• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    League of Legends The Boards are dead. Welcome to the new folks!

    League of Legends The Boards are dead. Welcome to the new folks!

    The Boards are dead. Welcome to the new folks!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:10 AM PST

    RIP Boards.

    Read the board closure announcement here.

    And welcome to Reddit.

    The best thing you can do as a new person here is check the sidebar and read our full rules. You can read them here: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/wiki/subredditrules#rules

    But since we know most redditors aren't likely to do that, here's a quick summary of our most commonly violated rules:

    1. Don't personally attack other users. Keep your discussions civil. And most obviously, don't threaten other people and don't use hate speech. That's a quick way to get an insta-ban.

    2. Unlike the boards, this is not a place for tech or account support related questions. Instead, you should still reach out to riot support to resolve those issues. That said, we do host a bug megathread for all new patches and we encourage you to post about your bugs in those threads.

    3. All posts here must be directly related to League of Legends: the game, the league community (fanart, cosplay, fanfiction, etc), and league esports. For posts related to personalities and esports, the content must focus on players/orgs interactions with the game and not their lives outside of it.

    4. Memes are also disallowed here unless they are remade in their entirety. Basically, we want to see original content instead of the same recycled template memes. Be creative and you can still have fun with this stuff.

    5. Screenshots, tweets, and videos under 15 seconds all need to be in text posts. This is to help curb "low-effort" content on the sub.

    6. Your posts should address the community and not just Riot. So if you do a "Riot please" style post, it will almost certainly be removed. Instead, share your idea with the wider community and Riot will probably see it.

    7. Make sure your titles describe the content of your posts. Vague, contextless, and memetic titles will end up removed.

    8. We take a very hard line against spam. Your recent user history must contain no more than 4 self promoting links/comments. If using New Reddit, this is your last 25 posts. For comments to be considered in the ratio they must be part of a discussion and not be short one or two-word comments.

    9. Lastly, we know that people love to share their posts with friends and fans, and the boards allowed you to do that. However, on reddit, we frown on "vote manipulation". As such, please:

    • Do not encourage friends/followers anywhere to upvote or downvote Reddit posts.

    • Do not ask for upvotes in your post, or say "This will be downvoted, but...".

    You can link or otherwise share your comments / links on social media, provided you follow the exact titling shown here -

    "I just posted 'POST TITLE' on Reddit." followed by a link to your post.

    If you are violating our rules on a regular basis and otherwise interacting here in bad faith, then this is what you can expect.

    And finally, the closure of the boards means that we may see more Rioters around the subreddit. You'll know who they are by their pretty flair. Only verified Rioters will have this flair, so if you see a comment from a Riot flaired user, you'll know it's legit.

    submitted by /u/hoosakiwi
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    One For All teaser

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:42 PM PST

    LS faces AP mid Jhin

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Doublelift Official Statement On Being Benched

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:38 PM PST

    "I'm benched because I had no motivation until very recently. Being sick and unable to compete gave me my passion back, but too late. I'm sorry towards every one of my teammates and I'll be working from now on to regain their trust."


    submitted by /u/keeeve
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    Crown Departs CLG

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Today we are parting ways with @Crown. Thank you for your time on CLG. We wish you the best moving forward. #WeAreCLG

    Sad to see honestly, but I think he needs a home on a team with better support for him to succeed, and CLG was just not that home

    submitted by /u/raptearer
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    PBE Preview: Taric Luminshield, Twitch Shadowfoot, Talon Blackwood, Cosmic Lux, Dark Cosmic Lux, Dark Star Malphite, Dark Star Xerath, Dark Star Mordekaiser

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Dark Star: https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLegends/status/1234902522525036544?s=19
    RPG: https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLegends/status/1234902779132620800?s=19
    Dark Cosmic & Cosmic Lux: https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLegends/status/1234903062910840832?s=19
    Lux Splasharts: https://twitter.com/moobeat/status/1234902956639686656?s=09

    SO MANY SKINS!! And another 'mirror' skin and this time its for Lux, its her second one I guess? Love the skins for the low playrate champions in this patch. Lux seems to be padding all of them I guess?

    Still no Fiddle REE

    EDIT: Malphite is getting Prestige but it still needs more polish https://twitter.com/KateyAnthony/status/1234907234443776001?s=19

    submitted by /u/Kousuke-kun
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    Rikara joins Team Liquid as their Academy ADC

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:28 PM PST


    Super interesting, either tactical probably got picked up by a team or doublelift isnt gonna be playing the rest of spring??? Would love to see if theres a follow up to this news. Cant imagine doublelift being benched or anything

    EDIT: tactical is starting this week for the main team. Unclear if bc sickness still or benching

    EDIT part 2: https://twitter.com/LiQuiD112/status/1235021507866144768?s=19 Steve stated that this is not due to illness and week to week the roster will be decided.

    submitted by /u/Evancolt
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    Patch 10.5 Notes

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:06 AM PST

    With the release of Cosmic & Dark Cosmic skins, Lux will be the first champion with a skin from every tier

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:26 AM PST

    520 - Sorceress Lux, Commando Lux

    750 - Spellthief Lux

    975 - Steel Legion Lux

    1350 - Star Guardian, Battle Academia

    1820 - Cosmic, Dark Cosmic

    Mythic - Prestige Battle Academia Lux

    3250 - Elementalist Lux

    We did it! The next one will definitely be Ezreal because I'm sure he's getting a prestige skin this year or the next.

    submitted by /u/KasumiGotoTriss
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    Damonte responds to Crumbz saying “Damonte (and pob) had offers but asked for too much money”

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Seems what Crumbz said was fault. According to Damontes tweet he had no offers to play MID LANE in LCS this split. What LCS offer he did have we do not know. Hopefully clarifies the previous thread with the summoning insight clip.

    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/damonte/status/1234975961696718848?s=21

    submitted by /u/ChrisPride
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    PBE Preview: Cosmic & Dark Cosmic Lux, Dark Star Malphite, Mordekaiser, & Xerath, Talon Blackwood, Taric Luminshield, & Twitch Shadowfoot

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Janna holds the highest Top Lane WR in patch 10.4

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:56 AM PST

    Janna holds the highest Top Lane WR in patch 10.4

    I saw this on Lolalytics/U.GG, thought it would be fun to share. After Riot nerfed Soraka and Sona, Janna seems to have taken their place as the viable, free-elo top lane enchanter.


    DISCLAIMER: Very low pick rate compared to the craze that was Soraka/Sona last patch, but still not a completely insignificant amount, having about 8k games played globally.

    A small breakdown:

    - Had a 55% WR in the previous patch, but much lower pick rate as there was little reason to pick Janna when Sona and Soraka were available (I feel gross even typing this lol).

    - Her playstyle is more similar to a budget Sona than Soraka. Poke immobile melee top laners to death to get gold with your Spellthief procs, abandon lane after to permaroam and help invades/ganks. Soraka gets Doran's Ring, as she wouldn't really be looking for actively poking, but instead she cockblocks dive attempts and helps her team globally through her ult.

    - Doesn't get Mobi Boots, as it is unnecessary due to Janna's high MS with her passive + Relentless Hunter.

    - Contrary to Sona and Soraka, actually has some losing matchups! Lack of sustain makes Janna more vulnerable and hard engaging should be enough to destroy her. Pantheon does good into her, as he bursts too hard and has a point-and-click stun + towerdive potential, while also being able to match her roams with his ult. Riven is also good, but I can't comment on why as I don't really play her.

    Yorick is decent as well, as Janna can't stop him from splitpushing and you don't want to leave Yorick alone with your towers (Tryndamere doesn't work, he will get kited to oblivion and can't just ignore her poke).

    Finally, why is this relevant? It isn't, tbh. If anything, Spellthief's changes should prevent this cheesy toplane enchanter strats from working - both Sona's and Janna's winrates drop by approximately 10% wr when they pick Doran's Ring over Spellthief's Edge.

    But it's cool/fun to look into the current situation and see how we got here and how the problem is being solved. Maybe this support invade was actually a blessing in disguise, a necessary evil to make Riot say 'ok, we need to do something about top lane'.

    submitted by /u/Garretz
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    If the goal is buffing bruisers through itemization, why are they buffing Bork over Black Cleaver?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:41 AM PST

    It's the bread and butter item for most bruisers but it feels so bad. Everyone who could switch to trinity force already did it: look at Sett, Darius, Fiora, Garen, Yorick, Xin, Vi... Even fucking Aatrox started giving trifroce a shot.

    It's so obvious that the item is underwhelming atm.

    And how is gonna Bork help bruisers? Most of them already have % damage in their kits, but little does it matter when Ornn has 400 armor with 2 items and black cleaver only shreads 24% of it after 6 hits.

    Buffing Black Cleaver, reducing Hydra's cost and make Steraks stack with Maw is all bruisers need tbh. Make it stack in 4 hits, increase the AD to 50, revert the shredd to 30%, soft rework it, i don't know, just do something about it

    submitted by /u/Arkaidan8
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    Okay I give up. I'm approaching 700 Mastery Score on my main account and I still haven't found a champion I enjoy enough to main. I'll force myself to one trick the highest upvoted champion in comments whenever I check back here.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:56 AM PST

    **EDIT: With what appears to be over 1,000 upvotes on the comment, I shall begin playing only Ivern in ranked. Probably jungle AND support as opposed to just jungle. As promised, here is my main account as well as my practice account. I suppose Iverned it.

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Workshop%20Shaco https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=classic+shaco


    Title. I've been playing since Season 3 and I used to one-trick Shaco prior to his first rework. I stopped playing him frequently after that, but I never fell in love with something else. I have 30+ mastery level 7 champions. The goal of this is to make me truly master a champion/role so I can later focus on improving at the game overall.

    The only rule is that you cannot list any single ADC, they are not unique enough. Saying the role ADC is acceptable though I guess

    Later I will post my op.gg and edit in whichever comment wins, provided this post gets big enough for the result to be valid.

    Additional context:

    I am currently diamond 4 from playing AP Shaco support and AP Maokai this season, but I have about 50 unique champions picked in solo queue in less than 100 games.

    Last season I peaked D3 playing AP Tank Shaco supoort before the rework that made Shaco support any good.

    My highest rank ever was D1 before spending almost a year away from the game in Season 6 - Season 7. My mechanics and micro-play have always been significantly stronger than my macro-play, especially in the mid-game.

    Jungle went from my strongest role to by far my weakest role over the last two seasons.

    Eventually I'm going to get bored and stop playing again unless I find something challenging/fun/rewarding

    submitted by /u/Thraring
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    3/3 PBE Update: Eight New Skins, TFT: Galaxies, & Much more!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:02 PM PST

    The Name of the Blade Short Story

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:09 AM PST

    Vi will be disabled for LEC Week 7 and until further notice

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:19 AM PST

    @RiotMaxtheX on Twitter

    Vi will be disabled for #LEC Week 7 and until further notice as she is currently sometimes causing a potentially game-altering bug for competitive play. Please do not ask me Vi!

    For additional context: The reason we usually do not share the details around these bugs is that we obviously do not want people to abuse them in their ranked games.


    submitted by /u/Valroz
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    Teamfights Tactics: Galaxies Pass and More

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PST

    I have achieved Challenger in NA, EUW, and now KR. AMA!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Hi my name is Lathyrus, I am a Bard main, and since recently have hit challenger in NA, EUW, and Korea. I've been playing since season 7, and started streaming my ranked escapades since 2019 under the name Lathyrustv.


    Korea is the last server ive hit Challenger on so ill leave my opgg for it https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=Lathyrus

    submitted by /u/BardlyMissed
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    Singed Biography Update

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Amumu wants friends... but not you [OC]

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:08 AM PST

    Amumu wants friends... but not you [OC]

    Amumu isn't willing to sink THAT far down to become friends with Teemo, even if that means that his friendship would kill Teemo.


    submitted by /u/Diazex
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    Riot gave us the perfect wedding gift

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:04 AM PST

    So here a montage (made at ig) with the gift (illustration) and us (me and my wife). Riot wedding gift another link

    Wanted to share this with you guys for two main reasons. First.. riot is the best gaming company in the world, not just because of the games itself but also the interaction they make with players. Second. I'm not trying to flood Riot with people asking for gifts.. but if it's a veery special ocasion (like a wedding).. it's worth a try.

    So.. here's how it went..

    I met my wife at summoners rift.. we played almost every day together and even today after work we're playing duos or tft or Lor. So League not only was the way we met but also still huge on our lifes. And at the wedding I reaaaaally wanted Riot to be part of it, even just a little. And I went on sending messages on linkedin to some people that works at Riots office. My first idea was like just some merch, a poster with a message, maybe a email for me to print.. not much. But the person I talked to "Mundico" had a waaay better idea. We exchanged emails, he asked about our hobbies (besides league), our personalities, pets (if had), our mains and other stuff. You can see its all on the art.

    I asked him to come to our wedding too, but he coundnt. But after everything was done the result was so much more than we expected. When I showed it to my wife and said that it was a art from Riot, the very same company of this huge game thats a big part of our lifes, she coudnt not cry. And I guess any fiancee in this situation would.

    I'm very thankfull for the effort made from Riot and Mundico. We had it hanged on our wall and just above our play stations.

    And if there are any other League of Legends couples out there marrying.. who knows give it a try.

    Sorry for the long post! But as you can see it's so crazy and huge (at least for us) how this went.

    Edit: New Image Link Changed "MisterEggs" to "Mundico" as he changed his Riot ID. Image Credits to AERONFIR also requested by Mundico.

    submitted by /u/danielosw
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    THE POG STATE | Ep.03 A Mind Odyssey | LCK Global Podcast

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:16 AM PST

    Riot announces dates for next League of Legends Clash tournament

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Who Is The 13-Year Old Climbing To the Top 10 of NA?!? feat. xFSN_Saber and FLY V1PER

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:51 AM PST

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