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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.3

    LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.3

    Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.3

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:26 AM PST

    Hello summoners!

    In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread.

    What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here.

    What you can do to help!

    For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help!

    If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place.



    Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve!

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.3

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:26 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    I quit league when i failed my 3rd promo to diamond last year. How do i come back?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:57 AM PST

    Greetings gentle creatures of the rift. I would like to ask you what is your trusty source of information in order to keep up to date with meta, items viabilty etc, that is useful to avoid sucking in league.

    As the title says, i quit during S9 when i tilted and lost my 3rd promo to D4 (most toxic elo i have experienced so far in EUW btw) and now im looking to try again this year, but im quite aware that i am not at the level i was before, thus here i am asking for help.

    Thanks for reading. Looking forward to your responses.

    EDIT: Im not silver, i must have explained myself badly, my friends are silver, i'm always in platinum level.

    submitted by /u/TheLastValentine
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    HOW TO CLIMB. 2 Very important concepts.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST


    Hello Summoners,

    I will not bore you too much with the details on who I am and what I do.

    I am a League of Legends player who is actively trying to improve my game.

    If you wish to see something for validity purposes, here is my op.gg:


    What this post will cover:

    My personal ideologies on 2 main topics that can improve your game-play and eventually help you climb.

    The two topics:

    • Habits
    • You care too much

    What this post will NOT cover:

    • Micro/Macro mechanics
    • The current meta
    • Champion matchups

    The Preface

    How many times have you watched instructional videos?

    How many times have you asked someone else on improving your game-play?

    You know the information is out there.

    CS, Map Awareness, Objectives, blah blah blah.

    You have an idea on what to do.

    You know what you are lacking and what you should be doing.

    But everything feels like they are in vain. It's frustrating.

    Hopefully this gives you another perspective on how to improve your game-play

    and how I personally approach the attempt to climb higher in League of Legends.

    The Habits

    You may have heard this "tip" before. Or maybe you didn't.

    In my personal opinion, your habits can create something amazing or something disgusting.

    It is the matter of climbing tiers, or tanking your elo to the point of no return.

    The complete opposite spectrum.

    For years, I've been struggling. I wanted to improve my game-play, but I felt like I was always hitting a brick wall.

    I even took personal lessons in the past, and although I heard the concept of habits multiple times,

    it never really clicked in my head.

    Before I begin to explain, for simplicity sake, let me describe this in the most elementary level possible:

    You are in a 1v2.

    You have 100 hit points left.

    You are in the brink of death.

    You RUN.


    It is safe to assume that for anyone playing a competitive online game understands:

    You die? You lose.

    But what am I getting at with this exactly?

    "You die? You lose."

    In a simple statement: You run because you don't want to die. You run because it's a habit.

    To take this further:

    Do we know what's going to happen when we die in league? Of course.

    You give gold to the enemy.

    You lose objectives.

    You lose the game.

    Do we think about all these things when our screens are flashing red and

    there are 2 healthy enemies trying to cash in some gold?

    Hell No. We RUN.

    This is my concept of habit.

    In every aspect of our game, whether it is CS, map awareness, or as detailed as tracking enemy summoners spells,

    We need to strive for all these things without thinking.

    We need to be at a point where we are just doing.

    OK so how do we do it? Are you ganna hit us with "PRACTICE"?

    In a sense yes. But here's a detailed perspective.

    Many videos and tutorials gives you "Top 10 tips to help you climb!"

    It's good information, really. But many do not focus enough on the idea of:

    Do them ONE AT A TIME.

    You really need to focus on ONE THING AT A TIME.

    Imagine you wish to be in a Musician.

    Not just a normal one, but a good one. But you don't know how to play any instruments.

    Are you going to learn all the instruments at once and take 20 years?

    Or maybe just learn and master piano first and help yourself understand the other instruments quicker?

    It's quite obvious now isn't it?

    The idea here is:

    You drill one aspect into your brain until it's like you are "Running from Death" scenario.

    Literally Automatic.

    Do we think great players constantly think about every little details in their brain as they play?

    The answer is probably no. They are not superhuman.

    Their game-play have become so natural and habitual, that they do not think.

    They do the things that help them in a favorable situation naturally.

    You care too much

    I am specifically talking about LP, TIER, DIVISION, or anything to do with "CLIMBING".


    Please let me elaborate.

    As you practice gaining valuable habits for the game, and actively try to focus on your game-play,

    You may or may not win games.

    Even if you weren't giving "improvement" a thought at all,

    you'd still may or may not win games.

    The point I am getting at is:

    Once you start caring about LP and your climb/demotion in general,

    You've plateaued. You will not become a better player.

    You may be a Diamond player. But once your focus is on LP, you will not improve.

    This is my personal belief:

    You should care about LP and climbing when you are content with where you are at, in terms of your skill level.

    Ironic isn't it?

    "To climb, you need to get better..."

    "To get better, you need to stop caring about LP gain/loss..."

    "You can care about LP gain/loss, when you believe you don't need to get better..."

    "But you can't climb, unless you get better..."


    WTF is this noob talking about?

    In a very simple sense, to climb, stop caring about where you want to be.

    Improve your game-play constantly.

    As you do, you're probably already climbing.

    What a cop out answer... trololol

    Whether you believe this ridiculous notion of mine, is up to you, and you alone.

    But this is something that helped me be sane, and just enjoy the overall process of improving.

    Because to me, improvement give more satisfaction than wins or losses.

    Sure it's fun to win, but they are materialistic and temporary.

    On the other hand, the feeling of seeing myself improve is a different satisfaction altogether.

    On a side note: Toxicity

    Have you ever wondered why people are so toxic?

    We've all been there. At one point or another, we were toxic.

    But why?

    You are probably a real chill person in real life.

    You don't lead a toxicity lifestyle at all.

    The answer is, AGAIN, very simple:

    LoL players become toxic, because they want to win.

    They want to climb.

    Your ADC that is 0/8/1?

    You feel as if they are restricting you from winning the game and climbing.

    It's funny if you think about it:

    It has been statistically proven that being toxic to your teammates gives you a lower chance of winning a game.

    We become toxic because we care about climbing. (Don't feel shame. It's natural)

    So in essence,

    We care too damn much about climbing, we are prohibiting ourselves to win games.

    By becoming toxic and, naturally, halting our chances to improve our game-play.

    Relax everyone. Just focus on your improvement and gaining good habits.

    I can guarantee if you focus more on your game-play and less on LP gain/loss,

    You will naturally climb and NATURALLY be the furthest thing from being a toxic player.

    Seriously, consider the following:

    Which streamers plateau once they care about "Being the Top Ranked Player" then

    start having negative behavioral tendencies and fall off?

    Which streamers are good and chill and are almost always one of the "Top Ranked Player" because

    they are calm as water?

    Food for thought.

    submitted by /u/SmiteZoe
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    Jungle experience buffs with numbers and comparison.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:15 PM PST

    Individual camps buffs table:

    https://i.imgur.com/l8Btuke.png Scuttler gets +10 experience per kill, around 4-5% buff on average.

    Full clear for first 13 minutes comparison:

    https://i.imgur.com/kKBl7ya.png (note this is just theoretical example with karthus/olaf constantly afk clearing, not applicable to 99% of real games and doesn't include scuttlers)

    Junglers are gaining 1 cannon wave worth of experience after 5 full clears or 1+ melee minion(60 experience) worth of experience per clear. (difference between level 9 and 11 is 2260 experience, between 5 and 7 is 1360 experience)

    Overall these changes doesn't seem enough to make carry/farm junglers viable and only buff already established junglers.

    submitted by /u/FSOenergy
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    Note: You don't have to fight every time you seen an/the enemy.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:47 AM PST

    This seems obvious right? To some people it's not.

    In my experience in low elo people just fight to fight, and that's not really the greatest option.

    Every time you team fight you should be asking a few questions such as:

    1. Does the enemy team have very important summoners/abilities up such as Malphite ult
    2. What are we fighting for? Just to fight? Or for Baron, Drake or Herald?
    3. Are we in a good spot to fight? Are we ahead in gold and items?
    4. ETC.

    The common excuse I see is "we are behind and we need to fight to catch up" -- well, no.

    Instead of fighting all the time you should be farming side lanes, keeping the lanes pushed, etc. If you farm and the enemy doesn't then you are going to eventually surpass them, but if you just keep fighting to fight and giving them free gold, the turnout of the game is not going to look so good for you.

    Some more don'ts are

    1. Fight in the jungle with 0 vision anywhere.
    2. Fight outnumbered if you are already losing

    Now, keep in mind I am low elo and my way of thinking may not be correct, however I win more games when my team farms instead of fighting 24/7, so keep it in mind. If anyone has any thoughts feel free to respond, I love constructive criticism.

    submitted by /u/tiltedbamboo
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    Does playing two roles massively impact your learning curve of the game overall?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:23 AM PST

    As the title reads,

    I've played LoL since season 4 semi-casually. I've played a bit of ranked every season but mostly just play draft or flex as I play with a group of 3 people most of the time.

    Over the years I've always said I want to focus more on ranked and try and climb out of Silver however never really had the motivation to attempt until this year.

    The problem I'm having and reasoning for my post is that while I would class myself as a "Jungle Main" I've got equally as much experience in playing top lane as I tend to flip between the two very frequently.

    While I know playing more than one role is usually considered a positive thing I was wondering if I'm hurting my overall learning experience by trying to learn too much at once or if the more you know overall is better.

    I know there's no general rule on this however I wanted to know everyone's opinions and figure out what has worked for them.

    submitted by /u/Jaykoltz
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    Differing Perspectives of a midlaner and jungler

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Hi guys I am gold tier player who has been playing clash recently with the same roster. In preparation it has become very evident that I believe mid and jungle is a 2v2 and I need more support from my jungler. However my jungler who plays flex with us but does not play any soloq (last season we were all gold in flex) insists that he should prioritize bot lane and farming in s10 due to drake value. He told me that the idea of mid and jungle being a 2v2 is outdated. For more detail it is no exaggeration that my top and and I NEVER receive ganks and my jungler seems to always prioritize staying alive even when it comes at the cost of us dieinnot dieing. He also gets very upset if he gets invaded and doesn't receive help from solo lanes. It has become frustrating to play mid because of his attitude. At times I will lose a lane I'm slightly winning because the other jungler will show up and provide the enemy mid a gank or some sort of assistance. I, on the other hand receive absolutely no assistance and it's very hard to skirmish with him around objectives such as scuttles because it seems as if he will almost always dip out if he takes moderate damage to prioritize his life. Plenty of times these skirmishes have ruined my lane. Even when I do roam over with lane prio I may die in the skirmish and my laner picks up a kill since my jungler tends to either clean up or dip out.

    Anyways I want to play vlad and I told my jungler to gank for me however he thinks it is a bad idea. He says "vlad has bad gank assistance " and he will have to do most of the damage.
    I also play ahri and kassadin well and his pool consists mostly of tank junglers like zac sett and ivern . I have asked him to play some early game junglers but he has yet to do so. I would also like to add that if I happen to get solo killed or my laner gets ahead due to a skirmish he is too afraid to come to my lane and automatically deems it a losing lane. Anyways what are your thoughts on how a jungler should play in s10 and my current situation as I prepare for clash.

    Personally I see a lot of value in supporting mid and trying to get the mid laner ahead especially with the buff of solo xp. My experience in solo que when ahead on Vladimir/ kassadin tells me that Mid is worth prioritizing. It also seems as if it is easier to carry / influence the game on mid than AD these days as well.

    In short, I have also noticed many games we get destroyed by the enemy jungler. I'm not sure if I can hold our jungler to the same expectation since he is playing tank not carry junglers.

    In prior clash games it seems as if we fall behind early because of lack of play making and being passive. I attribute this mostly to the jungler since he is insisting on farming and refusing to gank while the other jungler activley invades him or pulls off ganks. It just feels as if we cannot even attempt to get an early lead. Most of the games we win are due to scaling. It should be noted that my jungler loves to watch the LCS. He watches every game and I wonder if this has any effect on his play style.

    submitted by /u/NFTMFT
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    Truths from Iron II?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:31 PM PST

    Greetings I am a current Iron 2 JG player in my first ever comp season. I peaked at Silver 2 in the preseason but right now I'm struggling in my games mostly due to my general lack of game knowledge so I has hoping to put forward how I understand the game and hope for some replies on how I'm wrong or if I'm missing something

    I really enjoy following the meta and reading/watching meta and champion guides and have a very solid understanding on what SHOULD be strong right now and why

    These are big picture ideas for me and I understand they can change game to game but I just want to make sure that my foundation is solid

    1. Low elo JG is more a a supportive role unless I get omega fed early game or play a super late game JG (Yi or Karthus). I should focus more on keeping my laners fed and safe and remind them to focus objectives.

    2. Mid lane is generally the most impactful role from a junglers standpoint. A well fed enemy mid laner controls a huge portion of the map and many key JG objectives. Additionally they empower the enemy JG to play more aggressive and invade more often and snowball further. Even if my top lane and bottom lanes are winning or equal to the enemy, the pressure comming from mid makes dragon fighting a nightmare and makes the game 10x harder

    3. Vision is super under valued. I used to start with red trinket almost every game to help with my ganks but I'm realizing that vision is so important in this game and wish more low elo players realize it. It's a free/cheap way to support your team even when your 0/10/0.

    4. /muteall isnt the end all be all. I know I'm not in the majority but I find that I hardly let other players words tilt me and I always keep the chat unmuted. 9/10 theres at least 1 player on your team worth communicating with or actually has constructive criticism that can help me not make mistakes again

    Let me know what you think and give me any and all criticisms and info


    submitted by /u/Nautilus909
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    how good is draven rn

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:17 PM PST

    ok so i bought draven today and i played 1 match with him, i went mid amd it was really fun and now im asking is it worth learning him and then maining because he is not the easiest champion. im also not a very serious player im just a casual playing for fun although i think i have a really aggressive playstyle. is draven going to recivie any changes in near future. what is the state of draven rn. how good is he at other lanes (top,mid,adc). does draven have any carry potential. can he survive ganks. he is placed very high in most of the tierlist but subreddit draven seems to hate that champion so much although i dont think he is a bad champion.

    submitted by /u/Plarage
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    Why do people max E on Xayah?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:51 AM PST

    I recently tested Xayah cuz I got Star Guardian through loot. I wonder why people max E first when you can max W to win aa-fight AND force people to back out because of your E?

    You rush AD first anyways, and mid game is when you build crit for the E damage. ER helps reduce W cooldown too, so I don't understand why max E?

    Max W reduces mana cost too.

    submitted by /u/penboiyi
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    Bot/Mid Player dying too much(Iron I)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:09 PM PST

    Hi! I'm a returning player from season two. I am playing flex and have been focusing on bot and mid. However, I tend to die too much in team fights since I get popped. I also feel like I lose too many trades in lane so I end up behind. What advice is there to fix that?

    submitted by /u/ZeroTwoismyNephew
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    How often do you guys play Ranked?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:56 AM PST

    Hi there,

    My name is SillyJoey, I am a very casual low-elo League of Legends player since season 3, with the highest hitting elo being around gold II, I believe.

    I really enjoy League, it's an one of a kind experience for me that no other game can give, however, due to life being life and also not me feeling confident enough about my own skill, I never gave ranked a real try. Yeah I've done my placements and a few games here and there, but nothing too serious.

    Well this season was going to change that. I've been playing League for so long now and after a small break I wanted to give this season another shot, but for real this time. I wanted to give it my all, see how far I could climb the ladder and how good I really am at League.

    So the first few weeks consisted of a lot of research (I am a jungle main). How is the jungle now, which path should I take, what champions are good for the team, what champions are good to carry with? etc etc. After that I did some games, only a few games per day, let's say around 3 or 4. Things were going steady, I hit Silver III, I was confident in my own skill and then the real climb began and boy o boy does the real emotional rollecoaster start now.

    Instead of 3 to 4 games a day, I began to play around 35 games per week. (Played 70 to 80 games these past two weeks). I started to get emotionally invested. You know how it goes, we're all people, once we start putting a lot of time into something we become emotionally attached to it. But games had to be played better, at first I didn't care that botlane was losing but now I become so annoyed with it! I started to play worse in general.

    The past 3 weeks: Promoted, Demoted, Demoted, Promoted, Promoted, Demoted, Promoted, Demoted.

    At the end of the climb, after played around 60 hours in the last 2 weeks, I'm actually Silver IV again and I start to begin to question my own existence and why I still even play this goddamned game when it's making me so frustrated. So you want to delete it, get rid of it, out of your life. You're going to bed, try to sleep, try a new game tomorrow, maybe a shooter. You wake up, get behind your PC, there is nothing else to do, so you start League and all begins a new......

    So yeah, simple question, how much do you guys play ranked to keep your sanity?

    In general I feel like I'm playing (and climbing) better when I am playing only a few games a day. When I am starting to OTP league and not play or do anything else, I generally become worse at the game.

    Any advice? Thanks in advance!


    submitted by /u/SillyJoey_
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    Any advice on team comps and 1/3/1

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Clash got announced again (yay!) And I've been captaining a team of friends (we are all low gold) for each tournament and we are having a lot of fun. But with this next one we really want to step it up and we started talking about practicing a style and team comp and ae found 1/3/1 appealing but we cant find a good guide online that is up to date? Any advice for a different team comp that would be good for low golds and/or advice on running 1/3/1 and champions to think about?

    submitted by /u/Bretticus2
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    Why is Stoneplate suddenly the rush item for tank supports?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:38 PM PST

    In both pro play and high elo solo queue, players are picking up Stoneplate first item on champions like Leona and Nautilius.

    I would understand if this was some new build on Leona because she basically erupted into the meta in season 10, but Nautilius has been decent-strong throughout the entirety of season 9. Why are pros suddenly finding this OP build now?

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How to stay happy and positive like G2 Caps?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:56 PM PST

    He's honestly such a happy guy playing the game. I used to be like that too, but after playing 1 season in jungle my mentality completely got changed, tilting and being frustrated at teammates almost every single game. How does Caps play soloQ while being so immune?

    submitted by /u/TheMoraleBooster
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    20 game losing streak

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I'm in bronze 3 on a new account (was gold on another acc, banned/reformed, etc) I know that I'm the common factor here. There were 3 or 4 games where my team didn't feed right off and we lost due to me just being tilted or bad macro as a team. The other 16 games? My team consistently goes 0/8/1 etc where I got 18/2 or 10/2 etc. I try splitting and I take objectives like trading inhibs, but nothing seems to work. Team constantly wants to fight and/or engage 4/5's. I've been keeping an eye on my teams and enemies rank, and I'll consistently have bronze kids on my account with silver3+ on theirs. Not sure what's going on, any tips?

    Edit: I want to add that I rarely type in games except to say, try not to fight or go for drag. Get honors in my games, but that doesn't help my lp lol.

    submitted by /u/gimme-sushi
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    How can I do better?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    I've recently started playing again and I'm finding it extremely difficult to keep my win rate above 50% and climb into Silver/Gold.


    OP.GG: https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=Notoriouzs


    I main ADC and I find that 90% of the time I have no issue coming out of lane with a CS advantage but I feel like I could be winning lane harder. I find it extremely hard to take the tower early and I think this is because I'm so risk adverse in lane.


    What do I do? What do I change in my behavior to climb?

    submitted by /u/Notoriouzs
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    My Rakan isn’t that good but I want it to be good! Please help!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Rakan has always been a champ I want to play even when there isn't a Xayah. Sure it is easier when there is a Xayah but I feel like he is still incredibly good and has a ton of potential late game and when there isn't a Xayah. So how can I improve my Rakan even if there isn't a Xayah around?

    submitted by /u/Smots12
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    My Rakan isn’t that good but I want it to be good! Please help!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Rakan has always been a champ I want to play even when there isn't a Xayah. Sure it is easier when there is a Xayah but I feel like he is still incredibly good and has a ton of potential late game and when there isn't a Xayah. So how can I improve my Rakan even if there isn't a Xayah around?

    submitted by /u/Smots12
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    Which lane to play?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:05 PM PST

    I've been playing since season 3 and only started playing competetively since season 9 (due to being insecure and thinking that i'd just get flamed on).

    Now i want to switch up my Mid/Jungle mains to become a Jhin main at bot.

    For bot i have made a few pros and cons pros: 1). I get to play a champ i thoroughly enjoy.

    2). I get to possibly play with a duo.

    3). Late game scaling.

    4). Drake control.

    cons: 1). I feel like i just never get ganked and never get helped.

    2). I get really tilted because of this.

    3). I get angry just in general from this lane (from champions like miss fortune and blitzcrank REEE).

    4). I'm expecting myself to play perfectly and in my eyes i do everything correct (i know that i still make mistakes and can still point them out to myself).

    Now i also made them for Mid and Jungle for Mid Pros:

    1). I am mechanically really good at almost all it's champions.

    2). I've been playing this role most in my climb and got to gold 4 (could've gotten further if it wasn't that the season was about to end).

    3). I respect good plays from enemies and just tilt less here (probably because i feel like i control the lane more).

    4). I'm an akali main i really enjoy her aswell but she's gonna be nerfed even more. (i get it though i always am super agressive and nothing the enemy can do about it and end up leaving the laning phase fed, litterally will destroy the jungler and midlaner if they gank me during laning phase).

    5). I'm really flexible with my picks.

    6). I enjoy alot of champions even though i also don't enjoy them at the same time.

    7). I basically already own all champions.

    Cons: 1). Akali is about to be nerfed hard again basically.

    2). I just despise LB and Heimer (luckily not played that much).

    3). I take breaks just because i don't feel liks playing the champions (which is fine yeah but meanwhile that break turns into an hour long break in which i do absutely nothing and just wait).

    Now for the jungle pros and cons

    Pros: 1). I've played this role since like season 5 or something like that.

    2). I have a pretty good macro and can get my team to either carry my or help me carry.

    3). I just love objectives, can't get enough of them, i like the fighting for them and the buffs they give.

    4). I feel satisfied when i pull off a clean and successful gank.

    5). New champion might be fun and reworks.

    6). i basically own all champions for it.


    1). Alot of the champions just don't feel fun and refreshing to me, i'm fine with playing them i just don't like their designs.

    2). I might've lost my jungling skills and am behind on cs alot.

    These are it, i was also thinking about maining support because i also like those champions but i know i wont get far with that.

    Any advice would be appreciated! already a big thanks for reading this and possibly commenting.

    submitted by /u/ZochieM
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    What are some tips to positive trades and posturing in mid lane?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

    I was a D4 jungler S9 and due to some unforeseen circumstances, I am playing mid lane for my team. I often play a fairly passive lane and give up CS and plates to the enemy laner. I usually am able to scale back in to the game and be useful because I don't give free solo kills, but I don't think giving up so much priority early in the game is a good idea.

    I want to know how and when I can assert lane control/dominance. I know this may have a lot to do with the matchup, but even in a bad matchup, I don't think I should be giving up too much and at least try to go even.

    Any advice would be appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/Key2Life4Me_Improve
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    ADCs and game management

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    last year I got i to gold for the first time after playing the game since launch on and off. in fact id like to say last year was the only year i actually tried and now i feel i can get higher. ive noticed however as an adc main who loves ashe, adcs are in a terrible position to carry games. unless you have somebody complimenting what your doing somewhere else on the rift i find it hard to carry at times, and find it especially tilting when the team blames me because i died early in a teamfight or something. now i ply to improve not win, i try to build i to the team im playing against but i find that if im the only one doing that it makes no difference. right now im s2 and i find that games in which my support knows how to work with the wave ill win more often but supports who just focus on kills and only that with no other knowledge really on macro i tend to lose because they focus on me dying off a gank or not rotating toplane when or something when we still have our tower up and its the only thing stopping us from having any sort of pressure on drag or something, and just me as ashe who i feel is in a terrible spot but still my best champ i feel like i cannot affect the game as i used to be able to. any suggestions on what to focus on more and why, i tend to win lane and when i dont its because 4 people come bot and thats usually the case because i force labe priority a lot cause i outplay the adcs at the elo early game a lot. i find that when teams group up like that mine never want to do the same when it comes to objectives and sure that may have to do with team comp at times but i guess what im getting at is are adcs in a shit spot rn?

    submitted by /u/Lossah
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    How to evolve kha’zix’s R abilities

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Hey! I have a few idea of how to evolve khazix's abilities, but I'm not sure if I'm right. Can you please help me?

    90% of the games I'll pick Q at lv 6. But when I'm already strong enough and don't need the extra dmg, Id rather pick R due to invisible time increased.

    Lv 11 I choose W (team player) or R (if I'm fed and wanna pick off)

    Lv 16 I only get E if I'm super fed and really wanna carry the game out. However, if I'm okay or behind, I normally evolve the one that I didn't at lv 11.

    What do you guys think about it? Do you agree with me? Let's talk!

    submitted by /u/dreneck
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    In what matchups does Ornn mid (which is supposed to be a top tier pick according to analysts like LS) win?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:21 PM PST

    EDIT: The title is wrong. What matchups does Ornn mid LOSE?

    I will crosspost this to /r/ornnmains but I assume they are mostly Ornn top players since Ornn mid is some new technology.

    Basically, LS thinks that Ornn is one of the strongest picks in draft right now because he can be flexed top, jungle, mid, and support right now.

    I've played it mid before and it never felt bad. The waveclear is fine, the laning is fine once you get your first component, and the late game is just absolutely insane because of the amount of free raw stats that his upgrades provide and the amount of utility he provides as a tank.

    For my school's team, I'm thinking of first picking Ornn every game. Obviously, I know the type of matchups Ornn top loses (e.g. Darius, Sett), so if he gets a bad top lane matchup, we'll probably flex him mid.

    However, I don't know what matchups are bad for Ornn mid lane in which I should flex him for jungle. I feel like he's just good into everything except into juggernauts like Sett or Darius, who are rarely picked mid lane.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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