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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    LoL Guide Twitch likes to gank early

    LoL Guide Twitch likes to gank early

    Twitch likes to gank early

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:55 AM PST

    I feel like not enough Iron4-P1 players understand this

    Twitchs biggest strength is early game ganks, It is very common for him to gank immediatly after red buff, please play safely for 2-3 minutes when the game starts

    That way you have plenty of time to set up a freeze or hell, you could even place a deep ward to spot him before he ganks you!

    submitted by /u/_shinyzE
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    Neeko guide for anyone who's interested

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:15 PM PST

    Hey guys its me Neeko Neeko Niii. I recently hit a million mastery points so I decided to update my guide. In this updated version there is now a detailed combo section and I also added an explanation on how to play her early, mid , and late game. I am currently working on match-ups guide mainly the common ones. I really enjoy playing this champ and also helping other people learn how to play neeko. Neeko currently has a pretty low play rate and is RIP on op.gg. I wanna bring more people to enjoy playing the cute chameleon. I would really like any feedback on the guide because I really wanna make this a good guide since its my first guide I have ever made. I know I posted this on lol reddit already but I wanted to share it here since this is more directed at people wanting to learn neeko. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ZHvw_epw-RQKOBT7RZECZ9SYD9-qQLaHWK4osU41kc/edit#

    submitted by /u/NeeekoNeekoNiii
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    Who else /mutes all *10 seconds later /unmutes all

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:43 PM PST

    It's like I want to hear the abuse and be tilted.

    If I'm tilted and make a bad play, or get into it with a teammate I quickly /mute all then bask in my annoyance and rage for about 15 seconds and proceed to /unmute all because I can't help myself.

    It's like looking at a car crash, even if it will tilt me further it's like I NEED to see the toxic spewing in the chat.

    I don't think I've successfully /mute all for an entire game.

    submitted by /u/iSpeilz
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    Overwhelmed by options

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:16 PM PST

    Long-time player (since Season 1) and fairly confident in my skill at playing most champions and I at least go even in lane almost every game, but I'm stuck in Silver because I have struggled with the basics like wave management, when to roam, teamfight positioning, etc., and I feel like I can easily boost my rank if I buckle down and master the basics. What are good tutorials out there to teach these things? I've tried finding them on YouTube but have yet to come across anything that clicks. I main ADC or Mid but most of these things are universal regardless of lane, except maybe positioning which is champ dependent.

    submitted by /u/IAmTheOddity
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    Never sit on 2 wards

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Hi summoner school, I don't know if this is a really obvious tip or not but I just want to say you should never sit on two warding trinkets. You are basically wasting free vision which could save your life from a gank or some important information in the enemy jungle.

    submitted by /u/ChickenDuckBird
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    Gold/Plat Player - Question about adc itemization

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Recently picked up Ashe and ive been doing well, nearly 5.0 kda average with 63-68% win rate

    I come from hypercarry damage adcs like jinx and twitch that melt the entire enemy team, so learning ashe was quite an adjustment. Looking to carry through picks instead of raw damage.

    Ive been doing some research along with practice so I can improve.


    Can someone help me understand why ashe doesnt get a last whisper item here? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/WeekWon
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    Questions about using Kayn and his R

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:06 PM PST

    1) If I have red kayn runes, ie, conq, and got blue form in game, should i go ahead without ideal blue runes or wait for red?

    2) when should i exit his ult right away, when should i wait to exit? what direction should i wait?

    3) where should i aim his Q? behind the enemy, at the enemy, or?

    Thanks alot!

    submitted by /u/braveheart0707
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    Vlad or ori

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:28 AM PST

    I'm trying to add one of those champ to my pool but. I don't know which one.my experience on Vlad and Ori are basically the same.i believe Vlad can carry harder but Ori have a better landing phase.i want u guy to give me reasons y should I pick one over the other

    submitted by /u/midvibes
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    Is mid lane the hardest or easiest lane to play?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PST

    I'm a mid lane main, mostly playing Yasuo as a otp or Xerath and Sylas. I feel like, in my opinion, that the lane can be the hardest to play because there are so many variables revolving around it. Getting ganked is so much easier in the mid lane, because freezing the wave is so much harder, so you're always just more vulnerable to ganks compared to bot lane or top lane. Also, I feel like the lane can be very snowball-ey because of the fact that mid laners can just roam top or bot to act like a second jungler and assist with kills, or just farm kills themselves. There is also the jungle potential, with helping your jungler with easy access to both rift or dragons, as well as fighting for early scuttles. I feel like the mid lane has so many variables that could make your lane go right/wrong and swing the game either way, and you have to extremely active and attentive when playing mid.

    This leads to the reason as to why I'm asking: I recently had an argument with a friend, where they said that mid lane was the easiest lane to play. We started talking about it because I said that I felt like as a mid laner, I wasn't good enough at 'keeping up' with everything that is associated with mid lane, such as sufficient roams or objective control, and that maybe I should switch roles. I'm hardstuck G2 right now, and am not sure what to do to climb. He disagreed, and this is why I'm making this post. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Crimson_talon
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    Should I spend my BE, as a new player?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:45 AM PST

    I still didn't do any of the missions which I think can give me some more, but I have a feeling that it's a very limited source. Now I know money is still an option but I'm trying to avoid that.

    Should I save up or just buy a champion good enough to make my purchase worth it? If so then which champion do you recommend the most ? I'm willing to try out all play styles as I'm still a new player who still hasn't decided what to play as yet.

    submitted by /u/dirtyiana
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    Who Should Get the Kill

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Something that I have not seen on this subreddit, and I know for a fact that many players do not know, is who should get the kills.

    This can be in many instances, whether bot lane is 2v2ing, or a jungler is going for a gank, or whatever the situation, I have seen many players just being clueless on it, so let me try to explain it and then give a few examples

    1.) Whoever should get the kill is the one who can make the most use of it.

    Tank junglers should not take kills. Tanks need less gold to be useful and taking kills, especially shutdowns, or first bloods is troll and not the best use of gold

    2.) Supports should not take kills.

    Now this one obviously has some exceptions. If Brand takes some kills that's fine. Seeing as brand is a mage and does great damage. Mage supports who need gold to be useful also fit in that category such as Swain, Xer, zyra, etc.

    Enchantor and Tank supports should never take kill assuming they can help it. Ali, Naut,Lulu Nami Etc.

    3.) Give laners early kills on junglers.

    This is not the same as the first point. Let's say you are playing jungle and get invaded. Your laners collapse and the enemy jungler (early game let's assume they have doubles), is about to die. Do NOT take that kill. The enemy jungle will give your laners double buffs, which is way better on a laner than it will be on you as the jungler.

    These are some basic rules, but obviously more things go into factor. Any of these rules only apply if the kill is easily distinguishable that anyone can get it. If you have to decide whether or not that the target can get away, just kill them.

    Also side note VERY important, no matter who you are do NOT flash for kills that someone else can already get, you will end up tilting whoever you took the kill from.

    submitted by /u/CallMeKidCapone
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    How to Increase My Damage Share as an ADC + Bot-lane Pressure

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:48 PM PST


    In particular, now that we're some time into the season, currently at high gold with ~Platinum 3 MMR I took a peek at my stats and noticed a couple of things. Specifically, my damage share and damage per death in ranked is miserable compared to normals, and also in ranked it feels as though my potential to carry is severely limited by jungle / mid pressure.

    I understand that for many people there are gameplay differences between the two modes, but in particular I attribute my lack of damage share to the fact that in ranked, people tend to have more focus, and my support (duo) tends to play champs with subpar peel (Brand, Xerath, sometimes Neeko). This means I just spend more time in ranked running from threats than I do in normals, and that's understandable, but my damage share is still below average, so I would like to fix it. I play Jhin, Aphelios and Senna in that order, though I've been banning Senna lately.

    Secondarily, in ranked it feels as though there is a lot more pressure around the bot lane in general. In almost all games we play, there are 4 bot multiple times before the lane ends. In a 4-man situation, turret is largely irrelevant, especially depending on who you're against (good divers such as Elise or Ekko, for example) so this ends up being a big source of what I feel are unnecessary deaths, but it feels impossible for us as a bot lane to establish enough vision to be safe from this, and even if we do successfully back off, the lane is often unfixable after a 4-man bot crashes a huge wave into turret, grabs 3 plates and then dragon.

    Ultimately, my goal for this season is simply to go even or win in all of our lanes and we will eventually climb just through consistent play, but I'm having a hard time not losing lanes when so much attention is being payed to us even when we're trying to have a passive lane and freezing on our half of the map (problem 2), and even if we do go even in lanes, I feel as though I'm not able to contribute as much as I should in teamfights. What can I do to help fix either of these?


    submitted by /u/AlteredLogos
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    Low elo laners please learn the early game junglers here

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:56 AM PST

    TLDR: IF you play lane please be a bit more passive in the early game when going against:

    Xin Zhao, Jarvan 4, Rekasai, Lee Sin as these are the most common oppressive early game junglers.

    As a jungle main I understand when a certain jungler will be at their weakest and strongest so I can decide whether to fight them or just ignore them. However, laners fall for the trap that is early game junglers. These junglers are relatively weak early game however, they can pretty much guarantee an early game kill while the lanes are still weak and usually stuck in the middle of the lane so they can have an ok gank position.

    "so just ignore them right?"

    well yeah however, some low elo laners do not know which junglers will gank them early game as I learned when my laners would die to xin zhao and jarvan 4 at the 3 minute mark several games.

    Comment some other early game junglers as I have excluded some like gragas and elise.

    submitted by /u/VinicioG
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    What should mage bruisers like Sylas buy instead of QSS?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Sylas unlikely to other bruisers are mage,and QSS doesn't make much sense to him, however his play-style constantly requires being in the middle of enemy team, where it is very easy to caught CC and die in few seconds even not pressing any button (and tenacity doesn't help).

    submitted by /u/VikingRad
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    Gold generated from kills

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:45 AM PST


    So hypothetical scenario. I'm jungling, going from scuttle to scuttle through mid. I am planning on ganking, but as I arrive my midlaner is about to kill their midlaner. Should I do damage and get an assist, or should I leave the scenario be? Does me getting an assist split up the total money earned from the kill (like 300g becomes 150g each) or does me getting an assist add extra gold to the kill (person that kills gets 300g, I get 150g for the assist).

    Hope this makes sense and thanks for any responses!

    submitted by /u/Bigmatti
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    Keeping Up With Modern Itemization

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Hello summoners!

    I was watching LS and other videos on youtube, all dating a month or more back, but they all talked about how fully building Morellonomicon as a second item is really bad in its gold value, and raw stats. They said that building Oblivion Orb is good for the flat mp, but you could spend the gold on something different like a Needlessly Large Rod and two control wards.

    I understand most of this information, build Morello if they have a lot of healing or a lot of mr, but don't rush building it without thinking. But this got me thinking on how badly I personally itemize. I used to rush it without thinking alot, but now that I'm trying to improve, I see that I didn't build optimally in my games.

    I don't think I'm itemizing that badly anymore, but its easy to know what items if you just OT a single role, AP mages. But what about different roles and champions? How do I stay up to date? How do higher elo players know what the best itemization in the game is? They have legitimate math to back up item paths, and now that I know how much I don't know, I want to get better at that aspect of League.

    TL;DR: How do I know what the best modern itemization is for each individual game?

    submitted by /u/Eucas
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    AD Akali, what do you guys think?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:08 PM PST

    Might just be crazy enough to make the weeaboo assassin viable.

    Now before you give me shit about her Q cost and tell me to play someone else hear me out.

    She got buffs to her damage and her ult cooldown which reignited in me an interest in the champ again (used to main her lol). Her AD scalings are not bad at all 60% for passive, 65% for Q, 35% for W1, 70% for W2, and 50% for R1 (actually beating the AP scalings on a lot of her abilities). Building her like a Zed with a gunblade and Conquer might lower your reliance on the Q as you have your auto attacks to work with as well. This will probably give her some much-needed wave clear too as she can't even spam Qs anymore to quickly clear out a wave. It's possible to expand this into a tank build too. Granted her burst will not be as great AP but with that Q nerf, it's probably not that great even with AP lol.

    What I have outlined is very rough so I want some input that might make it work and whether or not it works to begin with. Thanks in advance.

    PS: I know that putting in all this effort to make her viable is probably not worth it but I want to try anyway lol.

    submitted by /u/VencyMango
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    How to learn matchups?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:50 AM PST

    I started in january but I developed some kind of game knowledge because I spammed a lot of games (lot of free time for now) and I often read guides. I play in the jungle and while I can figure out how to improve in other areas I don't know how to understand my allies' matchups. I feel that I should just play in their lanes but it would take literally years to achieve a decent knowledge. Isn't there a resume or something like that to give myself an idea of common matchups?

    submitted by /u/Ludwig___
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    Playing worse when talking with team in voice?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:31 AM PST

    I have been try-outing for some teams lately, but I noticed I play allot worse when I am with 4 other people in voice. it just distracts me completely and I play not like I normally do.

    Anyone has had the same problem? and what do you do to perform better again?

    submitted by /u/Gaboesh1
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    ADC macro in a losing game

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Let's assume that if two teams are "50/50", there's an even chance to win or lose a 5v5. Assume that team A is 45 and B is 55, so team A is slightly losing. If I am an adc, and I know that even if I group, we will probably lose, should I split push? If 4 are mid they can stall while I can be doing something productive on the map like getting turrets, getting exp and gold, whatever. It's like, we will lose as a group anyway may as well try to trade objectives or something

    submitted by /u/ConesWithNan
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    Is irelia worth learning?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:38 PM PST

    So I have been having a lot of fun on irelia. But she seems really weak aside from her power spikes on lvl 2 and 6. After that her potential just drops if she doesn't get fed. Is she worth learning and will she be buffed in the future? Or should I learn another top laner?

    submitted by /u/bufferow
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    [Qiyana Ult Guide] How to use Qiyana's ult

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Hello summoners. I hope you are having a great day today.

    I made a guide that explains how to ult with Qiyana. More specifically, the applications of R flash, where you can ult, and some useful tips and tricks to know about Qiyana's ult.

    Here is the link to the guide: https://youtu.be/cCQJGxLJB1I

    Thank you so much for reading, and good luck on the Rift.

    submitted by /u/youtubemenaki
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    I feel like I have no impact on the game

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:25 AM PST

    (Sorry for broken English and formatting, I'm on mobile and not a native speaker)

    I main enchanter supports, even tho I'm mostly spamming senna right now, (atm silver one, last season gold 1) and I feel like I have no impact on the way the game goes whatsoever. My LeagueOfGraphs

    I do everything possible: ward often, good map awareness and focus, know counter picks & know who to peel in teamfights, pretty tiltproof. I usually try to be the shot caller, and I'm almost never listened to.

    I feel like I'm too much team dependant and can't carry, even if I manage to get my team an easy kill they will waste the advantage anyway.

    I keep wondering if this is just the elo or not! I often get mocked in game for "being the classical e-girl stereotype" but that is another story I guess hahah.

    Please please please if you have any tips let me know!

    submitted by /u/ladycotoletta
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