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    Sunday, February 2, 2020

    LoL Guide Why You Should Play Miss Fortune to Climb as ADC in Season 10

    LoL Guide Why You Should Play Miss Fortune to Climb as ADC in Season 10

    Why You Should Play Miss Fortune to Climb as ADC in Season 10

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:09 AM PST

    I made a video detailing what changed to make Miss Fortune such a prioritized pick in season 10 and a brief rundown on how to play her. As usual I'll post a vague transcript (with all the humor removed since it doesn't translate well into text) below for those who prefer reading.


    Season 10 has seen some big shifts in the ADC meta as a result of the overall game changes as well as nerfs and new champion introductions to the ADC role itself. We've seen Kai'Sa finally drop out of favour for the first time in probably two years, and both Senna and Aphelios have released as top tier ADCs. But one thing no one saw coming was the sudden rise of Miss Fortune who has very suddenly become the new queen of the ADC meta in season 10.

    The reason this blind-sided everyone is because Miss Fortune didn't receive any direct changes. There's no definitive factor you could point towards to cause such a drastic shift in priority, going from 4% pick rate in patch 9.18 to a 25% pick rate in patch 10.2. The most common thing people point towards is the dragon changes making drakes arguably more powerful by getting you on your way to unlocking a dragon soul, and thus increasing the value of strong early-game picks like Miss Fortune. But I find that answer extremely unsatisfying, because while Miss Fortune is definitely on the upper tier of laning AD carries, she's not the best laning AD carry, as both Draven and Lucian outperform her and yet neither one has seen any notable boon in popularity in either low Elo or high Elo play. In fact, Draven drastically dropped in priority in high Elo while Lucian also dropped slightly. So what changed?

    What initially sprung Miss Fortune into the spotlight was mainly the attention she received from the rise in popularity of her Doran's stacking build. People discovered that stacking as many as 4 Doran's Blades was a viable and potentially even optimal strategy mainly due to the huge synergy between lifesteal and her passive Love Tap, giving her a cheap boost in laning phase strength when she can't afford any big items like BF Sword.

    With this increase in attention, people were quick to discard lethality builds and establish crit builds as optimal. And this is what I believe is actually the biggest factor leading to her rise in priority. Because Miss Fortune's winrate when rushing Essence Reaver isn't any better now than it was in patch 9.18. While the Doran's stacking certainly benefits her, its value is also overstated, especially in games where you could just afford to buy a BF Sword or Caulfield's Warhammer on your first back.

    And while the explosion in Miss Fortune's priority almost perfectly coincided with the season 10 changes, it wasn't actually a perfect correlation. Miss Fortune's pick rate in Master and above was steadily rising by an average 1% on each patch from 9.18 to 9.20, before increasing another 2% on patch 9.21, then finally exploding by another 5% on patch 9.22 along with a 4% increase in banrate when the Doran's stacking strategy went viral. This was one patch before season 10 even started, but this was the spark that led to her priority blowing up as fast as it did, and arguably her rise was already underway given the steady rise of her pickrate in high Elo games. All the Doran's stacking did was put enough eyes on her to greatly accelerate that rise.

    So it's likely that any factors benefitting Miss Fortune as a result of the season 10 changes have actually very little to do with what makes Miss Fortune so strong in season 10. It just took Doran's stacking going viral for high Elo players to give her enough attention to figure out her optimal builds, and it turns out that those optimal builds have actually been strong as hell for a long time now.

    While you may have missed out on the opportunity to catch on to her strength and get some freelo before she became so highly contested, it would be downright stupid not to get your hands on her as much as you can right now. Miss Fortune currently has a monstrous 60% winrate in Master and above, as well as a staggering 35% pick rate and 19% ban rate. The stats get a little less impressive at lower Elos but she's still the highest winrate ADC by far alongside Senna. Simply put, if you're not playing Miss Fortune right now, you are at a disadvantage to those who are.

    So now that you know why you should play her, let's move onto how you play her.

    Miss Fortune's playstyle is all about getting those juicy Q bounces off of minions onto champions for poke. Her Q bounce also crits for double damage if it happens to kill the target, so prepping minions you intend to bounce Q to harass off of I guess is what's supposed to amount to skill expression on Miss Fortune.

    With her W Miss Fortune has an easy time shoving waves despite having no good waveclear in her abilities. It's important that you use this to clear out the melee minions as fast as possible in order to force the enemy bot behind their casters, where they have no choice but to back off even further to avoid Q bounces, at which point you have the option of continuing to shove to pressure the tower and make yourself available for river skirmishes, or freezing to create a slow push and thus using your pressure to deny CS rather than damage the tower.

    Most people even in high Elo start Q at level 1, but unless you have a dominant matchup I recommend instead starting W to get started on shoving since it's hard to get Q bounces off without out-shoving or otherwise mildly zoning your opponent first, and there are very few champions who can outshove W start Miss Fortune at level 1 anyway.

    Miss Fortune also has the option of maxing either Q for laning strength or W for DPS in skirmishes and mid-game fights. Most people prefer to max Q, but I actually highly recommend taking the middle ground of putting 3 early points into Q before switching to maxing W by level 10, since the attack speed isn't all that useful before you have your items anyway and this way you almost get the best of both worlds with some early points in Q to bully your lane while still having your maxed W ready for teamfights by level 10.

    You could also just put 2 points into Q to have slightly less lane pressure but having W maxed a level sooner, but if you want to follow this style of skill order it's important you don't put any more than 3 since that delays your maxed W until level 12 as you'll be putting a point into your ult at 11, which is quite a large delay in maxing your best DPS ability. When the whole point of this style of skilling order is to have your W maxed well in time for mid-game when it shines, but without having to start maxing it in early levels when Q shines. This skill order is what makes the most sense to me, and according to stat sites at least, it is actually the best one by a pretty large margin.

    Miss Fortune best synergises with aggressive, lane dominant engage supports such as Leona, Nautilus, Thresh and Blitzcrank who can lock someone down for a deadly combination of chain CC and Bullet Time. Additionally, Nami and Taric are both very good on this patch and equally great options to pair with Miss Fortune despite not actually having much synergy with her playstyle. With them you'll have a weaker laning phase than you would with the lane dominant engage supports, but superior scaling to compensate.

    For items, you'll want to start Doran's Blade and a Health pot, then work towards Essence Reaver. As mentioned before, if you have to back early before your big components such as BF Sword and Caulfield's Warhammer, you can buy some Doran's Blades instead of Long Swords for superior stats to dominate your lane with. By then you should have your Magical Boots which you'll upgrade into Berserker's Greaves, or situationally Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads if you need them. Then head towards Infinity Edge, followed by Firecannon or Phantom Dancer for survivability, and then whichever you didn't build to max out your crit chance. Finish your build with either a Guardian Angel, or any situational item you might need such as Mercurial Scimitar, Lord Dominik's Regards, Mortal Reminder or Maw of Malmortious, in which case you'd want to swap the Phantom Dancer for a Statikk Shiv.

    For runes you'll want to take Press The Attack, Overheal, Legend: Bloodline and Cup of Grace, with the standard Magical Boots and Biscuit Delivery in Inspiration. Most of it is self-explanatory but it's worth nothing that Legend: Bloodline is far superior to Legend: Alacrity because Miss Fortune's passive as well as her Q both lifesteal off of all extra additional damage dealt making her synergize far more greatly with lifesteal than the average AD carry which the rune is balanced around. Similarly you want Overheal because her great use of lifesteal means she can build up the shield up quite easily, especially once you've stacked up Bloodline or if you've bought multiple Doran's Blades.

    That's all, I hope you've found this helpful!

    submitted by /u/VaporaDark
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    What You Actually Need to Know About Map Awareness - League Explained - Frosty

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:41 PM PST


    What you currently know about map awareness may be only part of what you need to know to be effective in your games. If you're new to the game, if you think map awareness is accomplished only by checking the minimap every few seconds or after every CS, or if you want to improve at one of the most important skills of any League of Legends player - This video is for you.

    submitted by /u/SpecialistQ
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    As a jungle main just a dear reminder

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    My lovely lovely laner, I know youve been having a hard time in your lane, sadly you simply have no CC to gank, my deepest apologies for not ganking, but this isnt a reason to not rotate or apply pressure, games are all situational, when just the laner feels like roaming dont just last hit, push the wave and chase, try to build pressure for him not to ruin everyone's day

    Dear laners, if you see an enemy on our jungle its ok to miss a wave, for a secured kill, ill pay you back I promise, just dont leave him in my jungle freely farming and say jg difference.

    Dear laner, its 3:15 scuttles spawn, its the time to contest, be ready not to be there, but the least faith is that you dont let the enemy laner to free roam and say jg difference

    Dear laner, when I gank or pinging omw, i expect you to start a fight, as a jungler champion we are mobile we have spells to close distance, because if i started you will still want to take that last minion.

    Sorry it had to be said, we all make mistakes, yes I failed my jungle, i got invaded, but this isnt a reason to lose your faith in me, give me time to recover and sadly i am still your teammate, we both dont like it but dont leave me to die a million times after spamming pings to ask for assisstance a million times while your full hp recalling.

    submitted by /u/Hahahajo
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    No ward skins a strat?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:28 PM PST

    I was watching a LCS game and realised no one was using ward skins and was wondering if it was a legitimate strat. Sounds dumb but lets ward get put over a wall next to you and everyone has different ward skins and you remeber this particular ward skin is Yi's so now you have information on where the enemy jungler is or am I thinking in to it too much.

    submitted by /u/A_404
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    What makes a good team comp?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    So lately I've been setting myself the goal of reaching at least plat 2 (was plat 4 past season; currently gold 3) and in order to do that I want to incorporate dodging games to my skillset.

    In order to do that though, I have to analyse team comps of both teams, yet this is what I struggle with.

    Ofc I know I should dodge obvious things like: - subpar winrates on champs - First timing in ranked - Getting severely countered (mostly top, my lane) -Troll picks / troll summoners

    And I also need to know what makes a good team comp. I know I should dodge no CC against e.g. Yi comps, but that is about all I know about what makes a good team comp.

    I'd be glad if you guys could give me some pointers as to what I should be on the lookout for when I am analysing team comps.

    submitted by /u/IN-Duke
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    Struggling to learn in normals, getting placed against people way better than me

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:29 PM PST

    So Im a new player, just got level 30, and all of my games are full of people with mastery 7s, everyone is over level 100 and I know that doesnt mean anything in regards to skill, but they understand the game a lot more than me.

    I'm having such a horrible time learning, I'm getting screamed at for being rubbish and just feel like there's not much point in even trying to learn anything as I am getting demolished on a champion I feel comfortable with, I cant imagine trying to learn a new one or a new lane.

    Is this it now? are these my games?

    submitted by /u/Broomesk
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    How to carry a throwing team? (Low Silver)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:23 PM PST

    I seem to constantly have games where my team managed to throw leads or fail to close a game and allow the enemies to scale and catchup. As someone that primarily plays Shen, with a bit of Darius and Ornn thrown in, how the hell am I supposed to stop this? I feel helpless as I was my 20/6 Katarina constantly int 1v5 while my ult is down, or when the enemy jungler dives my adc every fight while our naut is going in instead of peeling. Am I just toally missing something?

    Last season I was Gold 4 with a 50% WR, now I am Silver 4 with a 43% WR over 80ish games.

    submitted by /u/Multicurse
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    How to deal with this situation as a squishy support

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:10 AM PST

    I main senna and Nami, they are good at poking but pretty squishy. When I'm against hook supps and I make a mistake it can cost my life and my adc's.

    I was playing a game yesterday as nami where I was against a naut/jhin. My Caitlyn would hard hard push at all times, like use her entire kit to push the lane as fast as possible, I said we should freeze bc they are just going to come back and kill us again if we are so pushed up, she said "we won't be able to do anything if we freeze" so we proceeded to die like 6 times during the laneing phase bc naut just walks up and hooks and I will try to cc them but just fail and die as well. So I guess my question is...what am I supposed to do against aggressive supps like that in a pushed lane? Most times it was cait that was hooked and I would die bc I was trying to help instead of run. Should I just run away? Maybe just get mobis and roam,? Just stand behind her and give buffs and heals and run if danger approaches? Not worry about trying to poke and just play passive? I asked my boyfriend who mains adc and he said that cait is supposed to shove the lane and be aggressive and that it's normal, so I should just try to not get hooked and run if I know I can't prevent my adc from dying to stop giving the enemy gold.

    I struggle a lot with laneing against hook supps or aggressive supps like Leona/Pyke/Naut/etc. so any advice about playing the lane as nami/senna would also be greatly appreciated. Playing in low Plat if that helps.

    submitted by /u/pyraelinia
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    As a sidelaner, how do I carry a losing jungler?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:29 PM PST

    I mainly play Bot lane and Top, and what I've noticed in both my norms and ranked games is that I have never won a game with a losing jungler this season. With the importance of drakes and the generally snowbally pace of this season, junglers seem to be the biggest factor for a team winning or losing. As an ADC or Top laner, what can I do to help my jungler and prevent them from losing? In the Bot lane I play Ashe, Kai'Sa and Ezreal. In the top lane I play Rengar, Sett and Jax. I can flex pick other champs in the top lane because I find it easier to lane and teamfight compared to doing that as an ADC.

    submitted by /u/crispyfriedsquid
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    How do I help the team do better when the jungler doesn’t listen but we have greater objective pressure than the team does but can’t secure dragon, rift, baron because of enemy smite.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Do we

    1.) just let objectives go and hope for the best and continue to win lanes.

    2.) continue to push for objectives and hope that we pick off jungler and secure the target.

    Just don't want to feel like I'm doing the wrong thing by backing off or as if there was something to do when the guy with smite is off doing his own thing.

    submitted by /u/KinkyPalico
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    What are some tips to make team listen to you?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I feel like everyone just mutes all these days, even pings. As a support player i constantly try to make sure the upcoming objective is warded up the ass, but so often my jungler is blind and doing the blue buff while theirs is soloing drag. What can I do to make it clear that I'm playing for objectives, and so that my team can follow up :/?

    submitted by /u/soyu-
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    I just tried the "Predator" rune for the first time ever and tried it on Jax in the jungle. Is that a good setup?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:58 AM PST

    I never realized how fast you went with that rune and how good it could be popping it before a gank and running in and getting a stun on a champion. I feel that that's the best way to use it and with Jax's kit it has good synergy with it.

    Is this a viable setup for Jax in the jungle or is not that good really?

    Please let me know I'm still very new at the game and learning as I go really since I don't play with anyone.

    submitted by /u/Nolan-
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    Can someone please explain why people are going dark harvest Sona?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:26 AM PST

    I'm kind of confused as to why people would take that over something like Aery. I think they might be taking DH for the later game damage? I think it makes sense since Dark Harvest isn't too tough to proc as Sona. Thanks for any replies, I'm just kind of confused

    submitted by /u/DaifukuP
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    How do you use Teleport midlane?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:40 AM PST

    I see it recommended on a lot of the champs I play, but usually sub it out for something else I know how to use properly. I've been flamed for using it to get back to lane, but I don't see how else to use TP early on a lot of the champs that run it (For example, Vel'Koz mid, i don't think id be TP flanking other lanes as an immobile mage?). Any tips or reference material would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Yelwah
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    Been winning quite a bit, would like to keep winning. Help me better.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Hello there, I recently placed into low bronze after being stuck silver for a long time, so this encouraged me to completely change how I play. I've been spamming swain and rising really fast. I can honestly say this sub has helped me play better, and I'm thankful for being placed lower because it helped me get better. Here's my op.gg.

    My main concerns are matchups I need to look out for, how I could do better in all my recent games, items that could be better in certain situations, etc. I personally have a goal to reach gold this season, and I honestly think I can do it as long as I keep learning and improving. A few hard matchups I've had are Katarina, Ahri, Diana, and Ekko. I've honestly been trying to pick Vlad into matchups I don't feel comfortable with, which in restrospect hasn't been good because he plays somewhat similiar to Swain being an immobile mage with the exception of vlad movement speed passive, and his w. What are some champs I could pick up to cover this area of weakness? Also, when vs a good shove mage being consistently pushed to tower, should I tank the minion damage until my minions arrive or just let the wave push to tower. I ask this because I learned how to really manipulate waves recently and has seriously helped my farm. Thanks in advance, look forward to all advice given.

    edit: my main role is mid, with top being my other role cuz swain can go top and ranged champions seem really safe top. should i use u.gg or lolalytics for matchup info?

    submitted by /u/echoslammin
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    Improving tool?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Hi guys! Do you know a software or similar that shows all stats from game and suggests you some tips about it? I'm a toplaner, I'm playing a lot of Sett and Akali e I usually win the lane but I'm not able to carry. I have lost three promotion series in a row lmao

    submitted by /u/SVNZO
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    I feel like im stuck/ ADC main looking for help (Bronze 1- Silver1 OP.GG added)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Hi guys have a wonderfull day. I just recently transfered from TR to EUW and i was low plat high gold in Turkey. I didnt play a lot of league so i thought i was atleast diamond level (Lols ofcourse Im not) after I transfered i got placed to bronze 1 in soloq and Silver 4 in flex. i was able to reach silver 1 easily in flex but soloq was a diffrent story. the games are way harder than the one's in the Turkish Server ( I was expecting it to be that way too). in Euw people tend to ff at 15 at lot and play the laning phase very good and aggressive when we compare it to TR. and now i feel like im literaly hard stuck in silver 1 flex and Bronze 1 soloq. Im an adc main and would love to know what I should improve and what to focus on. And am I really Bronze level :) Its really frustrating knowing that I cant beat Bronze level ( sorry i think i went overboard here. Bronze players are great they just do too many mistakes)

    here is my OP.GG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=IIIEK

    What should I focus on? What should I improve? and am I really at bronze level or Silver level in EUW? I see a lot of Senna and MF picks in bot lane. with a AP support that pushes 24/7. how can I play against it?

    My champions: Cait, Kaisa, Xayah are my mains but I can play all the adc's and I have them all

    My playstyle: I am more of a passive player. I don't like forcing playes or trades in the laning phase

    My preferred builds/runes: My core items are always the same (they differ from champion to champion ofcourse) then I try to build accordingly to the team.

    Your duo partner's champions, if you duo: I don't have a support duo

    What do I think you I do well? I think I play the Teamfights really good. And I have to Focus on my Laning I struggle in the mid to late game. I am afraid to farm side lanes so i stick ro mid and send my mid or top to the sides. My farming slows down a lot in the mid-late game

    submitted by /u/Dominate_MEK
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    Support is very strong

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:36 AM PST

    I feel like this has been the case for the past few weeks. A LOT of support champions are capable of being a secondary midlaner or toplaner. Did support gold income get buffed or something? So many supports build straight up tank items/ap carry items and they either tank dmg/do insane dmg but also has a ton of cc.

    For example: Tanks like Thresh, Blitzcrank and Leona and Nautilus are as tanky and unkillable as tank toplaners while some doing enough damage to chunk down a squishy/1v1 a bruiser(especially Nautilus).

    Mages: Supports like Lux, Morgana and Zyra are imo fine, but some mage supports like Swain are insanely tanky but has a crap ton of cc but STILL does enough damage to 1v1 the midlaner.

    Imo enchanters are definitely stronger than before but I don't think they're broken - correct me if I'm wrong.

    Idk much about the support meta so it may just be that im having games where the support gets ultra fed, but honestly I've had so many games where the enemy support hard carried their team and it's gradually becoming more than a small nuisance. Is it just me or has support role power creeped a lot

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    How to perform a leashless early clear with Mundo jungle

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Here is a video I made for you to follow along. Please ignore the missed cleaver on the wolves.

    To begin, purchase Talisman and refill pot and move to your red side. Your build order will be WEQ then max EQW, but don't put any points into W yet. If the enemy team invades then you'll need your E or Q to counter it, at which point you'll have to go for a traditional leashed clear.

    As a side note, this method is also useful for a leashed clear. Just make sure you explain to your team what you're doing and what you want them to do. I frequently see them leave when they notice that I'm at raptors instead of red golem, I'll see them try to kill the raptors as I pull them toward red golem, or they'll pull my red golem too far away from the raptors and ruin the whole strategy. Explain in chat that they need to engage the red golem as normal, try not to pull it at all, and just ignore the raptors.

    For this method, you want to activate your W at 1:30 to aggro the raptors. Try to stand near the camp such that you engage only 2 raptors, not all the way in the center. As soon as you start damaging the raptors, walk to your red golem. You want to leave your W on this whole time. Auto attack the red golem three times, then move back just a bit, then repeat. Try to pull the red golem toward raptors, but only just barely.

    As soon as the red golem has died, grab a level of E and then look at what bot is doing. If you think it would be wise to gank bot, go ahead and clear the raptors then kruggs (see kruggs strat below) then grab your Q and gank. Otherwise, you want to reset the burn timer on your raptors by hitting them all with your W, then turn off your W and move to kruggs.

    Turn your W back on as soon as you can hit both kruggs with it. Kite the medium krugg around the large one as you kill it, so you don't take all the extra damage. You may be tempted to use one charge of your potion, but wait until you've cleared the camp. You need that extra health for the raptor clear, but Mundo deals more damage at lower health. Using the potion early can slow your clear times. Also remember that the small kruggs will die purely from the Talisman burn, so you just need to damage them with your W and leave.

    After kruggs, you should kill the raptors. Just attack the big one and let your W kill the rest. Nothing complicated here. Take your Q, take another potion, and move to wolves.

    Use your Q to engage the wolves as soon as you're in range. Remember that your Q deals damage based on current health, so you want to always use it as early as possible. Use your W and E to clear the camp and don't be afraid to run away for a bit if it looks like you might die.

    When approaching the blue golem, throw your cleaver through the bushes to check if its been stolen or is currently being stolen. If so, be very careful in what you do next. Either try to steal it with Smite and Flash out or just leave. If it hasn't been stolen, remember again that your E deals more damage if you're at lower health, so you shouldn't Smite right away for that early heal. You can use the 3-attack-then-move pattern if you're really low, but I usually stay in place to kill it faster.

    Once you've killed the blue golem, move to your scuttle (EDIT you should be killing your blue around 3:10-3:15, in my video I'm a little late because of that missed cleaver). Use the blue plant to check for the enemy, and if it's safe you can move in to take it. You cannot just go immediately to your gromp, so you'll just have to wait if scuttle isn't safe. Once you've killed scuttle or waited for your Smite to have about three seconds left on cooldown, engage your gromp. Kill it and use your Smite to heal, then back.

    submitted by /u/LW1996
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    How to deal with nasus mid-late game.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 12:23 AM PST

    With Urgot I always easily beat nasus players, zone them off the farm and if they try to stack just kill them. My problem is that after I get first turret and go to other lanes to help set up kills and get turrets he just free farms and gets a fuckton of stacks. Then my teammates think they can 1v1 a 0/5 nasus without grivious wounds items, die, and nasus just ends up being a major pain in my ass unless we end in 30 minutes.

    Should I just afk Farm on top with nasus to make sure he doesn't get stacks the whole game??

    submitted by /u/god-loves-yeeters
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    We don't use Yuumi on our duo bottom, despite my partner's love for her. I desperately want to learn what and how should I play to let him pick her again!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:39 AM PST

    Hello, I've been playing League of Legends since ages, doing a short break now and then. I've just came back to play it again and I summoned Rohan my old duo partner to play; he picked the kitten, since he was very fond of her recently. After several games he declared he will play another support, since she clearly don't work for us.

    Still, I see he likes her verry much, and I am desperate to learn more about her synergies/playstyle to take into account so as to let him play her again. Yuumi players, do you have any tips that could help? Where does she stand in current meta? What marksman work well with her, and what match ups are unfavorable?

    submitted by /u/EndlessFoxy
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    How do you use hextech flash?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:23 AM PST

    I like playing engage tank supports and think hextech flash could really improve some of my playmaking but any time I try it feels so clunky and weird.

    I do what everyone does, sit in the bush and charge it up but once it goes off it feels like my mouse has also flashed somewhere new throwing me off. Is this just me? Is there a hextech flash bug? Am I just bad (probably)?

    It feels so bad using it, I've managed to get it to work correctly a few times but each time it just feels clunky and broken.

    submitted by /u/eattheseshorts
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