems like something I'm noticing is that everyone blames the jungler for literally everything that happens in their lane. I have not gone one game without someone at least spam pinging me once, and pretty much any time I don't do well I'm getting told to literally kill myself. I've tried /mute all for the last 10 or so games, but in a majority of them my teammates will end up in my jungle attempting to steal my camps while I'm doing them and leaving their minions to die under tower, or literally running it down mid then flaming me in post-game chat.

    Is this what it's like as a jungler? I feel like I never noticed this in mid lane, but this is brutal. The role is so fun but it feels as if laners think it's my obligation to basically be in all lanes at all times for them. And I'm not gonna lie, I get really tilted when silver players are telling me to uninstall. I've stopped responding and stopped engaging, but I'm getting really unmotivated.

    submitted by /u/Narwal_Party
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    Why has TF Blade been purchasing both black cleaver and triforce recently?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:53 AM PST

    On his new account (and maybe before that ), he's been building black cleaver as well as Tri force on champions like Irelia and Jax. Is it simply to get health + ad stats and 40% cdr or is there something more than I am missing here? Seems like two really expensive items and you're missing out on efficiency because of shared passives.

    submitted by /u/97012
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    If your teammates are snowballing, don't force in your lane

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I know this is common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people turn off their brains and autopilot even in platinum elo where I play.

    So basically, let's say you're playing mid and are even vs your oponent. Your bot is 2/0 and your jungler has secured a drake. You know that bot is going to snowball and they are gonna carry as long as you play arround them and don't make it too hard for them. Don't force any questionable all ins/ towerdives/invades on your own. Just play slow and don't gamble. Farm your lane, get lane priority and be there for your team to fight objectives. Just don't risk throwing a free game by giving your lane oponent/jungler a lead because you wanted to be the team star. It's ok to come even or slightly lose as long as you're not a burden for your teamates.

    TL,DR. Learn to get carried. If your teammates are doing good, just play safe and assist them. Don't risk throwing game by trying to snowball yourself when they're likely to carry you.

    submitted by /u/arduino89
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    When to dodge?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Hi I'm very low elo ranked :) and would love to climb higher however not really sure when to dodge a game apart from when I see very tell tale signs like I've been hard counter picked or a team mate is running troll summons. What are other not so tell tale signs of when I should be dodging though?

    submitted by /u/A_404
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    AP amumu or tank amumu in low elo?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:07 AM PST

    I am currently trying to learn jungle to climb out of bronze, and play almost exclusively amumu (with occasional Diana pick because I played a lot of Diana mid in s9). I generally run electrocute or predator as I like to build ap and carry, but build tank instead if I fall behind early. I noticed that in bronze, even if I get a 3-4 man ult my team rarely follows up and I die. If I play ap, at least I can trade myself for their squishy, but as a tank I feel totally useless, even if I don't die so soon. So my question is, which is the better option for bronze noob like myself, and what should I focus on when playing it?

    submitted by /u/jesonis
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    Why is dodging so prevalent and is this a good thing?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:38 PM PST

    I've noticed quite a few posts on this sub recently praising how effective dodging out of a bad matchup is, and no one seems to think this is in anyway poor competitive integrity. I came from Dota before League, and if you consistently dodged in Dota you would be put into the Low Priority queue, which consisted only of griefers and dodgers.

    Why is dodging so neccessary, why isn't it punished like other games do, and is it gaming the system for an unfair advantage?

    submitted by /u/nihilist-ego
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    Good toplane roster?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:29 PM PST

    Hi guys I'm returning to League after a couple of years off. I was a toplane main but only played Pantheon and Jayce. Now I noticed that my roster was a bit to one sided since I only played early game champs. What is a good roster to climb? I was thinking about playing about 4 champs, a bruiser, a splitpusher, a tank & an AP option. Do you guys have any reccomendations on what a good roster for a top lane player would be? (I was Silver I in my „best" days)

    submitted by /u/UCase13
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    I am playing too scared as an engage tank in teamfights?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:05 PM PST

    I am really curious if this is an issue for anyone else.

    Basically I feel like my team never follows up and I die for free each time so I am like let me play a bit behind and engage after the fight starts.

    Also after blowing cooldowns I just back off to not take too much damage and rengage afterwards.

    Of course I can get flamed a lot for that and I am not sure if I am wrong or they are.

    Now the basic process of thought is fk you team I don't trust you.

    Whenever I see people willing to coordinate with me I have no problem frontlining, but if they keep flaming me while basically never following up engages, I will be stubborn and just play backline.

    Tank supports are maybe more disposable, but even as tank top or jungle I just fell I die for free every time.

    Now I feel I am partially wrong, but not entirely. Should I just change my mentality and play more aggressive in teamfights no matter what?

    submitted by /u/ChristianTheOne
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    Is it possible to exceed 100% tenacity?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:03 AM PST

    As the title says, can a champion exceed 100% tenacity? I got curious about it when I was playing mundo and literally build tenacity items like sterak's(30% when active), merc treads(30%) and buying elixir of iron(15%) which would be a total of 75% plus the tenacity rune in precision tree which is 30% and his w passive which reduces cc effects by 30% which would total for a 135% tenacity which seems absurd to me.

    TL:DR is it possible to have 135% tenacity as dr. Mundo?

    submitted by /u/not-an-elf-rain
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    Any tips on how to avoid button mashing?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Hey guys.

    I've been subbed here for a long time, but I never posted before, so here goes.

    I finished G3 last season and this is my second season playing League. My first pick was MF and I've been spamming her a lot while I was climbing.

    The problem I'm having is that after playing her for so long, it's been ingrained in my muscle memory that the burst combo of MF is basically dumping all of her abilities, and then auto-attacking until they go out of cooldown again.

    As a result, I do well with champions that have a simple burst combo (MF, Ashe, etc), but I can't play any of the others reliably (Vayne, Sivir, etc).

    I'm trying to slow things down and just use the abilities when I need them, but under pressure my brain just defaults to what it's done so many times, and mash all the buttons, and that's obviously not an optimal way to play. I've gotten to the point where I'm not even looking at cooldowns and I'm constantly mashing the buttons in anticipation of a cooldown ending and re-casting the ability. As you can expect, this leads to cancelling auto-attacks sometimes as well.

    I was wondering if any of the more experienced players have any tips on breaking this bad habit.

    Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/Etherfast
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    Is it worth watching Uzi and learn throug his streams?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Sounds like a stupid question since he is one of the better adc:s in League history but theres one thing that bugs me a bit watching his vods.

    Uzi is so mechanically gifted that he almost always plays aggressive because of the fact that he has faith in his skills in dodging skillshots. He can play aggro on champs like jinx that doesn't have that good of an early game because he can bait out abilities and pressure the opponent adc by always poking him or make them lose cs. The problem is when i try to play aggro doding bliz hooks and poking enemy adc, guess wha? Insta fucking dead my guy.

    I obviously know that he has better gameknowledge than me too but i'm still a bit confused if i should learn through him or watch some other streamer that plays less of a "high risk high value" type of gameplay.

    submitted by /u/flygandeuntzaren
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    Newbie ADC from low gold has itemization problem. (Question)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Hello ADCs of reddit,

    recently I decided to start maining Xayah and I have som question on ADCs in general and about Xayah. I have many question but most importnat is: What item do you buy and why? Right now I'm build AR -> Zeal item -> Infinity -> Zeal Item -> GA, or QSS etc. But I noticed that many "pro" players building other items because of situation. Here comes my question... Which items are for what situations. I mean like you can build BT insted of second zeal item when enemy team has /or because enemy champions are tanky you can build this and this... So I would love to ask you about your recomendations for when to build what item. Thanks a lot, your summoner. (Sorry for my poor Egnlish, I guess.)

    submitted by /u/Skeri_
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    New player needing help

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:37 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I have a few friends that play LoL so I decided I would give it a go. I am about level 12 now and I am really struggling. Any game I play against real people I am always put up against "smurfs" and I cannot do anything. I fall so far behind and get flamed. But if I play against bots it is too easy and I don't really learn.

    I try watching videos and reading guides but this doesn't help me because when I try to put it into practise it is always against people with loads more experience. Is there anyway a new player can actaually learn this game?

    submitted by /u/GotMyCoffee
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    Support main transitioning to top lane

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:26 PM PST

    Hey guys I didn't really know where else to ask some general questions so I figured I would post here. This is my 2nd season of league and i made it to plat 4 last season one-tricking Zyra. I noticed i don't feel comfortable in any other role and have a tough time with cs. i figured since im relatively new to the game it doesnt hurt to learn top and basic cs mechanics. My other account is close to 30 and i plan to try to climb as far as I can playing top. Any general advice for transitioning to a new role? I plan on maining ornn and garen.

    submitted by /u/BloodBorneuwu
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    Understanding power spikes and when to fight in Top Lane

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I'm a top main and one of the big things I struggle with is knowing when to fight and trade and not. More specifically in the early game between levels 1 to about 7. I also don't really know how to figure out my opponents power spikes and my own. I main Sylas so I know i can't really fight until level 3 but i don't know what I can to avoid fighting until then. Any help woukd be really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/N1GHTSURGEON
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    What are some tips for using quick cast with indicators, pros/cons?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:10 AM PST

    I'm getting better at it over the past 6 months, but there have been certain skills that i definitely don't execute properly. Thinks like an Elise cocoon, Warwick Q hold, and I definitely miss smites that I shouldn't imo.

    I've learned that it probably has to do with right-clicking while I'm pressing the skill buttons that cancels out, cause I tend to just click constantly. But missing objectives with smites just seems weird. Maybe I should "prime" the smite by hold the key first and waiting until it's time to release?

    I do like using the indicators. I've definitely increased my skillshots accuracy with them on.

    submitted by /u/tootallteeter
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    How to play a roaming based champion when the enemy team is playing too safe?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    I'm a talon player and a lot of the time we need to roam to get anything done if we have a bad matchup mid.

    However it seems like the enemy can just play safe and I get an even more disadvantage . It seems dumb to rely on them being stupid.

    First off. I know about "fake roams" But they still don't get me much in the end

    Yes I've killed the jungler before and that seems like the best option atm.

    is there any other way I could have better impact ?

    submitted by /u/sjskwdndnnw
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    Preparing for Placements

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:30 AM PST

    I've returned to League for a bout a month after being gone for some time. I'm a Jungle main playing mostly J4, Shyvanna and Warwick, and managed to finish Silver 4 after being in bronze for 2 seasons. I have a duo queue partner who plays mid (Veigar mostly) and top (Mord and Urgot) who just recently hit level 30

    Does anyone have any advice for us to prepapre for our placements? Any advice is much appreciated!


    submitted by /u/Fire_and_Lightning
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    Quick Lesser Known Warding Info Around Dragon Pit

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Hey this is a really bare bones simple video about some tips about warding around dragon that I see people mess up in all elos. Mention in the comments if I forgot anything as I am always open ears.

    The video mostly goes over effective warding spots and the ineffective warding spots I see people use.


    submitted by /u/wtfWasZat
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    Iron Kha'zix Jungler with no idea what to do.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:04 AM PST

    So I'll be the first to admit, i'm a bit tilted atm. But I feel if I don't ask here I'm going to lose my mind.

    I'm currently iron 2 with a 30% win rate as a kha'zix one trick. A friend of mine whose coaching me (7 years experience, used to be grandmaster) says I have good macro abilities, just need to work on small stuff like which champs to engage, whens best time to go back for items and wardings. But I keep ending up in losing streaks and some of them I'll admit are my fault, but I come across so many smurfs in that elo that I'm pretty sure theres at least 1 diamond level player in all of my matches.

    When I ask people for advice I get so many differing responses. My coach says to stick with one champ I like and keep at it (I've been considering switching to rengar as I like his kit, but some other guys say hes way to difficult for me to use atm).

    Another person I asked on the assassin mains discord tells me to just spam Yi until I'm out of low elo. That its what he tells every new jungler to do until they reach around silver/gold and they can branch out into other champs.

    A third just says jungler is garbage atm and to ignore it until riot patches it and hopefully most of the smurf accounts leave.

    I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm doing what I can to improve, and I feel I'm kind of improving, but people are telling me so many different things, and like half of the people I talk to say if I can't solo carry iron games I'm just a flat out trash player and will remain that way. Which gets pretty demoralising as I want to hit silver/gold at the end of the season.


    submitted by /u/kylebrunt
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    Need tips for midlane (focused on how to go beyond winning lane and some off meta pick questions)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Hello there I am Pudding or Tennessee Kid is the name I go by in the summoners rift. I am a end of s8 and all of s9 silver player (funny story I was about to do my last gold promo when the servers shut down for s10 update but that irrelevent at the moment) I am having trouble with what the heck to do after winning my lane,

    on my mains (Cho gath,Kindred,Talon) I can win lane 60-70% of my games but I commonly throw the game from there either by getting caught out by jungle on roams or just doing stupid plays thinking that im stronger than I am at that point in game.

    My questions are:

    Roaming bot/top which lane to roam when and why?

    Roaming too much? This is a problem I find myself in alot with Kindred(but can happen with other champs aswell) as coordinating with my duo to invade and take stacks and then gank lanes becomes complicated

    Bonus question: Kindred mid ?(I am really enjoying this pick atm and have a decent wr (about 61 overall not sure) Shitty but playable or Absolute hard pass on that?

    Getting hard countered and pushed into my tower and feeding the laner so much that me and my jungle cant 2v1 him, what to do now?


    submitted by /u/Pudding997
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    The road to high elo for Tyler1 is scaring me

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:09 PM PST

    If anyone is following his journey,

    is he just that bad to be justified stuck in Gold or is there actually something off with jungle?

    I feel like if someone like him, who is proven to be a challenger player, can't even get plat on jungle,

    i don't see how i will ever have a chance to climb as some silver pleb.

    Is it just my irrational fear / missing confidence or is his struggle actually a bad sign? On the other hand, what can we learn by watching his streams ?

    submitted by /u/Gustav127
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    Olaf build

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Hello guys! I'm here to ask the people who main olaf or they are otp olaf, is it worth going full tank olaf or do you go mixed? I've been doing recently warrior jungler item > boots > black cleaver and then usually going tank items like Dead Man's plate, Spirit Visage, etc (situational). Will it be better if I just build cinderhulk and then only tanky items or do I go damage build? I haven't tested full tank olaf yet, so I want to hear you guys.

    submitted by /u/SvetliGG123
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