LoL Guide What does it take to improve at league? |
- What does it take to improve at league?
- I'm a beginner. I cant seem to do enough damage.
- If you're tilting easily try to play with someone who tilts more than you.
- How to beat nasus
- How do you play against the ‘faker style’ of Leblanc?
- How do I avoid one-trick ponying?
- Explain the current meta
- Sylas Jung main, struggling early game.
- Playing ADC and CSing.
- How do I properly ward to avoid ganks?
- What does it take to be a better support?
- Getting started in League of Legends - Understanding the roles
- Turning ganks by aggressively taking the 1v1 with the enemy jungler before his laner can help?
- Always focus on what should happen next (dragon, baron, push towers etc)
- How good is viktor
- Haven't played in a LONG time...I dont understand new mord AT ALL
- Learning how to draft
- I'm a top laner who just hit level 30 should I wait to go into ranked or dive straight in?
- Playing Irelia Mid vs Irelia Top
- How to play better at ADC?
- Tips for ADC: Permanently see your Auto Attack Range.
- I feel useless late game.
- Does anyone else always feel out drafted in ranked?
- How do you effectively contest drag as an ADC (at all stages of the game)?
What does it take to improve at league? Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:09 PM PDT I really don't understand how some people can jump into league and get to diamond the next season. I've been playing since season 5 and haven't gone past silver 1. I've been playing a whole lot these past couple weeks and it really seems like I'm not improving at all. I'm feeling really discouraged about the whole thing, I know it's stupid but I do feel legitimately bad at how bad I am the game after so much time spent playing. It's like I have nothing to show for it idk. Everybody always throws out the same tips. Die less, ward more, play just one/a few champions. I do all that, and I'll play literally nothing but a single champion for easily 100 games and still not go anywhere. I really want to get good with riven, and I practice a lot in the practice tool. I can get the quick q combo down, lots of animation cancels, and I still get stomped. This is more of a sad rant after a bad day of ranked than anything else. But really how do you get good at league? Because it's clearly not just experience and time spent playing. Edit: I just wanted to say thank you for all the replies, and I'm going to try to reply to all of them [link] [comments] |
I'm a beginner. I cant seem to do enough damage. Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:57 AM PDT Ok, the title may seem stupid, but this is a problem. I'm a complete noob. I downloaded the game at the beginning of spring break and I've got to level 19. I've played a lot since then, and I have been taking notes on items, hotkeys, etc. I even downloaded Facecheck. I'm really liking the game so far. There is this problem that persists though. I'm a really horrible CS'er, but progress is being made. I usually end up in a match against Darius or Cho'Gath (I mained Garen) because I ban Teemo every time. Many of my games, I start out ok. I seem to be always weaker than my opponent though, and always lose trades even when my w is up. Sometimes I feel helpless when my opponent shoves his wave into my tower and I can only get like half of the minions. I cant approach him because I cant win the trades. He then backs off, and comes back when the next wave arrives. This happens over and over again until I make a mistake & die/lose lane. Sometimes I kill my opponent because he is too aggressive and I catch him out or he gets ganked by the jungler, but i'm still behind because of the CS. Trust me, I've done my fair share of googling + taking notes. I've googled how to win lane, combos for my champion, where to place wards, what items to get in a losing situation, etc. Every tutorial that I've looked at always assumes I have some level of lane priority, which I don't. I've googled game plays with my character, but I cant figure out why the pros seemingly do more damage than I do, even with the same items and upgrades. Plz help me [link] [comments] |
If you're tilting easily try to play with someone who tilts more than you. Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:50 AM PDT Literally title. If you're tilting easily try to play with someone who tilts more than you. Not the best advice I can give but observing someone who rage/tilt can change the way you're looking into game or reduce the tilt you have experienced. This way you can see how it looks from the outside. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:14 AM PDT I've tried Riven, Trynd, Darius, and other top laners but I just can't seem to beat him other than when I ban him. I pressure him off farm but he just has the early damage to out duel me as soon as we reach 6. I would rather ban garen at this moment but ever since his buffs it's been a nightmare to lane against him. Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
How do you play against the ‘faker style’ of Leblanc? Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:41 AM PDT The one who hangs out of range, dashes in, drops a full combo for half your health, then instantly teleports back to her out-of-range pad before you have a chance to do even realise she's jumped in. I see it a lot in ARAM, and it feels like, outside of heavily stacking magic resist (which isn't viable if you're a dps), there's nothing you can do to stop her repetitively deleting your health bar. [link] [comments] |
How do I avoid one-trick ponying? Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PDT I, as many summoners, have a comfort pick. It used to be Lissandra, back when I was insecure about myself, then I had this goal to do 100 matches with Ryze, but then I came back to my all-time main, Vladimir. I keep on playing Vlad because I feel he's a counter to everything and I must confess I feel pretty confy with him. I'd even say I have, at least, Diamond level of skill with him. If he gets banned (which he does, in tournaments), I end up being mediocre with any other champ, yet I don't feel I can neither pick a champ to train with nor any other champs to replace him with. My question is, how do I avoid this "I only play this champ" thing? TL;DR how do I expand my champion pool without feeling I'm trash? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:08 AM PDT Took an extended break from playing league due to exams, which have been cancelled anyway due to COVID-19. Back on league and I'm completely clueless on how to play. Before I based my play around META picks and had a solid foundation of how to play the game (the pace, knowing my limits, power spikes). Now league just seems like a new game with a new meta and since I havn't played progressively to catch up, I can't seem to figure out the meta. I feel like a whole rank below to where I was before. Can someone explain the meta right now please? Which classes are good/bad (e.g assasins bad in this meta), what time games usually end (is it fast paced meta or late game scale), thanks. [link] [comments] |
Sylas Jung main, struggling early game. Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:21 AM PDT So I wanna start with, I understand there are better jungs out there. And sylas is a "mid" champ. Alright we can move past this now. I'm struggling to figure out how to clear at low levels pre 6. My mid and late game are really strong and I can finish games out well. I'm starting e-q-w then ganking at 3. Sometimes I leave the Jung super healthy sometimes in super low and can't gank. Idk what I'm doing inconsistently. Even at 1/3 hp I can pull off a strong gank because of w heal and knock up. But sometimes I'm not even at that hp, blue clear is good wolves is good then gromp just destroys my health. I guess I'm asking if there is a trick to gromp with taking little damage. Please no flame [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:38 AM PDT So I've mostly played Sion; he's my #1 main, but recently I've started playing some Kai'sa and Jhin. I feel like I've been getting a lot better at team fighting but my cs and trading in lane is very bad. I'm usually a little bit ahead on cs up to about level 4, but then after more fighting and ganks start happening I fall behind. I feel like I always get poked out and constantly lose trades. I also feel like I start to get impatient and always never JUST last hit/ freeze. I generally forget to think about wave management. I also think I lose trades and get poked out because I tunnel vision in on simply not missing the last hit. Idk how to stop doing this, or if im right about what I'm doing wrong. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! [link] [comments] |
How do I properly ward to avoid ganks? Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PDT Hello everyone! I currently am a gold mid main and have been finding that one of my biggest weaknesses is being susceptible to ganks. Especially when it comes to champions that have unique ways to enter a lane, like Zac, Rek'sai, Shaco, etc. I tend to just ward the bush in river and sit on that side of lane but still find my self getting caught more then I'd like to admit. If anyone has any tips that could help with warding, or being able to understand enemy jungle movement I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks! [link] [comments] |
What does it take to be a better support? Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:10 AM PDT I always play support because I don't really trust other people in the role, when I play adc I constantly see the support making mistakes or not taking opportunities, I don't know if this is because at this point I almost exclusively play support or if it's something else. I'm sure I make mistakes or just general bad plays because I can't make good reads. I've read other threads about general improvement in league and a lot of them focus on CS and warding, for the most part I think I've got warding down and I don't really need to focus on CS unless it's relic shield. I also read that you should focus on mastering a few champions for the role you play and I think I have that for Leona, Nami, and Lulu with Lux, Sona, and Zyra as backups. I don't understand how people have instant synergy with adcs they've never met before and can demolish a lane even if their early game wasn't the best. Should I as a support focus on my adc more and the team less or vice versa? How can I do my best to win the game as a support if I have an adc that isn't performing like the should? From what I've seen supports change their play style to fit that of their adc but what if that change could lose the lane or just isn't good for the over champion/game ? I would love to be the master support I think I am but I am not sure what I am doing wrong and what I can do to improve [link] [comments] |
Getting started in League of Legends - Understanding the roles Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:50 AM PDT Hey guys, thought I'd share this for anyone who's just looking to get into the game. If you like the guide, please let me know what else you're struggling to understand as pure beginners so we can help each other out, and maybe make you a guide! Feedback welcome. Good luck! [link] [comments] |
Turning ganks by aggressively taking the 1v1 with the enemy jungler before his laner can help? Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:59 PM PDT I've noticed that barring the enemy jungler being (more) fed (than you), it's often possible to win 1v1s against that jungler as a normal solo laner. I had a game the other day where I was pushed up toplane as Shen and the enemy lee sin came in on the left side of river. After backing off a bit, I realized that he would be too far away from his laner to get help, so I just turned on him. Ended up slapping him up, nearly killed him and he had to just kick me away (because I taunted through him so I was between him and my tower). It defused the gank and nearly got me a free kill, all because I decided to pick one and fight rather than just try to book it to my tower as quick as possible (which is a prime way to get engaged on by lee and possibly kicked towards my lane opponent). I'm not sure if it's a universal truth that laners are stronger than junglers gold for gold (higher income? Higher XP?), but it seems like an okay plan depending on the matchup and how fed/behind the enemy jungler is, and the mobility of your lane opponent. Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Always focus on what should happen next (dragon, baron, push towers etc) Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:12 AM PDT Don't spend much energy on mistakes you make throughout the game, don't dwell on the sorrow. Figure out what you should be doing next. Dont spend ANY energy on your teammates f-ups. If you are a player who ?- pings or write snarky comments when people on your team die/don't do what you think they should have done you are significantly increasing the enemies odds of getting a free Win. We all lose games cus our teammates do stupid shit, don't tilt them more or even worse: the rest of your team, and yourself. The second someone starts tilting in chat mute all your teammates. The debate they are about to have isnt worth paying attention to. After the game you can think about what YOU could have done differently to have better odds at winning in future games. Good luck summoners. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:08 AM PDT I've been seeing success with him mid, is he meta right now? I'm only in low bronze but I'm consistently beating my counters (mostly fizzes). 30 minutes into a game I had 900 AP. Like dang, I got 800 extra magic damage on an auto after my Q. That's insane. Lich bane is a great pick on him because of the insane passive and the move speed. He even has a zoning stun, and his R is crazy strong when upgraded. He seems way stacked. Maybe it helps he is not played much, I dunno, but I went from enjoying nami and aatrox and ahri, to loving viktor. [link] [comments] |
Haven't played in a LONG time...I dont understand new mord AT ALL Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:38 PM PDT I've played since pre-season 1 then stopped for like 6 years. Ended diamond 2. Playing now and I truly dont understand how new mord works. He is just as tanky/more so than old mord but does a SHIT load of more damage. His AA's seem to do a shit ton on top of spells. What's the counter? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:54 AM PDT Hello guys! So this weekend I played in a college tournment with some friends and we had a lot of fun, ending up in 3rd place. But we noticed that we didn't knew much about drafting and building team comps, so I wanted to ask you guys help and if you have any resources I can check to learn more about it! Thanks in advance :) [link] [comments] |
I'm a top laner who just hit level 30 should I wait to go into ranked or dive straight in? Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:03 AM PDT I'm a current top laner who plays mainly Teemo and Kennen and want to go immediately into ranked but think I still have a lot to learn when it comes to the game and I want to learn some more about important game mechanics that I still might need to learn. I also want to expand my champion pool more and get more champions like Kennen and Teemo that way I don't only know how to play just two characters in the top lane and want to learn who else I can pick up for a third or fourth champ and be more flexible when it comes to my character pool. If I could get any advice on how to improve basic game knowledge like knowing direct counters to both Teemo and Kennen as well as what are champions that they both counter, or even how to get better at both characters. I have the tendency to lose a lot as Kennen but win a lot with Teemo and need a bit more information on how to play Kennen properly compared to my Teemo play. Any advice or help given would help me in many ways, thank you! If you would like to look at my recent games here is the link (a lot of my games that are shown there are my off roles and autofill) [link] [comments] |
Playing Irelia Mid vs Irelia Top Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PDT I usually run down midlane with Ahri, Zed, or Irelia, but I often lose Irelia top lane even though I try to play in my tower. I started Irelia about two weeks ago and understand how to trade, but the change from mid to top lane really challenges what I know about the lane. Since top lane is slower than other lanes, how should I start playing Irelia? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:26 PM PDT I've just started the game (lvl 13) and I've been loving ADC, I use Ashe, but I feel like I'm always missing something. Not sure why but I feel like I'm having a hard time in 1v1. Any tips on how to be better at ADC and possibly Ashe as well if anyone plays her? Thanks [link] [comments] |
Tips for ADC: Permanently see your Auto Attack Range. Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:26 PM PDT The hotkey for Advanced Player Stats is usually binded to "c". If you hold this key down you can see your Auto Attack range, even while moving or attacking. You can even put a strong weight on this key/hold it down to permanently see your Auto Attack range even while moving or attacking. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:23 PM PDT Im a jungle main and im pretty good at getting a lead early and putting the enemy jungle behind. But when it comes to late game I feel like I just become useless. Unless im hyper fed I feel like I just fall further and further behind I try to peel in team fights if I cant kill anyone quickly on the other team. I try to focus on objectives but in my elo silver1 everyone just wants to ARAM once the clock hits 17 minutes. And by the end of the game I just feel like I had no influence at all in the late game. I feel I do a good job making a lead early but do a terrible job at keeping it late. My will regularly have me as ace or mvp not sure how much that is worth but it does feel good to see it [link] [comments] |
Does anyone else always feel out drafted in ranked? Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:58 PM PDT I'm not sure why I have this mentality and I am curious if others do too. It almost feels like every ranked game in the draft select, I look at my team and just don't feel much confidence in our comp but look at the enemy draft and see top meta picks, or just pure cancer champs with awesome synergy and I KNOW its just a mental bias bc I picture worst case scenerios such as: "hmm this is going to be rough for my kog if that top trydamere gets fed and hes prob going to push in my top senna as she cant push waves well.." "and dang the naut and MF looks brutal into my kog and ashe support." "shit i locked in lucian mid and enemy last picked zed, im going have to stay full health once he hits 6 or im toast.." I do this alot, and I tend to dodge quite a bit.. those were all just random fictional examples just to project my thought process. And for the times I don't dodge it feels like this always happens: "30 seconds till minions spawn" "First blood" * tryndamere 1-0\* *senna 0-1\* Me in my head: "ah shit here we gooo" [link] [comments] |
How do you effectively contest drag as an ADC (at all stages of the game)? Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:44 AM PDT As an ADC main I notice a specific consistent weakness in my play. When we know the enemy team is on drag and we go to contest, I frequently end up getting split awkwardly away from my team and die, especially when we are coming from blue side (or likewise baron from red side). Sometimes people will use dashes/flash to go over the wall, but I can't really flash onto enemies as an ADC without inting. If I walk around the pit to help some assassin/bruiser/scary champ is usually in pixel bush and deletes me. If I go through tri bush same thing. It seems like there's almost no way to help your team contest drag as an ADC unless your team takes a single path and you can stay behind them. Any advice is much appreciated. [link] [comments] |
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