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    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    LoL Guide How do I start over?

    LoL Guide How do I start over?

    How do I start over?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PST

    I started playing league 4 years ago and I've never been that good think high mid silver but lately I've wanted to either get better or cut league out of my life and focus on a different competitive game. In the process of trying to get better I've realized that I have an inordinate amount of bad habits so my question is how should I go about fixing them? Should I take a break from league and then restart from a new account, should I just try to reform from where I am now or is there a better way I haven't even thought of? Your time and answers are much appreciated, thank you for your answer in advance.

    submitted by /u/Gifted180
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    How do I pick and stick with a main?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:50 AM PST

    I've recently wanted to get better at league and by up how to and asking it in the subreddit I've come across a common answer to increase my rank "main a 1 or 2 champions in a role". I like the idea of maining a character but I'll pick 3 character to main and say "I will only pick these 3 in ranked" but then I'll find myself having pick a character I've never played because I feel they are a better matchup in this lane and going 0/10 by 10 minutes.

    So my question is this how do I find a main and how do I stick with that main through the highs and lows of ranked?

    submitted by /u/Gifted180
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    Can someone please explain lethality to me like I’m 5?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PST

    So I play mostly adc and a little mid (jinx, senna, MF, jhin, Ashe) and for mid the only one that really matters is I play nocturne sometimes. I have read about lethality over and over again and I just don't understand it. Is it good against squishies? Tanks? Does it take place of armor pen? Take senna or MF for example; when and why would I build lethality items rather than an infinity edge or rfc? Any help is appreciated, I just don't understand what benefit lethality items have and why it's better to build them rather than other ad items.

    submitted by /u/baba_booey123
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    The value of Grasp Of The Undying and why it's often not utilized to it's full potential, a quick guide

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:45 PM PST

    Hey there.

    A lot of people understand Grasp of the Undying (henceforth called grasp) and it's purpose, but I think a lot of people take it because it's a good "standard rune" for tanks and tanky bruisers, but don't actually get much use of it.

    First, let's go over how the rune itself actually works. When entering combat (attacking a minion, taking damage from one, taking or causing damage to a champ), a timer starts counting up to 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, if you basic attack a champion within 6 seconds you damage them for 4% of your HP, heal for 2% of your HP, and increase your max hp by five. Then, the timer restarts, counting to 4 again, repeat.

    This means that if you're able to auto the enemy laner once every 4 seconds, you can proc this rune every 4 seconds.

    Let's take an example scenario to limit test.

    I'm a champion with 2000 health. I can safely proc the rune at it's max rate. Doing this, I will deal 80 bonus damage on the proccing auto, heal for 40 HP, and gain 5 health.

    Doing this as fast as I can, after a minute (starting at only 2000 hp) I will have (calculator):

    • Healed 610 HP
    • Dealt 1221 bonus damage than I would have normally
    • Gained 75 bonus health

    This is solid value you can get that adds up over time so long as you're cognizant to auto the enemy laner once in a while. Don't even have to do extended trades, just whack him and back off. Doing this will provide you with good sustain and free permanent health stats that will add up over time.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    What's the current consensus for whether/when it's worth it to trade your life for a dragon kill as jungler?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:53 PM PST

    I've read some discussions from earlier patches, where the consensus seemed to be that it was generally worth it to die for an infernal drake, unless doing so would grant shut down gold. Now, with the race to the soul, I feel like it's usually worth it to trade 1 death for any drake. Is this the case, or not so much? Obviously, you have to calculate chance of success before attempting this too.

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    Learning5s sign ups are open for yet another session of Free league of legends coaching in a team environment!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:07 PM PST

    [Click Here To Join Our Discord!]

    What is Learning Fives?

    Five players and one coach join together for six weeks of FREE team based learning and practice.

    During those six weeks, teams meet together at least twice a week for 2-3 hours and their coaches will spectate the games, working to create a well-oiled machine out of 5 chosen players. Our production staff will be hosting events each week including showmatches. Any team is free to participate in these events and it's a great chance to show off exactly what you've learned on the Rift.

    How do I signup?

    To sign up for Learning Fives, you must join our Discord server, which can be found at the very top of this post. After joining, the signup forms can be found in the #program-info channel or #announcements. Once you reach the end of the signup form, you are all set!

    Upcoming Dates

    Sign up period - March 3rd - March 7th; signups end at 11:59pm EST on March 7th.

    Team selection - March 8th 29th - March 13th

    Start to End Dates - March 14th - April 19th

    For the most up to date information, please visit our Discord! You may also visit our various social media. Twitter @learning5s and Facebook @learning5s.

    How does selection work?

    Coaches; After you complete your application, you will be put in a private unnamed team room along with our senior coordination staff. After sign-ups end you will be assigned a personal coordinator who will guide you through the team creation process.

    Understudies; Should a coach desire an understudy, they'll select one from those signed up. You'll receive a Discord PM from a coordinator offering you a position. If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. Unfortunately, there are usually a smaller number of coaches than understudies, so it's impossible to put you all on teams.

    Students; During Team Selection week, coaches will be building teams to their specifications. Once they have found a mix of players that they are happy with, Discord PMs will be sent out to notify you and you will be added to the coach's team room where they can tell you more about the schedule and their coaching style. Please ensure you put your Discord name on the signup form! This is necessary for us to contact you!

    If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room by the end of team selection, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. It's unfortunate but the number of student signups we get means that it's impossible to find coaches for all you motivated players. Keep signing up for the sessions as they come and you'll find your way onto a team!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. Do you have to be ranked to sign up?

    A1. Yes, you must be ranked to sign up.

    Q2. Does this program run in all regions?

    A2. Yes! We do offer support for teams in any region although the majority of our sign-ups come from NA and EUW. If you are not from either of these regions we highly recommend telling your friends and signing up anyway to increase the chances of a team being put together.

    Q3. How will we be contacted?

    A3. You will only be contacted via Discord PM by a coordinator. Please make sure you put your correct Discord name on the signup form. Make sure your Discord PMs are open.

    We ask that Students…

    • Be teachable
    • Be team players
    • Be motivated
    • Never talk down on teammates during games
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    We ask that Coaches…

    • Do their best
    • Ask for help when they need it
    • Cover most of the major team concepts
    • Avoid frustration
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    As always, we want to hear your feedback about anything. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions not covered above feel free to leave a comment, or join our Discord and shoot one of the admins a question. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/licorices
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    Zed ults you, how do you not die?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Is there any counter play to a zed R other then a hourglass or stopwatch? every time i go against zed he just ults me at 75% hp and will kill me. It seems i cant damage him at all when he ults and he just does an insane amount of damage. The only counter play other then hourglass seems to be if im playing a champ that can go over a wall (such as talon), or if the zed is bad. So for all those who play zed or go against him what is your advice when he ults you

    submitted by /u/forBesaid
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    What to dot when I get autofilled as jungle?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:51 AM PST

    I'm currently silver and mostly play mid (Malzahar, Syndra, Ahri), but I can survive playing other roles (normally I'll go a mage like Neeko top and Veigar or Syndra adc, for sup I normally go for enchanters). except jungle. I honestly don't know what to do or what to play when I get autofilled.

    My success as a Jungler is really dependant on my team. When my team is winning it's actually pretty easy, I always have priority to take neutral objectives and they can help me when I'm getting invaded. But when my team is losing, I get super lost.

    I know a lot of people like to complain about jungle right now, but I feel like it's one of the strongest roles early game. Playing mid I've had really bad matchups that got completely turned around with the jungle's help.

    I don't think I'll ever became a jungle main, but I need some guidance on what to do when autofilled so I'm not a bot just farming and not knowing how to help win a game.

    submitted by /u/xxraven_
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    How to deal with mundo ?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Just got crushed in a game where the enemy mundo went 4/7 and spin on us, executioners and ignite feels useless against him he jus heals way too much we also buy tons of armour pen and magic pen item like morelo and void. We can't even pin him down he just dives the team and not die. Any tips fighting against this healing abomination ?

    submitted by /u/K0chira
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    Sooo, Ashe toplane seems like the most broken thing ever to me,

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Just played against Ashe toplane as Shen, you can't dive her because permaslow, you can't run away from her because permaslow, our jungler's brain was taking a vaction and he fed her 2 kills

    she eventually went like 14/1 because nothing can even touch her, either melted before they get in range or melted during teamfight.

    How the hell do you play vs this? just ban it?

    submitted by /u/Jerry_Sprunger_
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    When and what to build situationally (mid lane)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:30 PM PST

    I'm still trying to get a grasp on situational building against certain champions. So lets say im playing an ad champ vs syndra or fizz. would you rush hex drinker or start building it second item & what would you even build for an ap vs ap matchup for sustain? and specifically playing against malz, when would you start building qss? Also would you ever build executioner/morrello later on in the game if top was a heavy life steal champ such as aatrox or is that top lanes job to do? i know its a lot of questions that probably depend on many factors but just wondering the general go-to's in an ideal situation

    submitted by /u/_Milkdog_
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    draven in lane

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:29 PM PST

    I have been playing draven for a big time now, but the thing is that in normals i usually stomp lane with draven end the game early. But everytime i play ranked, i cant play draven, i lose so much, i know how to trade with them its just that they know my big dmg so they wait to cc lock me to death, like ofc i dominate the lane but i cant get kills because the only way they kill me is if they all in me with something like a nautilus or leona. How do i dominate the lane if they have something tanky with cc, i just cant lane against that.

    submitted by /u/superzoma
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    Ignoring one side of your jungle to hard camp a winning lane?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:20 AM PST

    I do this a lot and while I've never had it backfire, is it an okay habit to form? There were definitely times on recall where I took a break from that lane to go farm the opposite side and work my way back down and my ahead lane got shut down because they're gold or the jungler shows up. It doesn't always happen but I'm scared that if I take my eyes off bot lane for a minute they'll try to throw themselves down the stairs like a toddler. You hear people on Youtube go on about efficient pathing but I feel like I have way more success just starting top side and never leaving bot side. Especially because the enemy junglers virtually always start bot side and I can just warn my top and mid after 2:30.

    submitted by /u/BizarreCake
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    Diana one trick?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:50 PM PST

    So I just started playing this patch or last patch but season 10, I was wondering is Diana a meta champ or actually just a good champ. I just started playing her and I really like her abilities and it matches my play style and I complement my friends very well. Just wasn't sure if I shouldn't be using her for some reason because she feels kinda OP to me at this point also is she a viable jungler so I could run her jung if I don't get mid?

    submitted by /u/lensiky
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    As an ADC, how do i lane against a Malphite support?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PST

    I've been playing the game for a while now, i think im a pretty decent player, usually i manage to win the lane even if i don't snowball. But I can't, really can't win against Malphite, his ultimate just throws me off, i can't always predict it, he just ults me and I die. Help please.

    submitted by /u/JustaM3m3
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    How to get lower than 60 ping?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to get lower than 60 ping. (Nawest) I live in los angeles. I've tried programs like mudfish and wtfast, and have noticed no difference. Can anyone help me or link me to a program, or a way I can get lower than 60 ping? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/fanbreader
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    How do I carry the game as a jungler?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Hi guys, my name is Shiro. I'm a hungarian ex-semi professional player, I played in multiple organizations, I peaked Diamond 1 last season and here I am struggling with my own main role in silver.
    I don't know what happened to me lately but I can't reliably carry games as I used to be able to.
    Let's say I pick Lee Sin.
    Our team comp: Maokai, Kassadin, Vayne, Soraka
    Their team comp: Ornn, Master Yi, Katarina, Lucian, Braum

    This is just a random very bad case scenario for a Lee Sin player, but still, it happens more than it should.
    So in this case, you may recognize that I don't have a lane which I can gank reliably.
    I also cannot counterjungle since the enemy champion is stronger than me in my opinion.
    So if you can not do any of these things and you are playing as an early game jungler, what do you do?
    I consider myself as a very good player compared to the average player but I just cannot solve this question which I'm having for a while now.
    What is my win condition?

    Maybe i should just hover around lanes and when they fight I just join?
    Maybe i should think about where Yi wants to gank and countergank that lane? (we would still lose the fight since the enemy lane is stronger most likely)
    Maybe i should dodge in champion select?
    Maybe I should just peel Kassadin and Vayne with my ult and build full tank?

    submitted by /u/Bromsie
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    So I want to get into LoL, but don’t know where to start.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:55 PM PST

    So as the title states, I really really wanna get into the game, but i don't know where to start, I have tried getting into games playing Bottom, but I always am getting made fun of, and yelled at in chat for not being good (I have literally played like 2 or 3 hours worth of the game and still don't know what a lot of things do), but I want to get better, but to get better, I need help, and don't know where to start. Anyone have any tips?

    submitted by /u/SimplyMintyy
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    How do i depict what lane to play?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Im a little newer to the game and ive been playing quite a bit here lately but i can never truly decide on what lane i would prefer to be playing as I have good games in all of them but i also have bad games, so i guess my main question is whats the best way to choose a good lane for me to frequent? "main" I guess would be a better term but for the most part ive learned the benefits and downsides to each lane and who you could be going up against i guess its more of a what could help me choose one of them specifically. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Carefullive
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    [JUNGLE] How to close out games/ What to do in late game as a early game jungler

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:07 PM PST

    I am new to league (under lvl 30) and I like to play early-mid game Jungler. I am aware about how to play early game (apply lane pressure, get your lanes ahead, gank a lot, invade jungle when against a late game jungler, counter jungling, counter ganking, take & trade objectives)

    But I find myself lost in endgame. I don't know what to do after the 20min mark. Since I am a early game jungler, I can't carry after a certain point. What should I be doing in late game?

    submitted by /u/Valroz
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    How to deal with tilt?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:23 PM PST

    I had a very bad game earlier.

    I was in a terrible matchup, and quite frankly playing it terribly. Whatever, it happens, I can just scale up. What was really tilting me was the fact that my jungler repeatedly kept trying to gank me when I kept telling her not to. The first time, I died, and the guy was dead to ignite, but my jungler decided to flash kill steal. Whatever, maybe she thought it wouldn't kill. Whatever. But she would NOT stop trying to gank me when I told her to focus on other lanes and it was very tilting. I died one more time, another one for one, but the thing that took the cake was what she did next: She didn't bother to push in the wave fully. It froze under the enemy tower, completely screwing over my lane, and when I begged her to properly push it she told me to stop crying.

    That was where I just left the game and played something else to relax. Not the play, but I'm quite afraid I might have cursed her out if I stayed. I'm wondering how to deal with tilt like that?

    submitted by /u/3Stars1Dragon
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    Mid laning in mid-higher elo

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Recently hit plat 4, but I've been struggling incredibly in the early laning phase in all my games, regardless of my match ups. This was even happening to me all throughout upper gold too. Regardless I've been able to win matches but almost every game I get out cs'd, out traded, and fail to put out any kill pressure. I even take damage when csing all the time.

    I know this is a little too general, but does anyone have any laning advice that's more relevant for my elo than the usual advice we see? I understand wave control, map pressure with jg, roaming times, and last hitting ofc just fine, but looking for something a little more to understand the laning phase more deeply.

    Side note: Playing melee champs into control mages, any advice? Long time Diana player, with rework and the surge of control mages back into mid I'm also really struggling there.

    submitted by /u/Walris007
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    Best Route Rammus/Sett jungle.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:01 AM PST

    So, I'm starting playing with Rammus in the jungle and I was wondering what the best route was for him, also, if it is best to attack the lil monster first of go for the big one and let them die with the W, the same with Sett.

    Thanks for reading, I'm in silver II. :D

    submitted by /u/Brokemboy
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