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    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    LoL Guide Used to be high plat low dia (s9) and now (s10 start) I cant win in gold anymore

    LoL Guide Used to be high plat low dia (s9) and now (s10 start) I cant win in gold anymore

    Used to be high plat low dia (s9) and now (s10 start) I cant win in gold anymore

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Hey I'm an Ahri onetrick (last season d4 couple hundret games, peaked d3 multible times and I had a positive winrate the entire time so I was not abusing LP gains bug) onetrick and since she cant really carry on her own and no way near a 1v9 machine, I'm used to losing a lot of games when I was smurfing back in season 9.

    So the day season10 started and rank and mmr got resetted, games felt increadible unfair and onesided stomp. I thought okay, that might be just the reset and I just grind it out until the mmr has balanced out for the majority of people but after 150 games I'm still hardstuck in gold (rank and mmr).I havnt changed my playstyle and my general mindset is even better than before.And, as much as I self reflect myself and hopefully not getting jebaited by freddy krüger effect, this is no shift in overall rankings suddenly; people have the laning, gameknowledge and macro of low plat.I'm little bit desperate at the moment that I struggle so hard to increase my mmr...

    So my questions:Is it possible that Ahri (or my "Ahri playstyle") has become worse over the last few patches due meta shifts and the reason I got dia was just the how the current meta around ahri was?Or is it still the overall mmr imbalance and I just have to grind more games in order to reach real mmr?

    Thanks for reading

    TLDR; (Title)

    Edit: The rank inflation has not much to do with my problem (for example d4 s10 (2.1% percentile) was in s9 between d4 3.66% and d3 1.44%)

    Edit3: Source for the numbers in first Edit: https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-percentage-of-players-by-tier

    Edit2: removed random sentance "even tho most people in the games were low plat game, i do not understand why" between lines that wasnt supposed to be still there

    submitted by /u/thorjordoan
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    How i climbed from Planitum 4 to Masters with just thinking different.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:51 PM PST


    From the first moment I played and for 3 years I only had the same thought in each game, I only entered to win, nothing else mattered.

    In 2019 I reached a diamond and my ego was in the clouds, from that moment on, losing was more like a failure ... Until in October when i went down to platinum 4. I was devastated and couldn't think what I was doing wrong.

    So later i was seeing the streamer Quantum Fizzics and in the twitch chat appeared a question about how to climb elo, he answered "Just don't think in climb, think in be better and eventually you will climb"

    That changed me complete, I started to research information learning about micro - macro - meta, minioms wave manipulation, the power of roam in early and how to track the enemy jungler's path, how to be the carry or help the carry in game, started to mute all in first minute and much more.

    I finished the season 9 in Diamond 3 and in the pre-season i reaches Masters playing Qiyana, Azir and Vladimir


    The only thing i needed to climb in pro elo was the will of be better, no matter if I win or lose, in present i play every game to improve and only improve, even in the loses i can learn new things.

    Yeah sure, lose 4 games strike is tilting, but knowing that what you are doing ir correct has an incredible difference, i full recommend to everyone who is reading this to start thinking in being better insted of only care about the winrate/elo.

    submitted by /u/kitoisgonacum
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    Example of lane recovery against Irelia after a succesfull enemy gank.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    i created a clip on how to take trades from behind against Irelia.

    The clip is speaking for itself so i hope you take the few minutes time to watch it.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask me.

    The clip ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wedWEI46rg

    Keep in mind that Irelia does indeed a lot of mistakes, but she is still diamond elo, so a lot of lower elo players can probaly learn a lot from this.

    submitted by /u/PrototypeRiven
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    Super Basic Bottom Lane Tip - Attacking when your Partner is hit

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:09 AM PST

    A lot of times I see people waste their partner's hp in the bottom lane. When trading or on a catch (by either team), if you are not the one being focused you should be actively looking for opportunities to attack. This doesn't necessarily have to be on the enemy champions; for example you finish a creep around lv1-3 to level up and gain stats/abilities for the rest of the trade. If both partners do this while kiting, it often forms nice little instances of the holy triangle where you both have immediate access to the same target.

    I'm not saying blindly hard commit on every engage; context is always important. By their nature, its much harder for melees than it is for ranged. But playing "passive" and running away loses you a lot, think of it like flashing and getting nothing in the tradeoff. Its not always avoidable, but it'll put you in a bad spot nonetheless.

    submitted by /u/Baam_
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    Looking for some ranked advice.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:53 PM PST

    I'm a big user of this sub and leave comments when I can but haven't really ever posted. I am in need of some advice with ranked play. So I have played for the last three seasons and made it to silver 1 and couldn't get the last win to make it to gold. i have always played ADC because a friend of mine played support with me. Last season my friend quit playing and now I find it very difficult to play ADC in any ranked league. I have decent win rates but it's really hard to get even a decent support or someone that will actually play a support champion. This season I have bounced around from lane to lane. I am struggling to get out of bronze and I could really use some advice. I'm about to just give up entirely on ranked play and the game itself. I am knowledgeable with itemization, cs, and trading in lane as an ADC. What i'm really looking for is help deciding what lane to stay in because i'm also a decent top laner and mid. I have fun playing a diverse range of champions and have trouble playing a small pool. Bilbojoe is my league name i'm also on discord with the same tag. Any coaches out there or other people that want to play would be rad or just some advice people found when climbing through silver and gold.

    submitted by /u/Queen_Laqueeeeefa
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    Does farming even matter? (ADC)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Hello there,

    I switched this season from support to adc because I wanted to try another role. Now I played some ranked games ( Profile (op.gg) ) and something seems very odd. First, I tried to cs all the time and soak xp to reach numbers like the pro's do in the lec. But this is impossible. Every game is a fiesta and when I'm not with the team, we loose fights. So I said, screw cs. After laning phase ( I mostly reach 90 cs at the 10min mark) I group with the team and push the lead forwards instead of afking on sidelanes. By doing so, my winrate increased drastically. I always end up 60-80 cs behind my opponent but still win. So, does csing even matter?

    submitted by /u/ouhw
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    I want to start playing tanks, where/how should I start?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:25 AM PST

    So I finally realized that I'm not a mechanically good player. I got to d4 playing mid lane, but I genuinely can't compete with higher elo players on a mechanical level, plus my ping has always been terrible. I've been meaning to pick up tanks for a while now, but it never worked out for me. But now I'm dedicated to learning the craft, and putting my micro aside to make full use of my macro, which has accumulated a lot over the years.

    My questions are as follows:

    What are some of the easiest tanks to play / which one should I start with?

    Are they as good for elo grinding as I've been led to believe? I know for a fact that most people don't play them simply because they're considered to be "boring"; but besides that, I've seen tanks make a huge difference in the games I play.

    Is this a good meta for tanks? Where do you see the meta going? Will they get better/worse?

    Are there any resources you can guide me to?

    Thanks very much if you take the time to respond, I appreciate it a lot.

    submitted by /u/witcher1701
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    Returning player, how viable are my old favourites? (Jungle/ADC)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Like the title. I've been taking a break for a longer while (like a year completely and little ranked for 3) and I've been wondering how my old favourites are doing (viability and such)

    I played a lot of bot lane and settled on cait and sivir as my mains have their kits changed much other than numbers? (edit: oh jeah and jinx too) (mechanics)

    Also I enjoyed to jungle tho Id have to learn it again. I saw that Diana had a rework and wondered if she cans now jungle better. Also I like heca an kha zix. How is jungle played now? Farm heavy? Terrorise lanes?

    I'll jump back into normals to get a feeling again but some oversight would help me a lot. Also what new camps are worth checking out?

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Th35tr1k3r
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    How to stop the enemy from freezing on you in a losing matchup?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:39 AM PST

    For example, when I play Vladimir into Darius he outpushes me on the first two waves with q and manages to get a huge wave 3 under my turret, after which he lets the wave bounce and then freezes on his side. At this point, if I walk up to CS, he Es, which I pool, but then he immediately ghosts and runs me down and kills me. If at any point I go for poke, I am immediately ed and forced to W, which a positve trade for him. What am I supposed to do/how do I prevent that from happening?

    *This is specifically about Top Lane

    submitted by /u/RipRipRPRippR
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    Is it better to have a diverse champion pool or a pool that has a similar gameplan?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:55 PM PST

    Using support as an example, assuming you aren't interesting in one tricking, but want to keep your pool some what small at around 3-4 champs max, is it better to main 3 mages, or a mage, enchanter, and tank?

    The pros from maining a diverse pool seem obvious enough, you get to have answers to different matchups depending on what the opponent picks, but still have a comfort pick for when you are blind picking. In contrast, maining three mages would allow you to learn the game faster, as you are playing three champions that have a very similar role, so many of the fundamentals of mage 1 also applies to mage 2 and 3. The drawback seems that a mage like Zyra may have similiar bad matchups to Vel'Koz, meaning you will have issues with tank supports regardless of which champion you pick.

    So which strategy is better for learning the game and climbing overall?

    submitted by /u/AdNausNewMeta
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    Why are champions like Tryndamere played across all leagues and regions but not in pro play?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I was just watching TF Blade on Tryndamere popping off last night in Korea, in high ELO (Diamond 1+), plus I think he also reached challenger last season with Tryndamere as well. I believe Fogged has also reached Challenger on Tryndamere. I do not recall any more notorious Tryndamere players, but I see that he's a frequented champion.

    Why are champs like him, who are strong duelists, not played in pro play? It seems like he is easy to shut down, but I do not know a pro's vision when seeing a Tryndamere in a game.

    Can someone explain?

    submitted by /u/Gogosfx
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    How to deal with ranged top laners?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:32 AM PST

    Why is it normal to bring melee champions top lane when the enemy can just bring a ranged adc for example and poke me down to death from afar?

    What's stopping anyone from wanting to play a ranged champion top and safely poking the enemy?

    A lot of people say play passively under your tower but what? Can you then just never push?

    Does anyone know the benefits of using melee champs and how to counter the ranged ones?

    submitted by /u/RealSlumShady
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    How can i improve my cs

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:52 AM PST

    Hello, i've noticed that my biggest Problem atm is that i am awfully bad at last hitting creeps (midlaners are worst for me) , and that i often fall behind in lane because of this. I'd appreciate tipps ans tricks for every playable position in league, and wish you much luck in your soloq.

    submitted by /u/FdE_Fynn
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    S5 Gold Jungle main back from a 5 year hiatus -- How aggressive should I be and how important is it to secure bot lane? More aggressive ganking junglers better at lower elo?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:53 PM PST

    My placements went awful, 1-9 I think? Honestly it was a nice wake up call to how much I need to change my play style, improve and relearn which I feel I have but apparently I need to even more so if I want to get out of bronze hell.

    I've been trying to carry as much as I can as a jungle but I've failed my promos twice and I can't help but feel I'm lacking somewhere. I KNOW I can win almost every game at this elo, I just need to make adjustments. Outside of the typical blame game, I know I can always play better myself. Playing AP Shyvana a lot as of late has helped but I also feel rather useless when we fall behind as a team.

    The last 2-3 games I've played have been completely one sided because of bot feeding early and the other team snowballing with it. I feel if bot gets dominated the game is almost done at that point as I can't get dragons, there's little to no vision and things start to snowball out of control.

    I try to reverse that bot lane pressure/loss with Rift Herald/Top lane and counter jungling as much as I can, but sometimes it's not in the cards and we have to go full defensive which is good at times but more often than not leads to completely losing map control and eventually a loss.

    I often try to do the ol classic feed the best laner on my team as much as I can, but I find myself being spam pinged to help everything at all times and of course, being blamed for every loss.

    I like to think I have a decent play style and mindset, I'm currently at a 3.5 KDA with Shyvana and if it means anything, op.gg has been netting me with a lot of MVP/ACEs.

    I try to go for every dragon if possible, getting as much CS and vision as I can until 6, from there start roaming and ganking and applying pressure wherever I can. I try to punish enemy junglers with counter jungling, forcing CDs and taking advantage of their position if I know where they are.

    Am I playing this incorrectly? Shyvana feels VERY squishy early and I can't really contest against anyone until I have my Ult/1-2 items. I am a huge fan of split pushing, it's how I've always been able to get my wins often and I feel it's one of the most effective methods to reverse pressure IF you have the momentum or a champion who can pull it off.

    I've been thinking about holding off on AP Shyvana due to her inability to gank/counter jungle early and going with a champion who can gank. I used to main Udyr/Mumu/Shyv/J4/Sej/Zac but I'm interested in learning some new champs to add to my pool.

    So far I've been playing with Warwick/Trundle and considering Olaf. Is there anyone I'm overlooking?

    What am I doing wrong? Where is my thought process incorrect and what adjustments do I need to make to turn these complete losses into salvageable wins?

    Sorry for the rant :)

    submitted by /u/hornypineapple
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    How to play against Ryze?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST

    I usually play mages (Syndra, Lux, Ori, Ahri) and Katarina mid. I tend to struggle against Ryzes that are decent at him.

    I know that Ryze struggles with mana early on until he buys Tear. How would I manage the wave knowing this situation as a mage? How will it differ when I play Kat?

    Once Ryze gets a few items, he outshoves me and can roam relatively well. Whenever he roams, I push for tower plates. He becomes harder and harder to deal with as the game progresses. What should I be doing against him to give myself an edge over him in lane? How will my game plan and goals change as the game progresses to mid and late game with a Ryze in the enemy team?

    submitted by /u/KiaraKawaii
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    The Difference of Different Tiers

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:29 PM PST

    In a post I was reading about CSing not mattering in lower tiers due to the larger portion of game time fighting champs I began to wonder why there are such differences in gameplay at the upper echelons of the game. As a bronze boi myself working to silver I can understand there being a difference between me and a plat or dia or master or higher. However, when comparing Plat to Master or higher there's still a strange difference in gameplay choices. The example I'm using is CSing in a side lane versus team fights. In the aforementioned post about if CSing matters and someone responded with not in lower tiers like diamond, but it does in masters and up. Keep in mind this is CSing at 10+ per min not mattering as much in diamond as there are constant team fights.

    So why is there such a drastic change in priority between these levels? Presumably with diamond and masters being adjacent tiers to one another there isn't an obvious difference in why one tier there are teams that generally choose more team fighting rather than CSing. What happens to the mentality of going up in those ranks (ie diamond to masters)? Is the difference a choice or macro or micro play? I'm trying to learn about why the decision making is different when they are so close together in terms of rank. Maybe I'm just putting anyone above gold on a pedestal due to my lower rank.

    submitted by /u/FrostyAssassin5
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    Let the ennemy have this drake?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Hello, question mainly aimed at junglers:

    I'm a main top but i've been playing jungle to climb a bit easier (i'm in gold/silver elo, just invade the poor bastard and he won't know what to do). I seem to have a pretty good control over objectives and it occurred to me: do you ever let the ennemy have a drake?

    Not to take another objective necessarily but because let's say all your team has pretty short cooldowns on their ultimates so cloud drake doesn't feel like it'll help much. Since elemental rifts kicked in we can only have 4 elemental drake buffs so am i right thinking it's better to have 3 stacks of mountain drake for example rather than 2 and a cloud one?

    submitted by /u/kentaxas
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    Playing into assassins as a mage, from a micro standpoint

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Not really a devout ranked player, just something fun to do with the guys when we're off work. So basically, I'm no pro, but I'd say I'm not nearly as bad as Iron. But even premades are more fun when we're improving and playing well, so here I am

    Anyways, my top and midlane pick is typically cho'gath. Darius and other oppressive laners like Morde or Sett have been very popular as of late, so I typically sit toplane, build AP, and farm up. Highly dependent on how receptive people are to my Q poke predicts. If I can get poke, then I get plates/kills, if I can't poke, I just sit back and scale into a knockup/silence AP cannon for teamfights. Mid is a different story, with jittery folk like Zed, sometimes even Khazix or something strange like that. Unlike top where it's a predictable rundown that gets more forgiving as I build CDR, these guys in mid will path around unpredictably and goad me into using my Q, because they don't need more than the ~5 seconds it's down to get rid of me. If I hold onto it, can't farm without walking up, and Q is far from a perfect peel against mobile champions. If I use it for poke and miss, well... it's their kill to lose. I do my best to poke early while they're weak, but cho is a bit weak at fishing for early kills unless the enemy is significantly worse or eats unnecessary damage by mistake. Once they hit a level powerspike, I get very uncomfortable being more than a few paces from my tower.

    What I tend to do is I shove when they back, then go off to dragon or wherever I can be useful. However, let's just say (entirely theoretical) the enemy midlaner is perfectly content with assblasting me until he gets first turret instead of roaming, and the jungler is braindead, effectively forcing me to return to my same lane and go through the steps over and over again. Practicing lane against one of my buddies who plays almost exclusively assassins like Kat/Zed, and with no jungler, no objectives, I haven't won once (partially because he's flat out better at his champions than me, but as an addendum, the scenario described above happens time and time again and I don't see what I can do aside from becoming inhumanly accurate with my skillshots). I try to model my game after Alex Blais, and from what I've seen, even with his much superior experience in landing his abilities, it does seem even he needs to (and does) make plays around the map to come out on top of a Zed, for instance.

    I'm aware rushing seekers/zhonyas does wonders with keeping yourself alive, but in a vacuum, you can't walk up to hit their turret without them rushing up at terminal velocity with ghostblade/mobis and running you down the lane, and every mistep costs you in plates without a jungler or roaming support to cover for you. A bit of armor doesn't make you invulnerable, and even if you're not dead, bad backs will cost you.

    I don't experience this kind of "vacuum game" myself for midlane (happens a lot in top with snowballing champs like Darius/Renek where sometimes the jungler can't even do anything if realized too late), but I'm sure there's games out there that do resemble that a little (minimal jungler intervention, low activity in other lanes, no particular team effort to get objectives), and I'm just curious what's the play there. If the assassin knows what he's doing, I don't know how to handle it other than sitting under tower and doing my best to avoid pushing the wave, which gets rough because mage autos kinda suck, and conversely abilities suck at not pushing out the wave.

    Of course, it could be just that 1v1 lane practice is even more disgustingly skewed than actual assassin-mage games, but if there's a method to the madness, I'm all ears. If this is inconclusive I'll head over to cho'gathmains for more champion-specific tips, but it feels like a mage problem more than a cho'gath problem.

    Apologies for the post looking more like graduate research than the usual 1-2 paragraph corporate memo, but I hope what I'm asking about is clear

    submitted by /u/RB-29
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    Every time I lose, it’s because my (top) lane opponent gets out of control.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:35 PM PST

    I play Fiora, Quinn and Ornn depending on the matchup. I'm decent at laning but I played a couple games recently one against a vlad and another against a kayle. Both games went exactly the same and I find that it's not uncommon for this exact same game scenario to play out against other champs like nasus or other scaling top laners. I start lane really strong pressuring the opponent constantly and only last hitting. I can usually force a flash before level 4. I can pretty easily get a 10-20 cs lead. Then I get ganked. I don't usually die to this gank and most times I don't have to burn flash. But I'm forced to relieve pressure on my lane opponent. I ward and try to start putting pressure on my opponent again but the enemy jg comes back fairly quickly. I usually have to burn flash to get away. At this point the enemy laner has caught up in cs or possibly even started beating me in cs.

    Here's where things go bad for me. I no longer have a lane advantage and I'm too behind to 1v1 anymore. The enemy laner starts pushing his advantage only putting me further behind. I try to tell me team that I can not deal with my opponent by myself right now. Pinging assist or my opponents 200g bounty. I forced to play safe, but that doesn't improve the situation. Eventually my lane opponent has enough farm to 1v3 my team and it only gets worse from there with an impending loss.

    When I'm Ornn or Quinn I can try to group up and affect the rest of the map, but when I'm fiora I'm almost guaranteed to be useless compared to my opponent in team fights. Should I try to lane swap with bot lane? Should I stop trying to itemize against my opponent? Does someone know how to deal with a scaling top laner that's spiraling out of control?

    submitted by /u/unintimidating
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    How do I get back into the game as a jungler?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:26 PM PST

    I just finished a very sad game where the enemie Lee and Qiyana were constantly invading me to the point where I was over 5 levels down in XP

    My laners tried to help but weren't always there, Lee was 4+ ahead of me and almost lived in my jungle.

    I tried to farm the jungle where I could but it took 4 camps to go from lvl 3 to lvl 4 when all enemies were lvl 8 to 9

    After that all lanes started to slowly lose and 3 enemies would just be waiting in bushes for me

    How do you deal with constant invades and how do you get back into a game like this if farming the jungle doesn't give any catch-up exp or other means to get back into the game? Ganking was also impossible since I was down many lvl's and gold-starved

    Info: I was playing Trundle and enemie mid, jungle and supp were premade

    submitted by /u/TheRealPiggynator
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    (Kha'Zix) How not to get locked behind?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Kha'Zix has a pretty shitty early game with the first jungle clear being nearly impossible for me to complete without a leash. It becomes straight up impossible if the enemy jungler plays aggressively because either I die and I lose precious time, or I have to move to the side of the jungle that they didn't yet clear and hope that I won't get killed before reaching lv 6.

    It's very easy for me to get left behind when the enemy jungler starts ganking because they begin to snowball and I, being up to 3 or 4 lvs behind, cannot countergank despite being repeatedly asked to by my mates. From this point on I get locked behind (and that's not even counting the times when my mates steal my camps from me when I'm already far behind).

    Do you have any advice that could help me here?

    submitted by /u/Algorythmis
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    Help with League of Legends in General

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:58 PM PST

    I need your help with laning on Toplane, ive been maining toplane since the aatrox rework, before that i always swapped between jungle and toplane. Mostly bcs i like the champs that appear there, like Aatrox, darius, irelia, sett and other melee bruisers/juggernauts.

    My problem is, that i always seem to get the first gank the enemy Jungler does, and i almost always lose my flash and die, the other problem is, that i cant lane against anyone thats a ranged AutoAttacker like Vayne, Teemo, lucian.

    Another big problem for me is cheese with ignite, had an olaf in ranked today who ran up to me everytime he could and try to kill me, i couldnt push against him neither got a good trade against him in early lvls, we lost due to an afk yasuo so the game only got to 15 mins.

    Ive read that against those ranged matchups the almost only possibility is for u to wait under the Turret and let your Junger come, but i think everyone knows how often a jungler comes toplane.

    Another thing that i never thought about is Wave Managment, i got to where i am now from Season 5 without any Wave managment knowledge but it seems like i need to get that Information now.

    Thanks for your help

    scøťťy plat 4

    submitted by /u/ArgniKhai
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    Do high elp players get S more often?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    So i dont know fully how your grade is decided but to my knowledge its based off kill participation Kills Deaths Assists Vision score Cs (if there are more factors let me know)

    So then as your rank gets higher does the grade boundaries get higher too? Or is getting an S Fixed. I e : are the standards for an S the same for a silver as they are a grandmaster?

    submitted by /u/SevenEfFive
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    I'm really upset with my perspective of league right now and I need help trying to figure out somethings

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:21 AM PST

    This is my first time posting in this subreddit and its something I've been meaning to talk about for a while now because lately this is all I'm thinking about when I play the game. Please understand that I am a low elo player but I have been playing league for a long time and almost all day till last month. I am going to say some really crazy sounding stuff that might be irrational but dont hate me for that, I actually want to be proven wrong and really need an answer as its killing me.

    I am a Top main. Sometimes things go my way and Im happy and when the game ends I move on to the next one. Many times the enemy team picks something like a garen, trundle, olaf, mord, nasus and 3/4th the time atleast that I've played against them I win early. I am ahead in CS, I have good kda they have negative kda. Now after this when comes the team fight they get some kills(I'm just talking specific champs here like the ones I've mentioned above) again, they are still not on my level of kda or cs but still they run me down. Mord who is behind ults and kills me ,trundle who is behind runs me down same goes with garen just q and spin, nasus, oh nasus is just the same thing with that 99% point and click slow and tank with lot of damage(but he needs to farm his qs for the damage u say, well even if he farms it under turret its more than enough).

    I dont get much time now as I got a job so I just watch the stream highlights some youtube channels post that include streamers like yassuo, tfblade, boxbox, ll stylish, faker and I enjoy watching their clips but when I see some streamers like(I didnt wanna include names but what gives here it is ) foggedtv, trick2g, pinkward, cowsep, sirchez(no hate intended to them) it tilts me, it tilts me that they are playing champs that run u down or simply throw a teddy and u die or just press r and a giant point and click ball kills more than half your hp. Nasus did a 1v2 because they just couldnt kill him and he just spammed q on them, big deal? how outplay? I understand I am in no position to comment on these streamers as they are popular and yes, have more experience playing the game than me, and its just my opinion, that when the shyvana uses her e to remove 60% of hp it doesn't require 200iq and I'm not sure how that is outplay or anything except a defect in riot balancing teams decision making, also when I see shaco clips, he baits with his clone, sometimes he makes enemy think he is the clone himself and they dont attack him but instead the clone cuz the clone ain't moving and then they get feared and he goes invis and e backstab kills them and that seems to me like they think is 200iq but god dammit I dont think going invisible fearing for all eternity and doing shit load of dmg is outplay worthy or when u think of champs like veigar annie, yi and garen, i just cant see them being those high skilled champs man I really get depressed when u think they did good and they think they did good, ofc I believe when irelia, yasuo, riven, zed plays are shown and they actually do the outplays and I respect that.

    One more thing is that this hate for specific champs developed only recently and I cant figure out why. I am not really in a decent mood even now as I'm writing this but well I'm scared that I'll have to face one of those champs again if I go back to playing league today so I am not playing that and instead here bitching about it.

    It would be nice if u can refrain from saying things like the champion isn't everything, there are other things that matter as well etc because I have read that before in this forum and I read many such articles cuz i didn't wanna write on something so personal to me as I dont take hate very well myself. But those answers wont satisfy my immense hunger for a justification of the things that I consider to be wrong with league. If you want to ask me anything I'll be here for a little while and then I'll be back ol tomorrow

    submitted by /u/nlyz
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