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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    LoL Guide The Main's Manual to Mastering Zed [44 444 words]

    LoL Guide The Main's Manual to Mastering Zed [44 444 words]

    The Main's Manual to Mastering Zed [44 444 words]

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:59 AM PST

    The Main's Manual to Mastering Zed

    Phone Version

    Hey there, I'm Scroll, a Zed main for 8 years currently sitting in Diamond 1. This guide was first created 2 years ago for Season 8, but it has now been updated and revamped entirely in order to accommodate Season 10 with all new champions, items, builds and strategies. Thought I'd share it for anyone wanting to learn how to play Zed, and while it is designed for players wanting to main him, it will do a fine job for anyone simply picking him up for their champion pool (provided you don't mind reading a bit).

    What you can expect to find in the guide is:

    Pre-game preparation; Summoner Spells, Runes, Rune Pages, and Ability deep-dives with explanations and arguments for each and every choice.

    Skill Order, Builds, Item Explanations and Combos with accommodating discussions and arguments for various play-styles and situations. This guide also includes me ranting about Duskblade for 2 entire pages in order to prove that Ghostblade is better. Enjoy.

    Covering FIGURATIVELY every single champion in the game and how to go about them. Yes, every single one. For midlaners, I cover laning against them, and for non-midlaners, I cover mid/late-game teamfights along with their potential to mess with you.

    General Laning, Warding, Teamfights, Sidelaning and/or Splitpushing.

    An FAQ.

    Fun Facts:

    • Zed is mentioned 182 times in this guide.
    • 2 editors were harmed in the making of this guide.
    • The above statistic is false.
    • Going by word count, this counts as a novel.
    • There are a lot of champions in this game.
    • There is another guide in this guide.
    • This guide is 109% complete.

    Alternate names for this guide have included:

    • A Zed guide by a person
    • A Zed encyclopedia without the encyclopedia part so basically just a Zed
    • The Book of Zed
    • The Zed Testament
    • Lord of the Zed

    If you have the stamina to actually read this thing, thank you. I hope it's helpful for your continued aspirations of playing Zed. I will be answering any and all questions within reason. Cheers.

    EDIT: I'm hearing that the phone version is kind of messed up, I will make a phone version and post it ASAP.

    EDIT2: There is now a phone version posted just under the main one that should be readable. The formatting is messed up but I unfortunately can't do much about it. To make it better on your end, open the document in your personal browser by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the Reddit browser and finding your way from there to a better version. You can do this with the main guide too.

    submitted by /u/Scroll16
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    I main Kha’Zix and I ironically cannot adapt to the new jungle.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:11 AM PST

    TLDR: Haven't played ranked in a long time, used to main Kha'Zix. Below are more specifics, but overall I just want some decision making help in the jungle.

    I last played ranked around I think season 6 or 7 in Gold then became an ARAM hermit for years. So I decided to come back to try out Kha'Zix in ranked (Bronze I) for the first time in a while and I'm pretty much ready to move to a different role.

    I've looked up guides for pathing and kiting and I kinda got it down, but I still feel so slow in clearing and moving during levels 1 and 2 without boots or jump. But overall I can finish a clear healthy, assuming no one invades or a gank seems necessary; except that's been every game. I don't know if I'm just unlucky but every game except 1 out of the past 15, I've been invaded by the whole team while we're waiting for the buff, and while that doesn't often end in complete disaster, at the very least I have to go back and heal or get an awful leash, and I feel like I fall behind hard. I'm guessing this is the new meta and I should start doing this. Then I'll see my opposing jungler, usually Lee Sin for some reason, ganking a lane at level 2, so I feel obligated to countergank if I'm nearby, except I'm so slow without jump I usually almost make it there right when my laner dies and I wasted my time.

    It just feels like if I don't have a perfect start I fall behind hard, and I try to catch up with farming but I end up missing out on drakes or the enemy jungler solo's herald. So I'm down in levels, gold and objectives, and if ganks aren't coming easily I'm basically useless unless I just evolve W to spam.

    Maybe I need to be more aggressive with counterjungling, but not being used to S10 pathing and exp means I just don't feel confident about where the enemy jungler will be, so I don't want to waste more time walking across the map. I want to play my main but I feel like I don't belong in this jungle anymore and I kind of just want to play a lane where I just last hit and occasionally roam. The problem with practicing jungling is you just feel shitty when you're not doing good because so often your team relies on you keeping up, so I'm just not having fun.

    Overall I just want to know if I can get some pointers on decision making or if Kha'Zix isn't the right pick right now before I just change positions.

    submitted by /u/VonFavio
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    "Anyone who used to build Black Cleaver should be building Trinity Force" - LS

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:28 AM PST

    This is something he said on-stream while watching LEC, saying that Triforce Aatrox and Triforce Sett are incredibly underrated.


    I think it's very interesting watch if you care about new meta builds and whatnot.

    The logic is that Trinity Force's components are just SO much better than Black Cleaver's and the extra damage you get from Sheen and attack speed outweighs the 19 or so armor shred you get on average from Black Cleaver (IF YOU FULLY STACK IT, which is quite difficult). Finally, the extra movement speed is really good on a lot of champions.

    Also, lack of mana is hardly an excuse to not build Trinity Force. Garen and Tryndamere both build it and they don't have mana. The extra mana is just an add-on.

    He actually talked with 4 LEC pros, including Bwipo, and although Bwipo was skeptical at first, Bwipo did start building Trinity Force on Sett.

    There are some caveats.

    • Junglers - Here, LS explains that because of the reduced income of junglers, it's harder to justify more expensive items. Typically, the justification of expensive items is that while you will get abused by champions with cheaper items like Black Cleaver or Protobelt, the huge powerspike you get after completing the item makes up for it. However, since junglers get less gold/minute, that means that junglers will get abused for more minutes than laners for building more expensive items.
    • Low base AD -
    • Lethality users - Here, : LS says that Black Cleaver functions as "another Lethality item" that happens to also gives 20% CDR. He doesn't go into what that means, but I assume what he's saying is that armor shred synergizes very well with Lethality. Lethality is more effective the lower armor they have (just math stuff), and Black Cleaver's shred goes in before the lethality, so they work great together.
    • Tanks/offtanks like Olaf. These champions want health more than damage stats, so while Trinity Force is a more efficient item in general, on these champions the extra tankiness from Black Cleaver is more important.
    • Champions that can stack Black Cleaver easily, obviously.

    Now I'm going to go through every champion he mentioned:

    Champions that should be building Trinity Force

    • Aatrox
    • Sett
    • Darius
    • Rengar
    • Rek'sai
    • Renekton
    • Kled

    Champions that shouldn't:

    • Lucian, but Lucian doesn't build Black Cleaver anymore either. Just go crit on him.
    • Graves, too expensive since he's jungle. Also, he applies it exceptionally well because each pellet procs it once, so one shot gun blast should instantly get all 24% shred.
    • Olaf, his axes are AOE so he can proc BC on multiple people in a teamfight. Also, as he gets later into the game, he cares more about tank stats than damage stats, so the extra ruby crystal is good.
    • Illaoi, he didn't state why but I would imagine it's similar reasoning to Olaf. She stacks it fast and she likes tankiness.
    • Pantheon stacks BC nearly instantly with his empowered W/E and Q spam, and his base AD is low.
    • Zed, Lethality user
    • Talon, same as Zed, but he also is able to apply BC to a lot of people in a fight.
    • Urgot, he stacks it super fast with his W and he doesn't use attack speed very well.

    LS doesn't play Riven so he wasn't sure if it was any good on Riven, and said that he might talk to Adrian Riven about it later.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How does Doublelift get so much cs mid game?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:30 PM PST

    I'm really referring to the majority of adcs who play at the highest level. I use the blitz app and its overlay allows me to compare my cs to the average cs across different tiers and I can even compare it to individual players, such as pro player Doublelift. It compares my cs to their cs at different points in the game.

    Early game, doublelift averages about 24-30 cs in 5 minutes, and about 70 cs at 10 minutes. Although this average also takes into account lanes where doublelift loses hard, 70 cs at 10 is still a very easily attainable amount of cs ( it's not 100 like some people seem to believe). However, at around the 15 minute mark, Doublelift generally sits at around 130 cs. At 25 minutes Doublelift will usually have about 230 cs. By 30 minutes in, Doublelift averages over 310 cs. I checked Doublelift's op.gg and can confirm that he does indeed regularly hit these numbers.

    Between grouping for objectives, competing with other carries and jungle for farm, and not being able to push far alone in side lanes as an adc, I'm lucky to even have 200 cs in 25 minutes and that's usually me on a good day and not my average. How do challenger adcs REGULARLY get so much cs in the mid game? Most gold elo adcs average a little over 200 cs in 30 minutes. To be able to get that much cs 10 minutes earlier would be huge.

    submitted by /u/MoonKingArthur
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    Feeling very disillusioned since the Jungle changes

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:50 PM PST

    I used to be something of a casual gamer with League and basically exclusively play in 5 man Normals or sometimes Flex if they interested in that, and I ended up going from a laner to a jungler to fill that spot when people rotated in and out of my usual group. I ended up enjoying the role to the point where I actively tried to learn about it and play more on my own in ranked and stuff, and while I still don't really have any reservations about calling myself a really mediocre silver player, I thought I did relatively decent for what it's worth and even saw something of improvement over the Season.

    Cut to 10 though, and I just feel like the rug's suddenly been taken out from under my feet. I primarily play Zac and Rek'Sai, who I found usually just let me focus on other factors with their relatively simple kits, and while I only once in a blue moon truly felt "outjungled" to the point where I was nullified in a game before, I'm just getting repeatedly eliminated every game this season. My early game is utterly terrible and I only really reach neutral KDAs from assists after we break out into team fight fiestas. It constantly seems like no matter what I'm up against, they're outfarming me.

    Generally I'm decent enough to gather where the enemy jungler is and what areas of the map I should be focusing on to get ahead, but after 1 or 2 ganks or just taking camps, it feels like I almost always get hit with a countergank and from that point onwards the game begins to spiral as I fall behind relative to the other jungler, start dipping to in some really poor games half of their CS, losing drakes and whatever else - it's been legitimately 4 games in a row now where I haven't been able to secure any dragons at all and it's frustrating beyond belief.

    It just feels like every other jungler I play against is just buffed, or something. They practically seem like they're everywhere at once and always either completely shut down my ganks or secure something better in exchange. Every game basically devolves into me getting burned because of it or asked in several occasions if I'm "new to the role" to the point where I've just started the /muteall tradition out of disdain.

    Basically, it feels like I'm constantly doing nothing on the map, and a lot of the resources I've tried to utilize to help me like tracking the enemy jungler myself or trying to fish for their vision so I don't get read constantly myself, but it's not unrealistic for me to exit a match where I've ganked less, farmed less, and taken less objectives than them, to the point where it feels like I've spent 10 minutes of the game AFK somehow, which never feels like what's happening in the moment.

    I know there's a lot of other posts about this it seems, but I really just specifically want to know if there's common mistakes or misconceptions with this current season of jungling that usually cause people of my rank to waste time, or if this could just be a result of suboptimal pathing, or whatever else, but I just can't conceivably ever seem to get results whenever I even try and drift towards lanes that are going to push in or to objectives when the enemy jungler is away. They're always just way more impactful to the game than me.

    submitted by /u/NKRDX
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    Week 1 player looking for advice on when and how to get kills early.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:43 PM PST

    For context I picked the game up this week. Chose a character to learn the basics of the game and took a shine to Yasuo, after trying out a couple others. I've tried my best to become familiar with his abilities/strengths/weaknesses and his builds.

    Often choose the mid lane and more often than not I fight ranged champs. Early game I manage to chip the with my tornado but I can't seem to make the all-in play that will tip the lane in my favour. And I can't seem to get the final hit in team fights in late game. My last game I finished 1/2/14 !

    Any advice will no doubt improve my game moving forward, and I'm eager to learn !

    submitted by /u/Inhumane-
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    Getting demotivated

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:56 PM PST

    I play Top, and I enjoy "flashy" champions like Akali, Irelia, Camille, Fiora etc..

    I want to play these champions, but they all seem difficult for a new player like me. I played a lot of HoN and Dota 2, so I am not new to mobas but I am new to league.

    Just going to use Akali as an example here: Everybody tells me "Akali is difficult to learn, she is very hard to play in teamfights" and that just demotivates me. Like why even play her if I'm new? I obviously won't do anything good on her for a long time. Same goes with the other champions that I want to play.. I'll just feel useless in every game until maybe I do something decent.

    I think most of the top lane champions look really boring, and I will probably never feel like playing Darius, Garen, Gnar, all that kind of stuff.

    What should I do? I'm getting pretty demotivated as I don't know what to play. I don't want to play something I won't get at least decent at for a long time, and just be useless until then.The Champions that appeal to me take a long ass time to get good at, apparently. Until then, I will feel useless and not want to play.

    submitted by /u/whenaretheloopsready
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    Requesting Help On ADC Matchups. How To Play Against Ranged Bullies?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Hi I'm an adc main here, ranked in silver-gold region. I'm looking for tips and help to winning lanes with really long ranged poke-down champions like Caitlyn and Ashe especially. My friend says you have to go in on them more or not let them have the poke range they want but often times even if I play forward I'll still lose trades really hard or end up having to try and disengage while ashe slows me forever and then I don't have the hp to farm anymore. Is there something I should be doing different, my supports/jungle should be doing? I play a lot of different adcs (sivir, trist, senna, jinx, kai, etc) and even when the matchup seems like it'd be in my favor I struggle to stay in lane.

    submitted by /u/FlowersUnderBrooklyn
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    What are some ways y'all balance work life and improving at league?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST


    I was Diamond 2 last season as a support and I want to try to improve my level of play. Things were easier when I was in college with not much to do. I have a full time job now and I work a lot. What are some ways you guys stay up to date on league stuff? as well as some resources you all use to work on your play while not being able to play as much?

    submitted by /u/bigdumbidiot420
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    How to play against a Garen toplane?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:58 AM PST

    I can never seem to beat Garen no matter what champion I play. My main 4 toplaners are Nasus, Teemo, Renekton and Camille.

    On Camille and Nasus, I either get completely zoned out and get no CS and become useless, or I try to do something and get destroyed and can't run away from his spin and silencing attack, so I die.

    On Teemo, every trade I take gets healed back and then he chases me down and kills me again.

    With Renekton even when I trade with full fury I just don't do as much damage as he does.

    How do I do anything here?

    submitted by /u/Ha_Ree
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    How do I recognize what adc (not) to pick in certain teamcomps?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Just as the title says, I kinda struggle to recognize what champion is strong or weak in certain comps and against certain comps. I currently main jhin, vayne and kaisa but I don't really know what is the right time to pick one. Anyone know stuff I can read so I can make an "educated" desicion?

    submitted by /u/sthote
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    Why i tilt less when playing with friends?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    So i have noticed that i tilt way less when playing with friends? Things that might normally tilt don't and i'm way more relaxed too. What causes this and how can i translate it to soloq? Usually i can play 3-4 games without tilt but friends somehow boost it to like 7-8. In solo queue i can die once and start screaming about everything being broken, but while playing with friends i can die twenty times and have a good laugh about it. But why is it?

    submitted by /u/Fuupei
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    Tipps on playing Azir?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:22 PM PST

    I want to start playing Azir on mid and casually top if I get autofilled :D I know some basics, but need the right runes and builds for most matchups i can encounter. I know he has a high learning curve but I'm motivated cuz I think he is underrated.

    That's why I came here, I bet there are some Azir mains that can help me out :-)

    submitted by /u/HiImFrednes
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    Safe AP mid?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:27 PM PST

    I need an AP mid that's fairly safe early and can just farm to come online later while providing utility. Can't decide between Veigar, Orianna, or Syndra. Glacial Veigar seems to provide the best utility wtih GLP and Twin shadows and can oneshot if the game goes late. Syndra seems to be more of a carry with the amount of damage she has. Orianna seems to be the safest in lane out of all of them, but her damage is only good if fed I think. What's the best to learn?

    submitted by /u/AzureVermonter
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    What's the exact practical difference between LT and HoB and when to take each one?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Hi there, I have some trouble identifying the actual difference between these runes for practical purposes, both seem to be useful for the same purposes, so I wonder if for instance, junglers that take HoB such as xin, vi and poppy could take lethal tempo instead, if they want precision tree over domination.

    Another example is, I main laning nocturne, and my favorite setup is yellow tree LT primary, if I want to take red tree I take electrocute instead, but could I take HoB for a similar effect to LT?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/JackNarshe
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    How do you play vs Aphelios in early lane?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:39 AM PST

    Hi fellow SUmmoners!

    How should one approach an Aphelios lane? His gunorder seems to be pretty annoying to me, even though he has no q on level 1, he has Caitlyns harrass potential with Sniper, and has his builtin sustain from Scythe, so trading with him seems like a pretty hard task (unless he has a support who is useless lvl 1, and we are 2 strong early ranged champs, but even then he has 10% lifesteal lvl 1, or 650 auto range, and if he has a partner with decent+ level 1 then it is a nightmare). Then when either of those runs out, he becomes Ashe (which is also the time when junglers approach botlane), with a 550 range pointclick root basically. This also helps him disengage if needed. Then he gets waveclear power with infernum, granting him a firstback shoving priority.

    So i am really having a hard time vs him in early laning phase.

    Any tips as to how to play around him in that stage?

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Can’t Win a Game as Jungle

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Can't Win a Game as Jungle

    Hard stuck in low bronze. Barely made my way out of iron. Trying to learn jungle but I always get outplayed. Can someone please point me to some resources? I really want to be good at this game.

    I have been playing Olaf and Jarvan IV. Every time I go for ganks I get counter ganked or the Laner gets away. It's starting to get really frustrating.

    I also always get flamed but that doesn't bother me.

    submitted by /u/Jcrunkilton
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    Is Liandreys a good build on Diana?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:53 PM PST

    So I've heard a lot from LS about how Liandreys is a much better option than morellos. On MOBA morellos is always like a 5th or 6th option on Diana, while Liandreys isn't mentioned . While Nashors and Lich Bane are considered 1 &2. But I've felt than Lich bane is completely useless on Diana. I've noticed no change when picking that item up. Last night I ran a build of Nashors, rabons deathcap, Liandreys and xhonas hourglass. I actually played the early game pretty bad but my mid and late game was really strong. My second item spike with deathcap was really noticeable as was my third item spike with Liandreys. Is this a viable build? I'm pretty much convinced that deathcap will be my second item from now on but I'm pretty unsure if Liandreys is actually a good option since no one talks about it on MOBA. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/justaweirdguy7
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    How am I expected to climb when there are flamers or trolls every single game?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:56 AM PST

    No, I'm not a challenger player smurfing in silver. I finished season 9 at gold 2, 56% win rate. Now stuck at silver 4 with a 39% win rate. Literally every single game, someone is flaming somebody, somebody is running in 1v3, and someone is just rage splitting. How the actual fuck am I expected to climb? I can't 1v9 every single game like challenger smurfs do, because I'm not challenger. Every single game i play in silver, I take dragons, rift heralds, get lanes ahead, but it doesn't matter. They will just run in 1v3 and give up baron. I can't tax waves because the laners will just babyrage and afk. I can't take kills because of the same reason. Every time I try to take rift heralds, my top dies 1v1. Every time I try to take a dragon, my adc runs in 1v2. How do I 1v9 every game as someone who ISNT a challenger player

    submitted by /u/zzzzzzggggg
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    I got to Platinum using Quick Cast WITH Indicator, this is why I changed to Normal Quick Cast

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:35 PM PST

    What is "Quick Cast With Indicator" ?

    First things first, "Quick Cast With Indicator" is one of the options you have to cast your abilities. In this case, when you press a key ('Q' for example), a template will appear for as long as you keep pressing that key. Then, when you release it, the ability will be casted. Here's an axample:

    Quick Cast With Indicator Example

    Does it take longer to cast abilities than using Quick Cast?


    Why do I use Quick Cast now?

    tldr; improves spacing and reduces the amount of information on the screen.

    As a mid main (Xerath OTP) one of the most important aspects of wining your lane as a mage is doing good use of spacing when trading. When trying to do so with ability templates, I would usually position myself a bit off my area of influence. This could be caused by many reasons, the most interesting ones I found were:

    1. Templates would make me think I could hit some of my abilities further than their actual range*.
    2. Sometimes, when looking at the template, I would stop considering my opponent's area of influence, getting into a non favorable trade.

    \Because of* (1), I would walk forward many times when casting my abilities. Enemy mid laner would notice this and back off, dodging my skillshots.

    Then there's the issue with how much information we need on the screen. With mages, I find it extreamly important to study your enemies' moves so you can hit more skillshots, and having templates all over them does not help at all as they do reduce your ability to see what's going on.

    Last, but not least, when there's a template on the screen, I would look at it, forgeting about my champ, where it is and what it's doing. As you can imagine, this causes many problems and results in a lot of misspositionings and bad trades (or even deaths). Using Quick Cast, this issue is no longer there and I can realize when my champ is, for example, moving forward to cast an ability out of range and I can immediately back off and reposition myself.

    Footnote: this is the first time I ever write about League, I hope it helps someone!

    Any questions are more than welcomed!


    submitted by /u/niggafiend
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    In defense of 'Loopholes' to climb

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:20 PM PST

    A loophole is anything like a cheese or some strategy that doesn't necessarily say "I'm a better player", but allows you to win games in your skill bracket to get into the next one. You'll often hear this advocated against-- "It builds bad habits" being the number 1 response.

    An example would be, telling someone stuck in bronze or silver, to simply one trick a champ that hard scales with gold, and telling them to just play selfishly and vacuum all the farm on the map which gets ignored after a certain mark since everyone is busy playing team deathmatch. Or telling someone to one-trick vi or warwick and just rush every drake, path the same way every time, rush drake every time like a robot, etc.

    Do these "strategies" work? I think they'll take a majority of players(barring severe issues causing them to be hardstuck) out of their lower-elo skillbracket reliably if they just try hard, put the games in, and keep a positive attitude.

    But even though they work, people don't like this advice because it "builds bad habits". But I think it's counterintuitive, because the worst habits come from playing in a lower bracket. I think it's more important to get out of this low bracket using whatever means possible, face players who don't let you get away with extremely poor play, and this constant pressure will very quickly form new habits.

    Am I saying this is the best way? Of course not. Genuinely improving one's flaws, whatever may hold one back, is going to be "the best way", but a way is still a way-- it's far worse to sit in a lower elo ramming your head against a wall failing to improve, than to simply cheese your way to face better players, which tends to force improvement. You can be reasonably sure this is true by just imagining a scenario: Imagine someone who is in Bronze 1, climbs 7 or 8 divisions. So now they're facing high Gold and low Plat, a difference that should be noticeable. Simply managing to stay here for 50 to a hundred games will have a lasting change on this player even if it seems like they make no progress. Imagine now transplanting this player back to Bronze 1. What would happen? They would smash this bracket with ease compared to before. It's that "training weights" effect, and it's very real. The same is true if you spend a week 1v1ing a player much higher elo than you for practice-- even if you get smashed, your lanes once you finally queue up in your elo will be far easier by comparison, you will mirror and pick up something from all those 1v1 scrims you did.

    tl;dr -- Put more value into simply playing against better opponents to improve-- don't worry so much about bad habits, it's not all one sided, simply getting to and playing in a higher bracket will build good habits too as long as you're trying to get better.

    submitted by /u/Traditional_Lemon
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    Question about starting items

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:41 PM PST

    I know this abit of a simple question but I never can seem to figure out why you would ever go certain starting items. Take Qiyana for example. I'm a Qiyana main and for the most part, you have the option to start CP, long sword + 3 pots or long sword + refillable but the question is when and why? Then you have an item like dorans blade or heck even dorans shield and it starts to get abit confusing. For example, when would I ever go dorans blade when I have CP/Dorans shield for healing?

    submitted by /u/You-cant-stop-me07
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    Grasp of undying and overpushing.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:47 PM PST

    Hello there! i'm lowly silver-2 player, maining Tahm Kench top, but question is valid for pretty much all top tank champs. I consider myself good at trading - i usually dominate laning phase, not in the least due to Grasp usage - bonus damage and self-healing making each Grasp hit being essentially 3. Problem is - i need to keep grasp active, i.e. resetting in-combat status regularly. I achieve that either by hitting the wave or drawing its aggro. Both options lead to my wave constantly "winning" and pushing into enemy tower, essentially freezing the lane near opponents tower, which leaves me open for ganks.

    Is there any tips for that aspect of Grasp usage?

    submitted by /u/kitayozamonk
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