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    Sunday, March 15, 2020

    LoL Guide [AMA] I'm here to share my experience climbing from bronze to masters - Ask me anything!

    LoL Guide [AMA] I'm here to share my experience climbing from bronze to masters - Ask me anything!

    [AMA] I'm here to share my experience climbing from bronze to masters - Ask me anything!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Mod approved AMA

    I started my grind in bronze years ago. Earlier this week I hit masters for the second season in a row. I want to do an AMA as I thought it'd be interesting to share my thoughts on the grind - not only on what I learned but also how I learned. Perhaps also share some thoughts on mental state and toxicity through ranks.

    I'll sit on my stream and play some games on my smurfs while answering questions.

    Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/two2words
    Proof of account: http://prntscr.com/rgtx85
    OPgg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Two2words

    submitted by /u/Dragonrooster
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    As a non-top laner, what is the win condition against a Ranged Top?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Our top laner can't farm freely and gets poked under turret while being behind in CS, giving turret plates for free. If the ranged Top is ganked he will rinse and repeat, and mid and bot will get Dragon prioirty. Most of the time the ranged top is an adc who can just proceed to farm and since its an adc he will be god like in the late game, while our conventional top is severely behind.

    How do you manage that? That seems bonkers easy to do. I'd do it myself but I suck at CSing so can't really take advantage of that.

    submitted by /u/porn4jhin
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    Does anyone else have champs that they cannot play no matter what?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    Like I have never understood this, there are just some champions that my brain just can't comprehend for some reason. Like how do you even play fiddle and be useful? or Vlad? there are a bunch more champs that I feel useless with regardless of how many games I play on them. Its like I'm some sort of anomaly that is mentally unable to grasp how you function on certain champs. Can anyone else relate?

    submitted by /u/wgvn
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    Top lane streamers to watch for wave management

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Looking to get better at top lane wave management. So looking for top lane streamers/ youtubers to watch, who rely on good wave management rather than knowing champion match ups. Bonus points if they explain what/ why they do something.

    I know people will just say any challenger player will have better wave management, so just watch them. But I know some just know match ups well enough to win that way.

    submitted by /u/atbrad
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    Not sure I want to keep playing.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I'm a new player. I am really enjoying this game so far. It's daunting, but I am really enjoying it.

    I started playing a few months ago, and just hit ranked. Naturally, I'm bottom barrel. No problem, I really don't mind. I'm learning.

    However, I've found I can't play blind/draft norms anymore because I just get paired against silver/gold players.

    When I play ranked I haven't played well, and I get flamed hard.

    I mute all, but really, the toxic level of this game is unreal.

    Between being outmatched constantly in norms and than on the knifes edge or against ridiculous smurfs in ranked, I am feeling super discouraged about continuing. People are mad that I'm bad, but are mad that I'm trying to learn. Like, am I just supposed to be good? I don't understand the mentality of the community. I disabled chat, but they just flame you in the end game screen anyway.

    I resisted playing league for a long time because of this and now I am seeing why..

    submitted by /u/swakhammer86
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    2 Questions from a New Player (Roles and Ganked)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Alright, so I've been playing this game for about a week and enjoying it. Winning a few games and losing a few; however, when I do lose I don't blame my teammates for the game. I do have 2 questions though:

    1.) When I'm playing a normal match (either blind or draft). I notice when when I play support someone who's a mid or jungle always ask me to play top or jungle. This happened twice while playing as Sona and once while playing as Support Neeko. Every time this happens if I follow their orders we almost certainly lose, but when I stay with my role we win, usually. And it's always me they ask. So are they just trolling me with this? Not trying to be negative, but just curious.

    2.) Whenever I play mid I don't die by being solo killed, but usually by getting ganked by the Jungler. I know from watching my replays I'm not putting as many wards as I should and looking at the mini-map a lot. I'm also being too aggressive in my lane when I should play safe. And every time this happens the enemy mid-laner and Jungler gets fed; however, I rarely see our Jungler ganking on the enemy mid, if we have one) again not blaming, but noticed an observation). That's pretty much the only big way I die. Not torrent, not solo killed, not minions. Just ganking.

    My question here: Is it's more common for mid to be ganked than top or bottom due to the position of the map? If so, what do experienced player usually do to minimize it —if not prevent it— besides placing wards and checking the minimap?

    Sorry for the long post. But if anyone have any experience with this and can tell me about it I'll really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Crazy-Ocelot
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    Conquer not working?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I am not understanding how to make the most use of Conquer on ADCs like MF and Aphelios!

    Ive had a few games now where it says healing from Conquer is at 0 for the total of game, and I just dont understand how I am not using this rune right. Can someone please explain to me why this rune is good on them, and how I am to make the best use of it? And please forgive me if this is a dumb question but I am just so confused how I am not procing it all game.

    submitted by /u/Kingandaces
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    How to play irelia

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I've been playing the game for a bit and i've been playing midlaners a lot and moved to irelia and have enjoyed her very much but i'm not very good with her early game. I'm decent late game but i find early game with her really hard as i can't really cs.

    submitted by /u/real-dumbledog
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    Attack speed stacking/scaling/value

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    So I know that some stats, like lethality, gets more useful the more of it you stack, and I was wondering if attack speed is more useful the more of it you have, or gets worse the more you have, or if there is a curve? What does it even mean that attack speed is capped at 2.5 attacks per second? How does that translate into item purchases? How do you know where to stop buying attack speed for it to be efficient use of gold?

    One of the main reasons I find adc fun is autoattacking and kiting, and I play champions like Kai'Sa, MF and Jhin, and I guess a little Jinx because of it. I thought about trying out Ezreal, but I kinda wanna try playing him more with focus on attackspeed and auto-attacking, so I were thinking in a super ideal game: Manamune (good with aa) --> Triforce (gives as, is snowbally, gauntlet if i need armor) --> Berserkers (I don't know if this is troll, but it gives as and looks more snowbally, more dmg? Do you really need the 10% extra cooldown when you already have 20%?) BOTRK (if they have least 1 tank/most games, maybe duskblade if all squishies and snowballing) --> Whisper item --> GA or other defensive item. Then the runes would be: Lethal tempo (since im looking to focus on as and aa?, maybe conq if they have tanks?), Prescence of Mind (more muramana dmg), Bloodline, Coup, Manaflow, Transcendence.

    submitted by /u/ErlendStS
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    What's the best method to obtain an S-Mark with Evelynn?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    What's the best method to obtain an S-Mark with Evelynn?

    No matter the Lane, no matter possible Runes & Items. (Asking for my boyfriend. All he maximum gets is S- He tries to at least get 200CS at 25mins, focusses on Drakes alot, and tries to assist as much as possible.)

    He already tried to swap lanes, like Support, and it ended up even worse, only an A-.

    He's kinda lost there, since he usually doesn't struggle like that..

    I'd provide more Informations about a game where he had an S-, but currently you can't view your Match History. If needed, I will add that later.

    [If it matters, his Username is "JudoKirsche"]

    submitted by /u/JudoCherry
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    How do I position when the team isn't positioning? (Low elo)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I like to play long range mages (Syndra / Xerath / Vel) and I've been improving my positioning bit by bit, but what am I supposed to do when my team is spread thin or grouped weirdly (like bot here, jg there, and top elsewhere or some mix thereof)?

    Do I hide behind the most fed player, the tank? do I just get hella back and wait for them to get engaged on? Especially since I need to poke as my teams damage? This mainly applies to jungle fights, but lane tips are much appreciated

    submitted by /u/stormtrooper28
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    Q on Rumble Fundamentals

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am more or less an aspiring "Rumble-main" who enjoys playing the champion, had/have success playing it, but never took the time to look at the numbers. I do adapt my builds and play-styles based on my personal experiences, but again, I don't know the numbers so I'm hoping to get some insights from seasoned veterans and hopefully help maximize my own plays.

    Runes: I always take Electrocute with resolve secondary. I feel like it gives me more kill pressure and tankiness/sustain in lane than Comet/domination.

    Build path is where I am all over the place.

    I see a lot of people rush MPen (sorc-shoes and oblivion orb) on Rumble. While I understand that MPen is valuable, I'm hoping someone can explain to me (perhaps with numbers) why it's worth spending 1600 gold and delay first item.

    Right now, I am building sorc-shoes into Protobelt for when I'm either winning or have no kill pressure in lane. Protobelt gives me gap close and wave clear so I either burst or gets to leave lane first. There are a handful of times where I'll rush Liandry's. I just don't remember a time where I said to myself "damn, I really needed that oblivion orb."

    In my head, I feel like the only time I'd even consider oblivion orb is when I'm feeding (and can't roam) and just want to build cheap and do some damage in team fights as an ult-bot.

    So if any seasoned Rumble players can share their thoughts on how they adapt their builds and/or know the numbers to "ideal builds", I'd appreciate your expertise.


    Edit: an after-thought:

    Assuming no one is stacking MR, is it still better to build a void staff over a death cap? Obviously there is an AP discrepancy, but void staff is much cheaper and unless people want to be baked potato, they are not going to stand on top of the equalizer to maximize death cap's AP scaling.

    submitted by /u/Nemos-Shoe
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    I suck at Katarina

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    I've been playing some Katarina and I rarely get kills in lane. I seem to only win lane against champs like Ryze, and other champs who early games are nearly non existent.

    Is there any sort of matchup guides for Katarina?

    If not, I pretty much have trouble with every midlaner and any advice on any matchup is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Amxricaa
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    How to play against Darius?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    For context, I'm a top/mid main who peaked Gold 1 last season and Plat 4 the season before. I usually perma ban Darius, but I really want to know, is it at all possible to lane against this champ? I've played 50-60 games against him over the past year and lost lane probably all of them. And I think I've lost majority of those games. So you can see why I just perma ban him. I know you can say "play ranged top" but ghost fixes so much of his problems. It seems unbalanced to me because his passive means he auto-wins any long trade. So you either go in, combo, and get out or you have to one shot him. If he builds tank, you can't do shit and he still one shots you. Wtf do you do?

    submitted by /u/druuv
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    Zilean Mid...

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    I haven't seen much of Zilean in the midlane, but nearly every time I see him (whether or not I'm laning against him) the other laner loses by quite a large margin. I just finished a game where I was laning against a Zilean mid, and decided to see if this was something that is just a personal problem or a bigger one. From what I could gather, Zilean wins 53.5+% of his midlane games in every single rank except Masters. Isn't this a little abnormal for a character who's kit was designed for having good support capability, let alone any mid laner at all? However, thats not the point of the post. I want learn how I can better myself against this character. While any advice is appreciated, I have a few main questions I'd like to ask:

    • How do I safely farm against Zilean?
      • His Q is a guaranteed AoE that hits decently hard, and due to its radius seems very effective at zoning his enemy laner. And, as his Q has a very low effective cooldown due to one of his other abilities (don't remember which) resetting it. I struggle to get a farming edge on Zilean due to this.
    • Is attempting to kill Zilean once he reaches level 6 a worthwhile endeavor?
      • I find that the Resurrect is very powerful for not only his Staying Power, but also as a "Get Out of Jail Free" ticket. Unless I have a jungler waiting at his corpse along with me, it seems that his speed boost is always enough to escape.

    Answers regarding these questions and any other advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    EDIT: The main characters I play Mid are Pyke, Vlad, and Talon.

    submitted by /u/CowesqueMango
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    Going def boots as mid?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Is it even good? I feel like if I'm behing enough to be foorced to go either armor or MR boots instead of attack speed or magic pen it won't matter much for the 1v1 during lane phase but I will just hurt myself in lategame at teamfights since I will do less damage then. Opinions?

    submitted by /u/VSauceDealer
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    How do I use my advantage to win a game and secure objectives?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I am on a losing streak. I AM NOT the best player, I'm not gonna lie or otherwise, I would be diamond or above. But the thing is... I do win my lane most of the time but then I DON'T KNOW how to secure objectives, how to use my lead to help other lanes (because for some reason whenever I SMASH my lane all my other lanes are losing). I really like the game and I want to improve and I don't want to hate the game. I'm really starting to get annoyed and dislike the game simply because I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how I can improve anymore, I feel STUCK. I try my hardest in my matches but it always feels like there is something missing that I can't do, which in this case is helping my team and securing objectives.

    IGN: Aphidex (EUW) - Silver IV (Started back 4 months ago as an Iron III) - Main Mid

    submitted by /u/disruptedgod
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    When to Buy/Use Pink Wards

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Hello Summoners of Reddit! I'm currently an Iron 2 supp player (mostly Soraka and Sona, thinking of using Maokai supp too), and I'm always confused about the usage of pink wards. I usually opt for Relic Shield for a supp item, and while I'm not entirely sure if that's my best option for who I play, I always find that using my gold for items would help me keep up with my team better. However, at the same time I feel that having pink wards on me would also prove beneficial. In general, how do I know when is a good time to use/buy a pink ward, and when should I stop buying them in favor of items?

    submitted by /u/MomLeftMeAtTarget
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    LP Gain and Loss

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Hey Guys,

    Ive recently made the switch back to bot lane from mid. Im spamming Senna and seeing great results overall, stomping lane and good KDA every game, top 2 damage etc, HOWEVER, my LP gains have gone from 26 (while playing mid) to 21, now down to 18 (bot lane). Im also losing as much LP as a gain??? is my mmr in the shit or what?

    submitted by /u/Staaunch
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    Toplane a bit difficult atm?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    I'll use an example from my game yesterday. I'm playing fiora into ornn, I solo kill him and have a level lead, I have a significant item lead yet still get out traded and i'm not even allowing him to proc brittle. I resort to shoving and get a couple plates and i'm warding etc in case of jg. I get ganked by the fed jungler (top and jg both flash) and I die and then proceed to completely lose my turret from full hp/5 plates all before I can even get back to it after respawn. RIP gold lead, hello gold deficit and unkillable ornn.

    Don't you guys think this is a bit fucked up? A single death early on which is basically unavoidable cost me my whole turret and all the plates and basically stops me from getting into the game. A half item fiora has 0 impact compared to a 0 item ornn.

    What can I even do in this situation? It was so early on and I couldn't even beat ornn in a side lane after he got all that gold.

    Thoughts? Similar experiences?

    submitted by /u/gily69
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    always behind in damage as a jungler

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Been playing for the past few months and begun to main jungle and I've started to notice I am always behind on damage at the end of the game. I try to offset that by saying oh I helped my team win by playing objectives but that's not always the case.

    when I go ap as shyvana it seems my damage is on par with the rest of the team and always try to teamfight so how is it that i'm always behind in damage?

    submitted by /u/ENGLISHCHAP15
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    How do I get into tanky supports?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    I am a person who plays a lot of enchanters and even on enchanters I always take inspiration secondary on champions where people take resolve second like Lulu or sometimes Soraka. I wanted to get into Taric but it feels as if I hit a learning block as it is hard getting into melees and also when we start trading it feels like I take huge amounts of damage without being able to deal any or hit Taric's stun. I think tanky supports are fun and are the kind that can carry as well with cc but it's feels awkward not having a ranged AA and a smaller heal range/area.

    submitted by /u/MrEggsBenedicr
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    Just explain me why is Executioner's Calling so good

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    I just do not really understand how it is good.I mean i understand that it applies that bleed and is bassicaly nullying Garen's passive a bit, but it seems like it has more than that to it.Please explain it to me like u would do to a Bronze player and when should i buy it as Miss Fortune [as an adc :)) ]

    submitted by /u/MrSnappyy
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    How to push yourself using the Dragon

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Saw a YouTube vid where the guy flashed over the dragon wall then auto attacked the drag. The Drag just started attacking him. He then said that he was hoping for the drag to push him towards the enemy champ he was chasing. Is this an actual strat? If so how do you use it?

    submitted by /u/endevour-
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    Why do people build Protobelt and Luden's Echo together?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    It just seems illogical, since Protobelt wants you to go in and rough but Luden's compliments a poke playstyle more.

    If you build Protobelt wouldn't it be better to take something like Zhonya's afterwards instead of a Luden's Echo?

    And if you build Luden's Echo first wouldn't it be better to take Liandry's or Deathcap instead?

    Am I just missing something really obvious here? Please explain.

    submitted by /u/PokelingLoL
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