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    LoL Guide Ways to avoid ARAMing late game

    LoL Guide Ways to avoid ARAMing late game

    Ways to avoid ARAMing late game

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PST

    It feels like every game I play, every fight is a fight to the death after 20 minutes. No one seems to be able to just do enough damage to force them to back, and end up creating an all out war. This leads to terrible macro and a lack of objectives, which hurts as a jungle main. How do I get my team to avoid this? (Gold 3)

    submitted by /u/Winters_Pants
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    Two things lower elo players (Iron-Plat) can use to climb.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:03 PM PST

    Hello. I currenty am sitting in high diamond. I finish masters every season since 4 but the past two season I've been having less fun in high elo and have been smurfing more (I know its kinda messed up) But anyways I picked up on what seperates the difference between high and low elo in games that really are crucial to climbing. I know both of these two points I'm about to make maybe on the surface seem obvious or maybe even have been said before but I have a different solution that most people have.

    1. Players give up WAY, WAY, WAY, to easily.

    I mean this can't be stated enough. I have dominated games in random Gold/Plat games only to see my teammates wanting to ff because they're not having a good game, or they're feeding, or the jungler didn't come help them, and so on and so forth. But this isn't unique just to low elo obviously this can happen in high elo. We all get that tilting flaming team member from game to game. Difference I've noticed heavily between the elos in my thousands of games in both elos. The high elo players keep trying most of the time. They'll often even still heal or help the person they're having an issue with. Like giving them blue or healing them in fights and obviously they themselves will still be trying their hardest to win. In Low elo it's more often than not Player gets mad about something that happens in game (They're dying, someone didn't do something they wanted, someone said something they didn't like, or maybe they're just tired of losing) Not only will continue to be tilted and cause a fuss like the high elo player but the key difference I've noticed is they will be spiteful as well as tilted. They'll take the jungle camp you're working on, they'll spite split and get caught out over and over. they will continue to take fights or get caught out. It happens almost every single game you're losing in low elo. (NOT exaggeration) I've had games when I'm 10-14 cs per minute with a handful of kills and huge level leads and the team is fighting amongst themselves wanting to ff while you carry them kicking and screaming to LP.

    1. Low elo players not using apps like OPGG to check out the team they have been paired with

    This insight I had to pay attention to my lower elo friends to get the information I needed but omg it blows my mind that almost NONE of them use OPGG to track the teams they're getting paired with. Like if you're low elo you REALLY need to read this because this could help you climb almost right away. Every single game check the team members youv'e been paired with. See who's autofilled, see whos first timing a champion in ranked, see whos on a loss streak, see whos a smurf and is offroled, and if you really wanna go in-depth you could even see what champions they play and try to synergize around them with something maybe you're good at that pairs well with it. Like it blows my mind low elo players will unironically queue into a game and just be like "Eh, I don't care" or "Riots match making will give me a fair game" You will be surprised to see how many losses you dodged and how much time and tilt you saved getting yourself out of 25 minute FF'd games because that fiora top 1 trick is now your adc and that rengar jungle main is now your support.

    I truly believe if lower elo players used these 2 tips they would all climb several divisons higher than were they're now.

    submitted by /u/Valnami
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    Ahri guide by T1 Faker.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:29 PM PST

    Hi! Video can be found HERE.

    Today I finally translated last guide from series that Faker done together with Naver. In todays video Faker went over all specific Ahri basics that you need to know: his preferred runes, how to poke with Ahri, how to trade against defensive opponents, how to trade against agressive opponents, how to get kills in lane against defensive opponents and how to get kills in lane against agressive opponents.

    If you're interested in a whole playlist, it can be found HERE. Playlist consists of the following guides: How to roam, How to read the map, Ahri, Zoe, Ryze, Zed.

    Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Attack move click + Champions only

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:06 AM PST

    I have bound the "Attack champions only" (toggle on/off) option to a key, but when I have it toggled on, it won't work for my Attack move click button. As in, when I'm pressing the attack move click button with my attack champions only toggled ON, it still will click the minion which the cursor is targeting and not the champion next to it. Help?

    submitted by /u/Lollo_III
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    Eager new jungler but just can’t find consistency

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:42 PM PST

    Idk if it's the mmr by playing with my friends who are higher levels but I'm trying to learn jungle and it's my fav role but I'm struggling hard to piece together good games. I'll get in lobbies with a crappy jungler and I'll take advantage because I know the basics of counter jungling and warding but I struggle with ganking and putting pressure on enemies so my laners can have an easier time. I feel like when I go for a gank, I should just be farming bc I don't think I'm gonna kill them. I've tried yi, tryndamere, amumu but none of them really stick wel with me. Is kayn hard for a newer player? Are there any mini tips that you guys could share that could help me close the gap between me and the enemy jungler being 2 levels higher than me bc he's 9-0-2 and I'm 1-0-1

    submitted by /u/TheOldChiefy
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    How do you carry as top?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:15 AM PST

    I main mid, but i queue as mid/top and whenever I get toplane the game is pretty much a guaranteed loss

    I always dodge 1-2 top games a day, but seeing as i get top 30% of games I cant really afford to dodge all of them

    If i get midlane I feel like i have a much bigger say in how the game turns out, I can roam bot to ensure they don't feed which usually happens when i get toplane, and when im Top i feel like there's no possible way for me to roam bot without enemy toplaner getting my entire tower

    Is there anything i can do if i get secondary role, or should i should accept my fate and graciously accept the -15?

    submitted by /u/_shinyzE
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    ADC, how to maximise damage?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:31 AM PST

    I've recently role swapped from mid to adc and am still getting used to the role.

    My question is how can I maximise my damage output without putting myself in danger?

    Most times at the end of a game my damage graph is lower then I feel it should be.

    As a side note, is there any videos you guys would recommend on learning adc?

    submitted by /u/Meldoom
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    What am i doing wrong? I am losing many games even though i have good K/D/A. Am i to reliant on my teammates and can't carry myself?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:54 PM PST

    I picked up lol after some time at the end of last season and climbed from iron to silver, i stomped my lane every game and carried most of them. Every win i got like 30+ lp and lost very little due to my mmr being high (might be wrong?) so that resulted in me climbing very fast.

    Now when this season came i expected to atleast get bronze 1 after placements because my last rank before the season ended was silver 3 i think. I think i got Iron 1 after my 10 placements games but i was fine with that because i knew i could probably climb like crazy just like last season. But now i just get 19 lp when i win and i get -19 lp when i lose. So im pretty stuck. But if you look at my stats i have no problem against my opponents of the same rank or even higher, it is just that my team often feeds their lane or our jungler never focuses drakes or herald early to get a lead.

    What am i doing wrong? I don't want to be the one who blames my teammates because i know there is something I, myself can do to start winning more games.

    submitted by /u/Mofosoco
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    How do you pick ADCs based on team comp?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:02 AM PST

    I don't really think it matters much in solo queue but I will be joining a local team and I want to improve my champion pool. I also don't want to be a liability in drafting.

    Here's how I do it currently:

    Safe for blind pick: Jinx, Caitlyn, Tristana, Ashe

    Can buy Grievous Wounds: Jinx

    Can buy Zhonya's: Kai'sa

    We need utility: Ashe, Sivir

    Expecting early ganks: Miss Fortune, Jinx

    Enemy has >1 backline access: Caitlyn, Kai'sa

    Siege: Caitlyn, Tristana

    Lethality: Varus

    On-hit: Kai'sa, Ashe, Kog'maw, Varus


    The problem I see with this approach is that it (1) relies solely on my discretion; (2) is unorganized; and (3) is reactive rather than proactive.

    I would like to be able to select my champ based on picks and bans (e.g. predicting what the enemy comp will look like, adjust to my team's composition even if it means giving up a good match up). I'm still new to drafting.

    submitted by /u/unphantomable
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    How to train the gap between draft and ranked.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:36 PM PST

    I main Kalista and this pretty succesfully in draft pick. I crush the enemy lane most of the times and have a WR around 78%, just with one of my premade supports but still. I wanted to play ranked, but when I did we got flammed into oblivion by our team and crushed by the enemy lane with it being our fault of playing not as good as them. So my question is, how to train the gap between those modes? When I asked my team, or especially the ppl that flammed me they didn't replie.

    submitted by /u/Tietah
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    How do I deal with Udyr as an immobile mid?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:18 PM PST

    I keep getting stomped by Udyr while playing fairly immobile midlanes, like Taliyah. I know he's considered to be a pretty bad jungler, so I'm pretty confident I'm just missing something. It seems like, even when I'm playing back and have proper vision up, he can run me down well before I get anywhere safe (assuming he can't just dive me from full health, which has happened), particularly with predator, while doing enough damage to kill me before I can do much to respond. What am I missing?

    EDIT: Forgot to add, I'm in mid silver.

    submitted by /u/Flan99
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    What to do against 5 hypercarries/mega-scaling champions?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:06 AM PST

    Hey everyone. Am in serious need of help. I (and my 2-4 premade friends) keep losing to 5 hypercarry teams. For example, last game I played against Nasus, Yi, Akali, Aphelios and Senna. Now I know, Nasus isn't a hypercarry, but he does require attention all the time. Akali still dominates in my elo when someone half decent with her plays her because she pretty much oneshots me with an Ult+Passive combo.

    We've been struggling a lot with shutting down multiple hypercarry/ultra scaling teams and considering that Clash is round the corner, I think its time to ask. What do we do against multiple hypercarries?

    submitted by /u/NightmaresAlive
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    Jungling fundamentals

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PST

    How does exactly efficient jungling look like? It feels to me that at the start monsters damage me way too quickly and don't feel they really give enough xp, when compared to sitting in a lane and just farming minions.

    Whenever I try to jungle, I end up with much lower level than everyone else around me. That makes me feel I can't accomplish the other part of my role and ambush opponents, because one can't exactly ambush someone who kills you in one shot.

    Are there any roadmaps one can take to keep up with xp when compared to a laner? What animals should I start with, when should I heal etc?

    submitted by /u/Fisyr
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    How do I close out games

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:23 AM PST

    Hello summoners, my friends and I are playing lots of Flex Rankeds and we are competing in a tournament as well since february. Problem is that we often get leads in terms of objectives and kills in the early game but 80% of the time we throw the game fighting around a drake or nash. How do we convert our lead into winning the game? We often play Ornn Kayn Fizz Aphelios Blitzcrank I guess it has something to do with positioning and focusing but is there any other option to close out a game with an early lead?

    submitted by /u/KWENKama
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    I'm struggling with improving my farm in laning phase.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:46 AM PST

    I use mobalytics to improve and it's always been telling me the skill I should focus on is farming. Right now it's sitting at 14 with the aimed goal of hitting 35. According to it, right now, my best farming stat is the early game (cs at 15), but all of them really suffer (general income, farm efficiency, early, mid and late game)

    Here's the thing though : Unless I get a terrible cs matchup like Fizz into Heimerdinger, I already can get pretty close to the goal of hitting 80 cs (or have enough kills/assists to roughly equal 80 cs) by 10 minutes. Being in Iron, that should be enough to cover early game, no?

    Either way, I'm also seeing contradictory tips, like how you should always look to reset after bullying/killing your lane opponent out of lane, but you should also crash your wave into their tower for maximum tower damage and minimize the lost farm. Except on some (most?) non-adc characters, these are mutually exclusive.

    If I full clear with no regards to cs, I lose farm and reset somewhat late. and if I full clear while preserving my cs then my lane opponent will most likely be back before I've had the time to reset, and now I'm in a disadvantageous position, especially if the cannon wave already died and I need to wait for the next one to back.

    With this in mind, I'd like help on clarifying what is it that I'm missing on farm so much that my early game cs is sitting at 22.9 (out of 100). My other (mid and late game) scores will need improving too but that's too complex for a single post.

    Anyway, my summoner name is Darkunov, same as here. I encourage you to look me up on mobalytics and/or league for my recent games' farming stats/replays respectively. These days I play mostly Lux, Veigar and Fizz mid, or Warwick and Vi jungle.

    submitted by /u/Darkunov
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    What to play around when every objective is down?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Just had a situation where baron and drake were dead, baron buff already ran out, drake not spawning for another 3 minutes, and all enemy t1 and t2 towers down. Also we were in no position to siege the inhib turrets (lucian adc as only range). What should I (as a tank jgl) do while every objective is down?

    submitted by /u/reelinked
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    Hi, Question about snowballing....

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:04 AM PST

    So basically. I realized that most the the games that I lose are due to champions like a fed sett, garen or jax. Now, I realized that in order to climb, win more of these matches etc. I need to somehow prevent this from happening....however, I main champions like katarina, akali, fizz and ekko for Midlane and I gave this a bit of thought but I'm not sure how I can prevent said fed champions from carrying the game. I usually win because I kill everyone due to me having to much damage and having 2-3 levels up on their whole team, however...I can't seem to win fights as katarina or akali or fizz against most fed top laners like I said earlier such as jax, garen or sett.

    What I would try to do is roam and try to shut them down before said top laner gets fed and kill them however I can't do this vs good wave clear champions in mid lane xD so I have barely any impact

    So....any tips to start carrying more games? Pick or ban them? Counter them? (If so, what champions can counter said champions in the mid game) or get a duo and shut them down early? Or just do it myself....and if so how???...... I'm so confused xD

    how would a challenger let alone diamond player approach a situation like this and win consistently

    Thanks for the help :D

    IGN: SupaBadMan

    Region: EUW

    Rank: Bronze 1 (xd)

    submitted by /u/PrestigiousAd0
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    How does Spirit Visage healing interact with Grievous Wounds?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Does buying a spirit visage in a way negate most of grievous wounds healing reduction?

    -40% healing from GW +30%healing from SV =-10%healing overall, effectively negating most of grievous wounds healing reduction

    Or does GW also apply the 40% healing reduction to the additional 30% healing gained by SV reducing the healing by 12% from the 30% bonus

    100% base healing -40% from GW =60%healing overall

    +30% healing from SV -12% healing (Grievous wounds healing reduction of 40% on the 30% healing bonus from SV) =18% extra healing

    60% base healing (with GW) +18% SV healing (with GW) =78% healing overall

    I'm really interested in figuring out how this interaction goes, as it could prove spirit visage to be an effective semi counter to an enemy team filled with 40% grievous wounds (except Kled and Katarina 60%) and could keep a drain tank in the game more reliably. If anyone knows the answer or is willing to crunch some numbers I'd be happy to hear from you.

    submitted by /u/smiws
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    When not to build Tiamat on Jax top lane?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:42 PM PST

    Question is in the title - I've noticed that TF Blade sometimes does not go tiamat on Jax and I was wondering why not as it's great for wave clear and is better now with titanic buffs - he was laning against an illaoi and skips it, straight into sheen, phage, tri force.

    submitted by /u/mahz1503
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    How to deal with 2 top as fiora?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:11 AM PST

    Just had a normal game where I played fiora top against a syndra and master yi in lane. I couldn't do anything. At the end of the game I had 4/5/2 but I could't CS at all. Syndra was poking me from range and if I tried to attack her lee sin attacked me from up front. From what I understand in this matchup I should try and stay under turret, farm, try to outlevel and wait for ganks. But the problem arises if I have a bad jungler that cant capitalize on what is essentially double jungle monsters. What should I do in that situation?

    submitted by /u/bufferow
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    Not doing so great with Lux in ranked. Help pls.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:16 PM PST

    Hi all! New player here with 3 weeks of experience.

    I hit level 30 a few days ago playing mainly Lux as otp. Was doing well until I started playing ranked.

    I was doing well with Lux mid in norms draft with around 4.0 kda and good vision score. My mmr was so high that when I played my first game of ranked I was against high silvers and low golds. I got trashed. The games after that I kept getting trashed; mainly losing my lane and getting ganked constantly, resulting in a 0.98 kda.None of this was happening in norms. Is ranked supposed to be so much harder than norms? Does anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/marcotong-
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    Having a hard time climbing with jungle

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:02 PM PST

    I just came back to league 2 weeks ago cause my friends started playing again. Last time I played was mid-late season 9 playing jungle only. S9 was very succesful for me, I climbed from gold 2 to dia 3 in 150ish games with 60% wr abusing heca and reksai.

    I'm currently 20 games in and I'm 6-14 (plat 3) playing mostly reksai jung, in all my games I did not carry at all except a couple when I get super fed and get better teammates. Even when I'm fed early I just completely fall off and get behind in levels and become useless in teamfights.

    Should I just play another champ? Build tanky instead? Stop taking kills early? Uninstall? Need advice badly

    submitted by /u/1_dbooker
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