• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    League of Legends The 15 Second Time Restriction on Videos/Clips is Returning

    League of Legends The 15 Second Time Restriction on Videos/Clips is Returning

    The 15 Second Time Restriction on Videos/Clips is Returning

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Hello everyone, ULE back with another rule change.

    Here is some context:

    A while ago we ran a trial of eliminating the time restriction on clips on the subreddit. Early response was good, so we made it a permanent change but stated we would keep an eye on it to see if clips started to overtake the subreddit. Over time, we started to recieve feedback from users via modmail that they felt clips were overtaking the subreddit. As such, we asked you how you felt about the change last week.

    Based on this feedback and internal discussions, we are bringing the rule back.

    The following line is now returning to the rules in the short duration content section

    Videos under 15 seconds

    Under this change, if you are posting a video/clip, and it is under 15 seconds, it must be submitted as a link in the body of a text post together with a description of the clip instead of as a direct link.

    We will continue to monitor the state of the front page and will adjust the rule again if necessary. If you have feedback along the way, please let us know through modmail. For now, let us know what you think of this change below!

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    Averaging 27 deaths a game, the all female team Vaevictis has been kicked from the LCL

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:10 AM PST

    Patch 10.4 Notes

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:07 AM PST

    New viewers record for LCK Group Stage - 661k Peak Viewers on T1 vs Gen.g (February 16)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Zoe cannon mechanic

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:26 PM PST

    Twitch needs a mecha skin. And it shall be called TWITCH PRIME

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:00 PM PST

    What with League and Prime having some kind of partnership, and twitch also being part of that. While twitch and prime also have a partnership, why not name a champ the same name as that new popular means of subbing to your favorite Twitch streamer, equipped to the teeth with a Twitch purple Chroma, a free month Twitch Prime subscription and his very own twitch emotes.

    His recall could also just be him raging at a league game, and some of the time the rage effects will sound a lot like a certain "alpha" streamer we all know.

    submitted by /u/iGhostx0123
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    PBE Preview: Blackfrost Alistar, Rek'Sai, & Renekton + Hextech Sejuani

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:44 AM PST

    TheShy's opinion on TF Blade

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:27 AM PST


    I'm not too sure (about Blade). He has the type of playstyle I don't really like. It's not that he plays the game selfishly, but... he plays champions like Jax, Irelia, Tryndamere. So, even if he gets rekt top, if his team is holding on, then he can still carry later on in the game. If he wins lane, then he carries. But those champs also have counters. If his team is getting rekt, he probably loses too (lol). So... it's probably hard for him to do something for the team when his team is losing already.


    No, it's not that I don't like carrying. They're champions that are only good as counterpicks. As first picks, they're really bad. I'm just speaking from the enemy toplaner's perspective. Even if I win lane (against him), if his team is holding on well, eventually as the game goes on I will be at a disadvantage. I don't like playing against champions like that. I would gladly play against champions like that in competitive, but it's soloq so you don't know how your teammates will play. Well yeah, in competitive you'd lose if you could only play those champions, but it's soloq, not competitive play. I just don't want to face that kind of playstyle. I don't play like that, and it's opposite to the kind of playstyle I strive for.


    Chat: TF Blade seemed to be having some trouble in Diamond, how did you feel watching him? TheShy: Well of course he's having some trouble [in high Diamond]', since his champ pool is like that.

    submitted by /u/tempname-3
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    Twitch Rivals Play - Yassuo vs Sneaky's team

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    How to close out a close game as Aatrox!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Patch 10.4 Rundown [LS]

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:33 PM PST

    Mordekaiser ult bug. Trapped alone in the death realm... Lost us the game

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Riot seems to be the only company to have completely destroy the cheaters in their game.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST

    unlike most games where they struggle to fight against cheaters/hacks, riot was able to completely destroy the cheaters in their game, i haven't ran into a single scripter since leaguesharp was taken down in that lawsuit.

    Huge feat, wish they revealed their method to other devs so cheating could be destroyed all together.

    submitted by /u/SatanicGamer666
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    Captain Flowers won't be on the LCS this week (or 'This or That') after he overslept

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:29 PM PST

    "Today I streamed til way too early in the morning and didn't wake up for my call time for This or That. This week's episode doesn't include me (clearly) and I won't be on the LCS this week as an additional consequence. I apologize to y'all I've disappointed. I should be better."


    submitted by /u/leizhenzhi
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    THE POG STATE | Ep.02 Back 2 Draft LCK Spring 2020! | LCK Global Podcast

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:01 AM PST

    Can somebody explain why League of Legends is the only competitive multiplayer game that has 'promotion series'?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:38 PM PST

    Overwatch, Rainbow 6, Dota 2, Hearthstone, Fortnite, WOW, Legends of Runterra ( their own game)...etc none of them has a thing that called 'promotion series'. When you gain enough lp for the next tranke, Viola you are at the next rank, when you lose enough lp, viola! you demote to lower rank. It's that simple. I never liked promo series and never will be so I have a bias but why do you think Riot is the only company in the industry has this weird system. Do they think it's a better system or do they think it's more fun this way? Are all the major developers in the world other than Riot wrong and Riot is right? I really don't get the appeal of Promos other than annoying the hell out of their players. Please somebody explain what is the benefit of Promos to the players, how does it help them and why League of Legends is the only competitive multiplayer game that has this system

    submitted by /u/psfrtps
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    "Our Academy Team is 7-1, it's destiny that we win today! There's no other way about it!" - Schalke 04 Voice Comms - How we beat G2

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Returning to this game after years of not playing. Turns out my old friends were the toxic ones.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST

    I loved this game when I started playing in 2012, but I hated the toxic community. I'm not good at the game. I have my moments but I won't ever be "good". So seeing, "dumb idiot!" "Ping moron" etc, got tiring.

    My friends didn't help either. They constantly screamed at me all the time about not doing certain things right or not ulting at the right time. Funny enough, the friend that did all that talking, never had a complaint about him from anyone else.

    One day a month ago, I started playing again and it took only one game to realize why I left. My friend is just a piece of shit. That's it. He's a low-life who likes to pick on people who are worse than him because League is the only thing he'll ever be good at.

    I immediately called him an asshole, handed everything he dished at me, right back into his face. I told him I play this game to have fun and not have a heart attack. I have since stopped playing with him.

    Since that day, I'm actually enjoying this game for the first time in my life. I'm able to learn from players who are better and also learn from those who are at the same level of me.

    For people who have toxic gaming-friends, just drop them online. You'll have a much better experience.

    submitted by /u/BanPitBullsSeriously
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    [Translation] Wolf reviews T1 vs Gen.G Game 3

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:52 AM PST

    Former SKT T1 support Wolf now hosts LCK viewing streams on his Twitch channel, and frequently explains the macro decisions of the teams afterwards. As a former pro player and one who was part of the most dominant dynasty in League history, I thought his perspective was interesting and insightful, so I took this opportunity to translate and summarize his comments on the T1 vs Gen.G game last Sunday, specifically the 3rd game.

    The timestamps are for in-game time.

    Twitch Link (06:45:00~07:15:00) (Note: This is a different video from his Youtube talks, it's more in-depth)


    Pick/Ban Phase

    I always think that Xayah/Rakan is a garbage pick because they can't beat the top-tier marksman champions (MF, Aphelios). Also, as champions with short ult cooldowns like Ornn become popular, Xayah ulting to evade an ult becomes less effective, and picking Xayah forces a Rakan pick as well, but Rakan is a really bad pick right now. So as soon as we (T1) picked Ornn/Rek'sai/MF and the opponent (Gen.G) picked Xayah/Rakan, I thought as long as we don't make mistakes, we could win this handily.

    For T1's fourth pick, I said that Nautilus (which got banned) was the best pick, followed by Thresh and Leona. So when Teddy showed Thresh and then Leona, I was in awe, but suddenly he picked Morgana. I was prejudiced against Morgana because of the nightmare that was Game 2, but the last pick Rumble created the reason for picking Morgana. If Orianna was picked then I would have closed the stream. The Rumble pick enables bot lane dominance along with Rek'sai, and Morgana is broken as long as she wins lane. The opponent even picked Galio over strong laning champions like Leblanc. So picking Morgana was justified by both team's last picks, Rumble and Galio.


    1. 06:23 - Ornn gets ganked and dies. T1 take first drake.

    The big difference between this game and the previous one is that T1's comp isn't one that loses lane, so MF and Morgana can push the first wave. So everyone is pushing, but an accident happens - Canna dies. This was actually a huge mistake, because Ornn can't handle Camille as the game progresses. So this early death was a really big deal.

    Afterwards, since T1's comp was kinda early-game focused because of the Rumble and the Rek'sai pick, Canna moves towards the bot lane to help T1 taking the first drake (08:11), as his TP was on cooldown. This was a kinda iffy decision, because I was worried that Canna's absence allowed Camille to take turret plates too easily. But Canna held his own for 25 minutes, somehow.

    2. 09:00 - Camille TPs to bot lane, MF flashes over the wall. T1 take first herald.

    Now this is a huge win for T1. Rakan's Guardian is on cooldown, and as soon as Xayah/Rakan both get hit by MF's Q, Teddy immediately E+ults them and the whole wave. We can see that Rascal TPs to bot, but Morgana covers Rakan while Teddy flashes over the wall, resulting in Rascal losing his TP. This flash is actually really difficult to do, and you can see some pro players fail to flash over at this location. Since bot lane was pushing during this play, Teddy and Morgana, in order for T1 to safely take the first herald, move to mid lane and then return to bot, with no loss in CS or vision. This herald was really important to T1, because since T1 had taken both drake and herald, it could be released in any lane. On the other hand, Gen.G's advantages were Camille's 1 kill and Gragas' 1 kill, which can be seen by the GD@10, 600 [Editor: Wolf messed his timing a bit, Gragas kills Ornn after the next play].

    3. 11:35 - Morgana Flash-ults into Xayah/Rakan, Rumble roams bot for a double kill and first turret. T1 take second drake.

    This is where the reason for picking Morgana and Rumble can be seen. Okay the observer didn't show this, but Morgana landed her Q. Teddy hit the bot lane with E+ult, and Morgana landed her Q.

    From Gen.G's perspective, they focused on top, while T1 focused on bot, but the top laners were even in CS, while Ornn was higher up in health. So Gen.G decided to break open top, so they sent 3 players to kill Ornn, using Galio's ult, but what they invested (vs T1) was really different. Since T1 had herald, MF got super fed at this point. So T1 got the first bot tower and the drake. How? Because T1 had mid/jungle dominance, as well as Morgana.

    4. 15:25 - MF ults the mid wave and T1 take second herald.

    The game enters a lull state. T1 is only 1k up in gold, but while Gen.G's wealth is centered on Camille, T1's gold share is divided between Rumble and MF, while Galio and Xayah are relatively poor. For T1's comp, all Ornn has to do is block Camille. Okay, Ruler right now guessed this really well. He moves back as soon as the minions see Teddy. I think that this showcases the small strategies good teams make. Now Gen.G can't contest the second herald, because the strongest T1 members - Rumble and MF - are already in the top side of the map while Ornn had rotated to bot. So Rascal pushes bot again, but Canna ults to clear the wave. As long as Canna doesn't die and keeps the first tier turret up for a while, he's all good. This was a really smart play by Canna. Although the bot turret ultimately goes down, since T1 had mid/bot lane dominance and funneled bot, T1 was able to rotate their players and destroy top. Gen.G couldn't do anything (against T1 breaking first and second tier turrets in top with herald). Look at Canna's pathing. He goes up and briefly shows himself in mid to protect the first tier turret. Since MF was gonna clear that wave anyway, he returns back to bot to clear that lane as well. (Wolf swears at Canna for missing his cannon minion) So Camille should have pushed that lane, but couldn't while Ornn safely cleared the wave.


    5. 18:40 - Gragas steals the third drake.

    Now, to summarize, on Gen.G's side, Camille has been funneled, while Rumble/MF are funneled for T1. But an unanticipated variable occurs - Gen.G steal the drake. Now I think T1 could have fought here, but T1 didn't know where Xayah was, so T1 couldn't zone Clid away, as Galio and Camille were surrounding them while Xayah could have mopped up. So T1 just threw the Morgana Q and hoped for the best. This was a really bad decision, as if T1 took this drake the game would have been won much faster, but hey, it's okay to give away this. But they really should have taken it. Even now, MF and Rumble have a half-item advantage over Xayah and Galio, so if Gen.G don't have Camille, T1 can take any 4 vs .4 fight.

    6. 21:40~23:30 - T1 breaks Gen.G's first tier mid turret. Camille escapes near the drake pit, Gen.G take the fourth drake.

    (At 21:40, Effort almost gets hit by Gragas' ult) Oh that was close! You can see that as soon as Ornn hits level 13, he upgrades MF's IE. Xayah can't do anything against MF now. (T1 breaks Gen.G's first tier mid turret) Now this is where Teddy and Faker's calls don't synchronize, as after T1 break the tower, Teddy moves back, but Faker engages with his ult. This was a really good engage by Faker, because it was 30 seconds before drake. While rotating to the drake pit, T1 see Rascal and Effort makes a good play, but Teddy, Canna, and Effort's ults are now on cooldown. So T1 now have no option but to attempt a steal. Nothing else they could do.

    7. 26:00 - T1 picks off Camille in top lane. T1 take fifth drake.

    Oh this was a really good play. Effort went for the upgraded glacier, which is amazing for vision. Now you all know that this was a good play, but I want to focus on Teddy. Teddy doesn't leave the bush until Camille uses her E. He could have been focused down, it was a dangerous decision, but he made it. Now BDD has no flash and Rascal is dead, giving T1 more advantages. Rascal's death stops Camille's growth, so now Camille can't break through Ornn. That bottom tier two doesn't go down for the rest of the game. The game proceeds smoothly. Since Ornn doesn't have TP, he stays with the team. What I liked about this was that instead of doing nothing, Ornn keeps close to the team to continuously threaten Baron, because T1 can burst while Gen.G can't.


    8. 30:35 - Rakan charms MF, MF escapes. Gragas bumps into Rumble, Rumble hits him with his ult. Camille E's into Morgana, forcing out her flash.

    At first, I thought Effort made a mistake on shielding Teddy, but I realized that if Teddy was shielded sooner, Rakan could ult into MF. Faker ulting Clid is actually a loss because Rumble's ult is now on cooldown. The half-item advantage that T1 had against Gen.G doesn't decrease, because of Ornn's items and T1's snowballing.

    9. 32:20 - Camille and Galio ult into MF. Xayah dies to Rumble. T1 baits out Baron, Rek'sai dies after a failed engage.

    Now Rascal tries to utilize his team comp to burst down MF, but Teddy survives with Barrier/Heal. While this is happening, Ruler thought he could kill Faker, but instead he dies to Faker's Flamespitter and Cuzz's Q. Faker dying here would be huge, but I think Ruler underestimated Faker's damage. Now if you take this situation out of context, this is a huge loss for T1. Faker taking out Ruler just barely balances the books, because Faker/MF/Morgana have no flash and ult. This is why T1 don't try the drake and fake Baron instead. T1 had no intention of bursting down Baron, and Cuzz tries to kill Clid, but he misses his W and knocks up Rakan instead. This could have been a disaster, but Gen.G can't burst Baron.

    10. 35:20 - T1 take sixth drake and dragon soul, teamfight at drake pit.

    This is when Gen.G have to make a move, because their damage dealers have flash while T1's are on cooldown. Rumble throws down his ult, and Canna makes a great ult, preventing Gen.G from fighting for drake. T1 wanted to take the drake and scramble, but this almost ends in disaster. However, Rakan makes a mistake. Rakan engages on Effort instead of Rumble, maybe because of Gragas's ult pushing Rumble out of the way. If Rumble died, that would have been Baron and the game. But since he survived, only Teddy dies, while Rakan gets killed. Gen.G still can't take Baron because Rumble's ult is already up. This was an amazing teamfight. T1 safely taking the drake was really well planned, while BDD and Ruler killing Teddy was clutch. But in the end, Gen.G couldn't take Baron, and BDD and Ruler have no flash, while Faker and Teddy do.

    11. 37:40 - Morgana lands Q on Xayah, T1 win the teamfight and the game.

    Now T1 can't lose. Rumble has Rabadon's, MF has full items. Camille is an item up on Ornn, but she couldn't break through him to split-push. Now this is the last scene, Ruler didn't use ult to escape Ornn's ult, but immediately got hit by Morgana's Q. At the start, I thought Ornn and Rumble had wasted their ults because Rascal could have jumped onto T1's member's, but Ruler gets burst down. Now Gen.G knows that unless they fight back, they lose the game, so they try to focus on Teddy. But Teddy makes a superplay - he realizes after hitting Camille that he isn't healing up that much, so he starts hitting minions. And you can see him healing to almost full health before BDD lands. He lives, and this ends the games. If Teddy had died, the game might not have ended, because Gragas could have cleared the wave.



    Q: What if Gen.G avoided fights and pushed side-lanes?

    A: That would have been an effective strategy, but T1 didn't give them the time to do it. Camille should have started hard-pushing, but T1 was always landing Rumble and Ornn ults on Ruler, and Canna defended that bottom second tier turret so well. Both teams played really well, but T1 played to their win conditions more, and Rascal was unable to break through Canna.

    Q: Is Predator good on Rumble?

    A: The only reason Rumble is a good pick is because of Predator.

    Q: Should Rascal not have engaged?

    A: No, because they could have gotten a kill. If there were no minions around him, Teddy might have died. Maybe Camille hit a minion or something? Camille's main damage dealing is with his Q combo, so ... no Camille hit Teddy both times. But I think Teddy still would have lived, whatever happened.

    submitted by /u/Hektor_Ekhein
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    ShowMaker says Damwon Gaming can no longer "play like chickens", says he's already determined for next worlds: "We got suddenly eliminated by G2, it was just ... I was so upset. After that, I kept thinking to myself, I want to go to worlds again."

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    What removed ability from a reworked champion do you miss the most?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:39 AM PST

    I loved galio's old ultimate, taunting everyone around him and dealing more damage based on how much damage the enemies did to him during the channel. It was so fun to pair it with an ap nunu ult on top of it for the aoe synergy.

    submitted by /u/rengurr
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    Xayah and rakan need a divorce skin where they just complain about each other

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:35 PM PST

    It could have special sound effects if they are a botlane duo/ enemy team has the opposite. Something like one of then whipping out a key and fake key-ing a car. Their voices could just be complaining about the other person or talking about court.

    Just something I was thinking since their normal voice lines are cheesy, cringy and annoying (imo).

    submitted by /u/Karbairusa
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    Going Over the FORG1VEN Debacle: "FORG1VEN did not leave Schalke because they couldn't improve, but rather because of a bruised ego."

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Yassuo DESTROYING Sneaky's Aphelios (Twitch Rivals)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:13 PM PST

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