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    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    League of Legends Patch 10.3 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 10.3 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 10.3 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Rune Selection Issue Megathread

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:31 PM PST

    Currently, there is an issue with rune selection causing players to be changed to default rune pages.

    Server Status

    Riot Support Twitter

    This thread will remain to handle all discussion relating to this issue.

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    Aphelios should just be gun

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:29 AM PST

    We all know Aphelios has clarity problems, here is my very well thought out solution with zero downsides:

    Get rid of Aphelios the man and turn him into a big gun.

    Make him a big Darkin gun that walks around and talks shit and switches forms very obviously.

    Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.

    submitted by /u/Hudre
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    That's what I call a pro gamer move

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:25 AM PST

    SoloQ at its finest.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Level 1 5 man pyke stun into 5 man ekko W

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Patch 10.3 Patch Notes

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:04 AM PST

    Hello, I'm Ashley Kang. I am an interviewer and journalist based in the LCK. AMA!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:02 AM PST

    I am Ashley Kang, a freelance esports journalist and founder of Korizon Esports. I'm typing this from Seoul, South Korea, as I make final preparations to cover the opening day of the 2020 LCK spring split at LoL Park.

    Back in May 2018, I quit my job as a software engineer back in New Zealand and decided to move to South Korea to cover the LCK. I wanted to create content so people around the world could love what I love -- The Korean esports scene -- and I thought more English content, more narratives about the scene and the players, could hopefully help convince people.

    It's been a surreal last 21 months. I have released more than 200 video interviews so far. I covered five LCK splits, two World Championship and an MSI. We're currently running a successful YouTube channel and Korizon Vietnam Page is also growing rapidly. I was a runner-up for 2019 Esports Award category for Journalist of the Year. I just released my first documentary-style content and long-form video interview. Still have a mountain to climb, but been doing well.

    I'll come back in an hour to start this overnight AMA marathon :)

    Ask me anything.

    EDIT: Hey guys! Will take an hour nap, currently suffering from lack of sleep which makes me dizzy :) And I want to really give proper answers to ya'all. Will update when I'm back

    EDIT: I'm back, lets's go!

    EDIT: Ok it's 5AM here I'll eat a quick breakfast T_T thank you so much for all the questions, I will do my absolute best to answer most if not all! Brb

    EDIT: Continuing to answer a few more questions then I'll nod off for tomorrow's LCK games

    EDIT: It's 8AM here, I'll nod off for tomorrow's games. But I will definitely try to catch up with some questions when I'm back tomorrow morning, I didn't expect so many people to contribute -- Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AshleyKang
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    Dominate is a 10/10 podcaster

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:13 AM PST

    Has anyone else's opinion of IWDominate shifted hugely in a positive direction?

    I used to find the guy so insufferable. Could never watch his stream. All the flame reeked of insecurity and it was so cringe to watch.

    But.. since he's been doing talk shows. I fucking love the guy. It's like he was born for this shit. He's so knowledgable and knows everything about the games they're talking about. His chemistry with almost every host and guest is great. His flame is fun, friendly and doesn't come off as toxic. I still don't watch his stream but The Crack Down has been so good so far. He's the only reason I can watch Facecheck too. Not to mention he was by far the best Listen Loco guest. He's similar enough to Thorin to remind me of him, but different enough to not be a carbon copy. Actual 10/10 podcaster and I hope he does this as much as possible.

    Just comes off as a very likeable person too... which is such a contrast from his stream. At least what I saw of it.

    It also feels like he's coming into his own a bit. When he's branched out into other content before, it feels like he tried to hard to copy others. Cut the western shit was just like League Idubbbz. But now he feels like he's caught a groove and is his own person.

    This is a lot coming from me too, I'm unavoidably extremely critical of the content I watch. The fact that I'm enjoying him is mind blowing to me. I shit on even my favourite content.

    submitted by /u/cryforabsolution
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    LCK has an official podcast now called "THE POG STATE" with Atlus and LS

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Doublelift thinks Zven's in the best form he's seen him in LCS, explains what he thought held Zven (and Sneaky) back, his new plan to save the NA server ping, and his decision to recommit to working on the Player's Association this year

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:37 AM PST

    Hey i'm Reapered i made LCS week 2 Vlog so here for share those !

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    so i made 2 vlog last weekend and tried different style as well !
    i start enjoy vlogging now its fun to recording my feeling or what am i do at that moment

    so here i share the link and i hope you guys like this !

    Week2 Day1 https://youtu.be/jMOsFaZw2pk

    Week2 Day2 https://youtu.be/PFKNrKk7cFo

    also, very welcome to any feedback or opinions for my vlog or potential contents !

    for now i'm planning to make video about how to rank tier up w/o boosting or coaching kinda contents for my YT so if you have any opinion for this lmk !

    submitted by /u/Reapered9
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    Captain Flowers specifically is such a good shout caster and so good for the league of legends scene

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:23 AM PST

    When you compare the quality of the shout and colour casting of league of legends to other sports such as hockey, it seems to me, that guys like captain flowers just out preform mainstream guys like the sports net announcers for hockey. There are other really good shout casters, but captain flowers just really stands out as someone who can speak fast enough to call everything that's going on, and do it in a way to make it super interesting.

    TLDR: captain flowers amongst others, will lead the pro league of legends scene where ever riot wants them to go, whether that means prime time tv like tradition sports, or exclusive streaming rights.

    submitted by /u/pilot62
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    Mordekaiser and Friends: Maximum Disrespect

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

    PBE Preview: Blood Moon Katarina, Tryndamere and Master Yi

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Twitter post from LoL EU

    Youtube Mirror

    Be wary if you cross the Rift under the light of the red moon! Blood Moon Katarina, Tryndamere and Master Yi are coming soon...

    submitted by /u/Rushaldin
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    League+ Is NOT usable

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Nothing works, you try to view your profile "Sorry,the profile is currently unavailable".
    You try to message a friend oh too bad you can only see what's in the main page.
    I literally tried to submit a feedback and not even that works.
    The promise of the app is to talk to your friends while away from your pc and not even that works.
    before the app was updated it worked like a charm, you had such little problems with it you could actually message your friends and see who is online or show to your friends your profile on league,match history and not have to go on a third party website such as OP.GG.
    everything is a flaw on this app its better just to delete the app if they are not caring about it.

    submitted by /u/wavegg
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    Paintings representing the top 3 LCS teams (Blaber, Froggen, PowerOfEvil)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    Hello fellow LCS watchers. I painted a few headset bois this past week and figured I may as well share them here. Initially it was just based on the teams that I had the most fun watching, but coincidentally they also happen to be the top 3 teams at the end of week 2 so that's pretty neat. Hope you enjoy!


    submitted by /u/Alibobaly
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    When you try to out-Jhin a Jhin

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:06 PM PST

    *headphone users beware* How to play blitzcrank

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:31 PM PST

    Clash is Coming!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Clash is finally coming to League! :D

    SUPER excited to finally be able to play Clash and no longer Crash. Have had so much fun with my friends in the previous Clash tests, and can't wait to be able to regularly take part. Just hoping I have enough IP stocked up to always play. Good luck in all your clash games!

    submitted by /u/Lombax_Pieboy
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    "Just in case..." - I know my mechanics are awful, and this isn't anywhere near 300 IQ, but i just loved how this small, lightbulb moment decision paid of (more info in comments).

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:28 AM PST

    There was an attempt.. to gank

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I see your superior scuttle mechanics and raise my dodgemaster scuttle

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:17 AM PST

    Setting the stage for drake

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    2/4 PBE Update: Blood Moon Skins, Chroma & More!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Why did Riot stop updating champion splash arts?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:20 AM PST

    Tristana, Nidalee and Miss Fortune got huge splash art updates a few years ago. That was the last time I remember a champion getting splash art updates without getting a VU/VGU (trist had her VGU way before the splashes were changed if i remember correctly). Annie just had her effects updated, lore updated, and her model/textures are great but some of her splash arts are so insanely outdated. I'm wondering why did Riot stop updating splash arts for some of their already established champs that we know for a fact won't be getting a VGU for years to come? Are there are other champions with old, outdated splash arts that don't need a vgu/vu?

    submitted by /u/seataytle
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