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    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    LoL Guide Has playing with high ranked friends destroyed my account?

    LoL Guide Has playing with high ranked friends destroyed my account?

    Has playing with high ranked friends destroyed my account?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I recently started playing league with my friend who is a veteran player. Since his account is quite high ranked the opponents we got were on average high ranked too so I get my ass kicked in most games but my friend usually carries our team to victory.

    The problem is that I seem to keep getting these high ranked opponents in soloq games as well which usually leads to me getting stomped and my higher leveled team flaming me.

    Usually when you do badly in ranked competitive games your rank goes down until you're playing with people that have equal skill compared to you. In league though it seems like no matter how much I suck it just won't allow me to get easier opponents.

    Could the system have "marked" me as a smurf or why does it think I'm way better than I actually am? Or am I just imagining things and this is normal?

    submitted by /u/Haliitti
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    What Is Evelyn good for?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Hello there. I have some doubt about Evelynn: i really like the concept of the champion but I struggle to find out the real in game purpose of Evelynn. Why should i play her? And even more important: what are the aspects in which Evelynn excels in comparison with the other junglers? For example i feel that Master Yi Is exeptional in cleaning up a team fight. Kha zix Is incredibly mobile and effective at One shotting peps. Ecc. But Evelynn? What Is that the champion does best?

    submitted by /u/Noumeno_
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    Cannot play any champions other than ADCs

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    So I am an ADC main. I usually play stuff like jhin, xayah, lucian, senna, twitch... most adc really (except for aphelios, 'cause fuck him). Most of the time when I play them I get fed in my respective mmr. But I started to get bored so I decided to try some other champ and roles and JESUS christ man, it is hard as hell. Top lane I got solokilled undertower, midlane i got pushed for 20 min, jungle I couldnt match the enemy's ganking and farming. THe only time I didnt feed is on camille where i managed to even so kill the enemy. I tried a bunch of champs like sylas, azir, ryze, aatrox and even aa based champs like jax and irelia and I always feed. Any advice and tips for this sad ADC main?

    submitted by /u/namthedarklord
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    what's the point in teleporting to help my team if it costs me 2-3 plates and i can't recover the loss?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    let's say i teleport from top to bot to try to help but the setup fails, i've just given my opponent at least 2-3 plates depending on champ and then i lose xp + farm. i'll be behind for the rest of the match it feels, and even if we secure 2 kills it feels like i'm just at a loss. i don't really understand why riot made the teleport such a long cooldown now early game when that's where it really feels like you can utilize it the best in helping the team out.

    submitted by /u/Justachillday
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    When do I gank?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    As a jungler, I'm having a lot of trouble understanding when I can gank, resulting in very few if any ganks on my part. The problem is:

    • if my laner is pushing, the enemy laner is under their turret and I get afraid of getting turret damage, resulting in no ganks;
    • if the enemy laner is pushing, that means they have an advantage on my laner, so if I'm playing a squishy jungler I feel like they'll most certainly also have an advantage in a 2v1, resulting in no ganks;
    • if both laners are in the middle of the lane, fleeing is easy for the enemy laner and I feel like it'd be a waste of time to go in, resulting in no ganks.

    I'm stuck with this reasoning and therefore won't gank unless the enemy is low HP (and even then they'll often kill me, so I get afraid of going in, resulting in even less ganks). What's my problem?

    submitted by /u/Algorythmis
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    How do people move their champions so quickly?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Alright, this might sound like a stupid question, but I'm seeing both my team's and the enemy team's champions moving quickly and attacking quickly, as if they're using a PS4 controller or something. Meanwhile I'm just dragging myself along and sometimes misclicking (I.e. going to far towards the enemy when I don't intend too). I think this might be a contributing factor in why I'm feeding a lot and possibly why I'm not that effective.

    So as the title states, I'm just wondering how people move their characters as if they have a controller? I would appreciate the answers if their is one.

    P.S. I'm level 22 New player, so I'm not ranked yet

    submitted by /u/Crazy-Ocelot
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    Patch 10.6 Jungle Tier List - Wukong OP

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Hey everyone I'm here again with the Jungle Tier List updated for the recent 10.6 patch notes. I've made a quite a few changes to the tier list based on feedback received and mainly my ability to keep it constantly maintained. Here is the list:


    The main change that you will see this week is the addition of the newly released Wukong Tier List. While he is most dominant in the toplane, he is also dominating most levels of play in the jungle. If you decide to try him out, remember to build tiamat to help your clear and consider going cinderhulk. You are a bruiser now! I have a full guide for Wukong jungle on my Youtube which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op3H6B85lto

    The only other jungler worth mentioning at this time for the patch changes is Morgana. While I haven't played her much myself she is performing really well from Iron-Gold. Give here a try! Especially if you're team comp could use the spell shield.

    That's all I have to say about this patch so far! Let me know what you guy's think is OP so far this patch.

    submitted by /u/xDoubtfull
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    How do I deal with a ranged top?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    I recently played a Darius into a Vayne which is already unfottunate since she's ranged. I died to greeding early (which I know is stupid) and them throughout the game, I just ended up dying over and over. I did what I thought was the best thing to do was to just play safe and let Vayne push in (I couldn't freeze because she'd just break it easily) so my jungler could gank. My jungler had some pretty bad ganks as the river brush was warded. This was the first time in a while I've played a Vayne but I was still struggling back then to.

    My bad matchups for me are Quinn and Illaoi (now Vanye as well) I'm decent mechanically now and I've improved (but still practicing) my macro play and decision making since the last time I whined about being bad lol. My question is how do I play against a high damage, ranged top laner into a melee? (I'd also just like to know how to play vs. Illaoi) Thank yoy for reading about me complain.

    TLDR: I played bad vs a Vayne. How do I play vs a high dmg ranged top laner as a melee ad bruiser?

    submitted by /u/ThiccFlute
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    Should I gank early with Yi?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    I recently started playing league. I play jungle. Even though I'm not really good at it, I think I'm gradually learning the role.

    I've played mainly Warwick and Amumu, and I wanted to try something else, so I tried playing with Master Yi. For some reason, I can't seem to understand how to gank with Yi. Should I gank early? Because I feel like I get absolutely destroyed every time, and lose time on my farming. On the other hand, if I don't gank early, I get flamed by my lanes.

    Maybe the problem is also with the way I gank. With amumu and warwick, it's easier to initiate the fight since they are tanky, and their tankiness probably compensates with the mistakes I make. So if you have a guide on how to gank properly, I'll take it.

    submitted by /u/LeFeuFollett
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    How to play with feeding bot lanes

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I'm between Gold/Plat right now, bouncing back and forth, been struggling a lot with these bot lanes.

    I try to avoid blaming my team as much as possible, because even with bad teammates people are still able to climb to high ranks, I understand.

    Lately, it's been about 9/10 games, my bot lane runs it down pretty hard. I don't know if I'm unlucky or what, but typically it starts out with the enemy bot lane getting an early double kill level 2 or 3, then snowballs from there. I'm a Kassadin one trick and by time I hit 6 and have some map pressure, my bot lane is usually so far behind there's nothing I can really do for them. We just lose complete control of botside and my jungler can't get skuttles down there or dragons so he gets hit from our bot lane doing bad too.

    When mid game comes, the enemy team has 2 fed players that are very useful in teamfights and we have 2 behind players that are absolutely useless in teamfights, and we just don't win them at all. This normally wouldn't be a problem so I try to side lane and pressure and get as much farm and xp as I can, but the rest of my team always pushes up very far mid and tries to teamfight. We lose 5v5 teamfights and when I'm not there they still try to do it.

    I don't know if I'm just cursed or what, but League just hasn't been fun recently because of this. I really don't like to blame my team but it's just starting to feel like the game is always out of my control at this point, and it seems like I get unlucky every time.

    I'm just looking for some advice on what steps I can take to prevent the enemy bot lane from snowballing so hard or to help out my bot lane more.

    submitted by /u/justatux
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    Very inconsistent gameplay, how to always play at best?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    I wonder if anyone's the same. I don't really even know what elo I belong to. Sometimes I'm low diamond, sometimes I'm plat, sometimes I'm gold. I've smurfed to plat 1 with like a 70% winrate which is pretty good for me, other times I've just been stuck in gold and ended up with gray winrate. When I just came back after break a few weeks ago, I was doing so well from placement games until plat 2. I was just playing because I felt like it. Then I really wanted to get back into the game again, and suddenly I don't play as well. It's hard to believe it's just luck factor when this has been happening so many times. It just makes me think about how insanely much your mental matters in this game. When I feel completely focused I always play so well for my record. However, the last days my mental is just not in the optimal state, and it's also hard to figure out what's much different, but I'm definitely sure I was less focused/less excited to play for the last games compared to when I just came back.

    The problem is my "normal" mental state when I play league is not as when I went on fire on a smurf one time, or simply when I just play really well. Does anyone know how to actually play at your best every time, or this is also just very uncommon? Having control over your mental is pretty difficult :/

    submitted by /u/awawax3
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    Riven Guide - The essential things about her kit and combos

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, we just reuploaded my Riven guide on ToplaneTV channel and I thought I'd share it in there by the same occasion.

    This guide basically just talks about Riven's kit and shows you the most common and useful combos to learn how to use Riven's abilities.

    There is the link.
    Hope you guys will learn a few things!

    This guide originally comes from my YT channel on which you can find the 1080p version if you dislike the 720 (didn't know youtube download didn't give you the 1080p version of a video yikes) the link of the original video is in the comments.

    We also uploaded a video doing a summary of the toplane changes in 10.6.

    submitted by /u/RivenBadChampKappa
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    Black Cleaver + Runaan's on Xayah?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    If you don't know, Xayah's W sends an extra projectile after the auto that deals physical damage, meaning that each attack that Xayah does with her W active will stack BC twice. A little known intricacy of Runaan's is that it deals 0 physical damage to the primary target and the target hit with the side bolts. Even though it does 0 damage, it will still apply a stack of BC, meaning that each time that you auto on Xayah with W + Runaan's, you will apply 3 stacks of BC to the target you auto. After only 2 autos, you will have BC fully stacked on 3 targets. The side bolts will also apply 3 stacks of BC. What makes BC even better on Xayah is that each individual feather you recall with E will apply a stack of BC, meaning that if you hit 6 feathers you will instantly fully stack BC on all the targets the feathers go through. Additionally, Xayah's Q will proc BC twice because it has 2 projectiles that come one after the other. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Strange_Pomegranate
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    How do I fight against tanks in mid?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    I am an Ekko OTP and I struggle a lot when people take tanks mid. Especially, Mordekaiser and Sett. It just feels helpless, my Q does almost no harass damage and I can't trade evenly. It's awful because they are WAY too tanky and do way too much damage for a tank. Any tips on taking on tanks in mid?

    submitted by /u/disruptedgod
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    When should I buy tabi or treads instead of mobis?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    I main talon and until now I've been choosing just tabi or treads: if the enemy team/midlaner is mainly ad/aa, tabi; if the enemy team/midlaner is mainly ap/cc, treads. Right now Im going mobis every game but I wanna start buying treads and tabis, I just don't know when it's better to buy them or just go mobis.

    submitted by /u/SearBee
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    Ending a Game

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Hi guys, i recently lost a game because i don't know how to close a game, my question is: what do you do when your team is 2 lvl ahead, got the baron and a enemy's hinibitor down? Do you group in another lane or just group in the lane of the hinibitor down and force a fight?

    submitted by /u/Rezel97
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    What's up with this season ranked play?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who feels like this season is just impossible?

    Last season I peaked at d2 promo with almost 60% winrate and I stopped playing because WoW classic came out and I decayed. Now I'm actually hardstuck plat with negative winrate. And 95% of the games I dont even feel like it's my fault? 95% of the games I have top damage, top income, lowest death, etc.... But literal 50% of my games are just decided before level 6 because somebody int's 3 times in a row and now I'ts impossible to catch anybody and somebody leaves the game tilted.

    I feel like I had more afk'ers and leaver's already in this season than I had the WHOLE last season.

    I play mid and I feel like I should have a bigger impact on the game and I feel like I used to have a bigger impact on the game, but now I can get 60k dmg on Malz while the rest of my team cant even top 15k dmg and I can't do anything.

    Most of my champions are lategame power houses and I feel like most games are decided before level 6 and def before level 11.

    On malz I can roam from level 6 but usually something happens around level 3-4 like scuttle contest and my jungler just dies and leaves. Like really what the f can I do to win.

    Do I just need to start playing early game champs like Zed, Talon or any other AD mid? Or does Mid just have no impact anymore.

    I actually came to the point that I don't know how the hell to win. Even though in flex I got d4 pretty fast with 60% winrate (I soloq'd all the way, no premade 5 stack) and as I said last season I was d2 promo with 60% winrate so wha the hell is happening. I even get coaching 2 times a week for 3 hours

    submitted by /u/jacobljlj
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    Late game Junglers?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm very new to the game, only level 28, and so far have been a Warwick main. I really enjoy playing Warwick, but have noticed that he falls off pretty heavy late game. With the new patch out and all, I was wondering who're some good late game Junglers who have the ability to impact the game more. I own Zac and have played some, and preemptively bought fiddle for when the rework comes out. Also any jungle recommendations are accepted!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/CorrosiveElephant
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    Transitioning from scaling champions to more aggressive/early roamers?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so I mostly play Vlad + Kass mid but lately I've been wanting to try/learn champions like Talon, Katarina, etc. And I feel like it is so much harder to carry games.

    What I mean by this is, it feels like I am a ticking time bomb. Even if I get kills in lane, roam and get kills bot, and just have mid priority the entire game, it seems like I can't do much once the game extends a bit. Everybody says "just end the game before 25 minutes" or something, but what does that really mean? Even if i'm fed as katarina or talon, it still seems like theres plenty of champions I can't kill on the enemy team 1v1. I'm just so used to playing something like Vladimir, and then when the enemy team groups for a 5v5 I just flash in and kill them all. On talon it feels like, maybe I can 1shot their adc but if their tank peels for them and they have summs, or maybe its an ezreal with dash etc, it just seems like so much effort just to kill one person?

    Another thing is that sometimes I feel like the lane phase just ends too early. This is sort of weird, because when I play Vladimir I hate when lane phase ends too early and the enemy team starts rotating together and I only have 1 item. Like, this is the reason I want to play these champions more often (talon, kat) except it seems like it sucks for these champions as well? Whenever I go into a game my plan is to possibly get kills in lane, and then once I have lets say tiamat +mobi boots I can start impacting the other lanes, roaming bot, top, etc. But it feels like theres not enough time for that? It seems like either the enemy or my bot lane loses a tower super early on and lane phase just ends. enemy bot goes mid, etc. Like yeah, I'd assume maybe I can now side lane bot, push the wave, roam look for picks but It just feels like at that point you aren't really playing the ideal game and just doing whatever you can to win.

    As Vladimir, it felt like if I got kills earlier on, it was a 100% win, because I could win any teamfight. If I didn't get kills, it wasn't the end of the world but I would just need to sort of hope that my teammates don't lose too hard, or that I perform better than usual and carry.

    Sorry for long post, kept randomly thinking of other things as I was typing it out. And if it helps, I'm playing in only like silver/gold.

    submitted by /u/vladplayer69
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    Help with mid game

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Help with mid game

    Hey buds I'm a P4 K6 main and since hitting plat I've noticed I'm just hardstuck hovering between P4 0-50 LP. Early game I have no problem getting a lead and getting myself 1-3 kills, but as mid game starts to come I just start inting. Literally on average go from like 4-1 to 6-8 which just ends up losing us the game often unless a teammate of mine can carry me.

    I know it's hard without watching my games but what do you guys tend to do around mid game at plat / gold elo? My macro (dragon / rift control and towers is decent) but I just die so much

    Or if I don't keep dying I just have trouble closing out games I suppose, using my lead to my advantage.


    submitted by /u/Kildax
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    How to beat super tanky teamcomps?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    So, I have been wondering, if my team doesnt really have alot (or any) tank shredders and the enemy team has like 3 tanks playing around their adc, how can u fight against that or what do you do?

    Im kinda thinking that many will answer with any items or runes like Blade of the ruined King, Guinsoos Rageblade, Void staff but what if we cant really build it since our adc is only good with Crit and not on-hit (example: Jhin) and our mid plays an assasin like Zed who gets perma cc'ed from the 3 tanks.

    Is there then really a possibility to win against a super tanky team with no champs that are good at beating tanks.

    Btw. I am a support main and I would like any macro information or something like that, I just know alot about items and runes compared to my friends but my decision making is not the best (but Im improving with that, just would like to know how to beat those kinds of teamcomps).

    submitted by /u/JanIzzDaa
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    I have no success with playing J4, please help

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    I suck at this champ. Every time I play him I feed, probably because I play carry junglers like Olaf or Yi and his playstyle is too different for me to adapt to. For me, his kit feels like this every game: His r is useless against dashes, eq is hard to hit and has a long cd, w is a worse Garen w. It's not like he does a ton of damage either, unless you're going for lethality. I've heard people say he's a good early ganker, but if your teammates are the type to overextend a lot you can't do much but farm since he can't tower dive and loses 1v1s against most junglers. Does he solely exist to eqr the adc?

    submitted by /u/BenjaHwang
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    Just came to league from dota, currently level 9, where to start?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    I was hoping some of the dota experience would carry me in this game, but I'm pretty lost. I don't know what any of the heroes do, especially ones I'm playing against (in Dota you would just highlight a hero and you'd be able to see what their abilities do). Also, the runes and summoner spells seem daunting.

    Anyone have advice for a new player, besides just plain old getting in there?

    submitted by /u/Matsellme
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    [ZAC] Which item should I take ?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Hi there.

    I'm trying to main Zac, I love it.

    I know against AP I have to take Spirit Visage and Warmog's Armor.

    Against AD I don't know, in OPgg the recommended items are Dead Man's Plate, Knight's Vow and Thornmail.

    I don't know when should I buy these three items, against wich champion ?

    Can somebody explain me please ?

    submitted by /u/Thomas91290
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