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    Monday, March 16, 2020

    LoL Guide [AMA] Hi I'm Kisuumi, a Challenger Mid Main. Ask Me Anything!

    LoL Guide [AMA] Hi I'm Kisuumi, a Challenger Mid Main. Ask Me Anything!

    [AMA] Hi I'm Kisuumi, a Challenger Mid Main. Ask Me Anything!

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Mod approved AMA for 1PM EST.

    Thank you for allowing me to have an AMA, r/summonerschool !

    Hi there reddit! My name is Kisuumi and I main mid. My main champions are Ahri, zoe, and syndra but I am able to play other mid champs depending on my mood.

    I can also fill other roles whenever auto fill dictates it so. Therefore, I can also somewhat answer any other specific role-related questions!

    This is my first AMA, so I'm excited to be with you all. I recently changed my name, so that is what is reflected on my op.gg.





    Edit: I'm heading off for now. I'll answer questions later, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Kisuumi1
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    Learn to walk away from a very close fight, especially in lane

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Another lesson I just learned in game. I was playing Tryndamere vs a Sett, and we got into an all in at lvl 5. He flashed away with ~100 HP, and I had about 70 HP. I had flash coming up in 2 - 3 seconds, and I was about to start chasing because I knew 1 good crit would kill but i told myself to stop. And I know it sounds like an exaggeration but I could feel it in my soul that I wanted to just flash and kill him. HE WAS SO CLOSE TO DEAD but i let him walk.

    Then my jungler was able to sweep in and kill him. But him dying wasn't the important part, it was that I gained extra time in lane for CS, I had level advantage, still had my flash and ignite so I had kill pressure and it helped me zone him away from cs and dominate the lane.

    What was crazy for me was that I looked at the replay afterwards and watched Sett's cooldowns, if I would have flashed after the 2 seconds when it was back up, Sett's q would have already been up too while my spin and Q were on CD meaning he most likely would have killed me and gained an advantage. It made me realize, all those times you're fighting an opponent and you think you'll win but end up losing, it's because of greed. Really think about what you gain from the kill. Think about the enemies cooldowns, not just on R, but on Q W E too. And it's okay to just let the enemy go. 1 for 1 trades are not always worth it, and you dying because you greeded a kill is also not worth it.

    Keep improving guys

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    How to stick with a champ/small group of champs for a long period of time? What keeps you playing them?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Basically title, but I'd like to add more to it since I've been struggling with this for way too long.

    I've been trying to find a main champ/a main champion pool that I could stick with so I could get better at the game (learn the ins and outs of their kit then focus on macro), but I always end up losing interest or motivation. It's a problem I feel I've been struggling with for months now at this point.

    I find a champion I find is cool whether it be because of their kit, their lore, a skin, etc. I play them for a while, having fun with them while trying to understand what they do and how to use them. If I can't work with what they have right away or if it feels odd to play, I try another champ. If their kit clicks with me though or for some other reason, I use them whenever I can, thinking I've finally found something I could stick with. Instead however I lose interest after some time, usually because I've become bored with what I can do, find interest in something else, or because of whatever else.

    A recent example for me has been Master Yi, who I chose to play because of the clips I've seen of just how much of a monster he can become come late game (also because I loved using his PROJECT skin). It was interesting trying to learn what he could do with his kit, such as when to use Alpha Strike to dodge CC/tower shots or using Meditate at the right times to reduce any damage. Due to some frustrations though and seeing other clips and videos of champions that seemed fun to use, I decided to try something else for a bit. This lead to where I am right now, playing ARAM in search of other champions I haven't tried yet that might be interesting to use.

    It's been bothering me for quite some time that I can't figure out why I can't stay with one set of champions unlike some of my friends, and I feel because of this constant switching I've never really gotten any better. I've gone through all the roles and back again at least twice, and I've thought at points I'd be a Jayce, Qiyana, Darius, Ekko or Master Yi main, but end up switching to something else. It's been strange as well, playing things I thought I'd love to play but ending up moving on after whatever amount of time.

    So I'd like to ask, how did you find and decide on who you'd main/who would be a part of your pool? And how did you manage to stick with it for so long, despite the ups and downs?

    Sorry if this has been asked before or if this belongs in the Champion Pool thread (or if I'm just being dumb and indecisive), but I'd like to finally post and ask rather than just watch and read things and not get anything specific answered. Again, this has been in my head for quite a while, and I'd like to finally find an answer. Thank you very much in advance! :D

    submitted by /u/CrescentDawn7
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    Patch 10.5 Jungle Tier List, All Ranks, includes Builds, Counters, Early Pathing, and More

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    The Tier List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSfZFH3JgmBXlUDJ84GjB2_Akny1G9uZM_YP4gTq2xhCNtOwH8LUOPYgY5bAoSGDHiZqXxOb7lwqCCC/pubhtml#

    Hi r/summonerschool,

    I'm a Challenger jungle main on NA and I built a comprehensive tier list that includes a lot of other information including what to build, what runes to take, champions counters, and even early game pathing.

    I decided to create this because many of the tier lists out there are hidden behind pay walls, or you have to dig around and find them.

    I wanted to create a resource that players could bookmark and pull up whenever they decide to queue up for a game of jungle. I had originally set out to just make a tier list, but I realized I may as well include a bunch of other useful information for players looking to pick up new champions.

    This tier list isn't perfect, there are a lot of things I still want to add, but I wanted to get it out there and see what people think. If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to leave a comment. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/xDoubtfull
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    1v9 is Iron-Tier Thinking: Change My Mind

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Start Rant:

    Something I see here a lot are people trying to "solo carry".

    This mentality is dangerous. Whenever I go into a game with this mentality it almost always causes me to play worse, not better, because I'm not respecting the other 4 players on my team. You can't win a true 1v9. You just can't, unless you're hard smurfing, and you don't belong in your elo anyway. You have to play around your teammates, even when they're dumb and make mistakes. When your teammates position badly? Split randomly? You have to make do with what you got and savage what you can. I saw instant results when I recently switched to support because I couldn't carry myself and had to identify our win condition (not me).

    Even if you're the hypercarry, you still have to respect your team and let them support you, or wait for them to group onto an objective before splitting. You can't just run it down mid and expect results.

    Sure, I'm still not "high elo" by any means, but the idea that you can just 100% ignore your team and do your own thing is potentially bad advice and slows down people from climbing more than it helps them climb faster. Show some humility and let yourself be carried in the games where someone's popping off. You can't win them all, but you can win a lot more of those borderline "almost" games if you play around what your teammates are trying to do.

    End Rant.

    submitted by /u/Ironbeers
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    Top lane Counterpick Complete Guide

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    As most people know, counterpicking is a big part of top lane, especially at higher elos. As a GM Kennen one trick aspiring to expand their champion, I decided that creating this list would help me pick top laners based on the situation. Here you guys go! Please leave a comment if you have a suggestion, disagreement, or a question!

    Aatrox: Fiora, Kled, Jax, Camille, Irelia, (high mobility brusiers)

    Akali: Kled, Kennen, Gangplank

    Camille: Fiora, Jax, Darius, Renekton

    Cassiopeia: Irelia, Kled, Yasuo (many gap closers)

    Cho'Gath: Sett, Vlad, Mordekaiser (tank counters)

    Darius: Kled, Fiora, Cassiopeia, Yorick, Vayne, Jax, Jayce(ranged champions) (very good 1v1 champions)

    Dr.Mundo: Vayne, Fiora, Darius, Illaoi (Juggernauts)

    Fiora: Kennen, Gangplank, Jayce.

    Gangplank: Kled, Vladimir, Irelia, Sylas (high mobility brusiers)

    Garen: Mordekaiser, Darius, Vayne, Gangplank

    Gnar: Irelia, Yasuo, Riven, Kled (high mobility brusiers)

    Heimerdinger: Kled, Irelia, Yasuo, Mundo

    Illaoi: Vayne, Lucian, Cassiopeia, Kennen, Mordekaiser (ranged champions)

    Irelia: Tryndamere, Fiora, Jax, Shen, Garen, Mordekaiser (basically anything atm this champion kinda sucks)

    Jax: Cassiopeia, Kennen, Sett, Malphite, Akali, Vladimir

    Jayce: Yorick, Irelia, Malphite (not a lot beats jayce 1v1, tanks best bet to just farm and outscale)

    Kalista: Kled, Camille, Renekton (high mobility brusiers)

    Karma: Ornn Sion Maokai (any tank that just ignores her poke and pushes)

    Kayle: Camille, Renekton, Kled, Irelia

    Kennen: Jayce, Vladimir Sylas

    Kled: Fiora, Jax, Kennen, Renekton

    Lissandra: Cassiopeia, Sylas, Ornn, Maokai, (tanks)

    Lucian: Kalista, Vayne, Shen, Yasuo, Maokai, (tanks)

    Malphite: Vladimir, Rumble, Cho'gath, Illaoi, Mordekaiser, sylas.

    Maokai: Nasus, Sett, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Darius, Olaf

    Mordekaiser: Fiora, Gangplank, Lucian, Vayne Cassiopeia.

    Nasus: Darius, Illaoi, Cassiopeia, Vayne, (ranged champions, early lane bullies, anything but tanks and dps brusiers into Nasus are good)

    Nocturne: Fiora, Gangplank, (tanks if u want to farm and outscale, not much else beats noc 1v1)

    Olaf: Illaoi, Fiora, Kled

    Ornn: Vladimir, Sett, Mordekaiser, Fiora, sylas, Poppy.

    Pantheon: Gangplank, Mordekaiser, Darius, Kled, Fiora, Illaoi.

    Poppy: Darius, Mordekaiser, Gangplank, Sett, Vladimir

    Quinn: Camille, Cassiopeia, Rumble, Malphite, Irelia

    Renekton: Gangplank, Rumble, Gnar, Cassiopeia, Lucian, Kennen

    Rengar: Darius, Poppy, Garen, (or pick tank and outscale)

    Riven: Renekton, Jayce, Kennen, Poppy, Quinn, Vayne (or pick tanks)

    Rumble: Dr.Mundo, Garen, Mordekaiser, Sett, Darius, sylas

    Ryze: Kled, Lucian, Cassiopeia, Irelia,

    Sett: Aatrox, Fiora, Gangplank, Mordekaiser, Cassiopeia, Lucian, Singed.

    Shen: Mordekaiser, Darius, Singed, Sett, Gangplank.

    Singed: Kayle, Kennen, Darius, Gnar, Vladimir.

    Sion: Mordekaiser, Sett, Darius, Shen, Vayne

    Skarner (MERTHOS): Fiora, Kled, Gangplank, Kennen

    Sylas: Yasuo, Garen, Darius, Cassiopeia, Vayne, Kled, Poppy

    Teemo: Vladimir, Cassiopeia, Cho'gath, Aatrox

    Trundle: Rengar, Vayne, Kled, Cassiopeia, Gangplank.

    Tryndamere: Cassiopeia, Akali, Darius, Lucian, Vayne, Jax, Gnar.

    Urgot: Fiora, Aatrox, Darius, Kennen, Gangplank, Mordekaiser

    Vayne: Malphite, Heimerdinger, Jax

    Vladimir: Aatrox, Kled, Ryze, Riven.

    Volibear: Vayne, Illaoi, Darius, Kennen, Malphite, Cassiopeia.

    Wukong: Anything. But Renekton, Darius, Fiora are the worst.

    Yasuo: Riven, Renekton, Garen, Jax, Kled.

    Yorick: Tryndamere, Renekton, Mordekaiser, Irelia,Kled, Fiora.

    Zac: Mordekaiser, Sett, Garen, Darius, Fiora.

    If you are first pick, I recommend blind picking Ornn, Aatrox, Mordekaiser, Sett, or a tank.

    submitted by /u/daddyboiezreal
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    Its season 10. Is cull a good item?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Hey I'm a Riven main who occasionally plays adc. I usually buy cull on adc if im behind or if i just need the extra stats while being able to get free CS. I've seen high elo riven mains like boxbox and adrian riven start buying cull. This wasnt the case in the past so... what changed?

    submitted by /u/SuperEvilOllie
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    How to track junglers

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm planning on (ab)using talon for ranked. Currently one of my biggest hurdles is tracking junglers. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to make tracking junglers easier or how to actually track them. Anything will help, thanks all!

    submitted by /u/Flayer14
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    Malphite Top: A Video Expedition! Your Champ To Enjoy And Master?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Hey there,

    Today we take a look at Malphite Top, tanky build! We briefly go over the runes and swiftly transition to find out what there is to the champion in terms of strategy/tactics as we process through a short match. Also included more general considerations and bits of advice you may find entertaining or useful.

    Hope you enjoy the show and your time on the rift. Take care!

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    League Champs to Learn

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:11 AM PDT


    So I made a list of champs to play 100 games with to learn each role. More of a personal project, but I wanted to share in case anyone found use of it.

    Disclaimer: I mostly used YouTube videos for champ ideas. Or outdated resources. I don't know enough to trust my own judgment. Take with a grain of salt.

    A guide to reading:

    Edit: adjusted the sheet slightly to be more general > personal choice.

    submitted by /u/foxylord
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    Clicking the right target

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    In decisive team fights, I sometimes end up hitting the wrong target (using veigar ult on a full health ornn instead of the dying adc). I find it hard to click the right champion when they are all on top of each other. Also, team fights get very chaotic with many abilities being used at once so it's even harder for me to hit the right target. This happens pretty often and I wanted to know what I can do to prevent it.

    submitted by /u/NorthKoreanBaptist
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    how hard does Qiyana fall off?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    hello r/summonerschool,

    i'm looking at adding Qiyana to my champion pool (as i am seeking an AD mid laner); however, due to the fact I'm low-elo and games scarcely fail to surpass the 35 minute mark, I'm looking for a champion that doesn't fall off in the later stages of the game. i'm thinking about using talon, although I believe he also falls off pretty hard. is Qiyana one of the champs with a pretty harsh late game? if so, what can you recommend?


    submitted by /u/tempermentaltyrant-
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    How strong are control mages right now?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    I almost never see these champions anymore and midlane is filled with assassins in my games. Things like LeBlanc, Ekko, Zed, Yasuo, Diana and Talon are always picked which leaves me wondering how are control mages doing right now?

    I really feel like playing Xerath, Viktor or Lux but I'm always kind of afraid of getting exploded in lane and overwhelmed by these assassins and their roaming potential.

    Should I just avoid playing mages in this meta?

    submitted by /u/Artiih
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    How do you play AD Assassins without inting?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    I mostly play immobile AP burst mages like Syndra, Vlad, and Neeko. They're fun, but I also wanted a champ that was more of a roamer and was more mobile. I was looking towards the assassins, and Qiyana caught my eye.

    I understand that it's natural for you to feed your first couple games on a new champion (especially considering it's Qiyana), but it feels like the transition from AP to AD has just caught me off guard. I often find myself dying because I'm trying to spam abilities while I should be AA'ing, and I'm not used to melee champions. I know part of this is because I'm not good at the champ, but another part is because of my mentality.

    I guess what I'm really trying to ask is, how do I play Qiyana effectively? And how should I change my mentality from AP to AD?

    submitted by /u/k3hvn
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    New to Jungle, what is optimal ganking, dragon/rift, farming balance?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    I just started jungle and I was wondering what is best way to carry games for a jungler. For example, when I jungle I am extremely objective-focused but I rarely gank lanes unless its a guaranteed kill. A typical game I will maybe only gank 1 or 2 lanes but secure both rifts and the first 2 dragons. Is this incorrect? I sometimes find that the enemy jungle will be behind in farm and objective control but because they gank more, their team snowballs. Should I be more focused on getting my team ahead or securing objectives?

    submitted by /u/Furball177
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    How do you convince the ad champs on your team to get Executioner's Calling?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Basically the Title.

    Just had a game where all my teammates were complaining about how stupidly broken the enemy Illaoi is. Advertising the little sword for 800g which counters like 50% of her kit (the passive and Death's Dance + Spirit Visage) just leads to a "stfu Ziggs kys" or "I don't know what this item does can you explain?". I mean it is probably just a low elo (silver 2) thing but I am a bit fed up with these unnecessary game losses because the idea of inflicting grievous wounds on this champ doesn't come to one's mind. Same Problem with every other insane healing champ. Is there anything else I can do than advertising it?

    submitted by /u/CurryWuerstchen
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    How trying to improve my league abilities made me a better person

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Hi. I play this game since season 2, I have the icon from season 2 bronze, back in the time I was a really toxic player, I used to spam Kassadin mid and flood mid or feed, i did a lot trashtalk and tons of insanely rages. I was the garbage of this game. Even with my friends, when they did something wrong or even when I did some misplay, I used to flame them to the hell. Only god knows how they are still my friends, amazing persons they are.

    In order to leave the bronze I did watch some videos and managed to get out of this elo pretty quickly, but I got stucked in silver. I made like 1300 games in silver on season 3, 800 of them as kassadin, so you can imagine that I wasn't polite to get my kass on mid. I was so stucked on silver that I paid for elojob to get me out there in the end of the season.. The elojobber said to me that effort didn't worth it. I used to get 3 LP for wins and loose 5 for defeats, he never had so many trouble to get a account out of the silver. And… I flamed him. Yeah, I have shame of myself.

    But in the next years, in order to get better I discovered that I shouldn't flame on chat. If I do flame on chat, ppl will stop to play and will start to discuss and we'd loose. I also understood that by flaming someone I was making another ppl day miserable and for what? I'dnt win by doing this.

    After I managed to control my outbursts I did start to see the things differently. I mean, I could identify myself on other toxic players and how bad it was for my games. So I did try to keep ppl calm, sometimes it's impossible but it feels really good when ur team is flaming and trashtalkning each other and you manage to get them calm to play the game and win that shit.

    And by the years until now I did improved my emotional control and I feel really comfortable to play rankeds with almost zero stress and most important not letting that stress reaching my teammates.

    And why do I think that made me a better person ? That emotional control isn't just for lol, as soon you manage to do it you can deal with shit on your life a lot better. This week I could loose my job if I didn't take it lightly at the moment and knowing myself in past, I wouldn't.

    So yeah, it may be silly, but playing league kinda made me a better person and changed my life for good.i could talk a lot more but there's no point i just I just wanted to share it with you guys, never give up on someone if i improved anyone can. Srry if it's the wrong sub or whatever. And srry about my English, I know it's not very good, but it's my best.

    submitted by /u/Guilty007
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    Is it really the “tank” meta right now ?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    There are WAY more bruisers like sylas, sett, tryndamere etc this season compared to S9 and most adc also feels quite bad seemingly as they are doing no damage towards all the excessive shields and heals, even when I play kassadin I will run into people who are extremely tanky with adaptive helm and spirit visage forcing me to buy void/morelo I'm not sure if this is the plan riot have can someone explain this to me ?

    submitted by /u/K0chira
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    How To finish game quickly as a Top laner.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    So basically I like Top lane. Its one of my favorite roles to play (Along with Mid & JG). The problem I'm having is that I usually get ahead in some kind of shape or form in lane. Whether it is CS or kills or Gold. The problem I'm having is that either A my team is feeding or behind OR B my team is doing ok, but wouldn't finish the game faster and end up getting outscaled and losing the game. That is why I like playing JG or Mid. Jungler I help everyone do well and we win the game. Mid has the most pressure on map. If there is a Skirmish in jg Mid is the first person to be there. Objectives Same there. As a Top laner. No matter how ahead I am I have trouble Finishing the game quickly before they outscale us. So how am I supposed to Finish the game quickly as a Top laner.

    submitted by /u/LOLSOHARDLMAO
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    Take jungle camps during mid-game

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    A lot of players (especially ADCs) will feel that you farm well in lane, but when the 18min ARAM begins you'll be fighting over farm with your team. Take. Jungle. Camps.

    Most likely your jungler will be very occupied at this point, and many times camps will sit for 3minutes without being killed. THIS IS A WASTE OF GOLD. You just cleared bot lane wave? Kill krugs. Lanes pushed out and theres downtime? Kill a camp.

    Some jungle mains might hate me for saying this but jungle camps are NOT just for your jungler (after early game, they need xp hard early).

    submitted by /u/Mnkeyqt
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    How do you counter Rumble?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    So I've been playing a lot of mid recently and I've been getting a lot of annoying champs on the other team (yas, fizz, zed) but the worst matchup that I have is always, no matter who I'm playing, against rumble.

    His right arm is a literal flamethrower. His ult burns for so long and does so much damage. He has a slowing ranged ability. It might just be me but he's awful to play against. Does anyone know how I can counter rumble? Like what champs are good against him, how do you avoid getting burned at the stake, etc.? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/garlic-bread-man
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    Is there any way to improve the precision of your kiting?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    As a ADC main, it's very frustrating to kite in lane and accidentally hit a minion instead of executing the enemy champion (IT HAPPENS MORE THAN IT LOOKS LIKE), or kiting in the river and clicking in the enemy's foot, walking towards him, basically ruining completely my failed attempt to kite back.

    That type of situation makes me play with champions that are more skillshot reliant, as Ezreal, Xerath and etcetera, but y'know, that makes Ezreal my only pick in botlane, and I want to improve, I want to get out of my own bubble.

    submitted by /u/tcaliginous
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    Help please, post 10 minutes game. New player.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Hello there Syn again.

    Thank you all ever so much for your responses to my last post on here. I've made a few friends and played about 10-12 games now.

    I am currently playing Ahri. She was the second champion I got after Darius. I quite like her escape when I get into trouble. Too bad the cool down isn't 5 seconds like I need, but hey it has saved my arse a few times.

    I was hoping some of you could share some insight in the following issues I seem to be having now.

    I understand my inexperience is the main factor here but I hope you can help get me on the right path and exploding in game with kills and participation.

    I do rather well in the first ten minutes of a game. I keep up with my opponents CS but when I get to level 6 I start to fall away.

    What exactly should I've doing post ten mins. Anyone able to give me any hints tips or progression aid I'd be most appreciative.

    If you wanna see my current stats etc to help you I'm Synical7 on EUW. A level 12 currently with Agro as my most played.

    I look froward to reading your responses

    Thanks in advance


    submitted by /u/Synical7
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    Thee MOST BASIC Macro tip for low elo: Push sides passed river; reset, buy, group mid.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    This is situational in a sense but in Iron all the way up to Diamond, you can hard win games with this method of macro control.

    First off - What is Macro ? Macro is, in thee most basic term, what your team does across the map. Micro, on the other hand, is what you do specifically with your champion and your role. A macro move is split pushing for Baron. A micro move is understanding a 2v2 dynamic or even a team fight.

    Have strong wave-clear champions push both side lanes PASSED RIVER simultaneously, safely recall, then group as 5 mid lane and push.

    What does this do?

    • Gives your team pressure in side lanes and forces the enemy to send their strong wave clear and/or solo laners to catch those waves and farm

    • Allows your support to get safe vision around the map while your team pushes up mid lane together

    • Gives your team the chance for picks/catches in jungle/rotation as you are grouped and the enemy is not

    • Allows your team to force a 5v4, 5v3, or 5v2 anywhere around mid and thus obtain objectives

    • Can give you free vision control on objectives and possibly give you free secure on objectives! If you shove both side lanes out and group mid and shove, then you see their jungler top while dragon is up, that's a free dragon! Why? Because there is someone top, someone bot, and three people mid. They are all busy catching waves and you, as a whole five people, can easily take that drake and continue a good shove.

    Any time I smurf, it's like pulling teeth to get teams to follow this basic and general idea of a macro play. Of course, depending upon your role, there are a few situations that you need to be aware of.

    • If the enemy has an ASSASSIN; Kha, Talon, Noc, Rengar, Shaco, etc - You do not want to be shoving a side lane if you are not able to duel, survive, or escape these champions. This would be considered an ADC, control mage, or any other low mobility champion.

    • If the enemy has two lanes hard shoved in and are chipping away are tower - Do not go try to shove a side unless everyone on your team is alive and you are, for example, not a team fighting champion but instead a strong splitter. Trynd would be a good example of this.

    This method of macro has more impact and is safer than attempting to split push ! Why? Because trying to split push in low elo is painfully difficult. Most splitters do not understand pressure, they don't comprehend when to push and when to back off, don't know when to use their TP, have little understanding of which lane to go to, when to split and when to group, etc. There are tons of reasons. I've lost more games in low elo because our Nasus just perma pushes, dies 10 times because we have no pressure, then rage quits because "Team isn't do anything".

    It's also way easier to get things done as a team in a good team fight, especially catching people out or having number advantages.

    HOWEVER-- That being said. If you DO have a successful split push going on and the enemy team rotates to kill your split, DO NOT ROTATE AS WELL. TAKE AN OBJECTIVE AND TRADE THEIR LIFE FOR A TOWER, INHIB, DRAGON, ETC. Make sure you try to ping the split back so they don't get caught but the whole point of a split push is to create pressure and draw the enemy to them so that the team can get objectives for free or with little resistance.

    Keep in mind; This may not work every game. There may be a ton of situations in which you have a good split pusher or you have a fed jungler that just runs around killing people. There may also be times where the enemy is using this strat and you can't beat it. It isn't the bread and butter Macro, but it's the most basic one. So give it a try next time you play. if your team seems aimless and they don't know what to do, just give them a kind shove in the right direction. Ask your strong wave clear champs, who can stay safe, to push out side lanes then re-group. If you're a support, go with your ADC to shove a side lane then re-group. On your rotations, drop wards and try to get picks with vision.

    I promise you. This is a really busted strat. ;)

    submitted by /u/Focus_and_Improve
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    Help me understand master Yi

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I have seen that yi is constantly on the top of tiers lists for low Elo so I decided to give him a shot I'm a jungle main (maining shaco/ww) and I have a problem understanding how yi's playstyle works. When I play shaco i usually go for for a one side clear>gank top or bot>ivade or gank mid, I pretty much always get super ahead playing shaco but I can't seem to get the same effect on master Yi. I do a fullclear, I back, clear into drag and try to secure it and go back to farming. When I feel confident to fight before Rageblade I usually die. Should I play him like an afk farmer like karthus? Should I pick my fights really carefully and pick one by one? I really want someone to explain to me his playstyle and powerspikes

    submitted by /u/Zimro_
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