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    Friday, March 20, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: March

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: March

    Champion Pool Megathread: March

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:57 AM PST

    If you need help with what roles or champs to play, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools or advice on what roles to play/swap to. Since these threads are only applicable to a single person -- the creator of the posts -- we have created a megathread to keep more generally applicable threads on the frontpage.

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include a link to your op.gg profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    If you're a new player, consider checking out this page for champion recommendations as well as other beginner advice, guides, and explanations of champion classes/roles.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't necessarily have to answer these questions, but they do help responders give better advice.

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like https://lolalytics.com/ and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Anxiety playing lane bullies?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    I always get into my own head when playing a champion that doesn't outscale the enemy team. I main vladimir (for obvious reasons) and I actually have no problem winning lanes/going for solo kills (I actually got criticised for focusing too hard on solo kills when I got coached).

    But whenever I pick a champion with a timer on it- "if you don't kill them 3 times before 20 minutes you lose the game" or whatever". I end up getting in my own head and overforcing if things aren't going perfectly and I am "running out of time".

    How do I get past this anxiety? I tried playing Tristana mid for a while and just kept dying from overforcing plays.

    submitted by /u/andrewstriesand
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    How can I end games early when fed

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    I am pretty low elo (bronze 1) and was wondering how to end early as a mid carry. Our team usually pulls ahead most games, but we straggle too long and end up not getting objectives, towers etc, therefor getting aced and losing.

    How can I tell my team to get objectives without Tilting them, and win games fairly quickly instead of dragging it out to a 40 minute loss?

    submitted by /u/eesan108
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    How to remove advertisements from the Blitz extension?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I was getting used to using the Blitz extension, but within the last week they've introduced advertisements and made it so you can't even resize the window, so that the advertisements are always visible.

    Its horrible and I've stopped using it, but I would rather be using it without advertisements.

    submitted by /u/MFAbuser
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    Some jgl points

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    1 Don't gank feeding lanes. Instead, help lanes with a lead. Especially mid and bot are good for that, because of drake. In return, as a laner, if you just received a gank and killed the enemy laner, push in quick into enemy turret (no, it is not "stealing your cs") and go to drake. Don't stand afk.

    2 If you feed, you fed. Not your jungler. It is your fault and only yours.

    3 Don't gank if you are not pretty sure to kill the enemy. It is a waste of time for you and you will be behind if you keep doing failed ganks. Also, in return, don't expect your jgl to gank you if you won't be able to kill the laner or if you are feeding. We are junglers, not suicide bots. I feel like this is something MANY people don't understand. We want to gank strategically and carry the game, not babysit the one who cried the loudest.

    4 In most cases, the ones crying the loudest for ganks are the ones that should get it the least - mostly because they are feeding like crazy. Ganking here is suicide and brings only disadvantage. The lane is lost. Point 1 counts.

    5 If they cry because we you tax themor push the wave after a gank, so you can get the drake, don't gank that lane. Jgl gold is hideously low and how are you supposed to carry with no items.

    6 If you have a tank in your team, wait for them, if you are a squishy champ. Don't go all in into teamfights and be surprised why you are feeding.

    7 If you want a gank, prepare the lane for it. Don't overextend with no vision. Let the enemy come to you, we will not gank on the enemy's half. Don't start pushing 2 seconds before your jgl arrives and, especially, don't go all in 2 seconds before your jgl arrives and feed. It's unnecessary. Just wait.

    8 There is a special type of player you need to mute immediately to not get tilted: Under enemy turret 100% of the time. 0 vision. Overstays. Flames. Does not prepare lane. Blames you. Report them. Don't discuss, they won't learn.

    submitted by /u/amievenreal99
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    How to deal with an aggressive jungler?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    I've switched to jungle to climb out of bronze and it's worked very well for me so far. Now I'm on the cusp of silver and am running into aggressive junglers more and more often. When this happens I don't really know what to do and I end up getting crushed and snowballed. They're very effective at denying my farm, and then when I try to catch up they gank my lanes and I can't even help. My biggest problem is when they completely roam my jungle, or if mid roams and takes my jungle (this is happening more since these new 'damage to monsters' jungler changes).

    I think this is the next thing I need to learn to get to my next plateau. This along with being more aggressive early and not putting so much focus into clearing camps.

    Any advice? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ForcedBeef
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    How to lane against super aggressive ADC's?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    Just played a game as Ashe with Yuumi against Lucian/Karma. I got absolutely stomped. Simply trying to walk up for a CS and Karma would shoot a nuke at me or Lucian would dash up and auto Q auto, usually both. I had to pretty much sit at my tower while I was getting zoned the entire lane. Even trying to trade was a lost cause. I don't know what I should have done. This was one of the most unfun lanes I've ever had. I've had better lanes against Cait/Morg.

    submitted by /u/icinnalatte
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    Should I build Defensive items before offensive items as a bruiser?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    (in terms of mainly skarner and other non meta fighters like udyr, volibear etc)

    What I noticed as I kept trying to play Skarner is that when I buy items like Trinity force and/or Steraks gage I always feel to squisy to really do anything. I also have been trying full tank skarner and he is only effective as my teammates. So should I build 2 tank items like Dead Mans and Spirit Visage (depending on enemy team comp) and then jungle item and then damage items? What would be the best way to deal damage without being too squishy?

    submitted by /u/Al_the_Renegade
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    How to carry/improve macro?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    Last time I played the game was during season5 where I got to platinum, I started on a new account now, leveled it up to 30, playing some normals to get used to the game again, before going to ranked. I heard however that players got better and even in gold/plat the mechanical skills are pretty good, and macro knowledge is the difference between dia+ and plat players.

    So I got a few questions about it.

    1,How do I improved my macro play to carry teams? My laning phase is pretty good, but if all other lanes/jungler are worse on my team I can't really carry and turn it around.

    I am a yasuo main, but I can play quite a few other champs on an okay level, where I don't lose lane, don't feed too much, well enough to keep a 50% WR on them to minimise damage when I can't play yas.

    How good is yasuo as a splitpusher, how strong is he as a 1v1 champ lategame? I know he is generally one of the best lategame champs, but that's for teamfights right? Could he 1v1 a jax, darius, or other bruisers endgame?

    A few specific scenario questions:

    1,If my team is behind and im fed, but not fed enough to win teamfights,and my team still wants to go aram, should I try to splitpush as a hope that more than 1 comes for me, and my team can win a 4v3?

    2, Should I ever splitpush on the opposite side of an upcoming objective? Like when baron is up split bot, or when drake is up split top? I guess when the team is behind and im fed I should, because we can't contest it, but what if the teams are even and I'm fed, but the teamfight is a 50/50? Should I force opposite side, win 1v1 or 1v2, or just give up baron and exchange towers/inhib?

    submitted by /u/VSauceDealer
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    I don’t think I understand how to improve, despite reading everything that I have.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm new to league. And MOBAs. And competitive gaming in general. My girlfriend has gotten me into league so I can play with her, but even after trying everything I've read and been told to try, I'm not seeing a difference in my playing.

    To be fair, I have been maining top lane so far, and have taken quite the liking to Camille. I know she's an extremely hard champion to learn, but I don't find anybody else nearly as fun.

    I've played about 200 games total so far, and I've been stuck in iron I for all of those. Despite everything I've been told, I still seem to be the worst performing player in every game.

    Is there something I'm missing? What should I be focusing on in order to improve? If it helps, I'm on the NA server and my name is UhhFrick.

    Thank you for any help I can get.

    submitted by /u/Zenderson1
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    Split pushing in low elo?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Hello. Top lane main here.

    I tend to play a lot of splitpushing champions like Jax/Shen/Rene because I can't really rely on a silver Leona to engage nor to rely on my Ashe not to be our frontline.

    I constantly keep hearing how 'teamfighting isn't a way to carry' and I understand that. I tend to push whenever my team has pressure, and I rarely get collapsed on. But even if I do, I explain to my team that if the enemies collapse on me, they can push mid, and trade 1 death for 1 turret. But what ever I do, my team keeps following me when I'm splitpushing, or the wait for me to die, go 4v5 and blame me for 'going solo'. It's not that I never teamfight or anything, but my particular playstile is splitpushing and getting as ahead as possible. What do I do?
    Do I just take araming champions like malph and ornn until I climb high enough to splitpush?

    Help please!

    submitted by /u/ZnojaviTestis
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    Help with Kiting

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm new to the game and have lots of questions about kiting (especially in jungle)

    - Does kiting prevent or dodge some hits? Because I get hit on every auto I use.

    - Best/Most efficient way to kite with Ekko or Master Yi.

    - Average HP I should try to aim for after clearing One Buff, raptors, and Krugs.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/farqwastaken
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    What's happened to ranked flairs?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    I just hit diamond for the first time and since im full of myself rn i wanted to change my ranked flair to my new account but the website isnt working?

    I checked the thread and it seems to not have been working for at least 7 months. When will it be repaired?

    submitted by /u/SqripLoL
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    Asking for advice on Fizz

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    So I recently started playing Fizz because I got him in ARAM and instantly fell in love with his playstyle and his combos. Got him to Mastery 5 in 2 days. I never understood why anyone would play support and just heal everybody else so I was looking for good strong champs that can deal a lot of damage while also not being super super hard to play. I think Fizz hits that perfect sweet spot for me.

    BUT, (there is always a but), the one, the one and only thing that keeps me from becoming a full time Fizz main is that he is melee only. That is my only problem. And the problem is not in late game, late game is easy with Fizz if you have a decently good KDA and build imo. The part where I struggle, is early game. More specifically, minion farming and CS in general. And I think that CS is important because Fizz is very a very item-dependent champ and not having that extra gold can really hold you back.

    So with all the banter out of the way, how do you guys deal with ranged Mid champs and the problem of Fizz's inability to farm as well as his competitors? I have heard that you should play passively, and I do that, but not only do I end up with half (if not less) the CS my Mid opponent has, my tower often takes a huge hit. Am I overdoing it with passive playing? And if I go more aggressive and "elbows out", I always end up getting poked the living hell out of me to the point where I end up with half health.

    How do you guys respond to this? Really interested to hear:)

    A cry for help, HerrOniani

    submitted by /u/sotosg69gr
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    How to raise map awareness

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Im from Platinum 1 and most of the time i play bot lane (Supp/Adc). So i recently moved to Top lane and used my Tahm Kench there and i find it fun destroying enemies. But most of the time i lose my attention on the map and gets ganked continuously by mid and jg. So i wanna know how can i improve

    submitted by /u/imanwell
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    I feel like i don't have any impact in the game. Help.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    It's like this: i win lane, i crush the enemy laner (obviously not every game) but then someone in their team gets fed and a bit further into the game im useless. I can't do anything even if i'm fed because their team (except the enemy toplaner) is really fed.

    submitted by /u/DedsonicPt
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    Requesting tips from a new Riven player

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Hey, I just started playing LoL recently and had taken a liking to a champion called Riven. She is a fun champ to play with high mobility and excels at chasing down enemies.

    I've also been watching pro Riven players like BoxBox, Adrian Riven and Viper and had always admired their skills and gameplay. Like, "How did they do that??"

    I also want to make a 1v2 or win a fight when you're at such low disadvantage, but normally I fail to do so due to my laning phase.

    I can farm, ward, help other lanes, gank with my jungler and so, but the enemy top laner seems to do better than me at everything, like win a trade or win a 1v1.

    So I have two questions:

    1. How can Riven counter champions that has high poke potential (Teemo, Vayne, Quinn, etc.)?

    2. How can you counter champions that deals true damage and can bully you in lane (Darius, Garen, Cho Gath, Fiora, etc)

    Any tips will be helpful, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Nuub_Potato
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    Best way to deal with early game aggression as Azir?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I'm a longtime support main (silver 2 highest rank so im a pleb) but I've recently moved away from support and have been trying some mid laners out, so far I've been practicing Diana, Ahri and most recently Azir

    I've been having a ton of fun with Azir but im finding myself losing early game a lot, either I just get poked then dived because I refuse to recall and miss CS or I try to get my sand soldier to hit my enemy, then I'm out of range and instead of attacking I accidentally walk towards them and get dived because of it (this happens a lot because I just don't know the range)

    What's the best way to play Azir early game and how do I deal with being constantly poked?

    submitted by /u/RJLPDash
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    How do I play ADC?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    So, as someone who has only really played top, mid and support, I wanted to give ADC a try. And it turns out I'm unbelievably dreadful at the role. I've tried different adcs and had some people who I know are good supports help me, but it doesn't seem to matter, as I'm just as bad. Are there any good blanket tips for the role in general?

    submitted by /u/ShankWithASpork
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    What is bonus damage?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Im fairly new to the game and struggeling to understand how damage works. I was reading up on Jax's abilities on opgg and it said his Q "deals 65/105/145/185/225 (+100% bonus attack damage) (+60% ability power) physical damage if it hits an enemy". I assume the first five numbers indicate base damage depending on ability level, but what i dont understand is the bonus damage. And also, why does it deal bonus ability power? does this mean his Q deals both magic and physical damage?

    I have searched around a lot, but i dont understand any of the explenaions i have found, so any help would be very appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TheKaiser1234
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    I don't find any character fun to play

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    I've places this game for 7 years; tried each and every character though I can't main one for sh*t.

    Nowadays I struggle to "stick" to one character in particular. I sometimes feel hyped for champs, try them only to never play them again.

    What can I do ?

    submitted by /u/Zetlos
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    Need Help Deciding on a character/role

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I'm what people would call a "jack of all trades, master of none." I have 2-3 characters for each role who I'm comfortable enough to play and not to feed. For example, Top I play Nasus/Kled/Malphite. Mid I play Yasuo/Veigar. Jungle I play Zac/Kha'zix/Malphite/Xin Zhao. Support I play Blitzcrank/Thresh. ADC I play Draven/Jhin. I can play to the point where I have an even KDA/slightly above positive. But I want to really learn how to carry/get consistent A- and above ranks. It's just that with the diverse champion pool, I just really like a lot of characters and I can't help but want to play all of them. Based on the characters I play, can anyone recommend me who to focus on and what champs can hard carry? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/whitecoloredpencils
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    Always sticking to your ADC?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I mostly play enchanter supports such as Yuumi, Janna, Soraka, and occasionally Leona. I'm silver and was silver last season, but recently I started playing with a friend who is gold.

    He literally non-stop flames me for not being right next to him and peeling for him or locking kills just for him. But I'm not sure if this is the best way to play. Sometimes he doesn't do well in lane, but say mid or top does and I roam and peel and support for the person doing the best in the team fights.

    I tell him that I trust him to stay in the back as ADC during team fights, especially if I'm playing Leona or sitting on a frontliner (fed nasus for example) as Yuumi. But he calls me brain dead. One time, I engaged as Leona on a team fight, but then he died in the very back under tower and started flaming me for not peeling for him even though I was pretty far from him. If I play Soraka, and I'm healing other teammates, he calls me back and tells me to just stay away from the team fight and only heal him. But sometimes he's just not doing well but he still expects me to do this for him instead of supporting the team.

    I feel like however I'm playing I'm not doing it right, so I need some opinions and advice on how to play better. Is my ADC always my top priority? What are some general support tips for keeping the ADC alive?

    EDIT: I'm asking about mid to late! I always stay with him in lane no matter how he's doing

    submitted by /u/Shinatobae
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    What Are The Top Ten Mistakes Players In League Make?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I ended Gold 2 last season, now I can't even get to gold. My farm seems to be on par with the rest of my team, and I have a pretty decent vision score. But I can't seem to climb back to gold. I'm a mid and support main, and I'm thinking maybe I'm playing macro wrong. So what are in your opinion the top 10 mistakes players in my elo make and how would you recommend to improve on them?

    My league name is TheHoodOfSwords

    submitted by /u/TheHoodOfSwords1
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    Playing tanks against juggernauts in top lane

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    champs like darius sett mordekaiser illaoi just beats me early game all i can do is farming under the turret but i want to you ask something guys except farming in under tower what can i do because when i farm under tower they just outscaling me because of plates and when my jungler comes they make 2v1 when im playing maokai sion ornn and have a same gold with juggernauts i can duel with them because every juggernaut have %hp damage and armor and magic resistance reducing except darius darius wins every single time when you want to duel with him and this is annoying tanks very good against assasins especially against ad assasins because their burst damage can be ignored by tanks and tanks also good against mages if they have +200 mr but against juggernauts its impossible im creating this post for asking this question how to deal wtih juggernauts with tanks? late game still no proglem but early game its impossible thanks for reading this post guys have a nice day

    submitted by /u/Weartex90
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    What supports would nice with kaisa?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    My duo partner and I are trying to climb ranked. I'm bronze 4, he's iron 1. I'm better at Csing, but he is is good at kaisa, and CSing is easy to improve.

    So what support does well with kaisa? We've done aatrox a couple times, and it can be great, but also really bad.

    I'm thinking nami, as well as bard. Nami has lots of empowers, MS and heals, while bard has decent engage and can build tanky while still retaining usefulness.

    submitted by /u/romegypt11
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