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    Monday, February 24, 2020

    LoL Guide Void Staff vs. Deathcap

    LoL Guide Void Staff vs. Deathcap

    Void Staff vs. Deathcap

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Updated Graph


    UPDATED The new graph has Void Staff + Blasting Wand to make the gold comparison more realistic. This drops intersect to 49 MR. I also changed the colors to better suit the item

    I saw LS, Kobe, and some others talking about POE's Void Staff choice. I made a little script in Python to show the damage difference of an Orianna QWR combo with a Luden's proc. This is assuming you already have Sorc's, Doran's Ring, Luden's, and both adaptive runes. The breakpoint for Void Staff's damage overtaking Deathcaps is 86 MR. This doesn't take into account the 950g difference and the easier build path. I am working on visualizing this as well as putting these items later in builds as well as different champs.

    submitted by /u/startledpickle
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    If your goal is to climb, keep your head down and hit the nexus. So many games, especially in lower elos, get thrown due to people getting cocky and wasting their lead messing around.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Three larger takeaways with this idea in mind:

    -Kills alone don't win games, and no amount of assassin godtier mechanical outplays will get you more LP than a Tryndie that understands wave control and splitpushing.

    -Being outlandishly ahead gives you some freedom to be less cautious, but every second you waste bushcamping or ARAM tauntspamming is a second you're giving the enemy team to squash your lead and walk the game right back to you. That cocky attitude is also a great way to hand over your giant shutdowns to really make sure their team comes right back.

    -Some consider allchat spam to be a sort of mindgame tactic, but to the average muteall god, you're just standing still for literal minutes in game doing nothing for your team.

    If you're ever asking yourself "how did we lose that, we were so ahead" the answer is almost definitely that you didn't capitalize on your lead fast enough and you got cocky, giving them the time they needed to turn it around.

    Check your ego at the door, keep your sidelanes pushed up, and for the love of god just hit the nexus.

    submitted by /u/TheLoneRook
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    How I Climbed to Diamond in Under 100 Games.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:19 PM PST

    Hi SummonerSchool,

    After reading this post on how he climbed from Plat to Masters, I wanted to share some insight on how I climbed to Diamond in under 100 games in Season 10.

    First of all, this is my 3rd season hitting Diamond, but as each season passes, it gets easier and easier to hit this goal as I know I am improving after every game. For Season 10, it only took me 93 games to hit Diamond. I set out a goal for myself to do it under 100 games and I accomplished it! Now don't get me wrong, it doesn't REALLY matter how many games you take to reach your goal. Never let someone belittle your accomplishment just because it took you 10, 100, or even 1000 games. Because in all honesty, I've probably played over 3000 ranked games since I first started playing League back in Season 4. It's a GRIND for those of us (aka me o.o) to get better at League, but that's what makes it so addicting =D!

    Alright, so how did I do it?

    I played support and got carried.

    \Instantly closes tab**

    Yes, this post will be mainly geared towards support players, but I'll briefly touch upon the mental aspect of the game as well.

    Mental Aspect

    (If you are only interested in reading about support gameplay tips to reach Diamond, skip this section.)

    Regardless of what role you play, having a strong mentality is KEY to playing any competitive multiplayer game. I'm going to be reading "The Mental Game of Poker" to understand this concept in more detail, but my personal belief is that there are A LOT of players out there, who could climb super quickly, if they had better mentality. Each game you play is both important and unimportant. Let me explain.

    The RESULT of the game, win or loss, is not really that important. Yes, it does directly dictate where you are in the ladder, but in the long run, your overall gameplay will be the true reason why you climb or fall. Don't put so much emphasis on the victory/defeat outcome and instead focus on actually improving. The IMPROVEMENT from every game is what is important. I promise that if you only focus on always making the right play, your skill level and subsequently your rank will improve immensely. It's very easy to shift blame on your teammates, but if you truly want to climb, you have to only look at yourself and focus on what is in YOUR control. Not every game is winnable, but in every game there is always something to improve on!

    One simple trick that I use to avoid tilt and to focus on improvement is I ask myself: "Am I okay with losing my next ranked game?". If you truthfully answer this with "Yes", then play ranked! This means that your mentality is no longer focused on the outcome of the game, and it can now be focused on improvement. If you answer "No", then you probably are tilted and should probably go take a break, by playing some normals with friends (friends?!?) or going outside (outside?!?) for some fresh air.

    Making sure you have a focused and strong mentality means that you can both AVOID TILT and IMPROVE at the game.

    Support Gameplay

    Alright, so how did I climb to Diamond in under 100 games!?!

    Play support.

    Support is arguably one of the easiest roles in the game to play. You don't have to focus on cs, you don't need insane mechanics in teamfights, and you don't have to worry about being the primary target in teamfights (unless you are Soraka; always kill Soraka).

    Despite being the mechanically easiest role in the game, you have a LOT agency in the game to influence the outcome of laning, objectives, and teamfights. I could probably write a whole essay on the support role (from a Diamond perspective), but I'll just focus on a few ACTIONABLE tips that helped me climb quickly with this role.

    The overall theme of these tips is that every decision comes with both a benefit and sacrifice. It's up to you to determine whether the risks you take are worth it.

    Laning Phase

    1. Every time you see the enemy ADC try to last hit a minion, HARASS him. Make him scared of last hitting. The enemy ADC has to make a decision as to whether he wants farm or get poked. The more decisions he has to make, the more his gameplay will start to suffer. If you play an all-in champ, find those opportunities of mispositioning and make him suffer. Make the enemy bot EARN his farm, don't let him get it for free.
    2. Every time you see the enemy support miss an important spell. Play UP in the lane. You want to punish the enemy support for using a key ability. Don't be afraid if there's nothing to be afraid of! Have PRESENCE in lane. Your job as support is to make it as EASY as possible for your ADC to collect farm.
    3. If your ADC is being a monkey, it's okay to leave him and snowball another lane. Don't just AFK at your tower waiting for your ADC to respawn. Go to another lane and apply pressure. Your midlaner will (usually) appreciate it! Proper roaming is key to winning games.

    Vision and Objectives

    1. If you know where the enemy team is, go place a deep ward in the enemy jungle. This simple ward can be monumental as it provides your team with information on where the enemy jungler is or isn't. Your laners will be able to play more aggressively or defensively based on the information you've gained. Tracking enemy jungler is key to climbing.
    2. Ward safely around objectives once you have priority to ward. You generally want to work with your Jungler to ward, but it is solo queue and it can sometimes be difficult to tell your Jungler to come to the next objective (45 seconds to 1 minute in advance) to establish vision control. You generally can only control 1 quadrant of the map at a time, so use your 3 wards and 1 vision ward wisely. Ward when you have priority, which just means that, your minion waves are either pushed up, or you know where the enemy is.


    1. Before each game begins (in loading screen), identify who your key targets are going to be to kill (enemy with biggest threat) and your key teammates who require peeling (teammate with biggest threat and least mobility). Once the game reaches 30 minutes, your life is relatively meaningless compared to your ADC. Keep him alive at all costs. An ADC with 3 items is VERY strong, it doesn't really matter if he died 10 times. If he somehow gets to 3 items, PEEL, PEEL, PEEL. Let NO ONE touch him, don't even let someone LOOK at him. Your game is in his hands.

    Champion Pool

    I generally play only 3 champions if I want to try hard and climb. As support, you need one of each archetype of champion in your arsenal. You generally want to fill gaps in your team comp. The three champions I used to climb are: Nautilus, Nami, and Zyra. You can already see how different these 3 champions are. In your support champ pool you want:

    1. Tanky engager. If your team lacks engage or a tank, you don't really need MORE damage. You need someone who can initiate fights and absorb damage. Someone who can create enough space for carries to deal damage.
    2. Enchanter. If your team has a strong engager and has good damage, you need someone to amplify everyone's strength. I like playing enchanters into poke heavy comps, so that I can just instantly heal my teammates. As stupid as this sounds, poke comps will lose if they don't poke.
    3. AP mage. If your team went all AD, you want to have some magic damage in your team comp. Note that in these scenarios, your life is more meaningful than usual, because YOU are a primary damage dealer. I am also okay with going AP mage if my team has assassins, since it's always nice to have some sort of backline AP threat that can dish out constant DPS.

    Not all support champions will fall nicely in each bucket, but make sure you have enough champions (about 3) to fill out each archetype!

    88 of those 93 games this season were using these 3 champions and I had 59% overall win rate. The 5 games I played without these 3 champions, my record was 0-5 (RIP). Focusing on just 3 champions is KEY to climbing the solo queue ladder. No shame in being a 3-trick (or even a 1-trick)! 3-tricking is the best for support since you can make more complete team comps!


    It's really hard to distill everything I know about League in one Reddit post, but hopefully, I've been able to provide some insight (and ACTUAL tips) on how I climbed to Diamond in under 100 games this season. The scary part is I feel there is still SO much to learn, and I'm super excited to continue the grind.

    My next goal will be to hit Masters. I know it's quite a far-fetched goal, but you gotta aim high! Note that I'm OKAY if I don't reach this rank, and my main focus will be just to improve each and every game, win or lose.

    Good luck to everyone in Season 10!

    Edit: Alright, so many of you have or will comment that because I was "already" Diamond, I am very obviously going to reach Diamond again, which is fair. I did place in Gold 2 to start my climb this season. However, perhaps this shows that there is no MAGIC champion, there is no QUICK and EASY solution to being hardstuck at a certain elo. You need to PLAY like a Diamond player, to ACHIEVE a Diamond rank.

    I'm hoping my click-bait title doesn't detract too much from the actual content of the post, and that it helps at least a few of you (especially us supports) on your climb this season.

    submitted by /u/ADD_ikt
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    Think about waiting for your teammates

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:26 PM PST

    So I'm not good. I'm not even what some of you guys call low Elo (I'm below that). But I see all the time an engage champ go because they are in range, but the team is 3 seconds away. All that Cc is wasted without follow up.

    Last game I had a teammate hit a wonderful three man neeko ultimate thrown five seconds before miss fortune ultimate is available.

    Also just waiting out of vision for your teammates to get there and go in as a group instead of you going in lemmings style changes a 10% play to a 80% play.

    And it's pretty easy to do if you think about it.

    Good luck to anyone this helps.

    submitted by /u/Rsee002
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    Jungle Tips

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:02 AM PST

    My team got smashed this weekend in clash and it got me thinking. How can I improve my play but also my teammates Apart from hard camping a lane. I'm looking for tips on how to improve my tracking of the enemy jungled. Especially in solo q when I can't easily communicate with my support to place deep wards in his jungle.

    submitted by /u/Mr-McSqueegy
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    How to have better mouse accuracy?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:26 AM PST

    I'm a low-master level player and after 8years of playing the game I still missclick a lot (hitting minions instead of champions, or clicking on the ground while kiting) and I feel like this is something that draws me back from getting better. I try to use attackmove sometimes which made my life a bit easier but missclicking still bothers me and it is something I want to fix somehow so I'm open to all suggestions

    Edit: thanks for all the help guys, I'll consider all your suggestions

    submitted by /u/Nyo99
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    Figuring out the optimal path to learn drafting.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Hello Summoners, I've been watching LS's streams and games he commentates in LCK and have noticed how frustrated he gets when the teams mess up their drafting. Yet, I haven't come across a tool that can help learn drafting in an easy and accessible way. So, I decided to create my own: https://ripper53.github.io/LeagueOfLegends/

    "GA" stands for Good Against, "GW" stands for Good With, "BA" stands for Bad Against.
    The left blue number shows synergy with your team, the right red number shows counters against the enemy team.
    The default data provided is not accurate at all since I'm no way near good at drafting and I was using it for testing, but it allows for anyone to create their own data, save it, and share it for others to use and modify as they please.

    I'm hoping if someone wants to have a detailed and compressed list of what, when, and why to pick certain champions in certain match ups, they can share their data file for others to learn from. The site is a work in progress. I have noticed some picks are better to pick first since they can be flexed into many roles, and I have not added a feature to signify if a champion is flexible. These options will be added as I improve the site. If you're knowledgeable on this topic, feedback on what's important to know while drafting so I can add it in would help immensely.

    The GA and BA options were added to know how to counter pick against the enemy team, and GW was added to know what synergizes with your team. BW (Bad With) may need to be added so players learn to not counter pick against their own team.

    Hopefully this website can provide you with a useful tool to help you learn to make a difference before you're on the rift, especially with the release of Clash. I'm also hoping this may increase champion diversity in champion pools, branching out by picking friendly synergy or enemy countering champions.

    submitted by /u/UtmostBroken
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    Should I try to learn every champ?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:11 PM PST

    I recently got into League and one problem I have is understanding champions and how they work, obviously I would learn this the more I play, but I was wondering, instead of learning 1 - 3 champs really well, should I try to learn every champ to a decent extent, so I could understand how to play against them or with them when I need too? I'm not really asking "if it would help" because no doubt it probably would, but I'm more asking is it worth my time, and would it be worth it to learn every champion to some extent just to know how to counter them well?

    submitted by /u/KingZxi-
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    hardstuck gold vlad main

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Hey, I need some help. I've been playing vlad for around a year now so i'm very confident with his kit however I'm losing games in gold. I don't really understand why as I often win lane, aswell as outcs my laner by a huge amount. I understand most basic concepts of laning such as freezing however I keep losing games. I'm just curious if there is something you can notice with my opgg that seems wrong so I can try to work on it, improve and get out this hell elo.

    I've been told to freeze the wave in lane and farm and I do that pretty much every game, poking the enemy laner down when they try to farm. I know basic wave manipulation such as how to reset a wave and how to get it to slow push ect, but none of that seems to help me win games. What i've noticed in this elo is that people just want to fight 24/7, and don't really understand the concept of "scaling". I'm not saying my previous games were not my fault, as I understand I played far from perfect, however so many of my teams lose lane super hard, making it pretty much impossible to teamfight. I also understand the importance of vision, aswell as I understand tracking the enemy jungler so that I can play safely when they are playing on my side. I'd just really like some advice on how I can improve and start carrying games again. I also don't think it's a mental thing, as I disable chat every game.

    I've been told by someone that in low elo, when playing vlad you need to just play for yourself. I keep trying to do this by constantly farming however this doesn't seem to work. Another issue is that when I play midlane, the enemy midlaner just roams (without caring that I push them in, and take plating) and kills the other laners even though I spam ping them.

    I've watched coaching videos on youtube (veigarv2 elite500 coaching) and learnt things like tracking the enemy jungler and wave management from that, but yeah, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I know I'm probably just a deluded hardstuck gold player but thanks for spending time reading this.

    I have three main questions:

    How can I join teamfights without losings tons of cs?

    When should I join teamfights?

    How can I carry a games when the enemys are ahead?

    OPGG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=zefarmeronos

    submitted by /u/Reptude
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    Positioning in lane as ADC - Trading stance, minion protection, minion aggro. [ Discussion / Help ]

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Edit: Spelling/grammar.

    Watching marksmen streamers is a main source of how I learn and implement their skills in my own games. One thing that I notice is a huge difference between their gameplay and my own is where they stand in the lane. Seems simple, but not quite.

    They stand in their minions 90% of the time. I understand it's for trading stance and protection purposes, and is situational based upon the match-up, but the four champions are so close to each other. Even in pro games, they're all just like... basically on top of each other where in my games we are all behind our casters and only step up to last hit. When I try to do this in my own games, and play more forward, I'm getting poked out to shit and have to stand very far back to avoid taking damage. Sure, they're missing last-hits but damn son. I'm missing my health!

    This isn't even a walk up / walk back thing. Watching Gosu play, he's Kai'sa vs Ezreal and will stand in his own wave to farm and auto the Ezreal quite a bit with protection from Ez Q. Watching him play Ezreal into Aphelios, same thing. He's in his wave and auto attacking, only stepping back out when the wave thins to land some Qs. Even watching him play Vayne into Caitlyn, he's so forward and aggressive. He can get an AA+Q+AA and even an E on Caitlyn and take NO DAMAGE.

    I can't tell if it's because he spaces properly or just knows the output of damage or what.

    Some points I noticed:

    • His supports are generally even with him in lane

    • He doesn't take aggro from minions where as I will and make my poke/trade even just by tanking minion damage

    • He often times gets two or three autos in on the enemy adc just trying to last hit a couple minions and not get punished

    Is it simply that he's consistently challenger and playing in lower elos, he understands he can abuse them? I'm no high elo player, but when I play on my alt in Bronze/Silver, I can see and feel a huge difference in lane quality. The enemy adc doesn't even realize what's happening to them as I nearly solo kill them lvl 1 and the enemy support is playing a mini game on second monitor.

    How can I implement this positioning and improve upon my output of DPS on the enemy, granted the matchup allows? I'm always looking for more ways to win my lane harder and harder.

    submitted by /u/Focus_and_Improve
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    How do I deal with Lee Sin?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Currently sitting at a 0% win rate vs Lee this season in ranked.

    Sure, I've snagged a few wins in normals but nothing note worthy.

    Silver last last season. Hard stuck Bronze season 10. Mid Veigar 1 trick moving into Jungle to have more impact to losing lanes.

    I know to counter jungle his counter jungle on me and to expect an invade most of the time but no matter what I do, I just can't outfarm him, dual him, contest drakes/baron even with champs like Master Yi and Warwick.

    I'm fine in most matchups but I'm super tilted... help.

    submitted by /u/rhyst2
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    Kha’Zix evolve/build synergy

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:15 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm a silver jungle and have been trying to learn kha'zix but have had a lot of trouble with consistency. I can generally play early game well and snowball to massive leads for both my team and myself, but I run into a lot of trouble when I fall behind. I have the most success evolving q at 6, r/e at 11 and r/e at 16, if the game goes that long. I build him lethality maybe picking up a deaths dance or black cleaver as a third or fourth item. I guess I have several questions here: 1. Is this an optimal evolve path for assassin kha? 2. What should I evolve/build when I fall behind early? 3. Is there a tankier/bruiser build I can go with w/r evolve at 6 and 11? If so, what would that build look like?

    submitted by /u/Stone_Stranger
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    How does anyone climb as ADC?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    I'm seriously confused. ADC is my favorite role but I just don't understand how anyone climbs with a decent win rate. There are so many situations in the game that make me feel unimpactful, it happens like every single game in some way or another. Just off the top of my head I can think of a bunch of things that constantly go wrong and that I feel like I have no control over -

    • My support is worse than the other support. This starts damaging my influence over the game immediately. I literally never feed in lane (I'd say I have more than 2 deaths in lane about 1 in 10 games, including to ganks) but if my support is repeatedly taking bad fights or getting caught, then that "not dying" plan is going to cost me a lot of cs and my turret, and it'll be 30:00 before I have enough items to matter now.

    • Another lane is feeding. This one just sucks because mid and top are pretty much all assassins and divers right now, which is going to totally screw me almost regardless of how strong or weak I am coming out of bot lane. I don't feel like I can viably leave bot lane to help a mid or top who is 0/4/0 in lane.

    • Probably the biggest one of all - people getting caught. Even when the game is going badly (bad support, feeding lanes, whatever) there's usually (80% of the time, give or take) at least some chance to have some competitive/relevant teamfights before the game is over. But my allies are just CONSTANTLY fucking dying and getting caught. I realize that's no big news, we all know that's the case in low elo. But specifically as ADC, I don't understand what the hell I'm supposed to do about it. When I'm playing pretty much anything else, I feel like I can still have some sort of impact in a 4v5, 3v4, etc. Usually my team will simply take the doomed fight. For example, a common one is someone gets caught around dragon and now it's, say, 3v4 and they're attacking dragon. 9 times out of 10 my team is going to take that 3v4 and we're all going to die. That's just the reality of low elo. But as any other role, I usually at least feel like I can do SOMETHING about it. As ADC, those situations all feel fucking awful, like there's nothing I can do at all. The other team will just hard commit because they know they can't lose the fight. It doesn't feel correct to even be there at all, it's like I should just go push a wave and let the remainder of my team die. But that's not winning any games either.

    In any given game, one or more of these things is very likely to happen, and it makes me feel so powerless to correct it, far moreso than in other roles. How the hell do you have enough impact despite these things to really have a good win rate and climb quickly? It feels like climbing with ankle weights on compared to something like jungle.

    submitted by /u/ShipTheRiver
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    How do you play jungle

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:25 AM PST

    I know i sound like a noob for that question but I need to get out of my comfort zone and find champions to play if I DO have to play jungle. I heard this patch Mordekaiser is pretty good in that area and his passive is what makes it look golden for me. Thing is with my low confidence and lack of knowledge in the jungling field, when in the absolute hell do you gank, just how do you exist? How do you spend the first five mins in?

    submitted by /u/DefPonini
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    What are some resources to learn more about items/hero interactions?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 09:48 AM PST

    I'm a brand new player, like couldn't-even-played-ranked-if-I-wanted-to-yet new. I do fine as a support/top player in my draft choice games, and I figure I'll learn a lot of more basic information about positioning, cooldown usage and other more intricate strategy as I continue playing. However, I think my first step needs to be learning what heroes do, and how items can help that, or how I can use items to react to the enemy team's heroes.

    TL;DR, can someone suggest to a resource I can use that I can use to help myself learn/memorize what heroes do and how items work?

    submitted by /u/GInfinity
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    How to deal with throw's

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:09 PM PST

    Hellos summoners! I am making this post cause I've been on this situation twice on my diamond promos and I feel terrible! I am not saying how to deal with throw's in game and how we can come back from this situation I am saying what to do after the game! I wouldn't say it tilt cause i've been tilted many times before and that feeling is not even close of the feeling that you feel when you see deafet on your screen from one single missplay when the hole game is perfect. So I ask you for any tips on how to deal with that feeling!

    submitted by /u/Sweetaros
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    How to understand damage and positioning as an ADC

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:00 PM PST

    Hi! I'm Autumnal Ikigai in game, and I am a partially new player(I was plat back in season 5, and now I am back). I played toplane for the first 3 seasons, but coming back I saw the horrible conditions of the toplane, so I decided to main ADCs. My question is, how can I properly understand when engage as an ad carry? How can I understand the right positioning?

    Last but not least, which is the best source to study and understand the botlane techniques and dynamics?

    submitted by /u/Nevelion
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    Rengar main asking for help on how to play bruiser rengar

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:50 PM PST

    IDK if I'm just bad but I literally cannot find success with bruiser rengar top (conqueror + essence reaver + black cleaver). I'm d2 and I feel as if I win lane but can't do anything mid-late game besides relying on coinflip teams every game. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Also apparently my thread was removed for being "under the 250 character requirement" even though I literally checked on wordcounter.net and it said that my original post (which didn't include this part) was 275 characters... Mods?

    submitted by /u/SoggyDegenerate
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    Why do some pros players smile after they lose?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I've noticed this since watching LCS. Some pros will smile after a loss. For instance, during the last 10 seconds of the game after CLG got melted last Sunday, POB was smiling. Even the members of Flyquest weren't smiling after the win. Is it how they deal with nervousness, or anger or something?

    submitted by /u/xChuchx
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    Cookie cutter khazix build

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Hi so I have been playing a lot of khazix and I was awful for a while. Finally I am getting the hang of him and I can more consistently carry, but I have realized I am following a cookie cutter build and am not really varying it a ton from game to game. So I may wondering if you can consider my build and his I could switch stuff out situationally.

    So I am going talisman /refillable into warrior rush, then tiamat /mobis into umbral blade, duskblade and guardian angel. Last item is usually a situational tanky item, for example if there's a Fed twitch I might go randuins.

    I want to be able to build in in stuff like deaths dance / cleaver, other lethality items but I feel like umbral blade and duskblade are just too good. And his clear doesn't feel right without tiamat.

    submitted by /u/isolatrum
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    How to beat Olaf top?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:10 PM PST

    I picked Ornn into what I thought was a top Nasus but turned out to be a jgl Nasus and a top Olaf, he just absolutely shit on me I couldn't even get into lane to get cs he just froze it by his tower and if I ever tried to get close he would chase me down and kill me. According to the matchups history Ornn is supposed to beat him but I didn't stand a chance. What do I do against him and what are some good champs to counter him?

    PS: I'm only bronze 2 so I am still very new to the game

    submitted by /u/SwedenAPT
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    Bot Lane Positioning Question

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Good Afternoon,

    Yesterday I was playing mid lane and the ADC and Support got into a little bit of an argument. The ADC was getting mad because our support (Leona) was not positioning herself in-between her (Miss Fortune) and the enemy support Nautilus. I assume she wanted extra coverage from a possible hook. I'm curious if it's Leona's job to basically be the CC catcher or if they are both responsible for their own safety and Miss Fortune should just position better? Also does the answer change if the ADC is much more mobile than Miss Fortune, like an Ezreal?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Omega_Reaper
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    What is the most effective way to fight against this comp?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:57 AM PST

    So I had a game where it was such a drag because of the team comp and we lost because of our mistakes, but in a game under this comp is really frustrating at least.

    The comp was

    Top - Ornn (Flash/Teleport)

    Mid - Sylas (Flash/Barrier)

    Jungle - Ekko (Flash/Smite)

    Adc - Senna (Barrier/Flash)

    Support - Yuumi (Exhaust/Heal)

    This was by far a really annoying comp because the Ornn was just giving them free items and making them scale hard especially the Senna. They also just farmed safely for the whole game and retaliated when they had vision on us and they could maneuver a gank/objective.

    Yuumi and Senna stood out to me the most because Senna won't just die at all! Try to burst her down? Oh well Yuumi will exhaust and shield Senna and make her heal everything.

    Not to mention in the phase they can just farm safely, Poke us out and them still being very health for being a double heal bot.

    And what has to be the most annoying thing of all was that we got two dragons but we made mistakes, causing them to get all cloud drakes. This allowed Sylas to steal multiple ults at once and Ekko to be able to use his ult more than once.

    Its also just roots, and stuns and knockups between knockups of infinite lockdown. Ornn can facetank everything and burst everyone in the team down with his Q+W+Ult + Combo auto.

    They just held everything down until Senna got a lot of stacks from assists and the free hits easily getting 115 stacks because she realized she could go for Runaan's since everyone can afford to go ham with us while zoning us from reaching her.

    Her build was also annoying Infinity - Runnaan's - Manamune - Tabi's (sold them later) - Duskblade - Mortal Reminder - Youmuss. It feels so discouraging when she could afford to go lethality while also being at 100% or near 100% crit, being able to shred our bruiser down easily and bursting squishies with just aa-Q-aa-aa

    They also scale well in lategame, and have the time to farm safely which is very annoying.

    What could have been the most effective team in dealing with this? I'm expecting a snowball comp that dives early and is early game and roaming centric which is all my knowledge is about in dealing with this. So I'm asking on your thoughts or a better idea.

    submitted by /u/MaleQueef
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    How to win on Yuumi?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    I feel like I just auto lose every game regardless of how I do. IDK what I'm doing wrong on enchanters, but I can't win on Yuumi or Janna. The only champs I can seem to climb with are Nami and Sona, but I really enjoy Yuumi and want to win with her.

    The things I've noticed are I don't really ward as much on Yuumi, but I am definitely improving. Also during teamfights I'll get out at bad times. I think I am improving on both, but if anything my winrates gone down. How can I play better?

    Some things about my playstyle: I try to AA a lot bc I miss my Qs. I used to max e with full heal amp build (ardent, redemption, mikaels for example).Then I started a max q with athenes into ardent. Now I'm mostly playing e max with athenes.

    Thanks for any advice!


    submitted by /u/kittenelita
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