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    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    LoL Guide Is Teleport even worth it in low ELO if you aren't playing a splitpushing champion?

    LoL Guide Is Teleport even worth it in low ELO if you aren't playing a splitpushing champion?

    Is Teleport even worth it in low ELO if you aren't playing a splitpushing champion?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Title. After the Teleport rework I'm seriously struggling with finding a use for it. In low elo toplane is easily decided by whoever wins the first fight or gets ganked first. If that occurs before 6, then your Teleport has a cooldown of over two Ignites.

    Would I be better off using a combat summoner like Ignite or Exhaust instead of Teleport if I'm playing an aggressive laner that wants to transition into a teamfight raid boss?

    submitted by /u/Entrooyst
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    Best late game scaling ADCs

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Hello there! I'm returning player after taking a fairly long break from the game. I'm trying to play marksman after having been a mid lane main for years. I have been playing Ashe, Caitlyn, and Lucian quite a bit with decent success, but I want to find marksmen that scale better and are more focused on being hyper carries in the late game. What are some of the best champions for this approach? I know that Jinx and Kog Maw are really good but I personally dislike how simple and would like other recommendations.

    submitted by /u/FatalChaos_
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    How to not feel sad/bad over being bad at the game?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Okay so im not good at this game at all and i have been playing it since season 3.

    Okay so when i lose i get really sad i feel like if i cant even be good at a video game then i wont be good at very much else. I know its not really a great mindset but i am very self critical.

    Anyway i am now silver 3 last season i was gold 2 and i cant climb at all and i feel really bad about it almost wanna quit the game because it just makes me sad right now that i suck so much.

    So how should i think? Should i even care about my rank? and just play normals instead? Or is it better to just stop playing and move on. I dont flame my team i try to look at how i can improve at the game but at the moment i cant see how i just get absolutly stomped by most top/mid players like they are 5 ranks above me and that is in silver 3.

    submitted by /u/RiskOfRains
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    Is Invading enemy jungle as an answer to freeze a good idea?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Hey, guys, bronze player here.

    Last night I played a midlane game as Diana vs Swain. As we got to level 3, Swain managed to setup a good freeze under his turret zoning me away from minions. Since my jg was unable to help me and I was afraid of him CCing me under turret whenever i'd try to break it, I decided to invade enemy raptors, finding karthus there and quickly killing him.

    In the end my plan worked as I had hoped, but I'm not actually sure whether or not it was a good idea, or something I should do again in a similar situation, because:

    -Swain could have turned, 2v1 me, probably killing me and setting me back on cs/exp. - In the case I was playing against a stronger early game jungler, he could have killed me without even needing Swain help. Also, since I'm in low elo, I can't really rely on my team setting up enough vision to spot and track the enemy jungler

    On the other hand, not breaking the freeze would have meant staying in lane unable to do anything without getting exposed to a gank.

    I also thought about roaming bot/top, but is it ok without boots? Or will the minion loss cost me more than what I could gain from it?

    submitted by /u/Myrith99
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    When to be aggressive/go for the kill in lane as ADC?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    New to league here, trying to improve before I play ranked eith my friends. I'm having a lot of fun playing as ADC (ezreal and Caitlyn mostly) and tend to do okay in the mid to late game, however I am aware that I have a problem knowing when to be aggressive in lane and push for a kill with my support.

    My question is, is there something I should focus on to tell me when to up my aggression or jump on a champ, or is it just something that I will learn simply by putting more time into the game with the goal of actually PLAYING aggressively?

    Thank you for any feedback on this, A noob ADC player.

    submitted by /u/Ewser
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    Vladimir fast combo guide. 2 methods to do fast full combos.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Due to a lot of people on VladimirMains asking questions about optimal fast comboing, I decided to make a video going over the 2 most common methods of fast comboing. A lot of people do Vladimir combos that are slow and avoidable with good reactiontime, and this video aims to help those people get better at doing their combos, so that the ADC doesn't get away with flash next time.

    Feel free to ask any questions in the comments, and I'll respond whenever I can!

    Link to the guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtgACrGVVcM

    submitted by /u/MesterBiver
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    Is zoe supposed to work this way?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    I've been playing zoe for bout a year and a half? Or so and i just recently found out one weird mechanic. Apparently, ulting through veigars ult stuns you, and stuns aiming your portals(even when you alr teleported to the other side) will successfully hit you, is this some bug or smth? I play on 120 fps and 9Ms so I'm pretty sure it isn't latency issuee

    submitted by /u/Meanakushi
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    Help With Jhin/ADC In General?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm a gold 2 top laner, and I've recently started duoing in the bot lane with a friend because it's really fun and we have a specific champion combo. I have been playing Lethality Varus and he has been playing AP Shaco support.

    I do very well with Lethality Varus, because he honestly plays more like an AD Xerath than he plays like a traditional ADC. As such, I'm trying to pick up more ADCs and get better at the ADC role in general. I started with Jhin for a very silly reason, that being he has a Dark Star skin and we love the Dark Star Botlane aesthetic.

    In practicing Jhin in normals though, I'm having a really tough time. I'm trying to learn how to "orb walk" and kite but I just feel like I do very little damage and it's difficult for me kite with his very low attack speed.

    So I guess my questions in order are:

    1. What is Jhin's play style? Should I be playing aggressively in lane or passively until I can get some items?
    2. How should I be playing a traditional ADC differently from something like Lethality Varus?
    3. What's a good way to practice these skills?
    submitted by /u/PapaQuackers
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    How do I avoid getting dived as Twisted Fate?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Been trying to learn TF as a challenger player told me learning TF would simultaneously help me fix all of the problems I'm having in the mid lane (I'm bronze/silver) so I'm trying him out but the main thing I've noticed with him is he just feels so clunky, he has a big delay on his auto attacks, his abilities take time to setup if you do get dived and he has no mobility so if a jungler jumps out the bush or the enemy decides to all in on you early game you just have no way to counter it

    How am I meant to be playing TF without missing too much CS and how do I avoid being dived constantly? if someone is controlling a wave I have to push up to farm but if I push too far from my turret I just get dived (particularly by Zed and Yasuo)

    submitted by /u/RJLPDash
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    Always doing least damage as Jungle.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Hey Summoner School.


    I'm a gold player and I'm primarily playing new Wukong and Ekko atm (with a side of Kayn) and I find no matter the game, win/lose fed/not fed I always do the least or second least damage on the team.

    At first it was just a few games but lately it seems to be every game. The thing is tho I don't feel like im having 0 impact in the game either. At least early game. I get myself/laners ahead, secure objectives. All the normal jungle stuff. But every time I think to myself post game. Yeah I did lots this game. Go me! I check the damage graph and its awful.

    Is this something I should be concerned about as long as I'm winning? I think the problem is usually late game as I'm unsure what to do/when in teamfights and when to go in. Especially on new Wukong. What are some steps I can do to fix this without straight up inting mid/late game to try and get my damage numbers up.

    Any and all help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Wumumu
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    Jungle Fundamentals in s10

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Hey! I write guides for Dignitas and wanted to show everyone my most recent guide on some of the basics in jungling, hope it helps you out! How to Always Be the Better Jungler In Season 2020

    submitted by /u/MarcoBlumens
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    Best supports for each ADC?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I am looking to pick better supports for my ADC's pick. I am currently in Bronze 4 and maining support. This is my first time playing ranked. I seem to always want to pick supports that don't have the greatest synergy with my ADC. For example, I picked Blitzcrank last game and my ADC picked Caitlyn after my pick. Should I also be asking my ADC who they are going so I can pick around their pick? Should I just pick whatever support I feel comfortable with and then just hope my ADC plays well with me?

    submitted by /u/beasty340
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    Question about ADC itemization

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    So I've been playing ADC since Season 5 and I have had a lot of trouble adapting to the way you play the role this season. Runes, items and even playstyle. Its much different than Season 5/6 to say the least.

    So first off, is there any point in building Static Shiv at all? I remember it used to be core on almost every ADC but I built it last weekend on Trist (again, a previously core item) and not only did it do no damage in teamfights, the waveclear was negligible. The item felt like trash. I know it got nerfed, but is it really useless without Stormrazor and RFC?

    Next, I have a lot of trouble of playing ADC without attack speed. And due to the differences in runes there is naturally less Attack Speed. Back in Season 5 all you needed was Greaves and it felt nearly as good as when you have RFC + Greaves now. In Season 6 you could easily rush IE+Shiv+RFC and not be considered trolling, and still be able to do good amounts of damage.

    Now that's not the case? It feels like you do no damage even going a zeal item second sometimes. And on top of that, it almost feels like there is no room for a Zeal item at all. The game will probably end before you get to finish that Zeal item third.

    And finally, I find it hard to itemize because as previously mentioned, the games end often before you even get your core ADC build. But there's no Fervor anymore, so how will you even scratch the 3/0 tank or bruiser on the other team? You have to get LW, which delays your core build. Or you straight up get it when it's too late. Same for Executioners. Or since CC is guaranteed death nowadays, you almost have to rush QSS against some comps now.

    What do you guys suggest for an older school AD player like me?

    submitted by /u/Slateer
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    How to deal with a fed singed?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Title.I wonder how to beat a fed singed he just uses righteous glory and uses his sticky thing so u cant move and runs into my team and his team just follows and takes us down one by one and he's almost unkillable cause of his hp, armor, and ms. When i try to focus their carries he just runs at me like a chicken and throws me over his back. How do u guys beat tanks at all?

    https://prnt.sc/rm2ylp one game i played against a singed

    submitted by /u/Yukiihiiraa
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    Countering Swain support as ADC

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    See title.

    I can navigate lanes against most ADC/Support combos, but Swain seems to be giving me the most trouble (especially when paired with an enemy Jhin)
    I know the support counters to Swain, but what is the best strategy to play against him as an ADC?
    His long range abilities are oppressive, and his stun/root is obnoxious in lane.

    submitted by /u/Dcrews85
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    Is there any cheat sheets/resources for matchups in the jungle + ganking matchups?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    I'm new to the game and have been playing jungle for pretty much the whole time, I'm in ranked now getting murked every game and while I need to improve my general jungling skills (vision, efficiency etc.) one thing that is bugging me is my lack of knowledge of champions, is there an easy cheat sheet for matchups? I try to gameplan against champs I know but sometimes I end up with 2 lanes where I dont know if they're strong early game, late game, if they have cc etc. Any resources to speed this process up would be amazing Thanks

    submitted by /u/jackoplata
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    Whats the best way to learn new champs?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    So in your guys opinion, is it better to rely on guides to figure out how a champion works, or is it more important to just go in there with your own idea of how you want to play and refine your strategy as you go along? Also, do bot games help master the mechanics of certain champs?

    submitted by /u/Ares-Prime
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    Is it normal to spend days having a losing streak?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Im in a huge lose streak and slowly losing morale that im ever going to win again theres too many times that i did well in lane or jungling but to no avail i still somehow throw the game or the team is the one throwing

    I know ive made a few mistakes during my games but its kind of weird that i always get toxic/afk teammates high elo enemies and very awful teamfights

    I dont entirely blame my team for me losing because ive noticed a few mistakes i have

    •what the hell do i do if i get baron (i consistently get baron but i dont get any towers)

    •how do i win more in team fights? I need some tips on how to not die more in teamfights despite being a tank

    •tips on consistent last hits or high cs?

    •How to recover when falling behind (lane and jungle)

    •what to do if team is unreliable?

    4 wins and 6 losses got me placed in Iron 1 i really need help to get back to the game

    Thanks alot!

    submitted by /u/FalloutdustLMR
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    ADCs Top in the Mid-Late Game

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Hey Summoner School,

    Longtime lurker, first time poster. Quarantine has me taking League a bit more seriously, and I've been swapping over from Jungle to Top lane. Thing is, I find a lot of the more meta top picks a bit repetitive while in lane, but I have really enjoyed playing some of the cheesier ADCs in the top, specifically Lucian and Kalista (I plan on also giving Vayne a shot). Early game typically goes really well, frequently I'm 2-0 or 2-1-1 or better. But as the game goes later, I find myself struggling to stay relevant, often getting caught out, feeling lost, and even dying to the enemy top laner who fed me early. Occasionally, especially on Kalista, I die because of dumb mechanical mistakes (I know, stupid), but usually it doesn't feel like that. I'm wondering what would be helpful to work on for late game relevance and teamfighting. Should I study regular ADC positioning? Is it just an inherent weakness of these champions in top lane, and if so, how can I mitigate it? Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Empedokles123
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    Finger position on keyboard

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    So I come from FPS games, where I spent 3k+ hours using WASD, that's what I had transitioned to League (surprisingly).

    I have default settings in LoL I think. QWER, A for AA, D and F for summs, numbers for items. So basically my fingers are on pinky-Shift ring-A middle-W point-D and thumb-Space. My question is that shall I re-learn this to have my fingers like: pinky-Q ring-W middle-E point-R?

    And just out of curiosity, how your hand is laid out on the keyboard when you are playing League, and is there an optimal setting which works for most people?

    submitted by /u/krascsi
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    You can carry a game with pings!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    I'll start by saying I'm an adc main. I see a lot of complaints about -especially- supports not being proactive. Lots of people complain about having a support that wont play for a level two power spike or helping pushing a lane or whatever it is that you think should be happening.

    When I play AD, I like to pretend my soloQ support is an NPC that wont do anything until I politely ping them to do it. Do I want to push and fight? I'll ping a single 'on my way' on the lane. Need a ward? One question mark on the dark map gets that point across.

    These little things get you on the same page as your teammates! Spam pinging someone after things have gone wrong does nothing but a directional ping here and there can do wonders.

    Oh - and please do not be the person that dies in a team fight and spam pings the rest of the fight. You're not helping.

    Good luck climbing and happy quarantine!

    submitted by /u/Nolan1231
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    Last Hitting Minions

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    I'm currently Plat 2, was diamond the last two seasons peaking at diamond 2 in S9.

    My biggest problem that, for the life of me, I cannot seem to solve/improve at is last hitting. I've tried focusing on exclusively csing in game, I've attempted practice sessions in both practice tool and in custom games, all of which to no avail.

    Does anyone have any good, legitimate advice on improving creep score, or do I simply have to continue doing everything I can to fight my mental block towards this part of the game specifically?

    submitted by /u/DarDarThePenguin
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    Building AP/AD != dealing magical/physical damage

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Keep in mind that just because you build items of one type does not mean you automatically deal that type of damage. The obvious example being Corki who deals primarily magic damage thanks to his passive, despite often building AD/crit. If you try to itemize against him by simply stacking armor you're gonna have a bad time.

    Another example is Ezreal. Say you're playing him and buy Executioners. That's fine, but keep in mind your W, E, AND R all do magic damage, so they won't apply Grevious Wounds.

    For a fun example, look at Tryndamere. He has AP scalings and you could justify building AP items in a for-fun game, but his abilities STILL do physical damage despite the AP scalings!

    submitted by /u/MattRazz
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    Learning the game

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Hi summoners,

    I know that the best way to be good at League is to practise. I'm bad at learning and I often struggle to stay calm because there are so many variables to consider. (Deal with ganks, skills, positioning, items, stay alive, cs,....unlike baron or teamfights or drag, I have to achieve those by myself) and I don't want to screw things up for my team.

    If any of you has experienced that feeling, did it go away as you practise more? Like do you do things without worrying too much cause everything becomes muscle memory and routine for you?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Shadow6553
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