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    Friday, February 14, 2020

    LoL Guide Jungle Pathing and tracking?

    LoL Guide Jungle Pathing and tracking?

    Jungle Pathing and tracking?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:44 AM PST


    I usually only play lane but the higher I climbed the more I realized how important it is to track enemy / ally jungler and play accordingly to their pathing, especially considering I main mid.

    Sadly I barely know anything about pathing, where could I start learning about jungle, which guide is still up to date and has even the most basic information available??

    Also, would climbing as jungler myself be the best way to improve jungle tracking?

    submitted by /u/FriendZoned12918
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    What's the difference between "being a KDA player" and "not feeding unnecessary deaths"?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Recently I took a look at my mobalytics, and it calls me a KDA player because I have a typically low amount of deaths (avg like 3 on wins, like 5 on losses). I play mostly support and toplane.

    I'm not specifically trying to not die so my KDA looks good (as I'll have games where I go something like 3/1/10, it might look like I'm KDA whoring, but I'm not), I'm just...not inting? I see people die boneheaded deaths all the time, and sometimes it works, sometimes not. I'd rather go for safer plays. In my eyes, it's better to go 0/0/0 than feed a bunch of kills trying to make low chance plays happen, and lose because of that. Being behind in CS and playing a lane safely is recoverable, feeding multiple deaths and becoming negated as a player isn't.

    For instance, I was playing poppy against a heimerdinger top lane (he picked before me, in retrospect I should've fought cancer with cancer). At 15 he had around double my CS, but hadn't killed me. We ended up winning, and I was able to contribute once I left top lane and put pressure on mid, dragon and whatnot (basically out-macroed the heimer). I knew that if I fed this heimer by playing his game I'd be useless and he'd become the carry, so I just chilled and didn't die. Ended up with the assist-heavy KDA I usually have.

    In the opposite situation, when I'm ahead and "winning", I keep the same cautious gameplay, preferring to "slow burn" my lead rather than aggressively trying to make my laner go 0/13 before 10 mins like I see people do sometimes.

    Should I be less cautious and more aggressive? The risk of instantly losing the game by feeding too much early on kinda scares me away from that. I see people doing crazy stuff like lv 6 towerdives and the like. The risk of getting outplayed and dying to tower, ruining the lane and losing the game seems way too high to risk that.

    Thoughts? Advice?

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    CS Management: How do I keep up with CS when the opponent is harassing me?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Playing melee champions against other champions with range or better CC has been very hard for me to improve on. I feel like when I go in for last hit I get combo'd or poked and slowly but surely just lose the lane. Any tips on how to get CS without putting myself in danger with a champion like Garen?

    submitted by /u/KraftyKlipboard
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    How do you beat a Yummi & twitch lane?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:26 AM PST

    So I've gone against about eight of them now and it's a loss every time no matter what. Because eventually twitch and yummi get items and then it's over because of Yummi's W. The fact that she to gets stealth which can lead into her slowing with her Q or ulting while twitch gets in position mid game.

    And then late game it's, Twitch pops up out of nowhere, nukes one person while yummi heals any damage he gets then he stealths off at mach fucking 5 with yummi's zoomies only to do it again 5 seconds later to the next poor fuck.

    Mix that in with twitch gets ungodly ad if Yummi builds ap (Which they all have)
    And you have a nigh unkillable, untrackable, hyper mobile, killing machine that even if you shut him down early game, he just comes back a fucking monster.

    I've tried Soraka to try and out heal the damage, or silence him out of his stealth. Didn't work.

    I've tried Leona and to jump on him when he pops out of stealth but in the fraction of a second it takes for him to pop out of stealth he murders my adc and then even if I jump on him yummi heals him for anything I could do and then he stealths away with a stealth THAT RESETS ON KILL.

    submitted by /u/KyoSempai
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    Why did enemy 5 man stack vs 5 point guarding?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Was playing urgot, and had a thresh (our reason for invading) with a nidalee, veigar, and lucian Against Jax, khazix , fizz, senna, janna who were stacked at their red buff. Any reason why they would do this because i havent seen anyone ever do that. Anything suspicious about the pinging ?the invade

    submitted by /u/BucketODigletts
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    I'd like to know more about Team Composition and Strategies

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Back in Clash I formed a team with my friends and did really well, so we felt confident and decided to go into a small tournament to see how it could go. Personally, each of us played well, but the problem was that it always felt like the enemy team was one step ahead in terms of organization and strategy. I would like to know if there is any guide or advise on how to organize a team, since they decided that I will be becoming the coach/leader of the team and have almost zero knowledge in the matter.

    Things like macros, when to do something and why, why do each player decides each move, what is a priority in regards of objectives, those are things that you can see many pro teams do perfectly but I can't come to understand how they decide those things. Also, picks and bans were always thought about counter-picking the enemy team, and we failed on making a proper composition, so I would appreciate a lot on that matter. I know these are many things to ask advice for, but if you have a good analysis video (searching for strategies in youtube led to classic clickbait title videos of montages and such) or any advice yourself I would really appreciate it!

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    submitted by /u/nach1221
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    What are your reliable solutions to getting your early jungle interrupted?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    I like playing jungle, and I feel like when all is going well, it's probably my best role considering the outrageously low amount of play time I have on it vs Mid and top.

    That said, it feels like if I get invaded, especially early game, I'll become entirely reliant on luck (ie what the other jungle happens to be doing) if I'm to be able to come back on equal footing.

    For instance, this last game I was Warwick (I also often play Vi), starting on blue. I cleared blue's side and cleared the krugs, but noticed Ekko doing my ravens on my way to the scuttler. Not knowing that he'd win that 1v1, I tried fighting him and successfully escaped when enemy Zed came to his (frankly unneeded) help.

    But after getting my lens and clearing two wards out of my jungle, I still stumbled on him in his side of the jungle, thinking that having won the invade he was probably off to my other quarter to clear it or gank top. So now I'm even more behind, having failed two attempts to jungle clear in a row, pretty much only due to bad luck as far as I can tell.

    So what is the solution, if any, when you fall behind in jungle? Is it a luck of the draw unless you and your team happen to have placed down wards in the right spots to follow the enemy jungler's tracks?

    submitted by /u/Darkunov
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    Returning player after many years, trying to climb as much as possible with the new Mordekaiser in the mid lane.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 04:05 AM PST

    Hey guys, I fell in love with the new morde the moment I picked this game back up. I played a ton in seasons 1-3, but kind of fell off around season 4. I made the mistake early on in season 2 of playing ranked before I was ready for it and got myself stuck in bronze 5. The way it's set up now, I was placed in Iron4 this season and have been working my butt off to climb. As of now I'm iron1 and in my promo for bronze. I guess I'm asking for early game advice for Morde. He feels very weak at levels 1-5 and about half the time I get killed once before lvl6, which gives the opponent mid lamer a small lead. I concentrate like crazy to last hit every minion and usually end up around 100cs by 12/13mins. Should I be early recalling for basic items that can help me survive the stronger starts that champs like zed or lb have or do I just need to git gud. Once I've got my rylais and lvl6+ I'm crushing anything that moves but the early game can be rough when my laner has good range/ harass.

    PS wtf is freezing a lane? New term to me.

    submitted by /u/ScionOfD4rkness
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    Ahri: Glacial augment or electrocute?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 12:28 PM PST

    I just came back to this game not too long ago and I'm climbing back up pretty steadily, 39W 22L. I hadn't played in over 2 years, so for my Ahri build I just copied probuilds (Crown). I didn't know what any of the runes were or anything.

    Glacial build is proving to work pretty damn well. I love using my items in mid game and catching people out, it's super easy. However, I realized that I remember my playstyle was generally getting fed early game. I still do that, but I imagine it might be easier with electrocute. That being said, I probably shouldn't rely on getting fed early game as I'm not really gonna learn the game that well. Usually I don't know what to do mid to late game, so I guess it's about time I learn.

    submitted by /u/hi_im_horse
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    I have trouble understanding team comps and how to play with them.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Are there any good resources that explain the archetypes, how to play them, which ones are strong against which ones, or what champions fall within what strategies?

    On another thing, should i try to play with my team's strengths or try to negate their weaknesses?, i.e., if we have strong late-game team-fighting do i go with Swain to contribute towards that, or do i pick Kled to carry us through the early game to guarantee we get to late?

    Finally, is it more important to prioritize my lane matchup or synergy with the rest of my team? I find Kled to be really strong against assassins and that Swain struggles a bit, if Swain is the better choice for our team comp, when is that struggle worth the big picture?

    Thanks for reading my post

    submitted by /u/Hakanai_______
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    ADC - To Fight or Farm?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Recently, I played a few games where I did well in lane until taking our tower. Once that was done, teamfights started to break out and for whatever reasons we lost, over and over. After the 3rd failed fights, I realized that I had lost my lead and was now a little behind compared to the other team. My team was also behind at least a level or two.

    So I said, "dont fight, I need to farm and catch up"

    They replied, "we cant wait for you to farm, then we will lose" and "Its mid game, why are you still farming?"

    And then they proceeded to stay mid map playing chicken with the other team until a fight started and they lost. In came the hailstorm of pings and chat messages. So again, I said, "I need to farm, Im behind, you're all behind, DONT fight, defend." However, they ran towards another teamfight while I pinged away. I literally said, "dont do it" right before they engaged on the other team. And lost. In any case, I was always too far away to even try to get there on time.

    I feel as though I would only fall more behind trying to fight since our whole team was under leveled compared to the other team. I understand that it is important for me to be present to help out as an ADC. However, I felt as though I was making the right call by trying to avoid teamfights for a moment and my teammates were not experienced enough to understand that they were walking into fights they couldnt win due to level difference, gold/item difference, and being outnumbered 4v5 since I was not there.

    So, my question is: as an ADC, if I am a level or two (or more) behind the other team, what should I be doing? Should I be trying to farm and stay away from fights so I can catch up or should I be following my underleveled team who are trying to engage? The key word here is "underleveled" because if I was the only one behind then I would go with them while trying to farm in the downtime.

    TL;DR: If myself and my teammates are behind in levels and gold compared to the other team what should I be doing if my team insists on trying to teamfight repeatedly after losing over and over?

    Any advice is welcome, I appreciate it. FWIW - I play Varus ADC, summoner name is Order of Oceans & I am in NA. Here is the link to the match I am referring to specifically: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/na/3295747921#participant4

    submitted by /u/zeroblackzx
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    S10 Rek'Sai Jungle Matchups, Powerspikes etc?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:41 PM PST

    What matchups should I be looking to abuse by counter jungling?

    What matchups should I be worried about and try to play more safe?

    When should I try to mirror my opponent's path and focus on counterganking or should I always be on the opposite side from the opposing jungler?

    Who should I ban?

    What level and item powerspikes should I play around? How should I play around them?

    When (levels/items) should I look to solo Dragons and Rift Heralds?

    What streamers should I watch to improve with Rek'Sai and jungling in general?

    My background:

    I am a casual league of legends veteran. I have been playing on and off since season 1, 99.9% in normal games. I have put time into the game playing with friends. I own 90% of the champions and am aware of what all the champions do. Over the years I have mained Middle, Top, and Jungle (although the last time I invested time into jungle was season 2). I have been maining jungle since preseason 10.

    I am Iron 1 currently after my placements. I am not stressing about this. Silver 1 was my peak back in 2013. I know I should be putting more emphasis on playing easier champions and learn "how to win a game" but my problem is that easy champions bore me and if I play them, a week later my champion pool is huge and I haven't gotten much actual practice in anyways. I am looking to OTP Rek'Sai and am not looking to be dissuaded.

    I have been playing ranked with everyone muted. I feel bad (which quickly transitions to tilt) when I do poorly because I don't want to let my teammates down and we all know how supportive the LOL community is. Also taking advice from players also in Iron is ill advised.

    Current struggles with Rek'sai:

    General mechanics. (Are there specific combos I should be looking to do? Where should I weave in basic aa's?) Actively watching videos and practicing to remedy this.

    Spending too much time unsuccessfully ganking which puts me down in XP, levels and farm.

    Utilizing unique gank paths (are there any guides for this?)

    How to make use of the early game advantage she has? My teams (regardless of my champion) always want to FF before 15, how do I oppress my enemies and make them want to FF?

    What to do when I get shut down and/or we get to late game.

    My current goals:

    Get comfortable with Rek'Sai mechanics

    Optimize my jungle kiting and pathing including securing scuttles, Dragons, and Rift Heralds even when my allies are useless (and let's be honest they are)

    Support my laners and help them win

    Learn how to flex on my opponents early game

    Finish before it gets to late game

    Crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women

    Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I am enjoying Rek'Sai and hope to improve.

    submitted by /u/Ravozere
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    Damage calculator

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    I was wondering if there a web site or something that can chose 2 champions, select levels and items for them and check how much damage would spells do, after armor/mr/lethality/armor pen/magic pen calculations?

    I did some searching, but without success.

    submitted by /u/DvD_cD
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    Reviewing my own vods

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Hi, I would need some advice reviewing my own vod.

    At the moment the only thing I do right now is watch the moments leading up to my death and try to understand what potential outplay I could have pulled off or if it was a bad decision due to me not doing map check etc.

    If I were to watch a full 20-40 minute vod what are some other things I should look for ? I am an adc main.

    submitted by /u/C0c0nuthard
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    How to track jungle as mid main

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Whatsup summoner friends? Mid Plat Elo mid here, I main Lux and Galio and as i've reached into the higher elo/rankings I've had a little more trouble predicting ganks and tracking the enemy jungler. Do you all have any tips/tricks to use?

    It seems overall that I struggle the most with early game jungle ganks. Like level 3/4. I will be mid lane csing and forced to blow a flash, followed by another gank within the next minute.

    submitted by /u/ACslunt
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    What to do against Zed + Blitz botlane as Jinx + morgana?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:16 AM PST

    I got rekt so hard in this matchup any tips ? I imagine i should just farm under tower until mid game comes but his poke + Blitz presence make me very tower diveable and honestly i have no idea if theres something i can even do.

    One kill for Zed and it was literally so over. Also we were 12-1 after 15 minutes so probably no chance of comeback.

    I feel like there must be some counter tactic i can employ like everybody would play Zed adc if that was that strong

    Edit: Worst thing is I probably wont ever see zed adc again to get my revenge with newly acquired knowledge damnit. Or i can play jinx mid in normals actually

    submitted by /u/mrreow5532
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    Is it worth it to "practice" in Normals/Flex and "perform" in Ranked? Let's have a discussion.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:48 PM PST

    Personally, I've been of the mentality for a long time that ranked is the best practice so you should play it as much as possible if you want to improve and avoid normals and flex queue where people troll and throw even more often.

    However, I recently watched a video by this Blink guy on YouTube who talks about deliberate practice, which is basically focus training one skill at a time, and how when doing this practice it's a good idea to play out of ranked so you don't feel the pressure to win and can focus on the skill.

    There's gotta be something to this, because I tunnel A LOT on the win in ranked and it bothers me so much when trying to train up habits, because if you think about it, playing to improve and to win aren't really the same thing. If you have bad map awareness but good trading and you have to sacrifice trading to get good at map awareness then you're probably more likely to lose and then blame the loss on your new focus.

    This is sort of based on the idea that there should be a "practice mode" and a "performance mode", as Blink also explained in his video. It's exactly what it sounds like. You should have certain time periods where you play to practice and others where you play to perform. It makes sense and psychologically I can see how this could help your brain learn instead of tunneling on GOTTA WIN GOTTA WIN like I tend to do and just sort of mentally blank on what I wanted to train.

    However, while it sounds nice I see 3 problems with this.

    1. You're spending less time in Ranked solo queue, which is by far the most competitive game mode. So there could be a danger of getting used to the "lax" environment in flex/normals and performing worse in solo queue because of it. And, just by spending less time in the less serious environment you won't improve as fast by osmosis if that makes any sense.

    2. This could create a situation where you spend so much time not playing ranked, that when you do, you expect results from your training, get more anxious about ranked and might tilt if you don't see immediate results. This is something I could see myself doing. However, I could see this one being overcome by mentality.

    3. Why couldn't you just practice in solo queue? The obvious answer is that you can it'll just be harder because of the pressure to win and ignore that thing you wanted to work on.

    So, at the end of the day I'm not really convinced one way or the other. I mean this more as a discussion post for people to share their reasoning on their opinon.

    Blink's video

    submitted by /u/Idohaveaname
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    Who to focus in botlane

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:51 AM PST

    When my support catches their support, do I start engaging on that support or walk up to the other ADC and start focusing them? Since their support has been engaged, its easier to get the kill on them but the other ADC could just as well kill my support.

    So, kill the damage dealer and hope for the double kill or go after the easy kill and risk my support being killed.

    submitted by /u/alii66E
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    LoL tutorial

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 12:15 AM PST

    Hi I did 2 of the 3 tutorials and logged out, when I logged in I couldn't find the tutorial and just started playing, I am totally trash and idk what to do. Does anyone have some tips or how I can play the tutorial again. Thx

    I get the controls but I have 0 strategy

    submitted by /u/piggyzyner
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    Some Clarity on Demolish Needed

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 04:33 AM PST

    So how does demolish actually work? I've been running undying grasp/demolish/bone plating/ overgrowth on Caitlyn and it's really helped in not getting one shot all the time. I do more damage too as I'm alive for longer. But I'm having trouble understanding how demolish actually works and when it procs. Reading the tooltip, you'd think that was how it works, but I seem to only get around ~2 procs per game. There's nothing on the lol wiki to clarify either.

    submitted by /u/AstroWoW
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    How to be relevant as Jayce in the late game?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 04:25 AM PST

    As Jayce I find myself pretty much stomping during the mid game, but as the game progresses I start feeling useless.

    -If they have 1 or 2 tanks standing in the frontline, Jayce does 0 damage.

    -If Jayce goes melee in teamfights, he pretty much dies instantly.

    -He has 0 CC (unless he goes melee which is a bad idea) , it means that he will be super irrelevant compared to other mid laners.

    I just had a game where I laned against Neeko. I literally stomped Neeko in lane and went 3-0. She went 0-3. Later in teamfight she was still way more relevant than me because of her CC.

    Is Jayce just the most useless champion after 25 minutes? How can I remain relevant as Jayce?

    submitted by /u/HellenicLady
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