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    Tuesday, February 11, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: February

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: February

    Champion Pool Megathread: February

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Just because top lane is in an overall awkward spot does not mean teams can’t win games by playing through the top side of the map!! (Serious)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Hey guys, with all of this current discussion of top lane I really wanted to start a discussion about something I think is fairly problematic with the community's approach to the game - namely, that many players' consider bot side of the map as the only win con.

    By this I mean, players enter a game with a philosophy that closely follows the meta of, snowball botlane, get drag, repeat for a little, aram mid, Baron, end. There is some variation, but overall the current state of the game is incredibly bot side (not just bot lane), centric. And this is fine! I think that's overall fair and that winning through bot side of map is the most consistent way to play and one that most players understand.


    For example,a jungler against a soraka top might try to force a 4v4 drag fight or bot gank, and play right into soraka r and lose the fight and fall further behind. Recognize that soraka top is a pick generally meant to support bot side win con. Consider the possibility that you can give up an early drake (or even two!) if you can secure both rift heralds, and use it to snowball your top side of the map into a large enough lead to either pressure the raka, or be big enough to group and win the next several fights.

    Overall: Top lane isn't in a great spot (I believe), and so it reinforces this idea hat everyone should just abandon it and play for bot. However, I do believe that, especially in soloq, this strategy is only made stronger by the fact that teams believe that if they lost the bot lane pressure they automatically lose the game. Win conditions change and just because top lane and top side is generally valued less than not bot side does not mean it can't win you a game.

    I'm not sure if I did the best job writing out my thoughts - I really didn't want to get too long. I'm more than happy to answer or respond to any challenges or questions if I'm being confusing.

    submitted by /u/AnAimlessWanderer101
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    Lohpally Bot Lane Partner + Support Counterpick (updated) infographics!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    My new lane partner infographic to help you understand what champions are strong botlane with whatever your teammate picks. This also provides pretty commonly used rune setups and starting items for supports and adcs. It's made so you can look at this from an adc or support perspective and see what pairs well with your lane partner!
    Added some rune setups and clarity on my lane counterpick infographic, as well as added zyra and janna (intending on slowly adding more and more to each graphic as time continues) Hopefully you guy's enjoy this and find it helpful!
    You can find my socials for more support info over at www.twitch.tv/lohpally www.youtube.com/lohpally and www.twitter.com/lohpally

    submitted by /u/Lohpally
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    How to deal with vayne top as a tank

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:22 AM PST

    Its my most hated matchup in top lane since i mostly play maokai in the top lane and i know she is very open to ganks but it seems that everytime i play against her, all i can do is get 60% CS behind or risk dying while my jungler doesnt gank her at all no matter the assistance i ask for.

    submitted by /u/LoLFlex12
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    An Ode to Supports

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:34 AM PST

    This post is just to give some love to all those supports out there who feel underappreciated for the help they provide. I'm not talking about the autofilled support who just knows how to hit <heal button> every once in a while. I'm talking about the support who somehow knows what I'm going to do before even I know so they can be where I need them to save me from my idiot decisions.

    I play Garen almost exclusively mid with top as my secondary role. That means that I don't generally lane with a support. Even from my far away lanes I can feel the difference a support makes.

    Here are things supports do that help ME in another lane:

    • Warding

      It doesn't matter if I'm across the map from you. When I see the jungler on my minimap it makes it so much easier for me to play with the appropriate level of aggression.

      When the map looks like the lantern scene from that Rapunzel movie by Disney I know my support loves me.

    • Literally spoon feeding the ADC

      I get it, if the game goes long the ADC with the most gold/items is going to be able to wipe the opposing team, take towers and objectives, and basically carry the game. They need to get gold and experience as quickly as possible to get there. The thing is, I've learned that when my ADC is popping off it's as often the support that did that as it is the ADC.

      The support does this by keeping the ADC alive in lane through sustain or peel, by prepping waves, by setting up kills with their CC and by generally knowing how to make their champ with next to no damage and a 2-ish level disadvantage scare the living daylights out of you. Additionally, they tend to run face first into danger if there's even the slightest chance they can peel or engage on someone.

    • Keeping me alive when I either go too deep/get caught out or just throughout a teamfight (or basically any time I make a bad decision)

      This one amazes me. I will likely never understand how a support knows exactly what idiot play I'm going to make before I know I'm going to do it, but also how to keep me from hurting myself.

      I had a Soraka a few nights ago that saved me from certain death no less than 3 or 4 times. I finally asked if they got sick of babysitting the stupid Garen. The funny thing is I mentioned it to my duo buddy (playing Hecarim jungle) and he was like, "I thought they were just running around keeping me alive." Our entire team felt like this Soraka was full time keeping them alive because they were that effective at being in the right place at the right time.

    A good support is like the Konami code of League. It's unfair how much stronger you are than you should be.

    A good support does all those things while behind on levels, often behind on gold/items, and often taking abuse from their ADC. In my opinion to be a good support you need to have situational awareness at all times, the ability to multitask to a pretty incredible degree, great macro, and a great predictive sense. You also have to realize that your team is probably full of idiots, but dadgummit all they're YOUR idiots and you're going to make them successful!

    In a very real way, supports are the glue that holds a team together.

    So, to all who main support: You rock! I don't have the skillset to do what you do and I'm amazed at you. Thanks for keeping this Garen with poor decision making alive. You win me games and I appreciate it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/GarenTopLane
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    How to establish a game plan ?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    TL;DR at the bottom, so I'm a midlaner maining LeBlanc and Ahri, I've been hitting Diamond since season 4, with a few breaks until season 9, but i always give up once I fail multiple times the D2/D3 promos and tilt back to D5/D4 0lp.

    This year I've been experimenting with a lot of champs which I found very strong and fun like Akali, Camille, Irelia etc...One of the latest champions I tried recently, completly changed my view on the game, and that's Talon.

    To learn playing Talon, I first went to practice mode, then some normals and flexes, saw some combo videos, which were quite simple and intuitive and then I stumbled upon a video explaining how the Rank 1 Korea was playing him, and it just clicked with me, there was a perfectly clear and simple gameplan, shove fast, try to get a kill mid and roam, try to catch the enemy jungler or gank a lane. Mechanically he was so much easier than all the champs I used to play until now, so I could focus on my macro.

    So playing Talon made me realize how much having a clear gameplan could impact games, I am more consistant when I play him, at least in the early/mid game, I still haven't entirely figured out teamfights and late game but I'm practicing it.

    Now my question is, how can I establish a gameplan with any other champion I play ? Like LeBlanc, I've been playing her for so long that I'm either autopiloting or just adapting to each game as I play it, but there is no concise plan I follow like with Talon, sometimes I play the lane, sometimes I'd be more focused on following the jungler or ganking a specific lane, I still manage to climb with her, but I think this lack of consistency is what keeps from reaching higher elos.

    TL;DR : Been an OTP LeBlanc/Ahri for a long time reaching low diamond, tried multiple champions this season, and Talon made me realize that you need a plan before the game starts to be consistent and reach higher elos, which I can't establish with my old champions.

    submitted by /u/Landiesth
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    Gaming's 3 M's - Micro, Macro, Meta - An Intro Guide

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:35 PM PST

    What are gaming's 3 M's?

    I help coach in a bunch of different competitive video games for mostly intro level players. One of the first things I do is explain that there are three key parts to gameplay in all competitive games, and they all start with M.

    These are called Micro, Macro, and Meta.

    Micro and Macro are prefixes that mean small and large respectively. We can take them to mean the small picture vs the big picture or the battle vs the war.

    The third is Meta, which means self referential. In our specific terms, it refers to the game within the game. However, is also a backronym for Most Effective Tactic Available. This basically means the Macro strategy that prevails over all others, but it is important because these strategies are patch based and often only built via high-rank player consensus. People often experiment with other off-meta Macro strategies in order to beat the current Meta.

    What is Micro in League of Legends?

    We can think of Micro in simple terms as taking two players with identical champions, and making them fight it out. The one who comes away the champion has better Micro.

    Again, but in other terms - If we play a mirror matchup, and I win - I had better Micro. This includes things like

    • Dodging
    • Predictions
    • Animation cancels
    • Auto attack resets
    • Auto cancels
    • Combos
    • Last hitting
    • Buffering
    • So much more!*

    *I'm sure there are more I didn't list - help me out in the comments below.

    Micro doesn't only apply to 1v1 mirror fights only, as these techniques can all be applied in fights with multiple summoners and different champions - but there isn't much Macro in a mirror matchup, so almost anything you can think of there is Micro.

    What is Macro in League of Legends?

    This is a much harder term to understand, as there are so many things that go into Macro. It is basically any game decision that isn't based around Micro.

    But this is a guide about what Macro is - so I'll do my best.

    Imagine if league was turned into a game where you could only see the map. Whenever two champions got close together, they would automatically fight by rolling a dice. Having more gold or 2v1 would make your dice rolls much stronger. Macro is being good at this kind of game.

    In other terms, Macro is being good at moving resources around the map to increase your chance at winning. Examples!

    • Managing minion waves
    • Warding
    • Neutral objectives
    • Jungler tracking
    • Roaming
    • Map awareness
    • Objective pressure
    • Champion picks
    • Counterpicks
    • and so much more*

    *Again I'm sure there are more I didn't list - help me out in the comments below!

    What is Meta in League of Legends?

    While implementation of Micro never really changes (aside from Champion and Item reworks), Macro strategies can change all the time. The current best way to play Macro today will certainly not be the best way to play in 6 months!

    Meta is what is the accepted best way to play the Macro game currently.

    It is important to note accepted because things that differ from the accepted Meta can be seen as playing the Macro game sub-optimally. People often get quite upset when they think you're already messing up the game before it starts by picking a Non-Meta champion, or even one that differs from their accepted Meta.

    Lots of games have things like Meta, even Chess - that hasn't had any rules change in over a century!

    Examples of different League of Legends Metas over the years - Top Lane Meta, Bot Lane Meta, Tank Meta, Assassin Meta, Funnel Meta, and so many more. Don't worry too much about learning previous Metas as the only one that matters is the current Meta and the upcoming one. In order to learn about the current Meta look for tier lists from popular high-ranked players.

    Also, don't feel like you have to learn the entire Meta from scratch every time there is a new patch. Most of the time, only a small part of the Meta shifts so keeping up with the patch notes each week will help you stay on board.

    Closing Statements

    About the author

    /u/Seyandiz is a Plat 4 Midlaner Vel'koz, who loves to play with people of all skills as long as they are eager about improving. He streams frequently as well, though just for fun. Yes, he did do well in geometry class in high school.


    Please feel free to ask questions, and critique! If you do critique please try to be constructive and highlight something I did well too. It's good practice for ranked - hah!

    submitted by /u/seyandiz
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    New Player Anxiety

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm far from a brand new player. I've been playing LoL for several years but only in ARAM. I've always wanted to play summoners rift, but with how toxic the community can be, it gives me a lot of anxiety so I stray away from it. Any tips on how to overcome this? The more instructional videos I watch the more complicated summoners rift seems to me, increasing my anxiety. I just want to carry my weight and not be a burden. Best position for new players?

    submitted by /u/jvb13
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    What to do to improve my mental

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:13 AM PST

    So basically after couple months of playing League, I noticed myself becoming a lot more toxic ( hard flaming and unable to control myself, ragequit after first blood solo killed, deterioration in my own mechanics,etc ) and eventually got ban for 2 weeks. After 2 week of being ban, I got back to league and the same thing happened and i just dont know what to do, i no longer enjoy the game like the time i first played it. Did someone share the same experience and what is your solutions to this toxicity??

    submitted by /u/knhbvgxj
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    Decision making and commiting to them

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Hello fellow summoners!

    I am facing a big problem in my games and I can't find the answer to it.

    Trying to main the jungle I usually want to prioritize dragons, trying to do them as soon as they spawn, usually the first one at 4 mins isn't an issue, however when trying to do the following ones I need mid or bot to help, what I find is that teammates are not caring about it and just keep farming.

    I heard many times that is better to commit to one decision and not just wander around. So my doubt is the following, when I think I'm making a good call, be it ganking, going for dragon, going to contest a dragon started by the enemy and so on, but teammates don't follow, should I just give it up even if it means losing key objectives so I don't die?

    How do you guys tackle this issues? (I understand that if it is dragon or inhib for example I should stick with the rest even if it is not what I would do, but when the choice is between dragon vs farm I don't know what to do).

    PS: I don't think my choices are the best and I surely commit a lot of mistakes that's why I'm in gold. Still I feel useless if I only do objectives/ ganks when it is 100% sure I will succeed, as there are some games where this doesn't happen (at least from my POV)

    Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/ColoLampard
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    How much is talent and how much is hard work?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:45 PM PST

    A question I wanted to ask consistent masters players and up, coaches that have coached high elo and observed them too can answer.

    Im currently around d3 average and I started playing in the beginning of season 3, putting in thousands of games grinding them throughout middleschool and high school.

    Now Im in college and im competing with a masters midlaner for the starting position. I want to ask how much is hard work and how much is natural talent?

    Can I become challenger with just hardwork?

    submitted by /u/zedotp
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    Help Me Better Understand When to Clear a Wave as Jungler

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Was I wrong to clear the wave here? We didn't kill him, but we forced Teemo to back and I wanted to make him lose CS to tower, but my Darius was upset...I thought it would be okay because the wave would be reset by the time Darius returned. He says that it wasn't worth it because Teemo was able to get back to tower to collect most of the CS (though he did lose 3 of them).


    Darius didn't stay because he was afraid of Lee Sin, but I knew I was healthy enough to push without fear. Should I have left the wave and not cleared here?

    submitted by /u/Joshk80k
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    Before asking for general advice about "what can i do better", i recommend to check out this comparative statistical site

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:17 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    "what am i doing wrong", "how to get better" etc are very frequent topics on this sub.

    Before posting about this i can only recommend you to check out leagueofgraphs.com, and look up your summoner name, and check your champions stats, it offers better analysis than op.gg.

    There you can find detailed comparative statistics about basically any aspect of the game, income/cs/kills/deaths/warding/kp/objectives/dmg done and taken/etc. Your metrics are put into perspective, since the site compares your performance to other players who play that particular champion in that elo (or if you are feeling confident and spicy, you can check how higher/lower elo players perform on that champ).

    Unless you play a champion differently than others you should see what you should focus on (so if you are support LB onetrick, your cs will obviously suck, while your vision will be through the roof). It really gives the first step towards identifying some core issues, that could be improved.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Plat + Elo Jungle macro strategy?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    I am an OTP rengar jungle main peaked at Plat 4 preseason, currently placed in Gold 4 with a 70% win rate. Not very good, but doing okay in my elo. However, yesterday I got completely destroyed by a jungle smurf (his IGN is junglesmurfff). I've got a two kills advantage over him after the first clear, however, he was able to beat me with better pathing and eventually took over the game simply by just making better but safer macro decisions.

    I watched the replay video a couple of times and compared his pathing with some of the high-level streamers on twitch, such as Tarzaned and dekar. I've noticed one thing they do in common which I barely do in ranked games. They tend to ignore the first or second drags, sometimes both, even if they are ahead.

    Because everybody track each other in this elo, so they know my position and know that I am doing drag with my bot lane (after a successful gank from bot). Instead of pinging mid lane to contest, or going back to farm his own camp. He countered jungle my top side, took all the camps (including my buff), ganked top get a kill and proceed to full clear from top to bot after he goes back to his own jungle. I couldn't invade his jungle at this point since my bot had to reset, my mid lane was losing (prob could've counter jungle his bot side if my mid was winning but w.e). I didn't want to get caught by enemy bot lane + mid due to no lane prio.

    Some of you might say, I should always be full clearing top side before moving to take drag. Guess what, my pathing isn't the best, and there are times where I see an opportunity to gank bot and I took the chances and moved to take drag with my bot land while my top lane buff is up. It happens.

    In comparison to what he gets vs what I get, I am putting a little calculation down here.

    What I get:

    Two kills from bot lane: About $600 gold for my team, I only got two assists (not much here since there aren't a lot of bounty, my support and adc each got one kill)

    One Mountain Drag: 25g + 4 cs and buff +6% armor & mr, which has very low ROI on rengar since I am not a tank.

    Bot side camps after drag: Buff $100, Gromp $105, Wolves $85, total 12 cs and $290.

    My total return is: $315 + 16cs + 2 assists

    What Enemy jungle gets:

    My top side camps: Buff $100, Raptors $85, Krugs $125, 12cs

    Top lane gank success: $300 (he got the kill)

    His top side camps: Buff $100, Wolves $85, Gromp $105, total 12cs

    His bot side camps: Buff $100, Raptors $85, Krugs $125, 12 cs

    His total return is: $300 (buff) + $170 (raptors) + $85 (wolves) + $250 (krugs) + $300 (kill) = $1105 + 36cs +1 kill

    In summary, He gets $1105 gold compared to my $315; 36cs compared to my 16 cs. Even if I DO GET THE DOUBLE KILL BOT LANE which is a total of $600, my ROI is only $915. I am still $190 and 20 cs short compared to his return.

    This one macro mistake literally just *** me over so much. Instead of invading his bot side jungle after the success bot lane gank or rotate immediately to red to counter him, doing the drag immediately was a huge mistake.

    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    The Gist of Aphelios - A Simple Guide to Understanding How he Works

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:18 PM PST

    Hey, wanted to write this up after seeing a lot of confusion about Aph and what he can do. A friend says I have a good simple explanation for him, so I wanted to tell you guys so you don't have to keep banning him. This guide won't include many numbers or exact stats, I wanted to focus on what each ability does.

    Section 1 - The initial details to understand

    Aphelios has 5 weapons, set up in a queue system, starting out with 2. He holds 2 at any given time, and each weapon has ammo. Once it runs out of ammo, it's put at the end of the queue, and replaced with the next one. He can swap between the two at any time with his W.

    Each weapon has two "effects". For the sake of clarity, I'll call these the Alpha effect, and the Beta effect. The alpha effect of each weapon is applied passively, and it changes what happens when Aph autos with that weapon. The Beta effect is applied when Aph presses Q. Most weapon Beta effects either consume an applied mark (that was applied via ult or the Q) to do bonus things, or use the offhand weapon in some way. The beta effect of each weapon is usually a lot nastier and dangerous.

    Ulting with each weapon basically applies a multi-target version of the beta effect of his current weapon when he ults (as opposed to Q which only applies to a single target usually). His ult starts near him, and travels out in a straight line up to a range, until it finds an enemy champ. Once it does, it applies some effect to the hit champ, and all others nearby. To dodge it, walk perpendicular to it's path. Think of it like a jinx ult. Large fast projectile, "explodes" for an AOE when it hits someone. Has a limited range though.

    Section 2 - Calibrum

    One of Aph's starting weapons, it's a sniper rifle, light blue. The alpha effect is: He autos with more range. That's it.

    When he Qs: A projectile is shot out, travels in a straight line. If you get hit by it, you take a bit of damage, and you're marked (this is the beta effect). He can then auto you with his offhand weapon from great range (up to a bit over 1000 if I recall, used to be infinite). He only gets a single auto per mark. Early game, getting hit by Q means you'll get autoed once by his offhand that he starts with, severum. More on severum in the next section.

    When he ults: The beta effect of Q is applied to everyone the ult hits. He can auto them all each once with his offhand, and the auto does a good bit more damage. Good for finishing off multiple low people from range.

    Section 3 - Severum

    His secondary starting weapon, it's a scythe pistol, red, goes schling schling. Has technically 2 alpha effects, his attacks don't use projectiles (so can't be windwalled/braum-ed), and he gets a decent chunk of lifesteal.

    When he Qs: Gains a bit of movement speed and rapidly autos 6 times (with 3 more scaling with attack speed), alternating between severum and his offhand weapon. This is that effect where you see him spaz out attacking super rapidly. Most aph players use it to CS or to burst someone their support hooks. These autos don't do full damage,

    each dealing 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level) (+ 30% bonus AD) physical damage, 25% on-hit damage and can critically strike.

    Keep in mind that the autos do apply the alpha effect of each weapon. Severum autos will lifesteal, other weapons will do other things, like they would when they're the primary weapon.

    Think of it like a faster Tristana Q.

    When he ults: Massive spike of healing if at least one person hit. Does base damage of the ult. Pretty bad for anything but sustain.

    Section 4 - Gravitum

    Gravity cannon. Purple, goes wub wub. Alpha effect is a short small slow on each auto.

    When he Qs: This is his nasty one. Roots and damages every enemy who's slowed by the alpha effect of this weapon for a second. Very good for enabling ganks or supporting support CC. Can root multiple people if he autoes them first, or ults them:

    When he ults: Hits multiple people, and slows them by 99%. If he Qs after, roots them all. This can result in 5 man roots, very gnarly if he's not the fed one but someone who's ready to capitalize is.

    Section 5 - Infernum

    Flamethrower. Dark blue, makes higher pitched wub wub. Alpha effect is splash damage in a cone behind the direct target, similar to a titanic hydra.

    When he Qs: Sprays a wave of flames. Every enemy hit will be autoed once each by his offhand weapon, applying the alpha effect of that weapon (if it has one that applies on normal autos) to all of them. (Eg flamethrower Q applies gravitum slow to everyone hit by the flamethrower, or severum lifesteal, etc)

    When he ults: Seen those gifs of Aph one-shotting entire teams that were grouped up? This is the weapon that can do that. It was nerfed, but it does a ton of damage still. Fires the ult like normal, except everyone hit by it emits flames in all directions. The flames can overlap, meaning if multiple people really close to each other are hit, they'll all damage each other for xnumber of people damage, it's exponential. Stay away from other teammates when he has infernum so he doesn't just ult all of you.

    Section 6 - Crescendum

    And finally, crescendum. White, looks like shuriken. Alpha effect is: Closer you are, faster he can auto you. To reduce his DPS, just get farther away. Really good at taking turrets as he can walk right up and spam. Secondly, if crescendum is in his offhand and he uses another ability's Q that attacks with the offhand (eg severum's Q-flurry), these offhand autos will generate spectral chakrams, explained below under "ulting". He can then switch to crescendum to use them.

    When he Qs: Sets up a sentry using his offhand weapon. Sentry remains inactive for 20 seconds, and upon a champ stepping into range, becomes active and stays alive for 4 seconds. Sentry will apply the alpha effect of the weapon it's configured with.

    So what does this mean? Ever seen those gifs of someone getting randomly autoed from fountain by an aphelios? Chances are, it was a calibrum turret. Each time the calibrum turret shoots you, it marks you to be autoed from range (just like his Q or ult does when he has calib). If you stay in the turret, it keeps re-marking you. Other guns work similarly, eg gravitum sentry will slow you with each shot, severum will lifesteal to aph, etc.

    Simply stay out of the range of the turret, and you're fine. Don't kill it, just stay out of it's range. Chances are the risk of the beta effect of the offhand (eg getting rooted) is far worse than being zoned.

    When he ults: This one is a bit more tricky to understand. For each champ hit, he gains an additional chackram. This means that he can auto, then immediately auto again, throwing both out. Normally he only has one, which has to return to him before he can auto again. Hitting multiple people with this ult grants 3 more chackrams, plus one per champ hit. This essentially increases his attack speed even more with chackram, and can let him attack quickly even at a bit of range, as he has the chackrams to do so. The ult itself isn't that powerful here, but the subsequent autoing he can do after, which can really laser people down if he stacks a lot of them. A good teamfight opener. The spectral chakrams last for 5 seconds, refreshed from autoing champs or objective monsters.

    Section 7 - Wrap up

    Aphelios is a very wide champ, but not very deep. He can do a lot of small things with great variety, and I think that intimidates people as many people are used to "skinny but deep" champs, that only do a few things overall, but have more depth in how they can be used.

    I do think he could do with some simplification and number adjustments, but (inb4 I get crucified for saying this) the overall idea is quite cool and unique. I don't think he needs a massive rework like some people are vying for.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Burst Mage Objectives

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:56 AM PST

    Hey all,

    Currently jumping back into league after a few years away and I'm really trying to focus on my macro gameplay by thinking of objectives during my early/mid/late game so that I know exactly how my game should roughly look even at champ select. I main burst/control champs mid (Malz and Neeko). Here's my general gameplay -

    Early game - I know my goals are push wave and roam for an early kill. What happens if I'm counter picked? Freeze wave and farm up until lane opponent backs/roams then follow or push and deep ward because I'm most likely going to be the one that's pushed in?

    Mid game - look for picks in side lanes and generally help jg with objectives? This is probably my weakest point. I always feel like I'm spending too much time roaming around without clear direction.

    Late game - I feel pretty confident with my champ pool and their positioning for team fights and what to look out for when objectives open up, but more advice is always appreciated.

    I feel like burst mages should play similarly to mid assassin's but is that assumption incorrect?

    Thanks in advance all!

    submitted by /u/ryleland4
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    How do you consistently play at your peak skill performance?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:13 PM PST

    A lot of the times I'll have really good games where I can focus on objectives and picks and what I should be doing and when, I'll be doing really well and through good shotcalling I'll hard stomp, yet sometimes I just have games where I'm really slow with my clicks, not thinking properly, etc.

    What determines that? How do I play like this in most/a lot of my games?

    submitted by /u/lpfactory
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    Top lane's carry POTENTIAL may actually be stronger than any other role

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:20 PM PST

    Every season there's a colloquial belief that top lane's impact is gradually decreasing and unfortunately I have to agree with that. Consequently, there's a growing number of people who believe that top lane has very little if any chance of carrying games. However, I've been a top main all my life and while I have extensive knowledge of the other roles, I still truly believe that top lane could still be the most powerful role to steamroll games.

    The caveat here is that sometimes we can't do it without your help.

    This is a followup post to https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/f2ah06/just_because_top_lane_is_in_an_overall_awkward/ and that prompted me to articulate my opinion on top lane's unacknowledged potential. I even posted a comment there but I'll reiterate it here in more detail.

    Top lane as a whole is considered an island because there are games where both top laners can go 0/0/0 and the game can still be decided. Here are the prevailing factors I believe that contribute to this:

    • Most junglers require the assistance of mid or bot lane to take dragon but not necessarily herald. So therefore it's not obligatory for the jungler to help win top lane because they can simply sneak in herald (especially after Shelly's durability nerf) without the top laners even noticing.

    • Snowballing the bot lane essentially entails 2 champions being ahead vs only 1 and the more numbers you have on your side the better.

    • Several top laners are pretty slow so there's this conception that slow champions require too much investment and aren't able to carry as effectively as fast champions.

    I want to touch on something that I think people seem to overlook. Earlier I mentioned that both top laners can straight up go 0/0/0 and the game can be decided by the remaining 4 players on each team. Second, I said that the incentive to winning bot lane is that you get TWO players ahead instead of ONE. Therein lies the potential that top lane has.

    Very rarely does top lane singlehandedly decide the game but I'm sure you've had one or two games where the enemy Camille was like 100 cs ahead, 16/3/10 and basically Super Saiyan'ed her way through your whole team. Or have you ever seen a Tryndamere incessantly splitpushing until he backdoors your whole base while you're trying to contest baron. Perhaps you found a Renekton who was so stacked he slashed half your entire team's HP with one Q. Funnily enough whenever I see a hard 1v9 game (literally) it's almost always the top laner. Sure mid laners could be incredibly strong but it's rarely JUST the mid laner. It's rarely JUST the adc.

    Top lane's potential to carry in my experience far outstrips the other roles but the only reason why it's so difficult to accomplish is because of the fact that we're so isolated. That being said, the way to unlock this potential is to ironically get your top lane OUT of top lane. Here are the reasons why it's potentially beneficial for junglers and mid laners to consider prioritizing top lane if the situation grants the option:

    • The sooner your top lane can win lane usually by securing top outer tower, the sooner they can roam, essentially forcing the enemy team to play 5v4 until their top laner can catch up. Picture a 5/0 Riven running around the map while the 0/4 Nasus is nonexistent for the next 20 minutes.

    • Top lane is LOADED with hyper snowballers. Give a Darius/Riven/Kennen/Renekton/Fiora/Mordekaiser/Sett/Quinn/Jax/Kled so on and so forth even ONE kill and a 10 cs lead and there's likely zero chance for the enemy top laner to mount a comeback. That also transitions well into the midgame. Teamfights can be singlehandedly decided by the top laner who's ahead, if the losing top laner is even present in these teamfights.

    • Winning top lane may actually make it easier to win bot lane. Top champions are notoriously good at countering adc's (Jax, Kled, Singed, Malphite, Camille, etc.) without proper peel. Compounding that with the fact that not only did you basically enable a 5v4 by screwing over the enemy top laner, but your top laner could likely be the thing that shuts down the enemy adc from even reaching midgame.

    Now I do want to touch on the aspect of giving away dragons and bot pressure. Yes, unless your top can snowball off of only one gank or you're an amazing jungler, by focusing top you forfeit drakes and your bot lane. But that could also work to your advantage.

    • It's arguably easier for bot lane to stave off a tower dive against a 2v3 or 2v4 than the likes of top lane being able to hold back a 1v2 or 1v3 especially with newer adcs having some form of self defense like Xayah's R, Kaisa's R, etc. The likelihood of a tower dive bot lane resulting in a clean double kill without any trade kill in return is low unless there's like 4 bot (in which case free herald!). Bot lane is less likely to bleed out than top lane in the event of targeted pressure.

    • Second, giving two drakes might actually be a benefit. With the advent of the elemental rifts, Riot heavily decreased the strength of individual dragons. In fact, other than cloud drake, all of the other drakes suck if you have only 1 of them. 4% AD/AP means very little, healing 2.5% missing hp is like what? 20? Even cloud drake requires at least 2 stacks before the ult cdr becomes noticeable. Since the first two drakes are individuals, you essentially play a little gamble. Opening up the elemental rift means you have the potential to gain four of the same drake. 24% armor/MR, 10% missing HP regen, 40% ultimate CDR, 16% AD/AP (honestly infernal drake is probably now the worst individual drake in the game lol). Those stats make game changing differences in the lategame. Not only that, but if you get 4 infernals, 4 mountains or 4 clouds, the infernal soul hurts more, the mountain soul shield is even harder to break and the cloud soul can be procced more frequently. Not to mention a 40% ultimate CDR on any champion with devastating ults is a disaster waiting to happen. Yes, you're banking on gaining control of the midgame because the enemy team is up 2 drakes so they have only 2 left to get the soul while you have to get 4. But if it's the right soul, you could get a lot more beneficial stats out of it.

    • Just remember that Rift Herald has been "buffed". Shelly takes a lot more damage from ramming the tower but she deals even more. An uncontested rift herald could easily result in two towers. Now you can get 2 heralds which could mean 4+ towers. That to me is worth way more than any 2 drakes in the game or even 3. Junglers don't need top laners to help with securing herald yes, but if top is super far ahead the prerogative of securing it could be delegated to said top laner while the jungler focuses mid and bot.

    I'm not saying that top lane is some secret hidden OP that will always 1v9 if you invest resources; you're playing a risky gamble. Also, some champions just aren't able to carry even with a lead. Given that top lane is the counterpick lane, you can give your Tryndamere 3 kills and the enemy Malphite will probably still annihilate his soul. But given the right matchup and right champion, there is no role more powerful in closing out games than top lane. I like to think of our role as a chained beast. If you break the chains on us quickly, we could "Top diff" so many games. Of course, good top laners should be able to win lane on their own, heck good ANY lane should be able to win on their own. But I do believe that top lane is heavily underrated for what they can bring to the table if given the opportunity to. The main reason being is that the pressure we can exert on the map rivals that of the jungler. And pressure is what wins games.

    TLDR: Some games can easily become "top diff" if the team allocates focus and resources to top. There may be cases where games are decided without the top laners even doing anything. But if you give them the chance, they could be the reason you win or lose.

    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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    Lots of games, no improvement

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:55 AM PST

    My op.gg

    I play alot and despite this I'm not seeing really any improvement in my rank or general play. Even though I'm in gold playing against essentially all last season plat+ players I want to see my own improvement as a support.

    My biggest issue I think is I often try to opt for scaling scenarios against early game champions rather than simply contesting their early strength, maybe I'm just terrible in lane but it seems as if playing for scaling isn't an option.

    I try to constantly direct my team to objectives and things but an overwhelming amount of my losses feel like throws due to teams not listening, especially when it comes to contesting or not contesting objectives. I'm just looking for direction to improve as a support and improve my rank.

    submitted by /u/TemperedFate7
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    Difficult, but really high REWARDING champs to learn?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:06 PM PST

    Hey guys, i'm high gold, looking to improve the most, i really really need a HIGH REWARDING champion to learn, i can put the maximum time on it without any problem to learn, the goal is to CLIMB more than easier than now, playing 10 champions at the same time. I would prefer the role ( TOP / MID ). Even if the champion is very hard, i don't care, just need a champion who is high rewarding and consistant ( won't get a big nerf next patch like riven, gangplank etc.. ).


    i need a champion to learn who is high rewarding and have the potential to punish opponents by making outplays, and that i can climb with of course. The champion need to be TOP or MID. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kqk2000
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    How to prevent movement on spell cast?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Certain spells allow you to put your cursor beyond the indicator range. Flash works like this where you can put your cursor way far out and you will flash in that direction.

    Some spells do not work like this. They instead make you first move such that you are in range of where your cursor is. How do I get the spells that work like this to behave the first way?

    More specifically, how do I get Lux's E to behave like her Q? When casting her Q such that my cursor is outside the spell range, Q fires off in the direction. But with E, it makes Lux move first (and sometimes the pathing is janky like when trying to E behind a wall, it will make you walk around). I want the E to be cast max range in my cursor's direction.

    TLDR how do I get Lux's E to cast max range in my cursor's direction when my cursor is outside E's range?

    submitted by /u/Dyzek
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    Practice for low ELO

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    First off I am not high ELO but thought I would share some advice that helped me get better.

    Use the other game modes for specific practice! While ARAM and URF won't help much with macro they can be really useful for specific practice.

    For URF you can practice skill shots rapidly to get better at landing them and their timings and even movements between them since the CD is so high.

    I believe ARAM is a pretty good tool for practicing team fights as it kinda simulates the mid-late game fighting.

    As with the nature of all random, this can really help you learn the ins and outs of what a champ you normally don't play does, which will help when you face them.

    Just some two cents, playing these modes definitely helped quite a bit just for the fast pace but keep in mind nothing beats normal games practice overall. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/CleverJames3
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    How do i deal with nasus

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Hello new to reddit in general so im not sure if im suppsed to start a discussion like this but whatever

    I dont play much top lane but when i do i have a decent time vs things like teemos,yasuos,rivens, even ranged bullies my champs are (tryndamere,fiora,mundo). BUT FOR THE LIFE OF ME i cant beat nasus he just wins i think to myself

    "Ill just let him push me in so i can get better ganks and be able to fight him"

    but they dont so i try forcing them under tower so they cant farm as well but that doesnt seem to work because they arnt brain dead and know how to last hit with Q i can never get an opening for fights and i cant get pushed in what do i do?

    Again if im not suppsed to post things my bad

    submitted by /u/Savion229s
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    Advice for someone who took a 2-year hiatus

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Hi, this is my first Reddit post so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes/formatting errors. I have been playing League since the beginning of S2, but when I took a long break about 2-3 years ago because I wanted to focus on college. Now, I've rekindled my love for it and have since gotten back into it. I've been playing consistently for a few months now and most of my mechanics are still there. I'm behind on the meta and unfamiliar with newer champs, but I can still win lane/hold my own. I would like any help on getting back into the beta (I enjoy reading or watching commentaries, any links would be much appreciated!) I've tried to watch some videos, but it's hard to transfer that into games I guess.

    Recently, I've been playing ranked with another one of my friends who also took a hiatus and after a brutal round of placements (3-7), I ended up in Bronze 4. After reading a lot of posts on here, I've realized that there was one thing that has always stopped me. I most definitely have a weak mental. I don't ever flame, I try to be as positive and encouraging as possible, but I almost always get flamed and berated to the point where I almost cry (lol). I was at one point plat in S4, but I had such a fear of ranked from being flamed so much that I let it decay until low gold before the season ended.

    I want to get over this fear of ranked and getting flamed. I know that I'm really soft and I've tried muting everyone and taking on the 1v9 mentality, but I just get pinged to oblivion. I tried to duo bot with my friend but soon realized bot is definitely not a carry role in low elo haha. I've also been streaming during games so that I can talk to other people and take my mind off of it, but sometimes chat is slow/quiet or I get embarrassed that my team gave up and decides to just fight in chat. I know a lot of the flaming is not my fault, but I can't help but feel bad that I am causing someone so much anger. I re-watch my vods and I know what I need to work on as a player, but a lot of the flame comes from teammates pinging me that I did not help them when they got caught out just because I was closest to them. It seems like people get mad at me for playing on the safer side when we're losing while I like to wait until people make mistakes and capitalize on that. Being flamed really affects my mental state and I end up hesitating for the rest of the game. How do I fix my mentality/any advice on how to climb without feeling like I am a horrible person/player.

    Thank you in advance to any advice and for reading c: I appreciate you!

    submitted by /u/xueboo
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    If jungle is so underpowered, how does it have such a game deciding impact?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:41 PM PST

    I keep hearing the phrase "jungle is underpowered" and I honestly can't understand it. Maybe because I'm too low of an elo (Gold 2) for it to matter, but I can't comprehend that the jungle role is underpowered. It seems to me that it's extremely overpowering and overbearing over any game. If you have the better jungler, you win the game.

    Jungle can put lanes ahead or behind depending on how good the jungler is, they get objectives for the team to make their team overall stronger, and overall have a huge versatility. Maybe I've just been tilted too hard in recent games with enemy junglers having 10 kill participation by 10 minutes while my jungler has the same CS but 1 kill participation at the exact same time. But, it seems like the determining factor in the game is always the skill level of both your jungler and the opposing jungle. That's also why I believe being autofilled jungle should NOT be a thing.

    Thoughts? I really don't understand this phrase, because it always seems to me that the jungler role is extremely game determining.

    submitted by /u/Crimson_talon
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    How do I improve as an ADC main? Help

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    Hello summoners, I've been playin league is season 3 with a break since mid s7 up until this preseason. My peak rank was D5 on EUW (playing on EUNE at the moment). I used to main mid but now I've changed roles to ADC. I've just reached P4 atm (after like 8 lost promos) and I feel like I've hit a hard rock because I kinda don't find my spot or my pool, I feel like every matchup I'm underperforming and if I manage to give up a death or something early on, it's over for me.

    Here is my OP.GG. I would like to get some tips on what I should and what I shouldn't play. For example I hate playing MF, Vayne but I really enjoy Kai'Sa, Xayah, Jinx but I feel that I can't get good results.

    As tips I would like to improve and narrow my champion pool and how to win a matchup after I get stomped in the same matchup in a previous game. (Sometimes this happens and I play kinda scared knowing the previous experience). Moving back to mid is not something I would prefer because I don't enjoy this kind of assassin meta to much.

    Many thanks and good luck on the rift!

    submitted by /u/f0cusl0l
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