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    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    LoL Guide Losing gracefully/Stopping the bleeding

    LoL Guide Losing gracefully/Stopping the bleeding

    Losing gracefully/Stopping the bleeding

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:08 AM PST


    so I suppose everybody knows on an intellectual level what you should do if you get set behind.

    It's import to know, because it happens to everyone, and sometimes it's even out of your control. Some games you will find yourself in a deficit and have to work from there. So what you do, is you "lose gracefully" and try to stop the bleeding. Why? Because the odds are stacked against you, and your best play is to minimize their advantage state.

    The problem is: Knowing this on an intellectual level is not enough, because "losing gracefully" is an uncomfortable situation. Ur literally bleeding, it hurts. This is especially true if your on an early game champion and you feel like you should be doing things (like a support). Getting slowly poked and losing a little bit is a situation where people feel powerless. It's even worse if a teammate put them in that situation in the first place. It just feels like sh it if you hit a hook on the enemy adc and the best play available to you is still to not take it.

    Now, if you're an adc main, you are probably used to this and from experience you have learned that if you master losing gracefully, you will always get that second chance to turn the game.

    But the same is true for early game champions (or in this example supports) too. After every period of bleeding there will be a reset, and after that there will still be an entire mid game of opportunities to play for.

    So don't rob yourself of these opportunities. Master the disadvantage state and the emotions involved in that and get yourself that second chance.


    submitted by /u/Pentaquark1
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    Lesson: When you think you're about to win the game, don't BM too early.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:09 AM PST

    I just wanted to share about a game I was just in, and honestly, it's pretty funny to me but I know it can be extremely tilting for the enemy team.

    Basically, I was in a game where we were about to lose (no mid inhib, no nexus towers, only 2 up against 5 on the enemy). But, we managed to win the game. How?

    Here's a youtube clip I uploaded of what ensued: https://youtu.be/uspnuivYdZ4

    (It's around 2 minutes long, I tried to make it as short as possible by speeding up the replay in certain areas which I felt weren't that important. Sorry in advance)

    As you can see, they had 5 up and it was only me (Yasuo) and the Jarvan. But, they were taunting for so long my teammates were able to come up, and the enemy lee tried to get a cheeky insec from fountain but died. The only person autoing the nexus was the Nautilus (and ashe at times), but my team just killed them. By the time they realized what was happening, our inhib had respawned so Nexus was invulnerable, and we aced them. This allowed us to take Baron for free (Lee tried to steal but I killed him)

    We then just had to run it down mid, we won the last team fight and ended the game.

    Lesson: Even if you think the win is guaranteed: THEN MAKE IT GUARANTEED. Don't BM your enemy team in the fountain and risk losing the game, secure the game and go next.

    submitted by /u/Crimson_talon
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    Please Buy Defensive Items

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:10 PM PST

    Hi just a frustrated person here. Please don't complain about a match up without buying defensive items.

    FOR EXAMPLE lets say you are a Syndra against a Talon. Your getting one shot without any reaction time or counter play. DON'T go Ludens like you normally do instead go SEEKERS ARM GUARD and/or NINJA TABI. Now with that buy Talon can't one shot you. It doesn't matter if it's not a meta build just build it and you won't feed as much.

    ANOTHER EXAMPLE. You are a Ekko against a Xerath. You can't get close enough to Xerath without getting fully comboed by him and if you try to farm he just pokes you out with his insane range and doesn't run out of mana cause of his passive. Next time you go back RUSH Mercs and Dark Seal + refillable. NOW you don't take as much damage from his abilities enough to go in OR at the very least farm and out sustain his poke.

    I've seen MILLIONS of people who complain about their laner is "OP" (and sometimes that's true) and "No counterplay" without even going defensive items and instead going the normal champion build. Please guys Defensive Items save lives (LITERALLY).

    submitted by /u/LOLSOHARDLMAO
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    When to use Teleport

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Hi, I'm a top lane one trick Riven in Silver 3. I see popular streamers teleport bot side a lot to gank. Just wondering when it is worth it to do this. Also wondering if teleporting back to lane after I die or recall is worth it. Any tips, no matter how big or small, would be incredibly helpful. Thanks

    submitted by /u/That-one-Riven-Main
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    Syndra: Void Staff vs Deathcap

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Void + Wand vs DC

    No Orb | Void + Wand vs DC

    No Wand | Void vs DC

    No Orb, No Wand| Void vs DC

    Hello again! I am back with some more graphs. I took a lot of feedback from my last post and fixed some things to make the graphs a little more realistic.

    Here are the assumptions : Level 16 Syndra with q and w maxed. Sorcs, Luden's, Banshees, and Oblivion Orb. As you can see, some graphs change the items around a little bit so keep that in mind.

    Firstly, I put a couple of other items into the build before Void or DC. I did this to make it a more realistic build path so I could place Void or DC into the 4th/5th item slot instead of 2nd/3rd.

    Second, in one of the graphs I added a blasting wand to the Void Staff route to close the 950g gap between Void and DC. This would only be applicable if you are going to be using the blasting wand for another item. In the first case, the build so far is Sorcs, Luden's, Banshees, and Oblivion Orb. Realistically, if you want to finish Morello the blasting wand makes sense. On the other hand, if you are building DC directly after void, you aren't going to be using the blasting wand. For this reason, I did a graph with and without the blasting wand. I also made a graph with and without oblivion orb for games where you don't get to build it.

    Please give me more feedback, I really enjoy making these! Give me some champion and build path recommendations.

    submitted by /u/startledpickle
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    Questions w/ ADC

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Looking at percentages, MF and Ezreal out of nowhere has a 30% pick rate with really good win rates. MF's attack speed got nerfed and I don't think Ezreal's buff was big enough for him but how come it is viable one week into the patch? Also, Vayne and Kalista both jumped a tier and both have a win rate of more than 50%, any idea what's going on?

    submitted by /u/MafiaMatrix
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    Does spirit visage (almost) cancel out grievous sounds?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Grievous sounds reduces enemy healing by 40%, but spirit visage increases all healing by 30%. So with this interaction a person wearing a spirit visage with grievous sounds would only have healing reduced by 10%? Is this correct? So On a champion like mundo a 10% healing reduction doesn't really sound that drastic.

    Edit: I meant wounds* in the title

    submitted by /u/evionlongthong
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    [ADC] How do I communicate with a much lower elo support without tilting them?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Gold ADC main here. Yesterday, I queued up with one of my lower elo friends (iron-low bronze) as adc. I know that this means I'm likely to play with and against people who are also low elo, and I have to accept that going in. It means players won't follow up, won't peel, won't ward--no complaints, it's what I'm signing up for.

    I get a Janna support who just throws tornadoes randomly. Possibly on cooldown, but always through the minions. Doesn't shield me, and what's more, I'm Vayne vs a Shen + Jhin. I'm aware this is a kill lane (taunt into root + burst) but I don't think Janna is aware of how to play it, and mostly stays behind me while I cs. And I decide to bite my lip, because I don't want them upset.

    I resign myself to just farming under tower, letting the wave push into me. Someone (mid or jg) asks if they should gank, and I say no, the support keeps putting tornadoes through the minion wave and not stepping up, so I don't think we can manage the wave and I doubt a gank will work. Janna says "You could have just told me", and I'm like, Oh! Whole new world. If the support is going to communicate, then great.

    So I tell Janna, Don't hit the wave, it screws up my cs and pushes the wave, which is dangerous for us. Let it come to us. Save tornado for when Shen taunts me. I decide not to go into more advanced stuff like positioning and trading--I don't have to coach this kid, I'm just trying to make the lane bearable, trying to get Janna to understand how not to sabotage me with last hits and wave management.

    But, this makes Janna mad, and she says something like "ok enough of this, muted"

    I haven't tilted this hard in 3 years. Why would you tell me you wanted communication, then mute me when I try?? Is there some way I could phrase it that would work better? Or are they just mad that I'm criticizing them? Perhaps it's that I wanted three changes, instead of one? When I queue up with a gold support, I usually don't need to say anything, and if I do, it's probably something small, because they likely understand trading into minions, positioning, wave management and so forth. I think when what I have to say is shorter, they are less likely to tilt about it.

    TL;DR: When I queue as ADC with super low-elo friends, I will often get a support who actually would make the game worse, and any tips on what to do are usually taken as a lecture or an insult. How do I continue to play my role with my friends, without tilting myself or the support?

    EDIT: I may not have made this very clear, since multiple people seem not to understand it.

    I am not queuing duo bot with a low elo friend. I am queuing adc with a low elo top laner, which puts other low elo players into my game--in this instance, the rando support.

    submitted by /u/IslandofYiaros
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    [ADC] I don't feel like I'm improving

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:36 AM PST

    At the start of the season I went from bronze 1 to gold 1 relatively quickly while maining ADC, I felt confident in my ability to win trades, CS and teamfight but as I began to lose ranks and be outclassed by other ADC's in my elo I realized that most ADC's in this elo are better than me. I've spent a lot of time the past month learning and deepening my knowledge of the role by watching challenger players coach others around my elo, spending entire games to improving at poking, cs'ing, macro play, teamfighting, etc.

    After a month of practice and research I somehow feel even worse at ADC than I was before. Most games in the past when I'd have a difficult lane I'd have no problem farming under tower and staying alive at the very least but now it feels like I'm not even safe under tower and will die repeatedly under tower before level 5. On games where I do get ahead by a kill or two in lane or a decent CS advantage the enemy mid and JG will come bot to 4man or even 5man and completely decimate me, my support and our tower leaving me to ask the mid or top laner if I can enter their lane to farm around the next objective under tower safely.

    I sometimes feel as if I'm a non asset in fights where my being there is actually detrimental to my team because I feel like the CS would be better on them to snowball or if I were to get a kill and reset my kill bonus my next death would only push the enemy advantage further out of my teams reach. I've learned to stop blaming my support for losses or feeding in my lane, going from games where my support will feed 4 kills in lane and enable the enemy ADC or support to buy major items faster than me and subsequently kill me I attempt to counteract this by farming efficiently and warding as much as I can. But even with all the warding I can do sometimes it isn't enough and I have no lanes I can even think about setting up to freeze and farm in.

    The end all question is that even at times where I somehow manage to beat the enemy ADC and acquire a lead in CS+kills their ADC somehow manages to be more useful than I would be in those situations and they end up out carrying me. I'm at a loss, I want to go back to top lane so bad because it was my old favored role in season 6 but I love the marksman role and the importance of the bot lane in this current season and want to improve so I can consistently win games again.

    TLDR: I was doing great earlier this season and feeling a sense of improvement and now no matter how much I practice or research I feel like I'm getting worse every game.


    submitted by /u/MerigoldMachine
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    Top Lane Matchup against Vayne

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    This is very specific and I wanted some input. Every top laner isn't happy going into a ranged matchup as a bruiser or tank, but it's still manageable if you play around your minions and play smart. Idk if I'm just really bad but I've been struggling against Vayne. Any top laners out there that can give some tips?

    submitted by /u/Kennyco11
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    Will Ornn Always be A Good Solo Q pick?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Hello, this is my first season playing league and I've taken a liking to Ornn, so I don't know how Ornn was in past season but I know right now he's very good because of certain things, but if his damage and such were nerfed would Ornn still be a good Solo Q pick because of his passive and him being a tank?

    submitted by /u/firedragon69
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    Reminder that death's dance's bleed passive shows your outline if you stealth

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Although it may not matter as much on some stealth champs like akali, it makes certain assassins like shaco and kha easy to track in a fight. You still are untargetable from non-skillshots, but having your outline showing for 3 seconds is pretty huge. Overall you will have to decide if the damage reduction and stats of DD is worth the drop in effectiveness of your stealth.

    submitted by /u/Strelocht
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    "But Kills" is something someone said to me yesterday while we wiped their base.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:51 PM PST

    Hello, me again. Here with an actual... I'm not sure if it's a question or some advice tbh but some actually useful information so please no remove.

    Yesterday I was playing with my friends, and as anyone who's been keeping up with my posts here means we were ready for me to feed like mad. But I didn't, in fact this was a game I ended up carrying hard and even getting a quadra kill that wasn't just outplaying people under tower.

    And right at the end, my whole team was pushing in bot lane while I tried to spread pressure and push top lane, which I did. I pushed the entire lane down with two waves of minions and their whole team jumped me, so I said something to the effect of "Was I worth the nexus?" And they said "Yeah, because kills"

    And it kind of got me thinking, when I end up really behind, I try and just roam for objectives. I try to always be around to either take or contest dragon/Herald/baron, and I'm always pushing in lanes where I can see there aren't any enemies. Which means even if I'm going negative, I'm still contributing to the game. I try not to chase kills especially if I'm not certain I can't secure them, but clearing out one or two waves and crashing a tower keeps me "On the board" as it were, even if I don't have any kills. Or hell, assists.

    So my suggestion here, is don't be greedy

    And my question is, is this the best way to go about it?

    submitted by /u/Omega9927
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    How to overcome a fear of playing with randoms?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:04 PM PST

    I have a bad case of what I like to call matchmaking anxiety. I spend a lot of time looking at the league client wanting to grind ranked (was gold 2 in season 9 currently mid silver 2 like to think I could reach plat this year) but I am too scared of being flamed by randoms that it puts me off searching unless I'm duoing. I know a lot of you will say just mute all but I feel like if I ignore my team mates then I might mess up from poor map awareness and I like to give my teammates the benefit of the doubt that maybe some are useful and not just question mark pings. Has anyone else had this feeling and how do they get over it? And for those of you that can just sit down and queue how do you do that?

    submitted by /u/Avixim
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    Tips for early jungle pathing and preventing/responding to invades?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST

    I'm an Aurelion Sol otp, have been for a few years now. However as hard as I may try I cannot get used to liking his rework in midlane. The spark is gone. Roaming potential is lackluster, you cant really push as hard as before, and I'm frankly sick and tired of facing assassins every game. Unwilling to quit my beloved champion I started to play him in the jungle. I'm not new to jg Sol. I played it a lot pre rework. Clears are easy, I'm still working on my objective control and ganks since I don't play jungle much.

    However something that's problematic is being at the right place at the right time, and being invaded. Of course as Aurelion jg you will be invaded a lot, that's just a given. However junglers in my silver/gold elo are really unpredictable and take odd jungle paths sometimes, along with me being not great at keeping track of pathing.

    Should I drop wards in my jungle? Also, I've seen that some highelo players drop wards in pixel and then recall level 1 for a sweeper. Would that work on jg Sol? I'm sort of doubting it because you need the yellow trinket to keep your jungle warded, and just buy 2 pinks each back for vision control.

    Also what are some basic jungle paths now? I watched some video a while ago saying stuff about skipping wolves for better ganks. Is that still relevant? Since jg Sol's strengths is aoe healthy jg clears, I feel like skipping the single target camps is better for him to clear faster. I never really plan ahead in my games, never looking at what lanes to potentially gank. Obviously a countergank will be disastrous for Sol jg. Should I focus on proactive ganks or reactive ganks?

    Thanks a lot for help :D -a disgruntled Sol OTP.

    submitted by /u/REVERT_SOL
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    Stupid question about ADC builds

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Hey! I'm super confused on some builds for some ADCs. One thing I do know is that if the enemy team is stacking health (e.g. Ornn, Sejuani, Tahm Kench), Blade of the Ruined King is a strong item versus them. An ADC like Varus works great because of how effectively he can build the item.

    But say you're playing, like, Xayah. She needs her Essence Reaver and Rapid Firecannon or IE, but could you build Blade of the Ruined King on her at some point in that situation? If not, why not?

    Especially when champions like Lucian or Ashe exist. You can build Blade of the Ruined King on both of them, but you can also build ER/IE on both of them. Why can they flex between builds, but champions like Xayah can't? Why does mid Tristana build Blade of the Ruined King, but botlane Tristana skips it entirely?

    I'm super confused.

    submitted by /u/Septirath
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    Grievous Wounds Isn't Enough... How the hell do you beat healing comps?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:38 PM PST

    Actually, how do you beat a tank with a healer support?

    Since Grievous Wounds doesn't stack and tanks and supports get their cheaper items much faster, it makes some ADCs and mages lackluster if they aren't ahead.

    So lets go late game and into one of my games where I would buy Liandry's Torment and Void Staff in attempt to penetrate the MR of a tank only to chip away while the enemy enchanter would heal them back up (I was hesitant on buying Morello since its only one healer and LS said to be super mindful of the book.) Yet 3/5 of my team would have GW and our support would have ignite. So we should win against Ornn and Karma right? My entire team Cced him down and try to out damage the Ornn... But literally a tank can neglect a late game control mage's arsenal and since I cannot walk past that tank while he can still blow me up, I am useless.

    This not a rant but how do you deal with such comps (Ornn&Soraka, Voli&Yummi, Illaoi&Karma, Mundo, and so on)?

    And since tank buffs are coming, what are to do?

    submitted by /u/Kindly_Goat
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    Rek'Sai jungle

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

    I was wondering, with the new changes to cinderhulk and Sunfire's, what is the best jungle enchantment to build on her? Is it still better to build warrior into bruiser and maybe get Sunfire's later, or is the cinderhulk enchantment a viable option. The new buff does proc with knockups, right?

    submitted by /u/BigSoliquidusSnake
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    Influencing the Map - Strong Side vs. Weak Side

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:37 AM PST

    HEY GUYS! Me again! Back at you with another educational/informative piece for Dignitas!

    This time I quickly explain Strong Side vs. Weak Side and talk about map triggers and times where we need to be to change influence in your team's favor! I also cover a few Champions that can quickly change their side of the map or those that are great at closing the gap or holding zone control of key points!

    As always, I'm super appreciative of whatever feedback you can through my way and if you've got more to say about the topic feel free to discuss in the comments!


    submitted by /u/HandDrawnHarriette
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    Is Bard good a damage oriented support?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I read recently, and figured out by myself, that if you follow the idea of maining 3 champs and sticking with them, it's a good idea as a support to have a tanky engaging champ, an enchanter/healer and a damaging support (most likely an AP mage).

    I already fulfill the first two with Leona and Nami and I was wondering if Bard would be a good damage oriented support. I'm mainly asking that because he seems to be getting most of his damage through AD with his meeps and autos but I'm not sure.

    submitted by /u/Nimyron
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    I am trying to improve but i find it hard to establish priorities

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:28 PM PST

    I used to play years ago, i was mainly a silver/gold ADC with tunnel vision problems, not warding enough.
    When i went back into the game 3 weeks ago, I enjoyed very much going into the game with a very different approach, i decided to learn 2 to 3 champs for every lanes, in order to understand the game way better than i used to.
    Theorically, I do understand the objectives and how to play around them way better. I do mainly Jungle and Midlane. Fizz, Annie, Ekko, Yi, Poppy, I try to play champions that are not to hard to play but have a way to evade or CC.
    The first week has been a delight, it was a new account, went straight from Iron to Silver 3 in a spark. Gettin fed a lot. Since I went very fast then got stuck in S3, i can only guess it is my level from which i have a lot of difficulties to improve, Here are the mains point i am stuck with. Tell me how to improve them or to look at things differently.

    1- Warding. I start with this because its the most evident thing that I struggle with. I ve check guides and I fully understand which part I should ward in the ideal world at all time. However, in reality, its a lot more complex. Mainly because I barely have enough wards, even when my teammates by wards, it feels like we dont have enough and I have a hard time to decide where to put them. When I play jungle, it emphasizes that I have a hard time deciding if i should go around top or bottom. It is frequently that both Herald and Dragon are available, same for scuttlers, and both want a gank. How do you decide when you know the one you'll leave alone will trash you for not ganking?
    Secondly, how do you ward when your mates dont ward enough, especially as a jungler, my only ward every 2 minutes is really not a lot to feel like i can secure objectives. If we have to play defensive additionnaly, I completely lose control and dont know how to help gaining more vision on river to defend objectives since we end up with denied vision. When my midlaner dont ward or deep ward, should i ward his river or should i still deep ward enemy jungler ?

    2- Engaging. I checked my results and analysed my gameplay and I Noticed i play either too safe, either engaging too much and feeding. Especially with jungle, i cant recall how often i end up not damaging enough enemy champs or simply dying because i want to help my teammates. It feels like i never get a good grasp of when I should engage without risk. I am always punished for engaging if i dont wait enough, and punished by not damaging enough or lettin my teammate die if i wait too much. How do you guys get the feel or going a the right time. Same goes with end game teamfight, I often wait for the right opportunity to target a danger but most of the time I get severely punished at the second where I do. If i wait for enemy team to commit a bit too much, they often have several kills already and its like too late to take advantage...

    3- Adapting. Here is an exemple of the situations that happen that i dont know how to adapt with my teams. I am followed by 2 champs midlife in the river, with correct vision around it. I see botlane going from botlane in my direction ( maybe 6-7 seconds from me), Ashe target one of the two guys with an ult with great success, i think its my cue and go in, by the time i go damaging and Q, i see myself dying, noticing the botlane changed his mind and retreated the second after they ulted. What a pro would have done in this situation ?

    English is not my native langage and so i apologize for syntax issues, looking forward to your answers tho, thanks

    submitted by /u/Drleoloup
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    Should ADC be the top damage?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    I often times win lane and also don't feed so i actually have a decent kda, can farm decently well something around 7 cs per minute. Something i struggle is how much damage i do in the whole game which almost always lower than other lanes specially mid lane. Is it normal? I mean i know it kind of doesn't matter since you should focus on objectives but i feel like i should be the main source of damage which i am not.

    submitted by /u/rafa1020
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    How to play jungle from behind

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:58 AM PST

    I'm by no means a new player, but I just can't get a grip on playing jungle sometimes.

    Hello, I'm a support main that's recently made a move to the jungle after my ADC friend "took a break" i.e. was banned for two weeks. I'd played some jungle in my earlier days of league which taught me the basic of the role so I wasn't completely clueless. Most of my games were going fine and I was enjoying it when I or my lanes weren't completely inting, but what I was mostly having problems with was the former. Here's a scenario:

    I'm playing Ekko, which doesn't exactly have the best damage or clear in the early game, and get invaded + killed on my red. I then run to my opposite buff to solo it which doesn't go too well HP wise, even with smite. I'm then forced off of both rift scuttlers by the opposite Udyr and just have to clear the rest of my jungle. After resetting I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. I keep clearing my jungle to make up for the level and gold difference but I'm too scared to make most ganks or contest the objectives. In this scenario where I'm massively behind. what the hell should I do? Should I just have said fuck it and started permaganking or try to farm myself back into the game? Should I have done something completely else?

    In conclusion, how do you play jungle when behind?

    submitted by /u/SirCucumber420
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