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    Monday, February 17, 2020

    LoL Guide It feels like every time I play top lane, I'm forced to play defensive after the first 5 minutes

    LoL Guide It feels like every time I play top lane, I'm forced to play defensive after the first 5 minutes

    It feels like every time I play top lane, I'm forced to play defensive after the first 5 minutes

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:50 AM PST

    So I usually like to run bruisers and tanks in my top lane (Darius, Jax and Garen for my bruisers, with Mundo, Poppy and Ornn for my tanks). I understand that, as a tank, the post-five minute mark is going to be a little more defensive. However, no matter my matchup as a bruiser, i end up getting forced under tower at around the same mark. When I try to counter this by going aggressive, I usually get spanked and end up having to play defensive anyway.

    My question is this: What habits can I form to prevent this in the future? I understand some matchups will always be this way (Illaoi, Teemo) but there has to be something that I can do to try and establish lane dominance before the 5 min mark. Thanks for any replies.

    Edit: Wow, I really didn't expect so many replies. A general thank you to everyone that has provided advice so far; it really helps a lot!

    submitted by /u/divic87
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    Biscuit delivery as a rune

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:51 AM PST

    Recently I have been learning some new champions specifically Pantheon and while looking at op.gg for rune pages and other sites it seems like biscuit delivery is a go to for this guy. Could someone explain to me why people go this instead of magical footwear. From my experience using it, I feel it is so useless and even when i pop it with really low health and mana, it doesn't outweigh the benefits of a free 300 gold item in boots. All I am asking is for someone to explain to me the math behind it, if I am missing something.

    submitted by /u/Tortactical
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    Recognize extremely early drake opportunities on blue side

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST

    With the season 10 dragon changes, dragon is significantly squishier than before. This means that there are now junglers that can solo it before first back without dipping below 40% HP. While opportunities to do this will be limited, it should always be at the back of your mind in the early game, especially if you are on blue side. I would say that doing this is much riskier on red side. As a Rengar main, my champion is incredibly well equipped to do this while minimizing risks: I usually take Fleet Footwork, and as such am left with 1 or 2 potions in my inventory and both smites up by the time I hit level 5. A few other champions that I have played in past seasons come to mind that can very likely take advantage of this: Trundle, Olaf, Elise, Shaco, Lee Sin, Graves (definitely with Fleet Footwork, I'm not sure about Dark Harvest/Electrocute). Now, this is a strategy that I employ in maybe 60% of my games, and succeed with in maybe 80% of those attempts. Don't try this under the following circumstances:

    Scuttle has just spawned bot or is going to spawn bot side, since you have a very high chance of running into the opposing jungler.

    The enemy has a Talon or other high roaming mid laner that you expect to come bot at level 5/6


    The first dragon is an Ocean Drake and you don't know EXACTLY where the enemy jungler is. With other drakes, you at least have a chance of escaping with your life if you're caught doing them by the enemy jungler one on one. Ocean Drake tends to get you lower than the others and has an incredibly potent slow that makes it easy for the enemy to catch you and keeps you within dragon aggro range longer if you decide to pull off it.

    Do not do this if the pixel brush is warded. What I do in a lot of games is hit the vision plant to check pixel brush; this can be risky, as it reveals your position. Another alternative is backing before minions spawn after dropping your trinket ward to switch to a sweeper.

    Do not do this if you feel you can accomplish more by ganking. Rengar's gank opportunities pre-6, especially in mid lane, are very situational, which is why I find this move worth in most cases. Dragon is a huge time commitment, and you will probably find yourself 1-3 camps of experience behind the enemy jungler. If you are, say, Elise, you may want to consider ganking: this is a huge judgment call. On a strong early ganking jungler, most of the time I would only do this if I felt sure I could secure an Ocean Drake, which, while it has the highest risk, is the only one with a non-negligible impact on laning after the dragon changes.

    If you have determined that you want to do the dragon, then here is my usual process.

    A: Use a ranged ability (Rengar E, Graves W, etc) from behind the wall to aggro the drake and avoid the knockback on the first auto.

    B: Where you choose to fight the dragon is champion and lane dependent: Rengar wants to fight the dragon outside of the pit just in front of the wall on the mid lane side of the pit so that he can get empowered abilities as often as possible. Elise wants to be standing next to the back wall of the pit so that she can rappel to the blast cone if necessary. As a general rule, if you are an immobile champion, drag the drake outside of the pit towards pixel brush to avoid either you or the drake being seen by the enemy scuttle shrine (my favorite way to take early dragons, taking advantage of the false sense of security provided by Scuttle vision) and to create a greater distance between you and the enemy bot lane. If you are a mobile champion, use your dash/blast cone to get into the pit immediately after aggroing the dragon and try to position yourself so that you can dash out of the pit if necessary.

    C: If you have both smite charges up up, smite the dragon immediately once you enter smite range. Unless you're Trundle, the other smite will be up just in time (15 sec) to secure the last hit.

    D: Once you've secured the drake, GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE AND RECALL. You have no items, and are probably low on resources. I have died just after securing this dragon MANY times to enemy Zed/Talon by choosing a dangerous spot (pixel brush, dragon pit) to recall.


    submitted by /u/Elendilofnumenor
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    I hear the word Fundamentals thrown out and around constantly. But I have never seen someone give me a solid definition of what that word actually means in the context of League.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Is there a resource, or a list of some sort that i dan refer to to give me what everyone considers fundamentals? I think i know a what a few of them might be like farming, wave management and macro play. But ive never actually seen a sort of comprehensive list.

    submitted by /u/S_Wood
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    What champions to play in each position? And why do theese go to their positions?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:39 AM PST

    Hello, i've been playing for like one month or something and i have some questions about the game. So I basically understood that there are some champions that have strong AD, high AP, very fast campaign (or whatever u english people call the monsters in the jungle) cleaning or good ganking power, but I still have some confusion with the positions.

    Basically, I like playing sup and I always wondered why can't be champions like Mordekaiser or Caitlyn a viable option 4 playing sup? Why do champions like Teemo or Soraka go TOP, or Zoe goes MID? And why can't the ADC and the sup go MID instead of BOT?

    Also sorry if I made any mistakes writing <3

    submitted by /u/Mizuguru
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    Is it actually worth to trade in mid lane early?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:56 PM PST

    I feel like when I make sure to be aggressive and punish early in lane when the enemy laner walks up to cs, they're not taking as much damage as I am via their minions. I genuinely can't tell if it's not a good thing to trade early or not anymore, as I'm the one who has to use more red pots and back earlier.

    submitted by /u/Mrclaptrapp
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    Auto Attack Range

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:35 AM PST

    I was wondering if there was a way to display your attack range permanently, like a toggle? For example when I get rapid fire cannon and I get a thin red circle outlining my AA range, so I was wondering if there was something like that I could enable permanently? I know you can your range when you press a button (A for me), but it isn't permanent.

    submitted by /u/C0nversing
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    aram > macro

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 07:12 PM PST

    I play alot of splitpush champions, and i levelled up a smurf at the end of s9, my main is plat 1. (generally i only solo on my main)

    What i've figured in lower elos is, macro in some games just doesnt exist, as an example, today i was playing Tryndamere, got really fed of the enemy ornn, had like 4+ levels up on everyone else in the game. Im trying to tell my team to go pressure top, ill split bottom. They'd have to send 2 atleast for me, and still have a risk of getting 1v2d which would lead to a free baron for us. But no. The jungler is taking our wolves and the support is resetting while the midlaner somewhat listens, and pushes, but gets caught because he pushed too far with no vision, after that ur adc REALLY needs the red buff, and ur junglers krugs are about to spawn, after that? RESET TIME

    You get the point. At this point i've figured its just best to send it and go 5v5 midlane aram style and hopefully win lol

    submitted by /u/KrostyXD
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    When do you full clear vs buff > buff > camp?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    I main jungle and particularly one trick rengar. 90% of my games I usually full clear if im not invading and it feels awful. The enemy jungler always gets a gank off even though i ping 10-20 seconds before it happens and i feel like i lose a lot of tempo. My understanding of full clearing is its good for champs who have cheap early game powerspikes that can lead to later advantages after getting said item. I usually rush tiamat into duksblade but my laners get frustrated i dont gank for them early. How do I decide my clears based on my team and the enemy jungler? The way I usually get early leads is if a scuttle fight breaks out or there's a very free gank. Should i try to rush level 3 by 2 buffs into a camp and look to gank? Or just keep full clearing to get my item spikes faster.

    submitted by /u/droovieboobie
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    How do I not die to jungle camps (early game)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:53 AM PST

    I try playing many different types of champs but early game I just get absolutely shredded even with jungle items. Is there something I should be doing besides from pots? I've been killed so many times by that big frog (I have been playing for two weeks) :v

    submitted by /u/exo298
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    how to play jg

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:41 AM PST

    i am an iron 2 player who mains mid i watch a lot of videos about tips of escaping iron and in all of them they say that i should get objectives like dragon so i always try to get em but my jg ignores me when i tell him to go drag so i wanna start playing jg i ll play master yi kayn and ekko can u give me some tips how to learn jg.

    submitted by /u/dimbam123
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    How much damage should I be doing as ADC?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:42 AM PST

    I'm currently ping-ponging between silver 1 and 2. I started maining ADC this season, and I've noticed that my damage range has been varying between games - some games I do the most in team at around 40k, some games I do close to my support at 8k. I want to improve on being able to do more damage constantly over the game, so that I have more impact in general.
    I think that one of the reasons I have low damage is that my laning trades are highly dependent on my supports, where I don't actively take trades against the enemy team, which I am trying to improve on. Another is that at my current rank, team fights occurs sporadically over the map, usually in jungles while I'm trying to push out the lane in opposing side of the map.
    I know I'm asking a pretty broad question, but are there any advices/tips/tutorials to improve on this?

    Op.gg - https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=DieBuster

    submitted by /u/TorpidTanuki
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    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:16 PM PST

    I've been playing for a solid two years. My role in ranked has been limited to support. I'm capable of playing mid, but struggle with things like roam timers and wave management. CS is getting there (as in, will come with practice. I'm not sure I'll ever learn if/when to roam).

    Anyway! My strengths are in things like map awareness, objective control, vision, etc. I figured ... it couldn't hurt to attempt jungling? I'm deeply bored with support and kind of losing desire to climb (low gold last season, high silver currently).

    But MY DUDES. I don't know where to even start?

    Do camp clears vary by champ? How do you develop that deep gut feeling about where your enemy jg is at? Do I have to intuitively be able to recall everyone's power spikes to be good?!

    YouTube has so many videos and it's all INTENSE. Plus, I don't want to play Warwick, okay?

    So. What's the least intense way to start? 🙃 TIA!

    submitted by /u/dontmakefaces
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    How to play more league without getting mentally drained?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 12:50 PM PST

    I would love to grind LoL but its so mentally draining, I was challenger back in season 3 and stopped player and just back into it, i have no clue how I grinded back then let alone cannot seem to keep my head on straight to grind to this day. The game has changed so much, any tips to play without mentally exploding? Its a struggle..

    submitted by /u/gymiwnl
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    Why don't more champs with auto-reset abilities take Trinity Force over Black Cleaver?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Title. I've been thinking this about champs like Renekton and Riven. Is it because of their AoE abilities being able to shred armor on multiple targets at once during a teamfight? A lot of people make this argument on champs like Garen, Darius, Yorick, sometimes Kayn and so on, but popular consensus still says Trinity is the better option for them.

    submitted by /u/1031Vulcan
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    Support for climbing

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:31 PM PST

    I have just picked league back up after not playing for several years. As A former gold player, I got placed iron 4 after going 5/5 in promos. I have one tricked voli jungle to high silver already with around a 60% win rate but feel like I have hit a bit of a wall and my climb is slowing considerably. I am contemplating rotating myself to support after losing so many games because of a hard losing bot lane. I prefer to play engage tanks so adc is out of the question. Would playing things like nautilus allow me to carry bot lane and the game? Or should I stick with jungle and try to focus more on helping my own bot succeed?

    submitted by /u/ol_jerry
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    Ranged help

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:56 AM PST

    Hey all thank you in advance for your time. Im a newer player who likes the ranged ADCs like Lucian, Xayah, etc. however for some reason as i engage targets my character runs right to them and i always find myself in their melee range and get insta killed. This also happens alot in team fights and i have trouble clicking on enemies sometimes when everyone is in a blob. Any tips out there?

    submitted by /u/RCtheMedic
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    Draft theory

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:52 PM PST

    With clash coming around the corner Ive been watching a bit of ls mtg draft comparison with red blue white etc style comps. However a lot of the time casters in pro games talk about how certain champs can only be picked on certain sides red/blue. What makes a certain champ better on a certain side? I assume it has to do with drag/baron pit but other than that what makes a certain champ better for a certain side?

    submitted by /u/NotRalcon
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    How to stay farmed as mid lane when my lane gets turned into an ARAM fiesta?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Basically the title. Just played a really frustrating game where the enemy team (jg, top, and bot) kept camping me. I didn't die to them at all but then they ended up getting rift when my team went drag. Then they come back and rift mid and get a super early tower. From that point on it was basically just them leaving at least 2 ppl mid the whole game.

    I tried to get some rotations going to top or bot but then if I would show any other lane they'd send more mid and my team was always slow to rotate...

    Anyway I ended up being pretty useless because I just didn't have enough gold.

    submitted by /u/tbu720
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    Is there a mid lane content creator similar to xFSN_Saber?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:11 PM PST

    Just swapped from ADC/Support to Mid and I'm looking for some content online that's similar to the style of Saber. He is truly the best ( in my opinion ) for educational purposes. I like his mental and attitude, plus what type of content he puts out and how is what clicks best with me.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/alskdfj298374
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    Stacking Pots

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:15 AM PST

    As per title, can you stack (combine healing) of either: 1) multiple corrupting pots, or 2) a corrupting and a biscuit If so, would time warp tonic possibly give a 10% movespeed buff? I doubt it but just wondering. Also, if not doubling the healing, would the potions just stagger, or would using two at once actually be wasteful? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Dre-K-47
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    Help with Kindred (Jungle Main)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Hi, so as the title states I was hoping to get some help/tips playing Kindred. Jungle as become a bit boring and I wanted to try something new besides my usual junglers (Jax, Warwick, Olaf) and I thought Kindred looked really interesting. I have objective and a little bit of counterjungling down, but I can't seem to stay alive in team fights, know who to mark, how to get my marks without my teammates help, and I guess learning how to kite and auto and use that to the most highest efficiency. If anyone could help or provide tips it'd be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MrMcStud
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    How do you handle jungler pressure in toplane in Diamond +?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:35 PM PST

    So here is my issue. High elo junglers seem like they only gank top and mid nowadays because their role is in a weaker role so they have to gank solo laners more often.

    I am thinking and taking really good care and try my best to figure out at all times where the jungler is on the map but even there when I am confident a jungler is doing his bot jungle, they do all they can at the risk of losing a lot of exps to gank my lane.

    For example, I know my J4 started red and their Olaf started red. I trade safely with my Ornn and wait to be confident that this guy is botlane.

    My J4 for some reasons does full clear and is in his top jungle at 3 min doing blue, so I am pretty confident that Olaf is botlane but for some reasons hes waiting me in their toplane bush for a minute and when I finally shove the wave, I get lane ganked. I flash out and live but at this point their jungler has not gone bot yet.

    I come back to lane, I get level 6 first and I proceed to allin Ornn and what do I know their jungler is still jacking it off in the bush and waiting for me to get 6 and allin me with Ornn who is level 5. I die.

    Next game, I play darius into sett. I am even with him which with the state of Sett is pretty good, he wasted tp, I wasted ghost but thats it. I am 90% their jungler is bot because he started top and we saw him back but for some reasons he pathed back top and ganked me.

    Next game, I play versus Ornn, I allin him level 2, he lives on a bit of HP, build a sapphire and gets more hp than me. He doesnt have flash I have flash, I see my elise walking top so I am working on my wave to be froze under my tower and pinging to get ganked because he doesnt have flash, my jungler doesnt gank, backs at blue and goes back bot. Their jungler seeing this walks to lane and proceeds to gank me a little bit later when wave starts crashing the other way. I live but I am not behind in exp because they made me miss exp.

    You get where I am going.

    Its been like that my past few months and it feels like I am getting target ganked while my junglers dont gank whatsoever even if I manage my waves in a way that it will be good for him. Surely I am doing something really wrong and junglers see something that I dont see at all.

    At this point, I am not tilted, I just dont understand what the other laner is doing that I am not to comprehend where my jungler is and how to get ganked while I am not.

    Any help?

    submitted by /u/MegahardOnfire
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    Need your thoughts and advice! Would really appreciate it!:)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 01:01 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    Im a gold 4 euw player that used to main midlane and stopped because i somehow felt like i can't really carry there and went to jungle for like a month now. I play since season 4 on and off but the most active time i played were this and the last season. And i managed to get to gold the last 2 seasons. My peek was gold 2. So now that i was in the jungle for a month first of all i got a totally new view at the game.(players pushing too hard for no reason and get ganked. No warding. I also looked much more at the minimap cuz well lets face it no distraction to not do it like a enemy laner or farming.) i felt like i carried alot of games then or atleast diddn't play bad. But now i have the urge to go back to mid as i just love the champs and the role there.

    I pretty much learned alot about league in theory over the years through youtube guides and streamers. Its like i know some simple macro play. I know cd tracking. I know that i need to roam. Wave control etc. I just never managed to really track the jungler besides seeing him on the map and maybe im just lacking mechanical skill too to carry in midlane ? Im not really sure there. What i sure know is that i still have problems in teamfighting. I know which champs to focus but keeping track of what ability's were used is really hard for me.

    My Point of this post really is.. should i go to mid and play what i really deep down enjoy or go to jungle and win games?..

    I also would really appreciate ur advice on how u guys carry in midlane? Afaik its winning lane ofc and taking that advantage to the map and roam. Also how do players track junglers in detail? I see jungler streamers like tarzaned and he just knows the enemy jungler is bot side river and will gank now. Its like fucking magic to me. And im not talking about oh yeah crab is coming up soon so he prob will try to get that. No its like no indication whatsoever for me why he knows that.

    Also challenger players know a win con about a match. How do i find that win con? What is a win condition?

    Of course i know i still lack alot of knowledge that i probably don't even know of yet. I once heard in a video that a challenger player said that low elo players make every 20 seconds atleast one mistake and that blew my mind.

    I really do wanna improve and would really appreciate any tips u guys can give me.

    Also this is my first time posting in this sub and sorry if that post felt like all over the place im just not good at this stuff and english is not my mothers tongue. Also i'm sorry if i have broken any rules with this post and i thank you guys for ur time and reading i really appreciate it and have great day!

    submitted by /u/hi_its_alen
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