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    Saturday, February 15, 2020

    LoL Guide How to best use Poppy's ult?

    LoL Guide How to best use Poppy's ult?

    How to best use Poppy's ult?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:47 AM PST

    So I've been trying out Poppy in the jungle, and she's a lot of fun. I feel like I have a good grasp on her basic abilities, from isolating the enemy carry with her E to stopping engage with W. Her ult in team fights is really where I've been struggling. I never know when to tap R CC vs. charge R launch, who I should be targeting with it, and how to follow up if I whiff. Mainly I struggle to understand if I should be using it to peel for my carries or as a follow up CC once I've engaged with E.

    Thanks in advance for any advice given.

    submitted by /u/Boredom_Zink
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    When running away from a Yasuo, run towards open space instead of straight to the minions. That way Yasuo won't be able to catch you.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:25 PM PST

    Basically the title

    Try to avoid the minions if you are running away from Yasuo due to his E. You will live from Yasuo if you path towards open space (in the jungle where there are no jungle camps or towards the river).

    The same thing can be said for irelia, since Irelia's mobility is revolved around minions as well but a bit more restricted.

    submitted by /u/pyrohammer
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    Reminder to turn on the spell costs UI setting and how much easier it makes your life

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 04:41 PM PST

    I don't see enough players making use of this setting and its honestly shocking. Turning on spell costs can make it extremely easy to look down and see how much mana you have left and how much you need to cast your spells to know how much you can spend comfortably and whether or not you have enough for a fight that might happen soon or to shove a wave etc etc. This is invaluable for learning new champs where you haven't committed the cost of your spells to memory and helps to really understand the cost of using your spells needlessly.

    submitted by /u/DrQuezel
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    How to stop your opponent from snowballing out of control (specially in mid)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:38 AM PST

    As a xerath main, and giving the current state of the game, I run into a lot of very difficult matchups (yasuo, zed, fizz, lucian, etc). Those champs are pretty much uncontrollable sometimes as they have heavy roaming potential and very good movility and engage tools. Then, you sometimes you just int and give the enemy mid lanner a lead that results in you having to play very safe or keep dying.

    So, what to do in this scenario?

    Tldr; ward, ping and communicate

    You won't be able to push the wave, take any beneficial trades or to kill your opponent, so your new job is to do as much as possible to make sure he doesn't get more kills.
    In order to do that, tell your team that you have no control over mid lane and that they might get ganked a lot, so they should have an eye on the map and be careful. I know many of you are thinking "no matter what I say, they will keep dying". Well, and that's why we need to take extra steps. First of all, you need to ward river. Place your trinket wards in the river bushes and a pinkward in a safe bush, this is, a bush that is in the path to top or bot but people don't usually go through them. The logic behind this is that you will be without prio, so even though your wards will catch your enemy roams, they will also expire in 1.30 minutes and you won't be able to replace them quickly enough, so you have your pinkward as backup.
    As a final step, you should ping everything that's happening: when you lose vision of him, when you spot him roaming, etc. If your team doesn't react, be a pain in the ass and ping as much as needed.

    submitted by /u/sojanlol
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    Mid Lane roams.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:13 AM PST

    Hi, so I main Orianna. I've been playing against a lot of assassins lately. They roam a lot. So of course, I push my lane ping MIA etc. My side lanes die to their roams, and will get angry at me for not counter roaming. Now, I need an answer. Can I roam against assassins as Orianna? If we're going even in lane or even if I'm ahead. I try to have vision in River towards bot, but sometimes I just don't have the wards or my pink dies. Am I supposed to roam? Should I just push lane, take plate/s and back? Every single game I say I cannot follow the assassin at the start and that I ping MIA. They usually say they understand, but when they die to the roam. Its apparently my job to follow my lane. Any Ori players have some insight?

    submitted by /u/MyCatIsMyCareTaker
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    Need a main to get me by in season 10 or something similar

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Throughout my years of playing league i've mained (By main I mean actively keep playing with the intent to win with them rather then I only play this champ) very few champs

    Some being:

    Zed (Throughout Season 4 Before I was banned for a short while because toxic behaviors)
    Pantheon (throughout season 5)
    ADC's in general until Jhin was released where I played him until now.

    Being a former adc main but wanting to transition into playing top or mid once again, what should I do to help pick myself a new character to main?

    submitted by /u/ImVexxy
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    Roles in different elo.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Hello summoners. I was a diamond 4 top laner last season. I'm currently playing on an account that has gold 1/plat 4 mmr and I've realized sth. The last season was known for people saying "better jgl wins" whether they were losing or winning. But when I was playing in diamond. I would play with high dia and sometimes master. But the thing is even if our jungler was bad. We knew how to play around our carry and how to play the macro out even though we were losing. We would win. Now on the gold account. I would play top and win lane and lose due to our jungler getting stomped. I know it's not entirely their fault and I'm pretty sure I could've done sth to spread my lead with my teammates but even when we have a lead. They would stall the game when the enemy has late game champs and not group. I've lost a game that everyone of us were fed but we lost because no one would group and I couldn't do anything even tho I had 24 kills. I've also lost a game where my jgl was playing shaco with flash and did absolutely nth all game. I play 2 games as jgl and I win them easily. My question is should I just continue playing jgl for now until I climb from gold and go back to top once I get placed with people that know how to play the macro well?

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    Should I just stop playing at night? [Serious]

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:00 AM PST

    I don't understand myself. When I play at day I can focus and I'm just doing very good. But at night, I'm literally cancer. Trashtalk, fatal mistakes and I can't focus as much as I do at day. Is it tiredness? This happens to me everytime. Not only this, but this is the reason why I keep uninstalling lol at night and reinstalling it at day. I don't know... Do someone else experienced this? How do you deal with it?

    submitted by /u/makehisskinhappy
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    (JGL) How to be the carry??

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:53 AM PST

    Please someone tell me how to carry my team. I face the same situations over and over and I dont know how to make myself more effective in them.

    I play jungle.

    I am absolutely sick of losing because I failed to carry. I should be able to play above average and win, but instead I find in 6 games out of 10 it is my sole responsibility to be a God and to pull my team out the dumpster. Any jungle guidance is welcome, also any links to places to learn (please not that shitty YT channel that posts weekly "Top 10 tips on climbing" videos). I also have some particular scenarios I face almost constantly that I would appreciate some more specific guidance on, if possible.

    Common scenarios with questions:

    1. I'm fed on Kayn (at least even or ahead of enemy jungler in most games), its mid-late game. Got form etc. Team are starting to fight every 2 mins, meaning if I dont join the fight we lose the fight, but if I do join the fight we still have a chance to lose the fight. It's my gut instinct to run towards the fight to stop another 3 deaths. But I am aware that its sometimes better to get obj.

    What do, summoners? When the team are fighting constantly is my only hope to gamble on winning a fight with enough hp to push for obj? Should I be keeping myself out the fight to prepare for future obj? Should I just let my team play TDM whilst I split push? I know there's no definitive answers but some general guidance would be nice.

    1. It's early game and I am kayn. I dont have form. I have done a full clear and got a scuttle. Team
      has good waveclear and its silver elo (players generally just spam spells and autos onto
      minions). All lanes are pushing. I have almost no opportunities to gank.

    What do?


    Wise jungle players please bestow upon me your game knowledge. How do I become so effective in jungle that I will always carry.

    submitted by /u/Maximus-Supremo
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    Does anyone have any good resources to learn mid match ups?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    I play every other role outside of mid, and watching pro play earlier made me realize I know absolutely nothing about what makes certain mages counter other mages. The example that made me realize so is I've never understood what makes the triad of core mids (ori, ryze, and cass) such a rock paper scissors when people talk about it. Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/Zundrax616
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    How to deal with extreme amounts of poke from the enemy bot lane?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Hey, it's my first post here on this sub, so I think I should probably start off with a bit about myself. I'm currently unranked, but I'm almost at the point where I can begin to play ranked games for the first time. At this time, my main role is ADC, but I also play some support as well. My current main is Sivir.

    To put context to the post, I was recently playing a game where the bot lanes were Sivir (myself) & Yuumi, vs Caitlyn & Brand. The difficulty of this landing phase was excruciating because of how much stuff I constantly had to dodge and keep track of while trying to get Sivir online. The fire pillars, Caitlyn Qs, traps on the floor, it was a real headache. Granted, Yuumi did help cushion the blows a little bit, but it wasn't as much as the damage was being dealt. It felt like more of a game of DDR than LoL. Luckily for me, we had a massively fed Ahri in mid lane, and I had assistance from our Rek'sai to really help me start to snowball. Still, I feel as though I could have been handling the situation better than I was. So, how do I properly handle harassment as an ADC?

    submitted by /u/Daddy_Issues_IRL
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    How do I improve as a newer Player

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:57 AM PST

    I really love the game and have been watching the games as much as I have been playing it.But my past 20 games have been 4-16 and if we don't count bots its 2 wins in aram and 16 losses.I try to play mid but I usually get out poked maybe because I play assassins, and struggle to cs and get solo killed.Even if I try to play go I got destroyed by nasus, adc same story.

    Should I upload gameplay or are there general wave control guides or youtubers I could use.I really love this game but I sometimes feel scared to queue normals but if I go bots it's always a win.I have the next week off so I should be able to play a shit ton, so does anyone have any tips for me.Im mostly a mid laner who has fell to the dark side with yas and talon, though GP is real interesting, pretty sure hes top only.

    submitted by /u/ControlOnly
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    How do i make the jump to manual camera?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Okay listen, before you go in the comments saying that locked camera is bad, i know it is.

    I have about 400 games in league and i have gotten more than used to locked camera. I find it very easy to just aim skillshots from my champion always being in the middle of the screen.

    Do you summoners have any tips for me? Some champions that basically require manual camera?

    submitted by /u/UberDynamite
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    How is attack damage per level calculated?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:31 PM PST

    I was looking at Riven's wiki page: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Riven

    She has 64 base ad and 3 per level. The thing is the per level bonus ad of 3 is the average not exact.

    The calculation for level 18 works, but if you select level 2 from the drop down she only gets 2.16.

    Is there a formula on how the bonus is given and it is increased with level? How does it work?

    submitted by /u/DvD_cD
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    How to farm mid/late game?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    So I main mid. Currently in silver. Every game I play it always starts off somewhat normal, laning phase, etc. until eventually mid-game comes and I find the whole lobby in the mid lane. I know at this point I should try to farm side lane, yet I find that the lanes are nearly always pushed up because the enemy team is rarely sidelaning too. I can't walk up to the tower because my team never places vision and I don't have enough wards to make enough vision for myself.

    So what should I try to do to maintain exp+cs mid/late game? I try to farm my jungle's camps but it's still very little xp. I feel as if the only way to be able to farm is to have gotten a huge lead early game so you can 1v3 come mid-game. I know that's not actually the case but I am unsure as to what I should be doing.

    submitted by /u/PertrickTheStar
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    (ADC) How to truly be able to carry?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:09 PM PST

    So I'm a wannabee adc main in low elo and i feel like it's hopeless that i do well/ahead mostly in lane but then one of these 2 happens

    1-as midgame happens and the popular low elo aram session happens and we simply lose for whatever reason (enemy yi rightclicking me to death while braum is on the frontlines instead of peeling) (a fed toplaner/midlaner that is a gr8 teamfighter that also snowballs rly hard)(or people simply going alone and throwing the game for the rest of us)

    2-someone fucks up so badly in lane that it's automatically game over or jg not paying attention to drakes in s10

    I feel like i have little to no impact in most of the games tho i always feel like i did rly well

    Any tips or tricks or anything to just help?

    Ps i usually play Lucian/jhin Considering learning kaisa and trist

    submitted by /u/razersvk
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    Why you are lower rank in Season 10 (Versus 9)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Good day, all

    TL;DR Don't be discouraged about a lower rank this season than last; focus on climbing this year.

    I haven't been avidly searching this subreddit for more on this topic, but after explaining the situation to a few friends, I feel it important to broadcast the situation as I've researched it.

    Starting in Season 9, Riot Games announced they would be showing a players rank to that individual after just one placement game. This was expected to be a floor that should the remaining placement games be lost, the rank would not drop lower. Simultaneously, Riot disclosed that the placement would officially be lower than your skill level would dictate and that a player would climb as they played throughout the season to their "actual skill-level". I, without evidence, believe this was a play on human psychology. Whether or not a player was actually getting better, everyone would at least experience the "climb" which is both thrilling and fulfilling.

    Queue fury. A development team at Riot messed up. It happens. However, this impacted the ranked system in a devastating manner. Up until Season 9, Silver 4~ was the "middle-of-the-pack". Checking the player-base on https://na.op.gg/statistics/tier/ , we can see it has returned to this norm. At the beginning of Season 9 (likely in an effort to implement the "natural climb" of playing consistently to reach your actual rank), players were awarded significantly more LP than they lost. This shifted the skill-distribution drastically. In NA, we saw Gold 1 become the mid-point. I have heard that Plat 4 (protected from decay, mind you) qualified a player as Top 48 percentile.

    Though the error was regrettable, I believe Riot would have had to roll-back the entire server to properly save the server. Instead, the situation festered and all of Season 9 was, in my opinion, a write-off. Moving to present, the NA server (perhaps others as well) have been properly reset. This means Season 10 is your oyster! I would argue last year was exceptionally hard to climb because teammates had inflated views of themselves. If you stay humble, I believe climbing this season will be as intended - keep checking the link above to see where in the top % you reside and as that improves, so have you!

    Hope that explanation was both helpful and consistent. Good luck on the Rift!

    Edit thanks to u/jessicavotingacc for past post info and visual representation: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/bjionq/ranked_distribution_2018_vs_2019_comparison/https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/dz7s2v/end_of_season_follow_up_ranked_distribution_2018/

    Edit 2: Fun fact for everyone, Approx 100k accounts have finished placements and appear on the na.op.gg ranked stats board in the last 8 days. There are a crap tonne of talented and not-so-talented players entering your rank on a daily basis - keep that in mind!

    Edit 3: Since this post kinda took off -```Didn't realize discord links caused post removal...... ```- Feel free to join my discord (expires 4pmEST Feb 15) and ask / follow the discussion.

    submitted by /u/DrJaves
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    Three newbie questions

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Hello, I am relatively new. I am playing for more than two months, now, though. But the questions I have simply do not stop and the questions thread on r/leagueoflegends is only Mondays. :(

    1. Some people complain about kill steal. But doesn't get assisst the same amount of gold and experience as the kill? Except for the bonus bounty. Until now, I often tried to let others kill an enemy, but sometimes, I fear it could escape and just spam some abilities on the enemy, but then, sometimes, though seldom, people complain about kill steal. Does it really matter?
    2. How can you dodge a game? I probably will never do it, but I simply wonder. E.g. when you are in champ select.
    3. Yesterday, I watched a game of Cuzz. There were platforms in the jungle: https://youtu.be/w4YMZsgSPfQ?t=492. What are these? Are the connected to playing Olaf? I once tested Olaf in practice tool when he was in the champion rotation, but do not remember this kind of stuff.
    submitted by /u/Moonwalking_Eren
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    Question about dodging

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Is it worthwhile to dodge a match in promos? I'm a one trick pony. Often times I will dodge games when i don't like the enemy team comp. I can usually tell when it's not a good team comp matchup. When I don't dodge these games where I think i should i lose 9 times out of 10 it seems. So my question is, is it worth it to save my sanity over games even though i take the automatic promos loss? Does is count as a loss to your mmr?

    submitted by /u/AlphaGinger66
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    How to overcome Loss Streaks?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:10 PM PST

    As I try to climb in the great yolo queues, I sometimes find myself getting caught in huge loss streaks, and the losses usually feel like they are out of my control (bot going 1-10 or someone getting tilted and running it down cuz we won't ff) I get that games like these happen, but I feel like I have consistent good performances that dont match the outcome of the game.

    I also take long breaks, sometimes a whole day, to stop myself from tilting, but it seems like no matter what I get cursed until I lose 7 or more games in a row. Does this happen to anyone else and how do you guys deal with it? Or is it a self-fulfilling prophecy? I wonder if I'm missing something, seems like I'm getting matched with other people on loss streaks because there is always atleast one guy who gives up after one or two deaths.

    TL;DR Searching for strategies to stop having loss streaks of 7+ games.

    submitted by /u/biggotMacG
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    Just got to lvl 30, what role should I do for my first ranked?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:20 AM PST

    To give background, I used to play League a lot about 8 years ago and I played for a year or two, so it's been 6-7 years since I last played. However, moving to NA from EU during this time period, I have been playing since about a month or so ago. I just hit 30 in the past week and I'm now contemplating doing Ranked.

    My problem is that right now, Sejuani is my main, the character I have the most fun playing and have been playing almost exclusively over the past week. But I never see Sejuani mentioned and have so far only seen her played once in LEC/LCS and u.gg places her somewhere around D Tier jungle.

    Back when I used to play and when I first came back, I used to play almost exclusively Support and I would say it's my most superior role even now, and back then Jungle was my least favorite so I never got experience on jungling when I used to play, so I would say Jungle is probably my least experienced role.

    So going into Ranked, do I go with what I'm best with, which would be Support to avoid throwing games and personally probably do better than I could in any other role. Or do I go with Jungle which is currently my most fun role, but also (probably) my worst one.

    For info if anyone would wanna know or wonder, as a support I currently play: Leona, Thresh & Nautilus. And as a Jungle i main Sejuani but am capable on Ekko which was on of the first characters I had thanks to Tutorial.

    submitted by /u/AtlasAndMel
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    Building the Sunfire Cape questions.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:11 AM PST

    On what champions is sunfire cape viable on? Is it viable on champions if the enemy team has heavy melee or are in your face touching you? Is it worth it for that extra damage it deals for champions just being near you? I feel like there's more use for it than just for bruisers. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/gingerroute
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    How essential is drafting CC champs in lower elo?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:47 PM PST

    I'm considering changing my champ pool to be more solo carry oriented junglers to climb through silver. I have a tendency to look at our team draft and think "geez we're only damage without much tanky/engage" so I'll sacrifice my intentions and draft Voli, Amumu, or Jarvan just cause I think our team needs it.

    Does it matter too much instead of just being on a big damage comfort pick that you can one-trick? I might be thinking too much in terms of my idea of an ideal team comp and not just something that will work in solo queue anyways.

    submitted by /u/tootallteeter
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    How to I play late game when I am behind or ahead

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 06:54 AM PST

    I play jerky mostly so my laning phase is pretty easy in most matchups, but whenever I get out of laning phase I just find myself not knowing what to do. I usually just end up running it down even when I'm fed I don't know how to transition that lead into a win 90% of the time. Basically I'm asking for some basic late game macro tips so I'm not just floundering around the jungle until my team loses. Any Help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Mustache-Man227
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