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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    LoL Guide It's been said before, but bears repeating: Stop trying to learn how to smurf in your own MMR.

    LoL Guide It's been said before, but bears repeating: Stop trying to learn how to smurf in your own MMR.

    It's been said before, but bears repeating: Stop trying to learn how to smurf in your own MMR.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:51 AM PST

    I've seen so many topics here on this subject throughout the years. There are a few on the front page right now.

    This isn't how you climb. It just isn't. This is how smurfs climb - who have already mastered the fundamentals in their own elo to do so, and then have learned an additional skill: "How to smash the map against players that are inferior to you."

    Not every high elo player can get a 95% win rate through bronze to gold or whatever. Plenty of Diamond+ players mention here that burning through silver, etc. is more complicated than a lot of streamers and other content makers make it out to be.


    You climb by working on the fundamentals. At all stages of gameplay. ALL stages. This is a universal constant in ANY competitive sphere. ALWAYS be working on the fundamentals.

    Kobe Bryant (RIP), Michael Jordan, Shaq, and other professional basketball players did NOT make it to the NBA by focusing on 'tricks'. They worked out their own tricks throughout their career but what got them to the NBA was focusing on the fundamentals on a daily basis, until they were so drilled into their head that they were as natural as breathing. This is what you're aiming for.

    It isn't pretty, it isn't flashy, it isn't even really that noticeable. It's winning game #17 and #55 in a 100-game stretch, instead of losing them, because your increased skill with the fundamentals was the difference between your team losing and winning (it may even be that game #55 you went 0/4/6 instead of 0/7/3 or something! You just focused on not dying as much and trying to have as much non-risk impact as you could on the map, instead of inting into the enemy over and over trying to 'catch up' again). A 2-game swing in 100 games is also actually a 4 game swing in LP gains (51-49 = 2 vs. 53-47 = 6).

    • You will literally never know that those games were won through you doing the right thing a few more times, which ultimately led to the victory. It will never really be apparent that that's what happened.


    Here is a non-exhaustive list (in no particular order) of the fundamentals:

    • CS - knowing minion red lines at all levels and itemization stages.

    • Trading - CS'ing under pressure, and denying CS from the enemy.

    • Wave Control - Slow push vs. fast push vs. freeze. Also breaking a freeze, or matching the enemy push to keep the wave in the middle. This is largely about creating or relieving pressure in your direct sphere of influence on the map.

    • Priority - Knowing when the enemy cannot trade favorably in to you (and vice-versa) due to the circumstances of the wave, the map, and cooldowns. As well as gold and XP advantages. This also encompasses "champion knowledge".

    • Build - Proper runes and itemization, as well as summoner spells.

    • Map Awareness, Micro - Seeing the jungler (yours or theirs) passing through close-by vision. Noticing your enemy has left vision and could be roaming. Seeing that the ally/enemy Fiddlesticks has begun ulting and you should either GTFO or GTFI. Etc. I would also say placing wards and denying vision would be encompassed in this.

    • Map Awareness, Macro - Seeing that drake is coming up soon, and planning ahead to be there to support your team. Noticing the enemy Tryndamere is pushing bot lane while you are skirmishing in top jungle or whatever, and responding in time to catch the wave at turret so he can't do damage to it.

    • Objective Control - Drake vs. Baron. Baron vs. Inhib. Turret plate vs. recall. Join skirmish in river vs. push turret. Roam vs. farm.

    • Time Management - Setting up vision in Baron 30 seconds before it pops up. Backing between waves. Farming and ganking efficiently as a jungler. Etc.

    • Positioning - Tank vs. Mage vs. Assassin vs. ADC vs. Buff/Heal Support. Knowing where to be in skirmishes, duels, and teamfights to have the highest impact with the lowest danger to yourself (or sometimes your team, baiting your death to win a teamfight is a solid strategy).

    These - and I'm sure y'all will mention some others - are the skills you need to be working on. Lee Sin insecs are cool, but they won't suddenly make you a good Lee Sin player. What makes you a good Lee Sin player isn't landing 100% of your Q's, it's rotating effectively, and landing enough Q's that you had a positive impact on the map.

    • I'd rather have a Lee Sin who has solid CS, builds properly, has the correct runes, and is making objective calls but is 0/7/3, than a Lee Sin who is 7/2/5 but chasing kills in the jungle, throwing objectives to do so, and ends the game 9/12/7, or whatever.


    A Quick Story

    A long time ago I watched a streamer smurfing in my ELO (bronze at the time) with Wukong mid. Absolutely smashing lads with crazy high KDA values. This was before his Q nerf and a few other things. I was maining Wukong at the time so I emulated what this streamer was doing and basically shot straight to Silver with a 90%+ win rate.

    It was really cool. But it was very detrimental to my attitude towards climbing for the next few years. I kept wanting that feeling of smashing lanes and winning games again. It was addictive. I've never been able to get that back, and once I hit Silver I was hard stuck for a long time, because the methods I was using no longer really worked on them (they stopped being aggro after 2-3 deaths was the largest reason). My fundamentals took a huge hit in chase of the "smash lane win game" high.

    Now that I've started working on fundamentals I am noticing a larger "soft" impact on each and every one of my games, with my game presence even in losses usually being one of the larger on the team.

    Don't get stuck in the mindset of "must win every game to climb". It's not how it's done. Win games #17 and #55 instead by improving your fundamentals. That's sustainable. That works. Not whatever happened to me above.

    "Smurfing" is not a translatable skill to your own ELO. It doesn't work. The fundamentals do.


    Hope this helped! Good luck out there Summoners.

    submitted by /u/LedgeEndDairy
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    Do take a few seconds of your time to find the "Enemy has a ward here" ping and set it to a key that you don't usually use, but can easily push.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:52 AM PST

    I see so many people not knowing about this ping, though it has existed for more than 2 seasons now. Reason being for this is that this ping gives twice the information than a "Fall back" or a regular "here is something" ping and twice less the time pinging and writing "warded" in the chat. Some good spots for the ping include the ~ or the z key which aren't hard to reach with your left hand (Unless you play with the mouse with your left hand) or even one of the mouse macro keys which most gaming mouses have.
    Stay safe and happy climbing, summoners!

    submitted by /u/critsonyou
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    Alpha Wolf | An ACTUALLY In-depth Challenger Warwick Guide by parnellyx

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Hi im parnellyx, a Challenger Warwick main on NA. This is my Warwick guide that I've technically been working on for the last 2 years.

    The goal of this guide was to make an ACTUAL informative league of legends guide instead of bullshitting you guys and clickbaiting for views.


    Let me know if you liked the video and found it informative. Any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/parnellyxlol
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    Senna/Karthus Funnel Strat

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:34 AM PST

    Here to talk about a strat that I have been theory crafting (and tried a few times) that I think is pretty strong. At it's core, it's a funnel strat with Karthus jungle and Senna mid. The reason it works so well is that Senna scales better with souls than she does with items and certain jungle camps have the potential to drop A LOT of souls. This post from /u/Buttchungus breaks down the value of each soul and why this works so well.


    Senna should start lane as normal, farming and all, then when Karthus goes to wolves, wraiths, or krugs, she should follow and hover near the camp to pick up the souls. Karthus should come to mid for the first time on the third wave to pick up the cannon. Shove the wave as fast as you can then get back to farming jungle for souls. In an ideal world, Senna will get 2-3 souls per wave that Karthus farms, 2 souls per wolves, 3 souls per wraiths, and 4 souls per Krugs. Senna reaches nutty soul numbers early and Karthus reaches nutty gold levels. Both end up doing a ton of damage and can also assist sidelanes without needing to be there (although I don't recommend not ganking).

    I have only played it a few times, but currently have a 100% winrate on it (including a clash game), so at worst I think its a decent cheese strat. We saw a taste of it when C9 had Vulcan farming instead of Zven, but I think taking it a step further still works. Try it out and let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/sclapes13
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    Team work wins more games in low elo than Bronze/Silver players want to believe. Letting your ego change your objective from winning the game for yourself to losing it for your "bad" team mates only hurts YOU. Start taking responsibility for yourself.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:27 PM PST

    When I smurf and I play on my Bronze-Gold accounts to either practice champions, play out a dodge, or warm up, it's baffling to me how many players mental boom and completely throw their chances at a win.

    • Your play dictates YOUR games. No one else's. You may effect those bad players in this one game, but it's very obvious that you mental boom a lot. You are the only one holding yourself back from winning and aren't proving any point to anyone other than how bad you are. You look silly.

    • You only got to your elo by being lucky enough to get carried and that is why you are constantly making mistakes, dying, feeding, losing your cool, and thus sabotaging your own games. You have a 40% winrate and due to other players desperately trying to carry you, you get some wins. Looking at your match history, it's very obvious you had no part in your victories.

    • If you want your team to listen to YOU and you want the fame and glory of carrying, then put yourself in a position to carry. Not get carried. On the flip side, you also need to accept being carried and making yourself carriable.

    • You aren't hot shit because you're Silver. It honestly does not matter if you are Silver playing with Bronze -- MMR is what counts and you are all equal grounds of skill. So the fact YOU are playing with BRONZE means that YOU are of equal skill to bronze players. Not the other way around. The average MMR in your games is b r o n z e. Not silver.

    • Your obsession with KDA is your downfall. KDA does not win games, objectives do. KDA helps you get objectives, but that does not mean your 1/2 ADC with 180cs is at fault for you going 3/8 with 50cs because you're dying trying to gank lost lanes, getting caught, and/or running it down out of spite because the bot lane didn't rotate to an OBVIOUSLY BAD drake call. Don't instantly say "you're 1/2 stfu youre trash" when you are literally dead and have almost 10 deaths.

    • Learn to listen to your team. You are not an all-knowing player and if you looked passed yourself and reflected upon situations where your team pinged you back, said "dont do that", and you did it anyway then died, why not LISTEN TO YOUR TEAM? Just STOP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING. Give it a try.

    • Your deaths are your responsibility. End of discussion. You die? Your fault. Don't look to point fingers at anyone. "What could I have done better/different there?" and LEARN from your deaths in the game. If a situation didn't pan out like you thought it would, reflect on what happened and adapt from there. You assumed your team was going to do something that they didn't? Expect it next time.

    I was Bronze and I was a rage baby. I was hard stuck and it was everyone else's fault but mine why I wasn't silver. The day I told myself that I was over it and worked on my mental I started to climb. And fast.

    So get over yourselves. You aren't bad at the game because you're not Diamond. You are literally learning how to play. Be kind, be forgiving, be patient. Not only with yourself, but with your team mates.

    submitted by /u/Focus_and_Improve
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    Just mute chat

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:51 AM PST

    Mute all chat. Mute allied chat. It will save you so much stress and time. Typing out an explanation for why you died or misplayed is the biggest waste of time you could do in a video game. Nobody ever says anything important, especially in lower elos there's 0 reason to have chat enabled. And if anyone spam pings your items, runes or pings question marks on you if you die, mute their pings.

    submitted by /u/nfhii
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    Target Champions Only and why it's the most useful bind in my life

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Count how many times you have lost a trade/fight just because your auto hit a minion. How many times the enemy jungler just hid under the drake hitting you while you couldnt even target them. Well fear no more, here comes the 'Target Champions Only' button. Defaulted to the ~ key in the top left corner of the keyboard, it makes your basic attacks and targeted abilities only ever target Champions (quite self-explanatory, true) when held down OR toggled (It can be changed in the Settings in-game under Settings >> Game >> Gameplay on the very bottom).

    You might think that it's really only ever useful on Marksmen and maybe on some fighters, but consider for example these mages: Annie's Q doesn't miss the stun and lets her land the full combo, Xerath's Passive auto restores more mana on champs and the bonus 40 damage might have some use in certain situations, Viktor's Q and the empowered auto deal a solid chunk of the enemy's HP bar. Maybe Assassins are your thing, wouldn't you love to always hit that Talon jump and have 1 more stack of your passive on the enemy? How about never missing an Akali mark when trading or Zed's Passive empowered auto?

    TL;DR the ~ keybind on default lets your autos and targeted abilities only hit champions, please use it.

    Edit: Attack-move bypasses this and you still hit minions with it.

    submitted by /u/fajnyczajnik
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    LPT for supports: when the enemy support misses and/or wastes a key ability, move up and look for an engage!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Just wanted to share this as I was playing Leona just now against Thresh, and there were a handful of times when I missed my E, and I was in a bad position for a second and a half, and the enemy Thresh never tried to take advantage of it, he just kind of sat back there doing his thing.

    When the enemy support misses an important ability, they're vulnerable for 10 or so seconds! Punish them! Poke them, show them that you recognize that. Bot lane is very mental, if you show presence and you make a statement that you're going to punish your opponent for mistakes, they're going to play very very defensive!

    Just wanted to share this to everyone.

    submitted by /u/bassbehavior
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    Can someone write a very extenstive explanation of jungle routes and how to avoid ganks/predict them as a botlaner?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:45 PM PST

    It's been getting very stupid, i legit die to ganks every single game and the jungler recognizes i don't undertsand how to play vs them and just camps bot 24/7 and i just chain feed due to it.

    I usually win lane very easily but the jungler just ruins it all basically every game

    I am an old player (playing since S2) and honestly this late jungle meta has caught me completely off guard since i used to be able to prevent ganks by warding, but right now warding just doesn't cut it anymore due to the insane amount of engage by basically almost every champ in botlane so they just CC you and even if you see the guy walking on a ward he straight just runs on the ward and ganks you anyways

    So i need to understand how to predict, rather then ward them

    Some main jungler here? Thefuck should i do?

    submitted by /u/glasgow_af
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    The new changes to the Ravenous Hydra item allows you to have 101% lifesteal

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:51 PM PST


    Basically the title. So today I saw a interesting post on I think it was either this subreddit or the league of legends one that had a list of the item buffs and nerfs for patch 10.5.

    I saw an interesting buff to the Ravenous Hydra base stats in which it's lifesteal was buffed from 12% to 18%. I instantly thought wouldn't this be broken so i hopped into PBE practice tool, locked in everyones favorite braindead aa champ, gave it a try with master yi and here are my results.


    My runes were Precision: Conquerer, Triumph, Legend Bloodline, and Coup de Grace.

    Secondary I went Domination: Taste of blood and Ravenous Hunter


    So basically with my build was 3 Ravenous Hydras, A Guinsoo's Rageblade, A Sanguine blade, and a Bloodthirster.

    3 Ravenous Hydras= 54% Lifesteal.

    Sanguine gives 15% lifesteal

    Bloodthirster gives 20% on AA

    And Guinsoo's doesn't give any

    Add all of that up and you get a total of 89% lifesteal. That much lifesteal just from items. Now if we add in the lifesteal from a fully stacked Legend Bloodline (12%), we get a grand total of 101% Lifesteal

    101% LIFESTEAL!!!

    In conclusion I think this would be busted on champs like olaf and yi.

    Let me know if i did anything wrong in this post k guys?


    Edit: Imgur isn't working 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Edit 2: forgot about red pot

    Edit 3: 6 ravenous hydras do give you 108% lifesteal but with this build you also get max attack speed with yi r. If you wanted to go full lifesteal then yes 6 would give more however I fell like this build would actually be viable in game

    submitted by /u/Dude_JK
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    Is it worth it to buy GLP items if you don't take Glacial?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:20 AM PST

    Hi guys! Love this subreddit and finally found a reason to legitimately post.

    I've been steadily climbing and primarily play Mid. One thing I've been noticing is some people building Hextech-GLP on mages despite the fact that they don't have Glacial Augment as their rune. (Ahri's, Lux's, LeBlanc's, Zoe's, etc.)

    Is this worth doing, and may I ask why or why not?


    submitted by /u/Schizii
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    How To Stop Team From Quitting Too Soon?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:13 PM PST

    I'm in Bronze 1/Silver 5 and the biggest problem I have atm for climbing rank is people outright quitting when the going gets rough(tough?), and these aren't even bad games, I'm talking 20-24 or even 4-7 at ridiculius times like 12 minutes in, which is too early for even an 'early surrender' they just stay at the nexus shop indefinitely, sometimes flamming the rest of the team or possibly the enemy team too. This happens way too often! I dunno if it's part of my elo bracket, or just how the people of my server (EUW) tend to play... either way it's annoying as hell to have people just give up at the first sign of struggle when the game is just getting started, this hurts me especially as a late game champ, I have no problem recovering from a bad start if you gimme enough time. What's more is that I can never seem to get the players to come back, they aren't ussully AFK, they'll still respond to messages and bring up the surrender vote as frequently as possible! What can I do (If anything)

    submitted by /u/Joez94Guy
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    How do I escape Elo Hell?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:29 PM PST

    Hi Reddit,

    I would really want to know what I shall do to escape Elo Hell (aka Bronze 1)?
    Im not the best player in the world, have peaked Gold 1 for like 3 seasons ago, but this elo is just ridiculous. For example, the last 10 games I got leavers in 3 of them. In 3 games I found a really cool jungler who was a really good teamplayer, ended up winning these 3 games (!) and the last 4 games I ended up with genuinely bad or new players who haven't got a grip of the game yet (for some reason in 3 of those 4 games there was Mr. 1v5 Master Yi who was our issue). In other words it feels impossible to climb out of this rank. I've been in promo 2 times now in the last 2 weeks, but these promos is going as usual when you are in promos, trollers, afkers etc.

    I mainly play mid as Katarina or Vladimir and is good when it comes to the mechanics, not the best so will have to train alot more on combos etc. Average cs/match is 150 which is ok I guess, but csing more shouldn't harm. As Katarina I got 2.05:1 KDA and as Vlad I got 1.70:1 KDA. The biggest problem as I can see is that I play way to aggressively and die alot, specially in the laning phase, often I don't die to the laner solo, but I overextend and getting ganked. Usually I die somewere between 5-15 deaths per match, but I've tried to play SUPER safe but then it feels that I lack either kills or cs. In teamfights I usually try to let the tank/bruiser/engager go in first and then I jump in like the clean up crew, but sometimes in teamfights I go in to hard/soon before the enemies used cc's and then im easily picked.

    I really want to improve, I would atleast want to reach Gold this season, but it feels like the only way out right now is to go back to play jungle and learn someone S tier meta jungler to be able to hardcore carry myself out of this, but I feel that playing jungle and a S tier meta jungler wouldn't be fun at all and ruin the game experience, I mean that's not what I want to do.

    So please, give me your best advice on how to escape out of this Elo.

    submitted by /u/Bizcan
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    What has helped you improve?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:07 AM PST

    I feel stuck and I'm out of ideas on what to do to see actual results so I'm curious about what your climb has looked like. Where & when did you start / where are you now? What has helped you the most? Anything you often see recommended that hasn't helped you?

    submitted by /u/codezerofifteen
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    How to improve jungling as a low elo player?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Hi there!

    I need help on how to improve my jungling. As a low elo player, I'm not really doing impressive to help my laners get ahead. Yes, I can counterjungle, countergank, get objectives, decent jungle tracking but I feel like I'm still the weakest link of the team.

    If I am ahead, I can't close the game pretty well and have to rely on my team to do that.

    Is there any tip that you can share to me to improve my jungling? How do you take advantage of small leads? Lastly, how can I be able to carry games? Cuz' I there are games where I must carry but I fail to do so.

    My champs: J4, Mundo, Sej, Trynd.


    submitted by /u/arkllytexvi
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    Do you think Ocean Soul alone is worthy of a GW buy?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:32 PM PST

    Basically title. Don't know about the math on this but I figured somebody might know. Without crunching the numbers, I believe it is just because it's a team-wide sizeable heal, not even counting sustain in the team's items/kits.

    I know some people (cough cough LS cough) are vocal about their disdain for specifically Morello and I get why. However, I've never heard someone give a definitive answer for what the healing floor needs to be to really justify a Morello (or just GW in general) buy.


    submitted by /u/I_CUM_ON_HAMSTERS
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    Split or Go down mid?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:31 PM PST

    I'm silver and was gold last season. I started Oct. 2019, so I'm still fairly new. I've noticed in my ranked games everyone just wants to run it down mid after laning phase. As an ADC or Mid laner, should I be perma mid? Or farm side lines and rotate if a fight occurs?

    submitted by /u/JakobeeeT
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    Does this game reward you accordingly and encourage fun through expressing yourself through skill?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:02 PM PST


    Hello! I am a gamer that enjoys competition and I am interested in League of Legends. I have played a few matches and have watched some videos/streams prior to playing. I have some fundamental questions that I can't quite figure out by myself and I hope some skilled veterans can help me get an understating of the game as a whole so that I can make a better judgement.

    Expanding on the title of this post, the main question I have is whether League is fair and fun to play. I believe this can only be answered by people that know the history of Riot and the game aswell as know the game itself in and out. That is why I decided to make this post here and look for help from this community.


    Does the game reward skill accordingly?

    Basically, will the better (more skilled) player be rewarded and will the worse (less skilled) player be punished in a competitive scenario?

    Now I know that obviously, that's what a competitive game is, but I still have my concerns.(bad past experiences in other games)

    Today I played a game as Aatrox in the top lane against a Singed(who I believe was 99% a smurf). We fought early on(level 3-4) and he won. He generally moved so well, moving out of my W and avoiding my third Q masterfully by just slightly being outside its range. Of course I died from the poison(which I tried to dodge, but he forced me into) and he just barely won(with a slither of health+potion effect) after what felt like a long epic battle(10-15s). He used strategies like going in and out of bushes(so I can't see him) while I take damage from his smoke and so much craziness.

    Despite getting "destroyed" I enjoyed it thoroughly. I felt good losing because I lost to someone who played awesomely. He deserved to win. It was a pleasure to watch myself be outplayed. He won because he was better(smurfing too...but still) and it was awesome.

    It was great because it felt fair. I geniunely felt that had I played a bit better, landed more skills, moved in a better way I would've won. I had a fair chance. How could I get mad at anyone but myself? I can't.

    My question is, does this sense of fairness and fun remain through the whole game up to the tip of the ladder?

    There is always so much talk about meta. Meta mEtA META META!!!! What kind of meta does this game have?

    Is it type 1 or type2?: There is type 1:

    • Some champions do x easier than others in their role so they are really popular right now....


    • Some champions are stronger early game and most people prefer snowballing and ending early as opposed to going for a long game where teamfights decides the game = meta..


    • Some champions are currently theorethically slightly better than others in their class if you can pull them off. Even then though you must be better than your enemy to win lane..etc (Like say syndra or Orianna, but not if you miss your skills...btw, not saying they are meta just an example. Think of when they were meta.)

    Type 2:

    • Champion is just blatantly overpowered and completely unfair. Even when a player of lesser skill uses this champion they are in a much better position throughout the entire game and will realistically win over a slightly better player with a weaker champion of the same type/role. (Excluding champions who recently got skins or new champions which are overpowered for $ purposes. We can ban a few of those...understandable)


    The type of meta in this game is what makes or breaks it for me. I have heard people say you can climb to a pretty "high elo" like diamond on anything. That sounds good to me.

    However, I am interested in the game as a whole. Up to the tip of challenger. I won't just play and pour my heart, soul and time into the game and quit after reaching Diamond. I want to be as good as I can be, no limits and have fun during the process.

    Do you think you can express yourself in this game and have fun winning through skill?

    I understand it is a 5 man team game, so no need to get into that discussion.

    Of course plenty of people get challenger on new accounts so it is possible right? How is this done though?

    Do you have to play the 2-3 "op/unbalanced/flavour of the month/s" champions to stay competitive at higher elo?

    Is it not possible to win through skill and different strategies? Just because it's meta/popular doesn't mean it must absolutely be the only way in any game.

    So what if the current Meta jungler clears fast and is very good at taking objectives and skirmishes.

    Does that make it impossible for me to win if I go for a different approach?

    Maybe I want to go for a jungler whose speciality is in ganking.

    Maybe I want to go for a jungler who is very strong late-game and I have to race the enemy. Stop them winning early or they likely win. End it early or I'll likely win(since it reached late-game) and I scale better.

    These kinds of things...So many different champions, items and possible strategies. Can a more skilled player win through different strategies? Is there any flexibility?

    Or is it just about being a meta slave abusing the newest thing that everyone else is doing with 0 creativity.

    And although "Of course the better player wins lol" sounds like common sense, I have played games where it was literally impossible to do anything more/better. The balance was just skewed and one won depending on picks rather than sheer skill.(not even talking about smart counter picks)

    Yes there are different roles and types of champions. Yes a support won't 1v1 darius in lane. That's not what I mean don't misunderstand. I just wonder if all roles and types of champions are potentially viable depending on skill and not just unfair "op" champions.

    Does the game just become frustrating and unfun after a certain rank/level? Or is it really not as bad as people make it out to be. (Not talking about feeding teammates here, I mean the game itself, not the players)

    In my opinion, everything that influences winning i a competitive game should have counterplay. Everything should have advantages/disadvantages. Knowing when and how to use and abuse those things should be the most imporant part. Think about it, is that League of Legends?

    Thank you, I hope I can get some answers from passionate players who love the game. I am very curious and find the game very fun and interesting so far. I really hope I have found myself my new favorite game.

    TL;DR: Is the meta in LoL at high elo mostly fair? Does the game allow for creativity, intelligence and skill to shine? Can you express yourself through the game and have geniune fun? Or is the game funamentally unfair? What is your experience and judgement on LoL as a whole? Is it worth playing?Is this a good competitive game?

    submitted by /u/WhyIsWaterSoWett
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    How are players able to 1v9 and snowball of the smallest lead ??

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:08 AM PST

    I just watched some of RATIRL and PERMABAN's old archived stream (back in season 9) and I see them able to snowball off 2 kills and 1v9 the game no matter the circumstances, it really makes me question how are they able to do it in the toxic environment of solo q, I've also seen many other people do the "Unranked to Challenger" series where they climb out elo he'll like iron/bronze/silver like nothing hits diamond in 5 days etc. I can never understand why/how they're able to pull these plays with a inting bot lane or jungle and snowball this hard with their lead. Any tips or tricks would be really appreciate.

    submitted by /u/K0chira
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    I feel like i don't have any importance during the matches

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

    So, i've been in this situation for quite some time. (I'm a supp main in bornz btw) From time to time, no matter what i do, i feel like i have no chance to determine the outcome of a match. And i know its not because my support role, numerous people told that even if you're a support, you can carry. Not to mention carrying, i feel like i don't matter anything. I'm trying my best to cooperate with the team, objective control etc and it's not that bad really, but it's useless. Most of the time, if we lose, that's because some 12/0 fed caracter, but the saddest part, this is the same if we win. Someone in our team gets fed, and carries the whole match. I felt useless, so i tried to master some dmg champions, and it went suprisingly good. Like, I could take out the fed adc , got kind of a lot of kills , but still lost. But if we won, that wasn't because of me. I don't wanna get carried all the time, and i honestly admire people who can just carry the whole game alone. How can i become like that? Even if i don't carry, i want to be a big help to my team... I have no idea what i'm doing wrong.

    submitted by /u/AccurateAnchor
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    What the hell am i doing wrong

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:25 PM PST

    Twice now i've gotten to play Diana mid for my promos. Win lane, do a great job securing drags, roaming, getting my items super early. Overall i've been doing it for my team. Even with a feeding bot or top lane we still end up doing great especially in teamfights.

    Whats screwing me is the late game, around like 25 min or so. We lose 1 teamfight, where I die early or we just don't focus the master yi-ulting-youmuus-ghosting to our adc, and the whole team loses faith.

    I ping to keep lanes pushed out, and ward baron or drag whichever is coming up, but nobody groups up. Bot will try and farm, or split push with no vision on enemy team, ultimately dying. and top or jg seems to think farming in the jungle is the right thing to do.

    TL;DR: What do I do when we are ahead, all lanes are pushed out, but nobody is grouping up with me (the carry) and split pushing at the worst times? losing us teamfights bc of the picked off teammates.

    submitted by /u/playboicaymvn
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    How to stop feeling tilt

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:47 AM PST

    I get so guilty everytime I get that heavy feeling in my heart and i always feel so immature for having that feeling. I'm never toxic but it always seems to hurt all the more. I always see people saying "it's just a game" and I know it more than anyone. But once that sunken feeling starts I can't control it and I feel ashamed and disgusted at myself. How do I stop that "sinking feeling" that everyone seems to be able to do

    submitted by /u/zryko
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    Why is heal not viable in supports?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:13 PM PST

    While ignite does give some 2v2 pressure early on, having a heal spell avaiable when your ADC's is on CD might save his life. Furthermore, It can help other teammates who don't have heal as well. It's bonus movespeed + healing is just really useful, and even though having 2 heals being cast not long after the first will lower the amount of healing you get from it, it does sound more useful than ignite (even though it also grants a temporary healing reduction to enemies, which can be replicated with Grievous Wounds itens). Besides that, the move speed heal gives can be used agressively to outspeed your enemy. I know that in spite of everything mentioned here, ignite is still better. However, as a new player, I'd like to know why. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.

    submitted by /u/LucasTab
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